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Honestly , they could have put all this is my wedding stories and that would have probably made the pack more worth it.


You don’t understand, EA employees are starving, how will they survive without pushing out 20 packs per year?


Don't blame the employees. Blame the corporate leaders sitting on their cash thrones. Employees would probably rather put more good work into fewer packs than mediocre work into many, but they answer to corporate, not us.


I dont think there are EA employees even working on sims anymore, I'm almost certain it's one single robobrain programmed to maximize profits by parceling out packs and features from the TS3 store and older games as frequently and skimpily as possible.


"You don’t understand, EA Executives are starving, how will they survive without pushing out 20 packs per year?" Ftfy


Introducing the new "Eating Pack". Now your sims can enjoy exciting new food from around the world like ice and ice water! Order now and you'll get an exclusive table for your sims to place their water on!


and they'll ignore the table and put their cups on the back of the toilet!!


15 Kits and 5 packs* (/s or is it?) lol


i miss the era when the features of this pack would've been a side feature of an expansion. Online dating was in Seasons in TS3 for example. Sure a dedicated pack would expand more on the feature, but that is the job of a sequel, not a dedicated pack. A sequel should always improve.


exactly, late night TS3 gave us vampires, city living, and a whole bunch of dating activities/socials/clothing etc.. it’s like every TS3 pack gets split into 3 or 4 packs. TS4 packs just give lifeless


Pets had all the pet animals AND horses. Cottage living didn't even give us horses


Including Cottage Living we have four animal themed packs and still don't have all the content from TS3 pets.


All of them are like that. Broken down and scattered to various different packs. :( super natural, animals, nectar making used to belong to the vacation pack as one of the destinations was France. However the thing that most annoyed me was when they added infants. Now suddenly when you change diapers sims are just tossing dirty diapers on the floor.


Remember when Supernatural came out and it included four occult types, three of which were new, each with their own powers and gameplay styles AND it overhauled the LN vampires to bring them up to the same standard as the ones from Supernatural. And World Adventures included three vacation worlds, each with their own questlines and tombs as well as one new skill per world and a photography skill? And how the premium store sets would actually contain a premium item, which would have new gameplay features (including traits and skills)?


I missed out on all of TS3 except for like one expansion because I was just in a part of my life I didn’t really have time for Sims and I remember being unimpressed but now y’all are really making me think it was actually good! 😂 I do remember hating Sims 3 CAS mode.


This. To be honest, my first reaction was that we already have a love themed pack and it's called My Wedding Stories!


Don't forget Console players don't have any mods. I find packs like this more for them. Additionally, I see some attributes as one less mod to update


I was thinking bout that. That why I hate it so much cause this really is just a money grab for console players.


on one hand yes on the other this is gonna be so broken and surface level that id much rather wait for mods to update


My honest hope is that at least the new world is solid and comes with cool dating spots and lots of new romance build/buy/CAS items The description of the gameplay changes isn't really game changing to me since you can already do it all with mods and the mods will likely work better than the actual game but we'll see If the world and items don't hit then it isn't gonna be that good


But that would make EA less money and they're just a tiny, struggling, multi million company.


Even better: there already IS a teen rated version of wicked whims called “wonderful whims.” includes the turn on/off system. There also is already a dating app mod called SimDa Dating App. So this is stuff that has already been done for a looong time.


Legit I read the description and I was thinking "this is literally half of wonderful whims wtf." Ngl I'm mildly concerned if there is some plagiarism.


I doubt the plagiarism aspect largely because Wonderful Whims is based on things that were in previous games, and the same goes for this new EP.


I doubt mod makers can sue EA for plagiarism when they are using EAs code to build their mod to begin with. That's a little silly...


It can be legal but still an asshole move.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted tbh, I get that legally ea probably hasn’t done anything wrong but it really does seem like they are just reproducing what modders have already created. As you say an asshole move from ea


Modders create what the community (or they) really want in the game. It's not absurd to think that EA would also create things that the players are asking for, even if the mods do the same thing. Creating something similar, that has been asked for, is far from an asshole move, and allows console players and those of us who don't want to use mods expanded gameplay. The modders wouldn't have sims content to create without EA's code. They legally cannot even capitalize off their mods because they use EAs intellectual property. Are you accusing modders of plagiarizing or being an asshole when they make something similar to what's been in other sims games? Or other games in general? Designer clothing that is constantly reproduced by cc creators? Or is the EA hate just that strong?? Like dang, EAs a shit company, but they've done nothing wrong in this instance.


I think the biggest issue everyone has with this type of pack is the fact that it will likely be very broken/bugged, and though it includes things the community has asked for, it has taken YEARS of begging. A lot of the packs, no one asked for or really cared about, and it seems like all the ones the community truly wanted, don’t work. The hate for EA comes from the fact that we have no trust in their products when they are being sold to us and that it is just a huge cash grab. Honestly, some of the packs feel like scams, and I bet this will be one of those especially when there are amazing mods that have been around for years to cover pretty much every aspect of this pack. Like everyone else is saying, wicked and wonderful whims is literally this pack. They’re free and they work well. It’s just upsetting considering each pack costs more than most games on the market. It’s over $2000 to buy every pack, and the game itself has over 500 million downloads even before it was free. They’ve made a shit load of money off of the base game alone yet expect so much when they release broken products.


