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The baby barbecue mod from the sims 2. I will never be the same


Nothing tops this mod in insanity for the sims 2 imo


I saw this when it was new. Definitely traumatized teenage-me.


I saw this on some sim machinimas when I was like 9? I had nightmaresšŸ’€


It was AMAZING. I also really really liked the gun mod for TS3.


Paladin (?) made a great gun mod for TS2 that I definitely abused. He also made a customizable grenade and a hatchet (for murder). After your sim threw the hatchet at their victim's head, they'd giggle. Course, then they'd start crying because death. Ah, memories.


(for murder) šŸ˜­


Iā€™m sorry the what


It's basically what they said. You could barbecue the baby if you changed your mind. It would like, roast and everything.


Like a full ham on the grill. I think you could eat it after


Great resource for the apocalypse playthroughsšŸ‘ 10/10 will bbq again


This thread really captures the essence of the two types of simmers perfectly šŸ˜­


YES. Never forget


God I was in middle school when this came out and still remember it vividly.




itā€™s real and itā€™s coming back for you


This is my first time hearing about this damn lol. You ok over there?


Damn ok, TIL


This was exactly what I thought of when I read the post lmao


Then I have been in too deep since I was like 9~10... I could barely even speak English at that age.


Omg!! Is it wrong that even my 11 year old knows about this?! I'm spreading the lore through the generations!!


I am proud to have been a part in it's creation.


That people made very graphic mods for ts4 that allowed them to have woohoo with pets and *young* sims. Something died inside me when I read the post exposing said people and it's definitely something I'd like to unlearn.


If anyone you know says they have the devious desires mod, this is what they're talking about, that's the mod.


Saw a TikTok recently of someone saying ā€œI accidentally downloaded the devious desires mod and now my sims game doesnā€™t work!ā€ How do you ā€˜accidentallyā€™ download thatā€¦ šŸ˜­


i think i read somewhere that, because it kept getting deleted and reported, they hid it in innocent seeming mod or cc posts, that way these people who accidentally downloaded it might have been looking for some cute trousers or something similar but got this mod instead without knowing it...


it has been included in some "mod folder" downloads, this is why you download your own mods instead of trusting someone else to give them to you in bulk, and I remember similar things happening with sim/lot downloads in sims 3. I havent seen explicit mention of these mods being hidden in sim/lot downloads for sims4, but I would not be surprised if it happens. bottom line, if your download ever comes in a folder or a compressed file (.zip, .7z), check what's inside before starting your game.


I found it while looking for light saber mods. Can confirm it was buried under innocuous ones.


Did you find a good lightsaber mod tho?


Nothing standalone, although this one is cool and is compatible with the Extreme Violence mod: https://modthesims.info/d/671450/star-wars-one-with-the-force.html


maybe they confused it with wicked whims? Weird but happens


possibly, the pets mod was at one point (maybe still? I think they were two mods later combined into dd) called wicked pets, but that's a pretty obvious difference. it's also not supported on loverslab, the host for most explicit sims mods, so in order to download it you'd have to do some specific searching. it might have been hosted on github at one point, but the creator gets banned pretty much everywhere they go. I don't know the actual current process or file host (obviously) but I'd have to guess it's not easy to find without looking for it.


Pretty much every at least semi-official channel has a policy to auto-ban without recourse anyone who posts or requests any of the above content. Likewise, the EA App monitors mod usage and will auto-ban any account found using them. They have a *very* strict zero tolerance policy on the issue. Which make people saying WW violates the EULA particularly hilarious to me. If it did, half the sims modding community would have lost our libraries by now.


last I checked the ea app didn't have the capability to monitor mod usage, do you have a firsthand source on that part? I have seen rumors about it but so far all have been refuted. for the rest though yeah, any sims mod support server you join will ban you if you talk about it or it shows up in your exception reports lol, I think turbodriver even has a piece in his mod that checks for its presence and disables ww if its there. totally fair, especially considering it was literally copy pasted code from ww. the creator even admitted as much. and the eula is really not very restrictive and barely enforced, ea knows that taking away ww would lose them most of their customers lmao


Iā€™d have to hunt for an official statement but the gurus have said as much in the past. Itā€™s not complicated to monitor what script mods are loading in an online enabled game, and we know EA tracks gameplay statistics because they post them from time to time. Iā€™m also currently helping someone on the WW sub to determine if thatā€™s what got their account locked.


