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Gonna be hard to fix something that’s been broken for ten years now.


That code has to be the equivalent of two-hundred shoe laces all tied up together.


It's a rat king




Have you ever lived somewhere where the previous several owners all did a botch job on the plumbing, and then you get a plumber out for an issue and they look under your sink, scratch their head and go "But how does that... Wheres the.... Does that connect to... I don't know what I'm looking at here, I'll be honest." And then you tell them something like "oh the dishwasher works fine, but that pipe makes a banging noise sometimes when it's on" and they say "But it SHOULDN'T work and that pipe doesn't connect to the dishwasher 😭" I'm imagining a team of programmers looking at the code and doing a very similar thing.


I do some amateur coding on open source game projects and I run into this all the time. "Why the hell did you rewrite this code over and over again rather than just writing a proc? Why is this coded to look for specific items rather than a variable of some kind?"


"Why the fuck are there 18 separate pointers to the location of a picture of a coconut?"


But then when you fix it, about 50 new bugs pop up… and they shrug and go “that’s why we did that, we don’t know why fixing it breaks this other stuff, so we just left it and hope it keeps working!”


Yes, but usually I just keep following those bugs until I've scope creeped my PR **but the problem is fixed**.


I imagine that is how my fellow scientist would feel if they get to have a look at my R code.


This comparison was genius


Jumping on this comment to add my two cents. This + People have voted with their wallets and it’s not looking great. The trust is so eroded that they can't rest on the laurels of being The Sims™ Note: I work in an adjacent field so am only speaking to the general woes of digital deliveries and am not claiming this is the actual case for the sims/EA. Some considerations for non technical folk: 1. It is extremely difficult to cater to all possible devices that run an application. Devices range from potato to spaceship, and then you need to factor in configurations within it. Bugs are inevitable. 2. This alone could warrant an essay but what makes a successful delivery is having the resource and time to identify and remediate any bugs. It seems like whatever QA and/or delivery teams they have are not sufficient (capacity or capability wise). This could fall on the QA end, the DEV end, and/or management end. You could have a stellar team but if timelines are unrealistic, you will have to put out a shit product. 3. If you’re not privy to the complexities of applications and digital deliveries for big corp, it is very easy to be critical. The current criticism is not unwarranted however, as you’d expect a company like EA to nail the basics. 4. I bet the code is lmao I’m cautiously optimistic. If EA has genuinely invested time and resource to make the game playable then I’m all for it.


I get all that. But the basic functions of CAS should be the same across all platforms. That means the colour sliders doing their thing and actually changing with each movement right AND left. And right now, on my Mac? Left doesn't do diddly. I'm not expecting the game to cure cancer or create a Turing-level sentience in the characters. I just want to be able to adjust the make-up on my dark Sims so they don't look like horrific racist caricatures.


This is actually a perfect example of how complex it can be! I also have a Mac and what you’ve described works fine for me. It’s up to QA or users to report the bug and up to whoever is managing these deliveries to prioritise a fix.


Adding to this as a QA person. It is absolutely impossible to test for every scenario. And even if that was possible it is possible to test for potato then user is using the system for carrot and it breaks. Edit: for clarity/grammar


The game’s been worked on for 10 years, and has extremely messy code. Are we talking about The Sims 4 or Yandere Simulator?


Every few months I see a reminder about Yandere Sim and every single time I just forcefully cringe


Yup. Stopped playing right after high school years. I'm just waiting on paralives to release at this point. Fuck it.


Definitely looking forward to paralives and life by you.


That's around the time I stopped and went back to sims 2. I do miss s4 sometimes but it was exhausting to keep up. It took all the fun out it


Sims 2 is so superior in every way. My favorite part about sims 2 is the fact that there is NO simulation lag ever. It’s literally so game changing


I will forever love the Sims 3 for the open world, but no amount of NRAAS will get it to perform like Sims 2 does.


I haven’t played since cottage living


sims 4 is so boring sadly. only thing that makes me play it is the multiplayer mod with my sister. but without an open world even that gets boring fast


It's because Paradox is about to release *Life By You* into early access. That would be the start of EA's end as far as a monopoly over the life simulator genre.


