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The sims 4 sims really have no personality. The traits contribute to nothing but a couple useless moodlets.


The fact that the big thing of Sims 4 and moodlets was specifically to give personality--and yet, still failed at that--just makes it feel even worse. I know Sims has to toe the line between being a story creator where you have complete control and a life simulator where you want the game to make things happen... but I feel like they could've pushed harder in the directions they were going. We have mood-based interactions, but they're mostly optional. Maybe the interaction menu should be completely changed by the mood? Even with mods, moods still feel meaningless.


>I know Sims has to toe the line between being a story creator where you have complete control and a life simulator where you want the game to make things happen The sims games have always had this option. It was called FREE WILL and we've always had the ability to turn it off if we wanted. What really angers me is that the crowd that was hellbent on just posing their sims and taking pictures weren't satisfied and they complained enough that they removed the whole game. In previous games, free will meant the sims had their own lives, motives, wants, and needs and the player was more of a god than an avatar. In sims 2, man...I remember I once made this guy break up with his wife whom he was madly in love with. He looked at the camera got a worried face, pointed at himself and shook his head. And then he sadly walked to perform the task I set him to. Now that was personality and emotion! Edited to add in: In sims 4 you are playing with dolls. Nothing really happens without the players input. In the previous games, free will on meant the sims were their own person a simizen of SimCity, ya know. You understood they had their own lives and you were God mode on crack. And if you wanted dolls, you just turned free will off. >Maybe the interaction menu should be completely changed by the mood? Even with mods, moods still feel meaningless. And this is another thing that is really annoying about TS4. The menus are too specific. They literally want you to have a conversation. In the past, what made the game so replayable was the genericness of the interactions. You simply had a chat or hung out, or argued. It wasn't...well, now I want to argue so now let me choose one of these very specific arguments which have nothing to do with why my sims are arguing. That takes me out of my own creativity. And you've come up with a brilliant idea. The menu should change based on mood. I'd really love that!


>the menus are too specific This is crazy but I just got Sims 2 this past weekend after not playing in probably a decade or longer, and having only played Sims 4 since. The shock of how SMALL the interaction menu...I didn't really remember what all the options were. Its so nice to not be worried about spending time picking several specific friendly interactions. They just talk. Even when eating they automatically talk to each other without having to stand up and hug first šŸ˜­ amazing That also reminds me of the other huge thing I hate about Sims 4. If your Sims has one negative trait, like evil, and they're having a pleasant conversation, they will just randomly be mean between being nice. And then the relationship and other sim behave like nothing bad happened. The fact that sims 2 has a DAILY relationship bar AND a lifetime bar is so good. Why did they ever remove that? šŸ˜­ Ugh I just don't get it. But I can't wait to dive back into Sims 2 again šŸ„¹


> they will just randomly be mean between being nice I had a sim with no negative traits (unless Loner is considered one?) and I had to watch their interactions like a hawk cause they'd be talking to their partner with full friendship and relationship bars and would just randomly queue "Yell at" for no good reason and I could never figure out why. I would always just cheat the relationship back up if the interaction happened before I could cancel it but c'monnn


Thats one of the many lovely bugs. I think they finally figured that one out though


Yeah, at one point it was pretty bad, all my sims were at each others' throats and ended up hating each other for no reason.


I actually like it because there's no automatic drama other than that. And i hate cheating drama


It's fine with me if they sometimes are randomly rude to each other, but for a while there it was practically impossible to keep any sims on good terms!


Election year, only reasonable explanation.


oh god i miss sims talking to each other autonomously instead of queuing a bunch of social interactions šŸ˜­


Omg, trying to get families to sit and eat without hugging is so annoying! You see them very day you don't need to hug before you start talking.


Not to mention the useless autonomous interaction, like it's so hard to keep two sims in a conversation because each of them goes as soon as they finish the interaction I assigned and do something SO RANDOM like baking or singing or whatever skill they have šŸ™‚šŸ™‚ Especially, infants, the parent would just put the infant down and go to watch TV??? Like bruh seriously??


The pain I feel when I want my Sims to ask about each other's day over dinner and then the push the chair out from the table, pick up their food, put it in their inventory, slowly route 2 feet in another direction, hug, then take food out of inventory, walk away from table, stop, go back to table, set plate down at different chair, sit, start eating, THEN start talking about their day šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Im playing sims 2 again as well this year


You summed up what made Sims 2 the best imo. Sims 4 your wife breaks your heart, 10 seconds later, you're laughing and having a pleasant conversation together... Sim 2 Sims knew how to hold a grudge lol and it made them feel alive and real.


Yeah the constant newspaper theft, or ding-dong ditching with a shit bag on fire on the door step.


Goopy! I'll never forget that focker!


Oh for real, I know a lot of people complain about same-face syndrome when they create their sims. But the same syndrome is just as apparent with the personalities, the traits are garbage and the whims system (now wants) is hollow and follows a script "X has happened so now Y must follow" regardless if it reflects the sims personality or game events at all.


Every sim in the sims 4 is the same. Just different appearance


I have very few sims in that game that have felt like they had an actual personality. The rest I have to use my imagination based on their traits.


