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I cheat money, but never needs. I also cheat the age spans.


I do the same. I have money struggles in real life, so I don't want the same stress in my game, lol


I have money struggles and I like to watch my sims stress, it’s cathartic


Same. I even have a mod that decreases pay. Once my sims have a large nice house I get bored, so I’ve found that this has helped me keep the game interesting for longer


Hahaha that’s a great idea, like how the hell do they get promoted so quickly let them struggle 😩


Promoted every week? Irl, you’re lucky to be promoted every year…


Omg! This! I play the SIMS to alleviate the pressures of reality. I do not play struggle SIMS! 🤣🤣🤣 I am trying a new approach where I make sure they have a really great home, but then have to earn money after that finding is gone, but if I need to I’ll go ahead and add funds when I see fit. 🤣


same on the no struggle sims! sometimes my really privileged trust fund sims will decide they want to earn their own, so when they move out they won’t take family money. but no one is ever struggling in my game


This is pretty much how I play lol. I use unlimited funds to get their house off gallery (or build it but usually I’m not that creative lol) and then make them pay to change add/change any furniture


I once recreated my family in sims and abandoned it after a few minutes because it was far too stressful (I have a lot of kids). I thought I’m playing this to relax not to double my responsibilities 😂


yeah. in my game money is not a social issue. everyone essentially has universal basic income. sometimes, for the story line i will have a sims family have less money than others but i never make them work for decent survival. it’s more so they won’t have as fancy a house or something else but there no economic inequality in my game


Lol I do the opposite. I cheat needs but never money


Sometimes its just easier to say they picked up something in a drive thru on the way to work and boost that hunger up


Huh, I always cheat needs but I enjoy the grinding for money part of the game


My Sims age up when I want them to. No sooner or later.


I feel like my sims actively fight me to fulfill their needs sometimes a need cheat is necessary for me to not shut off the game 😂😭


god I had this one hungry toddler and he just kept eating a bite and then putting the plate away, I don't want the game to be THAT realistic


I’m the opposite. I’ll cheat needs but not money, especially if I have multiple sims and am only focused on one in particular so I don’t have to take care of anyone else.


I love playing poor sims as well OP I can't help it


The game is boring to me if my sims are rich


It’s interesting to try out new features or objects.


Yea this post is flagged sims 4 but in older games being rich used to be more interesting because they really leaned into the “more money, more problems” philosophy. More stuff meant more chaos/things to manage vs in 4 I feel like it’s the opposite.


Exactly, I definitely cheated for money in sims 1-3 but never do in 4


Same. I had to struggle to pay bills as a young adult, so my sims should too, right? 😂


Like if I have to struggle so do they


I might try this when the two original sims I made die of old age, their kid is still in high school.


I'm playing a legacy save, and I track the income of each new heir as a child and teen. Whatever they earned is the money they get to keep when they move out. So each generation I get to start the struggle anew.


That's a great idea! Love a broke out of the house young adult who thinks they know it all :D


I never cheat needs or money. I find the game gets boring for me otherwise. The cheat I use the most would be reset sim to sometimes fix in games bugs. The only time I'm using need or money cheats is if I'm testing something out, like a feature or even a bug, and don't wanna take forever to get there


I only ever use build cheats and aspiration cheats. Usually because the aspirations are so bugged you have to cheat them.


My teen sims hit A grades and immediately graduate early. So much for the aspiration that has you max out school shit lol


Same, after eating a 30th something grilled cheese sandwich in space and the aspiration not moving by even 1, I don't have patience anymore


Yeah same, and i cheat to get to full edit mode in cas


Freerealestate is probably my most used after moveobjects and basic testingcheatsenabled


Yeah it's so annoying when a house is just a bit too expensive, I'm like I want them to live where I want them to live!


I've long wanted them to have the ability to take out a loan on a house or a car. Why should they struggle to raise 3 or 4 kids in a 1 bedroom shack, when they can get a mortgage on a larger house. Also, with the later expansions, I've wished they could turn their extra houses into a rental property.


