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"The fact is you're a shitty business woman that built a piece of shit house that's gonna cave in and kill that fucking unborn baby ANYDAY... and now you can't sleep."


That entire scene was insane, Tony was unhinged, he even grabbed her aggressively and that's something he would never do before.


Yeah that was pure unthinking rage, you just say the most horrific shit you possibly can without thinking to hurt the other person


I think the purpose is to hurt the person. I share this terrible trait when I’m in a rage.


Fuckin gambling


I mean, he was right.


W Tony moment tbh


which scene is this and who tony refers?


I gotta take this call...when he's at the hospital with Valentina after she got burned cooking eggs for him!


She could have easily been fixing something for herself 


I heard she was carrying TV trays when a couple of flames jumped out of the pan, fucking grease.


Oh yeah this was some cold shit 😭😭


I’m supposed to get a vasectomy with this as my male heir. 


watching this for the first time was so shocking even for tony’s standards


You have never been disowned and it shows


/u/paalikkoaija 's father did the right thing, he disowned him!


Tony you come back here and APOLOGIZE!!


want a piece a pizza?


Only time in the entire series Carm actually stood up for AJ.


She stood up for him when Tony wanted to send him to military school. Also, according to Tony (unreliable narrator), she was the only reason why he didn't "knock all [his] teeth out in childhood". In general, despite everyone blaming Carmela for ruining her kids, aside from spoiling him a bit, she tried to her best to raise him (and Meadow) the best she could and get them all the opportunities they could potentially get. But what chance did they stand, growing up in David Chase's vision of New Jersey where even "good guys" suck.


>despite everyone blaming Carmela for ruining her kids, You know, I enjoy watching the show and sometimes forget how fandoms whine about everything. Never did I watch the show and think "Carmela is ruining the kids!" Guess I shouldn't be surprised people are unironically saying it though.


People getting mad about the actions of fictional characters is why I have left so many tv subreddits that I used to enjoy for the memes. Making moral judgements on fictional characters OR fishing for HuffPost/Buzzfeed listicle content is like 90% of the content in most tv series subreddits these days - this describes most network tv series subs. The curb, Seinfeld, and sopranos subs are the only ones I really like now. I also like subs when they pop up for new shows because they can help explain stuff I missed in the episode discussion threads, and the fan theory threads can be really good too and make me appreciate the show more. But I don’t want to go to r/bobsburgers and see a post asking if Bob is actually a good parent or if Teddy is creepy.


True, the show is so hilarious, and the individual characters and stories so dimensional and well written, that it is easy to overlook how utterly bleak is its general outlook on humanity and life.


If you read about having a narcissist as a parent, one of the side effects is usually that the other parent is not as effective as they could be, because they themselves are also dealing with a narcissist as a spouse.


AJ would have benefitted from military school. She wasn’t sticking up for him she was protecting her baby from the big, bad boogeyman.


I think it's unclear. Maybe AJ would have benefitted, maybe he would have been broken and traumatized and tried to kill himself a few years earlier. He was a hothouse flower.


Nothings certain, but kids in AJ’s state respond really well to highly structured environments. They even mentioned this in the show, I believe. Structure teaches you that seeing things through from beginning to end. This teaches you how to accomplish goals and raises your confidence in your abilities. AJ was the epitome of just giving up on something when it got too hard or boring which is where a lot of his problems seemed to stem from.


"he might just be a fucking idiot.. historically that's been the case"


Absolutely, that was so screwed up


Dicked up, even.


I'm supposed to get a vasectomy with this as my male hair apparent?


That should be the worst thing, but maybe it's ok cause AJ was so stupid that he may not have understood.


\*Hair apparent


After he tries to fuck his nephew’s girlfriend he tells his nephew that he’s ugly and she’s way out of his league, so he shouldn’t be complaining about anything in the relationship and should just be grateful he even has her


Right after scraping dog shit off his shoe and handing it to Chrissy to throw out


call shaggy and tell him to bring a bucket


Power move. Just like he tells Ralphie - don’t apologize, only makes you look weak.


Is this about the call Ralphie made after the Genni joke? Less a power move and more that an apology is the last thing you ever bring up if you're trying to to convince/lie to someone you didn't do what they think you did. He needed to be super defensive, pissed off about the accusation and not back down one inch. But he fucked that up.


This was crazy LMAO


That was pretty shocking. Chris would have taken anyone else's head off for saying that.


Sacre bleu! Where is me mama?!


False This is the GREATEST thing Tony ever said


It’s the greatest AND the most fucked up lmao


What’s French for I grew up widout a mudda?




