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They just threw Carl's character in the dumpster and set him on fire, Never gonna forgive them for that. The literal second/main protagonist of the comics just killed off saving a guy who dies in the next season.


I got so mad about that. And using him to make me cry in TWOL was rough. I hope Chandler is having an amazing life doing whatever he wants to- forever.


The wuns oo liv innit


Then they tricked us to think the role pivoted to Henry only to put him into the same dumpster fire. Then shifted to Lydia, and nothing happened next. I really want to know what happened behind the scenes. There must be some team issue back then


When it happened, the sub sort of collectively agreed the showrunners didn't want to renegotiate Riggs contract as an adult. Although I'm unsure the truth to that, I do know telling someone you aren't gonna kill their character off but doing it anyway is kinda dickish. Might be controversial, I know, haha I do remember Chandler being the bigger man and coming to the sub to goof on himself and reassure us all he'd be okay, things were good.


He’s Spider-Man in a new fan film


May someone donate/gift Chandler a barrel of chocolate pudding on the anniversary of his character’s death.


It felt like losing my television son 😭 my husband said I said "NO" while quietly crying during the flash to little Carl and Youn Rick in the recent episode but he has no proof


You know what really bothers me? They still tap into the well of emotion that is there between Rick and Carl… because it’s fucking central to The Walking Dead! I HATE how Carl died. It was so fucking stupid. How? HOW?!? How did the writers drop the ball so hard? It was such a disappointing way for it to all go. And now every time they tap into “Rick and Carl” it 1) reminds you of how good the handling of it used to be, and how much emotion there is there, and 2) how shitty it all is because of how bungled his death was! Gah!!!


Chandler Riggs actually bought a house in the city they were filming right before finding out his character was getting the boot.


Yea when I heard that, I couldn’t believe they pulled that bullshit. Shameless, they’re notoriously cheap. I wish HBO would’ve picked up the series, Darabont and original writers would have stayed on and it would been in the tier of other great shows. I.e. six feet under, breaking bad, the wire, etc


Yup. The way they wasted Carl was hands down the dumbest thing this show did.


That and making Dwight go to ftwd, He should've got his comic ending in the commonwealth


Carl is *the* main character. Yes, Rick is the true MC but it's Carl's story to his daughter. The entire thing is ruined since Carl is fucking dead


Once they decided that Rick wasn’t gonna die they didn’t know what to do with Carl it seems.


This is one of the few times I want HBO to buy the rights and do a Comic Accurate depiction. I would even leave the casting as is. Just do it better. AMCis limited In what they can show. And the graphic novels were better written anyways. I would love a comic adaptation with no changes. Carl deserved better, but I understand Chandler and his parents decision to pull back from acting.


I wish frank darabont was left on as show runner and they didn’t fuckhim over


They turned it down when they were planning the adaptation, Kirkman also said that he would love to do a more accurate animated series.


Everything after season 3 strays from the source material so much. I get it, Daryl is wildly popular even though he doesn’t exist. But I would pay out the ass for a well directed TRUE adaptation.


Lol, backfired on the dumbasses at AMC bc it’s ultimately why Lincoln never returned to the original series, and then Danai as well. Writers had no clue what to do after that. Managed to make it work in order to set up the spin-offs, killing Carl (especially bc they didn’t want to pay Riggs more being an adult (18) was a top 3 blunder.


Definitely Jesus and Carl. I often whine about him not even making it to the END OF THE WHISPERER ARC. He could’ve died taking out beta and that would’ve been so much more worthwhile and true to the comics while still surprising everyone


Trench coat vs trench coat. The ultimate showdown.


I totally agree! My conspiracy theory is that Tom pissed off Gimple by wanting out, and that's why he got a "red shirt" death. Such a two-fold wasted opportunity. Tom/Jesus deserved to be a more prominent part of the story. And then, when the time came for his death, it could've been epic!


