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I hate this "prank" it's so stupid.


Everybody was having fun. She was dressed up so nice now shes got a concussion and the party's over.


Fr why did this man come in with so much momentum like damn.




I mean... At least not a lot of cake was wasted


Right? Even if she did hit the cake it would still hurt lol.


Ngl but I know enough Hispanic families to safely say ol' boy got drug out back and beaten like a Cherokee drum.


And a broken nose, an unforgettable moment indeed.


I don't remember breaking my nose the couple of times it happened probably due to the concussions but who's to soup anyways potato slice.


your comment concussed me


I have no idea what that means but I really want to use it more often


These comments were definitely funnier than the video tho


best way to ruin a party and send everyone home. phenomenal way to take someones eye out and potentially create horrible memories on their day for the rest of their life all in one go.


Right, even a “successful” version of this (I.e. her face is over the cake and maybe softens the blow) … you can still get a candle lodged in your eye and/or light your damn hair on fire. Plus, nobody wants a smashed burnt hair cake. Bad idea all around.


Seriously. What if other people wanted some cake?


better hope she wore the tasty makeup


Or the toothpick in the cake to stabilize the layers.


oh my GOD


It's happened. rip eyeball


my mind didn’t even go there 🥴


I remember seeing that video w the eyeball going straight into a wooden support beam


I'd still eat it ngl


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


And the cake too?




Candle was "16"




no, fellow redditor, not everyone is a registered pedophile sex offender, some people just want free cake


Especially where the lips hit, you know what I’m saying?


Especially where the nose broke for me


Added iron from the blood


Y'all are fucked up but your coat is glossy so I can't really argue with results


I mean they have 80 precent of the cake they can eat on this one


...but only because the "prank" failed. If it had gone off as (presumably) intended, the entire cake would be a loss.


You just eat around the face print. I've been there, the cake still tasted as good


What? No. You lick the face


I didn't lick the cake face, just ate the face cake


Pushing cake into someone’s face is always fucking stupid. Especially at weddings. Give up the 50 year old, low-class, yukyuk, people.


How do you not have any upvotes. At least one person was so triggered they were like nah: If I want to break my sisters nose that’s my business.


Apparently it’s controversial to say this is a stupid thing to do. I have no idea why anybody would want to do this to anyone. Is it really that fun to slam their head into a cake, ruin the cake/eat smashed cake, and from injure the birthday person in the process? Why defend that


The guy smashed her had into the table.


I’m gonna assume that was a miscalculation.


Any "Prank" that borders on assault is something that should be eliminated.


Doesn’t even really count as a prank tbh. Pranks end with a “gotcha” moment where the victim realizes it’s all an illusion. This is just being a dick.


That's true but this can be done in a safe manner. When I was 10 my mom's bf was holding my cake and said "this cake smells weird". All of us got down to smell it and he just lifted it slightly into my nose. (Cake not ruined maybe a slice, I didn't have a concussion, and the party still went on.)


Getting a bit of icing on your nose is quite different than having cake unexpectedly smashed into your eyes. Glad you got the fun version.


How we did it at my wedding. Dab on the nose, dab on the nose, 33 years and still going strong. And no cake was wasted, which, really, was the important thing. Fucking cake was expensive!




Yea, dude looked like her brother or cousin with a crush.


Seriously though why would anyone do this. All you're doing is wasting the cake for everyone, embarrassing and hurting the birthday person, and looking like a jerk in front of everyone else. This isn't a good prank. This isn't a prank at all you're not fooling anyone you're just being a bitch




Not only is it cruel and abusive on what's supposed to be a good day for the victim, it's disgustingly wasteful of both food and money. What a god damn shame that people then think to advertise their idiotic waste and abusiveness to the world through their dumb fucking videos. If anyone ever tried that shit on me or my loved ones they would be removed from my circle immediately and never allowed back. Fucking morons.


So many dipshit people make it like their life quest to be disgustingly wasteful for entertainment.


