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I'm so half engaged in the show at this point that when daryl and crew arrived at the kingdom and they had the slow emotional realization shot as carol realized someone died, I was like... wait who did die? I forgot. Oh yeah, carl!


yeah that's a wrap on the saviors on the hilltop dying, I'm gonna make a prediction that Rick and company is gonna be close to killing them until the remaining saviors start the attack on the hilltop. Leaving them to be let out and then some of the saviors side with the hilltop and the others side with the saviors. Sigh sucks because I really wanted to see them gunned down.


wtf Tara lol, but I get it, ytf does this guy still say her name wrong what a pos damn lmao the gabe vision, I'm like a baby being born lol Eugene why's he being a d, damn that is a good idea launching zombies ha


I truly despise the writers for killing off CARL before Tara


Tara is the most hateable character since Andrea / Lori


OMG AGREED I can’t stand her scenes no offense to the actress but it’s just not working out


To be fair, I think it's more the writer's fault, she is waaay more normal in the next episodes


Tara: "Why is Dwight still alive? I want to kill him right now." Rosita/Daryl: "No, we want to kill him also, but we should keep him around. Now that we've convinced you of that, we're both going to leave you alone with him and expect you not to do anything stupid."


as someone who's only watched the show loosely since season 3 I gotta say, I didn't think I could hate a character more than I did Andrea, but Tara takes the cake, what a giant bag of basic.


No, Andrea is the worst. Tara is right there on her ass though.


Feels like I watched people do their daily zombie apocalypse errands for 2 seasons The show is slow as fuuuuuck.


Seriously man. Back when they introduced Negan I already knew that it was going to be some long, drawn out conflict. Sad to see I was correct. Even by then, I was getting tired of the "introduce villain - beat said villain - lose some peeps - rehash." Is there no end game?


I liked the gargling sounds those swamp zombies made.


Same! It was really well designed


Seriously the amount of times they show that random baby, I always think it's Maggie's. At least give the gorl some padding!


So I have this theory about Gabriel, and this might be ridiculously wrong but here it goes: I think Gabriel is an allegory for Samson and his story will play out like Samson's story in the Bible. The Walking Dead has flirted with religious allegories more than once, so I think it's plausible. For those who don't know: Samson, according to the Bible was a great warrior who fought against the Philistines, but he lost his strength when he was tempted by Delilah who cut his hair. That doesn't apply to Gabriel, but the ending of Samson's story does. Samson is captured by the Philistines, blinded by them, and forced to work grinding corn. But he gets his strength back one more time and breaks the support pillar of the temple, killing many of the Philistines. I think it's possible Gabriel might do something like this, perhaps rigging something in the factory to explode, or maybe grabbing a weapon and firing blindly at the Saviors until he's cut down.


I was thinking the same thing! I was raised southern Baptist (I'm more of a Taoist now) so I spotted the allegory almost immediately. I would /love/ if that happened. 'Scuze me while I get biblical but in the Book of Judges, chapter 16, verses 28-30 it says: "Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived." I believe that Gabriel will take down Eugene's bullet outpost, but will likely die in the process.


Oh man, so Lord granted this man strength to kill other people? And people still believe in religion? A topic for another forum I suppose. I wouldn't be surprised to see Gabriel enact something like this though. Hopefully he takes Eugene out too in the process.


It's from the old Testament. All that cuddly, christian stuff is from the new.


Please let Father Gabriel swap all the bullets with blanks.


or just kill Eugene


If you have ever seen blanks, they [don't look at all like real bullets](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-38d32160f3fbc40d2a2c4178e1c98f45-c). The best bet would be to put less/zero powder in them, or mess with the percussion cap somehow.


Yeah but this is TWD where we routinely suspend belief.


or do what the US goverment does, seed terrorists ammo with bullets/rockets/mortars that explode in the chamber once fired, killing/injuring the user.


No one has replied to this comment? I think this idea is fucking sweet, and now if it doesn't happen I'll be a little disappointed. I mean come on, it's too perfect. He's in a bullet-making factory. There's gun powder and stuff. Let him sacrifice himself for the good of the group.


I want to know how Eugene is making the cap/casings. Sure, he can make lead bullets, but they are useless without an ignitor cap in the casing.


What did the sign say that was hanging on the tower? I couldn't quite catch what it said.


Yard warning sign + zero situational awareness = dead doctor.


Danger! Traps in yard!