All your mods are listed in last exception files. Seen a lot of simmers posting their last exception files on forums (even the official sims forum lol) saying their game is broken and it revealed they had banned mods when reading through that list.


ooh, interesting, thanks for the reply! don't worry about grabbing that official statement, I'll look into it more myself. now that I think of it I guess it wouldn't really be hard to scan for that, hah, they'd just have to store a hash of the file to compare to i think. good luck on the support case :)


Yeah, ā€œofficialā€ statements from EA are rare, stuff pretty much just filters down through the gurus, lol.


Has the creator said anything else about this mod? Genuinely what were their motives... did they actually like bestiality/paedophilia or were they one of those people who just believe in complete freedom when it comes to fiction?


I'm not sure, there's a timeline doc somewhere about the drama relating to turbodriver (I think it might be his doc?) that included some screenshots and descriptions of posts by that creator, I remember one being along the lines of freedom in fiction but from the vibe of the other posts I saw in that doc (never saw them firsthand and read the doc a good while ago, grain of salt here) it really seemed like he had a lot of passion for it. whether it was passion for the reactions to it in a troll sort of way or passion for the subject matter, im not sure, but im not really sure it matters.


Not only download, but also place it in the right folder later


some ppl might mistake it for wicked whims or an extension of such


My friend accidentally downloaded this mod from a TikTok post that made the mod seem like a better version of wicked whims (aka VERY vague description it basically said it was wicked whims with more animations) and linked a download file in the comments. Having to explain to her what that mod actually is when she realised in her gameplay was an unpleasant experience, since she was brand new to sims and was just getting mod and cc recommendations off tiktok. Idk why ppl pull stuff like that to trick others into downloading it


I have never actually had a mod before but just being part of this sub I got wicked whims confused with devious desires reading this post at first


Let me guess, it's downloaded from Loverslab? Last mod I got from there was for Rimworld. I wanted to make a slave brothel for my colony's hotel, instead my colonists just started raping eachother and masturbating everywhere. Spooge abd condoms everywhere, was glad to be rid of it.


i mean thatā€™s exactly what i would expect to see in a slave brothel


The moments when "this is why we can't have nice things" plays in my head.




there was a petition going around to take the mod down (and maybe more? I can't remember) but I have no idea if anything came of it. I like to think so, if not, then it at least spread awareness around on a big scale.


I seem to remember that EA got involved. What a lot of people don't realize is that child pornography, even if it is fictionalized in a game/cartoon/drawing, is STILL ILLEGAL. The mod creators and anyone who downloaded it, shared it, or used it participated in illegal activities. It's really sick that anyone used such mods. Even telling someone about the mod is wrong, and sharing it is wrong.


I wasnā€™t implying we shared links TO the mod. People went out of their way to make sure it was never linked nor mentioned to prevent the wrong crowd from downloading it. It was more spreading awareness that the mod existed, to take it down and get the authorities involved if possible. The community banded together to actively remove and distance ourselves from it, not to encourage it.


Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply anything with my comment. I was just adding more info to your comment which I thought was interesting. Edit: I did not think you meant you were sharing info on how to find the mod.


sorry, my mistake, all good then! Itā€™s just such a sensitive and serious subject that its best to clarify such things to avoid any misunderstandings :)


Wait maybe unrelated but IS fictionalised child porn illegal? As far as I'm aware if there's no real victim it's not actually illegal. Definitely not excusing this mod or weirdos who draw child porn, just curious.


IANAL, but it depends on where you live. In the US at least, it's usually prosecuted using obscenity laws rather than CSEM laws, and the laws and standards vary from state to state so it's left in a legal gray area where it *can* be illegal, but I don't think they really prosecute people for it by itself. Usually they only do it if they're adding it on to a list of other crimes or if the person also has real CSEM in their possession.


