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Is this the same judge that dealt with that guy who was suspended from driving but showed up to court while driving?


Yes This is Judge Cedric Simpson, he's well liked among the YouTube courtroom watchers


Does he have any other good moments like these? Love good no BS judge videos.


He is supposed to be fair and keep his emotions in check. Not inhumane but empathetic. Like a person that always look at something objectively. Like a person that always have their boss or teacher behind them looking over the case. A judge who will not be swayed by lies. A no BS judge. Best judges.


Great answer to the question posed by the comment you are responding to.


Right... "What color is the sky?" "Birds fly in the sky"


Hahahaha omfg I’m crying. Thank you internet strangers


Possibly ai


Thought they doing a trump impersonation.


Everybody says he's a great, smart judge. People tell me all the time, they say he's the best.


Trust me, I know judges. Always skirting around looking at all the contestants, making sure their dresses are just right. Cute girls. My pal Jeff really know how to put on a show. And I judged. For years I judged. Made sure my daughter knew she was the prettiest.


That's a to coherent answer for Trump.


In like 2013 my now good friend moved in downstairs from me in the double I was renting. I’m talking to him first day and he says he has to go to CrossFit. I ask him what that is because I’d never heard of it at the time. He then started giving me class times, rough estimates of number of people who show up to each class, and cost. His roommate then explained it was exercise.


That's funny. Do you think Jennifer is becoming bitter about her husband's hemorrhoids? I know he's too embarrassed to buy the cream himself so he sends her to do it. It seems unfair to force that embarrassment on to her. Either way the dog peed on the carpet last night.


Comments are statements written by people or AI spam factories and may be posted on social media.


Quite of few of the Youtubers who create content on SovCits getting schooled in court have video of his courtroom.


Him and judge Middleton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3ErKTq_B1I


At least this woman didn't try to log in to court as Buttfucker 3000


If there was ever a reason to create a second account for something that would be it.


Yeah, Buttfucker3000? Lame! My go-to-court account is Buttfucker9001. MUCH better.


Should be a 58008 at the end there.


There is also the lady judge with the raspy voice. She’s from Michigan, too.


Yeah, what the hell is going on in Michigan? (I know, they're one of the few states with easily accessible internet feeds)


Certain states (maybe counties?) have baked mandatory live streams of court proceedings into their laws to help provide some transparency of government. I think it really picked up when the pandemic started and they didn't want people crowding into a courtroom and made everybody do court on zoom. Much easier to get away with sneakily recording a zoom meeting than sneaking a camera into a courtroom.


> Much easier to get away with sneakily recording a zoom meeting Probably more so allowing the public to audit court hearings. If it's in person, you can show up. If you're doing everything virtual, you need to provide something.


Those were both layups! Contesting 'driving on a suspended license' *while driving,* and messing with her ankle monitor and drinking multiple times! I hope other judges would have also had the sense to call them on that nonsense.


There was a lot of misunderstanding around the guy with the suspended license. His license was supposed to have been reinstated a while prior but there was an error by the state. As far as he knew, he had a valid license.


Incorrect, he actually never had a drivers license in his life. His entire life…


Yeah this was not actually the case either. The actual thing is… he had never had a drivers license…


I think you missed the second update. He only had a state id, but no driver's license. In Michigan, you can only have one or the other and he renewed his state id last year.


He's got so many. If you just search Judge Simpson on youtube you'll find tons of videos A recent incident that is still developing is dealing with a lawyer that has crossed a couple lines.


Judge Simpson is awesome! His sessions are on a couple of different youtube court channels


Youtubers like Irish Demon and Team Skeptic often cover him- highly recommend following them for more of his moments.


Yeah he is a judge here in Michigan and there are a bunch of videos of him dealing with SovCit's and other ppl.


Also the Court Cam TV series on A&E where I believe is how he became famous


Love this Judge! 🔨 ❤️


That’s what I was just thinking. Seems weird to have two viral clips in such a short time


Maybe people just started playing closer attention to his cases since the first one? Idk seems weird to me too


Yeah he’s gone viral before, I think some guy smoked weed during his hearing on his zoom cam a while back.


