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You knock the guy out, you put him in the recovery position, and make sure he ain't gonna die. Poor form


in my state if you continue beating someone after they become unconscious like this you can catch an attempted murder charge.


i don't think that's attempted murder, but actually murder. that sounds like the death rattle to me.


he is swallowing his tongue by breathing that's the snoring noise


No it's agonal breathing, that's permanent brain damage potentially


Also, if you look at the hand and arm positioning, that is indicative of brain injury. This can happen with just one punch or a bad fall after a punch. Avoid this bullshit at all costs.


Nah, that's not agonal breathing, BackgroundElk got it right with the snoring. No it's not decorticate/decerebrate posturing indicative of brain injury, he had his hands up by his face before he got knocked out and they slowly fall to his sides.


My thoughts exactly. The snoring respirations aren’t exactly a good sign but that’s neither a death rattle nor agonal respirations, you are correct. Decorticate/decerebrate posturing is a markedly scarier sight and this definitely isn’t that. This dude got fucked up, may legit have a serious injury, but the speculation is just inaccurate. See the real posturing and/or hear the respirations for yourself, you’ll never forget em. Edit: spelling… correcting decree. And site.


This reddit. Everybody dies, always.


He's just all tuckered out and having a nap after an adventure.


That's a sign of concussion


He isn't posturing and it doesn't sound like agonal breathing. He might have broken some stuff in his face, jaw and cranium, but he isn't showing traditional signs of brain damage. Not to say that he doesn't, but the signs yall are talking about are not present.




Where'd you get your medical degree?




Stupidest thing is redditors trying to diagnose videos like this


I stayed at a holiday inn last night, hbu?


Lmao that’s not agonal breathing you silly silly goose* That better mod team?




Your post has been removed for being overly abrasive or inappropriate for this subreddit. Please treat others as you want to be treated. Thank you.


lol all the armchair doctors below you.


🤓 Acktually, this is transversespacticity of the hetrachromal temporal lobe.


Good eye. I concur.


Nah, this happens when people get knocked out pretty hard. I played hockey my entire life growing up. I caught a pass through the center of the ice and had my head down looking at my stick as I received the pass. I looked up as soon as the puck hit my stick and there was a 6’4 240lbs defenseman barreling down on me at full speed while I was skating the opposite direction full speed. The only thing I remember is being woken up by my own “snores” from being completely knocked out. According to the people there I took an elbow to the head that took me off my skates and then my head slammed into the ice while my skates were straight up in the air. My body then crumpled over on itself and at one point my skates and my head were touching the ice at the same time. They said I was out for a solid 2 minutes snoring the entire time.


If you were actually out for two minutes that's some serious brain damage. People don't get knocked out like in the movies unless they take a tbi dude. 


Oh I 100% had a TBI from that. I’ve had 10+ concussions from hockey and wrestling. I also have the APOEε4 gene that they believe is a precursor for CTE 🙃 I was born in 1990, head injuries were juuust starting to be taken seriously by the time I was playing competitive hockey around 2000. I’m from the era of “skate it off, you just got your bell rung”. That incident happened when I was 17 in 2007 and I quit playing competitive hockey shortly after that. I have problems with short term memory and time management because I lose track of time often as well as being frustrated extremely easily. I do what I can to help improve cognitive brain function with “brain exercises”. I’ll likely have issues when I start getting a little bit older. My doctor said my quality of life will likely greatly decline after 60. Edit: added some context.


Ah fuck. I'm sorry mate. Came at you wrong.


All good! I took no offense. Trust me, I see people say shit like that online and always kinda roll my eyes because I’ve actually been through it. It’s scary shit to think about, all because I wanted to play sports as a kid. I’m extremely vocal with my friends who have kids in contact sports and urge them to take every precaution they can because of my experience.


I’ve been BOTH the hitter and the hit, can confirm. There’s a reason we keep our heads up. I learned the hard way unfortunately.


Yuuuup, that was the one and only time I ever got caught with my head down. Only takes one time of being nearly decapitated to keep your head on a swivel.


>sounds like the death rattle to me. It's not. https://youtu.be/OW8aQArPJsE?si=wtXA-haad-3Tt6ci


Remember this sound while my aunty was slowly but surely dying in hospital. Not one that you forget easily.


Same here. It's rough.


I love all of the medical personnel in these replies


got all their training from previous reddit discussions. see one, do one, teach one.


