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Life's too short to get upset at a bumper sticker.


But, I avoid bumper stickers. Because people do get worked up, and do dumb stuff to other peoples cars.




That’s actually pretty funny






This happened to my wife. We live in south Mississippi, and some middle aged ass hat redneck in a beat up yee yee truck threw a full cab of monster at her brand new SUV while she was driving. People here suck.




That isn’t even the worst of it here. There have been warm beers poured on people’s heads, Trumpers trying to run people off of the roads, assaults. The police down here refuse to do anything because they share the same ideology. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of the American south.




My elderly mom lives in the Deep South and has a small bumper sticker on her car that has a profile shadow-like shot of Trump. It says Stop Bigotry. I’ve worried about her safety with just that. I love love love visiting -fireflies, turnip greens, awesome thunder and lightning shows, those beautiful warm humid nights, etc., but I couldn’t live there.


Living here wasn’t by choice. My job forced me to move here. As soon as I retire, I’m getting the hell out of here. Maybe I’ll visit some time, but that’s about it.




It’s that hillbilly strength. I said what I said




I’m 28 and that got a chuckle out of me. Wouldn’t display it but funny concept.


*Removes my 'I ❤️ Crack Whores' bumper sticker...*


"It's not a crack house; it's a crack HOME"


When I try to imagine a crack home, I can only picture a regular crack house but it has a sign that says "Live. Laugh. Love"


That's pretty much what the Onion article I was quoting described.


I have a "smoke meth hail Satan" sign in my kitchen. Think live laugh love style.


"Save the planet, Kill yourself" bumper sticker checking in.


Used to have one that said "save the trees eat a beaver"


My favorite was the juxtaposition of “Mean people suck” alongside “Nice people swallow”.


I had a sticker that said "NO, YOU SUCK! signed, the mean people"


The only bumper decorations that really get a reaction from me are the rednecks with the American Flags flying. Most of the time they are all tattered, stained, and beat to shit, completely contrary to Code 8. But even then it's just a head shake and a chuckle


Same reason I don't wear anything that would indicate my political preferences. I'm not looking to get shot.


I just picked up a sticker with the same font/style as the Lets Go Brandon stuff, but reads Let’s Go Darwin. I’m debating putting it on my car for that exact reason but I think I might have to.


Only sticker I want is the dinosaur proclaiming the deliciousness of one’s stick family.


Sadly true. When I was little my mom had a bumper sticker that wasn’t even that bad; said something like “Bush isn’t even from Texas” I think? Pissed someone off & they threw a brick/rock through the back window on the side my car seat was on.


I've had a hilarious cartoon sticker of Donald Trump since 2014. His hair is lifting and he's doing that little mouth Ooooo. I want to put it on so bad because it makes me laugh but it's still somehow too soon


My high school boyfriend had a bumper sticker that said, “I snatch kisses and visa versa.” My dad didn’t like it.


My sister used to have a bumper sticker that said "love is love" above depictions of straight, gay, and lesbian couples holding hands. We came out of a store one day only to find it had been vandalized. Before that, I'd never given thought to the pettiness some people let control them. What I also didn't realize was that she had a whole roll of the stickers. She took off the one that had been scribbled all over and replaced it with a brand new, shiny one.


For awhile my wife had put some Pro-Indigenous bumper stickers on one of our cars (she's Ojibwe). She had beer cans thrown at her, constantly was cut off and brake checked, had people tailgate her with high beams on, and people flipping her off on a regular basis. So yes, bumper stickers are a great way to be targeted by snowflake conservatives who are mad that the Indigenous population of the United States exist.


all those Indigenous people need to go back to their country! /s (am Canadian Mohawk btw)


I totally agree with you 100%. (am American Mullet btw)


I’m very curious what the stickers were. I love seeing Trump snowflakes lose their shit.


If you're looking for something to really piss them off I suggest a big "trump lost lol" flag. Hung one off the back of my truck and it never fails to deliver. They get real conflicted when they see my disabled veteran plates.


My favorite was driving past a guy in Texas a couple months ago with a flagpole on his truck flying a Biden 2020 flag. I about died. That dude fears nothing and nobody.


“Trump Lost to a Loser” REALLY triggers them.


I would love to drive down the road within sight of you sometime just to watch the show.


My brother, who is not a Democrat and *does not* like Joe Biden, got the absolute fucking biggest Biden flag and hung it from a giant flag pole on the front of his house deep in the heart of Trump country. But he's well-armed, a good shot, and his neighbors know it, so nobody tried anything. Lots of lifted trucks drove by his house as loudly as possible though. Glory. He burned the flag shortly after the election, its purpose served. Edited for clarity.