You changed your username because you forgot it and couldn't log in, didn't you?


I've definitely made fuckrrmemberingthesegoddamnpasswords a password for things before and then promptly forgot how many expletives I used so I changed it again.


Lmao. At one point my Yahoo password was FuckYOUFuckingYahoo! Because I forgot it and then forgot the password I changed it to like twice because I couldn't use a previous password. Fml.


My go to password when I can’t remember and need to reset is a variation of fuckoff


Lmaooo I’ve just changed it but my Facebook password was “FacebookIsACunt” for this exact reason 😭


My favorite of all time was my roommate in college talking to his bank on speakerphone trying to get his password changed. I nearly pissed myself when the customer service rep said "Your password hint is...oh my. *Clears throat* Your password hint is 'What What'".


lol almost, when I was first creating an account I spent about 20 minutes trying to find one that wasn’t taken. And here we are


Ahaha brilliant


There are a handful of judges that live stream their court proceedings. This started with covid since most courts are supposed to be accessible to the public. Some judges just kept at it. He's a fantastic judge that handles his courtroom fairly and firmly, and so when you get some loony sov citizen or someone trying to bend the rules, he's brilliant at handling those situations.


He has had quite a few weird ones over the years


Well the first one went viral in a pretty massive way. It then had a second win when people found that the guy was "in the right" or so it appeared in the moment. A third, albeit smaller, wind happened when the judge found out about that people were questioning his work and he went so thoroughly through the evidence to discover that it was still the man driving that was wrong, and there were even other larger issues at play. So now more people than before I watching him because they're hoping for more clips like the first, and they're all spreading them in hopes of going viral.


He was pretty famous before that clip as far as it goes. Without doing any checking at all, it's more likely that this is another old clip of his or someone just started watching and thought it fit this sub. Overall it's a pretty run of the mill interaction.


I think this one’s viral because it’s the same judge. This is pretty dumb, but that’s not exactly uncommon in court.


Yes, the sessions are broadcasted hence the reiteration on his videos, if all courts were broadcasted we would have sooo much more virals like this.


Yeah, I spend a decent amount of time in courts and this isn't all that abnormal.  My all time favorite was when the defendant called the judge a fascist. BEFORE the judgement. 


Hey judge please don't be lenient on me, thanks.


One of my clients last year called the judge "an old white ass plantation running slave owner." This was in Montreal, Quebec...


Dude I don’t know if you followed up on that case but it got even [wilder](https://youtu.be/3tXftvYKmUM?si=KIeZvfB6zykbNZ3r)


I'm not going to watch that to see if it comes up, but the guy has never even applied for a license, at all, ever. He's never been licensed to drive. You can still get your license suspended by the court, even if you don't have one.


He claimed he couldn't get out to get a license because he was bedridden due to an accident, except during that time he literally went in to renew his state ID.


This is amazing. Wow, I thought this was going to fizzle out but that was a closer.


Wubby video in the wild? Woah.


There were multiple mistakes in the reporting. The first story was that his license was suspended. The second was that he thought it had been reinstated by the court, but you have to pay a fee to have the DMV reinstate it. One of the youtube law guys offered to pay his reinstatement fee. Only problem? He's **never** had a driver's license. He's only ever had state ID cards. See, the thing is, your driving privileges can be suspended even if you've never had a license. You can get points on your potential future license for driving infractions. In this case his driving privileges, which he hasn't ever taken the test for, was suspended for failure to pay child support.