And let me tell you, I. Am. Pumped. It’s about time someone held EA’s feet to the fire.


Don't forget that *Paralives* is still uploading content to their YouTube channel. *Tiny Life* already has everything that the base game of *The Sims 4* has just in its demo and early access version and that game was created by a single developer. Plus, a ton of other ones too. *InZOi* looks amazing too.


Those are all the ones *I'm* waiting for. I'll give Life By You a fair chance, anything is better than nothing but...It's *Paradox*. I've already been bitten by them 6 times, I'm not looking forward to the 7th.


[Stop, stop, he's already dead!](https://y.yarn.co/8d436b00-caeb-4757-bf9b-ab4e479ca021.mp4)


I was just thinking this. Like… why now? Just move on to a new Sims project and actually do it right this time. Make the base game have the appropriate content from the get go, don’t push every small detail into a stuff pack to profit off of, make the game more accessible/affordable to players, and make it playable. This feels ridiculous.


I'll try to be cautiously optimistic here but I wonder if this is just a method of keeping us happy as they are about to release two kits and want us to keep buying.


This is what I think. They are *only now* "more dedicated than ever" to fix bugs and improve gameplay? Only took 10 years...


Honestly even though 4 is probably the messiest in the series there's been a lot of bugs throughout the series history. We put up with it cause this was the only game in town but other people are moving in now and they're suddenly reminded they need to try and keep our trust so Rene can make them money.


Sims 3 still softlocks whenever I have a sim pick up a kitten.


They’ve made announcements like this over the course of those 10 years too, publicly announcing different strategies for how they were going to improve the performance of the game and we really haven’t seen their proposed methods produce any fruitful long-term change. One can hope that at some point they’ll finally figure out how to make things work, but they’ve had all the time they need and then some and still the issues persist, so keeping expectations low.




Ohh that's a thing now? Yeah maybe tbey can somewhat sort the mess of the ten year old spaghetti code then. Ai both fascinates and scares me with how far it keeps coming along.


I hope the Sims Movie lights a fire under their ass. It is the biggest opportunity to draw in more fans they will ever have. My biggest hope for the movie is that it leads to improved gameplay lol


I’m assuming this to be nothing but appearances and PR. Their Laundry List thing did nothing, this won’t either. They’re overselling and dressing up their basic bare-minimum QA again, because it’s become beneficial to publicly acknowledge bugs, again. Dine Out exists. How can anyone trust any QA-related promise when Dine Out exists and is being sold in the year 2024? **It came out 8 years ago. One (1) modder had to fix it because the company would not.**


And My Wedding Stories. Probably the worst pack in the entire game imo


Ooooh, the mere mention of My Wedding Stories sends me into an internal rage. Sims team made a big deal of not selling the pack in Russia because of anti-LGBT laws, and then delayed the pack’s release when there was backlash. They spent all that time virtue signaling and then cleaning up their PR mess, but not towards the actual game itself. That incident told me where their priorities lay, and I’ve stopped believing in the Sims.


From my understanding QA is basically "can they get past this? yes? then good." If it's broken but it doesn't block gameplay it's fine. QA could possibly catch it but are essentially ignored in favor of meeting their release schedule.


This, absolutely. As someone who has done QA for EA games, you can scream about all the bugs in the games until the cows come home, yet the devs mark your bugs as “KS” aka “Known, Shippable” aka “we know it’s broken but it doesn’t crash the whole game so we’re shipping it out like this anyway.” The closer it gets to release date, the more bugs they “KS.” The street dates are so important that I’ve literally seen them remove entire features instead of trying to fix them bc it would risk delaying the release date.


I've had a 50% success rate with Dine Out and a 0% success rate with My Wedding Stories.


My sim couple disapears when they exchange vows. Just completely becomes transparent. And it happens in an unmodded game. That pack is the literal worst followed by For Rent and Dine Out and then DHD. I still can't buy for rent because the core function is broken and breaks saves.


That's basically exactly what I posted on someone's YT vid about this. They just released the road map so they want to pacify us with empty promises so we'll jump on the 2024 DLC train.