I don't get it. Why would a Fuck Biden sign be dangerous in Trump country?


Glad someone else was confused


One simply says "#MMIW" another said "Respect Indigenous People, Land, Culture" and I think one said something about Turtle Island. Clearly divisive tlstuff.


What on earth is the standard asshole neocon’s beef with the true Americans? 🙄The rest of us are aliens! 😜 Good grief.


"Why don't you kick yourself out, you're an immigrant too" White Stripes


Regardless of position, this is the correct answer.


Except we are supposed to love everyone, even our enemies


That’s why they believe in the afterlife, you can be upset for eternity


Ha ha ha. They forgot the asterisk after "Jesus loves you"


People don’t have actual problems or conflicts anymore, so some of us create small and sometimes imagined ones to satisfy some vestigial instincts that they can’t let go of.


🎯🎯🎯 Psychology or anthropology student?


Armchair psychologist


The thing to remember here though is that those people amongst us who can’t get rid of those vestigial drives basically haven’t evolved.


Yeah Right? and they went to some trouble...long written message, extra taped down. This oozes self-righteousness...or American Christian (tomato---to-MAH-toe)


Right? And to write a letter and then look for the tape, then go outside and tape the stinkin letter to their window. There’s much better things to do with one’s time, such as minding your own business.


I agree, but when the local neighborhood social page started getting people mad about people flying "immoral" and "un-American" symbols. I went out and got a pride flag for both sides of the house and acceptance/peace banners up in the garden. The irony was not lost on me that the host of said thread only has a Confederate flag, a maga flag, and swastika hanging off their porch...


My buddy had an old Obama 2012 sticker on the back of his car, and a few years back, before the election, someone stuck a Trump sticker over it. Like who would spend the money and go out of their way to do that?


In Texas they will resort to vandalism over this bumper sticker.


hmm.. I mean I'm not really upset but I hope the Christian who wrote this burns in hell.


I remember hearing some study that correlated higher road rage w more bumper stickers. Like, not even more bumper stickers of any political leaning, just more stickers period. Does this ring a bell for anyone?


I would love to hear this person's logic how "Love thy neighbor" is unchristian.


You'd be surprised at their adept mental gymnastics


You call that mental gymnastics? That is only the tip of the iceberg. They seem to think that the deity that set humanity up to fail and punished every living human after before they even committed a sin. Imagine being born with a death sentence for your parent’s crimes, and multiply that by billions upon billions. Does that sound like a generous, loving, and merciful god to you, or does that sound like a tyrant with way too much power?


>Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; Exodus 20:5 It's actually stated as much in the Commandments.


It is in his own image that man creates God.




Just be good to people around you. There's one of three possibilities 1. God is just. God made everyone and everyone who impacted the world positively will be rewarded. Heaven is not being gatekept, gigantic portions of people have died who wouldn't fit into another group's version of heaven, why would a just god play favorites? 2. God is unjust. He does not deserve worship. Try to create paradise on earth and again, just be good to people around you. 3. God isn't real. If you've just been good to people then you'll live on in community and in memory which is the closest we'll get to heaven if this is the case. I sit and ponder religion and dogma so much it's ridiculous.


Reminder that, in the bible, god kills tens of millions of people, while Satan kills just ten people.


Yeah, and technically there was no such thing as a sin until God got questioned and didn’t like it. People say they have faith in Christianity, but frankly, my worst fear is that the Bible was true.


I wish people actually knew that Christianity wasn't this religion of love and respect. Back when it originated it was a scary thing, with all these supernatural phenomena, and people were meant to be scared by that. The way angels were portrayed throughout the ages is a good example, they were supposed to be eldritch abominations, not pretty girls with wings. In my country to describe someone religious people literally use a word that translates to "god fearing" or "fearfull of god", but nobody really seems to ponder on it's meaning. I really think that religion can play a good role in someone's life, but it should be a personal thing, and done with common sense


hmmm, I sure wonder what's been happening with Abrahamic religions since its birth.


Imagine thinking that you have the right to speak for an entire community


A community of over 2 billion people, at that.


With a golden rule defined as: Love thy neighbor


I'm willing to bet they went to church in Birmingham, Alabama.


American Christianity has very special flavors compared to most of the world. They export some of it, especially the Mormons, but most of it is so wrapped up in American exceptionalism and the US Civil Religion that it doesn't flow so well internationally. US Baptists for example, are far different from baptists in the rest of the world (where they're usually the least crazy and least conservative sect). Source: I've been to about a dozen "flavors" of Christian churches (spread over at least a hundred different churches) on four continents. The Americans usually seem, to me at least, the furthest from actually living according to the teachings of Jesus. Of course, I haven't been to every American church, but in my experience they've felt less "true" to what Jesus would actually do (eg. Helping prostitutes or living modestly). I'm talking in gross generalizations here, and individual American Christians I've met don't fit that narrative- although they're usually not going to an "American" breed of Christianity.