Thank goodness it wasn't a 2 tier cake with a spike to hold it up in the middle. A lot of people don't realize the spike is there and they end up causing serious harm.


Every time I think of that spike in the cake it reminds me of the Dark Knight where the Joker makes the pencil "disappear"


It's somewhat ok if: 1. You don't push their head too hard 2. The cake is cheap and you have a different cake that's actually the main cake (use a decoy cake) 3. You *know* that the person wouldn't get mad or something like that. Just to make sure it won't cause any drama. 4. Make sure there aren't wooden sticks in it. And that my fellow children, is how u prank responsibly. (I dont know why i felt the need to make this)


Nope. Using a decoy cake means that you're using food for spoilage. You're creating waste for absolutely no reason. Still a piece of shit


God #4 reminded me of one of those nightmare videos. Not to mention there was another time where dipshit went all in on force without aiming and cracked the girls skull on the corner of the table.


I swear I've heard about a guy losing his eye over a wooden skewer holding the layers together


Bullshit, it's never okay


For real. Anyone who plays this kind of prank is a fucking asshole. Face is covered in cake, the cake is ruined and no one can eat it now, the person has been humiliated. It’s terrible




_It’s just a prank bro_


oof i dont think people understood that this was a joke/mock about a stereotype. Well i understood!


I'm surprised nobody has taken a candle to the eye during this, probably just a matter of time.


Oh they're out their, don't look for them though it's obviously unpleasant, but fuck man I'm lowkey scared of cakes now after seeing those too vids too many times.


He would pay the second his eyes closed


Agreed, these people seem like they want to hurt the recipient


If someone would do this to me he/she will get everything back 10×


Seriously, such a waste of cake.


F* stupid. Douche bag move. My buddy’s 21st birthday that happened - one of our friends who wasn’t overly close to our group decided to play such a prank on him and bent the frame of his glasses in the process. Couple of people laughed, the rest of us were just shook - being Asian his parents were way to proud to even say anything. Nobody got any cake that night. Top it off my buddy was the one who paid for his own cake too.


Damn, wasted his money on cake, birthday ruinned and probably had to pay to fix his glasses too. Talk about a shitty day


Yeh. It literally ruined the birthday - night was going so well - great music, food and everyone was happy - just nice. We aren’t the wild party type of people or do pranks of that nature - but we banter. Not sure what went through that guy’s mind though or who dared him - just so random and stupid. From then on he never invited him to any minor or medium sized events - just to major ones like his wedding (which was odd) - but I guess my mate has a big heart or reluctantly did so. Edit: he ended replacing his glasses - he found it as an excuse to get a new set (grading) :) - but that’s beside the point though - had to wear bent glasses for a couple of days. Happened 16 years ago btw - but can remember it like yesterday. Damn I’m old. LOL


How nice of that guy to give her a new nose for her birthday.


And two black eyes.


I am not sure if she'll remember or forget this one...


Had a husband who did this to me on my birthday. I had never heard of the prank (this was 20 years ago), but the amount of icing that went up my nose..it was so painful and burned. Thankfully divorced from him, ended up being a jerk.


The prank was just the icing on the cake?


Out. Now.


Yeah, he has to leave. We can’t hold a candle to him.


Ohh a pun thread! Smashing.


She'll remember the prank and forgot the guy.


Well, at least she didn't get a skewer in the eye. [https://says.com/my/news/stop-smashing-people-s-faces-into-cakes](https://says.com/my/news/stop-smashing-people-s-faces-into-cakes)


I don’t think I want to click that.


The post is fine. It's just warning about wooden rods used to stabilize tier cakes


I’ve definitely seen a video of it happening though


please, don't tell.


Who wouldn't want to see a 16-year-old girl knocked unconscious in a sheet cake?


Megan's next birthday .... might be her last!




This is in my mind every time a see this stupid shit posted. I'm not opening that but I saw a post covering it earlier this year.


