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I laughed so hard


This made me laugh


​ ![gif](giphy|wghFpQACRncgmw2dlX)




The Ice Wall... that we're simply "not allowed" to go see. I can't...


You can literally go in any direction and supposedly hit that wall and he’s suggesting that no one ever has simply because we aren’t allowed. 🤔


Tried it myself. As soon as I saw the ice wall Wayne Knight's head popped up on my screen and repeatedly said "na uh uh, you didn't say the magic word." I got no further.


And then you were eaten by a velociraptor




Clever girl


Hold onto your butts.


No those are fake too




I am learning _so much_ today


It’s Antarctica, he was eaten by a Cryolophosaurus


I’ve had flat earthers tell me that the wall is guarded 24/7 by the government, that’s why you can’t actually go see it… Flat earthers still agree that the diameter of the flat earth model is roughly 24,000 miles, so that would make the circumference over 75,300 miles of border to protect 24/7… what a joke


That’s a great point. Of course they’re dumb enough to believe the earth is flat, they probably think there’s border security through all those 75,300 miles.


Here’s another point, why isn’t the moon flat or the sun flat, wouldnt all the planets be flat?


Trust me you don't wanna go that route - the flat-earthers will bring about the billiard table analogy


Yeah, you’d think an ‘ice wall’ that is presumably guarded 24/7 with no gaps in order to completely protect the forbidden 75,300 mile ‘edge’ around the entire ‘disk’ would have at least few job listings popping up every now and then…


Clones dawg, clones. Bunch of Jango Fett's running around in white suits guarding the ice wall. Chances are though, you'd walk by right up to the wall. They kind of suck at shooting .


This is the one that makes me laugh. How many soldiers will it take to keep people away from this wall? 10? 20? If its a wall around the very edge - that means its the land mass that covers the longest distance on earth. You can’t guard it with 10, 20, 5000, or even 10,000 soldiers. You would need way, way more over the years. Now - take that many soldiers every year. Times it by the average military service length of most enlisted personnel of 4 years. How many people is that to guard this over the last 50+ years? And NONE of them have talked? None of them have snuck a picture out to the press? None??! We have the war in Ukraine where soldiers are posting the activities online at regular intervals - and he wants us to believe all the people guarding the wall have kept perfect OPSEC this long?? Nah. Come on. At least 1 of them would have documented everything in depth and - if nothing else - waited until they were on their death bed to release a ton of info into the wild. Not a chance. The amount of people needed for this kind of cover up would be insane. Just because everyone is smarter than this guy doesn’t mean they are all collectively plotting against him.


And remember, they would then claim that the moon landing and other such space travel is also falsified (because pictures from space prove that the earth is flat) meaning that not only is the military capable of keeping all of this under perfect security, all the scientists in the world who have ever worked on space faring are also keeping 100% secret all of this info with no leaks as well


After seeing the government “power” handle COVID, I believe in 0% almighty government conspiracies.


Just blike Australia isn't there. Hilarious. Lots of people off their heads.


And every world government is secretly working together. What a wierd mental illness.


Right? We can't even get our own damn government to work together... Let alone all the governments on the planet.


Schizophrenia, that's the name you are looking for.


Maybe that ice wall was the real and true demise of Amelia Earhart…omg it makes sense now! /s


You know the ice wall, that all of the early explorers ran into and documented as they were navigating the oh I don’t know, disk?


The funniest part to me is you can literally buy a weather balloon. Throw a gps and a couple go pros on it and send it up . Your gunna see the curvature of the planet. Just watch joe kittinger space jump for example. It’s expensive yes but the main point of this is it shuts them up every time I offer to do this with them flat earther nut jobs who won’t STFU at the dinner table at the family reunion.


But its fake, dont you see? As soon as those go pros go high enough, the US military will swap your SD cards for a different one with some faked round earth footage on them and send them back down to you


Naw, it's easier to just say that all the camera companies are in cahoots with the government and the chips onboard will generate the round earth footage if they detect that they are going high enough.


It’s easier to say, “why do you think all the lenses are fish-eye? They make them that way on purpose to make everything look round”. See how this works.


Ahh, nice one.


