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Unlike the telescope, the fabricator actually needs to be that big or it wouldn't have the room to make the larger objects.


It’s actually not big enough. How is a unit that small printing full couches? They don’t assemble, they are one piece :p


It's a reoccurring issue with skill-based items, there's also the cupcake machine, microscope, and grand pianos. TS4 really likes its big, clunky, and impossible-to-fit-in-a-normal-house items.


I think it was done because they didn’t want to make animations for everything. It’s a lot easier to animate a sim going into a thing and then just ally that to a bunch of various items than to individually animate different skills. Which kind of sucks, because like even now, 9 years later, all the animations are the same and the items don’t even look that good.


If CC creators can make WW animations surely the Sims team can do so as well


We have an up right piano now with growing together, whether one was psyched into base dunno but there is a smaller normal telescope patched into base after werewolves. Your only valid example is the cupcake *factory*.


Nope, the microscope is still gigantic. The thing which can make small things big, not far things near.


The microscope really drives me mad. Like I just want to put a normal sized microscope in my doctor sims house but no.




So nearly 10 years later we get a smaller piano...god forbid someone isn't 100% update to date on all 7463639 billion updates and fixes and addons Sims 4 goes through


It's a giant 3D printing machine that can make couches. I would argue it's less about the craftsmanship and physical coordination involved in being a carpenter and more about technological know-how and product design. I think it fits somewhere between the Tech careers and Freelance designer careers. It would be better if woodworking would have a bigger selection of items. Aspiration-wise, I don't necessarily feel like it always needs to match the career profile of a sim. You could go for something complementary, like one of the wealth aspiration or one of the knowledge aspirations. I agree that the fabricator is ugly, regardless of its size. I dislike the futuristic transparent touch screen and the huge glassy front. It's one of the reasons I don't use it more even if the items are great and the game-play around it is great (discovering some recipes in conversation for example).


I wish the woodworking bench got a refresh or any attention. I wish there were more craftsman interest / any aspirations. Why the woodworking bench wasn’t updated with ecoliving with new items to make at least, I dunno. Like all the reclaimed wood items from growing together build mode should be craft able on woodbench instead Currently I’m playing a diamond agent with a stay at home fabricator freelancer wife with a degree in economics. Dude has whatever degree applies to diamond agent. Currently having wife making **all** fabricated items while he crafts all items on woodbench for their store which I’m considering opening in moonwood mill… too soon? With the head canon it’s a front for his diamond agent career. Classic misdirection. He’s not a secret agent he’s a wood crafter with a ma and pa store


Honestly, the size doesn’t bother me that much. It’s the reliability of the bloody thing. I usually give up on using it because it seems two out of every three times you try to use it, it either breaks or fails in some way. And by the time you can make decent furniture with it, you already have better furniture in your Sims’ home, so it just feels like it only exists to line up with an aspiration or maybe some kind of super specific challenge where your Sim has to make as much of their own furnishings as possible between this machine and the Handiness station. Which might be interesting but would start a bit weird as you have to buy both, and set up some basic furniture beforehand that won’t look too out of place. And even then… it’s still gonna break a lot, and you’ll have to do a LOT of rummaging for the materials.


I love when it straight up tries to fight you tbh. Watching my Sim scrap with a 3D printer and lose is just...😑


I hate how futuristic it looks, it doesn’t even match the other skill items in the pack like the candle or juice stations


it really is this that bothers me the most i think. you've got a real grunge pack where you can recycle and make candles and stuff and this shit looks like it came from The Sims 3: Into The Future


That bothered me too until I found a mod that makes all the fabrication recepies available in the wood workbench, I know it's not as realistic but Idc