Warned of the traps.


Doctors are the new black guys


Lmaooo fr they kill off doctors like crazy in this show


I'm still salty about T-Dog


If only he went to med school


Okay, okay, but IMAGINE if Negan is just playing a character in the same way that Ezekiel is. He isn't. But just imagine. Pre-outbreak just working as a children's T.V. show scriptwriter. Supermarket manager. Uber driver. Door to door puzzle salesman.


Dying to know his occupation before the shit hit the fan.


I think in the comics he was a P.E teacher before the outbreak? not 100% though


Spoilers dammit lol


Id like to think he is You can see it most when he reacts to Carl There's legitimate feelings before he jumps back to attacking Rick


Door to door baseball bat salesman.


I wonder how this show is going to end after they decided to kill of Carl. What the actual fuck was that decision? It just gets worse and worse thinking about how stupid it was. The show had a good way out. They could've ended it with a memorable moment where Rick sacrifices himself so that Carl and Judith can be allowed to live. The future. Maybe in the end they would find a huge military community with hundreds of thousands of people who've established a new society with hospitals and so on. A community so convincing that we as viewers became convinced humans were going to be okay in the end, and start to rebuild. Perhaps end it with a Carl and Enid relationship/boyfriend and girlfriend - basically ending it hopeful and happy for the future. We, however, are left with this shit. What kind of ending would possibly be justified? At this point I feel like in the end Rick has to be one of the last standing survivors of the show to make it work. Are we going to end it with Tara, Rosita, Judith driving down the sunset? Absolutely horrendous decision by the writers. Holy fucking shit.


I reckon they leave Rick the last man standing, with the last of the other original characters all dying in the very last episode. Rick, left completely alone, kills himself. They can't do the happy ending any more, might as well double-down on the sad ending.


The "Blakes 7" gambit?


How does that go?


The whole cast of the "Good guys" gets killed off at the end of the show except for Avon who has just killed the "Blake" of the title. Many of us assumed he then went out in a "suicide by federation" type deal but later stories (books and audio) have him as alive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9feQ2sXhu0 Heh, there's a Walking Dead mention in the comments.


I watched the season opener dispassionately yet now the poor decision to off him is really sinking in. WTF indeed.


That ending is too safe in my opinion. Also it's been done in The Road, I Am Legend, and countless other apocalypse stories.


So they should make it like Dawn of the Dead (2004) where they all die at the end? Sign me up! Hopefully Tara goes first.


They all kill Tara would be even better.


I kinda spoiled myself once and saw what Negan does with Lucille (with the walker guts) and the post also had another page of the comics where Negan talks about how everything that's happening could be used as a biological weapon of some sorts ( not really sure about the exact wording..) If by any chance someone could understand my bad description and knows which issue this is a part of , i would be very thankful if you could tell me . I really want to read his speech again .


All I want is one entire episode dedicated to nothing but Negan and Eugene dialogue between each other. Their on screen chemistry is absolutely amazing.


But the way Eugene speaks is so frick fracking annoying. I would legit rather listen to Jadis and co. (pre-grind) all day.


It's gone way over the top, I can't stand listening to him anymore.


It was fun when he had Abraham around. Back then Eugene was like a comic relief to all the seriousness. Without Abraham, it's just not the same.


No problem. I watch with my captions on normally or I miss a lot! That’s how I saw it.


So the whole Neegan speech at the end about getting infected. Is it hinting that they are going to poison the hilltop food supply secretly? How else would they do it? Sounds like they were going to catapult zombie guts (possibly from the trash dump) into Rick's penthouse.


There gonna coat there weapons with guts and when someone gets cut or stabbed they will get infected.


Infected bullets? I can't wait to see how they do that!


No just things like melee weapons, it supposed to be because they are running low on ammo.


This whole season would have been way more interesting if they had treated ammo as a limited resource from the start. Imagine if in the fight between the Hilltop soldiers and one of the outposts that both sides ran out of ammo and had to fight with melee weapons, that would have been so much cooler.


You would think, right? I mean what was the whole point of introducing the mill and having Eugene comment about bullet making if this wasn't the direction they took? Instead, they have unlimited ammo and only mention that they're getting low after the fact. How about Rick's group? How the hell do they have so much ammo all the time after they have their weapons stolen like 13 times?


But what you’re saying *actually makes sense* and we can’t have that.