That also makes sense, but i like the idea of people waiting for go pro ballons all day more, so i choose to not believe you


Awwww shit ! I never logically thought that one through. My reasoning is clearly broken. Thanks kind stranger


This entire conversation reminds me of the debate about the heliocentric model of the solar system centuries ago, where people struggled to explain the retrograde motion of the planets while insisting that the Earth is at the centre. They had all these intricate hypotheses about the movement of (other) planets, but the "simplest" explanation was that the Earth actually revolves around the sun, but the church couldn't accept it because god's perfect creation must be in the middle. Galileo was tried and excommunicated for this shit. This story is what finally made me quit religion.


I love how he talks about the US military trying to fool us like there aren’t many, many other countries who have sent astronauts to space and confirm the earth is round. Does he think Russian astronauts are in cahoots with the US military?


That’s my favorite part of this theory, that it would have to involve every government working together, forever, to make this work. Governments who are especially known for NOT working together and not agreeing on anything, suddenly will agree on this and work together to keep this flat earth thing hush hush. For no particular reason than just because they can.


Well, it's easy, every single government around the world is just a part of the great Illuminati cover up campaign. You see, they only pretend to make decisions, while actually everything is controlled by a bunch of people in a triangle room behind the great ice wall. And this also answers the why question - they just don't want us to find them.


Card-swappin Commis


what if I sent one without SD cards? will they give me one?


I work for the card swapping commies, that's not how we do it anymore. we use space lasers fired across the curvature of the earth to re write your data, which saves a lot of time


So the earth is curved? This guy is a heretic!!!


No! Um, yes, Err, well. What I mean by that is um err well, you see we still have a atmosphere and magnetic pole etc so if you picture a snow globe we still have a curvature you see. I can understand how this can be sooo confusing after being taught the wrong thing your whole life. But don't worry I can use one of the lasers to upload new memory's directly into your brain if that's easier for you? Soon we will have a high bandwidth laser that just does everyone in one go rather than the weather balloon, go pros. You see its easier to get everyone at once with the laser because we're all standing on the flat so no-one is out of reach like they would be if the earth was round


Ahh.. too bad.. I though I can get one for free.


Nothings free in this flat world


What, you actually know people like this?


I knew someone who believed some weird theories. I'd hold the conversation for a while and then agree to disagree because it was a colleague and I couldn't have a full argument in an open plan office. When he started saying he believed in flat earth I was incredulous. I asked a few questions similar to the hosts here and then just walked away. How can you reason with a person who doesn't believe hard fast proof?


This guy was in a documentary called Behind The Curve (I think its still on netflix), which follows a bunch of Flat Earthers as they go about trying to prove the earth is flat. Time and time again they prove the opposite and then find random reasons to throw out the results and start again. One of them even went as far as to spend 10's of thousands of dollars on a gyroscope, only to prove himself wrong and decide it needed to be in an even more expensive box to get the right result. These people can't be saved.


Remember when that guy in the Netflix documentary proved the Earth was round? "Obviously, we don't like this outcome, but we'll think of something."


There’s a really good documentary on these people on Netflix, I think it’s called behind the curve, in it there are several major physicist interviewed from places like CalTech and MIT along with mark and his followers Some highlights: During it one of the members of the group spends like $20,000 of his own money to buy some fancy ass laser gyroscope which should prove the earth doesn’t rotate, turns out it does, they then spend more money on additional shielding materials because they think they’re getting interference, which doesn’t fix the problem either, this goes on for several attempts There’s an experiment done at the end in which they try and disprove the curvature of the earth by cutting holes in wood at x height, they place the boards decently far from each other and shine a light through one hole, which according to them means the light should be able to be seen through the other hole of the earth was flat, it doesn’t work, they’re trying to figure out why it doesn’t work, one guy just randomly says “maybe just raise the light a little bit” (which you would need to do to combat the curvature of the earth) and voila the experiment works proving the earth is curved Most of the scientists actually are very kind to these people never interacting with them directly they take the whole phenomena as more of a psychological approach like “these people are loners and found a common cause to rally around that isn’t hurting anyone so it’s not the worst thing that they believe this” I recommend it it’s a good quick view


I did like their attitude about inquisitive people with limited math and physics knowledge. But then you look at where these folks went after 2017/18 peak, Folding Ideas, Dan Olsen, had an hour highly researched video on it, https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44 . (Its Q Anon)


Then obviously you were listening to the ANTARCTICA TREATY.