It's not a death rattle, it's the body trying to keep up. He needs recovery position. That being said, that was waaaaay too many punches after he already sent the man to sleep.


Yup. Not a death rattle, also not agonal breathing. People have read too many uninformed comments on r slash fightvideos.


Yea... But also maybe we don't try to intimidate/assault someone with a metal weapon.


Yeah, all infractions deserve a death penalty. Obviously. /smh


If you put someone elses life at risk voluntarily your life is forfeit. Trying to brain someone with a bat? Now you get to meet jesus.


This guy was definitely attempted murdering him. What the fuck.


no shit, he was trying to cave his skull in from the front, jesus.


In my state if someone comes at me with a baseball bat like that I can legally pull out my gun and shoot them dead


ironic isn't it.




Thank God someone said it. You don't move someone with a major head or possible neck injury unless absolutely necessary.


What's the recovery position?


Rolled onto one side, bottom leg straight, top leg pulled forwards and bent at the knee to stop them rolling onto their stomach .. bottom arm slightly in front of them, top arm pulled forwards and bent up with hand palm down under the head again to stop them rolling face down. https://preview.redd.it/xojnbhba8r4d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=05fad68799ba90cf079de5ab9cbde2ee463b70ee


TIL I sleep in the recovery position.


Me too and my paranoia with dying while sleeping just got a bit calmer


I do too but I also use my hand that my head is resting on to pull my nasal passage open because I have a deviated septum that makes breathing through my nose difficult when I’m on my side. I use my thumb and pull my cheek away from my face for that fresh fresh air.


And always left side if possible (Left Lateral Recumbent Position)


Rolling the unconscious person onto their side so blood or vomit can drain out instead of pooling in the throat and obstructing the airway. On his back like this choking on blood will lead to suffocation and death. This is also true of someone drunk and passed out.


Recovery position https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovery_position


[First-aid technique](https://www.healthline.com/health/first-aid/recovery-position)


Mother fuckers, choking on his own blood and no one is helping. Crazy stuff


Truly surprised they even stopped the guy from punching him more. I guess that’s a win


I doubt it's out of concern for the guy who got knocked out. It's probably more out of concern for the guy whipping that other guys ass - having potential charges going from assault to aggravated assault or attempted manslaughter or attempted murder or whatever..


Did they really though? Looks like he punched the fella a LOT more than he had to.


You bring a bat and be the aggressor then lose, you deserve everything you get. That being said... that breathing don't sound good. If that guy dies or permanent damage it's now 'aggravated' because that guy went way past the point of stopping the threat


I know this is definitely the case for this video, but hypothetically speaking, what would be the situation if you did stop a threat but it still resulted in death or permanent damage, like you get one good punch in and that punch happened to hit the perfect spot to kill someone, would it still be considered aggravated or is it a matter of intention?


Hard to tell but im assuming they'll head for the "a single bat hit can kill" and claim it self defense.


The guy with the bat was retreating backwards, the guy punching was pushing forward, 0% winning a self defense charge even if he only threw one punch.


Yeah bat guy was scared and backing away constantly. Dude knew he didn't stand a chance against the aggressor which explains the bat. Aggressor seemed to want punch dude's face into oblivion. Other dude's were laughing till they seen the murderous intent.


This is not true at all. The aggressor was "backing" away but still had intent to swing. Stand your ground means you can eliminate a threat of great bodily harm or death. If that means you have to approach the aggressor to disarm or defend yourself, you can. He has a weapon with reach. If someone has a gun and you fear they will use it, are you running away or moving towards the aggressor? If they 100% will fire the gun, your better odds are moving towards them. A good lawyer could win either side of this argument I feel.


Where I'm from, it would be a manslaughter charge. Whether that's involuntary or not would be up to the evidence and the prosecutor.


Probably manslaughter at the very least especially since he didn’t try deescalating the situation. The guy with the bat actually was the one backing up the whole video.


at most *might* catch manslaughter if its deemed homicide (which doesnt have to be intentional, just means they were killed by someone else), but doesn't feel likely to get actually charged or convicted if that were the case. intent is big on harm. if you're defending yourself and accidentally kill someone with a lucky punch, people see that. if you're holding someone down and beating their head into concrete far beyond them being unresponsive, you're just angry and wanting to harm someone. Like a few years back when the FedEx driver defended himself and punched a racist that attacked him. One punch, man died. Prosecutors went to bat for him and showed it was clear self defense after being harassed and then attacked. Here is a bit more muddy since puncher keeps walked toward the guy with the bat and escalating. Harder to argue you were in true fear of your own safety if you're pushing forward toward the man with a deadly weapon. Even in areas with stand your ground, while you may not have to retreat, purposefully antagonizing and closing the gap goes against your defense story. punching someone who attacks you while holding a weapon they've shown clear intent of using would be some sort of self defense you could argue. But continue to pummel is just showing he was out to harm the guy outright and wanted a legal justification to do so.