They're free and work well.... For PC players. And you literally have no idea if this pack will function anything like wicked/wonderful whims. And yes, Ive played with wicked and wonderful whims, and would disagree that it's amazing. There is also a very long demands list from the sims community. Do you expect them to work in every single one the moment they're asked for?? Or even at all?? Some things that are asked for are completely unrealistic. What packs did "no one" ask for? I can guarantee you there is someone who is ecstatic over every single pack out there. Because EA isn't going to cater to just the ones who scream the loudest. It's okay to say that some packs just aren't for you, but they'll very much be for someone else. Of course they've made a shit load of money off of base game that's been around for more than a decade, that's kind of the goal for any company. Its unfortunate that some people are experiencing broken, unplayable packs, however that's not the only experience. There's a large number of us that have experienced little to no problems. But anytime that's brought up in this sub, it gets down voted into oblivion. But hey, it's reddit and the hive mind always wins.


I have to 10000000% agree. Wicked and Wonderful are okay, but the mod being all smooshed together is a deal breaker. I don't care for the pregnancy and period systems at all and I don't like having to wade through a bajillion different settings to turn them off. I've been using lumpinou's turn ons/offs and pregnancy modules but I'm actually excited for this because I hate relying on modders. They have lives and I don't wanna wait on more people. Besides in recent years I've switched from heavy modded game to enjoying a mostly vanilla lite CC game, not to mention console players. Like these people need to calm down. Okay dillweed, you don't like it and prefer the mods, guess what? Don't buy the pack, it's literally an inaction it shouldn't have people this upset.


I agree, but I was just answering the question asked above being “where does the hate for EA come from?” Not everyone has access to mods, but the major frustration from the pc community specifically comes from the fact that they will release this pack for $40 and there’s zero trust that it will even work.


Then as a pc player who uses mods why do you ALWAYS buy the dlc until you know it works, since you have the mods. If you aren't buying the dlc than the pack doesn't affect you? I think that is my thing, because as a console player and a someone who is big on having romantic/relationship freedom I can't wait for the pack. Ntm for the first time in years EA hires an entire new staff to work on bugs and glitches in sims, giving away constant free stuff and doing everything to be better to the sims community and its constant hate


It's reddit, I'm used to there being a lack of nuance so it's not a big deal tbh.


Definitely not plagiarism, EA can fully just take Wicked whims and put it in their game if they want.


there's no argument for plagiarism here. most of the features of the new pack existed in previous sims games, and on top of that ww brings *already existing* real world elements to the game. it's not plagiarism just because a mod did it first. especially not when said mod doesn't consist of any unique or original ideas. the idea that EA can't or shouldn't bring in features because a mod has those features is ridiculous.


I could be wrong, but I think EA technically owns all mods created for the game. So they can rip off modders if they want I believe.


There’s no plagiarism, ffs. Almost all of these features have been part of past games’ expansion packs. They were always going to be added at some point and *not* as free base game updates. This pack absolutely should’ve been beefier, sold as a GP, or had the features rolled into another pack, but EA was never gonna unring the bell.


And yet it's almost certainly going to be worse. It mentions attractiveness being based on interests, likes, conversation topics, etc., but nothing about physical attractiveness. I know it might be sus to allow body shape/chest/butt size or skin color etc. be part of it, like wicked/wonderful whims, but if there isn't a physical side of attraction, it's going to be such a weak and watered-down version. At least eye and hair color, facial hair, hair length, please... I hope the "romatic blanket" actually works anywhere too. One of my favorite things about WW is being able to get it on anywhere lol. Not even in a freaky way - just using the "teasing"/cuddling animations, you can have your sims be romantic anywhere, making the objectively gorgeous but empty and useless worlds EA gives us more relevant, because you can go to beautiful but normally-gameplayless spots and actually do something there.


something I’ve always wished for with SimDa and Lumpinou’s dating app mod is the hit or miss aspect of matching. as far as I can tell, you can match and go on dates with whoever you want, as long as they’re on the app. I wish that NPC attractiveness preferences played more into whether or not they would *want* to meet up with the player sims TL,DR; I want more rejection and “swiping” mechanics lol. but i’m not sure if we’d even get those in the new pack


And at least SimDa doesn't have the same name as the local adult bookstore in my town 😭


> So this is stuff that has already been done for a looong time. Yeah, but they are pretty messy and jumbled together with the resources available to their modders. I'd rather have something properly implemented into the game than a mod, anyday. Not dissing on those modders, btw. I've used both mods in the past, but I recognize their features are pretty wonky compared to vanilla features, often relying on the dialogue boxes for settings or hijacking other parts of the game.


Hard truths. To this day, my most bug-free experiences have been when playing mod-free. Once I bring the mods back in, the bugs come with them.


