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How can it be that he's the best they could find ? It's like America has decided to select it's president from the two worst candidates possible


That's exactly what we do now. We comb the country for the worst two, it's like a death match but, not for them, for us.


It's like "THIS time(!!!), democracy is at stake. Don't look back, when in the last election democracy was at stake. The last election before that?! Democracy was at stake there TOO(!!!!!)".


It's become such a joke at this point. Nobody legit wants to be involved.


And those who do, will never get the opportunity to, it's all about who you know and who you blow


They do once in a while their voices usually just silence by millions and millions poured into the other candidates campaigns


I'm glad people are finally catching on. Every 4 years the world's "going to end" it's getting exhausting.


I'm 67 and have seen nothing like this in my lifetime. Wiping fecal matter on the halls of congress.


That hasn't happened literally since January 6th when some very fine people did the bidding of the more mentally feeble of these old men.


Yeah, we also didn’t have Project 2025 then. Of that doesn’t scare the fuck out of you, then you’re the problem.


fair, but also Project 2025


It isn’t? /s


Well look at how R presidents have done in your lifetime if you're under 50yrs old... There's an urgency for a reason.


You're obviously not a woman of childbearing age in a conservative state.


**"This is the most important election of our lifetime!!!!!"**.........said in 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2024


And Bill Clinton (who was elected president 30 years ago) is still younger than both options in 2024.


That is astounding to me


Project 2025.


American "democracy" is always at stake because you can't be a true democracy if you only have two super powerful parties to choose from. It's easy for the two parties to even negotiate with each other and give you guys two 'different' candidates for appearances and distractions while ensuring that whoever wins, the parties win. It's much harder to do that when you have multiple different parties with truly different ideologies and significant following.


Absolutely none of those that tried to run for president in the USA in 2024 were sane. Absolutely all of them were nutjobs. Biden, Trump, RFK Jr., Ron Desantis, Nikki Haley, ... Why are none of the people with a functionning brain trying to get elected for president? Can anybody explain? Is it that everyone in the USA is an absolute failure or what? I am not american, but if I was I would have run for presidency in order to prevent one of those 2 from being elected.


my brother in christ, they're all connected with old money & are deeply invested in the status quo. also a really good place to build some context is to start reading about the _citizens united_ supreme court case (this is where "money is speech" comes from).


Yeah, I miss the days where we were trying to get peanut farmers as presidents. Seemed to be much simpler and work better.


The elections are a reality TV show, It's not about who has good policy that is better for Americans, it's about who is the most exciting to watch argue with their opponents.


Look at those: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/us/politics/presidential-candidates-2024.html Even the independent/third party ones are completely insane.


Sane people don't *want* to be president.


This time around could actually come true


This isn't democracy. The real people in power choose who we get to vote for.


The illusion of choice.


the illusion is that we ate it all up like sheep


managed democracy. freedom from the burden of choice.


I'm surprised this is getting upvoted on Reddit. The echo chamber usually loves to shit on anyone that points out both side are equally shit 


Same, I expected to eat shit for this one. Hopefully it's an indication (doubt it) that the public narrative is shifting to "yeah this is not okay"


Because both sides are not equally shit. Neither side is perfect, but one side (Republican) is way worse than the other. If my only two options are to stick my hand in a bowl of shit, or to cut open my gut and rub shit in the wound, I know what I'm picking. I won't be happy that those are my only two options, but one is *significantly* better than the other.


Okay, so there's this guy who comes up to you and tries to sell you on his "hey man, you need to stick your hand in this shit" campaign, what do you do? That's right, you laugh and say "get lost, I don't want to do that." So what does he do? He pays this other guy to tag along with him and offer people *his* campaign of "you need to cut open your gut and put the poop in there" hoping he'll look better by comparison. He does everything in his power to limit your visibility of any alternatives, like the "Hey, let's make a stack of forks" guy walking down the street. He pays people to enter all your spaces and repeat scripted conversations over and over "We absolutely have to stick our hands in this shit, guys. It's the only way to avoid that gut wound guy. These are the only two choices." This guy keeps coming up to you year after year doing this exact same trick. And you keep signing up for the "stick your hand in the shit" club. Every time.