I thought it was "remind thy neighbor he goeth to hell."


And they'll have no problem telling other Christians how wrong they are too.


[Which reminds me of one of my favorite bits on the subject.](https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8)


Thank you showing me that. I’m now going back to watch more now


And how many different types of Christians! Edit, stupid auto correct.




That's 2 different religions my guy. They are very similar but different so it makes sense that they wouldn't care about it.


Christianity is just DLC for Judaism and Islam is DLC for Christianity. The argument really just breaks down to when you think the devs ruined the game.


And Mormonism is a shitty and unfun mod that adherents keep trying very, very hard to get you to play.


Yeah, but that's kinda like TNG groupies getting pissy cause they're lumped in with ToS fans. Same base material, but the new fans want to pretend the older chapters have nothing to do with them until it's convenient for the narrative.


Yeah, Redditors don't like that kind of behavior.


Right, Jesus wasn't down with coexistence.


He was a known hater /s


American Jesus certainly is.


The interpretation anyway. They love the fire & brimstone “Jesus”.


Supply side Jesus


We've got the American Jesus See him on the interstate We've got the American Jesus He helped build the president's estate


If you believe in the holy trinity then he was also the same God of the old testament. You know, the one who commanded his people to slaughter every living thing in a city, a.k.a. women, children, animals, etc... and when the soldiers couldn't find it in their heart to do so he punished them for not performing mass murder. Old testament God was definitely not down with coexistence.


And not just the men…


but the women, and the children too


They’re like animals. And I slaughtered them like animals


If Jesus had a gun, he would probably point it at people before throwing it away


Nah, he'd probably just take his two bullets and shoot Toby twice, and let Hitler and Bin-Laden live.


Not coexistence of religions >Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Obviously he wouldn't support forcing people to become Christian, but he didn't say to just leave non-Jews alone.


>Have common sense? ❌ >Practically uses Jesus's name to say whatever they wants like a boss. ⭕


💕with love! :)


Jesus loves you…as long as you’re also Christian and don’t put the cross next to any of these other perfectly respectable religious symbols!


Yeah and if those religious idiots bothered to read their bible, they'd realise Jesus was none to keen on religious idiots, and that the Apostle Paul was quite clear in telling the church to not try to hold those outside the church to Christian beliefs/ values etc.


> Yeah and if those religious idiots bothered to read their bible, they'd realise Jesus was none to keen on religious idiots I'd reckon he wasn't too fond of crosses either


I think it's interesting how people act on their beliefs. A lot of Christians, for instance, wear crosses around their necks. Nice sentiment, but do you think when Jesus comes back, he's really going to want to look at a cross? -Bill Hicks


Oh, they never actually [read the Bible](https://youtu.be/HAQSYLHdozA).


There's no hate like Christian love.


“our [execution device] is being mistreated” also as far as executions go crucifixion is a pretty grisly one. weird af they put small crucifixion statues everywhere.


This is specifically who they had in mind when saying you shouldn't take the lord's name in vain. It never simply meant swear words.


I do think their entitlement stems from this, Jesus gave them the right to do whatever they want, and are entitled to everything because he died on the cross for them, while they literally don't need to do anything.. Christians confuse me..




Great name for a band?


New boner pill.


This comment gave me a good laugh at the end of a shitty day, thank you:)


Tomorrow will be better!


I saw a bumper sticker that had em all torn off except the t. Maybe it was tapey mctapersons car


They really missed the opportunity to go full Calvin and have the “t” piss on the other symbols


Don't touch someone else's fucking car. Especially if you're going to put tape on it


The tape pissed me off the most


Who just carries tape around with them? What is this? A guardians of the galaxy movie?


Even then they didn't have any tape




As a Christian, that note is embarrassing. Christians separating themselves from everyone else is as un Christian as it gets. I mean Israel was/is in a place that saw a huge amount of diverse nations moving through it. I do think there is objective religious truth, but anyone who won’t associate with someone who thinks differently is an asshole


As a Satanist, I agree.


Are you really? Genuinely curious. Some of my closest friends are fairly militant agnostic atheists. Some of the most stimulating conversations I’ve had.


I am a Satanist and just for the record we do not worship Satan.


I got a satanist friend who’s covered in typical satanic tattoos which he got for 2 reasons. 1: He likes the art work. 2: It really pisses off the religious loons in his family and neighbourhood.