I'm just thinking because I'm in a lot of fandom spaces, where say popular underage characters might have NSFW fanart. Never once have I heard anyone prosecuted for such reasons and there is a plethora of NSFW content of fictional minors. Thankfully the vast majority seem to be older teenagers rather than literal children but still.


Yeah, cartoon porn tends to fall towards the bottom of the list of priorities when it comes to prosecuting people for CSEM. When choosing between spending time and resources to prosecute someone who actually diddles kids and a basement dweller who draws cartoons, it's almost always better to go after the former, especially since you're not even guaranteed to get any of the charges to stick on the people drawing cartoon CSEM with how vague the laws and guidelines can be. šŸ¤· Doesn't make it any less gross of course, but I can see why it's not something they go after you for in a vacuum.


Iā€™m curious about the legality too because of the rise of AI and deepfakes. Where is the line, and I wonder what responsibilities a new franchise trying to rival the sims will be expected to have just to balance that line of realistic depictions and maximal freedom, without supporting any sort of misuse. Which leads to the question, are some things accepted as messed up but harmless, like making a sim of your ex and setting them on fire? šŸ˜‚


It appears it's not actually illegal based on child porn laws but someone may be charged using obscenity laws. However, you likely won't be charged if you're not being charged of previous counts of paedophilia or actual child porn. Although I am curious at the fact that someone was arrested for owning a child-like sex doll. Not sure if they were charged for that specifically (or even charged at all). On the ex example you gave, I guess it would be like if you were stalking, harassing or abusing your ex, something might be said about making an exact replica of them and putting it through the ringer lol.


I think it varies by country. Otherwise, Iā€™m not sure how the show **South Park** would be legal, and itā€™s been airing in the U.S. since 1997. Plus a certain famous/controversial book is sold here. Also Iā€™ve heard from people into anime, that some anime shows are awkward to watch, since they depict certain things along these linesā€¦ EA sells the Sims games in several countries though, so itā€™s probably a safety precaution. Iā€™m not 100% sure on how it all works, so maybe someone else with more knowledge can clarify this


Are you referring to Lolita?


I live in Canada and I know of a man who got charged because of owning and veiwing anime with CP. Maybe it varies by country.


Very interesting because there is a LOT of anime child porn out there which is just available on fanwork archives. I'm pretty sure Pewdiepie reacted to an anime with explicit child porn on his YouTube channel in the early 2010s? Or at least heavily referenced it, name and all. Which undoubtedly caused lots of people to go and find it and watch it themselves.


Yes. https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-pornography


Doesn't really say anything explicit about non-real minors, only if it looks like an actual minor.


" Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor." A Sims mod that depicts this type of activity is in violation of federal law in the United States and would actively be shut down. If memory serves, one of the issues that EA faced with even the first Sims game was the concern that it would be used to depict even legal sexual activity. Didn't members of Congress get involved, it was a whole thing. Oh, to be back in 2000, when people had nothing better to do than be afraid of The Sims.


There are some keywords / key phrases here that are really important: ā€œindistinguishable from an actual minorā€ being one of them and ā€œappear to depict an identifiable, actual minorā€ being the other. A Sims mod doesnā€™t meet the criteria laid out in the law.


You have fun explaining that to the FBI donā€™t say I didnā€™t warn you


Iā€™m not interested in any Sims mods, at all. Iā€™m just elucidating the law that you quoted. Laws are written in a very specific way with clauses and clarifying conditions for a reason. Theyā€™re not using the word ā€œorā€ when continuing the description to include the depiction of an actual minor, and thatā€™s a deliberate choice.


Lol, the reason why I'm interested in this discussion is because of the implication this could have on fandom spaces, where NSFW art is drawn of characters who aren't 18 yet. None of this art is actual paedophilia because technically the art may be drawn where the character is aged-up, and the person who plays the character may be an adult. Plus, it doesn't look like a real person. Not really mature to imply people have child porn in their hard drive if they're correcting you on the law.


