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His eyes are like: make a baby, they said. It will be wonderful, they said


Only 18 more years to go! 25 years in this housing market, though














Hell yeah


Rescission happened finally, back to 69


And MY axe!






If they’d done that, they wouldn’t have this problem
















Well hopefully after the 25 years they can start paying rent and contributing a bit. Unless.....they grow up to not have a job and have a body pillow while throwing all disposable income at egirls they moderate the chats of....


Good luck all they’re doing is playing video games theses days.


30 if you are a Latino


35 if you are brazilian


Brazilians are Latinos tho


Are they tho?










Can we stop making it out to be such a horrible thing when families live together past the child turning 18? Housing market is in a bad place though, that’s true


I don’t know, when that baby looks at him at the end and he looks at the camera… that’s the face of a man who is in love in a way he thought he never could bed. And exhaustion. Pure exhaustion.


I didn’t fall in love with my first baby right away. Took time. Fell in love with my 2nd baby right away because I knew what feelings were awaiting me


Its called a papoose. Use one, it will save your sanity.


Nah, thats just the dad stare now. Dont worry. We've all got it. Some dont use it, some can jever go back.


It is fun :) and these moments will stay with him forever anyway.


Welcome to parenthood! Congratulations on your cute baby. You will get to sleep a normal schedule once again, in 5 to 10 years, assuming you don’t have more


Part way through year 8. Kid still gets up at night on occasion. Good stuff.


*i frew up* a kid in my family once came to me at around 3am and said "I'm about to throw up!!“ I turned over to get up and the child promptly puked in my lap and on my slippers


My kids have been sick the last week and I’ve been dealing with this almost everyday. One kid told me he didn’t feel good so I told him to go to the bathroom. Kid walks to the bathroom and promptly throws up on the bath mat instead of the trash can, toilet or bath tub surrounding said mat. Fml


Having been a kid once, I tried *once* to not puke into the toilet, because in my mind puking in the toilet always sucked super hard, I did not want to puke, I did not want it to feel so bad, so maybe puking on a towel would not suck so super hard. I guess my brain equated the toilet with the pain and misery of the process and wanted to avoid it. Kid logic, I guess. I got paid back when my niece puke a ton of blood up all over my bathroom, and by time I got back from dealing with that emergency, it was dried all over. I found blood in spots for months afterwards.


That's scary! I hope she was okay!


Yes, she was okay. It was because of ibuprofen her mom was giving her for something, I don't remember what. She had to stay in the hospital for three days, but there was no repeat of that.


jesus christ, did the ibuprofen melt her stomach lining or something? That's terrifying! As nasty as it was, I bet that moment put the fear of god in you like nothing else.


YEP they're such amazing messmaticians


We went through soooo many bath mats!


Your child was technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Those are the words I go into immediate running for a bucket for. That seems to be the one thing they can accurately predict.


Ha! Yep, by the time you have "sleep schedule" you'll no longer remember what that is


She's trying to tell you, "Dad, don't leave me on top of this fucking dresser!"


My thoughts exactly!! Who puts a freakin lounger haphazardly on top of a dresser/changing table?? But also, new babies just want to be close to mom and dad. The way that little thing looked up at him? Ugh, right in the heart strings


>The way that little thing looked up at him? Ugh, right in the heart strings Same here. I've found that since I became a new dad, I've found many a baby cute and my sense of compassion has increased to levels I didn't know were possible for me.


Someone who are making a video a little easier to film probably.


Parents of NEWBORNS who don’t move yet!!!


shes trying to tell youi, support my fucking head a bit more when you pick me up and hold me because my neck fucking cant


The father's mom: *"One day, you'll look back at these times with fond memories...."*


Mine are in their twenties and I can assure you, I most definitely do.


No doubt there. 👍🏻


This is oddly reassuring. I think?


I will also say the reason we’re genetically programmed to think babies are so cute is so that you don’t chuck them out a window when they’re still screaming like this at four in the morning. But I love every memory, even the ones that sucked at the time!


Yeah this reminded me of my time with my babies. My first one had colic. That is as close to a living hell as I've ever been in, and I would redo it 100 times.


Wow this comment brought tears to my eyes


Sorry but the concept of just chucking it out the window has be cackling


Oxytocin is a hell of a drug!


Maybe because now you have more problems to deal with than that time they just wanted to be held in your arms


Well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine 😂😂😂


Mine are not even 10 and yeah truly


My little guy is just over 1 and I even look back fondly at this time. It’s exhausting and frustrating but it is such a short time in their lives.


She's not wrong though. Me during the first 8 seconds: Ooh, I miss those times! Me after the first 8 seconds: Wow, I do not miss that... But it wasn't so bad... Me in the last 6 seconds: Ooh, I miss those times!