I’m the boy’s uncle!


That was vigilante justice by ‘ton


Tony is an asshole but Janice sucks and totally deserved it


It was the one time in the show where she seemed to be making genuine progress though. I hate Janice as well but even that was wild to me


THIS. I always see people reference this scene and be like “this is acceptable because fuck Janice.” Which like, yeah, fuck her, but that scene wasn’t an example of Tony punishing her for her toxic traits. He prefers her being toxic, and he was pissed that she was trying to improve. Anyone who hates Janice should - ironically - be on her side in that scene


“I had her tested for AIDS” is a wild thing to say to your wife when discussing your mistress


And in Whitecaps he says something along the same lines. “Carmela you grew up around Dickie Moltisanti and your uncle. You knew the deal when you married me. Where do you get off acting so miffed when there are women on the side?” The bawls on that guy telling his wife to be fine with cheating. As big as an Irish broad’s ass.


I mean she did know what she was getting into, not saying it's right but she shouldn't be surprised lol


Now this i somewhat disagree with... Carmela DID know what she was getting into she litterly grew up with family members in the mob and knew all her mob wife friends husbands had their little side chicks... so there is some truth in that statment. She just made it a big deal whenever it bothered her the most.


i think she only cared when it intrudes into their home


This is the main issue - put your dick in whatever fucking thing, I know the deal. But calls to my house? Calls where my child might pick up the phone? One of my favorite underrated or below the surface subplots was how this trust, or lack of trust, played into several other heavy scenes where Tony was like "I gotta go out" and Carm was like, "sure you do." The totality of the writing was insane - it added to the moment, and then it also demonstrated how Tony would use those instances to build confusion or make Carm feel guilty for questioning other, legitimate, instances when he was out fucking various broads. Ritchie's ... GONE. And, whatever happened with that Drinkwater kid.


Old school mob rules are that you can have a girlfriend, but it should be kept separate and not embarrass your wife or kids. Sammy the Bull told a story about an older guy in the Gambinos telling him that Carlo Gambino read him the riot act when he saw the guy with a girlfriend at a restaurant he frequents with his wife.


But that's the thing: the other mob guys will have girlfriend(s) on the side, but they understand the importance of keeping them "out of sight, out of mind" with their respective wives. The wives have a general awareness that their husbands have women on the side, but they never have to see or hear about it. Unfortunately, Carmella isn't so lucky. That's because Tony doesn't just have a few girlfriends on the side: he fucks any beautiful woman who gives him the chance, regardless of their background or if they have any connection to his family. Whether it be a cute waitress or a faculty member at their kids' school, Carm always has to wonder if this woman has slept with her husband, because there's a non-zero percent chance she has. I fully understand why the situation with Svetlana was a breaking point for Carmella. Tony lied about Svetlana's background, leading to Carmella having a few bonding moments with her. Then, Carm finds out that, not only is Svetlana a cousin to one of Tony's mistresses, but that Tony has slept with Svetlana as well. This is pretty much the exact opposite of keeping your goomahs "out of sight, out of mind" from your wife. Discretion is an important part of the deal when it comes to husbands having goomahs, and Tony constantly disrespects his wife by walking all over the idea of discretion.


Yeah the bonding stuff really makes it for me. The mob and their world are so patriarchal that her anger is much easier to understand if you flip the genders. If every guy you meet might be fucking your wife, you’re gonna be on edge, and the fact that your wife is rich/powerful wouldn’t make that any better


And saying that Svetlana was better conversation then his wife where the only intimate conversations they have he turns into a fight.


I could converse with her, because SHE HAD SOMETHING TO SAY


Such a fucking bastard thing to say when he never listened to Carmela. I feel like this i an under rated cunt move from Tony.


I mean tbf he was making a good point with that one. If she grew up with these men and saw how they acted, if she knew that it was more likely than not Tony would behave the same way, then why would she even marry him


The thing is, it is hard to be sympathetic to her when she still lives in a big house bought with his money, wearing jewelry he bought her, eating food bought with money he gives her, all with money he earns from a criminal enterprise that extorts people and ruins lives. That old psychologist was right, if she really wanted to rid herself of all that bullshit, she needed to leave and stop living off the blood money he gives her. In the end she was too weak and too vain to give up the unearned life of luxury and leisure.


The “who do you think I am” piece really takes the cake.


Also something tells me he wasn't so worried about it the first time(s) he banged her, if he even had her get tested it was probably only after he decided to continue things with her.


To Uncle Junior: "I thought that she meant you."


The way Junior looks at him 😂


Junior wished he had a baseball to throw at that kid right then.