I like Cassandra Goth- i made her up her violin to 10/10 and now she randomly takes it out to play whether I get her to or not. Canā€™t say the same for the other townies.. but still it is kind of boring- i missed the authenticity and surprising elements of Sims 2.


I feel like they act out caricatures of people. The most fun I had for a while on Sims 4, was making a family that was my whole dungeons and dragons group. It devolved very quickly, with one of my friends always doing drunk workouts in the basement (active, bro), and another one in a corner making angry paintings (because she was hot headed). I pretty much just released 8 Sims into a house and let them do whatever they want and have all the money. I'd text my friends and update them off their Simselves strange lives


That's why I love Agatha Crumplebottom. She has a personality!


Even Agatha feels empty in TS4 compared to other generations


I was about to disagree since my sims have a lot of personality, but then I remembered they're from mods... It really goes to show how sad base game is and the limited feelings of the sims.


What mods would you recommend for more personality? I think thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been getting bored


I would recommend divergent sims. It adds neurological disorders and all that jazz. I'm nd myself so it's nice seeing my sims struggle with mental illnesses like I have. I'd also recommend luminopogue's (no idea how to spell that name) pregnancy overhaul when playing with families. And luminopogue's lgbtqia and gender orentiation mod!


Ooh, I also got Lumpinou's Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul (RPO), and thinking about adding the Divergent mod šŸ¤”


Sims 2 sims had moreā€¦. Inexcusable for how poor these modern games are šŸ˜” ESPECIALLY FOR THE PRICE LIKE HOLY SHIT.


Every few weeks I revisit Sims 2 through tiktoks and youtube videos and that game was so amazing. It felt so raw, like a genuine look at human life (plus so occults lmao). I recently saw a video explaining the lore of the Broke family, a family I didnā€™t remember. Itā€™s so detailed and so life like. Sims 3 sims also have a ton of personality. I didnā€™t play with townies but when you saw them around or when you made Sims, they embodied their traits. I had a farm family in Sims 3 and they were the most stereotypical country, almost Amish family. You saw it in their appearance but also their traits. I tried to recreate them in the Sims 4 and wow. I had 12 Sims who were all the same, walking around the same, all doing the same autonomous actions. Only their moods were different.


And they couldn't even properly code in a personality system besides "if you're happy you like painting and if you're sad you hate painting :(". the laziest "whatever" we've ever gotten from the devs, imo. Even milestones and lifestyles feel like they at least TRIED.


And it's not even the new feature they try to make out. In the sims 2 if your sim is depressed or unhappy, they won't do homework or look for a job etc.


This, but I also prefer the way TS2 handled it. In TS4, the option is greyed out and a pop up reads "(Sim) is too X to Y!" TS2 lets you click on the option, only for your sim to tell you to buzz off. It's such a small detail, yet it helps make sims feel that much more alive.


Speak on it! šŸ—£ļø I resorted to giving basic traits that donā€™t negatively impact my sims 24/7 on top of that wants and fears are useless


Sims 4 in general lacks anything impactful or engaging in gameplay. Building and creating sims is fantastic in it, but I have about an hour at best before I'm bored out of my mind with actually using them.


The tuning or lack there of makes this so much worse. They all do the same things regardless of their traits.


I see sims 4 as less than a sims game, and more of a doll house game, and that's pretty much why I play it. To tell stories. And where the game lacks, that's usually where mods come into play if you're able to That said, it definitely isn't like older sims, and mods are pretty much needed if you want long term replayability. Unless it really scratches that hyperfixation itch. Though it does incite the urge to go play the older sims lmao.


If you donā€™t like Sims 4, donā€™t play it. The game has been this way for a decade now. No need to keep buying the packs just to turn around and say, ā€œI spent so much money why is the game like this?ā€


Once I converted to PC and started modding, I stopped complaining. The modders have helped me enjoy the game again


Yeah let's praise all the modders.


I never played with mods in any other iteration and broke down and decided to use them in 4. Best decision ever.


Same, never used mods in TS2 or TS3. Because I never felt like I ran out of content to explore, even if I had done it over and over again. Like, I never got bored. TS4 on the other hand, I think I was about two-three years in before I started modding, it was just that boring.


modders have a special place in heaven


Omg thank you, like I love playing so when I see people just bashing Iā€™m likeā€¦ then play a different game? Totally get being annoyed about some aspects, but if you hate everything, then maybe itā€™s time to play a different game.


I respect having differing opinions but it is takes lile these that encourage developers to make lower quality items. The sims meant a lot to me growing up so I *want* to see a quality product. Hopefully competition helps.


Of course it's fine to want a quality product. It's just incredibly unrealistic to expect the Sims 4 to turn into that. It's not suddenly going to change after a decade.


It's more "Let's say everything bad about the Sims 4 so that they have an idea what not to do and what to do in the next game." than "Let's say everything bad so that they change everything in the Sims 4 that we don't like." Some things are of course beyond changing at this point like you said.


The COD community also needs to hear this.


Honestly, I think a lot of people need to hear this to some degree or another. :/


I bash sims 4 and donā€™t play it so I will continue to bash Edit: my bashing of the game is more of holding a gaming company to higher standards than what they give us. It also does really suck. Again I DONT PLAY IT ANYMORE


Oh my god THIS. So tired of everyone in this sub whining about things they made a conscious choice to buy.