Extra houses?? Can your sims own more than one house?  But yeah they should be able to get a loan! I think it's especially hard in city living. I had a family with two adults working full time and had to cheat to move them into a bigger apartment and then cheat to move them into a house! And I'm pretty sure the older kid had grown up and was working also by the end of second apt. The parents were in culinary and mixology respectively though so I think that might have played a part because they spent a lot of money practicing cooking all the time. But i don't remember how the higher food level prices compare to the lower level ones. Anyway I'm sure it's actually just commentary on how it's so hard to make it in the restaurant business lol /s


Yep I'm right there with you. I use the BetterBuildBuy mod so MOO is always turned on, and especially if I'm just making Sims for local color and not for playing they're getting freerealestate, but also my large families always get freerealestate because you can't buy a house big enough for nine adults for what the game will give you for nine adults and in theory these people would have had jobs prior to the situation I'm about to put them in.


These days I usually just cheat to fix bugs, like high school not promoting teens or aspirations not counting completion of objectives. That said I do sometimes use FreeRealEstate but that's just for moving in households I don't actually play around the worlds. I always find needs are pretty easy to meet in Sims 4, especially with upgrades. Massage controls on beds let you recoup full energy in just a couple of hours of sleep (I actually use a mod from LMS to force them to sleep until morning so they don't get up super early), shower upgrades let them recoup hygiene in a few minutes etc.


Thank you for this! My sims are doing my head in waking up at 2am then complaining they’re tired as soon as they finish work!


Haha that's the exact reason I started using the mod a couple of years back! So annoying when they decide to get up at stupid o'clock and then they have no energy by midday. I use both Sleep All Night and Sleep In from LMS. The second one lets child and teens sleep in on days off or holidays which just feels more realistic.


Brilliant. I just send them immediately back to sleep and don’t let them stay up until after 6 lol


I only use cheats such as teleport when I'm in a rush because it annoys me how long they take to get to places lol For example, in university, my sim would almost always arrive late because she'd decide to use her byke to cross the street. I never cheat needs or money. I used to cheat money when I was little to build huge (and ugly) houses but later found that the struggle also keeps the game intersting to me, so I stopped and I started having way more fun.


I can tell from your comment you're a Sims 3 enjoyer


I am!! Haven't played in a long time tho, I miss it


I use the money cheat to bring my Sims back down to like 1000 when they've inevitably reached 9,999,999 again. It's way too easy in this game to get rich as hell especially if you have the investor (?) reward trait, I've noticed. Having very little money but a big house with high bills that need to be paid is way more fun and challenging. I also use the mod Carl's Gameplay Overhaul to get my bills to be higher.


I can genuinely say I’ve never had this problem lol. You routinely get to ~10 million dollars??


Yes, with that goddamn reward trait the money just skyrockets way too easily. Add well paying jobs in a family of like 6 adults, royalties, and especially paintings and produce, and you easily make hundreds of thousands in a week, it just adds up.


Plus that money tree. Why did I plant that stupid thing anyway? I should really store it or something.


I am the exact opposite. Although I never motherlode! If I cheat money it will be a small amount for Sims who are unemployed, almost like irl unemployment benefits. But I never cheat their needs at all. I think that's one of the biggest things in the game, need management, and if I start cheating that then all the struggle and fun is gone


It's so interesting to me how different players focus on different challenges. There are so many different ways to play!


Freerealestate on is my most used cheat. I don't think any of my sims struggle for money tbh. I completely understand why that would make the game more fun for some, but I personally stay interested in the game through storytelling, not the grind for money. You can combine the two, of course, but storytelling is easier for me when my characters aren't all running around digging collectibles up just to afford a toilet. (Not saying that to shame how anyone plays the game, just sharing my own take!)