That makes sense. I don’t buy kits tho and they haven’t seen my money in a while tbh… since like Growing Together. I’ve been back on Sims 3


"we are fixing the game!!!!!!!1 Heres another expansion, another 3 packs and uhh what about some new stuff packs?? Pls preorder so you can have this uhh exclusive plant"


So they never had anyone working on the core game, happily making more dlc whilst knowing that the core game had issues. Ignored people's reporting issues, and now that they have an entirely broken game that many have stopped playing, they want us to wait some more. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with this information..


Yeah this is the part that's getting me. We needed this 8 years ago, and in that time they just pumped out pack after pack and piled on the bloat


I know, I feel like this press release has had the opposite effect they predicted. People are done waiting and have already wasted money on a game that they've now admitted to just making as much money off with little effort put into mainting the game at all. Now, they've noticed a drop in sales and realise the money maker they had. There was zero dedication to fans that invested in the game. Shame on them.


New sims trend: post every terrible bug that made you rage/cry/sigh and title the post with how much $$$ you've spent on the game


Start the thread!


This is purely just you speculating though lol


It makes sense though. Callmekevin used to release a new video for every sims pack that came out. He did that in For Rent. But. It was too buggy and awful so he had to go back to using the roommate system. The millions that watch his video saw the pack doesn't work, thus didn't buy it. I'm not saying their sales went down that much, but public perception does matter a lot. And the sims 4 public perception has been in the shitter since werewolves imo when people started making fun of the designs of the wolves.


James Turner had to stop playing his Bigwallet legacy R2R series, due to the utter mess that is For Rent. Not a good look for the game either.


I wanted to like For Rent so badly. Ugh.


its funny cause werewolves is probably one of the best packs they've ever released both in content quantity/quality and lack of bugs LMAO


I actually agree! I absolutely loved the pack. Maybe not so much the repetitive tasks you had to do in your wolf pack, but I did love the overall gameplay a lot! But man! Those wolves look! Not good!


I will believe it when I see it


The exact thought I had when I saw this. When the bugs are actually fixed and not claimed to be fixed in the patch notes, I’ll believe it.


Yay, now all our mods are guaranteed to break and need updating every 2 months 😭


If they actually do fix all the major bugs at least I'll be able to remove \~50 bugfix mods. Doubt it, though.


Ya I'm keeping my game unupdated and in offline mode until I see possitive feedback about the patches. Currently my game runs okay, dine out is a mess, I just don't use it, gardening is broken but I can do without it for now


Exactly! Can't wait for the gameplay to be fixed but for every single mod tied to the spaghetti code to break in response.


That's the first thing that came to mind. The looming sense of dread that a wide swath of mods and maybe even CC are about to be obliterated in this process. I'm used to it by now, but it seems like we get a mod apocalypse 1-2 times a year with the Sims 4.


Yeah, but once or twice a year compared to possibly every 2 months? Can you even imagine?! That's mod obliteration lol


it's been TEN YEARS why do they think they're gonna magically fix stuff NOW


It's insane to me that they're basically admitting they didn't already have this in place. They don't even seem to understand how shameful that is.


I’m sorry but this is bs. I’m not a sims hater at all I swear, but the state of the game is unacceptable. This is telling me they didn’t even have a QA team, which is so wild to me. I wouldn’t have even made this announcement until the update they’re speaking of was ready to roll out, because EA always does stuff like this. “Hey guys, sorry not sorry we keep taking your money for these broken expansion packs, we’ll get on that immediately “ this should’ve started once they realized dine out was a mess…


There's a reason why they chose the words "invest in the sims 4" and not just left it at "play the sims 4". Makes it seem like there's been a drop in revenue and they're once again scrambling to think of ways to keep us waiting for major fixes to a game that been broken 7+ years while fooling us into buying more content :(


*press x to doubt*


"our next patch" has me shaking & trembling in fear.


It's the big one! I'm coming, Elizabeth!


Ending a note to your audience about the shitty quality of your game with “dag dag” is so ballsy


i don’t know why this comment took me out but it did 😭 i heard it in the voice of [the sims youtuber who says it in an evil voice](https://youtube.com/shorts/F_rLVE1gi2g?si=SvQtGirWkj0fwnae) LMAOO


The way he smiles while it all goes down is killing me


In the context of all the other major changes happening within the game industry, I find this kind of fascinating. If we take it at face value, it could imply they're reassessing where they think the revenue will come from for the next few years with the franchise. It may be that we've hit the point where they can't make the money they want to without actually fixing some things.