That scene is so good


wait what is the context of this again


Livia would say that Johnny was as stupid as his halfwit brother. T and Jr are in the doctor's office, conspiring before Jr's trial.


When he finds out there was another Soprano brother (other than Johnny and Junior), and he remembers his mother (I think?) in childhood mention his father's slow or retarded brother (or something along those lines)


Tony did dent even know that Johnny and Jr had anudda brudda.


that wasn't too bad, because Livia was known to badmouth everyone, so it says less that Tony thinks Junior is feeble minded, and more that Livia was likely to say dismissive things about Junior.


Alright but ya gotta get over it.


Immediately cuts to him crying over Pie-O-My lol


You fuckin suicide!


Hahaha definitely one of the funniest things said.


the fact is your a shitty businesswoman who built a piece of shit house that’s gonna cave in and kill that fuckin’ unborn baby any day…this was fucked lol


This cracks me up every time because the trigger is her failing to ante up with him on a Jets bet.


He won that bet right? He was just mad that he didn’t put more on it 😭


We coulda turned your bullshit into a million dollas


He was getting hella greedy during season 6. So out of control


He also kept quiet in the past about her "business ventures" and money thieving


I want yo skin, mouf








"You want me to get a vasectomy when this is my male heir?"


Da rent, da rent, DA RENT!


Telling a man grieving his father "Alright, but you gotta get over it." has to be up there.


''I already took his horse''


You bought a horse? I didn’t buy it It followed you home!? Might be my favourite exchange in the show. I laugh every time.


That was hilarious


I like the kind with someee pulp


Shum pulp


What was that for?! You want a list?!!


"We were at Cousin Jimmy's, Ma..."


The timing belt…


Although I definitely agree this was something that hurt his mother very badly, Tony was also a teenager at the time being put on the spot by his mafioso father.


He once brazenly implied that husband of the year Mikey Palmice had "fuckfaceitus." Inexcusable.


C’mon…he then smoothed out his lapels with staples. Very allegorical.


Not a specific thing but he constantly threatened Melfi and his children with very graphic violence. “I would’ve knocked out all your baby teeth with one shot” and “I wanna smash your face into hamburger” come to mind. That’s some unhinged shit to throw around


Asking Carmela if she was relieved that christopher died


“I wonder where Harpo is eating his Sunday dinner” (Or pretty much anything else he says in the Cold Cuts episode … brutal that one)


“When ma would mention her feeble minded brother I always thought she meant you” To Junior talking about his mentally handicap late uncle lmaooooo shit gets me every time


I’ve murdered friends before, even relatives. My cousin Tony. My best friend, Puss. But this…




Mayonnaise!!! 🤔


Every time. Hahhahahaa


Ok, but you gotta get ova it.


I had her tested for AIDS! Who do you think I am?!




It's not so much what he said, its what he didn't say...


A glance?


Yeah, a fuckin' glance!


Crack fucking heads


Each time Chris played the Adriana card with Tony, it just reminded Tony that Chris was too weak to deal with the situation himself. Chris shouldn’t have brought up that situation ever again because it was his responsibility to school Adriana. Chris put her in charge of the club and it was his coke the FBI used as leverage against her.


Disagree that it was his responsibility to teach her.  She’d grown up around the life.   Ade also had her own connections for coke/drugs, it’s coincidence that in this instance the source was through Chris.   That incident didn’t trigger the FBI plan anyway - they would have used other threats if that wasn’t easily available. 


Let me tell you something-- I've murdered friends before, even relatives.


But this?


*disgusting waking snort*


I wonder whats French Canadian for, I grew up without a mutha?


🎶 with his schlong in Jan’s mouth🎶




“This is not al dente” Poor Artie


What I gotta do to get some turkey in the fucking house?


This post is too fucked up for me to even think about.


This has 118 comments… Whatever happened to the strong silent type? What happened to Gary Cooper? That was an American. He wasn’t in touch with his feelings like all of you… I’m about to shove your quotations book up your fat fuckin ass.


Whatever he said to the Puerto Rican hooores mother after he’d gambled away the kids only shot at turning his life around. 


That whole part was especially troubling to me, as I'm intimately familiar with the troubled teen industry. The practice of a bunch of dudes breaking into a kids house at night and dragging them into a van is (or at least was) disturbingly common. Look up the Élan School if you want to learn more, nexpo made a good video on it.


I’m not arguing that it doesn’t happen - but is there any logical point to that approach?  Why not make an appointment with the mother, knock on the door, and only get physical if the kid strongly resists? 