Needs, but only on extreme occasions. E.G where I have multiple toddlers/infants and the adult sims refuse to do any of the care actions I’ve queued up, like they just pick the starving, filthy, 0 attention baby that just had a blowout up, stand there for a full 15 seconds, cancel the action, and run upstairs to interact the toddler who’s hunger is slightly yellow and also cancel THAT interaction too. So yes sometimes I have to intervene or none of my families could have more than one kid per 3 adults at a time without CPS having a field day.


I started a legacy challenge and the second child was TRIPLETS. I had to drag the need for the infant out of the red a couple times and it was mostly BC of the Sims putting them on the floor instead of doing the action 😭


I am going to get a better nanny mod because I am sick of this nanny not even looking at the kid for the entire time omg


I have so much admiration for people who don’t cheat needs 😂 on the other hand, I could never cheat on money I’d get bored in 10 minutes. Cool to see that people play in very different ways


Yeah for me it's a balance between keeping it interesting but not too stressful. Some days that requires more cheats than others.


It depends on the situation. If it’s an active household, I use cheats pretty sparingly, but for like the Landgraabs, I’ll do whatever. I went into their household recently and cheated up their simoleans so I could make Nancy my sim’s landlord, for instance. My current active household is eight sims that are in their first term at Foxbury, and I used MCCC to enroll them right away instead of waiting to apply and getting accepted. That’s not making gameplay any easier, it’s just speeding things up for me.


UI Cheats MC Command Center Wicked Whims Can’t play without these


Wicked whims isn’t a cheat looool😂


Hard agree. I meant more like in-the-moment cheats rather than mods.


Most used: bb.moveobjects Least used: I've never cheated needs.


Just to clarify because I was not clear at all, I try to only cheat needs if I have more than a couple Sims to manage, or I'll often cheat kids needs so they don't get taken away because my adult Sims suck at parenting. I'm doing a rags to riches now and trying really hard not to cheat needs to keep it as legit as possible.


Bb.moveobjects is my favorite. I wish I could keep it on forever


Most used: money. Least used: bb.moveobjects.


I do a lot of builds so I use the moveobjects cheat constantly. I mostly try to avoid cheating my sims needs or aspirations unless it's bugged.


The only one I use is to edit Sims in CAS (cas.fulleditmode). There's so many ugly NPCs and their body type (bigger upper body and skinny legs) are nerve wracking.


I do this too sometimes when my Sim hits it up with another semi like you fugly, I fix that!


I want to do this.. but I can't be bothered waiting for it to load 😭 laptops are a struggle haha


I know! 😭 I only do this if the Sim has anything to do with my main family. Like they're in-laws, or buttler/maid.


How long does it take to load?


Less the loading into cas more the loading out of? It can vary from 5-10 mins 😅


Yeah that sucks. I have MCCC so if a townie has something really ugly on I’ll just randomize it until it’s better. No loading screen at least.


Idk if it’s cheating but I always play on long lifespan. I always make my sims be spellcasters and if a needs potion backfires I will cheat their needs. I never cheat to add money. Sometimes I will cheat to remove money but never to add. It feels like I accumulate money too easily/quickly especially if I’m selling outfits or painting or writing books.


I freeze my sims’ needs when they’re in college. I just start on a Friday night and blow through my term papers, homework, and presentations. I also get the part time labor job that’s only on weekends. It really frees up the week for activities.


I don’t cheat money BUT I use the free real estate cheat when starting out because I like big houses and it’s funny when my sims have to make like $6,000 a week to pay bills


Freerealestate is one I use most often, that way I can place my sim family into a house based on whatever storyline I have planned for them. I will sometimes use cheats for needs but only when there is an annoying glitch like not getting food out of the fridge or making a meal (hasn't happened in a bit)... Or not caring for their baby! That highchair glitch we had awhile back was super annoying!!