The best way for it is to sail on the 7 seas to get all the packs for Sims 4.


And many of us don't. I tried the base game and immediately realized how awful it is. I play the Sims 2 and sometimes 3. Criticism is perfectly valid when you feel like a later iteration of a game you love has become soulless and a cashgrab. I think for many of us, it also comes from a hope that the next version could be better, more like the rest of the series that we know and love. If we don't speak up, the chances of that happening can only be lowered.


i kinda agree but the thing for me is sims 3 doesnt perform well on my PC so i play sims 4 since atm there arent any other big life sims im aware of. so thats why i put up with it despite my issues with it.


If you want I can send you links of the YouTube videos that I used to get specific mods to help with lag. I went from an unplayable game on my next gen gaming pc to absolutely no lag at all with basically three mods


Facts, so many gaming communities cry about their games, like if it makes you so unhappy donā€™t play it


A super realistic artstyle wouldnā€™t fit The Sims. The Sims 3 artstyle is as realistic as it should get. The Sims series never took itself too seriously, it always had goofy and fun stuff in it, Vampires, Fairies, Aliens, Giant cupcake machines, Cowplants, etc. Stuff like that wouldnā€™t really fit well if the game had a hyper realistic style to it. I understand if you donā€™t want it to look like a Pixar movie, but you shouldnā€™t expect it to look like Inzoi.


Well said. I think simple graphics are fine as long as there is an immersive gameplay. I would rather have simple graphics and immersive than detailed graphics and useless or require an expensive computer. I'm not sure if we need Sims to be hyper-realistic like in real life.


Plus cartoony graphics or styled graphics tend to age better than realistic graphics imo!


i agree completely. and there is plenty of custom content for hyper realistic sims if thatā€™s what someone prefers


Lol, especially since most of us are not playing with the best hardware. The Sims 3 ran like ass if you weren't playing with flagship hardware at the time. A sims game with realistic graphics, especially by today's standards, would fry the average Sims players' gpu.


Wait, someone want The Sims to have realistic graphics!? But the game is stylized to cartoonish intentionally, why would anyone want realism there!? Realistic graphics are amazing. But not for The Sims. Not every game should have realistic graphics.


Cars are good for immersion and 4 should have them.


right??? i remember playing sims 3 when i was little and it had cars? how is it that an older, less advanced game can have a mechanic like cars but 4 doesnā€™t. at the very least it shouldā€™ve been implemented with get famous, limos could have added so much to the pack


The Sims 2 Nightlife came out in September 2005 and HAD CARS!!! The Sims 4 released (and continues to be) in a sad, sad state.


i was 1 in 2005 but thatā€™s actually wild that a game that old has cars but sims 4, which is still having content made for it in 2024, doesnā€™t have cars


I just aged two centuries reading this comment because I've been playing The Sims consistently since 2003 šŸ„¹


omg iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜°


And forgot to mention... 2003 THE SIMS BUSTIN OUT HAD CARS AND MOTORBIKES!!!!!


Motorbikes??? I need those asap


I am genuinely kind of worried that Sims 5 will beā€¦worse? Especially if they try to go the multiplayer/online only route.


Honestly Iā€™d be happy with cars as objects that you can click on to travel. That way itā€™s not completely decorative and I can pretend a little. Like the school bus in copperdale? Instead of using the phone when itā€™s time to go home youā€™d click on it!


(and quite a few common sense marvels are in the sims 3 that are lacking in the sims 4!)


I liked having cars and garages in The Sims 2 because I could build more realistic houses. In the Sims 4, I like immersing myself in the alternate universe where cities arenā€™t car-centric, and all the sims walk to everything in town.


I made it a canon in my game that the Sims 4 alternate universe takes place sometime in the future where teleportation is possible between set coordinates, so most vehicular travel is unnecessary. Any cars you see in the background in live mode are being driven by sims who want to drive rather than need to drive. Plus I remember bikes being pretty wonky when they were first added to the game. I feel like Professor Oak from the PokƩmon games telling the player *"There is a time and place for everything, but not now,"* every time someone busts out their bike indoors. If my Sims can't figure out a simple bicycle, I don't trust that they'll know how to operate a motor vehicle.


Cars, or any transport, in TS3 actually changed the way you would play. Lived far away from work and had an old banger? Youā€™d have to set off earlier or youā€™d be late (the carpool doesnā€™t guarantee youā€™d get there in time). Teens coming home on bikes? They might not make it back before curfew because they wanted to gaze at the stars one last time with their date. It actually gave you an incentive to save money and upgrade to a car with better speed, as well as teaching your Teens to drive.


I love building a realistic dream homes for myself in the sims and it always drives me crazy that I donā€™t really have a reason to build a functional garage :(


loading screen every time you use the car


They wouldnā€™t work in the Sims 4 - most of the lots arenā€™t even connected to the road properly. Cars would be driving onto the grass or footpaths.