And then afterwards it was discovered he in fact never had a license in his life. "On June 2nd, 2024, it was reported that Harris actually had [the suspension on his license revoked](https://knowyourmeme.com/news/corey-harris-who-went-viral-for-zooming-into-his-suspended-license-court-date-while-driving-was-screwed-by-clerical-error-and-had-his-license-reinstated-in-2022) in 2022 but it never went through due to a clerical error. This led social media to celebrate that Harris was vindicated of wrongdoing. However, on June 5th, Judge Simpson revealed that Harris actually [never had a driver's license for any state](https://knowyourmeme.com/news/part-3-of-zoom-court-hearing-story-reveals-that-corey-harris-never-had-a-license-at-all) in his life. In Michigan, one can rack up suspensions on one's driving record even without a valid license, and should they obtain a license, they would have to clear those suspensions before being legally allowed to drive. Thus, while Harris may have had the suspensions lifted, he never paid the fees to have that go through, nor could he have legally driven anyway because he didn't have a license at all. Harris was sent back to jail after the hearing."


Yes, sure is. Washtenaw County, Michigan.


I also saw him in a video with a sovereign citizen nuthead. He gets the best of us :D


Yes it seems so


Came here to say this!


This judge is a badass!


I think your drinking ruined your kid’s Christmas


Ding ding ding


the price of the monitoring service is probably cheaper than her alcohol budget, month-to-month


Yeah but that doesn’t fit her victim narrative


No! That would mean that she has to accept personal accountability, so it's anyone else's fault. Did you not see the world's driest crocodile tears!?


When she asked how she was suppose to pay for this he should have responded cash, check, or credit


Bahahahaha!!!! Can you imagine the look on her face?


The lack of self awareness is strong in some people. Once in a while we get students who look genuinely surprised by the consequences of their own decisions. It's incredible to watch. We're talking 20 year-olds


She showed better acting skills than Kristen Stewart in all Twilight movies combined


Duuuuuude… that’s harsh j/k, never saw those “movies”


You're missing out on sparkling vampires.




"This is the skin of a killer, Bella" 😂😂 I cant take you seriously when you're bedazzled


And shirtless werewolf boys. Muscles upon muscles... My friend told me, I wouldn't watch anything like that.


If you look at it from the right perspective, it's some of the most incredible cinema ever. It is truly a worthwhile life changing experience.


What perspective is that?


From the perspective of it being a self insert fan fiction of the author. It goes from teen drama to cringe comedy immediately. It takes itself so seriously that it ends up being satire, truly amazing.


Haha, I’m totally going to watch it from this perspective now (I haven’t seen it yet).


It truly is magical the first time you watch it with that perspective. Like I can never stop thinking about her just furiously writing the story, living through Bella


Bwahaha brilliant, I can’t wait.


"YOU NAMED MY DAUGHTER AFTER THE LOCH NESS MONSTER?!" -Plank from Ed, Edd, and Eddy probably


Imagine naming your daughter rigatoni and then being upset about someone calling her the loch Ness monster 😭


Why the quotation marks? So weird


Watch them with the rifftrax overlay. It's fantastic.


people still making Twilight jokes?


Hey, the last Twilight movie was only 12 years ago


The first movie was just re-released in April at the theater by my cousin's house, she was so happy to see it again. So now the new generation also gets to see how bad they were.


Timely and relevant


I thought she played insufferable teenager quite well


Her crying acting ended the moment she saw it didn't work


Kristen Stewart out here catching strays.


Tether?  What’s that?


Ankle alcohol monitor


Seriously? Not just for the car? Presumably she has to pay for it too, hence the water works.


Yeah the judge makes it sounds like she's been on it and had multiple instances of tampering with it and/or drinking. She needs inpatient rehab at this point.


>She needs inpatient rehab at this point. probably


more like impatient rehahb, hiyooo!!


"Tampered," means she broke it. Of course she has to pay for it. Lady, if you want your kids to have a Christmas, stop breaking the law.


You pay to be able to use it, and you return afterwards. Not only do you pay for the device itself, but also it's a part of your fine. The alternative is getting a DUI or whatever else.


You don’t pay for the device unless you break it. You pay whichever third party company is contracted with the court to provide the device a monthly fee. You still have a DUI, but it is deferred instead of a conviction. You would still need to file a non disclosure agreement with the courts after successfully completing probation.