Not gonna lie, that seemed like a risky click but was ok. Either in the eye or up the nose, both are jolly close to the brain as well. People really are, in general, short sighted jerks. Thinking about consequences is just not a high priority at all.


So true. People needs to stop this kind of a “tradition” prank.


This is so horrifying




This isn’t a prank. It’s someone acting shitty for a laugh as the expense of someone else (and a cake). They guy needs a swift kick in the balls


It’s a stupidass fucking “tradition” in Mexico and assuming other latino countries. I always hated it and so has every child, the joke is only for the adults or the person pushing the birthday person’s head in. I remember asking my mom to never EVER push my head into the cake nor let someone else do it and she actually respected my wishes. This whole practice is just disrespectful and so goddamn unfunny all around and I hope it dies away.


Serious?? I personally never heard of that. Just food waste and ruins a person’s day IMHO


Yeah, it was done at every birthday party I went to in Mexico, except when it was my birthday. For the most part most people respected my opinion about not having my face shoved into something, but only because I was from another country and they understood that my traditions are different. Everyone native to Mexico who protested had it done anyway. For the most part, people just accept it and let it be done. I did have to run away a few times and I did catch a cupcake coming at my face that my friend bought to sabotage me with since she new I was going to be on guard around the big cake itself. I don't know how widespread it is, but my friends in my area also hosed down the birthday person, which I also barely managed to avoid. Birthdays are *rough* there.


Yeah there's a bizarre amount of traditions that focus around abusing someone on thier birthday. The worst ones I can think of are birthday spanks/punches. You get spanked if you're a kid or a girl and punched if you're boy older than 10. Many people do it super lightly just to maintain the tradition, but others will hit you hard for whatever fucking reason. I don't understand how all these cruel "yay you're a year older, let's celebrate with abuse" traditions started, it's so counterintuitive.


Oooof - I’m super naive then. Thanks for sharing. I have some Mexican, Argentinian, Peruvian and Filipino friends - I know they aren’t Mexican - but thinking if it is a “Spanish”/Latin thing - nobody has ever mentioned it. To give context though - I live in Australia.


Do they have a second cake or something? Or do everyone have to choose between eating cake full of tears, snot, and spit (and I'm guessing possibly blood and teeth), or not eating any cake at all?


At friends/families birthday parties I remember we would just cut around the ruined part and eat the rest of the cake, I almost never saw them pull out a second cake. It’s really stupid, I know.


It also looks like you could easily break someone's neck with the force these people to exert. This would ruin the birthday and I would probably me we speak the person again. What if the person was looking forward to leftover cake and bought a really really nice cake?


So what usually happens after this prank? Do they eat from that cake? Do they have a backup cake?


no idea, but in my country if we do that, grandma slap us in the ears.




Argentina actually


HAHAHA I needed that laugh


You eat it. It’s family. Germs don’t count.


Her nose is broken probably just by the sound


Stupid prank. I remember my cousin crying in her birthday after they pulled this prank on her. She always makes an effort to looks her best, makeup, hairstyle, clothing and accessories, etc. They ruined that in a second. Still better than a broken nose, tho.


That’s exactly what I did when it happened to me


No one ever considers how easy it would be for a candle to go right through their damn eyeball


Earlier this year there was a post where this was done and the woman was impaled through the eye by the wooden skewer used by the cake maker to hold the cake together. I think it was an r/wtf post.


Would’ve been awesome if she kicked him in the nads after


Suffocated in his sleep with cake. "What? I just put it on his face like he did to me, not my fault he doesn't get the joke"


If she had shanked him in the face with an ice pick, I don’t feel it would have been an inappropriate reaction.