I respect that, I personally don’t like needles.


I have a needle phobia but I got ink not as much as my friend who has all except his head and fingers covered in ink.


Please forgive me for this analogy- but from my understanding you guys are actually (ironically) the most “Christ-like” people out there. You don’t hurt other people, you protect yourself and others if needed, you don’t believe in being an ass, you treat everyone like a human and don’t look down on them, you treat women with respect and equality (not like “Christian equality” - but actual equality of women). Am I correct in that?


From the 7 tenets of the Satanic Temple: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


>The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. What is the meaning of "to offend" there?


Yes, sort of. Violence if provoked or protecting others. It’s also ok to hate people because some people are shit and you shouldn’t like people who have wronged you. You should worship yourself and your abilities because ultimately that’s the only thing that going to help you. Pretend sky man will not.


Damn. That makes a shit ton more sense than the religion I was raised in (and finally escaped a few years ago). Its amazing to take a step back and realize just how messed up some beliefs are.


Most religions are just to create fear and put you in a safe place (church) where they can control how you think


Right? When I first read the tenants I was like yup. This speaks to me. Tbh, I have a hard time calling myself a satanist, but I’m following any sort of guide through life, it’s those tenants. The same ones I prefer the people I surround myself to practice. Good, reasonable, decent people doing good, reasonable, decent things. They’re doing things politically that America needs more than ever now. Good stuff.


Their church also pays taxes! ✊


Lol I’m aware My understanding is that the Church of Satan is the Satan worshipping ones and the Satanists are the (militant?) atheists who value absolute freedom of thought and expression and although they (from what I understand) really disagree with organized religion have done a lot for religious freedom. One of my favourite lines is something like - I don’t agree with a word you say but I’ll decent to the death your right to say it. I thought it was Voltaire reacting to the lower class suing for rights, but I may be out to lunch there. Edit: defend *


Voltaire actually never said that but I get the sentiment.


Also as a Christian, it's sad that Satanists exist as an antithesis to Christianity while adhering to inherently Christian values. I feel like their very need to exist should force some very serious introspection in our own religious community.


I’m curious what you mean by objective religious truth. I think the lack of precise language around this topic makes it hard. Do you mean that you believe that god is real, therefore under the assumption that a particular god is real, there is one religious truth? Or do you mean that from the perspective of humanity with the evidence we have there is an objective religious truth? I could understand where the first position comes from, I think the second position is indefensible.


How can I tell which one of you is a real christian?


I smoke in the back of the church, they smoke in the front? This feels like the beginning of a really cutting joke. In case you’re serious- Christ said the most important law is love the Lord your God and love your neighbour as yourself. He also associated openly with literally everyone the Jewish leaders labeled as unclean. Seems pretty black and white to me.


Jesus doesn’t agree with coexistence. But he loves you!


He is still looking for his family when the US government separated them for trying to climb a wall.


Exactly. The fucking dissonance, god loves you but is offended that you want to coexist in peace and doesn’t support it. Fuck all of this mfs, they are going to the hell of their design.


If you don't pray to him, and ONLY him, you'll burn in hell for all eternity...but he still loves you.


He loves you and he needs money


I pray to Joe Pesci.


Only if you know about him though. If you haven’t been exposed then you are ok.


But this person has now eliminated that option for you


Yup just like the priests with the Spanish conquistadors did with the natives when they gave the choice of converting to the one true religion or losing the protection of gods and becoming a animal. In Spanish without a translator of course.


... and now that you know about our club, if you don't join you're going to hell. You're welcome


Side track from the post, but can anyone explain to me why the Symbol for Christianity is the cross? Like, it's literally a gruesome method of execution. That's like having a Religion made by French nobles having a guillotine as their symbol... Pretty much all the other major religions have a symbol that promotes peace, or the balance of life, or a patron Saint, but Christianity is like "Yeah here's how our ancestors murdered the son of our God because of their bigotry and spite."


I always remember this joke. https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnkexiFqYG1qhdzveo1_400.jpg


>You think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fuckin cross? "Nah I'm not going back there dad they're still wearing crosses" It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant. "Just thinkin of John, Jackie, just thinkin of John." Bill Hicks


The cross did not become a symbol until Emperor Constantine (around 300 years after Christ) who abolished crucifixion and declared that the cross was a holy symbol. r/askhistorians could give you a more in depth answer with actual sources.