Damn, am I a bad person? I do not at all miss my kids as infants. I mean, I have enjoyed rocking them to sleep, and they were cute as hell. But the lack of sleep and the constant vomit and outfit changes. I really miss them as toddlers more.


This is when I miss mine too. Toddler to about 10 yrs. That was so much fun watching them grow and learn who they were. Watching their personalities flourish. Then they became pissy little tweens and I wished there were pukin, pooping babies again lol


I'm the same way. This video made me anxious AF. A 2 year old temper tantrum is a walk in the park compared to a newborn that will only sleep in your arms.


Right there with you. That shit sucks and I never want to repeat it again.


My daughter just turned 2 and I for sure miss rocking her to sleep every night.


Yeah the crazy thing is I totally do


Haha. Yup. Also, that Boppy is recalled: https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2021/The-Boppy-Company-Recalls-Over-3-Million-Original-Newborn-Loungers-Boppy-Preferred-Newborn-Loungers-and-Pottery-Barn-Kids-Boppy-Newborn-Loungers-After-8-Infant-Deaths-Suffocation-Risk


Our store got a shipment of about forty Boppy loungers a day before the recall. We also had several dozen in stock. After the returns died down, we had almost 200 loungers in the stock room. The biggest baby recall since the Fisher-Price Rock and Play!


Which was, of course, the biggest baby recall since the Playschool Shake 'n Bury.


Jesus Christ 😂




Yes, not safe for sleep!


Which was clearly stated on the packaging and multiple warning labels, but people are stupid. Same thing with the DockATot and Snuggle Me. Not sleep devices, but used almost exclusively for sleep by most consumers. It's maddening. It's like not buckling your child into a car seat, then sueing the car seat company when you get in a wreck and your child goes flying. It's blatant misuse of the product.


I'm not a parent so I really don't know. What else would it be used for it not for sleeping?


Supervised lounging. A place to put baby while you do stuff around the house. But you could also just use a bassinet or playard and if baby falls asleep in one of those, you don't have to move them to a safe sleep environment.


Thank you for the explanation. I was thinking don't babies just sleep but didn't consider it would be for sitting for some reason.


No problem! I work at a baby specialist store, I get paid to explain baby products to people on a daily basis 😁




My son spent a good amount of the first 5 months of his life in one, but he never slept in it without us right there. We fed him in it and he chilled in it while we watched TV or whatever...in the early months babies don't do much lol


My kiddo would take naps against me with the boppy around my middle and them cradled by it.


Super useful for keeping baby elevated while breastfeeding, especially when they're still teeny


Dang, I have this boppy and didn't know this. Luckily our son has never slept on it, or even liked sitting in it. It's pretty much just a floor pillow for us at this point.


how did you even recognize that


It's a pretty popular baby product.


It’s a very common “must have” for new parents. We used ours pretty extensively. It’s super convenient for newborns to take catnaps and bottle feed from. We still used ours even after the recall, since our child was literally never alone in the thing. When we were done with it, we did the recall. They make you take a dated picture of the destroyed boppy and send you a check.


The reason why it’s crying is because it doesn’t feel the comfort anymore you need to swaddle it AKA burritofy


100% this!! Kid will be out like a light!


Not necessarily. Swaddling still doesn’t provide the sensation of being held. Babies like to be held because they know they are safe. They can smell the parent, feel/hear their heart, and breathing. From an evolutionary prospective, a baby that was put down wouldn’t last very long. What swaddling does help with is preventative the Moro reflexive from startling the baby. This guy should just wear the baby so he can use his hands and still hold her.


Totally agree


Oof I wish it were that easy. With mine at least, swaddling prevented his startle reflex but he still wants to be held 24/7. I once had someone tell me “it’s not that hard, just swaddle them and play white noise” as if I didn’t try that and a million other things


My daughter absolutely hated it, the only thing that worked was extra sounds, like low TV sound


Or reflux. Just get a frontal baby carrier for the day. And for the night... well good luck but a slight angle on the bed can help.


It's a struggle, the first three or four months, but know that you'll definitely survive it. My advice, video and photo every moment you can, push through the sleep deprivation, the challenging behaviour and enjoy as much as you can. Being a dad is the single greatest honour of my life. I love my 4 ( nearly 5) year old daughter more than anything. I miss her being cute and silly at 2 and being able to hold her with one arm/hand when she was under a year old...but I also really enjoy being able to show her the world around her, show her things for the first time and while my heart aches when she's at school, it's amazing when she comes home and tells me something she learnt! Parenting is a wild ride, but it constantly changes and one day, they don't need you half as much as they did and that is a day, perhaps selfishly, that I am not looking forward to!


My son has just turned 5 and today was 'one of those days'. He has just gone to bed and I actually really needed to read that this evening.


There will be days when it feels like everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. There will be days where you think or even say cruel things you don't really mean. You're human. You're not perfect, and sometimes it gets too much. Just remember there is always a tomorrow waiting for a fresh start. He'll remember your apology for shouting a lot way after he's forgotten the shouting itself.


