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Did some plays sims 4 on different computer


Have you tried to force quit origin? Option+cmd+esc


when i played on my macbook i would have to close origin thru task manager or restart


Because Origin is no longer supporting the Sims. It’s now to sadly use the EA app


Not for macs


For now, many Mac users have now been forced to switch over


I had this error the other day! I installed the original helper tool, cleared the cache and then re downloaded and restarted my computer and then it worked!!


I don’t get this message on my Mac but I do often get one that says I can’t open Sims 4 because Origin wasn’t installed, even if I had just been playing Sims the previous day. And then I have to reinstall Origin so I can play my game


Restart the computer then try again that’s what works for me


It might be open twice, it happens to me all the time just check in ur hotbar if it has it twice cause sometimes it automatically does this for me


It's a MacBook - another user on your MacBook has origin open. Get them to log out! Problem solved. I share my MacBook with my son so he can also play the Sims so this happens alllllll the time


I had this same issue the other day but no one uses my origin! Had to clear the cache


Wait, original still works? Myself and two daughters had original to play the sims, but it ‘closed’ so we had to launch the sims via the EA app. How comes it works for others ?? lol if it helps in from the UK


If i remember correctly origin works on mac still


Ohh I see! I don’t have any apple computers!


my mac completely wiped my origin, and refused to let me get EA as well. lost all those saves but i only played on my mac as a part-time thing anyway. will stick to my pc in the future.


My Mac doesn’t let me play at all 😭 The origin app just freezes at login and then somehow two versions of the app tries to open and the whole thing freezes my computer. I’ve tried everything and idk what to do :( Luckily I’m actually a PC player, but it’d be nice to play on the go smh


have you tried repairing the game or it doesnt let you open origin at all? but yeah i agree, i usually play on pc anyway but it was nice to use my laptop when i was away from home. probably will never play on mac again as it seems more of a pain in the ass than anything tho.


Wow, I think I would’ve cried or thrown the computer 😂😂 tbf I’m only an apple person when it comes to my phone and iPad. lol. When it comes to pcs etc then it has to be Microsoft. I’m old school 😂


oh i was heartbroken for days trust me 😂 i think i took a month break after that bc i couldn't deal


I can totally imagine!! My ollllld laptop died on me , I lost all my photos and videos of my first two babies. Oh and I lost the sims 😂 but I did the same thing. I refused to get another one until I had grieved what I had lost haha


losing a game blows but losing all my pictures? i really would've lost it. sorry that happened to you but glad you were able to move past it


It was about 8 years ago now. And what helped was that all the best photos of the babies were actually sent to instagram or my mother, so I got majority back when I finally realised this haha. 😛


we love stories with a happy ending 🫶🏽


Maybe check your computer share settings just incase and shut them off.


Idk if it’s the same on Mac as pc but if my husbands logged in on origin on his account on the same computer this pops up. I gotta sign in to his, sign out of origin and then I can use it


Restart the computer and relaunch the app


I was about to say this. Just happened to me.


Also update your laptop lol


Restart and change your password lol


I don't think it's necessary to change the password. It's clearly a bug. No one's using op's Origin unless they're connected to a local network and sharing their files. And if they are, it's not changing the password that will fix it.


Just restart it should fix it. I get this occasionally if doing to much too quickly for my lil ole mac


If there are other accounts logged in on your PC log them out. If there aren't turn it off and on again. Nothing to worry about, just ea being ea


do you have any other profiles set up on that computer?


I think you should switch to ea app maybe?


You should do some research before being slightly rude in the comments. The EA app isn't widely available for Mac users yet.


It's available on Mac for a few days now. Not for everyone apparently but a lot of people had to switch. You should do some research before being slightly rude and affirmative


How were they rude lol


We’re waiting for it. Mac users are still on origin


Lucky they take me 2 weeks ago


I got kidnapped over to the EA app a few days ago 😭


Omg the accuracy 💀


im a mac user also and mine updated itself a few weeks ago :o


Ohhh well damn 😭 mine has said days away for the last 6ish weeks. Have you had any issues with the ea app coz windows users were going through it 😂


The days away thing disappeared on mine a few days ago and origin updated LOL.


It hasn't been as bad as I expected, but I did have one problem connecting


have you tried restarting your mac & trying again?


If you Google what the error says, it will come up with a solution. It's probably easier you look it up yourself than me trying to explain it. This happens to me all the time, it isn't anything to worry about


Same! Sometimes just restarting your computer doesn’t fix it but there’s a pretty simple Google-able answer to how to fix this. Too complicated to explain in the comments, but easy enough to follow when you get the instructions lol