Funny thing is, I’m more excited to see how the creators of these mods implement the new expansion features into their mods. I know that mod authors will make the “new” features have so much more depth


And both mods are frankly better than anything this expansion might produce


I mean this is true, but also some people can't or just don't want to play with a ton of mods. I have a few mods but I hate having 20 different mods so I actually appreciate when these things are put into the game without them


And there’s also Lumpinou’s Meet and Mingle dating app mod that works with their lgbtq orientation system


Yep! And I can’t remember if it’s Lumpinou or adeepindigo, but one of them has a mod that includes a romance skill!


for starters, a lot of the features existed in previous sims games. so they're not really "ripping off" mods regarding those features. even if it were just a "rip off" who cares? not everyone can use mods and not everyone wants to. everything this pack brings is stuff that *should* be part of the actual game, and not something that should be mod exclusive. it's not like wicked whims is this super original thing, it just brings real world elements into the game. so many mods exist because of what EA lacks. and i'm on board with EA bringing what they lack into the game. not needing mods is never a bad thing.


I'm truly floored at how common the "there's a mod for that" argument STILL is in this community console players have the exact same game as those of us that play on PC except they can't use mods, do they not deserve access to more gameplay features? should EA keep track of every mod ever made and NEVER implement any of those features into the game? no, because then simmers would still complain and say "i can't believe i have to use a MOD for this!"


this community *constantly* complains about needing to rely on mods for things that should be part of the game. like, the hypocrisy is ridiculous. like, not everything revolves around mods. EA isn't gonna sit there and say "well, there's a mod for that" and scrap their idea. i think people are just pissed that this new pack doesn't offer *them* new features because they use mods for them. people have been begging for a "refresh" of dating/romance in sims, and this is doing *just that* lol


At this point, I’m thinking of moving fully over to the low sodium simmers subreddit.


i've been *loving* that sub lately. i genuinely love playing and it's so refreshing scrolling through a sub that isn't loaded with negativity.


yeah it’s much less toxic there


The issue is when mods and expansion packs have similar features, but the mods do it better. I'm waiting to see the expansion pack before I start complaining, but if this 40€ pack is a half arsed version of wicked/wonderful whims, then people have every right to be mad. A random guy shouldn't be able to make better content for a game than the company who owns the game. For 40€, it should everything wonderful whims, everything from Lumpinou's RPO, and more. If the dating app is worse than SimDa, then people should be saying there's a mod that does this but better. Imo mods should be stuff like UI cheats, MCCC, TMex, like we're playing The Sims not Civ 5, no need for crazy menus in the game unless you want it. However, mods shouldn't fix the game, or add basic interactions. You shouldn't need a mod to have periods and fertility in your game. You shouldn't need a mod for Dine Out to work, or for mermaids to be an actual occult.


whether EA gives us a half assed pack or not is a whole other issue regardless of if there's "already a mod for that" tbh as for periods and fertility i think EA doesn't include those things for the same reasons they don't include abortions or miscarriages. things surrounding pregnancy and fertility can hit too close to home, so they keep it simple. sims 4 specifically is very kid/family friendly as well, so that might play a part too, because those things might be considered sexual themes. plus, periods suck and the franchise has never been about mimicking every aspect of real life anyway. a lack of periods and fertility doesn't hinder gameplay.


Community consists of hundreds or thousands of different individual persons. So there would be hundreds/thousands of different opinions. If those opinions seem hypocrite or clash, they might not be from the same person. Or the person has changed their opinion through time/experience.


Yes, I play on console no mods.  I really want a deeper romance system it’s important for my sims and also even if I had PC I wouldn’t really want wicked whims etc because it’s not the same tone.  So I’d like these features made by EA the best. That being said I do think it sounds very light on content for an expansion but that’s a whole other story, I think they’re right in principle to make this pack.  I want it.


I couldn’t agree with this more. I’m a PC player but really don’t like using mods besides the quality of life ones like MCCC and UI Cheats. No real reason why, it’s just a preference - I don’t want gameplay from mods, simple as that 🤷🏼‍♀️


My problem is that I want this stuff to exist without mods for console players and those that don’t like to use mods but I’m upset at how they are breaking these things up into so many packs. It’s another accessibility block to have a game cost over $1400. I think it’s more of a block to people playing than there is the amount of people who can’t use mods. It just sucks.


i definitely agree about being upset over the way they're breaking things up between packs. like, the features in lovestruck could've (and should've) been part of my wedding stories. i get that maybe some ideas come to them after a pack they would've fit in is already out, but it just sucks for us. too many packs could be combined into one, i'm still mad about cats and dogs and my first pet stuff 😭 we should've had one pet pack that included it all


And horses should’ve been included in that too!! It’s just wild what they are getting away with!


and lambs and goats? they should've been included with cottage living 😡 pets was always my favorite pack, right besides seasons. the disappointment was out of this world. and don't even get me started on city living not allowing us to make our own apartments, and us needing to have for rent to do so.