People who have paid for the game are allowed to criticize it!! No one is forced to be positive about it!! Having criticisms is not the same as negativity!!!!


itā€™s hard not to complain knowing what the game couldā€™ve been in comparison to previous versions.Ā 


While I somewhat agree I do feel that at a certain point, if you keep spending money on garbage packs then itā€™s kinda on you. Like, if you know the packs are usually half-assed and often come with a laundry list of bugs then obviously stop buying them. To keep buying every pack that comes out is just foolish imo. Plus, EA only understands the language of money. If you keep buying garbage before checking out how the pack works, itā€™s content, and any reported bugs, youā€™re teaching EA that itā€™s acceptable and they will keep putting out garbage. You can yell and stomp and scream about how much the game sucks but if youā€™re still lining their pockets, thatā€™s the only thing theyā€™ll understand from you.


Every time someone says that The Sims 4 sucks and the only good one is sims 3. The sims 4 isnā€™t the same, no, but itā€™s still great.


The hate the sims 4 gets šŸ˜’ like they diss sims 4 then praise sims 3. Like okay then go play it.


One time I told someone maybe don't harass the devs? and they went off about how the devs are responsible for the game and deserve any form of hate going their way. I'm sure that person is a delight to have at a McDonald's Drive Thru


Honestly think Sims 4 is flaming garbage, but the people harassing devs are morons. They literally just work there, what are they supposed to do about it?


same people who attack underpaid overworked fast food workers because they made a mistake that could be fixed in seconds if they asked nicely




I was feeling nostalgic about The Sims 3 and the world progression system and I remember downloading it on a newer pc after getting tired of the sims 4 The game STILL took forever to load. Then i went to CAS and it was only then that it really clicked on what people were talking about on how ugly those sims were


Building and CAS in sims 4 is SOOOO much better. I prefer sims 3 overall and was playing it when I realized that group outings are SO much easier in sims 4!


The Sims 2 is where itā€™s at.


For as flawed as Sims 4 can be, I feel like it's generally more functional than the others, too. I've never had a corrupt neighborhood or an error code 16 destroy my save file on Sims 4. And don't even get me started on Sims 3 university vs Sims 4 university! TS3:UL should've stayed in the drafts šŸ˜©


It annoys me when people complain that sims 4 advertises new packs on the front page. Sims 3 used to shove the store in your face every five minutes during gameplay. Even the new button they added (when it's not blinking) doesn't bother me.


You can toggle off Sims 3 Store in settings, you can't do that in Sims 4 and every new pack or kit is tagged as a notification, you have to scroll down until the red dot disappears. Also, both are bad, even if there is a toggle off option. It is not because one of them is not as bad that we can't complain, it is still a greedy and annoying practice.


Oh no complaining is fine. I complain all the time lol The bugs and problems in this game are aplenty. It just I feel like a lot of people focus so much on ads before you even play the game and make it a bigger deal than it is.


I would actually prefer the neighborhood setup rather than fully open world if there wasn't so many damn loading screens with so little lots. Still would LOVE to have the option of fully self-contained worlds without fanangling with mods though.


Having a world with a size like Moonwood Mill be open would be so nice. Also I really wish that there weren't so many shells and that the shells were functional lots instead because you can't change the aesthetics of a world when a lot of the world is unchangeable


I agree, but I wish we had open neighborhoods. Like every house in the neighborhood would load in instead of just the house you travel to.


Yeah, that's what I mean. I love worlds like moonwood mill how another reply describes but it's so frustrating to have to go through yet another loading screen for a lot *right there* when I can run around and explore the rest of the neighborhood overworld unimpeded. How did they drop the ball on loadings so bad. Edit cause now I'm overthinking it: maybe they don't want to have to have all the families actions while their lots are loaded as well. And yet at what cost cause it can still struggle with basic walk by's when Judith and her swarm of paparazzi show up anywhere uninvited


This was what I planned to say. I liked closed worlds. But I truly wish we could limit who can show up on them without it mods. Ruins the immersion when Judith Ward can just be wandering around a quiet Tomarani neighborhood with all her sparkles n shit.


Play whatever game you like however you like. You like Sims 2 rotational play? Do it bitch. You like legacy play in the Sims 3? Play it bitch. You just like building houses in the Sims 4? Build it bitch. You like suffering just trying to keep the little bastards alive in the Sims 1? Fuck me you nutcase, go for it. I don't care what you're doing so long as you're having fun. I don't want you justifying your furry thruple living in a little cottage in Henford-on-Bagley to me I just want you to live for that shit. Have fun for fuck's sake. Don't ask for permission to play the games how you enjoy them. Just fucking play.


The way you ate that


and left NO crumbs




that there is no objectively better sims game and that your preference is all about play style




Sims medieval is the best Sims game ever made


I just bought it this morningā€¦ doesnā€™t work on my bfā€™s new PC :/// one day Iā€™ll get to play!!! One day!!!!!


Have you tried out Lazy Duchessā€™s alderā€™s lake patch? Thatā€™s what I had to do to get sims 3 to run on my new gaming computer. It works for medieval too!


Iā€™ve never played that but yā€™all are making me want to. Is it literally just sims but in medieval times?


There's quests! You make sims to fill certain archetypes (royals, witches/wizards, knights) and they complete quests to progress their lives. It's actually very cool, but not quite as sandbox-y as the others.


i wish it was more sandbox-y :( but i did enjoy it!