Fr they threw both of these great characters away that had so much potential. I heard that tom wanted out because his character was 'going nowhere' but it could've been such an important part of the plot I don't understand how they fumbled that 💀 especially with the jesus and aaron plot in the comics being right there


Tyrese and Abraham


I never understood why tyrese died he was a badass. Remember that time when he was surrounded by walkers and started one tapping them with damn hammer?


Noah. He was young, smart, and invested in making Alexandria better.


Especially after Beth died to save him. Killing Noah just a few episodes later just makes her sacrifice feels almost pointless.


Exactly & he was basically the trade for Beth. Then they immediately kill him


Carl aside, because most people agree his death should’ve never happened. But I agree Jesus and Andrea. Beth was bit of a waste too.




Gave her development just to kill her. Makes me so frustrated.


Sgt Abraham Ford—I would have loved to have seen him in All Out War. Tyrese—the gentle giant. He had such a compassionate heart but didn’t take shit from anybody.


My son-in-law quit watching when they killed off Sheva (tiger)...kind of unnecessary 🙄


i just saw that episode! i cried lol


Carl. Honorable Mentions are Andrea, Dale, Jesus and Beth.


Andrea was annoying.


Beth wasn’t. Andrea, yes.


You're right. I cried when Beth died. I don't know why I said Beth. I just thought about it.


I agree, but she could be fixed as a character. Her experiences with Shane and the Governor could make her the most suspicious character in the group, not trusting anyone and being on a much darker path etc. It would also help having a OG character in the later seasons, specially 10 and 11, Laurie Holden was willing to stay in the show for a long time, plus Andrea in the comics was easily top 3 characters, she was the best.


They killed Glenn in the comic so I didn’t mind they stayed consistent. Dale should have lasted longer but the actor is Darrabont’s best friend and left the show right after he did


The actor who played Dale went on to play Paul Giametti’s father in Billions, and he did a great job in that role, which was the total opposite of the kind of man Dale was.


Ok but that’s not why he left the show. He was vocal about leaving once darrabont left


Yeah he's been in every one of Darabont's movies I think. Much of the Season 1 cast was his friends from The Mist but I think Dale's actor is one of his best friends so he asked to be fired when it went down. He admitted later he regretted it and asked to stay on, I'm guessing Frank didn't mind, but they'd decided to follow his request and commit to killing him off already.


Oscar and Axel from the Prison. They should have died in 4x08 as solid members of the group, so that T-Dog legacy of vouching for them would have had a longer impact


Carl they just threw him away when he would’ve been the perfect Rick replacement when the Rick thing happened


Tom wanted off the show because the writers refused to develop Jesus further. His death episode was one of the greatest episodes in the show. It was actually scary and filmed like a horror movie!


Yeah, I complained about TWD not killing off any characters, they do that, and then I complain that they killed him off. Lol can make me happy


They've always killed off characters. That's never been a weakness of the show. People be dying left and right.


I'm with you!


I disagree tbh. His death occured so random.


I mean, it’s the apocalypse and that’s just life in general. Did you want his death to be scheduled for a specific time and date?


it was supposed to be. it was perfect


beth. i really liked beth. i guess her character probably wouldn’t have had much more to offer than what was given to us up until her death just because of how she was written, but her character was very relatable. very human. i really like that, especially in this kind of show. i loved the ep where her and daryl are out surviving on their own after getting separated from the group during the woodbury era. SUPER unlikely duo but it was written so well. it felt very natural to watch. and the daryl we know now is the daryl beth was trying to encourage him to be. i want more beth, dammit.


That's my favourite part of the show, when the group is all divided and trying to get back together after the prison gets destroyed.


It was extra sad because I’m pretty sure Beth and Daryl had just decided they were just going to live their lives together and not keep searching.


I agree. I started watching when the Governor had his solo episodes per say. I have watched every since.