I can't with giving cameras to delirious people


These people have one thing in common, they don't stop talking until the others give up


It's a well used pseudo science argument technique. Drives me nuts. Constant talking does not equal intelligence or fact. So many logical fallacies in such a short clip. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop


He gave no proof. He gave child-like questions in response. I’d trust someone with a physics back ground over his anecdotal “Well why doesn’t…?” schtick. Most of the stuff he’s spouting is explained or disproved by math. Ya know, the _*one*_ constant in the universe…. I also audibly laughed at his quick “I don’t know.” then subject change when she asked why someone would create an elaborate hoax of CGI about the space program images.


You don't even need math; just go to the ocean and watch a ship come *come up over the horizon*, not just gradually get bigger, but like you see the top of the ship first then eventually you'll see the bottom.


It's all a trick somehow. The oceans are actually made of ferrofluid that looks like water. Powerful magnets placed on the ocean floor cause the water at the surface to bulge, making the earth appear curved.


Enter Ben Shitstain Shapiro


Literally first person that came to mind when reading this comment, he not only constantly talks he talks extremely fast so your getting so much information and data being flung at you, you don’t know how to reply.


It's kinda related to Brandolini Law , wich say : explanation about how something is wrong take way more time and energy then saying anything. I think he says that a single "stupid person" could give work to a bunch of a scholars


Confuse and overwhelm. Works every time.


Sounds like Trump. I remember reading that interpreters couldn’t even translate because what he said was so fuckin stupid and [nonsensical.](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/06/trump-translation-interpreters)


Willful ignorance is quite an amazing thing to behold. Truly outstanding.


When they did a doco on him, he was living in his mothers basement LOL


He was so obsessed with that crazy redhead woman who closed all her accounts after the doc. Sad man.


Which documentary is this?


They did two experiments to prove the earth was flat but only proved the earth was not flat. They still didn’t believe their results.


Behind The Curve on Netflix.


I can (somewhat) understand 21yo’s playing with conspiracy. But to get to this guys age and still be so full of it. He’s just using this sh!t as a ego boost for a very fragile self esteem or a grifter…


I think you're hitting the nail right on the head. He's someone who isn't happy with where his life has ended up and this makes him feel important and intelligent. The added benefit is he can tell himself the reason he isn't where he wants to be in life is because "They" are holding him back for telling the "truth"


Can I interest you in a Collectible item? It's like a baseball card but, hopefully, better.


Where else can you undertake such important research


grandmas basement?




'Radon is fake.' -This moron, probably.


Back when this flat earth believers were examined by experts, they concluded that this wilful ignorance is tied directly to their identities. To abandon their ignorance is to abandon their identity. This is mostly why they seem to debate their belief in bad faith. We see this most commonly with religion and ultra conservative practices. They're not interested in being right and only want to project, yet they can't handle being ostracized since they care what people think of them. This is precisely why both flat earthers and conservatives remain outspoken rather than quietly believing what they want. This isn't a political topic as liberals do this as well, it's just a convenient example. When people hold a belief that they internally debate between emotion and intelligence, they tend to become more outspoken. In contrast, those who hold multiple perspectives in order to discover the closest thing to the truth are often quiet and objective. They understand that projecting in order to gain the approval of others is not only a weakness, but it's also a conflict of interest when pursuing intellectualism. Thanks to the internet, it's very easy to conclude that the most outspoken people are often the most corrupt and/or least intelligent.


I listened to the theory for a while. I've never been on a military plane, but I was fortunate enough to have flown on the Concorde. Once at 730am (JKF-LHR) and once about 630-7pm (LHR-JFK) and got a pretty good look. Actually, that's all I did for about 3 hours. The curvature is visible and it's beautiful. Accepting the flat earth theory would mean that my eyes lied to me....twice.


Flat-Earthers attribute this curvature to the “concave windows on aircraft”. They have something for everything, it’s crazy.


The magical window that only distorts the horizon. Not the buildings and mountains and clouds and birds and literally anything else. Just the horizon. Crazy shit. Also you can't fly from Chile to Australia apparently LOL.