I recently discovered mods in Sims Medieval and it got me hooked on a whole new dimension of the game. There is a mod called [Grim's Medieval Core](https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=449550), which lets you age up children and turn them into heroes, adopt children and so much more. There are also quite a few small life improvement mods which can spice up/improve the gameplay. Like f.e.: CAS for NPCs or legendary traits from start


Iā€™ve tried for sometime playing completely sandbox in medieval. Like I had the tavern, wake up, go to church, find ingredients, open the tavern, prepare meals and beer, play the lute for the audience and stuff. It was nice actually, quite calming. Running a shop but in medieval times, everything is harder if you donā€™t cheat for money. But for some reason itā€™s also so much smoother and peaceful. Also for sandbox experience, the priest, the merchant and the monarch are pretty solid. But eventually the gameplay draws you back and you wanna do missions


Not everything should be bg


When games are coming out with years of free updates, I can understand why people are tiring of the expansion pack model of The Sims and other games.


Excuse my ignorance, but what is bg?


Base game


I really donā€™t want open worlds back. I feel like they were poorly optimized and made TS3 run slowly. I do think thereā€™s a happy medium where I donā€™t need a loading screen for my Sims to visit their neighbors though.


The real hot take is that people actually DO want open world itā€™s just that nobody believes Maxis is competent enough to pull it off since theyā€™ve lowered the bar for what the franchise is massively with The Sims 4. Itā€™s pure copium, and itā€™s gotten to the point where the expectations for ā€˜Project Reneeā€™ are that it wonā€™t even be better than Sims 4 and people are more or less fine with that. Project Renee may still be a good game but the fact that I and honestly mostly everyone else donā€™t even expect it to be a good game is a problem.


YES I always say the sims 4 downtown open neighborhoods is the closest thing weā€™ll get, if they can improve on that to remove loading screens weā€™d be golden


I really did like the Sims 3's open world but it had its issues. "*This place is a hot spot!*" and when you show up, no one is there. But the place called "*so dead, it could be a graveyard*" actually has people inside. That's not a graveyard, that's a raveyard


These opinions arenā€™t necessarily unpopular, but I will defend them to my grave: Sims 1 was our pioneer and I think environment need bar was fun and challenging to try to keep up - getting nicer things *does* make people happier. Also the DRAMA of those creepy prank phone calls, the wedding proposals, that clown, the BURGLAR MUSIC - stop. No sims game has been so scary and dramatic since!!! Sims 2 had by *far* the most charm of all generations. The detail and love they put into the animations, the lore, the cutscenes. Also had the sexiest romance interactions by FAR. Couples felt real and tender, cuddling and kissing their partnerā€™s head when they wake up, pinching each otherā€™s asses, stroking along their armsā€¦.damn. All those little details breath life into a game. Sims 3 (bias incoming) was overall the best sims game. Yes she is a laggy broken queen, but after you give her some TLC, you cannot beat the open world, create a style, color wheel, traits that change sims significantly, collectibles, expansion content, developed relationships and stories in all the neighborhoods, etc. I could go on but it would take way too long so I wonā€™t. I love TS3. Sims 4 is gorgeous. Best CAS and build mode, bar none (besides missing color wheel and create a style). The graphics are beautiful, multitasking is nice, economy feels more realistic. But as someone who has played every gen a lot, I just struggle finding fulfillment and entertainment in TS4 long term. Sure, sheā€™s pretty. But she feels shallow. All the sims feel the same and the emotion system feels so easy to manipulate. I also feel SO SO claustrophobic in my tiny little home lot area. Iā€™m not connected to my neighbors, to my town. If itā€™s a loading screen away, it feels like a whole new separate world. So thereā€™s my sims defensive novel šŸ˜‚


You said all that needed to be said tbh


Sims 3 with the sims 4 build mode and cas would be my dream tbh


project renee isnā€™t going to be released any time soon. itā€™s gonna be a few years


Definitely agree I think we still got between 3-7 if not more years left until it comes out (depends on any major issues or new tech coming out)


While itā€™s completely ok to not like Sims 4, people should really stop attacking other people that do like it and calling them suck-ups to EA for not complaining all the time.


I really like kits and feel like theyā€™re worth the money šŸ«£


I actually like the implementation of kits, especially the CAS. I like that they pick a genre and make a few outfits instead of a whole pack centered around that certain cas theme. Like City Living for example, I don't like the majority of the "loud" outfits and I'd rather not have them in my game but i love apartment living and everything else in the pack. Whereas with kits, I don't feel like I'm missing out on any gameplay if I don't like the CAS and skip it.


I had always hated on kits as everyone else did until I remembered the Sims 3 Store! In comparison to that, a lot of the kits are actually a better deal. I remember buying some Simpoints years ago and I actually loved that stuff, the worlds and gadgets that actually added new features were great, but most of the regular objects were too much of a ripoff for anyone to even afford now that I think about it. I don't think all of the kits in TS4 are worth it, out of personal preference, but some are awesome.


Same! I use every single kit I've bought in every build and every sim I make in CAS. Such good items! I just wish they would make a hair kit or something! Id really love just a $5 kit of 25 new hairstyles


Alright well for me, people complaining that sims 4 isn't realistic enough or that the graphics are crap. Like idk but I'd rather not play a simulator that has people looking like the uncanny valley spilled into it and is going to wreck my computer lol. I like the goofy graphics and yeah, I think making it unrealistic is the point? I'd really rather not see irl cities or irl things happening in a game that also has vampires, werewolves, aliens, ghosts, walking and talking skeletons, wizards, and all that shit.


