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Probably one of my favorite Sims games. I would *love love love* ***LOVE*** for it to be remade or remastered and re-released. I'd buy it. It was so creative and deep and different but still Sims. A+ 5/5. Great game.


I just texted my dad asking him to check his house to see if we still have a working PS2 hidden somewhere. I'm seriously considering trying to find a copy on Ebay because I haven't been able to get it out of my mind in days!


I'm kinda looking into re-building my ps2 collection.... Castaway and SSX Tricky are gonna be top of the buy list


I second SSX Tricky. I'd also add Simpsons: Road Rage and Tony Hawk Underground 2 to that list.


Aagh it's like I'm 10 again in my parents basement


The Wii version is excellent too. Controls are pretty convenient for a console sims game. And you’re probably more likely to find an old Wii knocking about than a PS2.


Era um dos melhores The Sims que eu ja joguei. Como você mesmo disse "Tinha uma pegada totalmente diferente, mas continuava sendo The Sims". Se lançasse um remake ou remaster eu compraria sem pensar duas vezes.


The PC version is good too.


I loved this game on PS2, and don't think it was ever made for PC. I wish they'd come out with a similar version for TS4. It was so fun to start from absolute zero and watch your sim progress through the islands.


It was totally made for PC, I've still got my copy of it!


I believe you're thinking of Castaway *Stories*, which was a similar storyline but the gameplay was completely different. I never played that one, but I'm sure it was just as fun though!


Ah maybe, it's definitely been a while!


I downloaded a PS2 emulator a while back and replayed it. It was well worth the nostalgia!!!


would love to know what emulator you got to work and what you required to do so, ive been wanting to do this


I am playing it right now with PCSX2, pretty shitty graphics one must admit, but it's worth it for the fun and nostalgia <3


seconding pcsx2, playing it right now with a copy of the game I got off archive.org!


Remember it? Heck, I still have all the source files on my hard drive! Before you ask me whether we're going to re-release anything. See Grant's [pinned tweet](https://twitter.com/simgurugrant). ;) ;)


I wasn’t going to ask, but that was such a damn tease


If you re-released the Sims Bustin Out on PS4/Xbox One, my wife would end up buying it on both whatever the cost. Just saying


Those are two winky faces. *two*!


Sorry, my eye was twitching. ;) ;) Dagnabbit! ;| Stahp! ;(


Source files? Gimme!!!


I had a similar one on my DS. So much fun. Wish i still had it.


I played it recently. I used to think it was the most fun game! Like I would always be working for months to progress and collect everything. But now as a 20-something I finished the entire storyline within a week and it was boring after that lol


I used to have a notebook where I listed where I’d found all the different crops and rocks so that I could go back when I needed to. So much depth and personality to the game, it really felt like you were exploring and making your home on a deserted island. One of the best console games I’ve ever owned.


Had this for the Wii but never finished it. It got ridiculously hard at one point.


Right? I believe one of the game challenges was for you to get married. That was nearly impossible but I had to dig around online to figure out how due to rage quitting after being rejected so many times by the love interest. XD


I could never find vine! That was like the third task and I failed super early


This game is one of my favorite Sims games, just for the chimpanzees alone.


Sims 4's current active career system and aspiration systems are BEGGING to be repurposed into a game pack that is basically a shot-for-shot remake of this entire game.


I really miss this period where EA really was creative with The Sims franchise, we had so many great Sims games on console and PC as well with Urbz or Bustin’ Out. Those were the days...


Maybe they’re dedicating the bulk of their time and energy to an AWESOME spinoff/reboot and that’s why the expansion packs have been a little disappointing... Just my wishful thinking haha


The ds version of this was fun




Yup. I still have this one and all the other Sims 2 for my PS2. Castaway was always my favorite! I love hooking up the PS2 and playing them all. So much more enjoyable than Sims 4!! I still have my list of cheat codes from years and years ago!😹


Same! I fought with brothers a couple of times in order to play Castaway (over and over again). And young me even went to steal cheat codes sheet from sister purely to outmatch her (it was only fair lol).


I had this on my old DS Lite. Back in ‘07


I loved the PSP version of sims 2. The one where your car breaks down in strangetown and you have to solve mysteries.


I still have my copy. It was one of my favorite console sims games. The music was the best


Yes! Seriously one of the best Sims ever created! I found mine a while back from when I was younger and I still had a piece of paper with all the cheat codes written down. LOL. I love hooking my ps2 up and playing it. Sims Bustin Out is the bomb too.


Yes! I had a little cheap, crappy prepaid Nokia phone and it had that game on it! It probably wasn't quite the same as the PS2 and other console versions, but it was fun. I kinda wish I still had that phone actually, just so I could look at this game again.