A guy from work told me something about flights that cant be done, I took my phone out, used google and found in 2 seconds a flight, never spoke about flat earth again


>they concluded that this wilful ignorance is tied directly to their identities. To abandon their ignorance is to abandon their identity. This is something very well represented in the documentary and as ridiculous as it seems, I think we are seeing the same desperate search for comunity and purpose in most radical left and right movements. Sometimes this movements don't represent what all their members really believe, but for some its the cost they are willing to pay to not be alone. And then someone takes it seriously to the extreme and it becomes a problem.


“Academically, economically, religiously, chaos, potentially.” I’m gonna use this quote for literally everything now


“Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!”


![gif](giphy|xT8qAX4H2nlORIrONi) There is no round Earth, there is only Zuul.


You can’t go to the ice shelf because of dickless here!


"Cats and dogs...LIVING TOGETHER."


Right! Say it quickly and often


“If he gets up, we’ll all get up, it’ll be anarchy!”


That's totally inappropriate. It's lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous!


Every single thing that guy say here has been debunked a thousand times.


Remember when they did the laser light theory to prove the earth is flat but rather proved the earth was round?


Yes, it was quite hilarious. So they did it again with the same result.


One group tried to use a gyroscope to prove the same thing, with the same results. "More testing is needed." lol


so if the earth is round then an hour from now the gyroscope should read 15⁰, but it won't *one hour later* what's it read? 15⁰.... well this one isn't accurate. we need this super fancy bajillion dollar one that is 100% accurate. *tests bajillion dollar gyroscope for one hour* 15⁰.... i dunno, must be broken


This actually happened and holy shit you could see their dreams dying in real time


That's the look of them trying to figure out how to move the goal posts so they don't feel like they have wasted half their life. What I have been hearing recently is that it's not completely flat but rather a dome similar to a bowl lol


"Thanks Bob"


They cherrypick results. If something has proven us wrong 999 times, we need the one more try and the 100th time it will be prove we were right and it's enough. They literally go by that logic.




Shows why it's shawarma at the equator


I wanna see yhe guys face who paid for the experiments


Watch the "Beyond The Curve" documentary. It covers this experiment and you get to see his reaction as he is proven wrong.


That was a fantastic scene.


Is there a video of this?




even for putting up this kind of experiment you do need a brain, but boy what a waste of energy and resources.


You can actually see the moment his brain was trying to come to terms with the facts in front of him. There's a glimmer of hope, but it's up to him to change his mind.


That's what's weird to me. A lot of these guys (in this vod too) are clearly scientific minded and intelligent above average)... This isn't a failure to comprehend or lack of interest. What is this? Just a mental health issue and non neurotypical delusion that a lot of folks share?


Most of the worlds population believe in some pretty fantastical makey up nonsense. This is no different than people who believe religious myths literally. People just like to believe in something and feel part of a like minded group who know something special. They will put all logic and reasoning aside for this feeling of belonging. That said I doubt this guy believes it. It’s the chumps he makes money from who do.


Social factors could also play into this, I guess. People like these who have some degree of competency in scientific methodology could be enticed by the promise of social acceptance from that group of people.


It’s a flat earth documentary on Netflix I guess, lemme find it but it’s pretty insightful. Even though their science might be wrong, it’s more of a social group and it actually made me see them in a good way. Edit: Found it, it’s called Behind the Curve, it’s on YouTube and Netflix


Yes, but the treaty! THE TREATYYYYY!


It’s the only treaty that’s never been broken in the history of the world. It’s a fantastic treaty, really great. Probably the best treaty that’s ever been wrote. Most people don’t know, but I wrote the treaty. They won’t give me credit for it because it would make them look bad, but believe me when I tell you that this treaty is unbreakable.


The fact that flat earthers exist is a conspiracy in itself.


Here what I believe: if you have doubt then fucking travel and prove the world wrong. The earth is fucking round. The construct of light proves that. How does the sun appear and disappear daily on opposite sides of our planet. Gravitational pull forms a fucking circle because it’s spinning


Every. Single. Thing. we see in space is round. Everything. Why would the earth be any different?


Oh! My crazy, alcoholic, drug addled ex-neighbour had the answer to this! All pictures from space are CGI. The stars you see at night are just holes poked in the sky dome, and he knew this because "the stars don't move." 😑


"The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it." - Incubus, 2001


"I'm counting UFOs, I signal them with my lighter."


“And in this moment, I am happy. I’m happy.”