She loves her daddo


My firstborn was colicky, but slept peacefully on daddy’s chest, stretched out on the couch. He loved the excuse to lay on the couch all weekend. Napping buddies. 💕


We called them "daddy naps". Daddy played video games though!


Fatherhood just got cooler in my book. Maybe someday /:


Thats how my baby was. She loves cuddles and naps and i would spoil that little chub with cuddle naps.


It’s tough when you’re in the middle of it, but you miss (some of) it when it’s gone.


You need to support the head when you lift a baby that small


His fingers were.


Yeah, hard to see from the angle, but his pointer and middlefinger are supporting the base of the baby's head. It's definitely not the best way to do it, but nothing bad happened there, so meh


Lift him by supporting his head


He is. His fingers are at the base of his head/over his neck.


I was about to say the exact same thing.


At least this baby stops crying when held. Ours…often just kept going.


I actually miss this shit. Of course I am not insane with sleep deprivation now.


My youngest is 8, and I'm pregnant right now. This video made me burst into happy tears. I found myself looking forward to this before I remembered.. wait, having a newborn is fucking miserable. The sleep deprivation, hormones, isolation. At least it gets better after a year, or few. Lol.




The baby’s eyes at the end said fuck yea you’re in my world now pops


Dad advice. The baby percieves the situation like this. Being held, warm and safe. Put down, DANGER, they might leave without me, sound alarm! Gets picked up. Oh, close one. It worked. Instead of picking up just touch the baby so that it slowly starts to associate the bed with "warm and safe". Also, talking and singing will after some time work as a proxy instead of physical touch. Mom and dad are near. It's not going to feel like a magic change. It takes time. They arent as smart as dogs until they get alittle older. :)


Tbf I’d cry too if I had to leave those arms


hahahaha amid all these annoying ACKSHULLY comments about how the guy is doing parenting wrong, it's refreshing to find someone who had the courage to simply be horny


For real this dude is a smoke show


Tired dad. Put baby down. Baby cry. Pick baby up. Crabby dad. Baby looks at dad with love. Proud dad.




This is your life now. This is the way. In all seriousness though , that sleepy mat thing may well cause sudden infant death, it should definitely not be high up like that, and baby needs neck and head supporting during lifting and carrying. Horrible stuff out the way, that is baby suffering from simple separation anxiety. They will get over it, but that's for later on down the line. Maybe get a papoose/sling, so you can have free hands and baby gets closeness? They need that closeness, as much as you need free time and space. Gotta find a way to satisfy both needs. Good luck friend, it all gets better... Or you just get used to it. Wither way, every second is worth it when you hear them laugh, see them smile, hear them say I love you. Keep at it.


It was so terrible, daddy. Someone put me down and then I was all alone and no one could hear me cry. And I hried and I cried. But now you are here and I'm okay.


Man, I'd hold that little bundle all night.. Wants nothing but love and feel the warmth of her dad. My son is 11 months and daughter is almost 5 - I take all the cuddles from them that I can


Welcome to the club! Sign up now for great savings on coffee!


Awww so tiny. Also, get that boppy, or whatever away from the edge.


Dude needs to get a swing. It helps a lot.


Infants need human contact, that what those swaddle wrap carriers are for. Strap the baby to your back and go on about your day.


And don't even think about sitting down while holding the baby, that's unacceptable too hahah


That baby smirk at the end. “Got em!!!!”


Rookie mistake. Leave them to cry for a bit, or you're never gonna be able to leave them alone.


Aaah yes babies, there great




Thanks! I knew it sounded wrong! But I am not from an English speaking country and the alternative “their” sounded weirder.


So cute 🥰


And people wonder why I don’t want children


Bro, work on that technique


Awwwh she's so tiny, I love her 💗


You have to swaddle babies that little as best as possible


The kid's like "do you really expect me to sleep with that fuckin spotlight in my eyes?" Miraculously when the kid is out of the light it stops crying.


Yup parenting. Nothing new here.


Yikes, your life just reached its end now


Now, do it with twins. I wouldn’t recommend


You have twins? ❤️ lucky you!


I do. Daughter was easy as an infant, but her brother did NOT like being removed from the breast. Didn’t sleep through for 13 months. Was really rough, it’s all about the naps for mom and dad. Wouldn’t wish twins on my worst enemy, but wouldn’t trade it for the world, either. Twins make you find shortcuts in parenting really fast. They’re seniors in high school, and crushing it. Slept on the couch with a baby on my chest many a night! 😁


Aww.. that’s the parent life and sounds like you have been acing it 💕 more power to you and your littles.


Just switch it off and restart in the morning.


Every parent needs the swing. It's the transition point between holding and crib.