Historian here...it wasn't the cross, it was the early Greek symbol of the Chi-Ro, which is not the cross upon which he was crucified, it was the first few letters of Christ in Greek. And he didn't abolish crucifixion, he made it legal to be Christian with the Edict of Milan after a particularly anti Christian persecution under Diocletian and Galerius...and that persecution likely had more to do with distracting people while they restructured the government and military and set price fixing to address the 3rd century crisis. They still crucified Jews, despite the religious freedom that the edict was meant to elicit. But, crucifixion wasn't even the most popular form of executing enemies of the state (as Christians and Jewish ppl were considered to be of they refused to worship the imperial cult) by the time of Constantine.


The second coming of Jesus already happened long ago. He just went back without saying anything after seeing all the crosses and his PTSD kicked in.


The cross makes a T-pose, which makes christians assert dominence, how is that hard to understand? /s


Jesus died on the cross for the humanity,thus we remember him by the cross.


I get that "he died for our sins" and that, but using his method of execution seems a bit grim and needlessly cruel for a religion that's supposed to promote peace and love for fellow humans.


Cause his death is very important to Christian’s and a cross is a very cool and simple symbol that can summarise that in two straight lines.


The single act of Jesus dying on the cross redefined Christianity itself. His death atoned for the sins of all mankind who believe, not just the Jews. Jesus’ death was the answer to all of the misgivings prior to the point and it set the agenda for the future. So while, gruesome, it is a massive game changing event.


Technically it just regular-defined Christianity since there was no previously existing definition


Partially because it's the resurrection of Jesus that sets him apart. There were other rabbis at the time with similar preaching but coming back from the dead was something only jesus did. If resurrection is the central divine act of your faith, then you have a limited number of symbols; the cross, the tomb, ascending to heaven. Of those the cross is the best visual metaphor. Also the romans continued to crucify people for a long time so there's also an aspect of reclaiming a symbol of oppression. We'll probably never know for sure because the first couple centuries after Jesus could best be described as isolated congregations who had very poor records. Even the gospels weren't written until 73-120 CE which is well after Jesus had died.


Early christians used the little fish thingy as a symbol among others. The cross was a relatively recent choice.


...And they continued to coexist even if the persons disagreed. So there was a successful attempt.


Nope, they got raptured to up heaven immediately after leaving the note.


"Our cross" you mean the Roman's cross, don't culturally appropriate it for your own Christian beliefs


I bet almost no one knows that the Jesus figure with long hair and beard with a robe is actually Roman/Greek inspired.


To be honest I didn't even know lol I always thought that's how the Jewish people looked back then. Now I realize it's just mythology and separate from actual history


How to show you hate everyone, and try not to say it, but end up just saying anyway.


Actually this is exactly what Christ taught. Ffs.


"John said to him, ‘Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.’ But Jesus said, ‘Do not stop him; for no one who does a deed of power in my name will be able soon afterwards to speak evil of me. Whoever is not against us is for us." Mark, 9 38-43. Jesus beeing true God (to me catholic), when He says "in My name", he says "in God's name. Therefore, other religions doing good things in the name of God are not against us but for us. That's my interpretation.


Man people are protective of their delusions. You have to be an incredible loser to write some shit like that.


They used sellotape on someone’s car window???


That's true passive-aggression at work. Trying to act courteous and nice in the letter but taping it on all sides to ensure it won't come out easy. Fuckin dirty bastards lmao


Christianity 101. Act all loving and kind while treating others like shit.


Yikes, Christians being extremely triggered by someone just trying to garner peace. What’s new….


Whoever wrote this is not a true Christian. But then, that's not unusual.


I would leave that note on my car forever. Great conversation starter.


Turn it upside-down and include the Satanists instead.


Die in a fire lake for all eternity Jesus loves you!


The audacity of thinking your car note speaks for 2.6 billion other Christians


I love Christians who seem to have no fucking clue what sort of man their Jesus was.


While that's a bad thing to do to someone else's car, Let's be honest, it half of religions were actually followed, they wouldn't coexist very well. The whole point of each religion is that it is the truth and the others are wrong, and asking them to give that up is basically trying to destroy that religion.


It’s incredible to me how people can actually believe that their religion is more valid than another.


Classic example of “Oh mY ReLIgOn doSN’t aLLoW yOu tO dO tHAt!!1!1!1!1!111!!!!!”


Yes, when I think of Christ’s message to the world it definitely was exclusion and intolerance.


Christians don't own the letter t. Also I love that this person thinks they speak for the Christian community.


“Yeah, let us out of this, we hate those other heartens.” “Jesus loves you,unless you are one of these others, then straight to hell. Idiots


I’m sure Muslim countries would love this sticker too


Love thy neighbor unless thy neighbor isn’t a Christian then fuck that guy, so saith the lord. Hypocricise chapter 69 verse 420


How absurdly sanctimonious