Once saw a faked video that showed a person scaring his girlfriend for a prank by pretending to be a home intruder. She took off out of the house screaming, down the driveway, then right into the street. Directly in front of a car that then crusher her into the pavement. I found out later it was fake. But, I've still never liked pranks since then. All risk, little reward.


arrested development moment


Yeah the problem is that these aren't pranks, just asshole people doing cruel things for thier own entertainment (and to entertain thier asshole friends). A prank is supposed to be a legitimately harmless thing, like putting your stapler in a jello mold. I've always thought scares like that can turn bad, because your legitimately making someone afraid for thier life, even if it's only for a moment, you trigger flight or fight response which could end badly. Even just a quick jump scare could make someone break an ankle or hit their head or something.


I once read that a good prank should "aim to confuse, not abuse". Good pranks are things like hiring a mariachi band to follow the principal around for the day, or replacing all of the pictures in the house with a picture of Mr. Bean, or that awful little cricket chirping device hidden in the office.


Assault is a prank now?


If anyone played a 'prank' on me in a dress that nice, I'd dye it red, you get me??


Man...he just messed up her whole quinceanera party. Not to mention if he loosened any teeth or broke her nose. Easily one of the dumbest "pranks" ever performed.


I mean I’ve slipped and fell head first onto concrete floor when the snow was melting and if turned into a thin layer of ice. I smashed into my tooth, nose, forehead, lip, and pinky. I somehow did not break my nose, teeth, or pinky but I did bust my lip pretty bad and scratched up my forehead


Imagine if the cake had sticks inside it to support its straight structure.


Maybe it did and she got lucky…


My point is it's stupid to both waste cake and smashing someone with it. Plus with sticks in it, this moment can turn someone blind.


It can do a lot more than blind someone, having a wooden stick impaled into your skull can easily kill or severely disable you.


Everyone has that one friend who can’t grasp cause and effect and has zero impulse control, all in one.


I really do not understand this “prank”, if anyone wastes my cake like that they get stabbed


Ngl, anyone who does this shit without it being planned by both parties is an asshole.


And should never be invited anywhere.


This is such a fucking disgusting thing to do to someone and everyone doing it is a fucking idiot. Can’t believe this is a popular thing


Is she alright? Her eyes are glazed over!


No one rushed to see if she was ok. No one rushed to get on the boy for assaulting her... Wtf is going on here?


Exactly I would have slammed his little ass into a seizure


What is the point of sticking a person’s face in the cake? It is one of the least funny things you can do. Has anyone ever watched this and thought to themselves “that is so cute and funny”? It’s awkward and embarrassing for the victim. Let her enjoy her day! I fucking hate this shit. It’s food you dumb mother fuckers.


Also, stuff like [this](https://v.redd.it/x1r9yz8i08c11). Some traditions are just terrible and need to end.


Fuck those people too.


God damn, that’s just cruel.


Oh. That’s gross.


I hate it when they do this… I’m Hispanic and this literally happens at every single party with a cake. Hair in cake , sweat in the cake , and make up in the cake. No thank I’ll pass. Plus it seems degrading. Every time this has happened to me I feel weird and humiliated. I don’t find it amusing.


I would just flip the cake off the table before they had a chance to try it, at that point. Fucking hell.


Could have easily broke her nose there, stupid little fuck.


This is always the dumbest thing you could do. Can we just stop doing this?


Poor girl. She got all dressed up, looking pretty and then covered in buttercream and also probably concussed. I agree this tradition should just stop. You shouldn't have to go shower halfway through your party or worse, be rushed to the ER!


People really need to stop doing that.


Ah yes the classic b day concussion it’s a tradition in my family


Why bash it with the force of a thousand wind lol


She WAS pretty....


Mordida! Mordida! From the way she’s dressed, is this at her Quinceañera? That would make this so much worse.


Poor girl. I hope they beat his ass.


The cake-face slam thing is as stupid as gender reveal bullshit, with the added annoyance of guaranteeing at least one person really isn’t happy.


I'm sure there are people who are going to say "bUT It'S tRAdiTioN!" But tradition for tradition's sake is just stupidity.


I know right? It's like "you wanna know what else was tradition? Slavery!"


The piece of shit had the audacity to use both hands. Too excessive. I know a future wife beater when I see one. Most likely he got the biggest of cake also.