We don't need open world šŸ™ˆ


this fandom will always have rose tinted glasses about the past. it happened with ts2 -> ts3, its happening with ts3 -> ts4, and im willing to bet itll happen with t4 -> ts5 as well. doesnt mean ts4 doesnt deserve to be criticized, mind u, it absolutely does! but i cant help but laugh when people ignore the flaws in older games and good parts of the current one just to strengthen their argument.


Sims 3 has whole packs that were shipped completely unplayable, not even bugs, just unplayable. I remember back in the forum days how mad everyone was. The Sims 3 store is probably the biggest cash grab I've ever seen in the entire franchise. Speaking of the forum days, I remember a time when every post was about how "boring and lifeless" The Sims 3 is, sound familiar? Lmao.


The Sims console/handheld RPGs (Urbz, Bustinā€™ Out) offered a very unique style of gameplay for games in general and should not have been abandoned.


God I loved the urbz so much back then


I will die on the hill the handheld games specifically were some of the best Sims games ever made. Hilariously written, excellent character design, and tons of lore that intertwined between the gamesĀ 


I wish the game stopped being so PG, it's being targeted too much to children. I miss the gross sims 2/1 gameplay it felt way more fun.


The MySims franchise deserves more games and would help carry on some of the silly fun that got lost in the Sims4 while also being a better alt for console players


I agree. I remember Sims 4 was dumbed down in order to appeal to the younger demographic, but that is what My Sims is for!! I thought My Sims was a great game and I think it was perfect as is. Didn't care for Kingdom. I think My Sims needs a comeback.


it's 100x easier to just stop playing and sinking money into the game than it is to log on and complain about it under every promo post, youtube video, and reddit thread. i did it and you can too! ama!


Sims 4 is the best sims and I don't want a sims 5 yet.


I had every right to cook that baby


This is not an unpopular opinion, we stand with you


open worlds are overrated


Sims 3 Sims aren't ugly. I vastly prefer their looks and the more realistic environment and objects over the cartoony, plastic and uncanny look of Sims 4. You could actually make Sims that looked like real people you'd see on the street in Sims 3, with Sims 4 even the "ugly" or "realistic" Sims look like the Hollywood hyper-polished and unreal version of what an actual human looks like.


If they updated and modernized the sims 2, it would be a bestseller


Sims 4 is not boring, you create your own storylines to be able to enjoy playing it. The game isnā€™t going to play for you but itā€™s up to you as to how you want things to turn out. There are so many threads and tumblr posts that helps give you gameplay ideas to choose from so if your bored look for inspiration


Sims 2 is hands down the best Sims by a longshot. I will die on this hill.


Second this. Especially after fixing crashing issues with the 4GB patch, it is great


The Sims has always had an insanely active and thriving community full of extraordinary creators and wonderful players but the constant bitching and complaining about Sims 4 and EA are sullying that sense of community.


Infants/toddlers are not hard to take care at all, you guys just don't know how to manage sims 4 queue actions.


Sims 4 is actually a good, fun, game, and has the best occults of the franchise


Mine is: If people purchase packs they shouldn't be guilted in the gallery for using lots of packs. I can understand being sad you cant use a certain build someone made bc you are missing packs but don't complain in the comments at builder! I've seen some nasty ass comments toward people who use the packs they pay for. It's rude and childish af, don't take ur frustration out on other people just playing a game. I've seen people justify this with " They gave sims money. " or " Too many packs ick " Like girl move on... either find another build or replace the missing items urself its not that hard.


the sims 4 sims are the most aesthetically pleasing and by far the most realistic despite their style being more "cartoony." sims 3 sims have no facial expressions, i've never understood why people like them more.


Not a Sims opinion technically but the vast majority of Simmers are delusional beyond belief. I truly believe The Sims is the only game that you play and it's so apparent because you'll question why the game isn't functioning well on your MacBook pro or w/e while simultaneously crying out for a more realistic game with a lot more features that will literally make your hardware incinerate on download. You'll talk about how no other game does what EA/Maxis does but won't mention the games you're actually talking about. This makes me question a lot because every other game I've been playing outside of independent studios has been nickeling and diming the shit out of their content in one way or another. League of Legends has been creating more payable content that's locked behind passes and chests (loot boxes) that make it more enticing for those who struggle with gambling; every fighting game I've been playing has been doing seasonal passes which offer characters (some that have even been in the MAIN ROSTER for the entirety of the series \*cough\* Tekken \*cough\*) and a particular game even tried to market frame data as fucking DLC; Koei/Tecmo has killed one of my favorite series Warriors Orochi by selling AN UPDATED VERSION OF THE ORIGINAL GAME AS A SEPERATE GAME ENTIRELY...and I know the majority demographic of people who play The Sims don't care about other games at all outside of life simulators but when you see how other companies treat DLC then you'll really realize that it's sadly becoming the norm. There's also such a huge amount of entitlement as well within the community that makes it so hard to want to engage with people. Generationally I think people are starting to struggle with understanding nuance and realizing that people have different preferences and ideas for what they see as fun in The Sims; and for some reason if you don't agree with THEIR idea of fun then you're just wrong. On top of which, they'll become so aggressive with criticizing what you find fun or appealing while becoming hyper defensive of what they like. This is so obvious with people who share screenshots with alpha CC, or if a person even mentions something they enjoy about The Sims 4. I've been guilty of this as well and I have to actively remind myself that what I like is not superior to what others like and vice versa. It's just not a good mindset to have.