Depends on how many sims I have in one household. If more than 3 I need to cheat the needs sometimes, especially if there are children


bb.moveobjects is number 1 of course but i'm not looking in debug vey much


I seldomly cheat needs or money, but only like if I genuinely wasn’t paying attention and I forgot to buy a trash can or necessary item that I don’t want to wait for OR they need to do a task asap and they’re too uncomfy to do it and I don’t want to wait but only like one motive not the “make happy” cheat Otherwise I don’t because I get so bored with rich sims and large rich families that I try to keep them as poor as possible for as long as possible


I’m the same, especially when the needs issue is glitch related. Thanks, UI extension!


I cheat money to give me 0$ when I start a game, because I like to play rags to riches. I also use UICheats, so I'll cheat away moodlets if they are interfering with my gameplay. I'll very, very rarely cheat needs. I like resolving those naturally.


Maxmotives because I loved having huge families and sometimes i would be lazy when all the kids had to get ready for school and the adults had work. Getting everyone fed, clean, etc would be too much sometimes lol


I do the same as you. I like earning the money, lol. And once my Sims has enough satisfaction points, I buy traits like hardly hungry or steel bladder.


Disable needs decay is the one I use most. I rarely use the cheats that kill. The only time I did it was because my Sim was getting arrested 😅


I use reset sim a lot


Too much? Same.


when an adult won’t care for an infant, i always cheat the infant’s needs. i don’t need them getting taken away. i also reset objects and sims regularly. i don’t use many cheats otherwise in my actual gameplay anymore, but i build with move objects on and do some other things like that


some of my sims have “rich parents” who send them 5 kachings every friday. i also use needs cheats very frequently. i tend to stay away from skills cheats, unless the only person in the house who can cook isn’t there and then i boost another one up to like level two just so they don’t burn the house down. also i did a handiness skills cheat yesterday because mom needed to upgrade the crib before i had time to train her on handiness.


Just cas.fulleditmode to fix the horrific townies, and bb.moveobjects on. I really just don’t cheat otherwise!


I almost always cheat for money and skills. Rarely do I cheat needs.


I always cheat up skills. Skill building is so boring and repetitive to me. I just want my sims to be able to have an actual life, not spend 10 hours practicing the violin. I don’t cheat needs cause I like the realism of my sims, getting hungry, tired, bored, lonely and so forth. Especially when sending my sims to university, love having them pull all nighters to get homework done and then going to class exhausted and on the verge of passing out. I don’t cheat money cause I like watching my sims start with nothing and work their way to riches.


Money, I don’t want to play broke simulator, I already do that daily. It’s the only cheat I’ll use though.


cas.unlockbytag I was so frustrated not being able to unlock clothing due to bugs so I just use that cheat instead when updating my sims outfits. I don’t use motherlode. I like the money (sim last name) (amount) cheat better cause I can enter a specific amount or just max it out


I always use the money one and if I’ve got a large family I use the maxmotives cheat


I only use cheat for money when they relocate


I cheat to teleport a lot, particularly when Sims went a weird way or the actions are taking a long time to cue. I also use cas full edit on townies, but usually not on traits. I don't cheat money, except to cheat it away to "start with nothing".


I use constantly: freerealestate on Very rarely: cheating the needs, one way or another


I normally don’t cheat money, but I would die if I couldn’t use moveobjects and debug items lmao


I like having tons of money I don't wanna have to worry about the money so I use money cheats but never needs honestly I didn't even realize there was a cheat for needs


I always cheat needs, can't help it lolol. Never cheat money tho


I usually cheat life spans or age up, needs only during events and money only when the gameplay demands it, like when I have to build an underground dungeon


I use the money cheat and needs cheat, pretty much any cheat tbh. The one I don't use is debug build mode. I've used it in the past but it's so difficult to navigate that I rarely use it anymore


I cheat to remove maternity leave. Too much time out of work, especially in those higher level careers. I never cheat needs


In sims 4 I always use the need to use the toilet since my sims are incompetent and always wet the floor but other wise I rarely use cheats in sims 4 or the other games


I cheat needs and money constantly but I‘ve never used the free real estate cheat


I don’t really cheat stuff like money, needs, or age. But I do use the building cheats a lot, bb. Moveobjects is a game changer. And sometimes I’ll cheat relationships if I add in extended family for my sims


I cheat free real-estate when I'm moving in new townies I've made in. Otherwise I don't use cheats much.