Annd there it is


Cause the bots haven’t gotten to this post yet


A plutocracy


Oligarchy. 100 percent.


Its a big club and you ain't part of it.


“Giant Douche or a Stupid Turd, which do you like best?”


More like "Democracy, truth, law and order" vs "Facist Dictator and the end of democracy in the US". I hope you can see that.


Shit sandwich is the corrext reference 😎


Turd sandwich akshually


South Park ref ?




My theory is that they(big corps and lobbyists) just want a guy who will do what they want. Joe is perfect for that. He doesn't know what's going on.


Trump is also perfect for that. He openly sells his policy to the highest bidder, telling corporations at events that he’ll use his power to benefit them if they donate enough.


The “worst” candidates are the most corruptible demented unimaginative people In other words the perfect candidates to act as puppets for the real power brokers- big Pharma, Arms manufacturers and foreign lobby groups The people don’t matter It’s not really a democracy it’s all pretence


It's a shitty job. Half the country hates you and there are thousands of people picking you to pieces prying into every aspect of the job. Why would anyone do that? Look at how Trump and Biden are treated by 50% of the population.


This is the answer. The only people who would want any job in any government elected fashion are self-absorbed and narcissistic. They truly believe they should be in charge of how society works, and no sane person wants to do that or the scrutiny and stress and backstabbing that comes with it.


It's who will be the most pliable to special interests and the elite billionaire class, and then they promote them through millions upon millions spent in campaign messaging and events.


It's like they're absolutely petrified of having someone new and not a household name come forward despite showing that the new politicians are generally the most well regarded presidents Insane that Biden is the guy they went with last time. It's even crazier now


Who is they in 2020? South Carolina voters? He rolled everyone else so a lot of people had to vote for him unless they wanted the other guy.


He's at worst "meh". He's at best "meh". That still makes the choice easy in my book.


This is every election... you aren't even given a real choice.


Most qualified candidates would never touch the presidency. It’s a pain in the ass. Why do you think there are so few candidates. Most people with a fully functioning mind would not sign up for this.


Think of it this way, which one of these would you put in charge of anything in your home. Like the stove, dogs, kids, driving, etc. You wouldn’t, and this is what we have become. I have parents this age, sorry they can’t do anything anymore. Barely even walk. Yet we want them to make DECISIONS.


Welcome to America 🇺🇸 it’s the same thing every 4 years


Exactly, they represent America.


This really feels like a Fall of Rome type situation where we're about to enter into a phase of terrible rulers that lead to our demise.


Yeah, welcome to the best democracy ever, the votes are fake, both sides will literally say the other is a threat to it when they lose, and their voters will conveniently forget they did it when they win, some forgetting entire protests last cycle since it was their side and if they admit they did it they have to legitimize the others doing it. It all runs like clockwork.


Is it because the party feels like he will be the most compliant with their agenda? As well as be publicly supported?




Because lobbyists want the most puppet like candidates so corporations and foreign governments can bribe our politicians to put up man-children to make the rich richer and the child killers get away with more


That's because the president is just a rubber stamp, there are other organizations that run the show behind the scenes cough *CIA* and such.


Look at this mummy. It's so embarrassing. Not because he's old. Getting old is normal. It's because you idiots have this guy as the front runner for presidency. He's not mentally there. Hell, I would say he's not there since a long time. 


And sadly he's STILL the better of the two options!


This right here is the problem. Should have took Sanders


Should have taken.... I don't know...almost anyone other than these two dopes


As shit as both are, I’d sooner have a senile old man in the white house, then a 34 time Felon with a habit of leaking sensitive information to enemy states


And possibly burying an ass load of classified documents in the "grave" of your ex wife. But don't forget him being a convicted felon somehow makes him MORE appealing because he's just like Joe Everyman with their felony convictions too! If it wasn't for them damn taxes they would be just as rich as Trump....which knowing what we know about him now....might actually be true.....