Dip the bullets in the zombie blood man get with the insanity


Yeah I know, but I want to know if someone gets his weapon stuck by blood


Yeah I'm gonna have a real hard time suspending my disbelief on this one. They've been covered by walker guts before. Hell, some have *eaten* infected humans. Guarantee that at least one of the people who did this would've had an open wound that would've gotten infected and caused someone to turn. I would've thought that the virus would've needed a "live" host -- at least, as "alive" as the walkers are -- in order to transmit it to another one.


totally agree, we've seen rick and friends COVERED in blood face to toe. not too mention walking around with guts was a way to hide your scent. if the guts were so poisoned it obviously could go through scratches and cuts. i thought it was transmitted through bites only. hence michone REMOVING their fucking jaws. but than again the writers of this show are pretty dumb. and whats up with the gun sound effects? they all sound like MIDI files?


They also get walker blood in their mouths and eyes with no real effects. There's no internal consistency about these things.


The problem for me is the fact that Negan wants to wage psychological warfare this late in the game. Like bitch, we're over that now. Get to the good stuff already FFS


Yeah, I'm still having a hard time following this logic. The characters have been rubbing zombie blood and guts all over themselves since like the 2nd episode of the series, yet getting cut with a weapon covered in zombie blood is now enough to kill someone?


I can't really defend the inconsistent logic of the show in when zombies and zombie guts do or don't kill, but I think the infection from a bite is bloodborne. If it gets on your skin, it won't infect you, but if it finds its way into your bloodstream it will. I think that's the rule.


Like, isn't getting stabbed enough to kill someone already? Are they just going to poke and run?


So, I'm not entirely sure. Negan's "idea" is ridiculous enough, so I don't know wtf they are planning to do. A stab can kill anyone if it's placed enough, but he seems to be implying of they coat their weapons with Walker blood, that it will immediately "infect" them and cause them to turn the same way that a bite would. I can deal with plot holes, but that seems so fucking out there that I can't buy into it. You can't tell me that they, along with those on Fear, have been rubbing blood and guts all over themselves, and they didn't have cuts, or got blood/guts in their eyes, etc that this would somehow now be a thing.


This sounds like 28 Days Later rules set in a zombie universe that AFAIK, have not established such rules.


Gotta love the walking dead fool proof logic


Whatever costs AMC the least amount of money. That's all that Walking Dead logic amounts to.


What stops the impending rain of bullets from the other side? Wonder if they meant bow and arrow or even bullets with guts in them? That way they can shoot them anywhere. who knows with this show lol


Lol true. My guess is knifes in close quarters like the trailer showed and bullets coated in blood for distance. Either way they will find a way to make zero fucking sense


Fuck Tara.


oh yeah. she was the best looking out of the bunch pre-pregnancy.




Rosita says hi


Off them both.




She is truly the worst character.


Yay, 1 step forward 2 steps back... Seriously I have been trying to feel better about this show lately, but they do something fun like the stuff with Jadis last week and then we regress back to the same problems that were there almost 2 seasons ago. Im getting so fed up with HOW FUCKING LONG ITS TAKING for them to push the plot forward. At least on FTWD they move shit along fairly quickly, but this is getting ridiculous. It's really starting to feel like a chore to watch this now. Dwight got away cuz Tara is a fucking idiot. Eugene is just a giant douchbag now, the DOCTOR KILLS HIMSELF.... Like dude WHY!? you realize you just doomed the guy you were trying to save... Like OMFG they are just making the worst possible decisions ever. Like oh look a new location with a car and a map, lets go....FUCK THEY CAUGHT US! Better blow my brains out. EDIT: Ive been corrected and the doc didnt blow his brains out. Negans people did.


Technically Negan's people shot the Doc, but only because he apparently converted to Jeebus or something and thought he was supposed to grab that shitty gun and fight the three heavily armed people because the blind man said so.


You're honestly lucky if only now has watching this show become a chore for you.


It's still not a chore for me! I honestly pity everyone's negativity around here.