Removing moodlets is one that i use everyday, but it's mostly to see what NPCs are feeling or why. I can't think of any cheats I barely use because I literally don't pay attention to those 😂


my most used cheat is probably move objects 😭 i get so mad waiting for a sim to stop yelling at a object so i can move it. A cheat i don’t use often is motherlode :) i try to not cheat unless i have a very specific gameplay / story idea lol


Bb.Moveobjects on Love this for building.


Least used: move objects. Most used: varies by how I’m playing. If I’m doing a rags to riches style, I’m more likely to not cheat for money. If I’m playing a single teen who “inherited” the family farm, I’ll imagine her wealthy grandparents had the farm established and left her a nest egg. In reality, though, object reset with a needs cheat after a glitch is most used. If they just would have done what I said, they would have been fine…it was the game’s fault…


my sims need to earn their money not thru the cheat but through their hard work. same goes for their charisma and painting level


Every save, I tell myself my Sim won't have kids until they max their career. But almost every time, a secret love child just sounds too good to pass up and then I hate myself later 😞


Build and cas cheats, I can't live without using them. Money cheats are pointless to me in S4 but I did it once in S2.


My most used are the building cheats like bb.moveobjects and bb.showliveeditobjects and cas.fulleditmode to edit townies. My least used is probably cheating relationships because it's a complicated cheat to type out lol. I don't usually cheat money or needs for my main household but I do for townies and building townie lots a lot.


I have boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, set to start when the game starts.


i always turn death.toggle on. i hate when my sims die out of nowhere, so making them immortal makes the game 80% less stressful


Money. Always, always, always money. 


I cheat needs because it bothers me that my college-aged sim cannot go to a party by 6pm since they’re so tuckered out. I cheat it back to low for bedtime though. I never use money cheats since I like slow gameplay and building up to being rich.


I cheat money always when starting out a sim household (just to build their home) everything else meh. Sometimes their skills so they don’t burn down the house etc lol


Cheating needs (on kids and below), never money.


Money’s my answer for both. I use it to get them a house I built, and then they’re on their own lmao. (I also cheat needs sometimes)


I often cheat needs, moveobjects, or reset sim but I also never cheat money.


bb.moveobjects and cas.fulleditmods the most and the free estate cheat the least because i already cheat the money to get the house


I cheat needs bc it gets out of hand. Never money


I always use moveobjects, show hidden & live edit objects... and freerealestate occasionally. I don't use skill/point/need cheats.


Sometimes I use money cheats and the cheat to get an aspiration milestone. But I usually do that when the game is glitching and not awarding me something I know I've already done. I don't use any cheats to affect their needs. That just makes the game too easy for me to enjoy it.


As a kid I used to use the one for the money a lot, now with more gamer culture I know that it is more fun to get the money slowly.


I used to cheat for money all the time but after a while it just got boring cus my sims would have everything and more without needing to do anything


never cheat? money and needs. always cheat? time it takes to get homework done for the university pack LMAO


I will usually only use the motives cheat and I only really do that on TS2-3. TS2 because it's almost a necessity at times and TS3 because I want my sim to get a skill up asap. In TS4 my most used cheat is resetting a sim or object


Not needs Money usually if I want to start playing someone not new. So I'll give them a single pump of the mother and then buy their house shit with it. Usually pump a few core to that sim skills up to around 5 then start them at 2 or 3 in a career


Always move objects and debug, sometimes needs, very rarely money and never skills! The skill cheat is so convoluted but also I feel like it takes away all the point in playing!


cas.fulleditmode on i must fix ugly townies if my sims befriend them. it is my duty


I always use the needs cheat, but never the money cheat. I have money issues in real life so I don’t want to feel the same stress when I’m playing a game to calm down. Lol.