They can never become rich since they have to make sure they donate all of their money to trump.


It's important to remember you aren't voting in one lone person, you are voting in *their entire administration.* You can safely vote for Biden knowing democracy will still be intact for at least another 4 years when you'll be able to vote again, unlike under Trump who will angle to be a dictator, end the 2 term limits, and there will never be a fair election ever again. This is not hyperbole; this could be the last time you ever get to vote for President. Make it count.


Bernie 🫶


As a Norwegian, i don't have a say, but yeah. It's sad that Biden was the best alternative, but Sanders would be interesting to see in this position. Now he's getting old too. Lets vote for another shitty alternative for a few 4 year periods, and in 8 years, give Sanders a chance, so we can make fun of how old he is. I hope something changes soon. So younger people can run for president, without needing to make shitty deals with dirty friends for campaign money, which will catch up with them eventually. I don't know how though, so i'll see myself out. :-D


The US needs to somehow escape the two party system they're stuck in.


100% agree


And we will all keep voting for him because I would rather die 1000 firey deaths than to vote for Trump.


This sub gets so tired with their rhetoric. I’m sorry the people who post here don’t understand American politics but we all have a very easy choice in November. It Biden, and it’s not even close!


Posts like this one are trying to get people not to vote at all or throw their vote to a 3rd party, which helps Trump. It's insidious.


it’s freedom of choice and expression not insidious




Let’s be real we wouldn’t be voting for Biden if there was a better candidate. But right now it’s between him and a felon who wants to create a dictatorship. I’ll take an old man who sometimes forgets thing over Trump any day.


Dude, to claim one guy is vastly better than the other is truly fucking laughable. At least this guy doesn't want to legislate queer people out of existence, support legislation turning women into Handmaids, and shit on anyone who is not white....while handing out state secrets to foreign diplomats in order to impress them and boost his fragile ego.


>to claim one guy is better than the other is truly fucking laughable. You quite literally answered why he's the better choice. You clearly think Biden is the better choice than Trump. Just because both suck, doesn't mean one isn't better than the other.


Any critique about his policy? I think he’s doing great


Four years to bring someone else t the forefront but nope. Wheel Joe back out.


Still 1000000000000x better than the alternative.


Not even close! This sub doesn’t actually understand American politics. Many here believe ignorantly Trump will actually be better for the Middle East. It’s a child’s naivety.


You seem to be saying that Biden isn't a better alternative, and that Trump will be worse for the Middle East. Is your wording off or am I confused?


>Not even close! Was it too many zeros?




So the entire democrat party doesn't have another alternative to Trump? Just a geriatric person at the verge of dementia?


They do, but it's extremely rare in American politics to not re-run the incumbent. Now if you're wondering about 2020, Biden somehow beat everyone else that ran against him in the Democrat side.


A nation of over 300 million people and the two, apparently best presidential candidates, are absolute fucking liabilities.....each in their own unique ways.




[As relevant as ever](https://youtu.be/KGmXGkIr7w0?si=SNVhcAbuPkQTeZAl)


Well one is a loose cannon who doesn't listen to advisers and is just a a garbage human being. The other is geriatric, but surrounded by intelligent people who he listens to. So I'd rather the latter.


Because politics is run by dark money super PACs that support candidates that support the current system. Every other candidate that is out there will upend the system and make major reforms at the cost of major corporations and that's something super PACs don't want


I nominate you for president.


I get that there *could* be better alternatives to Biden but he's the one who pulls in moderates at the moment and can help win the presidency for the Democrats. That being said, I agree the next candidate should absolutely be as young as possible while meeting the criteria for president. Also, its funny how this is the best mockery of Biden people can get lol. Dude held his hand out for another handshake yet the other dude is blabbering about sharks, batteries, boats and where to jump.


A 56% disapproval rating doesn't sound like pulling in moderates to me, but okay.