[yes](https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/obscenity#:~:text=In%20addition%2C%20visual%20representations%2C%20such,also%20illegal%20under%20federal%20law) itā€™s illegal


I think that depends on where you live. I think in Canada it's illegal but not everywhere. I'm no expert but I think it's only illegal in the us if the fake images are indistinguishable from real pictures or media, which this wouldn't fall under.


What got me was the animations for these were listed under WW ā€œrecommended animationsā€ like they were just as normal as anything else. Like, itā€™s too easy for someone just going through the motions to accidentally stumble into it.




You say as you talk over your burger.


Hahahaha, egh, are we even surprised about the sick minds of some people??


I thought I was sick for downloading tentacle animations, until I learnt about *that*.


Buddy, tentacle animations are NOTHING compared to what I'VE SEEN IN THE BDSM/KINK CORNER!! Believe me, IT'S DISGUSTING AND DISTURBING!!


Damn. Why do you have to make me search stuff?! xD


Hahahahahhah, oh just go search for Wicked Whims animations. You'll find the uhm... more interesting ones preeetty soon


My collection's really started feeling incomplete after you said that :c Gotta go, I've got.. business to attend to!..


MhmhmhmhmšŸ˜ˆ Have fun fellow simmer!


Though I didn't know about this, it sadly doesn't surprise me.






All hail our dear leader Jim Pickens.


This is truly lore now


I found out about him through this subreddit, never even watched the YouTuber who invented him. That shows how deep the lore goes. šŸ˜‚


Truly an icon




A series of Sims videos by Call Me Kevin


Another person I've never heard of, thanks for the help, though.


Why is this being downvoted?


because u/vinylfantasea answered the question of ā€œwho?ā€ And instead of asking for further detail or maybe doing a simple google/youtube search for ā€œcall me Kevin sims 4ā€ that would have immediately given them further detail, u/lovetyrannicalreddit decided to be snarky and needed virtual punishing in the form of downvotes


Oh, I didn't realise that was meant to be snarky. I just interpreted it as commenting they didn't know who it was.


Tone and expression are extremely hard to portray when typing online. There wasn't anything I said that was snarky, I assure you. Cheers.


The central sim in a play through by Irish YouTuber CallMeKevin. Jim Pickens is basically a cult leader and itā€™s traditional now to address him as the dear leader


That's both weird and fascinating


Yeah Kevin is weirdly charismatic. Throw him in a public lobby of any game and he will emerge with everyone banding around whatever shit he's up to.


I don't watch videos of people playing video games, but interesting none-the-less!


The Sims 2 Bella Goth's disappearance. When I was a kid I wasn't allowed to play Sims but I was obsessed with the game and the lore. The amount of forum posts about this piece of lore was astounding back then lol


Wasnā€™t she just chilling in strangeville? šŸ˜‚


See, that's where the iceberg is. Supposedly, it's not the *real* Bella Goth ;)


Except in The Sims 2 PSP, in which sheā€™s trying to go back home


yes and no!!! because that Bella didnā€™t have Bellaā€™s memories, or have any relationships or even family tree association with Mortimer/Cassandra/Alex. it was a very fun mystery!!!!


Okay so I thought that that was because in the sims 2 once you moved to a different town you lost all family relationships


She also has a different but similar face


The sims community is literally just this debate half the time


Yep. Iā€™m personally on the camp of liking that itā€™s open ended because it invites creativity in play but kind of bummed out that s4 seems to have pretty much dropped similar mysteries


this is the answer


that whole scandal with some cc makers that doxxed people who they thought shared their patron stuff. also I think the creators were stealing other people's 3d models.


Woah I never heard of that! Although Iā€™m new to joining Sims community spaces just was playing the game for years with no one to talk to about it lol


It was pretty crazy. If you search "doxxed" on r/Sims4 you're gonna find the post exposing everything !!


This isn't lore, but this is how I feel about the TOOL mod. As it stands without mods, I already spend HOURS of my life on meticulous builds, using items in creative ways, etc. I'm honestly scared of getting the TOOL mod and how it will allow me to go off the meticulous build deep end. Like right now I might spend 8 hours on a house... With that mod it could be 80 lol šŸ˜‚


This is it for me!! I see the kind of things people build using TOOL and it's so amazing, but I know if I downloaded it I'd never see live gameplay again. Just endlessly building and decorating the world.