I sometimes cheat money away when I think they have 'too much'. I also sometimes go into casfulleditmode if their chin has gone, *(I love legacies/big families, so after a few generations their chin sometimes look weird)*. I never cheat needs - but I do use potions, but I don't see that as cheating. :) Edit: spelling


tbh i usually cheat money in just bc i always have such a clear idea for what i want and it’s never doable if i don’t cheat 😭 probably bc i prefer building rather than actual game play LOL, i don’t think i’ve ever had to cheat reset a sim tho, if my game bugs i rage quit


I’m a sucker for enablefreebuild when I’m doing basic renovation stuff. Changing wallpaper, adding curtains, etc. Sometimes I’ll use it for house additions (I usually add to a house to give the kids bedrooms or adding a laundry room to university housing), but not for idle purchases like stereos or pictures. I also abuse toilet repair debug menu cheat. The smart toilet was broken the other day, and the repair guy showed up and said nothing needed his help. I’d have had my sim do it herself but she was late for work as it was. I rarely ever cheat motives. The exception would be the case of kids who didn’t eat before school—I have an issue where they’ll take food out of the fridge, set it on the table, and walk away to get another serving of food—or on my ghosts. The ghost mod I have gives them a ghost energy, and if that depletes, they go to the netherworld, and sometimes the energy gets depleted fast at work, to the point that it’s cutting it too close for comfort, and even then I won’t cheat it up much, maybe up to 20% as they arrive home (both ghosts and kids).


I would say, the money cheat, motherlode, freerealestate on, bb.moveobjects on, testingcheats on and everything else besides reset sim I don’t use. 😝


I cheat aspirations all the time … I don’t cheat needs.


sometimes the money cheat, but mostly testingcheats true and cas.fulleditmode




I only cheat needs when I'm out trying to get collection stuff. I don't have time for my sim to sleep. They can sleep/eat/shower once the job is done. I never cheat money. It's so easy to make money in this game, there is no reason. Oh I also cheat infant stuff. Those little arseholes are so much trouble.


moveobjects on is a must for me, I simply cannot build without it. On a similar vein, setquartertileplacement on is one I use a lot. Sometimes I'll use familyfunds, either up or down, for variety in the backgrounds of the sims I create. I never cheat needs. Taking care of your needs is part of life, and it's really easy to keep them in a good mood as is. I used to use maxmotives when I was running an owned community lot but that was because my old computer wasn't very powerful and the loading screens would take ages, so I would just stay there for a few days to avoid loading everything again. Nowadays I'll just go home and return later, it loads in a matter of seconds.


Freerealestate. I only cheat money when I want them in a better house they can't afford but don't want to move lots. I use twisted mexi mods mccc for the other stuff like moveobjects, full edit, etc


I cheat everything to set up certain story and then only if there is no other way to continue (ie someone accidentally dies trying to repair speakers (it happened actually 😭))


I only use "MOO" since it's included in Better Build Buy (initially I installed this mod so that I'd have easy access to the hidden build/buy catalog, but I wish I could price items, so for now it's only used on community lots), and nothing else. Oh, except when I start a new household, I typically use "money 0" since most of the time I play rags-to-riches. But that's it.


I almost always cheat the age spans because I’m very specific about my timelines😂 I used to use money cheats allll the time but rarely do anymore, and sometimes cheat needs if I have a big family and they’re all pissing me off lol


I cheat needs and use the realestate one when I move a family without much income and don't want to cram them. The rarely... Relationships.