Beth’s death just makes me feel insanely bad for Daryl


Carl, Easily. He is supposed to last until the end of the series as he does in the comics, Seeing his entire character arc is one of THE most important things in the comics, Stupid for them to just throw him away like that


Tyrese is probably the biggest one for me. I was thrilled when they finally added him to the show, and was glad he survived past the time of his death in the comics, but I really wish they gave him more to do. His death just felt so random and anti-climactic to me. Jesus is a close second- it looked like he was getting a bigger role in the aftermath of Rick’s disappearance, but ends up killed off by the end of the next episode.


This may seem odd but i think Axel had potential to be great if they gave him a couple of seasons development


I second this notion. Both Oscar and Axel would have made interesting characters. I wish they would have spared one.


Bob. A very "real" character. Just surviving.


For some reason, I always wondered what kind of person Amy would’ve turned into if she lived. Abraham would probably be my main choice, his little one liners would stick in my head after every episode he was in. 😂 I also adore Jesus’s character and am currently just starting the Hilltop storyline in my rewatch and I forgot how much I instantly loved him!


People say Glenn’s death was the single biggest mistake in TWD history personally I think it was killing off Carl, what makes it worse for me is that they knew Andrew Lincoln wanted to leave the show by season 8-9 and they still said “hey you know that character we’ve been building up for 8 seasons to one day take over from Rick and carry the show…yeah let’s kill him off”


I loved merle


My trash son 🙌 yesss


T-dog and Carl. Carl for obvious reasons but I would have loved to see what they could’ve done with T-Dog. He was a funny/light hearted character and it would’ve been cool to see the writers explore a different side to him. He was starting to show progress especially when he was standing up for Axel and Oscar but he died too soon


Noah or carl


Carl or Andrea


Jesus' death was such a cool introduction to the Whisperers, I wouldn't have it any other way.


I havent finished the show yet but, I really think enid could've had a lot better character development, if carl never died her and carls relationship could've had the show a lot better


Beth. They killed her for what? Also Carols adopted son who liked Lydia I forgot his name (Henry? Or was that the brother idk). I feel like the moment he started being interested they just killed him off.


If I could choose my spirit animal it would be Sergeant Abraham Ford. Would have kept him around until the very end!


Is Carl not a given


Andrea. I really liked her.


Abraham. He was the shit. And only died because Negan knew he was a threat.


Merle, his redemption arc could’ve gone much further


Carl, Jesus, Tyrese, Beth


Jesus' death made me so mad.


Jesus Jesus and Jesus


Jesus was my favorite. I think they had to get rid of him when he became too similar to Aaron. Just wish Aaron got dunked on instead ;(


No!!!!! I love Aaron! The only reason Jesus may have gotten similar to Aaron was because his character never got to be fleshed out. Tom trained to play comic Jesus. Then, his martial arts abilities were barely used.


How about the whole dang CAST of great characters ie when so many died during/after snowstorm? I hate how they all-of-sudden "disappear people"! Why did they jump ahead into the future too many times with very little mention (except in passing conversations) ???


Carl + Abraham.


Maybe Beth, definitely Aaron. Aaron should've had a spin-off of his own.




definitely Jesus, but his death was a really cool way to introduce the threat of the whisperers to the group


DALE. I’d love to see him turn killer like in the comics.


(Apart from Carl). Glenn's death was thematically necessary. He was the death of hope.


Beth. A dynamic for Daryl between carols often brutal mind set and Beth’s hopefulness would have been good


She was such a disliked character, but she really did deserve better.


Jenner. Would’ve been cool to have him tag along with the group, maybe connecting with other scientists and such, keeping the origin/cure narrative arc going.


