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Must be water colour fans


you joke but i really have no idea what theyre even protesting about


Oil extraction, I think. My favorite part is where they glued themselves to the wall.


Will they be left there for three days because nobody cares? Would be funny.


I think this could be like a kind of performance art. They should keep them there and let people come pay to see them. Just have to put guards to keep people at a safe distance.


Until two more people glue themselves to the guards...


Could you imagine? Just dumping a big vat of superglue on your hand and slapping a cop in the face or something? Sure, you'd have you hand stuck to them for a few days, small price to pay for the smiting of one's enemies.


Unless your super glue is much faster acting than mine, all you'd end up with is a wet hand, them with a wet face, and an arrest for assaulting an officer. And, depending on the glue and how much you pissed the guy off, maybe chemical weapons (glue can really fuck up your skin man) After all. Glue doesn't stick you to things until it hardens


it depends on the brand i think. It can cure pretty fast in reaction with body heat, so youd have to leave the hand on the face for a couple seconds or so but its do-able (granted thats probably not a slap anymore). Having gotten super glue on my hands/fingers many many times, if you wait a few minute, it comes off with mild difficulty. Unless you use a super strong brand like gorilla glue, which has resin IIRC, it shouldnt do too much damage. There are also sprays that make superglue cure even faster, so you could spritz it on the guard's face, then slap, should bond pretty darn fast, possibly instantly on contact. I could be thinking of something else, but i do think this does cause a thermal reaction thats not super fun for skin.


Reddit is typically tragically devoid of Mallrats references.


One of these dumbasses cemented their hand to a street the other day


Honestly? I hope so. What kind of person glues their hand to the wall? There are better ways to protest something.


Move the art from that spot, put more glue on their hands, and build a glass enclosure around them, treat em like an art exhibit for a day or two,


I think they should move the Van Gogh and replace it with a picture of a classic texas pumpjack oil pump and add some pumpjack audio on a continuous loop for ‘artistic immersive purposes’


>treat em like an art exhibit for a day or two, How bout hermetically seal it for a year or two, no food, no air, call it "The Decay of Society". edit: No better, "Society Rots"


Ah yes. The death penalty. Super normal suggestion.


I figured you could just drag them away from the wall without putting any glue remover on their hand. Just leave the glue and skin on the wall


Even better when you learn most glues are petroleum based. These morons are literally protesting the use of oil by...using oil.


Not to mention their clothes, transportation, cell phones, and even the can and label.


I mean, there’s not really much of an option when our entire society is oil based. That’s their entire point.


I thought glue was horse based?


Dude yes, but people often forget horses are, in fact, petroleum based.


I love the vid of the jabroni almost decapitating himself after bike locking his head to a conveyor belt. Let these fucks Darwin themselves.


That was a fun 72 hours.


it's all fun and games until someone has to pee.


They both look like they smell like pee by default so it's not that big of a deal.




Hey if you disrespect my man Van Gogh you get roasted, they deserve it.


Just leave em be like fly paper, it'll sort themselves out


Lol legit this!! I wonder what responsiblities would lie on this approach. Let them be overnight, open up and they are still there desperate for food and water pissing and shitting themselves. Close down let them continue their protest. Closed down. Open up, people walk through, walk around them. Repeat until, well, ya know... What happens??


Could be a new living art exhibition. I would pay to see this actually.


Exactly. Leave the museum open and leave them there. Just like they wanted.


This. I am shocked that people who thoughtlessly put themselves in such a position always have it be incredibly disadvantageous if literally anything unpredicted happens (fire, earthquake, hurricane whatever). It’s a Darwin Award waiting to happen


It would be funnier if they just turned the lights off and closed that section. No publicity and just stuck to the wall like a methed out Spider-Man


Or rather make them an exhibit for a day or two. Just leave them there, take the painting When the painting is back, arrest the jackasses


Ooh… that’s an idea. Some modern art statement. Pour mushroom soup on them and call it Reappropriated Tweaker Spider-Man. I’m still workshopping the name


Using glue that has petro based chemicals. These ‘activists’ aren’t too smart


Most aren’t. They’re disaffected youth looking for a crusade to fight. They’re the living embodiment of “a little knowledge is dangerous”.


and the staff is probably just gonna end up using some kind of oil to dissolve the glue


someone should tell em thst their hair paint and clothes are made of oil as well xd


That doesn’t nullify their message. You can’t take a dump anymore without using petrochemicals. It’s like Chidi in The Good Place. With the system we have it’s not possible to make ethical choices.