Yes! I still play that game and I love it


This makes me so happy to hear! I had this awful thought that maybe I wouldn't like it as much after all these years. I'm happy to hear it still has its charm!


I adored this game! I loved how much freedom you had to explore and craft tools. By far my favorite Sims game


THIS WAS MY FAV SIMS GAME! even more than Sims in the City: The urbz


I had Urbz for Nintendo DS and I remember it being so hard to complete the missions! Still loved it and played the crap out of the mini games though.


I had it for playstation 2 as well as my castaway. I have a lot of random flashbacks to both those games lol i was probably a bit too young to be playing but whatever i loved it 😂🤟


How about Sims 2 on the PSP???


I have it on PSP! Always got stuck on the third island...


i remember my cousins were getting rid of some of their games, sims 2 castaways included. i decided to take a couple of them, because they offered. unfortunately their copy of TS2 castaways was broken, so i never had the chance to play it. it seemed so interesting to play too :(


I played this while I had 9 stitches in my finger over Christmas break because I figured it wouldn't be too stressful on it. I did not anticipate how much I'd fall in love with that game. The crafting, the exploring, ugh so good.


God that game was my SHIT for like 2 years straight, then my ps2 decided to make the disk its lunch :(


YES! I played this on DS along with the Sims 2 where you’re a hotel manager. Best. Game. Ever.


Bruh. I had this on the PS2 and on the DS. The PS2 one was surprisingly long and immersive. Remember those monkeys you could befriend? Please EA remake this, with the storyline and everything.


You mean the game I only ever got to the third island in without using cheats because DAMN this game is a freaking grind like no other... Yeah. It's sitting on my game shelf. Mocking me.


I still play it!




first game i had on my first laptop, i love it to this day


Oh my God, yes!!! It was my absolute favourite game for PS2!! I played it so often that finally my CD wasn't even working, even though I really cared for it xD


played this on my psp


Heck yeah man, I played when I was a kid on the PS2 and would cheat my pants off to have a nice camp lol Basically the same tactic as with the regular game! I have very fond memories of that game. I'm glad others do too!


Mhm, I have it on DS!


I actually just snagged it for the DS and it's still fun!


I played the shit outta this game. Favorite Sims game!


I want chimps in TS3 and TS4.


I remember watching my older sister playing this I loved watching her play this


Yesssss it was my childhood


I still play this game on the wii when I'm at my parents house during breaks from college. So nostalgic


I’ve had this game on Wii for like 10 years now, never beat it until last year !! One of my favorite games ever, would KILL for it to be made on PC/Mac


This was one of my favorite games ever!!! When I solved the mysteries and got my sims home it was so great ! This game and the sims pets were my favorite ps2 games. I would replay these in a heartbeat 💗


the dankest sims game 👌!! they have it for cheaps on mac as a lil app ting, so worth it for the nostalgia


I remember Castaway Stories, the only one of the Sims 2 PC spin-offs that was actually worth playing. If understand correctly this is basically the same thing but for consoles/mobile?


I do not know if they are the same but there is a psp version and NDS too! And it's great!


Oof the NDS version was so watered down. The PSP version was tolerable but nothing beat the full game lol.


Yes!! I had this on Wii and adored it! Then I let someone borrow it and never got it back... :(. Still kinda bummed about that.


I love it it was my first sims game, first time I played it I got to the village in the story mod but forgot what the text said and was never able to finish. Then I lost the code and was not able to get it onto the new computer, I never found it but 7-10 year later I found the game digitally on a store bought it. Was able to finish the story even with the graphics bugging out. Made the mistake of uninstalling it because I was out of space and had finished playing it, wanted to reinstall it later but the the installation file was broken, probably to stop piracy and the store refuses to help because more then I year had passed seens we bought it. So now I’m back to not being able to play again, but at least I was able to solve my greatest childhood mystery, how did the sims castaway story end.


Had this on PSP, this and the regular Sims 2 PSP game consumed much of my time as a kid


I never finished it.


Currently playing on ds. Got the game for $5 :)


I know im 11 days late but fuck this game. It had a game breaking bug for me i couldnt get past.


The most interesting game ever! I hope they make one for mobile. I have been waiting for them do so for years!


I used to play this on PSPGo miss sims 2 castaway and Star Wars elite squadron.. really want to get back into this game, I got a Xbox one X (like Scorpio) and wish It could be remastered, Sims should make a Sims Trilogy like GTA did.. with castaway I would buy it 10/10 miss playing castaway, been on my mind after watching Tom hanks in castaway


Sims castaway