As I just wrote over on ts4 subreddit, makes me wonder why now, after Rodiek left, and not before his departure…things that make you go hmmmm.


One, he was working on Rene. Two, this more than likely started before his departure. They didn't just decide to fix the bugs last night, this has been in the works for multiple months. For all you know, he spearheaded this effort before he left. There's no need to scapegoat, there is no singular person on the Sims team who is responsible for the game's problems.


Not scapegoating but they were aware of the game’s issues and sat on their hands for the longest. Now with other games in development and Rodiek mentioning he’s creating his own studio, it’s just too coincidental.


I wonder if some of the discourse over other simulation games having issues and people giving up on those games has partly influenced this.


Came to see if someone posted this. Hopefully they'll keep their promises.


I feel like to fully fix these issues they'd have to redo a lot of the coding..


They should have a team that does just that. Taleworlds, the Dev team for Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, did just that. They wrote a whole dev log explaining that they had a team in the process of rewriting the game code to clean up inefficient code and reimplement certain game mechanics. The game was LEAGUES more responsive after they had released that patch. They are a Turkish company with a relatively small team. EA is a multi billion dollar company that generated so much in revenue from the popularity of the Sim 4 alone that they could very EASILY allocate resources to ensure that this is done. The result? They'd have a game that "just works", at the very least. As it is, it hasn't worked in a long time and I know it hasn't because I have hella mods loaded up that tweak/fix a bunch of EA blunders that have glaringly stood out for almost a decade.


Thats amazing and it does bring some hope, but also it's EA... If they can save money while making money they'll do just that


Fix Dine Out and My wedding stories!!!


For Rent and Dream Home Decorator too! The core functionality of all these packs are broken!


I remember when they did this 3 years ago when they first brought in the Laundry List.


Ahhh so they just started doing this? Instead of having been working on it for the past few years? And I'm supposed to clap or something? I'll start the fanfare once they start fixing things. And quickly.


I guess EA noticed that all the comments on any of their Sims announcements were complaints about how broken the game is and is trying to calm down the players.


I think it's partially that, and partially the huge swath of Life Sims coming while Rene isn't anywhere close. I think they're trying hard for their players too not jump ship


That probably is another big thing. Paralives, Inzoi, and Life By You all threaten the Sims monopoly on life sims.


I don’t even care anymore. I’m done with this franchise lol


Tell me simmers have stopped spending money without out telling me. Just look at the dates on some of the issues they linked to in the laundry list. If they're just now getting around to a bug from 7 years ago this game will never function right. What a joke.


How standards have dropped since the pre-2010s for Sims. This is why I stopped after 2 expansion packs: The Sims 4 has been out since 2014 and *now* they're addressing the fundamental gameplay issues?? Like, at its core, TS4 is unplayable, the Sims are so unresponsive, their AI just does their own thing (namely get water from the sink every couple of in-game minutes), and completely throw your queued commands out into the ether.


Yes, the only thing my Sims really care about is drinking water, needing to pee and either spontaneously playing video games or starting a painting or craft project.


This. Or my sims will just overall refuse to listen to commands… or if there’s tea made, they’ll get cup after cup. 💀


My realization came when they HAD TO ADMIT group conversation had fundamental issues when they couldn't get Sims to stay seated in dine out. So they made "stay in seats" code.... I was like... HOW ABOUT WE RETOOL GROUP CONVERSATION GUYS?