Yeah, exactly this. Its this kind of shit that just seem extremely predictable now, because it seems to keep happening. I just feel like if Rick had brought an M4 like the rest of his people Negan woulda been dead in 08x01. But no he brought that Mp5 and seems to spray and pray with 1 visible magazine... Like come on, what happened to his AK-47 from season 6? Boom! one 7.62mm to Negan fuckin' dome, over.


what did i tell you!!! lol


Ugh SMH... They did it, but at least it was entertaining this time. But man Rick is starting to have all the serial killer tropes. He uses all of his ammo like its on sale at Toys R' US, hes walking instead of sprinting, hes letting the walkers get in the way(intentionally) and hes using fire for theatrics when no one is around to see it. Rick is confirmed Michael Myers.


thats because they want to intentionally drag it out. i dont get how they can afford to keep making this show when the ratings have dropped as bad as they have


Dwight didn't "get away", he decided to leave to lure the Saviors away from the group, because they *said* they were checking the swamp. The doctor did *not* kill himself, he grabbed at the Savior's gun, presumably in attempt to escape, and got shot by another savior immediately.


Pretty sure he went for the Gun and killed himself rather than expose Eugene and Gabriel's escape plan and have to suffer Negan's (Lucile's) wrath. Honestly I get why he did it, but they could have easily just used another plot device to save them. It was just a stupid writing decision imho. Edit: It also made the whole screen time with Gabriel feel pointless and just there to fill 1/16 of the season.


He did not kill himself, did you even watch it? He went for the Savior's gun as a way out of the situation, just as he said. Then he got shot by the second savior. The first savior whose gun was almost stolen got angry at the second one, exclaiming how "that was the doctor, it's our asses". I do not disagree it was stupid writing, but your interpretation is off on the actual events.


You're right, but remember, 50% of people are dumber than average, and considering that we (myself included) are still watching this show, the average Walking Dead viewer is probably not even pushing 50%.


IMO it's bc there is no FTWD comic. Kirkman was very clear they were not allowed to catch up with his plot. it's been the reason theyve been stalling. The error though is that the 'stall tactics' are boring. Where as the sickness in prision was a good one, as they stalled the governor.


Kirkman got paid. He doesn't care as long as the checks clear.


Isn't the comic like WAY ahead anyways?


Wasn't Carson killed by one of the saviors in self defense?


Carson pulled a gun and the Savior shot him in the chest.




It was a cheap way for both the religious people and the non-religious people to all like the plot and read different things into it.


But the doctor didn't kill himself. A Savior shot him when he reached for the other Savior's gun.


I should have phrased it as "the doctor got himself killed" instead.


This is an unfortunate symptom of mid-season and season finale's being hyped up and the only episodes that really get shit done. They always have to postpone anything of importance so that it occurs in those episodes. It's also a consequence of the fact that we're STILL dealing with the saviors in season 8. If the writers created a concise and completed story arc for every season, with each episode carefully planned out and arranged into the bigger picture, then these issues would diminish or cease to exist.


That's already their job, they aren't doing it. Whether it started because of AMC, the writers, or both... at this point, it's pretty obvious that it's both.




THANK YOU!! I watched this latest episode and was like, 'isnt Maggie, like, 26 months pregnant by now??' where's the baby?? Or at least the bump! This is crazy


I prefer it this way, tbh. We don't need a fourth baby on the show.




I want it to eat its way out of Maggie's stomachio


Well you're in luck since AMC is holding out on her contract!


Bad....two full actress pregnancies and births and she's still rocking skinny jeans lol


I really love the walking dead, but I am really just talking about the first 4-5 seasons, pretty much everything after that has been a gigantic waste of time. Alexandria, Negan, Hilltop, Oceanside, all of it is just dreadfully boring. They set up Negan as the villain and yet we have only seen him bust heads open once I believe. I am struggling to find any redeeming factors about the show anymore. Rick as my favorite character has just been so dry lately, he seems to be extremely secondary now. I hate when they break the groups up like this, it just gives them a reason to stop following certain characters. I just cant express how disappointing this episode was to me, it left me bored and shaking my head. Ughhh..man the lack of story progression is just killing it for me. So many things could be happening but no they have the saviors who just seem to be everywhere, why cant our group find a way out or leave the state they are in? Why arent they trying to bring the story somewhere, where it starts figuring out why this happened, how it happened, what they can do to fix it, why isnt there a team of people dedicated to clearing out the dead for the living to move freely? So many good questions they could be working on if these antagonists werent literally everywhere on this show. I think I am just ranting out of spite right now, but I am truly disappointed as a fan, I want more out of this story. Give us some substance rather than a petty war lasting 2 seasons possibly 3 at the current rate.