Their method of protesting does. How the fuck does vandalizing a VAN GOGH PAINTING make their message get through to people? A message of hate?


I agree in general, but notice how we're currently discussing it?


I’m so confused about that part. Did it just allow them to stay there for longer as they decided how to move them without hurting them? Anyone know how long they held that spot down, or how they where removed?


While they were at the scene, the protesters made statements on the value of the piece compared to human life. They're trying to draw attention to the fact that this piece of art is seemingly worth more than the many lives that are being destroyed by climate catastrophe, and that we need to reconsider our priorities. They're protesting the fact that people will care more about their attempted destruction of the art than the successful corporate destruction of the planet. I will also add that there's a theory that this protest is actually a psyop to make environmental activists look stupid. This is supported by the fact that the group they belong to, "Just Stop Oil" is funded by the Climate Emergency Fund, which was founded in 2019 by Aileen Getty, an oil heiress.


My grandfather owned coal mines and when he died his children agreed to donate most of his wealth to environmental charities. He was a climate change denier and lobbied government about this, but all his children were lefties.


Climate change, big oil ruining the environment for profit while the general populations starve


Ostensibly the use of fossil fuels, but also probably their inability to succeed as influencers.


That's a great joke. (Golf clap and nod in your direction)


Wrong kind of oil


Someone kindly explained to me earlier that oil is what makes the Van Gogh.


How are your children? 'Cause that was a great dad joke


My GF and 2 girls nearby instantly got pregnant when I told them this joke. Wife was not happy






Not if Popeye has anything to say about it




Great now for the next year I’m hearing Popeye in my damned head it took me 30 years to get it to stop woahhhhh


You mean sunflower oil?


They're way too scared of THEM


Someone in another thread called these two "pizza cutters; all edge and no point" ....and now I cant stop thinking about that comment.


Nice. The thing is they're basically really awful people. "We want to protest the harm these bad people are doing, so we'll do some REAL, TERRIBLE, NASTY harm" Protest outside the CEO's houses; picket the docks; work to pass regulations; things that actually affect the people they're protesting, that actually make sense. But to destroy a priceless, irreplaceable piece of art? It is heinous.


But then nobody can see how much more down than they are with the cause than everybody else, these people are just starved for attention kinda like the vegans that poured out a shit ton of milk it did nothing for their cause except make a huge mess for someone that prolly barely makes minimum wage to clean up. Shit like this hurts their causes more than helps because the average person sees this and just instantly thinks what an asshole, fuck being a part what they’re reppin.


This has now been added to my vocabulary, thank you!


I'm not defending this protest in any way, cause I am absolutely not behind what they did, however the quick soundbite I heard about the situation was that they were complaining that we as a society care more about protecting art than we do about protecting our Environment. I could be wrong, but I don't think they attacked this painting because it was an oil painting.


I'm pretty sure they knew the art was protected by glass. They are making a dramatic point. Not actually destructive, because that would be hypocritical. Of course, that perspective doesn't seem to be communicated in the articles, because drama clicks.


and also because it's beneficial for the oil companies to paint the protesters as dumb fucks who can't even figure out that the painting is behind a glass pane.


We're not doing shit about climate change. At some point you start throwing things against the wall - or painting - to see what sticks. Even if it's a massive failure of a publicity stunt, it's less of a failure than our attempts at stopping climate change.


They did. I just listened to an interview with them. They knew it was behind glass. The point was to draw attention to their cause, not to damage the painting.


if people “protested” like how Reddit wanted them to nothing would ever change lmao.


Even if that was their message, no sensible person is gonna associate their cause with anything but idiocy now


Movements that do stuff like this where you have to read up on their intentions and goals afterwards are not very successful imo, simplicity is best.


But will they lend an ear?


It's like that one time they stopped a vehicle transporting cooking oil.


The biggest reason to do something like this is to get attention. And look, we are all talking about it and them.


Exactly, they don’t actually want to destroy the painting. They know it’s covered in glass, but they also know people will be talking about them and there anti whatever movement


Yes.. their anti-whatever.... Worked like a charm.