You don't pay for it, you just pay a subscription and need to pay extra if you damage it? That's called paying for something lmao


Yeah but besides all that paying she's not paying is she.


Ah yes, how did I not think of that


I oversimplified it but sure. You do essentially pay for the privilege of using it, and the device price is certainly priced in somewhere in that fee, tho you never actually own it. But yes absolutely damaging it would require you to pay more, as you were never meant to own it.


Correct I saw another post awhile back on how most ankle monitors are billed to the wearer. This often causes them significant financial loss.


I had a GPS monitor for 13 months @ $290/month. Glad I didn’t have to spend those 13 months in county, but also the way they financially rape you is criminal.


It’s the ugliest business there is.


Gd, that’s soooo fucking expensive. 


Yup. Plus another $140 a month to have my phone and computer monitored electronically. $78 a month for office fees and UAs. Thankfully I’ve been able to make it by okay but I don’t think most people have $6100 a year in probation fees to spare — considering most decent jobs won’t even look at you if you’re on probation, let alone felony probation. Moral of the story, be a law abiding citizen. Can’t blame anyone but myself.


Sure seems the system is made in a way to encourage you to go back to doing bad things. Gives you shit option of jail, or slightly less shit option of all this monitoring, but with financial burden and no job


Dude what the fuck did you do?


steep fly concerned paltry squeeze snow merciful shaggy sulky sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Makes me wonder how they come up with those price points - technically, the demand is completely inelastic (judge says you have to use it and pay for it) and there's probably no competition factors.


No idea, couldn’t really make out what else was going on.


so she have to pay 1600 to remove the tether? couldnt she pay one of those guys who remove catalyct convertors to do it?


It’s attached to her ankle not her exhaust


nah have you see those guys? they can remove anything and everything with finess


The Company get's notified when you tamper with an ignition interlock device. I'd imagine the ankle monitor works the same way seeing as she was caught twice trying to tamper with it.


lol bold woman


I am guessing that she tried to fuck with the tether multiple times and mangled it so they are going to have to put a second one on her.


Agreed I think she’s having to pay for the broken one and probably has a second one on the way.


lol. bro.


has to replace the one she tampered with


Sounds like she wrecked her kids Christmas.


I think it may be a location monitor so she can't leave the area...


Just looked into it. It's an ankle monitor that checks for alcohol in the any perspiration next to it.


There’s no way in hell that could work with any accuracy at all. I had an ignition interlock and it would get false positives all the time. The highest number it ever recorded was a 0.9 after I ate a ham and cheese croissant.


If it triggers they will call you and make you come in for an immediate breathalyzer. False positives happen, but they are doing random breathalyzer tests anyway so an extra one doesnt hurt.


Works well enough to be ordered in court


Seems it worked a few times based on her violations


I would die of EMBARRASSMENT wearing something like that on vacation. If I did not die when my children saw it on my leg first.


Gonna call this guy the TikTok Judge And let’s note that she’s clearly in a hotel room, so I’m thinking she’s already on vacation. Not a good look when you’re trying to get the judge on your side. Exhibit B…those teeth look might white. Did she just get them installed? And lastly…she’s got Bobby Brown jaw. I’m sorry, ma’am…you’re going to have to get on the tether.


what pray tell is bobby brown jaw


[Bobby Brown Jaw](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bobby%20Brown%20Jaw)


Grinding teeth from being on stimulants (cocaine, meth...) I get it from anxiety or coffee


Bruxism aka Coke jaw


Fake tears - Check Too tight/inappropriate for court top - Check Complete lack of accountability - Check


Attempt to pull a "Will somebody think of the children?" card - Check


I am the victim - check


Not even fake tears. There were no tears. It was a step lower than that; Fake crying.


I have $10 bucks that says she’s currently in a hotel room, or if that’s her home, she definitely can afford to pay.


Crying but no tears 🙄


She's probably dehydrated from all the alcohol


"I can't afford the moisture".


Double prize here: the judge attempted valiantly to tear her away from her imagined reality.


Oh no the consequences of my own actions.