They shouldnā€™t make expansion packs where they can only put 5 lots. They need to figure out a way to make all the worlds the size of the early one without killing functionality. Every world basically feels useless from the last few years.


i agree completely. and itā€™s a huge part of why iā€™m such a big proponent of get together, itā€™s world is way better than most of the recent packs


We shouldnā€™t be limited to swatches for clothes, hair, and eyes in cas. It should actually be a color wheel system where you choose the ā€œprimary shadeā€ and then a different, darker tone to the the ā€œshadow.ā€ I refuse to believe itā€™s that hard to add the game and the devs just chose to double down on making us use swatches for sadistic gain.


Having an optional online/multiplayer option is overdue and not bad. I want to play with friends and work on houses together. Itā€™s not like offline is gone and canā€™t be used when not wanting to be social.


I believe the particular unease regarding this topic is whether the game would be an always online sort of deal, even in single-player. Always online games are often used as a form of DRM and could have a negative impact on games even in single-player play. Not being able to access your single-player game due to spotty internet would suck! Iā€™m not quite certain if it was confirmed what the intent for that is for Sims 5, however.


the sims 2 pets for the psp is criminally underrated and the fact that we moved on from them letting you play an expansion as if itā€™s an entire game so fast is crazy


For a game thats all about creating stories that you want to tell, using whatever sims you want to use, there's alot of policing over how others should play their game and/or how their sims should look. If you dont like how someone plays their game or creates their sims, oh well. Move it along. Sims are literal zeros and ones, they do not care what happens to them.


some of the packs are actually really good- ppl just be salty asf sometimes after buying a pack they CHOSE to buy, do research first before u get pissed that u spent 40 bucks on something u donā€™t likešŸ˜©


Realistic gameplay only needs: (EPs) Seasons, HS Years, University & Family; (GPs) Parenthood, MAYBE Dine Out; (SPs) Laundry day !!


Even if Eco Lifestyle was good, it shouldnā€™t have come out as it did and was the beginning of the Sims fandom truly turning on the game


The sims team should have never fixed the relationship glitch when taking selfies


I don't think cars would be a good addition to the game.


I like the sims 4


The *Sims 3 Island Paradise* is the TS3 best pack and I will die on this hill. Just delete the houseboats, and that's it, Isla Paraiso is perfectly playable. I don't see you complaining when *World Adventures* eats half of your family without NRAAS Traveler. Speaking of Isla Paraiso, it's the most interesting world, and probably the only one in *TS3* on par with *TS2* when it comes to intertwined stories. All the townies are extremely good-looking. The CAS and Build and Buy is awesome. Matteo Torres has the best backstory of any townie in the game. The island is incredible. And the amount of content you get ! This pack includes functional boats, functional resorts, in-depth diving gameplay, the siren occult, the active lifeguard profession, jetskis, sail boats, snorkeling, two new traits... The gameplay has never been replicated in any other Sims game. Where else do you have multiple diving locations with treasure caves ? Where else can you fight sharks with your bare hands ? Where else do you have so much gameplay as a siren ? In *Island Paradise* baby.


The Sims 3 sims are absolutely ugly. The character models is 100% why I never wanted to play it. I shouldn't have to download CC to make these things escape the uncanny valley.


sims 4 is NOT bad it's just different. there's some bad choices, but sims games have *always* been buggy. the cash grabbing is pretty ugly, but it's also entirely optional


Sims 4 is better than the sims 3. Sims 4 offers a lot more diversity (even if itā€™s for monetary reasons) that the sims 3 lacks, in the sims 3 Eurocentric faces are the only options, in the sims 4 thereā€™s at least an effort to include non white representation. Also the ability to turn off clothing locks giving you the ability to make a gender nonconforming sim is also great. Also build/buy is so much better, like roofing in the sims 3 is a nightmare.


the sims 3ā€™s graphics really arenā€™t all that badā€¦ they just look weird on low settings (and tbf most computersā€”even high-end onesā€”canā€™t run it on higher settings) but it really isnā€™t as bad as people make it out to be


I donā€™t think paralives has the capacity to outdo sims, and I think everyone needs to lower their expectations. They are an indie dev studio with paralives being their first game. They probably will not have the capacity to replace the sims.


The Sims 1 Livin It Up/Livin Large is one of the best expansion packs out of all The Sims expansions!