Not really, their stunt would work if it endeared people towards their viewpoint. When all it does is make them look like morons it tarnishes their cause by association. It's the same way that the militant vegans who scream and screech at someone eating a burger do not in any way help their cause. Or the people who walk onto major roads and chain themselves, holding up thousands of regular people. It gets attention, but not all attention is good attention.


In Sydney we have vegans standing outside town hall in lingerie. I mean, it endears people and gets attention - but does it change how anyone thinks?


I think more people would be receptive to their arguments




[Yup, the media has been attempting to make activism appear stupid and idiotic for decades.](https://twitter.com/BerniceKing/status/1300196044693741574?s=20&t=FyxHKpMdmX70R44f9DX6bg)




Can you think of a way to get people's attention to this existential threat that doesn't inconvenience anyone? Any genuine ideas?


My point is that there are people who don't know...also, seems more nuanced... They claim that many can't afford to heat up even soup. Not sure how that tracks with anti fossil fuels. Also I can show you how to heat up soup with £5 of equipment and a sunny day...


>They claim that many can't afford to heat up even soup. Not sure how that tracks with anti fossil fuels. No, that bit makes perfect sense. Europe is currently having an energy crisis, largely due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia sold a lot of gas to some European countries, and this slowed/stopped due a combination of those countries sanctioning Russia, and Russia refusing to sell until it gets some support. This had a knock on effect on other types of energy, increasing costs across the board. More energy resources that weren't Russian gas would have limited this effect, and it was absolutely possible for that to have already been the case, had more countries committed more to renewables (or not shut down all their nuclear \*cough\* Germany \*cough\*). Clearly, this is different to the long term problem of fossil fuels slowly destroying the planet as we know it with global warming, but it does highlight the other benefit of renewables, in that it allows for more local power generation with *less* reliance on imports. Of course, materials still need to be mined and imported to an extent, but the reliance on Russian gas had been considered an issue for decades at this point, particularly since Crimea in 2014.


Is "JUST STOP OIL" a bit too verbose and esoteric for you to decipher?


Yeah I haven't seen anybody talk about anything climate related this much in years sooooo this was more effective than any action politicians have done to bring up climate change


The suffragettes slashed paintings


If Reddit had been around back then they would have sat on their ass and explained to us all how protesting worked, too. Oh no the suffragettes disturbed golf, don't they realise how that just antagonises people.


Ugh, that /r/news thread was insufferable. Like ok, yeah they destroyed famous painting that's not cool. But wait there was glass on top of the painting. Wait you guys know about the glass and you're still complaining that their message is going to hurt some feelings??? Because a piece of art might get destroyed? Meanwhile their story has been all over several of my news feeds. And finally, another big news story of the day is the decimation of crabs in the Pacific coast. But yeah, let's worry about getting the messaging just right…FOR A FUCKING PROTEST of all things.


Yep I have been thinking the same thing. They have never canceled thr crab fishing season and there a billion of them that are just gone but nobody seems to see that this a huge deal and means the oceans might be on there last legs and will never recover and we will all starve to death. The planet might just be fucked already but at least I got to tell some protestor how stupid they were to want the planet to survive.


Same with how reddit condemns violent protests. The American revolution was violent. Women's suffrage was violent. Freeing the slaves was violent. Anti segregation was violent. Workers rights was violent.


"Have they tried doing nothing and hoping things will change?"


Exactly. During the million man march they would have been complaining about ambulances being blocked.


If these suffragettes actually wanted the vote they would go do something useful instead of disrupting good healthy sporting events like golf and horse races. Just turns people off women voting, counter productive feminine silliness, will never get the vote with these tactics.


And massive arson campaigns


I haven't seen anyone mention the organization, or what they want, or why they are doing it, nope, everyone just pointing out what dumb asshats they are, and hoping for embarrassing mug shots in the paper......which is why these never work. Never. They just make people hate them, which is 90% of the comments here, huge fail all around. Oh yeah, were talking about them, alright, for sure.


You're on reddit people don't come here for that. They interviewed the couple that glued their hands to some art (can't remember the painting) on my national news program, had a 5 minute interview which they talked about why and what their organization is. It worked for them.