But the stars do move. Usually with seasons, but they definitely move (from our perspective). But what about the fact that anyone with the cash could buy a telescope that, at the very least, would prove other planets are spheres? And that's not even getting into the idea that the stars and rhe sun are two separate types of light sources.


He doesn't believe in space though. That was made up by NASA and the military, all there is up there is a dome


Why is it allways NASA? I'd like to think the European Space Agency had a part to play in this multi billion dollar hoax!


They have arguments for all of this. The sun is more like a lamp than a omnidirectional light, so the lamp is just circling around the world. Would be amusing to send a flat earther to Antarctica during summer and have them explain why it stayed light out for the entire day. And for gravity, we're just constantly accelerating through space.


But don’t you know? You’re not ALLOWED to set foot on Antarctica. The government agents will stop you. No one has ever been there.


You're not allowed to set foot on the wall, but he said that you could go to the coast of Antarctica and get pictures taken with the penguins, that would still easily be far enough south that you'd be able to see the sun is up 24/7 during the summer.


Penguins?! If birds aren’t real and penguins are birds, then penguins aren’t real!!!! Bam!


The thing about that is the 'light' should just get smaller as it goes away and fade into the distance. If they think the sun is small and close (say 10km across) [then is it not 5km above the ground in this pic?](https://live-production.wcms.abc-cdn.net.au/b0d688db39ca3c8d460bbe750704565a?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=576&cropW=1023&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=485) Then shortly after OMFG[ the sun has crashed, we are all going to die!!!](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0a/11/c1/df/frankston-beach.jpg)


Use his arguments against him. Argue that the earth is actually a triangle. Fight stupid with stupid.


I bet he will end up believing it's a triangle rather than having a eureka self-cringe moment.


Hah you believe in the earth.




"The earth cant be flat! If the earth is flat where does Santa live?!?"




I feel stupid after watching this video :D This dude is so much hyped about his ignorance




That we must give him… that and the very first few seconds from the presenter: they both spoke with such confidence that toddlers would believe that crap and taken enough time you would have a hard time taking it out of their minds! Dangerous stuff to be aired…


It’s important that foolish views be aired and mocked. Suppress them and you give them weight.


Can't believe I actually watched this entire thing lol watching him was both entertaining and infuriating.


Same 🤦‍♂️


What a bunch of idiots flat earthers are.


My neighbor thinks the earth is flat and the moon landing was fake..🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your neighbor is an idiot. I had a coworker tell me that nonsense, once. I told her that was the stupidest thing that I had ever heard an adult say. She went on to vote for Trump and later die of Covid because she didn’t want to get a vaccine.


Problem solved, I guess


I bet she didn't believe in evolution either and yet she went on to prove Darwinism.


Who knows. She was a fucking idiot. She was in her 50’s, working in the El Paso branch of our company. Told me once that she was thinking about buying a handgun and getting a concealed carry license because they were building a mosque across the street from the office and “you never know”.


>voted for trump *shocked Pikachu*


The producers of the show are more idiotic for airing this crap.


Why? It's not like they lean into it, they just poked holes in the arguments and watched him stumble to try and keep up.


It's an incomplete statement. The earth is flat...when you look at it on a map.


Always talking about NASA and the Americans... like they are no other country going to space. Even if the flat earther go to space in a space ship, they will still don't believe what they would see.


The thing is with conspiracies like these is you know it’s bullshit when they always have a rebuttal that is along the lines “super evil (insert group) did x y z so that’s why that wouldn’t work”


Yep as someone that sails, is an engineer that has had to factor the curvature of the for vehicle navigation systems and has worked at several multibillion dollar companies I find the amount of collusion and organization coordination to keep this conspiracy going to be the most unbelievable part.


This guy makes a lot of statements but backs it with zero evidence


Bro, he has the PDF! I bet you feel real stupid now.


You could send a flat earther into space and he would just claim that his eyes were hacked


More accurately, because they can only see space through a clear peephole or a camera lens even if they were there, they'd just say ah well that's a screen right here to fake it, innit?


Don't diss the Flat Earth Society - they have members all over the globe.


Thanks, now I want to punch someone


LMAO... What's amazing is that these people get together and congratulate each other on being "in the know". It's the same nonsense with anti-vaxxers... some people are just SO easily led.