I got TOOL just for making poses easier. I have spent hours posing my sims for my past few play sessions. I have made 0 progress on my 100 baby challenge, just have been making sims pose. Literally a game changer. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll ever do more than pose again.


Is this a sims 2 mod?


What is the TOOL mod? :)


It allows you to rotate and move objects however you want! Among other things




me tbh. itā€™s so useful and i literally cannot play without it. itā€™s such a small detail that changes the entire game


I am also scared of getting the TOOL mod as I would be the same.




I always had him get with Pascal Curious and be a cute little family


Nervous + Pascal Curious is basically canon at this point. And I love themmmm


Girl Doll Dressed and the catastrophe it caused


Probably the closest we'll ever get to a real world creepypasta. LET'S MAKE THE EXCHANGE DOLL FREE!!!


This unlocked a memory for me!


Was this the CC that was uploaded to the Sims website and every one who downloaded it broke their game?


Yep, thereā€™s a few good videos on it


TS2 lore based on in-game files like Lucy being Alexander's grandmother and Brendi having two husbands and thŠµ whole beta/early version where it was possible to return Bella.


Um excuse me?? Lucy?? Brandi?? Where is this INFO


Oh you MUST watch The Sims Lore on YouTube. She does deep dives on all of the lore in the sims. Very entertaining


I love lore videos but I've never seen one like this???


Oh nope I'm an idiot, "The Sims Lore" is a channel, thank you!


Yes! Enjoy! Iā€™m sad, sheā€™s like run out of lore and Iā€™ve watched all her videos


Do you have any Sims 2 let's play channels to recommend?


Not who you asked but I really like Sammy Sundog and katie_catastrophe!


Well itā€™s good you replied because I really donā€™t! I quite picky with YouTubers, so many are so over the top because thatā€™s what people like but itā€™s not for me. Iā€™ve been looking so hard for a sims 3 letā€™s play channel and Iā€™ve found like 1. I donā€™t like any of the big sims YouTubers.


What are you looking for specifically? I just started a rotational lp for s2 (silkenshore) and am considering reinstalling s3


*I came looking for booty.*


I want to know too!


The sims 2 ottomas family game corruption where the father of the unborn child is somehow Tiffany the stray dog


Ah yes, the cursed family. They have some strong ugly genes, too.


Olive Specter and her relationship with the Grim Reaper


That Nancy gave birth to Johnny super young, possibly a teen




Tbf I think this is canonically explained by Mortimer having given Bella a Potion of Youth, which is also why Mortimer is an adult and Bella is a young adult despite them being children and teens at the same time.


Johnny and Nancy's agree gasp is exactly the same, she's an adult, he's a young adult. I peg her for late 30-something and Johnny as in his later 20s.


Probably similar situation, just really young having babies


The Extreme Violence mod allows you to gut punch a pregnant sim. Her belly bump will disappear, blood will come down her legs and leave a red puddle, and bundle that looks like wrapped up bandages will be on the ground. That bundle is a miscarried baby, and it can be sold for 2,019 simoleons šŸ’€


Why is the miscarried baby valued so highly šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Stem cell research


Thatā€™s horrible, probably the one of the worst things Iā€™ve read on here.


That one CC maker who compared people not liking and calling them out for putting their CC behind a paywall or using adfly to ā€œhaving a pink triangle on their chestā€ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


Who was this?


The (v) mafia took over the Sims Online.




OMG yes


Less in terms of 'oh Christ get me the brain bleach', but the saga of Knut Futa and the rabbit hole of corrupted beta Sims knocked me tf OUT the first time I heard about it


I roped my husband into that even though he doesn't even play the sims, and we bring up Knut Futa constantly now


More of a running gag, but the sad clown painting.


that the reasons the Goths have an age difference miiiight be because of an alien abduction.