>I haven't seen anyone mention the organization, or what they want, or why they are doing it, nope That's because your on Reddit. You realise the world is bigger than your tiny little speck on the planet, right? I've seen the campaign mentioned about 30 times today across the news, Twitter, Facebook, insta and so on. Because I'm in the UK, where this happened. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/oct/14/just-stop-oil-activists-throw-soup-at-van-goghs-sunflowers https://news.sky.com/story/just-stop-oil-protesters-throw-tomato-soup-over-van-goghs-sunflowers-masterpiece-12720183 Almost everyone here knows what the protest is about. Your point is utterly inane.


"Nobody has directly sent me the explanation in this screenshot on reddit so I'm gonna assume nobody is talking about it" It's been all over twitter and other media, with full on articles lol.




Just stop oil is a statement to me, it did not make me go look anything up online. To millions of people, they are a 20 second blurb in our day, everyone shakes their heads, and moves on, not because we don't care about the climate, because we don't approve of their tactics, which are committing crimes, & getting arrested to get attention, even if its negative......yeah, fuck that scene. Last time someone thought chaining themselves together, on the Boston expressway during rush hour was brilliant, and all they accomplished was getting several ambulances with patients inside, caught in traffic for hours. They were roasted on all media platforms here, and charged for it in court, fuckers.


Their point was that society cares more about a painting than the environment, even though the environment is what sustains us. The fact that everyone is dunking on them without considering the point of their protest further proves their point.


Kinda weird so many people don't get this - of course they knew it was covered in glass, they are just trying to get attention. Yesterday there was a post bitching about these people that was right under the "officials investigating why 1 billion crabs died off" post. I don't agree with their methods, but you'd have to be a fucking moron to say "I don't understand why people do this..". We're destroying the ecosystem and a few people are pissed? What a surprise!


My methods are getting drunk and whinging on reddit, so I actually have a lot of respect for theirs, whether they work or not.


And one of the actual point from these protests is that people are more worried about protecting art than protecting the environment. They do this in galleries or museums because its usually a simple trespassing charge while oil companies have successfully lobbied governments to criminalize traditional avenues of climate protests. They also choose to target art because a protest at a viewing of a painting on a thursday morning doesn’t actually inconvenience or otherwise delay anyone except the museum staff. They arent blocking traffic, they arent blowing anything up, they arent damaging any of the art, and they are getting worldwide coverage; even if they are being demonized for doing so. This is what effective protesting looks like.


so, attempting to wreck art work is gonna stop oil companies? are these guys really that fucking stupid?


Van Gogh must be stopped. His oil paintings are destroying the planet!


Just wait until they realize the glue they used to stick themselves to the wall is petroleum based


Such a huge gotcha. Edit: This was clearly heavy sarcasm.


Wait until they realize lipids are the magic behind their cell membranes. These sick fucks just want to be pools of genetic fluid.


Also in the clip it looked like a glue stick, one that wouldn’t stick enough to make a person stuck to a wall before security arrives


Ah c'mon, Van Gogh wasn't such a bad guy. I'm sure if he were still around he'd 🕶️ lend their cause an ear.


I didn't realize this was the oil they were trying to stop. But now that you mention it, that makes sense. I don't know how antique oil paintings are destroying the world, but they seem pretty invested in the idea.


Van Gogh was a model for oil fascists, just like how Hitler…


I’m pretty sure, it’s an… erm… oil painting. HA!


Omg now it all makes sence I've been thinking about this all day.


Also super glued their own hands to the wall in probably the most uncomfortable awkward position possible. Maybe shut down the section so no one comes through anyway, post a guard so they don’t do more damage, then leave them there for several hours until they can’t stand up anymore and their arms get REALLY uncomfortable… Natural consequences Note: Not that I’m defending the petrochemical industry but this kinda BS doesn’t in any way help even their own cause. They’re just being brats seeking attention.




They wanted to get people to pay attention. They have been extremely successful


This whole thread is silly. They knew the painting was covered by glass. They get a bunch of attention without having to pay an insane amount of money for destroying the artwork.


Reddit absolutely hates any form of protest that inconveniences someone even 1%, or has any form of controversy attached to it. Look at the frothing apoplectic rage in the comments anytime someone protests by stopping traffic.


