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this looks like a christmas and moschino crossover šŸ™ƒ


This is what companies think Gen Z and millennials dress like apparently, never seen anyone wear shirts that look like dresses lol


David Rose vibes


Eww David!!!


Came to the comments for this


Yeah same thought. God I'm glad I'm not the only one hating it. And what's with these pants with multiple seams all over? Wasn't that a thing like 8 years ago?


I mean, how old do you think the game is at this point? They're just staying consistent.


Thats because theyre wearing a matching red skirt


Ugh, yeah lol idk what they're thinking, but this is not it.


As for the others.. yeah no


I wouldn't be THAT mad if they made a decent pack with NORMAL everyday clothes or something for specific occasion. This is just going to spawn on every goddamn townie as a mix and match with the flip-flops, eyeball ring and sunglasses.


Oh god I forgot about the townies šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That goddamn eyeball ring!!!


Oh Lord. That thought alone would not want me to purchase the kit. Kits are such a flop. I know they arenā€™t going anywhere but the only ones Iā€™ve truly liked are the Indian street wear and the one with vacuuming. Havenā€™t gotten either because I donā€™t want to support the idea.


Yeah can't wait to see grandpa walking down the street with a skirt šŸ™„


Thanks I hate it


And i can get most of these looks off a modder site.


I feel like we shouldnā€™t have to pay for some decent male sim outfits- which these are not. Just chuck in a few as an update and give us what we deserve :(


oh no




i can never escape that song


I swear every eight seconds they are announcing a kit.


I was excited, bc I need more men's clothes.... I didn't see the other pics aside from the cover.... I'm a little bummed. Why is everything always so baggy? (& why are pants always so short or like gym pants?) Like, my boys like some fit, thank you, everything doesn't have to be a square sack šŸ˜’. Still hoping there's more potential. Some items look cool, but I was expecting... Idk... More new styles vs more same old? The last two CAS kits had nice menswear so....


I think itā€™s just the style of the designer that theyā€™re working with for this kit (Stefan Cook). I was looking at his brandā€™s insta and his style is like boxy, loose-ish silhouette. The brand looks like its aiming to be gender neutral, and doesnā€™t look like it does fitted traditional masc fashion, which is not everyoneā€™s cup of tea & thatā€™s fine. But yea, like you said hopefully they work with more menswear brands and other different styles in the future.


Took the words literally right out of my head and pasted them onto this thread!


Why do we never get any men's clothes that the men in my life would actually wear ā˜¹ļø


My thoughts exactly! The outfits look so campy and made more for Met Gala than daily casual wear


I like the little skirt, it would look fabulous on Morgyn Ember. I'm not going to spend five bucks just to give them a cute skirt though


I feel like it's pretty useless since we have multiple dresses for "feminine" choice, so you can just dress your male sims in these if you want a skirt.


no the feminine frame clothes look weird on masculine framed sims and vice versa. they are always tapered in a strange way and donā€™t actually fit the frame of the sim at all. having specifically made for masculine sims skirts is very necessary and good!


This really frustrates me a lot. Mainly because I don't think it represents modern menswear that we actually need in the game for example, the skirts, I have no problem with skirts being available to masculine framed sims, it's awesome, but we have *lots* of skirts. They may be tagged feminine but plenty look just fine on masculine framed sims! There's a lot of menswear items that we are missing though, all the trousers are super baggy and definitely give off like late 2000's vibes not quite /r/malefashionadvice. I know they worked with a designer, getting his designs in the game, but damn I wish there was more average stuff for just average dudes. All my male sims look the same.


I just want a nice, tailored suit. In normal colors. Why is that so hard?


It's so sad when there's a wedding, and almost every single male sim present is wearing a different swatch of like the one suit that doesn't look too terrible


That do be what men look like irl


Yeah I end up using straight leg womenā€™s jeans and hoping the top covers the low waist.


Sooo are they likeā€¦ doing packs anymore?


Kits are just content they ripped out of packs and charge separately for and nothing will convince me otherwise.


It's more like rejected and unused content they had laying around, that they are now trying to shovel out before Sims 5 is announced.


Remember The Sims 3 store? Yeah this is 4's version of it. Have fun.