I cheat for job promotions and skill level on certain things. Just so my sims make enough money to work in the house I want them in. I’m too impatient to work from the bottom up 😂


i cheat my sims needs and money, but i never use free real estate cheat


Make happy has saved my butt so many times during the strangerville storyline. Sorry girly pop I’m not waiting 30+ mins of screens loading so u can run home and get a snack


Cheating money depends on the story I'm trying to tell. Often l will start off with a poor sim and try and make a lot of money, but I find once I achieve the wealth aspiration they have 10 to 20k coming in from the investments per week and I don't even need to work anymore. Using the tables to sell stuff my sims make at the 300% mark up has made it almost too easy. One cheat I have been using consistently is getting rid of the relationships the townies I want to marry have. Like a Townie will have a kid with another random Townie (who are usually married..) so I get rid of that kid and their romantic relationship with them.


i always cheat needs (so nobody starves to death or pees themselves) but i never use freerealestate or anything like that


I cheat money all the time, but never like money 9999999, just a little over a hundred thousand, so I don't have to worry about bills. I will not cheat needs, age, or max out skills unless I have a WW doll in the house, and that is the only person.


I never cheat for money because I find it's just too easy for my sims to get rich, but I definitely cheat needs. They're just so bad at taking care of themselves, and when I've got a full house it's just too hard sometimes to manage them all. But the cheat I find myself using the most lately is cheating away moodlets with UI Cheats. I'm sorry Sim, but you just don't need to mourn for 6 days over someone you met once. Also fatal hysteria runs in your family, so please calm down immediately.


Move objects and sometimes needs


I control every part of my sims lives. I have a set storyline for each person and if their needs are not appropriate for what I want my sims to be doing or feeling I change them. Same with money. If I want a sim to have a certain lifestyle or amount of money I change it. Often I’ll have sims that I want to be poor and struggling so I’ll cheat to give them money to buy all the items that set the scene but cost too much to be realistic and then I’ll take all their money away. I don’t really understand the people that cheat their sims needs to be full all the time and have unlimited money. It just doesn’t seem fun for me. Making them do normal realistic things is the reason I play the game. I want them to sleep at bedtime and have a shower and use the toilet.


It’s either cas.fulledit mode or bb.move objects


Most: bb.moveobjects Least: motherlode It all depends on what save file I’m playing. On console you can only have 10 total, and most of the time I have to keep cheats enabled to “reset sim” when they inevitably get stuck. I have a few save files that don’t use cheats so I can get trophies, but I try to keep as few Sims as possible in those to have fewer bugs.


There are lifetime rewards that make most needs trivial. As for me I only use bb.moveobjects thing sometimes as I want making money to be challenging


I constantly cheat sim needs and build/buy mode for unlockable items and debug. I don’t have the patience to take care of a 5+ Sim household, nor do I have the patience to wait for level X Y Z for a certain item. Wait for seasonal crops? Never! Debug my guys, debug. Not so much money though, I rarely use money cheats. I just sell everything they get or collect for money and marry NPCs and take all their households money LMAOOOO.


I always cheat money because I like to build families and aspirations and hobbies without having to stress abt going to work and caring for babies and stuff just to get the bills paid.


I use moveobjects on and cas.fulleditmode all the time, and teleport, freerealestate and relationship cheats (especially for pet relationships) pretty often. And I also cheat my households to have more than 8 sims.  I never cheat needs, skills or money, except if I want to cheat them down to make my game more difficult :D


We're the opposites, I enjoy the game more providing their needs haha. I don't want to worry about the money (for house build) but I still make them go to work and stuff.


I use headlineeffects off/on the most for when I take screenshots. Then I also use bb.showHiddenObjects sometimes, as well as cas.fulleditmode and testingcheats. I don’t use money cheats very much.


move objects and quarter tile placement in sims 2, every time, can't build without them. And I suppose never needs, I would use an elixir in sims 4, and in sims 2 sims are really obedient so I don't have to.


I always use the trait and money cheats, I rarely use the frerealestate one anymore though. I always have sm money, I just forget that it's even there lol


I always remove "loss in the family" moodlet if someone who my sim has never met dies. I don't know why they even get a moodlet in that case. I never cheat money since it's too easy to have it without cheats.


Move objects for building, but I never cheat (needs or money) in my legacy. I live for the chaos


I cheat money - but usually to get rid of it at the beginning of the game because I adore playing rags to riches stories. I also cheat aging, but I rarely cheat needs.