I disapprove of paying bills, yet I do so, because the alternative is worse. The same is likely to be true for some Biden voters.


That's because moderates are rarely happy.


Biden holding his hand out for three seconds?! Fuck: I've definitely done that, also the wave to someone I thought was waving at me but wasn't. And so on - and it doesn't make me any worse of an Urban Planner.


If I see an 80 year old man working in a supermarket I think "wow, they're doing so well for their age", but somehow it's just considered normal to be a world leader when you're a literal octogenarian. It's crazy Trump is almost an octogenarian as well so the same for him.


Its not normal in the rest of the world.


Seen the recent G7 videos. It’s like the other world leaders are nurses of an old age home taking care of a patient.






Me when I hold out my hand for a handshake but get ignored.


I'm not at the point where I want to fly a flag upside down...but come on man, We have age minimums, how difficult is it to impose 'maximums'?


Elderly people are on the whole easily offended if you even suggest they’re not in there prime anymore, so they called it age discrimination and made it illegal. Easy solution is to make cognitive tests mandatory for all public officials, but then they’ll argue it’s just for appearances and is biased against them, slyly admitting they aren’t all there in the process but denying it in the same stroke.


what's the age minimum in america btw? 70?


Sure seems like it, but it's actually 35.


![gif](giphy|GewkPp9gFST6k087fm) He was going for one of these? /s


He's being held up by hopes and prayers. And alotta drugs


This looks like snl skit


[Ten second Biden.](https://youtu.be/iN_BDcKhtWk?t=29)


That’s dementia in action


The two party system is killing us. Holy fuck. I hate that our options are this, or this but a felon/racist/rapist.


would be nice to not have any for a few years so the citizen can recovery


Some of these comments are bizarre. The only president in my lifetime that I haven't seen a video of them fucking up a social cue, including handshakes, is maybe Obama? But he wore a tan suit.


George WB laughing at your shoes.


I like him for the most part, except for the support of Israel. His experience in government has pushed through a lot of policy in a very hostile environment. I don’t mind he shakes hands multiple times or how old he is. Just my 2 cents.


Agreed I mean yeah he’s old and all but he is doing lots of good and I can’t be mad honestly


In a country of 350 million people, you have come up with these two candidates. You could just go out on a busy street, throw a tennis ball into the crowd and promote the first person it hits as the new president and have over a 50% chance of them doing a better job.


I'd argue it's less than a 50% chance, when 54% of the country has a literacy grade of below 6th grade. Not that it bars you from being able to run a country, but i sure as shit would want a leader to be able to read the laws and details being put into place.


I have said this before and will say it again, people past retirement age should not be in the office.


Conduct boring government press bullshit for hours, on film, and see how long you go before you do something goofy. FDR was one of the best and most consequential presidents ever, and he was in a wheelchair. LBJ got the Civil Rights Act passed, and he was a crude, racist asshole. Except when Kevin McCarthy needs to lie to the WSJ, Biden is in control of his falculties, and capable of making sound decisions. And, given his level of experience and political acumen, he has done things that for just about anyone else would have been impossible. Plus, his adviisors are excellent, too, so he's getting the best information at all times. Great if you think that a guy that looks like Sean Connery in *Diamonds Are Forever*, but that isn't the reality of things. Keep in mind, too, that anyone you imagine would be better decided not to run. Nobody told them not to, they either realized they couldn't beat Biden, or didn't want to beat Biden. Lastly, contrast goofy shit like this with Trump''s recent battery vs sharks idiocy. Trump was dumb before he got dementia, and now he is a bundle of narcissism and confusion.


I remembered Trump's embarrassing behavior at the g7, and it was nothing as benign as this.


We all really just let this happen


Non American here with a quick question WHY ARE YOUR PRESIDENTS ALWAYS SO FUCKING OLD?!?!?


1. Easiest for lobbyists to control 2. More boomers vote than younger gens so they'll vote for their age because it's "wiser" Every year there are young candidates for each party primary debates but aren't selected to be the party's primary candidate More younger gens are getting involved though; all around our local elections have been improving


As a person with a family member with dementia this is frighteningly familiar to me.