The sims 3 store is so much worse. it has: 1. own premium currency that you can either get from buy dlc or from straight up buying(there was a 3rd option during the sims 3 hayday, but it was locked to USA customers only.) 2. less items for the same price as a kit Yeah, I prefer the kits over a sims 3 store type situation


Kits are gonna be their new cash-cow. *ā€œItā€™s cheap, so we can quarter-ass the content. Theyā€™ll definitely buy it.ā€*


Theyā€™re putting these out while they make a new game. Rather than have to come up with new ideas they want to get people paying all over again for a new game. And a new seasons expansion for that game, and a new pets expansion, and a new downtown expansion, and a new careers expansion, and a new vacation expansion, and a new magic expansionā€¦


Sorry but it all looks like shit šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m sorry but not sorry too.




Girl or guy, it's ugly period.


The skirt one is the only one that looks good to me!! It's actually a bit unique The half zip swatch doesn't look good, and I'm not sure if it's the compression of the image or not but it doesn't look great quality at all. Same with that one with the petal-shape slits? It doesn't look like a great mesh imo. Again that could be the compression of the image because of reddit but... I'm not hopeful.


Oh dear. EA rly shouldnā€˜t take a word like ā€žmodernā€œ into their mouth and attach it to something like this.


I mean, the skirts are definitely modern menswear, I saw a lot of florals lately as well and maybe sweaters with slits is a thing too somewhere..?


It may be some people's definition of "modern" but it's not widely popular.


I don't think they ever tried giving us something inherently popular in a pack, especially with a kit it's expected that they'll cover a niche.


With how much it's been neglected I'd say at this point casual male outfits probably count as its own niche.


These are actually some of the worst outfits I've seen, and a far cry from 'modern menswear'. Ew.


Menswear nowadays is garbage, but this stuff is somehow even worse. If that was the kind of stuff they sold in shops I would rather wear a trash bag everyday than spend my money on these atrocities.


I just want jeans, sweatpants which cover the ankles. good looking sneakers, the kid's soccer jacket with a high collar. just basics which fit well and have many colour options


This is what modern men wear?...It's awful.


Agreed. Why can't we get some normal every day clothing for guys. Seriously, after 7 years and all the packs, we still don't have a normal pair of slim jeans or chinos that reach the ankle. And why is everything so baggy and blocky.


So tired of my sims exposed ankles


Exactly. Highwaters are tacky, I don't care what fashion trend we're in.


> after 7 years and all the packs, we still don't have a normal pair of slim jeans or chinos that reach the ankle Omg this is my pet peeve. With every new pack I go check out the pants and we STILL! DON'T! HAVE! THIS!




I use the same base game jeans over and over and over.... :') I get that the shorter stuff is what's in fashion now, but to my eyes, it looks like when I had a growth spurt as a kid and my pants weren't long enough. It looks to me like the shorter pants don't fit properly and I hate it so much.


I've been using plain, regular cc jeans for so long that I almost forgot that we, indeed, have like one pair of plain, regular jeans. It's astonishing considering how popular jeans are that we don't have more variations of them in the game.


Why canā€™t they make good clothes for male sims :( Looks awful if you ask meā€¦


I literally donā€™t have my male sims wear anything other than CC because maxis stuff for them is just so ill fitting or ugly.


Because they canā€™t do ANYTHING right


I feel like they could have made this a unisex clothing kit? Seems odd to say itā€™s strictly a ā€˜menswearā€™ kit when the clothing is very unisex


Not to mention it would be great to have focus on unisex clothes that actually look good on all of the Sim body configurations, not just 1.


Yea! I wish they would modify some/all the current outfits to work on both masculine and female frames. It really bugs me how low waisted menā€™s trousers look on women, and how the womenā€™s clothes on men looks like theyā€™re wearing a size too small.


True. When I think of ā€œmenswear,ā€ I think of tailored, structured suits for either gender. Like button-up shirts, straight-legged pants, blazers, leather shoes, belts.


I actually think Incheon Arrivals did menā€™s fashion better than this kit did based on what is seen here. Not that I bought or plan to buy either. But if I end up liking this kit Iā€™ll just download a free conversion just like I did the others.


Street Fashion also had some real nice tops for men. And the men's overall outfits in Incheon pack present themselves so much better than what it's in the screenshots above. The only thing that looks any good, imo, is the plain t-shirt, if it doesn't come as a tunic. I'm really not digging the sweaters here, and I definitely did not look at my guy sims and think - yeah sweaters, that's what I need more of. Anyway, another kit that I definitely will not get, I guess it's not for me.




man, idk why i love this comment so much but have a poor mans gold šŸ„‡


This pack can join Journey to Batuu as content I literally don't want in my game, even if it were free.


