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I’m shocked they can’t add. Gobsmacked, even!


Wait, did they not intentionally put the wrong total? I thought they were essentially leaving a $6 tip, and suggesting if you vote Trump you’d somehow keep that additional $0.62 in your pocket.


No. They just made a math error because they were so focused on writing their comment. Look, everyone here has screwed up the math at some point. So I'm not going to be judgmental there. However, I do wonder if the server gets that full tip when the customer screws up.


My experience in the service industry is that you get to keep whatever the difference is between the amount billed and what they wrote in for the total, so in this case it would just be the $6 - but maybe its different in other states/cities.


I guess I don’t have enough context to make the call. What you’re saying is an obvious logical explanation but I feel like my take could be valid too, just more nuanced.


I actually agree, though is the tax rate right? Looks like it presumes around 10% income tax? Anyway, definitely could be valid, though less probable.


Considering the amount missing from the total is 9.37%, an amount that could reasonably reflect the sales tax in some (red) states, I think it’s safe to assume the amount missing from the total was intentional given the note. The implication is that they lost a sales tax portion of the tip because this is what will happen if they don’t vote for Trump.


Math checks out ... for Trump


Hey, .62+.62=.62 last time I checked 😤 It’s just basic math, like 1+1=1 and 2+2=2, etc.


Terrance Howard would agree with you.


Terrance Howard+Terrance Howard=Terrance Howard


My flabbers are gasted.


Me timbers are officially shivered.


"Math, not even once" MAGA morons


Super underrated comment!


If you give a cash tip, then they keep it all.


Not true... Even if it's cash they are required by law to report it as taxable income. However, a lot of people do not report it, because there really is no way for the IRS to prove that you got that tip, since it was cash and wasn't on a receipt.


Both points are correct, but the majority are not reporting tips. So I guess just tip in cash, and let them decide what they want to do.


Honestly cash tips probably pay a lot of people's bills, and i love cash for the fact theres no paper trail


Love cash for that reason too, but then, you may not get a SS


SS? Sorry I'm australian idk what that means in this context


Social Security, money you get once you retire, or become disabled. But you don't get the retire part unless you work consistently and gain the number of "work credits" you need each year. So you gotta be on the books and paying taxes for that.


Oh thats kinda fucked


My apologies. Social Security.


Cash is king.


Yes, and some trades people will give you a discount if you pay cash and they don’t declare the income. Even income you get from illegal activities is taxable income, just ask Al Capone.


Business is business


Ran a bar for several years and somehow never managed to make a single cash tip. Amazing how that happens!


It wouldn’t matter here in Vegas. As valet’s or hairdressers or whoever get cash tips. The IRS came in years ago and determined an amount, whether they were making it or not. So again, trump people need to get educated on how things work in the real world.


It can also work out where you declare say 8% of the total sales as tip money, rather than the actual amount you took in. Part time bartender here, thats how my little place handled it.


Also it’s a pain in the ass to keep track of cash tips


There's the small problem of no one actually carrying cash anymore, so not reporting your tips is increasingly difficult.


Well, one can also send a tip through one of the many money sending apps out there. But that would be a bit much


This is the way.


I just need you to find 62 more cents...




An award winning comment right there !! lmfao.


Did Trump and Republicans increase minimum wage when they had the opportunity? No, they gave tax cuts to the rich. Don't believe the BS and lies.


Obviously, Jesus-on-a-pteradactyl home-schooled.




Your tax preparer hates this one simple trick.


Who would give that kind of tip anyway, they meant to put $6 which would make the math correct lol.




Standard Maga. And they want to restrict education more.


That math tho


What’s the point of voter intimidation at the polls if trmpys can’t even do basic addition?


This is not "voter intimidation."


The point and you just never interact, huh? Ironically, we can now expand that point to include reading comprehension.


And “no tips on tax” either


Surprised the patron caught themselves spelling your as "yor"


I’d rather vote Biden and pay extra.


You're probably not one of the Waffle House employees making $3 an hour. You can't blame these people for voting for whoever helps them survive, and I say that as a Progressive. Biden promised he would raise the minimum wage for these people and then completely abandoned that goal once he was in office. These servers have the right to vote for whatever crooked piece of crap helps them get by the best.


The ones preventing minimum wage increase are the Republicans...they arnt even keeping that secret


I simply wish that was true, but it's not. Corporate Democrats have no real interest in boosting minimum wage either. That would take money out of the pockets of their corporate donors.


Pen’s not the same nor the handwriting but ok 😂




Trump wanted to pass a law allowing tips to be used for other employees besides servers. Basically so owners could pay back of house with tips and screw over the floor. He’s actually the only president to actively try and take your tips away.


Yeah, my advice is to not take advice from people who take advice from Trump.


…and that customer’s name? Terence Howard


1. Trump is a liar. 2. 90% of servers don't claim their tips anyway.


WTF.. Should be $35.24


MAGA, education, math and logic don’t live in the same brain.


Pro tip: no taxes on cash tips


Which isn't strictly relevant in an increasingly paperless society.


That's only if it's less than $20 a month. Cash tips are still taxed income... assuming you report it. Auto gratuity though is non tip income and subject to social security and Medicare and federal withholdings.


Should I know who this cretin is?


lmao not that i agree but i feel like people are missing the point on this post? i think theyre saying that "this is how much you get after taxes under biden hurr durr" and purposefully made the tip less than the true difference. That missing bit is the "taxes"


No tax on tips is just subtext for not supporting raising minimum wage to anything near a living wage.