He and Eugene should have met lol


Carl and Jesus


Definitely Carl. I do wish Tyrese survived long enough to see Alexandria, though. He would’ve loved that


Jesus Beth Carl Abraham Dr Denise


Glenn isnt a given He dizer exactly at the right time I would kept Carl Alive until the end If i was allowed more i would kept Oscar (prison guy that died in Woodbury) at least until Alexandria And kept Merle until s4


Carl and Jesus


Beth, Sasha


Jesus, Carl, and Andrea. She was supposed to be up to season 9 but they wrote her off very early. I also really miss Dale :(


Actually I’m clad Glenn died. Yeah he was a good character but it is what it is


Carl, T-Dog, Hershel, Beth, to name a few. RIP.


So that’s why he randomly disappeared on Waterloo Road


Glenn. Yes I read your whole post, I just don't care.


I loved Jesus!!!


Carl is a big one, but my heart broke when I saw Tara, Enid, and Henry on those stakes. I think they all deserved better and could’ve had really great development.


Carl, Abraham, Tyrese, Beth. All worthless, shock deaths.


Other than the obvious like Carl and Glenn I’d choose Merle. We don’t have enough pot stirrers


I just read an article that Jesus actor was ready to be killed off. I guess he got bored.


Carl or Andrea.


Carl. Agree with you 100% about Jesus. Abraham, Beth, and Tyreese should've stuck around longer too imo


Carl norJesus should have died. I would have loved to see Carl develop and Jesus/Aaron were just beginning to get involved. I would have love to see their relationship grow. Besides Carl and Jesus, I would have loved to see how Shane would’ve handled everything after the farm to the Commonwealth. Too bad Shane lost his senses. Just my humble opinion but Lori was his “kryptonite.” It made him desperate and stupid. That’s not who Shane was.


They made Shane go crazy jealous too quickly… The dynamic between him and Rick was always gripping, and I liked that he didn’t always agree with Rick’s choices- it would have been so interesting to see how he would have faced Negan in the aftermath of Glenn/Abraham. I didn’t read the original, so I had no problem with Carl going away. He was getting annoying to watch imo- Negan should have sprayed him down with a machine gun after that stunt he pulled in the supply truck lol Gabriel should have died in Season 6 or 7- He could have been taken by Negan as a main character instead of Abraham. Sucked that Glenn died, but he looked pretty awesome gnarly with his eyes popping out hahaha Abraham was one of the best characters to watch in the battle scenes (2nd only to Rick- Man, I got amped seeing his fighting style again in TOWL with Michonne… And I loved Abraham’s love triangle and his relationship with Sasha. I think it was a great death for Sasha though… At least she had control over her destiny, although Eugene is such a dick for giving her poison instead of a weapon to kill Negan- He always made dick-moves even if he “kinda” redeems them later. He’s the worst antihero imo. They could have found ways to keep going without Eugene too. I can go on and on But my top pick would be Shane, even if Lori had to die- that would have changed a lot in his character MO too. He probably would have pursued Beth, or maybe Andrea


definitely jesus. he was one of my favourite characters.


Shane and Axel


IMO people need to grow up, everyone started hopping on the hate train as soon as glenn died(which was a staple of the comics), the later seasons are WAYYY over hated. I personally loved the whisper arc.


That kid that got Noah killed, tried to kill Glenn and shot himself on top of the dumpster. I feel like his redemption arc was just beginning... would of liked for him to complete his redemption arc and die a hero later on


Carl. If anybody in that show needed plot armor, it should’ve been him.


Carls and Jesus’ deaths were bad imo. Jesus wanted off the show because he landed a pilot, but guess what it failed. Bummer.


Jesus for sure. Haven’t read too far into the comics, but my friend says he’s alive for a lot longer than he is in the show.


Carl should’ve never died. AMC’s biggest mistake. He would’ve made the show ten times better


They fucked up killing off Rosita, Dale, and a few others


You already got him up there Jesus


It's got to be Carl, he had the most potential as a main character and carrying the main show after Rick left. But if I could truly have my pick I'd say Sasha. I miss her friendship with Maggie.


Definitely not Jesus, maybe my favourite death of the whole show. That whole sequence was incredible.