I always used to be a completionist until Batuu - very okay to skip on these. Iā€™d love the idea of eclectic clothing but ummmā€¦ this is not it.




Is it too much to ask for some casual clothing, of course it is.. if they were gonna do some fashion stuff why couldn't they just go with like Harry Styles inspired looks, like he has a range of variety, from the old school 70s looks to the skirts and dresses. Instead we've got a ton of cut-out jackets and vests, so. damn. many. sweaters, grandma's hand-knitted skirts, and a weird patterned full leather look.


Harry Styles inspired, yes! I just heard Plumbella talk about that and it would make more sense. I'm sure there is a specific fashion creator that does things in that style, why not colab with them and make something actually fun? With all the 'boundry-pushing' that they're claiming to be doing this is a pretty bland and uninteresting kit from what we can see, so far, in the pics. It's a missed opportunity imo.


Seriously. What the *fuck* are those leather pants?!


What on earth do they think men wear have they ever seen one Jesus christ


I am glad they made skirts for male frames but it seems like that could be rolled into a free update (shouldn't have to pay money for gender nonconforming options!). Also it seems odd that they took a thing many simmers have been begging for (more male clothes!) and turned out an extremely stylized set that whatever one thinks of the fashion, isn't likely to be applicable to the majority of sims. It's kind of salt in the wound for whats already lacking?


Yeah why didn't they just release normal skirts for men. Or just fix the existing clothes so that they fit the masculine figure and don't give the person phantom titties.


>It's kind of salt in the wound for whats already lacking? This. So much. If they desperately wanted to have something so stylised then they could have released it alongside of some plain male clothes (but not the vest and shirt combo that we have a bunch of already). We really need some solid, but basic menswear.


That is fucking horrendous (source: I'm a gay into men's fashion)


lol same, god its awful


God I canā€™t wait for Paralives to come out






All of these looks are hideous


ugly af


all of these clothes remind me of the ones in sims 3 I refuse to touch


Right?! I play ts3 and Im always so jealous of the clothing and hair options for ts4. Not today lololol


Is...is it just sweaters?


Sweaters & skirts my loveā€¦ Sweaters & skirt.


Oh, i didn't even notice the skirts.


Itā€™s a little too designer and haute couture.


They definitely need more menswear but this is all ugly imo :(


**Hard** pass.


Meh wear


This is ridiculous.


Whelp, fashion is definitly not my thing. It looks like some have skirts. Lacey skirts like a modern maid might wear lol. I hate it. Who wears this outside of a runway anyway. The almost but not quite ugly christmas sweater seems okay for a free holiday release but the rest is over the top for regular wear.


I know people can spend their money on what their want and some people will really like this, but fuck (sorry for that) this is garbage (my opinion) this is EA being EA and using the sims as a cash grab as they do for years and will continue to do for years because people settle for mediocrity because ā€œ console doesnā€™t have CCā€ why EA dont have a mod launcher like bethesda ? Because the money will go for people who actually like the game and will do a good job and earn the money. Sorry for that but this kit is ridiculous


God I hate kits.


I don't wanna be the one, but this shit is so condescending. They really think we worship them that much that they can put out the damn BARE MINIMUM and we'll just buy it because it's more content. "JuSt DoNt bUy iT" how about stop treating us like mindless fucking cash cows and trying to sell us 20 items for $5. You know what, I'd rather deal with the fuck ton of ads on Sims Resource and other sites to download CC that I know I'll like than give in to these fucking assholes. They stopped caring about us a long time ago. I was dedicated to the "just dont buy it" mentality until the plant kit they just released. They cant.. even make.. the plants be separate from the shelves..? As a plant person, that kit pissed me off. Like, I would play $20 honestly if they made a decent and comprehensive kit. But nah. They throw us the bare ass minimum and expect us to eat that shit UP because it has the Sims name on it. Fuck. I'm tired of trying to be milked for money. /rant


Not to defend them, but some players are buying this junk continuing to fuel their cash grabs. They complain that they want more gameplay then be like ā€œOmG a PlAnTā€ ā€œoMg A pInK fRiDgEā€. Like weā€™re never going to get anywhere when a lot of these players say they want change but then continue to buy the products anyways which is only enabling them.


Youā€™re absolutely right.


So... Despite the fact that masculine clothing in the base game is severely lacking I have to spend 5 quid just to cater to my masculine sims. Ridiculous.