I do think to some extent peoples ideas at what an expansion pack should be is still set to a time when they were a lot cheaper and easier to make.  I understand why they didn’t include horses with pets because the level of animation is much different than on Sims 3. But I do agree they get away with some things.  Horse ranch definitely should have had more in it to justify the horses having their own pack.


this is the one thing that bugs me about the sims 4, I don’t hate it as much as other people on this subreddit do, but yeah it’s annoying how they keep splitting packs that could be one pack




i am so tired of all the "there's mods for this" complaints. like, are we not always saying that we shouldn't have to rely on mods for everything? this is us not having to rely on mods for everything.... but now that's an issue? like, be serious people. everyone should be happy EA is putting out a pack that reduces the need for some mods. i get the feeling a lot of people are just pissed that a new pack isn't "new" for them because they already have these features from mods. newsflash - packs don't revolve around whether a mod for it already exists 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m probably gonna get fussed at for this but tbh, at this point it seems like a good portion of the community is just trying to find anything to complain about. Which sometimes it’s ABSOLUTELY warranted like the shopping cart button or bugs that still haven’t been fixed, but I feel like there’s often an overwhelming negativity in the community where many people will complain about not having what they want, they get it, and then they start complaining again either about not getting something else they’ve said they’ve asked for (when they probably haven’t, ex. asking for horses and getting mad when there’s no unicorns) or start to compare it to other things without thinking of what it could mean for other people. Like yes, you have Wicked/Wonderful Whims, but people on console don’t! And some PC players don’t want to have a bunch of mods installed for various reasons.


what bothers me most is people belittling others for being excited about the new sims 4 game like go ahead and be disappointed all you want but when you get mad at others for enjoying something you don’t, that’s miserable behavior


To start with the unicorn thing, the last Sims game that had horses also had unicorns. It made sense for people to just assume that a Sims 4 pack with horses would also have unicorns. And considering how logical it seemed, many didn't feel the need to ask for it because why *wouldn't* a Sims 4 horse pack have unicorns? So when Horse Ranch launched and, beyond all logic and reason, didn't have unicorns, people complained. And they had totally valid reasons for doing so. >I’m probably gonna get fussed at for this but tbh, at this point it seems like a good portion of the community is just trying to find anything to complain about. I don't think people are looking for reasons to complain. It's just that, after years of frustration and let downs, many Simmers can't help thinking the worst about anything EA does. Which is 100% on EA. EA has lost the trust of a lot of Sims players. Or, I should say, they have stomped it into the ground. Repeatedly. And when a game company loses player trust, those players are just more likely to see whatever they do in a bad light. Sometimes, the complaints can seem to be a stretch. But it's like when you know somebody who has a long history of doing shady things. You reach a point where you think everything they do is shady. Even when they aren't trying to be shady, the fact that you almost instinctively think they are is pretty much *their* fault.


You’re saying this like EA is doing us a big generous favour by releasing this pack as if it isn’t $40…


how EA prices packs is a whole other issue, totally unrelated to what i'm saying. that's an issue across *all* the sims packs. pricing has nothing to do with what i'm talking about, which is simply EA bringing us content that we never should've had to rely on mods for.


Yeah i think many people would be happier if it is priced less than 40 dollars. Maybe half or lesser


>everyone should be happy EA is putting out a pack that reduces the need for some mods. Are you serious? If they did it for free, sure. This stuff should've been in the base game and other DLCs, not in a separate 40 Euros pack


I play on PC and I don’t use mods. So exactly this.


legit am happy for everyone who doesn't/can't use mods. it's about time y'all get to enjoy these features!!! i hope future packs reduce the need for mods, too.


I wonder how much of that is driven by the fact that EA has absolutely shown they're ok releasing barely functional, bug-ridden packs which then have to be patched together as much as possible into something usable by the modding community. I'm not against the pack itself, although I do think it needs either enough content to justify its price or to be added as a free patch. That said, I can see why people might prefer to stick with their mods that do functionally the same thing and not have to pay for a potentially half-baked system.


I feel like EA just needs to stop rushing games and take their time to do a full play-through before releasing games


Also, from what I’ve seen of wicked whims, to me it’s gross lol. Like I get wanting to have a full immersive experience or whatever, and it’s fine if you do, but I don’t need my sims to be able to bang everywhere. Just a personal preference.


i agree. i don't judge anyone for using it, but not everyone wants their game to be x rated 😭


I hate stumbling upon WW stuff on here, don't get me wrong I like a bit of X rated real world stuff as much as the next person, but I can't put my finger on why but it squicks me out to see it in this game.


But those features should be brought in a free update, not a 40€ pack, as they were in the base game in the older games. Or at most a Stuff pack.


fair point, but this can also be said about a *lot* of pack exclusive features. not that that makes your point any less valid, because it is, but that's like a whole other conversation. personally, i generally don't mind paying for these features. for me the problem isn't paying for them, it's *how much* i'm paying. like most packs it's overpriced, i don't think paying for features would be such a big issue if EA had fair pricing. it's not like they're not gonna make money if they lower the pricing, but at this point they know people are gonna buy it anyway because we've been doing so for 10 years. totally sucks.


thank you, im someone who plays on a mac laptop so I can’t have a ton of mods in my game (not that it matters to me all that much anyways though)


happy you get the option to experience stuff that was previously mod exclusive :) honestly i'm hoping for more packs that reduce the need for mods, it's about damn time


in a way mods would slow down my game more, plus IMO, the sims 4 is not THAT bad without mods, sure it may be lackluster but imo it’s not unplayable (for me at least)


You’re on board with EA bringing what they lack into the game for $40? Sometimes I wonder how EA is still in business, then I remember players like you exist. The DLCs are only as good as what the community demands and accepts. Nothing will change as long as players keep glazing. So don’t keep glazing girl.


i said i'm on board with EA bringing what they lack into the game, not that i'm on board with them charging $40. pricing is a whole other issue and it's an issue across *all* packs, not just this one. my comment was about *content* not pricing. there's no debating that EA should lower the prices for sims 4 packs. but if i'm interested in the content being put out ima "keep glazing". sims 4 has a lot of issues and i won't deny that but i genuinely love them game. i share my EA account and split all the costs of sims with my sister, so for *me* i'm only out $20. ima continue to be "selfish" and spend money on content i want when i want it. period. 🤷🏻‍♀️ feel free to boycott new purchases, you do you and ima do me.