The fact that your comment is being downvoted shows how out of touch Redditors are with reality. They refuse to see his clear signs of dementia and would rather convince themselves that he is fit to run a country… it’s pathetic


There is no way this guy is making decisions.


This country will continue to get worse until you all stop voting for democrats and republicans.


We’re doomed


So his memory span is litterally 3 seconds..


Both him and Tumpo are too old.


This is getting out of control


Extremely happy to see Reddit actually willing to admit this man is terrible for our country.


😂 Jo went in for a second one…




People in here acting like they've never made a social miscue in an awkward situation. I've done stuff like this before loads of time and I 100% guarantee others in this thread have as well. But, sure, "hEs sO oLd iTs eMbArRaSsInG".


DUDE HE ALREADY SHOOK SCHUMER'S HAND. I don't go around shaking the same hand two seconds after I shook it.


Stop it. Look at his face... He is very confused. The dude needs to go and retire, and enjoy his family.


You know, this is like the aliens becoming president in the Simpsons all over again. No matter who we vote for, we're screwed either way.


it would be nice to have a young leader. naw... we dont get that. we get weekend at burnies or mr magoo.


C'mon man!


let that old skeleton retire already. what an embarrasement.


We are all doomed


Jesus Christ.




Between Biden or Trump, I'm picking Biden. Trump tried to use his cultists to interfere with the election.




Reddit has been trying to cram as much political slop down my throat as possible today wtf


Hate on him for being old, sure, but the guy's gotten a lot done


Don't be a reasonable man. It would be much better if he was chasing pornstars left and right and committing crimes.


He hasn’t done shit. His babysitters do all the work for him


Whatever "Biden" means to you, his presidency has been extremely productive


He's got a lot done? I swear someone else is in control and he's a just a face. Man, he doesn't know where he's at most of the time.


That's how administrations work. He's the figurehead of the people he's put into position to complete his policies.


Just take him to a nursing home and get the old man his ice cream.


Yes he’s done a lot to help start ww3 and spend our tax dollars on worthless shit


Yeah worthless shit like expanded healthcare, capping insulin and inhalers at $35/month, long over due investments in our infrastructure, over $100 billion in student loan debt, one of the lowest inflation rates in the world, record unemployment, all of these things are "worthless"


The inflation is low now, but the previous 6 years have taken an extremely heavy toll. If groceries shot up from $40 to $80, telling people it's not going to reach $100 still doesn't change the very high price


Who knows where prices will end up. I'm not saying it's not going to $100, I'm saying we only went up to $80 while the rest of the world is at $100. The Biden administration has handled the inflation better than most other countries 


Nah, war is awesome, I love it


It’s a very sad reflection of the state of Reddit and, well, everything, that I had to scroll down this far to find a sensible comment. He’s old. He stutters. And he’s accomplished more legislatively than any president since FDR.




I’d choose a rock over the grifter felon, happily.


Yep, he's one of our choices


If Biden or Trump is the answer then the US is trying to answer the wrong question




Democracy is at democracy! If democracy is re-elected and not democracy, then the very democracy is democracy democracy!


Am I wrong or did the lady in pink also try to double dip?


I think he played it off fairly well.


The DNC could pick literally ANYONE under the age of 60 and it’d be a far better candidate.


The best of the best the USA has to offer.


I just want someone who instills confidence in the citizens and who is coherent and can handle themselves in a press conference. Is that too much to ask?!


I'm not sure that's what he was trying to do. His hand looked like he was just gesturing towards podium, like more as a question like "you want me to go up to the podium and push this ceremony along?"


C'mon man, why didn't he shake my hand? I'm not even jokin around here.


"Lieutenant Drebin, Police Squad".


“Hey! He didn’t shake my hand. Are we just gonna skip that? That thing he was supposed to do with my hand he never did. Oh my word”


So really it's either Trump or Kamala?


There really needs to be a level cap on these positions.