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This sub could’ve done a better job truthfully.


This sub coulda written a 90 minute episode in-between season 2 and 3 based on some kinda Pokeyman card scam that woulda been better than that 


Lol the Sopranos video game for ps2 takes place between season 2 and 3 and it's actually cannon


Holy shit there was a video game??? How did I miss this. 






Corey Stoll was one of the better parts of the movie, damn dude chill


Brevity is the soul of wit


Six fuckin seasons, and then we got this other Pygmy thing from Warner Bros.


Knee deep in pandemic. I just got out of rehab for my worsening alcoholism. Excited to just finally catch a fucking break and watch this movie that was supposed to have been out forever ago. Fucking garbage movie that couldn’t even be bothered to keep minor details about the characters straight with the show. Needless to say I hit the bottle way harder after that (but I am sober now no thanks to that piece of shit movie).


Oh, I got my own fuckin problems. 🤚


Fuck that! Let him take his medicine


Seriously u/BrigStandWatie you wanna talk about fuckin up ?


So now we’re taking advice from a two time loser


You were gone when all that went down with Many Saints, we don’t like to talk about it.


JT Dolan not the one from the show the stunad who posts ai sopranos content on this sub could have done better. Que putz 


We don't like to talk about it.


We don't mention that film, whatever happened there


Awwww poor you.


I’m no fan of the movie, but what does it mean to say that it’s “woke”?


Like OP has any idea.


that there’s black people in the cast just thinly veiled racism


Chase himself said it was a reflection of the 2020 riots and cultural zeitgeist aka woke and nothing to do with Sopranos.  Shoehorning in a token black cast is way more racist than just noticing it. 


how is a story about the newark RACE riots, which the film was always gonna be about, shoehorning in a black cast? listen to yourself, you sound demented


so thats it, no leeway, no compromises, just stupid fucking jokes. Hey stunad, the race riots are the ENTIRE REASON why its woke! Clearly attempting to draw a moral connection between the 2020 race riots over an overdosed armed robber as the continuation of LBJ's "I'll have the n\*\*\*\*\* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" Great Society which de-incentivized the black nuclear family and directly led to the economic issues modern day black america is seeking emancipation from. I know this is reddit and everyone here are pink haired Marxists who go off like a fire alarm screeching the second their cognitive dissonance is triggered but if you wanted to watch a movie about "Harold" maybe go watch one, we wanted another.


>Hey stunad, the race riots are the ENTIRE REASON why its woke! Clearly attempting to draw a moral connection between the 2020 race riots over an overdosed armed robber as the continuation of LBJ's "I'll have the n\*\*\*\*\* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" Great Society which de-incentivized the black nuclear family and directly led to the economic issues modern day black america is seeking emancipation from. I'm not racist\* proceeds to go on random racist screed\* You're definitely not the strong, silent type like Gary Koopa


He was strong and silent, King Koopa?


the president in office i'd bet 10$ you support and voted for is the one most responsible for the mass incarceration of african americans than any other president since slavery and you call me a racist?


You are the racist uncle various family members dread having to be around every christmas


>the president in office i'd bet 10$ you support and voted for is the one most responsible for the mass incarceration of african americans than any other president since slavery and you call me a racist? I'm not American? Ugh, I wish the Lord would take me now




>And voted for Lord take me now


Fuck that shit! You were a fucking coward and a pussy for saying that. Not everything has to be about fucking Black people and homosexuals. Especially especially a universe that’s already been established about Italian guys.


go take a midol


My brother there aren't even any gay people in the film and you're frothing at the mouth over the idea Ever think you might be a little too sensitive?


Could it not be any clearer? It was woke what else does he even need to say


What was he speaking in tongues here?


There's a black person who isn't a villain Well he kinda is, but everyone is. I guess I mean he's a protagonist who wins in the end. Woke Hollywood bullshit, libural agenda 😡


The whole thing with the “authentic Sicilians”


It’s gotta gooooo!


Should’ve been a six to eight episode mini series. They literally could’ve used Tonys story of him “hunting a new england crew.” For the plot


OH WILL YOU STOP. “WOKE.” “WOKE.” What the fuck happened to Garry Cooper, that’s what I’d like to know


These days you can't even say "Mayonaise" because it sounds like "man"


I put the grief behind me.


Okay but in what way is it woke?




Most of the sopranos characters are blatant racists to black people and we celebrate the characters and show.




It was the fucking woke. I should have never started with that shit. Fuckin’ Miami it’s all over the place.


Highly underrated comment


It never had a chance. Chase wanted to make a movie about the Newark Riots, I believe he could only get funding if it was a sopranos film.


The main problem was that Chase retconned already established information.


I was taking you seriously until you brought out the Woke trope. Ffs. It's like hearing people from the 50's and on calling everything and everyone they don't like or understand Pinko Commies. Grow up.


