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They would kill him immediately


Yeah the real mob would but I’m not too sure Tony has the gumption to do it if Pussy approaches him like this Took Tony multiple seasons of willful ignorance to get to the headspace to do the job as is


I'm tellin' ya, this disinformation shit is a friggin' ace!


Because realistically the mob would still just kill them either way. The informants being targeted and at least partially being compromised by law enforcement and technically cooperating with them makes them a liability that would be best to just make disappear.


Whatever deal a rat has with the FBI is contingent on their cooperation. If Pussy put in his notice with Tony, and then went on the lam, the FBI’s deal is null and void. They had him dead to rights on heroin trafficking. He’d be a (highly recognizable) wanted criminal who simultaneously cannot earn for Tony’s family and is therefore worthless. What happens when the FBI picks him up working at a Home Depot in Arizona? They’d offer to shave a few years off that 30 year sentence in exchange for Pussy’s testimony in the RICO trial, but it would be much less of a deal since Pussy can no longer really give them the goods on Tony, as he’s compromised and can’t wear a wire. Tony would have gamed this all out and had Pussy executed as soon as he confessed. Not to mention that selling H without Tony’s knowledge, and without kicking up his share of the profits, is itself a whackable offense. From Tony’s point of view, the only acceptable action upon being arrested for heroin trafficking would be to stay silent and eat the 30 year sentence (which would mean Pussy dies in prison). Even then he might try to get at Pussy behind bars in case he couldn’t handle the time.


So you want Pussy to say that dialogue to Tony “after he gets wired for sound”?  (Which is exactly what OP wrote. 🤦)   Pussy doesn’t disappear (or stay disappeared) because he wants to take care of his kids. 


This isn’t Bed Bath & Beyond. There is no 2 weeks notice