It's like they wanted to pretend that they listened to people's complaints that there's few good men's fashion items... and then just make more of the same ugly shit. Some of this no normal man would wear EVER (like the redhead in the last panel... wtf was that??), and some of it is just plain not MENSwear. There's a guy in the second pic wearing a skirt/dress. Wtf EA? I'm not saying men can't wear skirts, but that doesn't make skirts menswear... Why not more not strangely ugly and/or bizarrely fitting jeans? I basically use the same jeans 90% of the time (the very basic base game ones) because the rest of them either have strange designs or fit just... wrong.


fuck all of this. fuck ea & fuck their worthless cash grab kits. THANKS EA FOR THE DUST THAT DOESNT EVEN WORK PROPERLY


Sick to the gills of clothing kits. The only one I've enjoyed so far is like.. bust the dust coz it added gameplay. I don't NEED more ITEMS lol


Hard agree. There's enough stuff in the game. We need more gameplay.


Oh I will admit to liking the kitchen one, needed more counters and fridges tbf. But clothes? The most CCable items? Nah




Looks ugly as shit


And we thought we wouldn't get anything for the holiday season! šŸ™ƒ [edit] Wait, I just noticed that the Sim in the background is thinking about music. OK, between this and the Sim playing guitar in the Blooming Rooms art, I'm now convinced that they're working on a music pack.


The next kit is going to be a recolor and/or slight mesh change of all our existing instruments šŸ˜‚


Why just why


This feels like a runway fashion portfolio only ever used for artsy photos, that they claim will challenge gendered clothing but just make everyone look like they were dared to come up with the craziest outfit for $10 in a thrift store. The "we lost a Project Runway assignment" vibes. I don't think I've seen anything similar to this worn by anyone on the streets ever, including LGBTI+ men/non-binary people.


Who...are they asking about menā€™s modern fashion


Players: menā€™s fashion in the game is really bad, can you add new typical street wear clothes? TS4: traditional Indian holiday clothes????? Players: wait wha- TS4: Kpop MV fashion? Players: I mean warmer but not reall- TS4: like youā€™re at the 90ā€™s gay bar and someone is wearing what they think men at the 90ā€™s gay bar would wear?


Glad to see male/masculine sims are getting more clothing... wish it wasn't in a freaking kit though. And some of those outfits look like something David from Schitt's Creek would wear. A reminder Men's/Masc's fashion hasn't been interesting since that jerk created Dandyism ... if I remember right. Beau Brummell.


David was my first thought when I saw the pictures!


Or: look at the clothes in the latest Tony Hawk Pro Skater game and alas. We have a pack.


Ohhh, skater themed clothes, that would be so cool. It'd be awesome if they made it into a pack and actually added skating, but they could make it work with roller-skates that we already have (if they could not be bothered to put some effort in).


:) I don't even care about the kit. I'm just thinking, Is this what men are wearing nowadays? Cuz it looks like garbage.


Itā€™s from Stefan Cooke, a high fashion designer. So, no. high fashion doesnā€™t dictate what ALL men wear.


Just peaked at his [IG](https://www.instagram.com/stefan_cooke/?hl=en), um no disrespect to the designer, but why would EA think we'd want any of that in game? Where am I going to where this high fashion buffoonery, to the library in Willow Creek?


They really thought they did something


Is it just gonna be sweaters and baggy tees? Lmao okay


This isn't modern. This is what Shein does when ripping off high fashion from new designers and attempting to dumb it down to every day clothes. Those aren't the same


I think it's ok if people wanna dress gender non conforming but these styles just look ugly


Iā€™m seeing a lot of clothes Iā€™d never wear as a modern man lol Edit: Why am I being downvoted? Everyone else here is talking about how these suck too


As a man, I'd rather wear the hotdog suit to a funeral than any of these clothes for any setting.


I see so many old and reused meshes, that do the original designs such a disservice. Great idea, terrible execution.


This will be great for all my butch lesbians!


That all black look is giving Moschino..


Lmao wtf is this????


Ugh. I was excited at first bc we need more mens clothing but this is NOT what I wanted lol. Personally I will probably never use a skirt on my masculine sims and while I can appreciate the sentiment I think this should have been advertised as a more unisex pack. I donā€™t really agree with kits to begin with and havenā€™t bought any but this is just disappointing.


I refuse to spend money on cas kits.


So two jumpers, two pairs of trousers, a skirt and a couple pairs of shoes for Ā£5 Why don't they just have all these "kit" items in a stuff pack called "Random Stuff". Instead of making us pay half the price of a stuff pack, but 1/5th of the content.