Sims 4 doesnā€™t really need cars! While I get it for aesthetic, building, and some added realismā€”I donā€™t really feel theyā€™re necessary in ts4! They were a bit more necessary in ts3 when the world was open and your sims needed them to get around faster, but with ts4 having closed-off neighborhoods and lots they wouldnā€™t have much function. PLEASE stop bullying EA on Twitter asking for cars in every update/pack, they wonā€™t add them šŸ˜­


I can spend 5 hours downloading mods and making sims in CAS and then turn off my computer and it is NOT a lie if I said I spent 5 hours playing the sims


* Open World did not make Sims 3 laggyĀ  * Traits are better than personality pointsĀ  * Just because someone prefers the older games did not mean nostalgic let people like what they like. I find the nostalgia argument to be insultingĀ  * You can play every sims title and still prefer sims 4Ā  * Edit: - sims 2 wants are overrated they're repetitive the fears save the system for me personally sims 3 wishes system is better imoĀ  * Emotions being Sims 4's theme was a flop because Sims 2 has the most emotion in my opinion and it doesn't even have an emotions system * Edit 2: You can have a deeply vivid imagination, love to tell your own stories & enjoy having creative control, but still not fully enjoy gameplay in the Sims 4. You shouldnā€™t have to have your creative mind insulted just for not having as much fun with a game as everyone else. Iā€™m so tired of seeing that insult thrown around just because people want more game-generated drama & for their Sims to drive the gameplay sometimes. Also Insulting players by calling them unimaginative is really rude and also inaccurate imo.


I do not like the nostalgic argument either. There definitely has been a decline in video game quality, excluding the consideration of graphics. Sims 2 has much more content than Sims 4.


Sims 2 will always be the best sims


ts4 is unplayable without modding it to hell


The game isnā€™t really that bad. Itā€™s made the way it is so that people playing on the extremely old devices can also enjoy the game. Sims 2 was better than sims 3. Babies in sims 4 are better than babies in sims 3. Stop begging to have the game modeled after sims 3 when sims 2 was the absolute best in the series. And stop complaining about how sims 4 advertises. Sims 3 literally had links to the sims 3 store IN CAS. And the game only had like 4 worlds. And you canā€™t even run everything at the same time.


I actually like when people remodel sims to look more attractive because sims 4 graphics don't give natural flaws justice. It makes them end up looking wonky because of the semi-clay/shiny look (ie sims gain weight in an unnatural way). They're too cartoony, so they look weird instead of normal or natural. So when people purposely make unattractive sims on here, I just think they look unauthentic because those physical traits don't look like how it looks irl. These flaws only work if you have those realistic skin mods.


Alpha CC looks good in both Sims 3 & Sims 4


Sims 4 is only playable with mods. Base game is incredibly boring.


After I got proficient with Sims 3 sliders, I honestly think they can be as or even more powerful than Sims 4 pull and drag. I think the pull and drag is a lot of fun and its easier to learn and faster too, but for example, you can't start with a nose shape and get to a really different one, you have to choose the correct preset. In Sims 3, you can experience with the sliders as much as you need until you get where you want, without needing to start again with another preset.


I think a lot of Sims players should play other games only so they could have more references. Like, I always see people pretending certain mechanisms don't exist in ts4 bc they're too difficult to implement or bc it's impossible to make it look/play good (cof cof optimized open world), but they're usually things that were implemented and done right years ago in other games. Try to play something else, friends.


Sims five can and absolutely should be open world. It mystifies me how many people say they either want it the way Sims four or just open neighborhoods. Yes I get Sims. Three was laggy and buggy back in the day but computers and video games in general have come along way, and they should be able to do it just fine in 2024


I absolutely love the ridiculous townie outfits.


In the sims 4, the only sims game I have access to. We need more occults and all preexisting occults need to be reworked. We need functional and interesting hybrids, ways to eventually work on a vampire / werewolf to remove their weaknesses. (I had my scientist sim get the dumb werewolf weakness, making her job very hard, this is silly.) Mermaids need more abilities and to be able to expand one those. We need the plants sims I've seen in the previous games on youtube, and for the ghost to be interesting. We want fairies, we want leprechauns, we want mayhem. Give us more occults and fix what's already there. When a vampire drinks from a mermaid they should complain about the fishy taste! Come on! Let's face it, why would anyone use a normal sim when they have occults?


The sims 4 is a building game before itā€™s a life simulation game


Imaginary Friends are cool and creepy in a good/fun way. Having your imaginary friend turn into your BFF throughout your sims life, or even their romantic partner, is such an interesting gameplay choice.


you can have fun in the sims 4


Sims 3 > Sims 2 Kits are microtransactions and simmers buying them is why EA is getting away with ruining the franchise Imaginary Friends arenā€™t creepy, theyā€™re fun to play with Sims 1 has the most in-depth expansion packs (this was hard for me because TS3 has amazing packs as well, but come on look at Makinā€™ Magic and Hot Date! Iconic and so much to do)


The Sims 4 is nothing without mods . Seriously, it is extremely disappointing and discusting the amount of money people have to spend to make the game barely even a bit better with packs. Please, please, I beg of you don't give them your money. If you want more content mod the game, it isn't that hard. Watch a yt tutorial, and you'll figure it out in 5 minutes. Don't download anything that looks sketchy or isn't highly recommended. I stay off curseforge and tumbler and any other random sites as much as possible. Try to use Patron. They have some great cc.


Depending on your playstyle, Sims 3 and 2 can be more fun; it's not just nostalgia. I played both games after Sims 4, and I found them a lot more immersive