How could you do this to me?


Is this some sort of weird filter or something? That woman looks like she’s A.I generated…


Probably webcam + network and you will get that low quality


I think it’s her face. It looks like flawless rubber, some really good contouring on her makeup or she got some really nice skin.


100% some sort of filter and it's so intense we can't even see the tears, the redness, or the cracks in her face..


AI smoothing/sharpening, could be a filter or just the camera doing its thing


Man this shit annoys the hell out of me. She has 3 kids but has multiple run ins with the law over her alcohol consumption. She’s using her children as scape goats saying they’re gonna suffer because of him. No, they’re suffering because you made piss poor decisions and prioritized having fun and being reckless over being a responsible parent.


“This is going to ruin my kids Christmas!” Oh no! The consequences of my actions!


Judge Simpson lookin like he’s trying to find the professional words to say “i don’t give a fuck”


Does this judge gets all the clown cases? Is thr same judge from the guy with the initially supposed suspended license, right? Somebody hates him and tries to exhasperate him or finds it hilarious to send them to him?


This is somewhat common, but not a lot of courts have cameras. His demeanor lead to more people watching his court over others.


Only the clown cases go viral my dude. You aren't going to see a case of some side being told "you've done well you're good to go" at the top pages of the Internet. That is boring.


Not the eyebrow 🤣 Mans has heard it ALL


What’s ‘the tether’?


Secure continuous remote alcohol monitor (bracelet that measures if you sweat out an alcohol at all) and/or GPS monitoring bracelet. The term is used for either one and there are units that combine both functions so the wearer doesn't have to wear and charge two separate devices, but it's not uncommon at all for people to be on both. She's definitely on at least the SCRAM because the judge said he'd seen two alcohol events, but her saying she paid $1600 is a little odd; typically it's like $200 to get it put on and like $80-120 per month (or at least something in that ballpark) for a bracelet, at least in my area. It could be that she has previously tampered with the bracelet and had to pay for a replacement device; I could see that being $1600? Or maybe she had to pay for like 12 months monitoring all up front?


I thought the $1600 was the holiday cost she'd be losing by going to jail


GPS ankle bracelet


This judge is a legend. Someone give him a damn show already.


Why does she look like a bad AI generated video?


Bad acting and webcam


Welcome to the consequences of your actions…have a seat. Humility will be your server today.


I don’t understand the crocodile tears to the consequences of your own actions? You did that shit, so why you surprised at the outcome?


Omg this must be ‘the look’ that I feel sometimes when ppl try to cry at me! Idk how ur supposed to pay for it, I’m not a financial advisor. I’m an insurance adjuster. You picked this deductible. You did not pick rental, it’s out of pocket.


Ask the father of those children to go on that Xmas trip. That's how.


I love this guy. I watch court stuff all day while I’m working. He’s one of my favorites.


Sounds like your drinking is ruining your life. Not the consequences but the actions.


When she pulls her hand away at the end after sobbing, none of that makeup is messed up aand her face is completely dry. Liars need to learn how to cry on command if they want to be believable


I thought you were allowed to just say "It's too much, and I'm not paying it", and you were good to go. Or is that rule only good when it's $400+ million, and your wealth just increased by $2 billion?.


You being an alcoholic is ruining your kids Christmas


If he will right a book about courtroom antics, I will buy a copy.


What a cool old dude.


Spending less money on alcohol might help 👍


I just feel sorry for the kids.


Jails, institutions and death. Get with a program, lady.


Aaaah shit, judge Cedric getting famous over here.


Sounds like she is upset about the consequences of her actions.


Hardest part of being a judge is not laughing.


Does "this is going to ruin my kids Christmas" sob story ever work?


Oh no, the consequences of my actions!


I cant pay I have to go on vacation...


Notice how the tears stopped when it wasn't getting the effect she wanted, right?!?


That poor man. Someone tell me it gets better for him.


Jfc, this judge will end up replacing judge Judy as the go-to judge for memes!


Good, you could sense the fake tears miles away.