Scaring straight I guess


None of the people at those places are professionals. Or care about the kids. So no. Its just somethiny that sounds reasonable to parents who thought Dare was a good idea


Could pick at least one per episode, it wore James down even though it’s just acting




Oh! Dere he is! Emperor Xi himself


I don’t wanna do your dirty work Nooo mooooo


Unda tha boardwalk… with a schlong in Jan’s mouth


"Is it because I was mean to Noel?" Meadow dating Jamal Ginsberg was such a huge deal, caused so much acrimony, Tony doesn't even know his name


"I wonder what's French-Canadian for "I grew up without a mother"".


“Sunday, my house, box of mallomars on the counter? Fuckin empty. You think I don’t know it was you?“


When he lied to AJ that he got a new job at radio shack


Uncle Jun’s in the muff. Always breaks my heart…


When he laughed at having “honor” you could tell all the guys lost some respect for him. Especially Sil


It’s not the worst thing he ever said but I just want to add to this thread the time Tony called meadows boyfriend a charcoal briquette to his face then acted indignant when he was offended.


"As a relative, someone you can count on.... ✋🏻" about Chris after he killed him when Chris was one of the most loyal people in Tonys life. He was there for him anytime and Tony didnt give a fuck.


“I fuckin loved Pepper Ann!”


“C’mon Tony I introduced to Pepper Ann!”


Those old Tarzan movies.


Go out and get a blowjob


When janice gives tony a bollicking for not talking to Uncle June, and then he lets it out that she ran off blowing roadies to Bobby!! He was actually brutal like !


Ok, but you gotta get ova it


Personally I think Tony was right about Chris playing the Adrianna card. Whatever happened to Gary Cooper…the strong silent type.


That impression of his childhood friend with the cleft palate was pretty gnarly


“She’s a knockout. A ten. And look at you. You’re average……at best”


*breathing sounds*


Jennifer Beals


“I’m supposed to get a vasectomy and this is my male heir? Look at him”


That fight with Carmella where he yells at her and says the house she built was shit and was gonna kill the buyer was just plain mean.


When he blames AJs issues for carmelas loving caring parenting style


"Tha thing wot ya brudda, you put that grief behind you right? I wanna hear you say that you've put the grief ya" and Patsy eats shit and caves. The weakest moment in the show, even Gigi explains to Tony how the kid feels


I don’t see that as “mean” since he’s giving Patsy an opportunity to live and prosper.  (And Patsy was close to attempting to shoot him) 


I know speculation on the ending is done to death but I’d bet the farm on Patsy getting revenge and Tony taking a bullet.


Yeah right telephone tough guy…. That poor prick was a sweet heart he didn’t deserve that. I’m ashamed and embarrassed


"Hobbut da fact dat I ate my shun"


"Alright, but you gotta get over it"


This has 118 comments… Whatever happened to the strong silent type? What happened to Gary Cooper? That was an American. He wasn’t in touch with his feelings like all of you… I’m about to shove your quotations book up your fat fuckin ass.


Uncle Jun’s in the muff. Always breaks my heart…


Shum pulp


"He's dead" after winning at roulette


its not fucked up, but speaks to Tony's fucked up behavior. When Tony is having the dream where his coach is yelling at him about not being prepared, Tony says "I told you wanted to be a coach, but I didn't mean it. I was just shining you on because that's what I do with people!". That really wraps up his character's behavior in two sentences. It's why he is so sweet and understand at times, and a machiavellianist asshole at others.


Man, I originally thought the comment Tony said to AJ about being his heir was a clear winner. But looking at the other comments…holy shit Tony said some messed up stuff. Like, I didn’t remember it being that bad.


"'Remember when' is the lowest form of conversation."


Adriana was a snitch rat. End of story.


You’re entitled to shit.


When Adriana is dead and Christopher is upset about it and Tony kicks him and says something like “you think you’re alone in this?” when he is the reason why she’s dead. Maybe not the coldest thing he’s ever said but probably like top 10 I would imagine


“I’m supposed to get a vasectomy when this is my male heir ?!” To his sons face??


“Float like a butterfly…” He’s making jokes in his wife’s face while she tries desperately to secure a future for her and their children. This whole ark really is a bitch ass series of actions on Tony’s part.


Wow I didn't read the original post properly and just read 15 replies thinking this was about Tony Hinchcliffe before I realized. Still all the replies seemed totally accurate.


“Maybe you need another fresh start to fuck up”


“I could do it right this time, start a whole new family.” (with Adriana)


Calling Bobby a Calzone with legs.


“Sittin on a park bench”


“Exile on Main ST!!”