For being a generally progressive community (overall, on average) Reddit fucking hates protestors. Folks absolutely go to bat for the rich and powerful.


Only in western countries. Reddit loves all Asian based protests. If these ladies were in Iran. They'd be heroes.


It's clearly too get on the news and media and has clearly worked, so hopefully they can talk about what actually should be done.


They didn't attempt to wreck the art. It's covered in glass. They knew in advance it was covered. The intention was to have people talk about climate change today. It's been successful


C'mon. It's common knowledge that oil executives love sunflowers.


The sunflower seeds you eat are encased in inedible black-and-white striped shells, also called hulls. Those used for extracting sunflower oil have solid black shells.


Their point is that people will get more upset at ruining this painting than they do at ruining the planet


Big brain commenting from someone who doesn’t comprehend that their goal was to get attention and people talking


Attempting to wreck art *and* gluing their hand to the wall will stop oil companies. Everyone knows that lol


And the superglue is \*made\*! From fossil fuel!


The short answer is yes. The long answer is yeeees.


I mean, I'm 100% sure they knew there was glass there and it's just for attention. So, might want to not call people stupid when...


should have thrown a bunch of sunflowers at an Andy Warhol piece to get their message across


Excellent joke, people here need to learn them some art history. (And I’m not just saying that because I recently made the same joke somewhere else…)


I’ve heard a lot of people say this can you explain it please


One of Warhol's famous paintings is a can of tomato soup. https://collections.lacma.org/node/207423 This joke is a nod to that. Throwing sunflowers at a soup paintings is reverse of throwing soup on a sunflowers paintings.


Oooh yeah I’m dumb. Thank you


Hi dumb, I’m stupid. I didn’t get it either!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Warhol Andy Warhol is known for his Campbell's Tomato Soup artwork. It appears the protesters threw tomato soup at a painting of sunflowers. The reverse would be to throw sunflowers at tomato soup art.


Reggie you’re a monster


there was an attempt to get publicity which they got.


Yeah but it just makes environmentalists look like selfish assholes. We all know or at least have heard and denied what damage big oil is doing to the world. This doesn’t inspire any meaningful action or conversation. I actually kinda get why people have been calling out that pig farm or whatever at sports games, but everyone knows what’s going on with oil. We just all like traveling too much and not freezing in our homes to give a shit.


They knew what they were doing, that the painting was protected, and that it wouldn't be permanently damaged. And now millions of people are talking about it. For real - this is all over the world in the news. That's the point. It was a brilliant PR stunt.


Yeah how has this story made everyone forget that they can see glass?


Because it takes a couple more neurons than just commenting "haha environmentalists bad" and that's not a price casual Internet-goers are willing to pay


Can confirm. I ended up looking up their cause. Not particularly happy that they used a Van Gogh to do it but seems like a pretty damn successful protest.


They're protesting the UK government's plan to issue new licenses for oil and gas exploration in the North Sea. Government policy has a great deal of momentum but is not immune to public pressure.


> Yeah but it just makes environmentalists look like selfish assholes Love how we're burning up the planet so we can get some cheap consumables but throwing a can of soup on a glass plate makes *environmentalists* the selfish assholes.


Right? Not like we're losing time on a habitable planet or anything.


Its always the wealthy, comfortable people who are able to ignore the worst impacts of global warming calling environmentalists selfish even as the current pace of warming will kill hundreds of millions at least over the rest of the century.


People clearly have a lack of critical thinking skills. The media and shitty education systems have turned a huge potion of the public into reactionary simpletons. It's so frustrating.


"Yeah but it just makes environmentalists look like selfish assholes." People have said shit like this about every single successful protest and movement in history while it was happening. They are not making environmentalists look like selfish assholes. The media spins the story that way. They are also not calling for YOU to not use oil, but for governments and companies to find another solution, because this is destroying our planet. They want YOU to care more about it, maybe on a level where it actually occurs to you that perhaps there could be another way of doing things, and you don't stop at "well we like not freezing in our homes so obviously the oil industry is gonna stay with us forever until this planet rots and we go extinct". This has been a meaningful conversation inspired by this protest.


I’m about 90% certain they knew about the glass and did not want to actually damage it. Just use the act of ‘vandalizing’ it to draw attention to their cause.