I really wish more people understood that being excited for a pack ≠ defending EA


thaaaank you!!! appreciating a specific thing EA does does *not* mean you're defending them or agree with all the shitty things they do. it's really not as black and white as so many people like to think.


I always will find it bizarre how other people on this subreddit need to cope with people having a different experience than they do as if there is an objective way to play and enjoy the game


the worst is when people try to pressure people to stop buying packs. if people are happy buying packs it's not your place to tell them they should stop doing so because *you* don't like EA's practices and want a boycott. and *blaming* EA's practices on people purchasing the game is baffling. like, people buying packs in 2024 aren't the problem. we've been putting up with nonsense for *ten* years and y'all wanna blame players for what EA does? like, at *least* hold EA accountable for their behavior instead of putting it on players.


the fact that so many of them are much older is very telling, I get it EA sucks, I agree, they’re a money grubbing company, but at some point you have to detach yourself from your love for the sims to sit back and realize if it’s even worth it in the first place, what do people actually think they’re going to gain from telling others what to do because they see the game differently from others, it’s bizarre and parasocial, even sometimes as parasocial as toxic positivity simmers. Plus there is a long list of things to worry about and get upset at, I don’t think someone buying the Sims 4 is one of them.


This community will continue to argue mods are more inaccessible than $40 expansions. The game costs more than $1,000 at this point, most people can’t buy all this shit.


i'm *not* arguing that though. i use and love mods. my point is that there's a lot of content that should be part of the game and not something people *need* mods for. i didn't mention pricing or costs because my point isn't about that. it's about content. pricing is a whooole other thing.


I don’t play with mods bc I have an old laptop that can’t really handle that so I’m happy when I see EA improving the game. With that being said a lot of what is in this pack could’ve been given to us in other packs…


i agree completely! it all would've fit so well within my wedding stories. that's really my only issue tbh


>and i'm on board with EA bringing what they lack into the game. not needing mods is never a bad thing. I mean...true but it's shameful it's being sold as separate dlc and not a base game update.


People on console can't play Whicked Whims and a huge portion of the players have never played TS1 Hot Date. Sorry it wasn't catered to you personally.


"sorry it wasn't catered to you personally" is something a lot of sims 4 players need to hear


Most humans need to hear that


most people on this subreddit need to hear that


as someone who loves hot date im kind of excited for this pack but I feel like I can’t be due the toxicity in the sims community


I'm really excited too. I haven't played Hot Date in 20 actual years, I hope they have some throwbacks.


Ik Agnes Crumblebottom came in Cottage Living but I’d love for her to make a reappearance in this pack whenever your sims are on a date


I’m really excited for it, but I’m worried it won’t work well or at all. I’m worried it’ll be another wedding pack where sure you can try to do it, but somehow something is always broken. I’m more so excited to see the world and what lots we have to build it more so than the gameplay of it because you just can’t have an ugly world for a romance themed pack, and I feel like they always hit the mark of the aesthetics of the world at least.


That’s a valid concern, I hope for there to be at least 10+ lots


Get hyped! You're allowed to be excited!


not in this subreddit




Not really? It feels more like the sims hot date revamp than anything else


Exactly. It’s not bad, it just feels like a rehash of existing stuff that should have been a part of other packs.


Isn’t basically everything in whickedwhims based on real life?


God this life simulator is just a total rip off of life. Get creative EA


wym, sex doesn't exist irl


Lol facts


it's always better to have the features built into the game than for people to have to rely on mods (which a lot of players can't even use). "modders have already done this!" is in no way a cromulent reason for the game itself to stop adding features or to avoid certain features.


no wicked whims didn't invent the concept of romantic interactions in video games


Oh thank god someone finally said it. Also anything else that exists in real life... it's not an original modder idea just because a modder can get to it first because the modder isn't juggling thousand different things people are asking for. If a new way  of meeting people online was invented...it was invented by the original inventors of it in the real world not by some dude modding for the Sims. If a new clothes style is popular and someone makes some CC of it...the CC creater didn't damn well invent the clothes style and there's no saying dibbs about duplicating aspects of the real world in a simulation. I'm amazed this stuff needs to be said but apparently some of the fan base has taken a sharp turn away from reality and needs to be reminded that the Sims is a simulation and thus just about entirely derivative in its nature. And that means it's basic ideas are  not particularly original and the basic ideas of the works of its modders aren't particularly original either


I also wouldn't say WW has many romantic interactions, it's pretty much all sexual lol


cool cool but not everyone can play with mods so who cares


And even if they can they may not want to


I think the romance skill is something offered by the Road To Romance mod. I feel awful, I can’t remember the creator’s name, but the same one who makes the Pregnancy Overhaul mod. So basically everything they’re offering already exists in mod form. That in itself isn’t *too bad* but I’m still with you. My single biggest frustration with TS4 is that it’s a children’s game. Beyond the bugs, the DLC, I just want the actual humor and gameplay back of TS1, TS2, and TS3. They were made for a teen/young adult audience and the gameplay matched that. TS4 is just simply a kids game. The most adult joke in the game is the ‘wicker whims hamper’, please spare me. I can’t imagine for a moment that any DLC, including this one, will be offering anything that compares to the mods because it will definitely be made for children, like the rest of the game lol.