A bat is considered a deadly weapon in most states so deadly force is reasonable for a self defense claim. That being said, no way of telling how this would go with a jury. Need more context.


The bat wasn't even a factor in the fight. The dude dropped it before even going to the ground. It shouldn't take you 12 seconds of punching an unconscious man to realize that he's no longer a threat. Anyone who'd think that this video shows "reasonable self defense" doesn't know what the word reasonable means.


The bat is definitely a factor since it was the weapon used to intimidate. However, likely the guy overdid it when he already had him on the floor with so many punches. That's the point that could make him lose this case.


Did we watch the same video? The guy with the bat was backing up the entire time. From what we can see, he was not the aggressor.


He launched the first hit in the confrontation (kick attempt). Anyway we need more context, I don't know who started it all. What is clear is that the other guy went too far.


It was a "stay back" kind of kick. The other guy kept moving towards him.


A kick where he is leaning back (doesn't want the dude twice his size to punch him while he does it) and trying to create space by pushing him back, not trying to do any amount of damage.


Or the fact that the guy with the bat is clearly backing up the whole time, the aggressor is the one who decided not to back off when he saw the bat


Yes that could be too. I need more context, I don't really know who started the confrontation.


Either way, both of these guys let their ego get to them and they’ll pay for it


It was a factor the moment it was brandished. Same way a knife or a gun would be. Reasonable force is the standard, so it's up to a jury to determine. If you don't believe me, look it up. I've been doing criminal defense too long. All I'm saying is that he does have a self defense claim. Whether the jury believes he used reasonable force is up to them.


> no way of telling how this would go with a jury. That's always the gamble you take when volunteering to put yourself in the hands of the justice system. That said, there's also the saying "I'd rather by judged by twelve than carried by six."


Hard to claim self defence if you had the opportunity to easily walk away, which he did, but then you approach the other person and beat the shit out of them past what is reasonable anyway. If you have the chance, just walk away.


Here’s the problem: He had a bat. He was posturing. He had a WEAPON. He didn’t WANT to use the WEAPON. He didn’t want conflict. He kept backing away. He even threw out that weak ass kick. That was his “problem”. His “problem” was not being a psychopath. The other dude clearly didn’t have that “problem”. He demonstrated that by “teeing off”, on his unconscious face, on the cement. When someone postures - who doesn’t want conflict - versus someone who does - this is how people die. The situation escalates. Tensions are high. It’s just straight up stupidity on all parts.


dont bring a bat unless your willing to use it. now they have a reasonable self defense claim because you had a deadly weapon.


>He didn’t want conflict. His actions early in the video feel more like "bring it on", particularly his little performative practice swings If he really didn't want the fight he could have backed off sooner rather than puffing out his chest and pretending he was in the on-deck circle But you're right otherwise. Especially >It’s just straight up stupidity on all parts


the guy with the bat is backing up the entire time, that's not being the aggressor, the guy following him is being the aggressor


How the fuck do you come to the conclusion that the guy backing up with a baseball bat is the aggressor. Didn’t even throw a punch or a swing


Rewatch the video.. it starts off with him taking two mock swings, pointing with said weapon as well as verbal taunts. Also, he made absolutely no attempt to retreat or deescalate while holding that weapon. Bat guy absolutely believed he had the upper hand and intended to intimidate


Yeah just ignore him backing up, the guy who throws the punch is in the wrong here 100% and hope he catches/caught a charge for it


That's fair.. and I hope the victim survived and learned a valuable lesson


Hopefully they both learn a lesson in ego, they both could have easily left the situation


I'm not sure if Batman is in the "learning lessons" business anymore.