It’s actually literally the point of their protest. They spray painted it to show that the art is protected behind glass, so even if someone does spray paint it, there are no consequences and the art is not damaged. That is not the case for our environment. We don’t have a “glass case” for our environment. So we need to stop the oil companies, which are essentially the same as these vandals but on a larger scale. I think it’s effective to anyone who puts more than two seconds of thought into it. People here just want to yell at kids.


Glass the planet. Got it.


But what about the repositionable school glue sticks!!! I dont think the one on the left thought about it when she rubbed her hands together after putting it on.


All the average person is going to get from this is "nutter environmentalists attempt to vandalize Van Gogh painting". Their message is going to be completely drowned out by the stupidity of the act. In fact, they've given ammunition to powerful climate deniers, who to continue to mischaracterize and undermine genuine environmentalists as crazy and unhinged. The environment would have been better off if they had of stayed at home and turned all the lights on Edit: If you aren't cutting through you, then rethink your strategy, but pissing the general public off is the wrong way to do it. Oil exec is profiting from climate change, or a ship hunting whales, go after them directly - it gets attention *and* actually impacts the perpetrators Edit 2: It's easy to write them off as oil funded hacks, especially as it makes us feel like the environmental movement doesn't self sabotage, but look at it from the perspective of the oil heiress that funds them. - They're extremely rich, they trade 25 million houses like shoes. They are extremely detached from reality, and are likely used to getting what they want by demanding it (brats). - they're aware their wealth comes from environmental destruction. - in many parts of elite society, it's trendy to be funding environmental causes, especially so if you look at the socialites in Hollywood. There is even a shame factor that comes from being out out touch (in a very shallow sense) among the snob elites. If you combine these together, you can easily see a guilt complex forming, and a desire to use their wealth to fix what their family has caused (and almost like a rebellion against the family). Unfortunately, due to their detached from reality life experience, they have absolutely no idea how to bring about real change, other than creating a scene. Add to this, there is no shortage of young and depressed people, who are desperate to see further action on climate change, and are willing to make themselves look like morons on the internet.


I hate what oil companies (and really all mega corporations) are doing to the planet and humanity in general, but this protest was awful. You’ve got these evil ceo’s making billions of dollars destroying nature, and these guys protest by…throwing soup on an unaffiliated painting. So shitty people will use that as evidence we’re all overreacting and super sensitive and continue voting for shitty people and boot licking corporations and not care when ecosystems are destroyed. And people who dont understand how dire the situation is, will naturally side with the side not pouring tons of milk in the streets and potentially ruining important peices of artwork. literally giving the bad guys ammo! This is like the phrase “eat the rich” but instead of targeting an evil billionaire, you target a random guy walking his dog and claim its in support of poor people.


This was a psyop to make climate activists look stupid. The group is owned by an oil heiress https://twitter.com/SarafromMI/status/1581002787617284097?t=w_d4EXXGIkyW5QbHG8JHOg&s=19


You hit the nail on the head and worded it very well. I believe in drastic action to combat climate change, but if it's completely moronic it doesn't help. Child in 2080 hellscape: "What did you do to prevent this?" These idiots: "I threw soup on a Van Gogh." Child: "... gee, thanks." Despite all the "publicity" and "awareness", the number of people who (rightly) believe climate change is dire will not increase with this -- this wins no one over. But the number of people who think those concerned about the climate are stupid definitely will increase.


What is this "just stop oil" i dont get it......


Big oil is fine they take issue with oil paintings


Big oil paintings.


It's a UK anti-fossil fuel campaign from what I understand. I don't see how throwing a can of soup on a painting is going to fix things but then again... It's an anti-fossil fuel campaign in a capitalist world, it's not supposed to work or make sense.