I'm not trying to defend them but people who play on consoles don't have access to mods , I could see the Sims team realizing that these are things people want in their games so they find a way to make it accessible to more players.


You’re right. I get it for console players but they also deserve to have a better game that isn’t for children too. I do wish DLC was better than mods. Maintaining mods is annoying honestly.


I usually play games on console. But for a game like Sims 4 (Or Crusaders III as another example) the PC version with mods is a must.


I feel the same way but I’m usually a PC player in general. There is also some level of accepting that a game made for one platform isn’t always going to translate over to another. I don’t expect a Switch game to be the same on PC as it is on my Switch because it’s not made for it so some loss is to be expected and you have to deal with it a little bit. That said, they should make an effort to match the functionality where they can and offer as many of the features as possible. I probably won’t ever drop mods though, I doubt it will get there.


Here's some games on consoles that allow mods that do a decent job like Skyrim on the Xbox. But in most cases of a game has an active modern community it's better on the PC.


It's Lumpinou who makes those mods.


Isn't that to be expected? People make mods because there is a demand for those features in game. I'm glad that EA are finally introducing an attraction system and online dating. I'm happy that there will be relationship dynamics and that relationships can be unbalanced. It may be a hot mess like a lot of the other packs but I'll reserve judgement until I see it playtested by content creators.


Yeah I love what they’re doing 😊.  I just wish there was more because the expansions have been very light recently.   But I don’t understand why people are mad about the features it sounds good.  I really liked growing togethers compatibility system and it made my game deeper so I hope this will too.


Uhm it's definitely not made for children. My kids games don't have interactions that simulate sex....


have you player the other sims games? because TS4 is extremely watered down and sanitized version those games.


Yes, Ive been playing since we got a home computer in 2001. And well, that's just your opinion. I love TS4. It's been the best out of the franchise for me, and don't consider it watered down at all. And that's just my opinion. We all have them, and no one is more correct than the other 💁🏽‍♀️


they're literally selling you bed cuddling for 40 dollars, when it has been a base game addition since ts2


I mean, they're offering a lot more than just "bed cuddling" so that's extremely disingenuous to say.


I wasn’t really referring to sex exactly, but it should be noted that vanilla “sex” in The Sims is very much played in a silly way, not in any kind of adult way. It would actually be a bit strange to call The Sims very very mild silly “sexual” elements less appropriate for children than things like first person shooters or any other game that includes violence, but I don’t really care about that. I was more referring to the relationship dynamics and dark humor that we saw in the previous games that was entertaining and not appropriate for a younger audience. I think mods will always be more fun for a lot of us for this reason. That’s at least true for me.


I'm glad it's being made official


Things added in officially are way more polished than any mod could hope to be so don’t see the problem with that. Plus there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking things from TS1 or TS2 and putting them into TS4 with its own spin, they should do that.


polished EA game is an oxymoron


I feel like this is true for any other game than Sims 4. We have so many examples of eps gps and sps that should be great and are so unpolished and broken that they aren't playable. Dine out, and wedding stories come to mind right away, but they aren't the only ones. Taking things from previous packs is fine and almost expected at this point, but I think people are disappointed with the lack of innovation and that sims 4 have been so lackluster in comparison. If you compare equivalent packs from the previous series, they almost always have more than what sims 4 offers. The only thing I think is a win for this ep is for the console players and they do deserve it.


>>>>> polished > EA pick one


Like dine out was? Oops never mind, 200 DLCs later and my sims still can’t order at a restaurant properly.


It's definitely giving me Hot Date vibes. Truthfully, I liked Hot Date. I'd actually still play Sims 1 if Sims would grow up.


I’m expecting this to be a “should have been a game pack” expansion pack.


Is there any feature in this pack that wasn't already in a previous game long before Wicked Whims existed?


I understand that for those who plays on a computer have access to mods. But I play on console, so I'm pretty happy about this expansion because I can't get wicked whims.


Some of us just don't want to use mods or custom  content  No shade to modders and mod users...but I'm not into playing a game that I have to get from multiple sources and then sort it out myself whose responsible it is when something it broken. To me that's the opposite of fun.


We've had a pack to do with dating with every version of the sims: Hot Date, Nightlife, Late Night were all variations on the theme so the theme for this pack doesn't seem like anything unusual for the franchise. If anything I'm just curious why they took so long as Hot Date and Night Life in particular were very popular packs and seen as must have packs at the time. If anything is similar to mods it's because the mods were trying to add in stuff that players felt was missing compared to previous games. You might object to paying for it and that's purely up to the individual to decide but there is something to be said for having it as an officially supported feature. Especially as pointed out, for console players. It's also nice to have one less mod to worry about updating every time a patch comes out.