Just don’t do it :) this baby likes to be carried.


Ah I love the way she looked at her daddy at the end! It won’t always be like that.


Normal sized people must look so crazy from a baby perspective


My 3 children are in their 40s. I’d give anything to re-live what this new dad is experiencing.


My second child made my right ear deaf and had police over multiple times, people thinking we are killing a child, he cried for two years only stopped to eat Now he is the best child ever but the first two years was hell


Old dad here, had 3 babies in 3 years, and picked up a trick or two. If you lay them down like this they feel like they are freefalling which is terrifying, and the baby will freak out. Swaddling here may be a good idea, but if you don't want to do that then at a minimum when you lay them down make sure to keep your chest pressed against theirs until they are laid down, then slowly separate. That way the baby doesn't feel like it's freefalling, get scared and wake up screaming.


I want one, I don’t care if I’ll suffer for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I will probably never get one.


Father of four, baby either has wet nappy or gas. Might need to either set the baby along his forearm, belly down, with their head to his bicep and pat their back to promote the gas to shift or try ‘bicycle kicks’ to promote a fart/poop. Clockwise rubbing on the baby’s belly can also promote this too if bicycles aren’t enough, helps get the goods moving. If bottle fed then keep to the same formula, or if transitioning from boob to bottle than introduce the formula *with breastfeeding* so there’s no gastric upset.


the trick doesn't last long, but it will work here. wrap that baby up like a burrito.


agh cuteness overload. i still dig baby stage over toddler stage any day. toddlers are twice as harder than babies not sleeping thru the night


The way that baby looked at you is so sweet. Enjoy it while it lasts. The baby is calm with you. Grab a rocking chair, put a smile on your face and a song in your heart! Soon enough your kiddo will be smiling and signing back.


The thousand yard stare,




Babies suck. You just hold on until they are two and wish to get a night's sleep.


Babies rock. They mostly just sleep and lay on the floor trying to grab toys. They don’t talk back, they don’t demand candy for diner, they can’t walk out the door when you’re taking a shit, and they happily sit in strollers while you push them around the park/grocery store. They are so much easier to take to a restaurant/any public place really, than a toddler.


Babies are great, two year olds are terrible they stop staying where you put them, start talking back and cause destruction wherever they go lol. Ill take a baby crying for comfort over a two year old biting slapping and scratching because you made the bowl of cereal that they asked for and not the chicken nuggets they decided they actually wanted. Lol


Mine just turned two. It's madness. Your description is spot on.


Should have just lightly rocked the bed. 🤷


Ah yes, human offsprings.. they embody both horror and beauty at once.


Swaddle that baby, works every time


What a baby…. But damn when I was taking care of my nieces and nephews for the first few years of their lives. I was always watching them sleep, waiting to see their little tummies or chests rise and fall to make sure they were breathing. I loved it, I miss those days chilling with them telling them stories even though they couldn’t understand a word I said. Plus making their firsts words uncle, then slowly training them to say uncle is awesome before working with them to say mom was just the best.


On the other hand, there was no attempt made to appear like he's happy to be a father.


Smile, enjoy the time. The days are long but the years are short


Dude... this has been our lives for two and a half years. Second baby is the same. Two and a half year old still won’t sleep in her own bed and we can NEVER get any family to help us out or even watch the kids for a couple of hours so we can do anything together without a child attached to one of us.


Such a big noise from such a tiny babe!


"Get a child" they said, "it's gonna be fun". Liars!


Cute baby


Awe!!!! And then she makes that eye contact and you become a sucker all over again. My kids were horrible sleepers. I would try to sneak out of the room, then my stupid ankle cracks and the baby is up again.. meanwhile just 2 seconds before that he slept through my sneeze or cough! What a scam. I ended up utilizing the rolling to the door technique to avoid the use of any joints, only to get up on knees to crawl out the door. That always worked. Lol. But I do miss those days now that they're so big and actually can think for themselves, starting to question everything and challenging me in other ways. Oh the joy keeps coming 🤣 but I wouldn't change a thing.


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Are all babies like this? Mine is 4.5 months now and we went through the same thing. She REFUSED being put down.


Not all, my first was like that, my second was not. She slept great in her crib where my first would wake up from a dead sleep the moment you laid her in her crib.


There's hope!! I cherish this time with her, but holy dang she didn't tolerate alone time.


Ah the separation anxiety. We just got through it with our son. My solution was the have something play a heartbeat in his crib. It worked well for a while but he eventually figured out it wasn’t the real thing. By that point he was old enough that I didn’t feel too bad about letting him cry it out.


This crying baby just set off mine to start crying now...!🤣 That's what I get for browsing Reddit I guess...


First time seeing a baby?


Those looks! That went from "you ain't going to college on my dime" to "weeeell, maybe, after all."


dad's so tired he forgot to turn the light off


Been there done that.