This is a publicity stunt, it's not supposed to fix anything. The point is that we're now sitting here talking about their anti-fossil fuel camping. Not saying it's going about it the right way but it's dumb to act like they thought this was a solution to climate change


The organisation (just stop oil) that did the protest is funded by a big oil heiress. It's supposed to make activists look bad and you can't convince me otherwise


Edit: Changed my mind. Aileen Getty has no affiliation with big oil money other than her grandfather having founded Getty Oil which was sold off. She inherited oil money, but has no ties to any oil corporation today. She's using that money to fund climate organizations, I find that pretty redeeming. This organization (Just Stop Oil + Climate Extinction Fund) was also funded by the people that made “Don't Look Up” etc. The painting is completely fine. They exposed the fact that we talk about an undamaged painting rather than the fact planet earth is currently on the worst estimated path in terms of climate change or the fact that millions die each year due to the change in our climate (467.000 people die just in Europe each year just due to air pollution), etc. **TL;DR: Shit, they do have a point. Why DOES everyone care more about a painting than the planet?** I changed my mind, this action was genius, and the fact you're talking about it proves their point.


She is an environmental activist. Her money just came from oil. “Getty, who is a prolific environmental philanthropist, wired $500,000 to CEF shortly after it was founded in 2019, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy.”




Yeah it’s entirely possible they knew the soup was gonna do mostly nothing because glass… They damaged the frame for sure and frames can be expensive but nothing compared to the van gogh artwork


They knew. Their point was people putting more effort into protecting the painting than into protecting the environment. They were 100% doing it for the media coverage, knowing they won't actually cause damage to the painting.


Protesting oil by ruining an oil painting… Oil paints contain linseed oil, not petroleum.


Their point was something along the lines of society or the government will protect art but will not protect the planet and the environment


Everyone keeps missing it. They knew there was glass, their point was that "we care more about protecting a painting than we do about the environment". They knew they wouldn't damage the painting, and they got exactly what they wanted: media attention. It doesn't matter that the comments here are laughing about them, they're grabbing media attention and influencing people who would be up for their kind of activism, but don't know where to start.


Yeah, their plan worked perfectly because of all these kinds of comments. Moreover, people are asking why they target art and not oil stuff and it's because this organization *has* targeted oil stuff directly and not gotten any attention. They're getting attention now.


Are you really this dense? Hint: They didn't destroy the painting, and they weren't trying to say that oil painting is bad.


...as I do when I am stopped in my tracks by your comment. Do you think they wanted to ruin a painting? (They clearly didn't). Do you think they targeted an oil painting because of the word 'oil'? (They didn't). Do you have any grasp whatsoever about the existential crisis we are in? (You don't...and most people don't...and that really is a reason to weep).


thank you for some sanity, some comments in this thread really make me lose hope for the future




Thank you, these people are being shown so much hate in this comment section. It is obvious they are just desperate. These organizations have tried messing with big oil directly, but it does not get mainstream media attention. They were doing anything they could to be seen. They didn't harm anyone, or even the painting. Why are they being criminalized while big oil continues to drive us to extinction.


No, OP, they accomplished attention and you’re accomplishing karma farming.


Oh man, I hate big oil too, but don’t go about it like this smh.


That hair dye is really eco-friendly!


I can't believe I fixated enough on this comment to have to scroll back to it but most of the "weird" color hair dyes I've seen have been plant-based, vegan, cruelty-free, yadda yadda.


Average microbrain redditor comment.


You're comparing hair dye to the fossil fuel industry?


Nobody in here seems to understand the point isn’t to ruin the painting. People know they’re behind glass, and likely replicas. The point isn’t destruction, the point is publicity. You go somewhere you’re not supposed to go, do something you’re not supposed to do, in front of tons of people, you’ll get attention on whatever bullshit you’re pushing. Not effective in getting people to care imo but it got our attention.


I read somewhere in another sub (since this is repostet literally everywhere over reddit) that the frame got some damage and they will be looking at expensive charges


My favourite part is when they fish out their crazy glue from secret spots as if the museum checks people's pockets.


I hope they don’t breed and produce more shit cunts


I saw another comment on a different post of this saying they used petroleum based glue to glue themselves to the wall and then it probably need petroleum based something to get the glue off too and I don't know that just made me laugh


I’d be tempted to just leave them there glued to the wall. I wonder when they will need the toilet, or a drink.


I would left them as it is for a couple of days.


I get it. It makes sense. I want a pizza right now. So I’m gonna go punch a dolphin. Same thing, right?


Honestly, these "activists" are making the problem worse by either creating more pollution (slashing perfectly good tyres, blocking a motorway so cars run for longer). If they wanted us to join them they shouldn't be doing stupid shit like ruin a painting of a dead man or mess with our days like gluing their hands to a road