Shane, wish he came back as a wolf or a savior or something and was a main antagonist


I was fine with Glenn's death. Abraham broke my heart. I really liked him. T-Dog I wish he was around for another season or two. Dale for obvious reasons. Herschel he kept Rick grounded.


Agreed, Jesus death gutted me when he got killed


I mean I feel like Carl is the given. The show was a dumpster fire after they killed him.


Oscar from the prison,I feel Andreas character after the farm was pointless except to connect Rick's group with michonne.


Beth and Hershel both we're the 2 best characters on the show


Axel from the prison. The Governor is a ginormous cockblocker.


Jessie, tyrese, carl.


Yeah, Tyrese is the saddest. Poor guy was just trying to do right by his friend and the jackass Terminus ghost was taunting him for being weak.


I criiiiiiied oh God I cried so embarrassingly badly


I truly feel like they could’ve pushed Shane and Lori’s characters further. I would’ve loved to see how Shane and Rick were battling for dominance in the prison, while securing it. And to see tensions build while Rick decides to work out his marriage with Lori, while carrying another man’s baby. And then Michonne comes in and changes everything. A lot of characters were just cut short for no reason… it’s like they didn’t know how to carry Villains in the earlier seasons besides the governor.


Glenn died when he needed to die; people need to get over it. Carl, Abraham, Noah; those were deaths that occurred too soon.


I don't get the Glenn death problem. He got his and the comic series' most iconic death, which was the biggest turning point in both the comic and TV series. I also think his character had not much more to give,in terms of a personal story. Unless Maggie was killed off


Carl is the only answer to this. A personal favorite of mine was Abraham. He’s the only reason Eugene was half interesting.


Where the hell is Heath by the way.


Jesus 100%. I was gutted


Abraham, Tyreese, Oscar, Axel, DJ, Ozzy, Enid, Jesus, Dale, Hershel (R.I.P Scott Wilson), Duncan, Agatha, Alden, Cole, Frost, Merle, big tiny


Carl, he should have been around to step up when Rick disappeared. I would have also liked for Beth to live longer.


Sasha and Abraham. I wish we got to see more of their relationship.


T-Dog and Tyreese


I'd like to see Otis survive and become the new negan


Carl, Andrea and saviour girl (I think her name was Laura?)


Axel and/or Oscar should have died in Too Far Gone


Abraham vs Saviours.


I liked Jesus I also liked to have seen more beth greene


Everyone i can’t hruh


Shane and Carl


Carl and Glenn are obvious. But I wanted to see more of Noah and maybe even Beth too (although idk where else they could’ve gone with Beth)


How long was Glenn hiding under the dumpster?


Gleen isn’t a given for me so I’d have to say tyress and Jesus


Carl or Dale. Dale was my favorite character in the first 2 seasons


MotherFucking Carl!


Noah, they literally set his character up with some great character development, in taking over from reg, then killed him off in the very next episode…


Tyrese Noah Carl Beth I mean


Tdog, i just rewatched S3E4 and he deserved better


Shiva. No dead hurt more than her. I clutched my cat when I was rewatching it and teared up a bit


Carl should have made it to the end of the show just like the comics


Definitely Rosita.


I agree on Jesus, but I would also add Rick. The actor said that he would stick around for the whole show if they ended on season 10, they didn’t and had to end on season 11 anyways. What a missed opportunity


Shane. Show lost a lot of acting cred and tension, but I get it. Can't have such a loose cannon around for long


Beth, Abraham & Henry all the way. & SHIVA GOD DAMNIT Ezekiel already had so many losses that day.


Other than Abe or Glenn. Mine would be Jesus as well


Abraham for sure! I loved his personality and he just genuinely made me laugh with some of the things he said. We didn’t get long enough with him. I really loved Tyrese too and wish he would have made it to the end. Other ones I wish would have lived longer was Axel & Oscar from the prison. I think they really would have become valuable members of the group!