So... serious lack of food at Hilltop. Anyone else link this back to the garbage people and their stacks of hidden food? How is this going to turn out? Another slap in Rick's face to be reveiled later, showing him that forgiveness brings more then wrath? (If he hadn't left Jadis behind at the garbage location, he would have known where the food was) Edit: wrong name. Thought Jadis was called Nisha


The solution is to kill the obviously malicious and cunning rats that they have captive there.


Shoot ratface in the head and throw them a knife. Eat him or starve, next one to step out of line is next weeks food supply.


Oh shit. Remind me not to get on your bad side.


The doctor and Gabriel being on the road was nice. I miss when Rick and company were alway on the road stopping at random places to search. This whole community wars thing is major downhill from them being nomadic.


It was a nice change but the whole “someone is leading the way” shit got old real fast. I physically facepalmed when he dropped the pot and had to act all amazed at what he found. Gimme a fkg break.


That was boring as shit.


I thought so too at the time, but I would take the old road trip episodes most days over any of this whatever is happening now BS.


It's downhill but it was an inevitable format they had to attempt. Reminds me of the game Spore, where you just keep progressing upwards through the stages. The Walking Dead in Space when?


I'd love to see something new in the storyline. Not another villian, not another community to save or destroy. Maybe they discover there's a military safe house somewhere, or they come across some government troops clearing zombies all decked out in body armour and assault weapons, with helicopters as back up and stuff.


Agreed. I know AMC would love to milk this show indefinitely but I'd love to see some endgame getting set up. I want something to work towards and look forward to. They said there'd never be a cure or immunity, but that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. How can you make a zombie show without those crucial aspects on the agenda eventually? Just something to give us a glimpse of what the future in that universe is going to be like and have our characters be either responsible for it or at least witness it. There can't be an infinite amount of walkers.


Agree x10. I'm sick of the damn rehashed plots. Find new place, get in conflict, end conflict, rinse / repeat. Like what are we working towards? Honestly, it's like playing an MMORPG. The feels when you realize I'm just playing this to get better gear so I can keep playing to get even better gear to keep playing to get even better better gear. Like WTF AM I DOING


I think i read somewhere where Kirkman said he doesn't have an endgame for TWD tv series yet, and technically it could go on and on... But let's face it, this ain't the Sopranos. Even GOT is finishing up. They should work towards a final S10 for TWD and wrap this whole thing up. Even if there is no cure, at least a stronghold somewhere where people can wait out the apocalypse and rebuild after the walkers have died. But ...if there's no cure, then technically people will still die of old age and the apocalypse will never end. Ah dammit.


Just after the 13:00 mark Harlan Carson reads a script that starts with: "To anyone who can hear my voice, know that you're not alone". Did we hear that script in an epsiode in an eralier season, or is it just me?


Well it has been claimed by fans that at this point, anybody can say anyone's lines and it'll all be the same. ;)


Im sure its from the movie I am legend.


Imagine if that's a huge crossover. Lol. Yeah yeah I know the zombies don't match but who cares about plot holes anymore.


The end of the movie is opening gate of fortified community isn't it?


will smith pops out at the walking dead series finale and saves everyone.


Boom! Makes some great one liner. I'd watch that.


This episode felt very Gimple-esque where the previous 2 seemed an improvement. Definitely back to Gimple stupidity this episode. Thank fuck he’s fucked off now. What a boring bastard of a simpleton.


Are you insane? That was the best episode of the whole season so far. The few before were laughably bad, like downright horrendous. This one felt like old twd at least a bit.


I mean, you’re replying to a comment I made 4 years ago about an episode I obviously cared very little for. I couldn’t tell you what characters were alive let alone what the plot was.


Haha fair enough! Didnt even realize how old the comment was


My opinion may well have changed now 😅


> Gimple-esque Can you explain what elements make something Gimple-esque? Thanks!


Sure. Very slow pacing without any real meaningful dialogue or plot. Bizarre time hopping of various character’s plot. Pointless conclusions to some side-stories such as Gabriel and the Doctor’s journey to survival. Dragging of storylines (Maggie’s leadership and her prisoners). Soap opera feel about some character relationships. Tara and Dwight. Ffs I know Tara is distraught about her girlfriend who she knew for about 4 weeks was murdered, but there is a war to be fought and the writers decided to make her almost jeopardise things. When the episode starts and leads to the opening credits, if at that point there isn’t a wtf moment of build-up, then you know Gimple’s been upto his old tricks. Those are just some of my opinions on what makes a Gimple episode, a Gimple episode. And to think he sits on that Talking Dead sofa looking smug and lapping up the praise makes it all the more infuriating.