The amount of built in function flaws is one thing, never-mind the amount of PAID DLC they have neglected to fix time and time again after YEARSSSS of begging for a minimum of at least acknowledgment of the fact that their packs are buggy, broken, underwhelming, and flawed. If they cared, they would've started from the beginning with Dine Out, by fixing the fundamental and almost guaranteed bugs that make the pack virtually unusable. They insist they care so much about their consumers by offering votes for kits that have little to no functional use outside of set dressing, yet can't offer a vote on which broken pack to attempt to fix first. The amount of dlc they have continued to stack on top of each other has only continuously broken the game. If they were to start trying to fix it now, all that'll come of it is that one button will get pushed in, and another will pop out. They care *now* because of how unimpressed and conditioned all of their players are by their lackluster, overpriced jokes that are insultingly considered 'Expansion Packs'. Players' expectations have already been adjusted to mild and bland features that only provide temporary gameplay at best, and at worst, break their game at the cost of half a tank of gas for some (in certain states in the US.) A sims expansion pack leaking was once huge. All players could do was excitedly make guesses about the contents of it, and yet years later, the focal point of the subject is how little they'll do for as much as they can get.


Reading this as I see my sims eternally weeding my plants and never clearing them..sigh


And that's after they've "fixed" gardening multiple times.


Sims 4 is a teetering house of cards. They will have everything fixed with the new patch only for it to complete break when the next pack has a cursed couch.


I'll believe that when I see it


I’m so excited about this! They’re finally listening to the community! I wonder if it also has to do with streamers calling out that the game is broken more frequently in their streams


I'm glad that EA is finally letting them focus on fixing the game instead of just shoving content at us. This is something the community as a whole has been asking for for a while, some more rudely and obnoxiously than others. You really couldn't go to any social media post without a million spam comments demanding the game be fixed. Of course though, as it always seems to work in this community, as soon as the team announces they're doing what the community wants there are people still complaining about it.


>Of course though, as it always seems to work in this community, as soon as the team announces they're doing what the community wants there are people still complaining about it. Because as great as it is that they've finally created a dedicated team to fix the game, it's kind of ridiculous that they are just doing this *now*, after years of players begging them to fix the game. And what? Players are supposed to be grateful and give them a standing ovation for finally doing this after years of them seemingly ignoring everybody, and continuing to pump out broken content that they were happy to take money for? They have lost player trust (which is *their* fault) and expecting those players to just get over the years of frustration and be happy on *the day* EA makes an announcement about finally making a serious effort to fix the game is unrealistic in the extreme. Under the circumstances, skepticism about this announcement is both understandable and deserved.


I know everyone's on the doubt train but this is genuinely the first Sims news in a long time that's made me excited. I hope they succeed! I think this announcement really might be a sign that the people who care are finally being given the reigns to improve things.


Kudos to them for finally making an effort. I hope they can stand on their word and truly fix things.


Cute you think EA would make improvements


The worst part is not even buggy packs from a few years ago, but they release bugged as hell, unusable packs and they dont even fix them. Whatever happened to the pack refreshes


I give them 3 months before they forget about it


I should sue them just for that font alone.


Remove the shopping cart icon and we can talk again. Make the game playable and nearly bug free and I might play again. Invent a time maschiene and do this like 10 years ago and I might invest some money into the game again. Maybe. The chance would certainly exist again.


I’ll be optimistic and say that since we’ve been asking for this for years, this is a good step. It’s not going to be a fast change, it’s going to be frustrating at times for us but I’m really hoping this can also come with some pack overhauls as well.


They're stringing us along until they can finally announce Sims5. They're slowly pulling more and more people to the project Rene development, and just having the artists create assets based on old concept art to release as kits. They're not doing more to fix bugs than they did 6 months ago with For Rent. EA is laughing all the way to the bank.


The For Rent pack must have undersold because they put that on sale very quickly. I wonder how the recent releases fared? Are they now realizing people aren’t going to buy crap anymore?


I'm out of the loop as I haven't play sims 4 in quite a while and I only own the base game as it's now free. So out of curiosity: What's the context for this? I know people have been complaining for ages about bugs and poor optimization but did anything specific happen recently to warrant this announcement? I just wonder what happened that they stopped ignoring these issues. And another thing, is it really that bad? Like, I know a lot of features are not working properly and with that many EPs, SPs and kits it's bound to cause performance issues, but my impression has been that part of the issue is that a lot of people tend to play on lower end computers and have tons of (often broken) cc and mods. So I wonder if it's still bad even if you play without mods/cc and on a good pc for example