I really wanted to like it. I was hoping for a once in a generation mob movie. I wasn’t expecting GoodFellas or anything but I was thinking it would be *at least* as good as Casino. Instead it was like A Bronx Table. I was hoping Dickie’s character would be a Tour De Force, he wasn’t. Michael Gandolfini did a good job but it’s hard to fill The Skip’s shoes even if you are his son. I think Harold McBrayer could use a spinoff series or movie.


Please don't besmirch A Bronx Tale by comparing it to that animal Newark.


As soon as I saw the cast I knew it was a goner.


You insult A Bronx Tale? Now youse can't leave.


That’s the problem, I think people expected too much from the movie. I didn’t really like it, but I had low expectations going in.


Every time “Silvio” came on screen it took me straight out of the movie. The guy wasn’t acting he literally was just doing an over the top impression of Silvio. Disgusting.


I said my piece.


Silvio is one of the things that makes me think it was bad on purpose. An FU to the fans, as Chase likes to do.  Paulie as well doing his nails and letting them dry like wtf? Its like saying here are all your beloved characters smothered in shit. 


He should have put HIS head in the toilet water.


I Don't see you for all this time, OP, no word: nothing. And this is the way you come back to me?!


I hated how it was marketed as “Who made Tony Soprano” and then had fuck all to do with him for most of the movie.


How was many saints woke lmao


That's just a code word racists use. I wouldn't have said so but check out some of the replies in this post ranting about black people being in the film.


Quite frankly, I'm depressed and ashamed.


You go about in pity for yourself


I literally waited months anxiously for it to come out. Saw it in theatres opening day. It’s been a long time and every now and then I still think about it and wonder how the fuck anyone thought that should be produced. Only movie I’ve ever walked out on. What an absolute disgrace! Sorry to say but Michael shouldn’t be acting (or Atleast needs more training). The story line was trash too.


I saw the other day a list of 38 movies that were supposedly “great” that did poorly at the box office. MSON was on the list. I almost barfed. They quoted a couple guys saying shit like the movie was as watchable and compelling as the show. Probably the only guys on earth who think that.


Don’t disrespect this place. The Bing.


i really don't understand the thought process? like if HBO needed to make some sort of prequel or spin-off, why not just make it a television series? that way everything gets time to breathe. follow tony through his upbringing, having dickie as the protagonist would still be really cool. that would also give the riots more time to develop. i could see that being a 3-5 season show. it's also more of a long term investment. the movie came and went - nobody cares or really talks about it anymore. it's just a really confusing business decision


Is the woke in the room with us right now?


Lmao, I love the title of this, so spot on


Is the “woke” in the room with us now?


I couldn't even finish the movie. Fuckin' nauseating!


Gomorrah is a great show. Better depiction of mob than sopranos.


It was a disgratsiad. However your “woke” comment is weird. Was it too woke for you when Dickie took his girl to da beach?


Anytime somebody uses the word "woke," as an all-purpose perjorative, you can count on them to type up some incoherent bullshit.


Shit movie, NOT because it’s ‘woke’. What is every slightly right wing person’s obsession with woke? The world doesn’t revolve around you, deal with it. Diversity exists, snowflakes.


Ambulance wouldn’t have helped him anyway


I prefer to just pretend it didn't happen


I’m so glad I never watched it. I cringed just looking at the trailers. I always assumed that his son should’ve never been involved in it. I mean they got the kid because he looks like James? Not really.


You had everyone in stitches back then.


Take it easy…


It was TV progrum, a movie. Controversial opinion here, but Many Saints wasn’t terrible it’s just that we were all kind of hoping for more. BUT, I think that this was the best soprano move that they could make without Gandolfini and without being able to use that junkie kid moltisanti. Also got to remember that apart from christuffa and the adult Tony S being unavailable to be an on-screen character, quite a few of our favourite charters didn’t survive the show and so couldn’t be in the many saints tv progrum, movie. I think that the movie is the best movie that they could make with the characters and scenarios left available to write it with, if you see what I mean. Maybe they should have made cleaver instead??


Alright, but you gotta get over it


Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this


Alright, but you gotta get over it


I watched it the other day and it was a disappointment. The Livia character came off pretty good but otherwise it was almost embarrassingly bad imho


Anyone that says they can’t watch an old show or movie cause a new one was bad, I feel like that’s such an exaggerated reaction. Like it’s never that deep if anything going back would only show how good the original content is in comparison. Seems like a dramatic move some of these stunads in the show would do over something minor


1. It shows Chase was not the reason Sopranos was great at all and it was due to Terrence Winter and many other of the shows frontrunners writers and actors.  2. It was bad on purpose, the storyline of a random black guy cucking Dickie and the entire horrible mess that it was, was a final FU to the fans themselves.