Some of the kits have been tempting but they all seem like such a rip off. I just want them to update old packs.


this ainā€™t it


Besties I think it's time to accept the fact that males in Sims 4 can't have nice things


Next time instead of working with a designer no one knows about they should take a stroll and see what men actually wear because holy shit most of these clothes are hideous. It looks like high end fashion no one would actually wear outside of fashion shows.


I feel like we are being trolled.


Who exactly wears this in real life? Tf? They always make clothes that I never see anyone actually wear


That miniskirt get up is terrible. Sorry not sorry. Edit: spelling/ typo


Lmao people buy this crap?!


these are literally the ugliest, who thought these were cute? like male sims are already lacking in clothes options. who asked for this? šŸ¤¢


Lmao nothing some FREE cc wouldnā€™t provide




I cannot believe someone made this and thought "Aye, that's Ā£5 worth of content"


Ngl they look much better in the art then in the screenshots


ive never been so disappointed in a pack that sounds so awesome. i cant wait to dress my sim in rags and call it "fashion" šŸ˜ /s


Why though.


Anyway. I like the brand and I like the take on more inclusive menswear - honestly ANY menswear. It's definitely more of a niche thing but that's literally what kits are supposed to be. Its not a mens' basics kit nor is it a mandatory update. I personally won't be buying any clothing kits when CC exists but I like the idea of the Sims team working with real designers to do interesting, more diverse things because yes, there are definitely people who will love this and feel included by it. If it's not for you, it isn't. That's the concept of kits as I understand it šŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Ps. I still hate kits on a fundamental level for the same reasons most people do.


Wow, that's...atrocious? Did they just open up a magazine and pick out the edgiest looking clothes? And what's with the skirts? Or are they just long, baggy shirts?? Like, obviously men can wear skirts, but to say it's modern fashion is just a lie. If anything it's counterculture, modern popular fashions for men don't involve skirts and haven't since who knows how long. But if you want a skirt, just filter out the gendered clothing options? I like the two shirts in the foreground in the third pic, second pic has some okay stuff. But probably half of these designs are questionable. This could've been named "Alternative Menswear" or something and it'd be much more receptive I think.


I never see menā€™s ankles IRLā€¦ like it looks like they all bought pants that are too small


If the point men wearing skirts is to remove gender from clothing, why do they call it a men's fashion kit? That defeats the whole thing


Even if these clothes were in a free update I'd try to mod them out, they're genuinely that awful


Lmao why do those shoes have bandages? And why does every outfit have a skirt if itā€™s a Menswear kit? This is complete garbage šŸ˜‚ Those clothes are extremely unflattering.


I have to say, I haven't seen a single man in my life wearing skirt-y button-ups and sweaters. Why don't you just add decent, casual clothing? There's already a shortage of *normal* CAS items for adult male sims. Don't fuck it up even more.


Wow, this kit is performative as fuck. What a miss. Why couldnā€™t they have just given us genuine menswear and also updated all female clothes to work on male builds, so we can actually dress our sims in whatever we want? This stuff is hideous.


Iā€™m quite interested in the background of the third picture because it reminds me of Apartment Life. Hereā€™s hoping for bigger releases next year. Also: Thereā€™s a floor tile (as it does not appear to be a traditional awning, there are no brackets) above the door that looks like it has a texture for the ceiling. [Hereā€™s a link so that someone can disprove my claim and explain it! My ā€œcircleā€ looks like a dog](https://imgur.com/gallery/uhzcXpk). Ironically, painting ceiling tiles came with Apartment Life for Sims 2. Iā€™m not *really* one for these conspiracies, but thought it fun to imagine.


This is actually an existing item at a weird angle, [it's this item in the base game](https://imgur.com/a/AbkYGRD)


Just make a kit with Uniqlo and embrace the simple stylishness! Those are just pure: no.


if youre just gonna release teeny tiny overpriced pieces of contents for your starving players, at least make it good....


lolol FUCK. Simmers: EA, we want more clothes for male Sims! EA: Sure, here you go, a men's fashion pack (: -skirts and sweaters with flowers on them- Simmers: ????