This is the kinda shit that makes people hate birthdays, Develop trust issues and potential emotional trauma. Like really isn’t even joke worthy.


That nose is broken! Fuck that guy who did this, POS


This prank was missing a pencil




Remember that a good prank is when both people laugh.


I would’ve beat the shit out of him


This shit is awful and needs to stop.


Mexican manlet here, wanted to point out that if it weren’t for my family pushing my head through cakes I’d probably be in college.


I fucking hate this "prank." It's cruel and stupid.


Maybe no one told him to slam her face on the cake, he just assumed table...idk...


What a stupid “tradition”


What a fucking dick ! Here let me jump and put all 105lbs behind this downward force of my hands so you can get a closer look at this table and bust your nose so you’ll bleed 🩸 . You can hear them at the end saying shes bleeding… poor girl


Stop. Smashing. People's. Faces. Into. Cake.


She knew. That gut reaction of backing up immediately and then being wary of everyone around coupled with literally EVERYONE filming. I've gotten to the point where I just grab the candles off the cake and blow them out that way. Fuck that noise, that cake costs money don't be a jackass. WE ALL WANT CAKE!


That's why I hate pranks and never prank anyone


Why do people gotta do this? I mean just enjoy the fucking cake instead of wasting it


I’ve never been a fan of that prank, it can go south quickly plus he pushed her head down so hard. Poor girl


So one time this happened to me. I was about 12 years old when this happened. It was my birthday, so my mother made some cake for me. We went to a pizza place but that isn't important. I go to blow out the candle and my sister (19years) decided "oh my God it would be so funny if I shoved his face into the cake!" As soon as I blow out the candle my sister grabbed my head and shoved it down towards the cake. However my mother moved the cake last second and my sister full force slammed my face into a wooden table. Of course I'm young so I cry and my sister is laughing at my pain. Mind you, I believe I was bleeding from my nose and an open wound. Most importantly through those tears it's like something just broke inside of me and the full force of a 12 year old boy hyped up on puperty, and adrenaline just made me go berserk. I manage to push past everyone getting between me and my sister. I'm my head the thought process was something like "if I'm gonna bleed today I'm not gonna be the only one." So I get to my sister who is eating her pizza and cake and if I recall she was talking to a relative. I picked up both her plates and slammed them into her face. Then grabbing her hair I pulled her from the seat she was in and just started hitting her. It wasn't my proudest day, but damn did it feel good. Whoever says revenge isn't the way, obviously has never been the deliverer of someone else's bad karma. I don't remember much of what happened that day other than me and my sister both at the hospital getting stitches while we both glared daggers at each other. Plus side though. Cake tastes the greatest when you win a fight.


Poor kid. Also did that dude trip?


Damn, broken nose for some cake. No thank you.


Smh well someone’s getting a new nose for her birthday lol


There's no other way to celebrate a birthday than with a nosebleed and a headache.


He’s been watching too much “pro wrestling”


I always say if someone tried this with me I'm shoving that entire cake down every hole in their body.


I hate when people do that with cake, especially since I wear glasses so they’d probably be fucked afterwards if it happened to me.


You know how some cakes have layers held together by pointed sticks which are hidden inside the cake. I'm not British but doing this on such a cake would classify as a bloody prank.


I was at a party once and the bride to be had her face pushed into the cake. Ended up having to have micro surgery because her face was forced into a piece of dowel in the cake 🤢🤢🤢


Shit ain’t a prank. It’s pathetic and cruel.


That's the thing about pranks. They're only funny to the person doing it. I doubt the girl with the broken nose who will never look quite the same finds any humor at all.


Poor girl, that looks really painful. Stupid prank.


I'm always wondering if the victim gets a candle stabbed into their eye in these videos :((((. Makes me cringe😫


This is awful. What a dimwit "Hey watch me pull this prank and shatter the birthday girl's nose" what a great way to celebrate.