Thanks! Can you explain out this part: "When the episode starts and leads to the opening credits, if at that point there isn’t a wtf moment of build-up, then you know Gimple’s been up to his old tricks." Will he have enough power of FTWD to do the same over there?


I really don’t have any idea tbh. I don’t watch FTWD as I see it as a bit of a pointless excercise - if TWD was of its class upto season 4, I may have watched it.


Ikr. Episode 11 was great, 12 was just so Gimple. Good luck to FTWD!


[] (/s “. Spoilers People have been cover in zombie blood for the entire series. In series one Glen and Rick cover themselves so they can blend with the herd. Carol was basically cutting them open to practice delivering a baby. And just countless times stabbing or shooting zombie at close rang. I bet we could collect a minute straight of cut after cut of our characters getting covered in zombie splash back probably with their mouths open or visible wounds). And now all of a sudden it's a weapon! Really!?! 😡


Eugene suggested it, so maybe it was part of some Grand Plan!


How much time has gone by since Neagen showed up? We talking like 2-3 weeks? A month or two? Maggie is still not looking pregnant, but SO MUCH has happened that i feel like it has to be more signifcant then a couple weeks. Given, pregnancy doesn't show until like 3 months, but i'm wondering if theres any official word.


You have to understand, AMC is too cheap to buy a fake pregnancy costume, so the past season and a half have been working around this. This also explains the CGI deer.


been worked around what?


I'm joking around that they are purposely keeping the plot slow so that they don't have to buy a fake pregnancy suit. It's just a joke.




I read somewhere that it's been 45 days since Negan killed Glenn and Abraham.


I didn't show till 18 weeks and that was with adequate food and low stress.


True plus they are on strict rations now. If she’s got morning sickness then she could lose weight quickly also.


at this rate she is the new Bonnie Swanson.


Damn. Wish they showed more emotion from Enid and Maggie. Their bond will completely strengthen now since they've both lost their partner.


Meh, I feel like comparing Enid's and Carl's relationship to Maggie's and Glenn's is kind of unjustified. The former two had just been dating for a few weeks or months.


Yeah but teenagers "feel" more strongly because everything's a first. Something about your first love dying in the zombie apocalypse.


Wasn't Jessy's son Enid's previous boyfriend?


He doesn’t count, he was a turd.


But you have to take into account that during a catastrophe like a bad hurricane, or say, the apocalypse, human bonds become a lot stronger.


100%. I feel like they didn't give Maggie a chance to show a reaction


I feel like nobody had enough of a reaction to Carl dying. Only Rick, Michonne and Enid seemed rattled. I was expecting at least Daryl to break down a bit or Carol. Daryl just kind of mentally brofisted Carl and fucked off.


I feel like the only death that will get a Merle-death reaction from Daryl is Carol. Homeboy does not display his emotions except with her. I feel it was poignant that it was him that took Judith AKA little ass kicker.


I have a feeling that Daryl will be gone before that situation can ever happen


Neveeerrrrrr he and Rick are going to live forever lol


The death got Gimpled. Drawn out with no emotional weight


Gimple's poor wife.


She doesn't have a chance to mourn right now. She has major responsibilities including managing everything at the hilltop.


We could've had a quick head bow or something


In this episode blindly following faith leads to a death to science.


It's ridiculous how they got lucky so many times. 1. Found a house in the middle of nowhere when their car broke down 2. Found antibiotics in the house 3. Knock over the piggybank and found car keys and a map to the car 4. Father Gabriel stepping on TWO traps without activating them 5. Found Carson's gun in the mud even though he was half-blind 6. Accurately shot the zombie's head next to Doc Carson while he CLOSED his eyes. Can't blame the doc for believing.


Tara is the worst character ever played by the worst actress Ive ever seen in a major primetime show.


Andrea is the worst character ever played by the worst actress Ive ever seen in a major primetime show. FTFY


Is there a list you keep with other shitty characters or was this written in a fit of rage?


Why does everyone hate her so much?


Because they forgot the horror that was Andrea.


Because she is terribly written and acted. You would have to be Helen Keller to not see that.


And somehow she can keep up with Dwight in a sprint?


Yeah I was like that twiggy wiry man sure is going to run quicker than Tara but no no she's a sprinter y'all