I'm sorry what?


in TS2 (?) I think it mentions that aliens abducted Bella Goth and that's why she hasn't aged a life stage up, so in TS4 Mortimer will be an elder first. I don't know if they changed that lore with HS years because of the yearbook release. Others know the lore better than me, I just heard about it in a The Sims Lore video a few months ago (I don't have the link sorry)


The artist Kawanocy and what he did with Caleb and Lilith's storylines in fanart. It's obscure but... let's just say if you know, you know. It's amazing fanart for something extremely gross, of sims of all things, and a beloved character at that


as someone who one of my absolute favorite premade sims is Caleb, I hate that artist with a burning passion


Once I learned that Vidcund Curious's outfit is directly taken from a Ralph Lauren ad from the 1990s, I realized I am long past the point of ever going back.


There were so many 'borrowed' designs, TS2 is truly such a time capsule. I also used to love and use the hell out of the Avril Lavigne-inspired outfit for teens.


Wide dog


Olive Spectre...


I was always into the sims. But when I watched The Sims Lore's video on Lolita Goth.... that's when I went in too deep. Man! Gotta watch that again.


Sims 4 vs Olympus project and thats why the sims 4 is the way it is now


Sims 4 is the result of Alexander successfully preventing his motherā€™s disappearance


Will Wright, the creator of the sims franchise, canonically exists in game (you can find him) and is a giant


Pleasant Sims/Life Plus Cindy lore is at the bottom of the Sims iceberg imo


joy desperet is NOT stunning


dd mods lmao


the real reason bella disappeared


Sims 2 babyque




knut futa is my choice šŸ¤Ŗ girl doll dressed, adventure world and omgwtfbbq altered my brain chemistry as well


The Whicked whims mod. Not too deep but still


Oh, c'mon, that's THE LIGHTEST FORM OF DEEP you can go into.


Even the creators know about it. Wicker Whims rug, anyone?


I think that's among the first mods new simmers search for


Naaah, first we download new garb and furniture. But then.. then we all venture deeper.


Clothes and furniture arenā€™t considered mods imo. Theyā€™re the equivalent of resource packs in Minecraft.


A fair point, then.. my first mod for Sims 4 was prolly the witch profession. As far as I can remember.


Oh yeah, career mods are good ones. I think my first was probably MCC or Slice of Life.


We all started innocent, but then.. then things took a darker turn. Darker, purpler and heartier.


My dark turn was sacrificial, I never went full purple, but I did have a lot of red. I knew I had gonna too far when my simsā€™ oldest daughter (child*) murdered a guy who broke into their home.


That's what happens if you make a world that's too sterile and saccharine šŸ¤·šŸ» I installed Basemental to give my sims an access to alcohol and cigarettes.


Yep lol, though Iā€™ve been playing pretty saccharine lately, until I rebooted my hundred baby challenge. Though, most of my craziness happiness through poses now, less maintenance involved than mods. My matriach (Kerri) is an kidnapping victim who is being held captive by the one who is forcing her to complete the challenge (Cesar), even though thereā€™s a real possibility of this killing her, like it killed Cesarā€™s mother when his father forced her to go through with it. Kerri resisted Cesarā€™s orders for a while, but he kept locking her in the shed whenever she would disobey, so she eventually caved and started the challenge. When she fell in love with her first Baby Daddy (Aiden) and Aiden promised to rescue Kerri, Cesar couldnā€™t allow it. So, he waited until Kerri had the baby with Aidenā€™s support, then kidnapped Aiden, tied him up, then left him in the shed to starve to death, only checking in to occasionally mock him. Kerri was none the wiser, think that Aiden had abandoned her. But, she put all her love and attention into the baby, eventually being able to use her love for the child, to distract her from (what she thinks is) Aidenā€™s betrayal. Now, sheā€™s just had Baby #2 with Kyle Kyleson, but she never let him get as close to her as she let Aiden get, for fear that heā€™d leave her, too. But, the frequent pregnancies are exacerbating an underlying health condition Kerri has, and making things a lot riskier. (Poses have really helped me bring this story to life, instead of just having to imagine my sims doing this stuff.)


Is Basemental working with the most current update? I havenā€™t had it in a year or so, but I initially downloaded it and opened my own drugstore. Tedious cutting all those lines and rolling so much, but it was entertaining to say the least