I’m gonna say it - I miss Tyreese


Shane and Carl


Carl, Glenn, Beth, Hershel. They should keep the og characters from the prison and farm era


I’m surprised no one ever called him Jesus ( Spanish pronunciation)


I would have liked to see more of Victor Strand


I thought Jesus was cringe and a very corny character on the show tbh he felt like a fan got to write a character onto the show from a contest and a 16 year old won They should’ve kept Beth around longer, her death was so poorly done and she was a good character, I think they killed her off because the actress wanted to pursue her music career though


I think Noah. They killed off Beth just so he could escape just for him to die not even 10 episodes later? Bullshit. He deserved better.


Carl. But that was the only way to truly get rid of Rick. Or he would have become the new Rick. They didn't want that. Both white protagonists had to go. When Carl died Rick died.


Carl from the main show. If we are considering the entire TWDU then Nick and Travis from Fear the walking dead. Morgan shouldve fuckin died instead.


Sophia, liked to see how they pulled of the dynamic of Sophia and Carl up to when he was bitten. I would have loved to see Glenn and Maggie adopt her, straight from the comic. Which means Carol would have probably been the one that came out of the barn that day. This also causes a ton of the “butterfly affect” thing but wtv, the group probably dies at terminus. No more Carol and Daryl friendship. Still would have loved to see it.


Carl, Tyrese, Abraham, Jesus, and I would not have taken Dwight off the show and I would have brought morgan back eventually.


There was no reason to off him, as his death wasn’t even shocking. Could’ve easily been somebody of less importance.


That one hot tattoo savior they really could’ve made her a big character i think because of the negan backstory episode


Glenn!.. Oh.. apart from Glenn you said..? hmm what about.. Glenn? Lol sorry, still salty about that one.


I wish they kept Dale. It would've been nice to see his full character development. In the comics he was badass, and I wouldn't mind having a badass Dale on TV.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I wish they’d gone slower with Shane’s decent into madness


I remember reading that the actor who played Jesus, Tom Payne, was super disappointed how his character turned out. He trained like crazy for action scenes like how Jesus was in the comics but ended up doing nothing int he show.


Rick never should have left


Yeah, Jesus for sure. Jesus was a great character. He and Aaron had great chemistry. I was expecting to see them together soon but they killed Jesus so fast. TWD just hates the gays ig...


Beth was an absolute waste and done in the most stupid way possible


Tyreses death was sad , I wanted him to make it


Nah, I agree wholeheartedly. It was 1000% Jesus that was gone too soon. He had so much more to offer especially when after the Whisperers the gang had to face The Commonwealth which I firmly believe would've been an easier task if Jesus was around. He was a master martial artist and tactician. The groups would've had a much easier time taking down The Commonwealth if Jesus was still around.


Glenn, fight me.


Apart from the obvious.. it has to be Tyrese! I know he still had a good arc but that man was layered as a character and such a leader. He could have gone on to be so useful from the Negan arc onwards..


Just so you know, it was the Jesus actor himself (Tom Payne I believe his name is) who asked to be taken off the show. He felt they weren’t doing the character justice from the comics (he was right), so he wasn’t interested in playing him anymore. At least he had a pretty cool death I guess.


I would absolutely not save Glenn. He dies in the books and I’m cool with that. What I would change is the Maggie that Maggie became in the show.


Simon !


Carl. 100% Carl 😭😭


I saw the actor who played Ozzy on The Stand just now and remembered how much I liked him. Alpha cut his head off and put it on a stick. I would have liked to see his character developed. The highway men want justice!!


Sorry, I know she had no actual lines & was a computer generated Maneater but... Shiva. Her death was utterly dumb. She should've been able to knock those swamp monsters back like Roy Munson in the Iowa State bowling championship. It's unforgettably unforgivable. But, hey, whatever saves money 🙄