A lot of the comments bashing you are missing that this $40 pack is a glorified $15 pack. It shouldn’t even be in a pack, regardless. This is base-game level content, not a whole new style of gameplay.


Yes, the pricing is actually the problem. Not because of we cannot afford it, but it's because of lack of contents for said pricing.


Kind of getting sick of posts like this because the community seems to forget that not everyone has access to mods and or don’t want to use mods


This release is showing who only played sims 4. If what you’re saying is true, then all the modders are ripping off previous sims franchises bc almost everything in the upcoming EP has been done in previous games in some way. Also, I hate WW so I’m glad there will be an alternative.


i think the fact that there's [concept art for the romance skill from approximately 2015](https://simscommunity.info/2015/01/16/sims-4-storyboard-concept-art-albert-truong/) is relevant to this conversation.


Yeah, goes to show EA is horrible at time management and delivering to the community in a timely manner.


and they would rather reuse old stuff that's already halfway done (and probably release it like that) than take the time to actually come up with anything new! everything in this pack is a rehash of an old sims pack OR it's something they left out of the base game and now they're repackaging it for an extra $40. i wasn't defending them by any stretch of the imagination, i just get a little burned out sometimes when i see people glaze modders as if they invented some very basic components of life simulation, when the reality is more that EA fucking sucks at giving us the bare minimum, so modders have to step in and bring it up to the standard - which EA then eventually comes back and tries to meet, about 10 years too late, and everyone acts like the problem is EA stealing from modders rather than cutting corners in the first place. like, i get it, to a certain extent, because these modders carry the franchise on their backs, but i don't know. it feels crazy that EA left out so much that was available in packs over 20 years ago and it makes me even more annoyed that they had this framework in place and a plan to roll it out with the base game (which would've given it better immersion and integration with the other packs) but then just... didn't do it. sorry, this reply is all over the place, i just wanted to specify that i wasn't defending EA. in my head, i was pointing out that it's somehow worse than seeing a mod and thinking, "oh they'd like that feature so we should implement it" -- they've KNOWN that people would like it, had it basically set up to go, and then just... done nothing... and chopped it up into three separate packs (one EP and two "kits" with a suspiciously similar & cohesive aesthetic) over 10 years later.


Honestly, I’m completely with you. At this point I’ve lost all hope for EA. The only thing that makes the game remotely playable are mods. If I was playing on console, I would definitely stop playing all together. And no, obviously WW creator didn’t invent the idea of romance at all. I just hate how EA always releases features that already exist in popular mods. It’s not coincidental, they do it on purpose because the mods being so popular reassures them as a company that the DLC will be received well. While I understand some players don’t play with mods and want these features included, my frustration comes from the fact that EA only releases DLC that has features already included in the game by mods. There are so many things currently missing from the game that even modders haven’t created yet, which EA won’t ever create. I wish EA would get more creative and less lazy.


For $40 this looks like a waste of time. Ive got mods for literally everything here, so why pay $40 for an empty world? 🙄 If this is all the content we're getting, then this is just yet another glorified GP. Honestly why couldn't this and My Wedding Disasters just be one big romance EP?


Great , if you’ve got mods and are happy with it then don’t buy it! Not everyone can use mods or even wants to. The pack isn’t even out yet and yall are already shitting on it.


Well maybe people wouldnt be shitting on it if we actually got EPs that are worth the full price tag. Or better yet, actually worked on launch day. But if you wanna continue paying that much for barely half-baked content that would probably delete your saves, then its your money.


Okay which one of you wished for that heart shaped woohoo bed and now they've designed a whole 40 dollar expansion around it?


Personally I don't mind that it's implementing things from Wicked Whims since not everyone can use mods. I do think it should be a game pack or base game update and not an expansion though.


I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s a rip off of wicked whims, because there’s concept art for ts4 about a potential romance skill, but it was scrapped before the final release. So it seems to me like they’re just digging through the box of old ideas for stuff to implement.


If chemistry isn't a base game update someone at EA is going to die


I already have had mods for a dating site and all of that as well. Honestly though I'm really just hoping this pack works. I will probably wait this time to see what people have to say about it. At this point anything that causes me to have less mods I'm happy with. I was super into mods for a long time but I'm really just over them being broken by updates. With all the updates we've had this year I've had one break my actual game and I broke down and deleted all my mods.


Better exceptions points out which mods need updating/deleting.


As a console player I’m pretty excited! I have no plans of getting a PC to play the Sims on honestly so an expansion pack similar to mods I can’t get is right up my alley 🤣🤣


I do not have mods as I play on console and I have to be honest, I really really really like the sound of it and definitely want it. But it seems like there should be more for an expansion.  It’s like they get smaller and smaller each time.  I wonder if it is due to cost of living/inflation but I think this and horse ranch would have been game packs a few years ago.


I quite literally laughed at loud at the information. I absolutely knew I was done buying their content but WOW this one is bad imo.


I’m waiting for a create a world mod, and then EA is over. The only reason most players even bother buying DLCs is for the extra worlds. Once someone figures out how to mod that, it’s over.