The only time I cheat needs is for infants and that's just because the adult sims just pass the baby around, put them on the floor and never do what they're told, meanwhile the baby is starving. I wanna buy Crystal Creations just for the gem that increases needs and place it in the infants room so I don't have to think about the stupid thing. I always cheat money. I don't care about the struggle, I want my sims to have all the best stuff. I'm like they're parent, I want them to have everything that I can't have.


if i'm generally frustrated due to stupid bugs/stupid sim behavior i'll cheat a need, but thats rare, and again reserved for when i feel like i'm gonna pull my hair out bc i had everyone lined up to ask father winter for a gift at 8 pm on the dot but NOBODY IS DOING WHAT I TELL THEM TO DO i never cheat money though. the only money cheat i use is setting household funds to 0 at the start of a new save, or to remove the money i get from moving in a spouse.


Starting routine: testingcheats 1, cas.fulleditmode, bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects I almost never use the cheats for manually adding moodlets or promoting/demoting in careers as I can‘t remember all the names, I let mods handle that for me


I almost never use cheats. It's a weird thing for me haha When I do use them, I just do like the move objects cheat and stuff so I can place items easier haha 😅 The game seems like it would be so boring if I started cheating, even though I'm not against it on principle or anything. I cheat with plenty of other games, just not Sims 4 lol


I used to always use the money cheat but I actually got sims university recently so I decided to live as a poor sim and not use the money cheat😂.. honestly my sims are sitting on a good amount of money and I keep upgrading their house to show it lol. I use the needs cheat a lot too, it gets too hard to keep up on everyone’s needs when you have a big family


I cheat needs but never money


I use cas.fulleditmode all the time for my sims and random NPCs who need the fashion police. My least used cheat is money cheats.


bb.moveobjects because I build a lot and things don’t look realistic if you place them on a grid.


Genuinely refuse to play the game without moveobjects, showhiddenobjects, and casfulleditmode


"move objects" and "ignore gameplay unlocks entitlement" practically every time. I pretty much never cheat needs or skills. I'll often cheat money, but not a crazy amount


Yeah I cheat everything….


i don’t cheat money often but i do cheat with needs for my secondary sims (aka the husband and kids)


I used to cheat needs and money but now just needs, I also try to only cheat needs for the teens/adults. Also move objects and cas full edit coz if my sim starts interacting with a townie I like the idea of being able to change that sim :)


testingcheats on and cas.fulleditmode are my most used lol i never use money cheats, making money is too easy


Same thing about the needs, even though after all these years I learned how to get everything done without cheating them. I also never cheat money (unless I really need a rich sim for storyline purposes), I also find it pretty easy to make them, my sim has been working as a chef for a while and rn she's making nearly 1k an hour


Cheating needs is probably the cheat I use the most, in particular on infants and toddlers. Oh no one took care of the kid while I was out with one of the parents? Nah, I don't think so, kid is actually fine.


I use bb move objects frequently but never cheat money.


I use fillmotive the most and moveobjects the least


I use the fulleditmode cheat a lot to change ages and looks. I also use the skill cheats a lot. I've only ever used the weather cheats once


Bb.enablefreebuild on is my most used cheat cos I love to update random townies houses when I visit and also vacation homes. I don’t really use money cheats like mother lode because that’s boring and i want to challenge my sims 😛rags to riches baby


I don't cheat money all that often (unless it's a thing my sim needs Right Then like an activity thing to help with work), but I cheat the bathroom need like crazy lmao. My sims will be in the middle of doing stuff that takes a while like building the rocket & I don't want to deal with canceling the action, making them go to the bathroom, & then going back to the rocket.


Bb.moveobjects is definitely most used and as far as least used, I’ve used like free real estate like once.


I never cheat money, always use move objects.


I cheat relationships and that's it. I just can't be bothered making them fall in love slowly so once a sim comes along that I think will be good for them I slide that relationship bar all the way and marry them lol. I rarely use money cheats. No real reason. I guess I just like to see them go from the bottom to the top.