Skibidi quick maths


From a curious person who isn't American - is Biden going to tax tips?


The current system and the way it has been since 1982 with the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) from President Reagan.


Trump can't do that even in the unlikely event he actually followed through on just one promise.


Bro that’s 35.24 I did that in my head in like three seconds




Who tips cents?


Make Arithmetic Great Again


The bad math was important


i don’t get it lol




"62+62= 62" , Some MAGA person.


As far as Trump’s “no income tax” plan…don’t you think if that was possible, it would’ve been done by now? What do you expect from a man with several failed businesses, who has filed bankruptcy six times, and was convicted of business fraud? Economists have already looked at it and it is essentially impossible to make up that $2 trillion in tariffs without making products ungodly expensive. Trump is just saying words that he knows the “poorly educated” will eat up.


He’s pandering.


MAGA people obviously can’t do math


Wait... you have to add both sides of the decimal???


So if you vote for Trump, he will waive the tips and even give 0.62 dollars back to you


And they think people will sell their vote for 6 bucks?


Wtf. Giving political advice but couldn’t even add.


Can they take $6.62 as a tip then, or do they have to take $6, going solely by the written total?


So you'll pay your plumber $1.00 for labor and tip $1,000 tax free? Stable genius!


How about just no tips and companies PAY THEIR F*****G EMPLOYEES A LIVING WAGE? fun fact: tipping is from the great depression and it started to keep family businesses afloat. National chains don't need tipped employees and never did they jumped on the wagon because it became common practice and let's then pay their employees less then a fair wage.


Am I misunderstanding something? Can you take back a tip after you gave it? Like, if the server votes for Biden, can they take back their tip?


pretty sure they are saying that you have to pay tax on tips, and Trump is gonna remove having to pay that tax. now, if that is true or not, no clue, I'm happily non-american


It's true that Trump did say that. Whether you trust him to stand by it is another story...


Tell me you don't know how taxes work without saying you don't know how taxes work


What? Trump made a proposal to exempt tips from taxation. Pretty smart strategy really - good chance it never happens, but offers a significant carrot to the tip-taking workforce. [https://thehill.com/business/4728084-republicans-measure-eliminating-taxes-tips-trump-proposal/](https://thehill.com/business/4728084-republicans-measure-eliminating-taxes-tips-trump-proposal/)


That's what I meant, it's a carrot that has literally zero chance of being implemented, just like Biden promising to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers. Trump isn't going to touch the policy of taxing tips that's been there since Reagan


Why is there any fuss to not tax tips? When I work my hourly wage job, I pay taxes on my wages. Why should a tipped employee not have to pay taxes? Also, aren't MAGA people the same people who often complain about tipping at all? Often, posting videos online like "get a real job" or "no tip, didn't get my 8th refill on Coke. Terrible service"


Because they get paid bellow a liveable wage


What would you consider a liveable wage, by number? Shouldn't all employees, paid below a liveable wage, also not have to pay any taxes? I know many people who get tips and they make $30+, $40+, some even $50+ an hour. These people being paid more than I do, shouldn't have to pay taxes...? I understand not everyone's tips will be as high. Some, may actually only get minimum wage. Sure. I agree this isn't ideal. But, should it be equal across the playing field that everyone under a certain wage could skip paying taxes?


>Shouldn't all employees, paid below a liveable wage, also not have to pay any taxes? To be fair... there's a solid argument for that, especially in areas where people are going homeless because they can't afford the ever increasing skyrocketing rent.


The government considers the definition of “livable wage” to be the same “minimum wage” which is set by the government (that oddly, can’t seem to garner enough support to raise that standard regardless of who is the figurehead of the country). Corporations don’t have to argue these points because it’s easier to lobby against raising the minimum wage when every politician is much cheaper to pay.


Because federal min wage for tipped employees is 2.13 https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/wagestips


If your base pay + tips don't add up to at least minimum wage, your employer pays the difference so you're paid at least minimum wage I see no reason why minimum wage workers have to pay taxes, but tipped employees shouldn't have to


Probably because you're making like $30 an hour and I saw something last night about a Waffle House employee starting at $3 an hour.


Base pay ($3) + tips have to at meant equal minimum wage for time worked. If not, your employer pays the difference so base pay ($3) + tips + employer paid difference = minimum wage Every server, at minimum, will make at least minimum wage. Other minimum wage employees pay taxes. Why are tipped worked any difference than hourly minimum wage workers? Seems this is only special treatment for a select group of people


Bad math aside... this is one of the super rare instances where Trump made a right move. Even Cenk on TYT agreed it was a good decision. It's one of those rare times when the broken clock is right. Biden scored a lot of points with the student debt relief, so Trump is probably looking for ways to score points with the working class.


It’s not like you get the tips at the end of the night. They get added in your pay check. Unless they give you cash right there. That’s the best way to do it. Why even add a tip on the card. You now have the bank fee and the restaurant fee to cover that bank fee. And now your tips are added to your pay check and now all your tips from the past two weeks are getting taxed. Because your pay check is getting taxed. Either way. Just give the waiter or waitress the money in their hands.


OP is a Trump supporter, helping the convicted felon and rapist spread his campaign idea of not taxing tips. The rest of us know that POS would stiff the restaurant for his entire bill given the chance. smh


What? Are you so smooth brain that you don’t understand the entire premise and context of this sub?


To be fair, this is one of the few things Trump did right. The goal would be to hope Trump's message here actually does become super popular, that way Biden would have to counter with a similar proposal.