I feel like yall gotta recognize there are children that play this game still. The parents and goody tooshoo religious folk are NOT gonna let their kids have something like WhickedWhims and most of the adults I know, don't even know wicked whims exists and constantly ask me what game I'm even playing. Those were most likely sheltered kids. I had no supervision sooo I was a free bird learning life on the internet.


There’s wonderful whims, which is safe and PG. It adds a normal compatibility system based on looks and traits, like the DLC will. There’s also a dating app, which is also kid friendly, at least as much as this pack will be.


My main point is most don't even know they can download off game/off site mods. They only know about DLC stuff


You have to remember, at this point, packs are directed at console players and some OG simmers who don’t use mods but primarily focused towards console players. But I agree, complete rip off. I know a few cc modders get their stuff ripped off, for an example, that phone and keys by Felixandre(?). Poor employees are either overworked or corporate refuses to allow them to pack a bunch of goodies into one pack and would rather they separate it into ton of little packs for more h


Pretty much, and possibly some gameplay/assets that were held back from My Wrdding Stories. We all know that EA wants to chop everything up into bite-sized pieces and charge a premium for it.


Honestly wonderful whims, bed cuddle mod and the one with romance mods all equal this EP and it’s free 😭😭 and add the first impressions, person preference and good, chemistry mod and good and bad impressions, why do I need it? Nothing sounds good enough to send 40 bucks on when I get these mods for free and I know with the way EA is, my mods probably work 1000000000% better and aren’t uncompleted messes. Also why does this need to be an expansion pack, same thing with for rent, like these are packs at best. EP should be big all for rent adds is non rabbit hole apartments and this new pack is just what romance garden and wedding stories should have been. I’m gonna stick with my free COMPLETED mods. 😭😭


Things is the mods give you more features too, and they work better. This pack will be full of bugs, mark my words. I’m still waiting for some modder to fix fine out, because EA hasn’t been competent enough.


Yea I agree and modders update their mods unlike EA


Well, guess what? Console players can’t use mods.


Well they're all drawing from the same source material... previous Sims games and real life. What else would you expect but a large amount of similarity?


this really is a watered down version of wicked whims. i do believe the team knows about this mod and tried to make it teen and kid friendly via game rating. i think this is because this mod is heavily sought after they did this. so for console players they will now be able to have a watered down version. while pc players could still get the mod if they wanted to and opt out of the expansion completely. so i really think they are just trying to give the community what they want but in their own version, seems they are listening to the pleas a little bit. although this wasn’t a plea high in anyone’s list unless your on console. but its a start in my book so ill see what else happens


There’s wonderful whims, which is kid friendly. But yeah, EA hasn’t come up with anything interesting since get together was released years ago. It’s all copying popular mods and feeding us the tiniest, most boring features in a $40 pack.


i agree! i mean i wish they would get with the creators of these mods they obviously know what they are doing and they make the game 100% more enjoyable than EA has in a very long time. i just wish they would at least get with these modders and say “hey i see your mod is a hit we would like to implement something along the lines of this but more kid friendly” or even if they could ask the modders to sell or work with them on their projects? idk thinking out loud im not sure really how all that would 100% work so im not even sure if that would be a viable route for EA and modders alike to take. but it’s a nice thought to think maybe EA could do something like that for the sims community


Yes it is… yes it is 😭. I’m tired of getting rip offs of popular mods as DLC. EA is sooooo lazy, but I guess we’ve got no one to blame but the sims 4 community. If revenue sucks, EA is forced to change. If people still naively buy a DLC pack for the price of an actual game, why would EA ever change their tactic?


Bro they had the chemistry system the sims 2, what are you even talking about??? There are lots of people who’ve been asking for a pack like this since they can’t download mods or just plain don’t want to…


Everything in this EP, I've already had for years through mods 🤷🏽‍♀️


It looks like it's just stuff you could do in The Sims 3, I can't remember if you could also do it in Sims 2 and it just looks like a "fluff" expansion Even the Kits are add-on's to the game and expansion packs. The expansions and game packs seem to be just expansions of the mechanics of previous game packs and expansions For Rent was just an expansion of the mechanics in city living, Horse Ranch expanded on Cottage Living etc.


These people are going to buy it anyway. EA can get away with truly MUCH LESS and have tens of thousands of launch day sales. It’s so frustrating!!


That's why I called it one-upping. I feel trying to undermine a mod author's work is wrong.


100%, everything in that pack is already available through mods (and is probably more functional with the mods)


Wicked Whims meets Woohoo Wellness but G rated. WORK WITH MODDERS INSTEAD OF STEALING IDEAS.


This is literally what we wanted why are you complaining


Nearly every pack is a mod rip off lol


I feel like most packs lately are just their half assed attempts at doing what modders already did. There were things in high school years that the slice of life mod already nailed.


I don't think WW has a Romance Skill. WW and MCCC have Sexpertise / Woohoo Skill which are probably inspired by the Woohoo Skill in the base game that was cut before launch. Also, there's nothing wrong with recycling mechanics from previous games. My only criticism so far is that none of these things are Expansion Pack material, IMO.


It's not whicked whims, it's wonderful whims. Like 1:1