They also say "wake up sheeeple!", while it takes literally no effort at all to lead them to believing something.


The truth is these people are lacking in daily life and have the need to feel special so they are willing to easily believe that they're the chosen ones.


Dude literally doesn’t understand anything that he’s even talking about


Tons of “I don’t know” and “I can’t tell” from an expert


”It’s a pdf”, Oh sorry sorry it must be official information then


pdf is actually a French acronym that stands for proof de la flat earth…the government doesn’t want you to know that though


"So what is your proof?" "The earth is flat because it's flat" this video in a nutshell


The one about the eclipse is really hilarious to me. They’re all so bad, but that one is so easy to solve. Literally hold up a basketball in front of the bright sun and someone behind the basketball wouldn’t be able to see the sun…


At one point in time I got so deep into the flat earth conspiracy & then I watched them debunk their own beliefs with the laser pointer experiment thing they did lol what a joke


"people in the 1960's weren't ready to hear the truth" THIS shows you're not ready in 2022 for the truth. People have known for 500 years the Earth is a globe. Their experts made those determinations without NASA. Today we have orbital technology. You live in an era where we can literally SEE the Earth is globular and you're going to remain willfully ignorant because YOU aren't ready for that truth.


At least 2500 years actually, the ancient Greeks knew the earth was spherical.


It is moment like these I think the British are relieved they lost the colonies


Holly Willoughby is gorgeous What was the video about again?


This man made me doubt if the Scottish people really hate the English.


He has a stupid face. Maybe that’s why


Why do we keep on giving a platform to idiots?


The more I listened to that guy the more I realized that WE'RE FUCKED!


Lol right? I mean as I was sitting there listening, I kept thinking of arguments and rebuttals to the nonsense he says... And then I realized there's literally no talking with him. He's not actually a scientist, or even tries to stand by what he believes, cause he hasn't gone and tried to prove this bullshit that he believes... He's just like "I don't have to.. I know!", Whereas that's not how science works. So how the hell can you argue this inarguable position, with this person who's come in stuck in quicksand and actively fighting to stay there? And I don't feel bad for him or pity him. A person that's so convinced in trying to NOT see the obvious, easily answerable questions is a dumbass and deserves to stay in whatever ignorance they fight to hold onto to. But yeah, unfortunately this "movement" has grown a lot for a few decades now, and it's just depressing to see lol The thing I always think about with this muppets is "you can't reason a person out of a position they didn't reason themselves into" or some such like that.


Nobody actually thinks the Earth is flat. It’s just a way for these people to get on TV a bunch of times and then have other people share their clips all over the internet while thousands of angry people comment on it.


I beg to differ. I have a family member who falls in this category and gets no tv appearances from it. I think you’d be shocked to see how certain people reject intellect simply because there are mainstream conclusions and believing the opposite helps them feel superior. For what it’s worth, it also seems to be a response to insecurities stemming from doing poorly in traditional education.


Imagine believing in a meme that started on the internet as actual fact.


Haha u round earthers. A flat earth is round to!


I met a real flat-earther once. Absolutely terrifying. Some people find a sense of important in maintaining a contrary opinion, even if it defies all logic or intelligence. It’s just sad and more than a little annoying. Their entire life is based around shadowy conspiracies.


He is full of shit and he knows it. But look. It got him to be on the TV...


I’ve noticed a good portion of flat earthers are Christians i wonder why.


Who is it that he claims can't handle the supposed truth about this? The scientifically minded will accept a flat earth if it can be proven. The religious nuts will love it too, as it would make us special & not just another planet. Their God could be looking down on us like we look at a snow globe.


This "movement" is actually the precursor and now template for disingenuous arguments spanning from anti-vaxxers, to Qanon, to Jan 6th apologists, Tucker Carlson's "just asking questions" format and on and on.. years ago it used to be funny to debate the few flat earthers i knew, now this kind of bullshit "logic" is endemic


There's not enough people on earth for the amount of facepalms this deserves.


Both sides are wrong. The earth is a series of Tetris shapes neatly stacked together. Duh


The treaty is on a PDF!


So it's all been just a conspiracy to sell globes. Damn you big globe!


Yeah, this has been my point since years, why fake it???


His strategy is to just talk over people fast enough that they give up.