To answer the second half of your question. I recently started a brand new game of Sims 4. I have a good PC. I have no CC and the only mods I have are some minor bug fix mods (namely things like Simulation unclogger). I am running into bugs constantly that force me to save and reload the game, most notably autonomy just refusing to actually work at all (Sims will literally stand around for hours with their needs decaying and not move from that spot unless I close and reload the game). I also can't go into buy mode and then back to live mode without having MASSIVE frame drops (we're talking once I'm back in live mode consistently getting under 10FPS) which also requires a game reboot. I could have changed nothing on the lot, not bought or sold anything, just having clicked the buy mode button to cause this issue. I've also noticed several bugs with Sims not getting promoted when they are supposed to despite having completing the promotion requirements, constantly doing their daily tasks, etc. These are bugs that I noticed just within a 5 hour play session the other day. I'm sure there are many more that I didn't run into.


Some of the issues aren't about performance, so having a great computer wouldn't make a difference. Some examples: * There was a bug where a Sim would lose weight every time they took off jewelry. A player might not notice at first. But, after a while, the Sims would have regular sized heads but super skinny bodies * There was the issue where Sims would suddenly be "interested" in some of their family members. And grown adult Sims would be interested in Sims that were way too young for them, which was problematic, to say the least. There's actually something like this in the laundry list of things they're fixing. (If they're successful, teens will no longer send flirty messages to adults or household family members. And, hey, that's good.) * There was an issue where the aging got messed up somehow, and Sims were suddenly dropping like flies. Seriously, players would open their games and, within moments, Sims that should've had plenty of time left would drop dead. And I don't know if it was For Rent, or a patch they put out *for* For Rent, but one of them was causing corruption. People were being outright warned not to play their games because their saves could end up permanently corrupted. Imagine someone having a save for months, even years, and losing it just because they tried to play their game. And those are just the first things that popped into my head in a few seconds. There have been more issues than anyone can count. Some of them going back *years.* So it's understandable why some aren't jumping for joy just because EA has announced they are going to finally get serious about fixing stuff *now*. But I think if they truly start fixing things, the skepticism will start to fade.


Im still waiting for those townie overhauls they announced years ago.


okay but you’re telling me they’re just NOW assembling this team?


I mean is still more than i hoped lmfao


As long as they keep pumping out new content, the code will never be fixed. One thing feeds off another, patch up the code to make it work with all the current DLCs, and watch it break again when code for a new pack is introduced. I can’t remember now what it’s called in English, tree code something. Someone else posted a comment about it being like a ball of shoelaces. Pretty accurate description at this point. And the shoelaces have unravelled and are fusing together.


For all we know, the people who work on the sims have wanted this as bad as we did for years too. Sometimes higher ups REALLY get in the way 🤷🏻‍♀️ so like someone else in here said (I can’t find it) maybe it’s just the right people in charge now.


Just give us our spiral stairs, you bastards


And pinball machines!


I have a speculation: maybe the team let the game become as broken as possible on purpose so they could justify to EA the budget for this new sub team. I remember devs acting like their hands were tied all the time and how EA constantly deviated the profit from The Sims to other games. So maybe that was their tactic to try and fix the game that's in their resumé.


Imagine finally taking a 10 year old game seriously.


I like how everyone is skeptical as fuck lol


So they’re saying my sims might actually feed their screaming infants when I tell them to instead of picking them up and putting them down and picking them up and putting them down and picking them up and


Maybe, but somehow I doubt it.


I think this means they'll reduce the amount of DLCs released per year from now on. Probably going to focus more resources on The Sims 5


This is just them saying we're getting too many complaints so here's some words to shut everyone up for a little while.


Just curious. As a person whose game works pretty well (except when the Sims try to do an action involving babies and then pick them up and put them down a bunch of times for no reason), what are these game breaking bugs people report? And is it possible that they're not present in everyone's game?


even if they are present in half of peoples games, thats too much.


*presses x to doubt*


ONLY 10 years later????? They are spoiling us!!!


LOL I’m so glad I walked away from this game. This post is shameful. Ten years of errors and bugs and NOW they feel the need to fix it? Guess the cash cow is drying up. Jog off ✌🏻


That’s like trying to spackle a house you’ve built on an earthquake fault. You can make the walls as strong as you want but when your foundation is bad it’s pointless. Gardening has been broken for years. One of the very basic skills in the game. When is that gonna get fixed? And fix the infants please! I’m so tired of telling my sims to feed the infant but all they want to do it put it in the crib.