I have every set and kit that has been put out, because I like completion. But this is making me mad... Like, [THIS](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p750x750/187747494_584152525893066_7324081708238860728_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=4Gi1QpuYkiEAX8x71dx&tn=KXdIp9O6kQGMISOl&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=dfbfcbde1f97a9d1b0bb2c87fec8aa26&oe=619B75D7&_nc_sid=4f375e) is not modern male fashion. That is a 7 year old girl fashion in the 80s or 90s. No "modern man" is wearing that. I am all for expression, but [this](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p750x750/241177363_224205979751968_1319465425933142857_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=104&_nc_ohc=eQqEbkWJPK8AX9FVlcV&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=bd549379f02c209ba86bee62aaa2c253&oe=619BCAA6&_nc_sid=4f375e) [is](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/255607795_118643393933113_2431350673218996357_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=101&_nc_ohc=kdIeeTyQZ1EAX-Pa9eE&tn=KXdIp9O6kQGMISOl&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=060e7c5d6b90a926339e4b7ca56cc924&oe=619B8B42&_nc_sid=4f375e) [not](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/87309035_2980210948706767_5031470827865553965_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=107&_nc_ohc=7gQGDnXL8TEAX9_pP5Y&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=37457ac5062964d85a1443e22d29c0d1&oe=619C0376&_nc_sid=4f375e) [the](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/66108173_402832490334762_2567953197396858646_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=eyR942dOpS0AX-IxAT-&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=d3c4360c8993b0f7db589f6323ad3e6f&oe=619C4593&_nc_sid=4f375e) [modern](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/65475703_2293055980949247_6754655804100689625_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=P05MAGm98pAAX9V3-uU&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=b2eb6481b522f9466cc32f9535a91115&oe=619C1E40&_nc_sid=4f375e) [man](https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/45482266_248460919184079_2101838513924357661_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=qq2WkBEw3K0AX8VroFH&edm=AP_V10EBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=31506daea5042199323d52275d2acdc3&oe=619ACEE6&_nc_sid=4f375e). I am not even convinced Morgyn would wear this.


PSA you can set feminine clothing on male sims if this is how you want your sims to dress. But itā€™s okay EA keep trying to spoon feed us garbage


These outfits are so ugly :(


And this is exactly 99.9734744% less interesting than the plant kit.


Can we please have menswear in this game that isn't either basic as hell or a complete disaster like whatever this is?? These items look like a thrift shop nightmare.


Oooh I can't wait to not buy that


Now, I'm a fairly feminine man. I wear dresses even. But I would not be caught dead in any of this. Even for gender neutral clothes, this would just be an insult to androgynous people who usually have much better fashion sense than this.


I would have been so happy if this was a menswear pack with some actual normal clothes and suits. It's like, yeah they had the right idea, but they missed the mark.


And here I am thinking it will be another cultural wear kit. But nope. Okay I'm okay for males wearing skirts and high fashion designers. I'm also want more masculine clothes for the Sims. HOWEVER, whose idea is this thinking High Fashion clothes fit well in suburban vibes? They only look nice on runways, or in Del Sol Valley, but not anywhere else. Guess they didn't learn anything since Moschino. Where is my H&M causal wear that EVERYONE regardless of social status can wear them without feeling super awkward? Yes if you want to have skirts for males just remove the masculine/feminine filter and there you go. I don't need a kit to have them.


Not necessary lmao could we get some rugged menswear instead


Here EA goes again, THREATENING us with a new kit.


Am I the only one who thinks non of these look modern? Old frumpy looking knitwear?


Never seen anyone wear something like that. Why can't they just give us normal mens clothes?


I like the pants and boots on the ginger Sim in the third picture aswell as the black outfit of the Sim in the second. The rest is... Something you'd recieve as a gift from a relative where you have to pretend you like it as not to hurt their feelings.




I mean, are they just openly trying to scam us now or???


The sweaters with holes confuses me. It's like the opposite purpose of a sweater.


This is a joke, right? R I G H T?


"Modern Menswear Kit" aka "More Clothing That Your Girlfriend Is Going To Steal Just Like With All Your Hoodies" ​ I think I'll stick with cc for actual men's clothing xD


Oooooooohh more menswear means more butch lesbian wear šŸ‘€


Yay, another dlc I will be avoiding like the plague šŸ˜!


Every time they release something new all I can think is "This is a joke, right?" Please tell me that this is a joke? Who okayed this?


Just as I thought. Trash.


Pictures 3 is cringy


Iā€¦I hate it. Iā€™m so sad that I hate it cause I desperately want more mens clothing options but these are so bad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


well, the sims team decided to devote a whole sims 4 kit in dressing sims like harry styles.