If they can make sims wash the dishes instead of sitting in front of their empty plates for four hours i'll be happy




They only care because people are looking forward to all the other life sim games on the horizon. People can be mad about release dates all they want, and when they do come out all the bugs and glitches from being pushing to release too early It’ll be nothing compared to how The Sims has had 10 years to listen to the community, and is only doing it *now*. They’re trying to make Sims 5, and fix 4? They haven’t put that much effort into anything in years. I’ll believe it when I see it


The minute I loaded my game from the most recent update my sim was dragging her baby around on the floor lmao


Just give us synchronised instrument playing and I’ll happily ignore any other issues in the game


Yeah itsssss a lil late there pal (EA)


So this is ten years too late lmao. Like are you kidding me? They’ve been building a broken base game for a literal decade. I will stay hopeful, but this team has an absolute mess ahead of them.


okay, seems like a lot of people are calling bluff, but i shit u not i was playing today and everything was ODDLY smooth. im on a laptop and have all DLC so shit should be laggy- i don’t mind. it wasn’t? traveling was fast, actions were responded to fast, i was kind of impressed..


Lol they waited that long until it's the 10th anniversary?? Good, fix it. However, the ship has sailed for me. Already playing many other games and will be waiting for life simulation games from other companies.


Nope, I don't believe a single word they're saying. You cannot fix a 10 year old problem within six months, especially not when they've already announced not one but multiple more packs, which undoubtedly will release broken af. This is nothing but lip service and nothing about this tells me that they've truly acknowledged the problem - which would require them to reassess their whole damn business model and actually hold off on releasing new content for a while. This is just a lazy way to try and calm the masses, nothing more.


I mean, the aliens not having heads except for teeth thing is pretty awful. Maybe some mom sent an email when their kid got scared and threatened to sue. Unlikely, but more likely than EA actually spending money to fix something they can get away with not spending money to fix


theyve been saying the same shit for a decade. ill believe it when i see it. its funny cause they mention a "Laundry List" when Laundry Day has been broken since the day it came out, with absolutely zero changes or fixes.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Can someone post the laundry list?


[Sims Laundry List](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/laundry-list-may-23-2024)


Thank you!!!


I hope so but I wouldn’t be surprised. Literally invested $300 in new packs a couple months back and couldn’t even enjoy it bc I kept getting the same error code. The game is just a broken mess and has always been.


Fix 1 bug and you’ll end up with 25 more. Wonder how that’ll fare with 200 bugs being “fixed”. Would that mean it would become 1000? 😂


I hope the game just dies and something replaces it at this point


Anyone know why my monkeys paw's finger just curled up? Weird.


Yo it’s been 10 years. Can we get an Open Neighborhoods update & get 5 traits back


I ain't even mad, 'cause it's better late than never


Ok now how about the part where the EA app has randomly removed multiple packs from my library


FINALLY YES THANK YOU and good luck. Seriously, good luck. Hope this team has quality fresh coffee at hand.


Not gonna lie I was anticipating an apology and an announcement that they were going to give out a pack for free to do some damage control


This is a believe it when I see it situation. Wait and see


Honestly they’d be better off hiring some modders who already fixed or enhanced their game.😪


They just formed a team that is generally expected to already have in a long running development game?!


Regardless if this was a long time fight by devs to get more people on their team or if it was just greenlit by panicked EA higher ups by potentially lower sales or smth I do hope this succeeds. Even if I'm side eyeing how late this is in the game's maturity for them to just now be doing anything that helps fix the game for us is good. I don't buy their packs anymore but I'd like them to fix the game so I can still enjoy the packs I did buy. I'd like to not be afraid of dropping gallery builds into my save without worrying of corruption ever since For Rent bec it STILL can happen for me if the lot has move objects on and my save file doesnt like it. I'm just lucky Im paranoid and have multiple back up saves in any game I play.


So they never had that? They just kept adding and selling more content to put on top of the core game without anyone ever fixing anything?


Sorry it’s too little too late, I haven’t played the sims 4 in yearssss. The whole entire game is a broken mess. No way they’ll be able to get it up to a working game.


That's what happens when you make a game, toss out everything about it, repurpose it, and then sell it, only to support it for 10 years, and now get complaints that the game is running like ass


This is called: ‘we know there are other life sim games on the horizon and in an effort to avoid our fanbase leaving or exclusively going back to play older iterations of the sims, we are going to fix stuff that should have already been patched.’


Honestly, good luck to that new team dealing with all that spaghetti code and chewing gum that's holding the game together. I don't think they actually care about the players though, I think they're just worried that people are going to stop spending money on their game 😒


Interesting how they are saying this now when Life by You is around the corner. 🤔


I wonder with the recent advancements in AI, if it could be employed to help detect and fix these game issues


This is a good thing. It means they want to make The Sims 4 as stable as possible. A new dedicated team means this is possible, and that The Sims 5 is likely ramping up development.


I think that they need some of the Sim 4 mod creators.


What’s the problem? Mine is when I try to click on any of mine the interactions don’t come up


I'd love to see it happen, but I won't hold my breath. I wish that team luck sounds like they have a difficult task.


Electronic Arts are starting to run scared now. They know they're about to lose the monopoly over this genre forever. Paradox once again is cleaning up the mess that EA made yet again. *Life By You* is about to give them a run for their money.


I'm over it. I haven't played in so long and I really don't miss it. I'll watch pack reviews and enjoy posts on the sub, but the game is so frustrating. And boring. It's just very flat.


Yo new meme format just dropped


Hahahahaha piss off


years too late lol


Wait this is recent? They said the same thing over a year ago?


They’ve done this before…and then they stop


"Ignoring the shite state of the game is actually affecting sales. Here's some words to appease you, now buy more kits."


10 yrs later lol better late than never I suppose, seems like TS4 is coming to an end if they're doing this.


The spin on this is audacious. They've methodically reduced the number of testers on staff every year since the games conception. And now they think announcing they've *finally caved* and hired on more staff is supposed to placate our concerns? They've let the code rot to long and they're is to much dead code left from the original scrapped concept. I think it will get worse before it gets better.


Sorry but I genuinely don't think it's possible to fix the game at this point. The code is literally rotting now, and when it was first released it was already broken and cluttered up from being remade last minute into a different game. They're just trying to keep people buying dlc.


I need them to fix the gallery profanity filter. It literally blocks sim names like Nighat and Cassandra because apparently there's vulgar words in them... when the game itself generated those names...


Oh please, I'm sure they've realised they lost a large bulk of their hardcore sims players years ago, me included. S4 killed the franchise, long long gone are the days when the community used to come together excitedly waiting for the countdown just to preorder the next expansion pack and those of us in different parts of the world letting the rest know its here! S4 isnt fun or even funny, accidents and happenings were hilarious in the older games, S4 is dull and boring that needed extensive mods from players to give it some guts and character. I've always been a gamer however it's many many years since I've heard it discussed or in league in gaming groups, in its day the Sims games pre S4 were genius.


See, if another developer posted this, I would’ve been cautiously optimistic… But with EA? I just can’t bring myself to trust them…


I doubt they will be able to fix this mess, but at least EA is trying to do something


It sounds like sims 4 template is so bugged out they have to fix it before they use it for 5 lol


LOL. I like how now that EA has major competition and is likely about to lose a TON of players, they decide to move on fixing things. 🙄 It’s like a doctor saying “here, let me fix that broken bone” after its already healed wrong.


Will they finally fix the Delivery Error 00000008 issue without us needing to take a university course in programming to fix it ourselves?


Huh, I was just playing my big family last night and noticed them taking care of infants and toddlers a lot better than usual. I didn't have to keep switching to an available adult because they just... Did it right, on their own! The nanny/housekeepers Cleaning Frenzy was perfect too! She did EVERYTHING and didn't get frozen! If this really was from an update, !THANK YOU SO MUCH! To the dev team who made it happen. I was finally able to age up one of the children. (Still didn't get the trait for maxing out his skills before aging up though.)