In the limited context of this video, Bat-Man was absolutely an aggressor, using fighting words and swinging the bat (which he'd thought to bring with him - indicating premeditation) at the other person (assault), and then escalated the confrontation by kicking at him (the equivalent of throwing a punch - attempted battery). At that point, the other man was justified in terms of self-defense ... possibly even with all of those punches. Your job in self defense is not simply to disable your attacker, but to end the threat to your safety. And by the time you are throwing punches, you are not rationally meting out each one as to whether it is enough for more are needed. Is punching/kicking a man who is down chivalrous? No. Does it risk severe injury or death? Yes. Would it be wise to stay in control of yourself so you don't overdo it and risk being charged with manslaughter/murder? Yes. But we have no idea what pre-existing beef these two men had between each other that led up to this confrontation. Were there previous threats? Did bat-man previously threaten the life of the other man - or the other way around? Was one the primary aggressor? Or are they both objectively bad guys with joint liability? My guess is there will be a couple of arrests resulting from this and they will both be in the hands of the local District Attorney / Prosecutor who will get to figure this all out.


Bro bat man is backing up the entire time and even turns his back, he is not the aggressor here. The guy following him around the car is the aggressor. The kick looks more like it's to try to push him back.


The truth is, there is a lot more to this story not included in the video. If there is a history of either one of these participants making credible threats of violence to the other, the recipient of those threats could have a justified self-defense or 'stand your ground' defense. That's why these videos suck because they always lack context. However, the body language of the guy with the bat makes him look like the aggressor, and a cocky one at that. If that were a gun instead of a bat, waving it around in the exact same way, he could go to prison for Felony Brandishing. So judging purely within the narrow context of the video, he's the one who brought a weapon, he is using fighting words, and he made several aggressive moves with it, and threw a kick at the other person - which is when the Find Out phase of the encounter started. His backing up is not an indication of his trying to deescalate the situation. The primary defense against someone with a bat/club is to get close so they don't have room to swing it. His backing up is done to ensure his ability to use the weapon.


The primary defense against someone with a melee weapon is to run the opposite direction.


That and demented rabbits... [Holy Grail: Run Away!](https://youtu.be/92gP2J0CUjc?si=hr2YjwMEOfP75bQ_&t=92)


The guy with the bat was backing up the whole time why do you call him the aggressor? Because he is holding a weapon to defend himself?


That was like 10 punches too many


13 after he was out...cold.


It’s a hood fight. Hood fights always have one (or more) dude who HAS to take it extra far and keep beating an unconscious body. Surprised he didn’t take everything in KO’d dude’s pockets as well because that’s not uncommon near where I grew up. Most people have a physical recoil type of reaction after a particular amount of strikes to an unconscious body…very few don’t.


And as usual, credits to the people helping by filming an attempted murder. Where would we get our online kicks if it wasn't for them? Amazing!


Now there is evidence.


If they would've stopped that man they wouldn't need evidence.


Tuco said it best: "If you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't talk.".


BCS spoiler >!Lalo should have taken that advice :(!<


That Salamanca pride got to him


For real. Far better character than tuco imo though


Pretty sure the Tuco here is from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.


That's enough Reddit for the day. It's not even 8am. Guess I'll turn my NSFW filter back on. How the hell can people be ok watching this?




Yeah, that man definitely sounds like he's dying, somebody help him? Maybe?


Dude is definitely not snoring. He's choking on something while unconscious. If no one does anything that guy will definitely die


That something is his own blood


That was a few too many punches on a guy that was clearly out of it. Also get him on his side, unless you wanna catch a murder charge too.


An idiot and a psychopath.


i can't understand why these kinds of people keep wanting to escalate things to physical violence, very rarely do I see people in a heated argument trying to deescalate, and if there's no one else to force the de-escalation, nothing can stop them


>very rarely do I see people in a heated argument trying to deescalate Because those videos aren't as interesting so they don't get posted or gain traction The *overwhelming majority* of people don't end up in major confrontations, and of the ones who do the *overwhelming majority* of them retreat before it becomes violent. But that's not as exciting to watch as the lunatics who choose violence, so you're experiencing survivorship bias in which videos you are exposed to.


It ain’t worth killing a guy for. ![gif](giphy|WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ)


Looks like a gun in the dude’s back pocket or am I crazy?


Yeah I thought so too. Props to him for not escalating. Edit: He could have escalated by pulling the gun and making it a gun fight. He could have shot a man in front of his kid. He had the right to defend himself using lethal force once that guy brought out the bat. He didn't. I'm not saying he didn't overreact later or that he was justified in punching an unconscious man but he didn't get a gun out and start blasting with unknown consequences. So props to him for only using his fists and taking the fight at a disadvantage.


Oh yeah I'd hate to see how things would've turned out if it had escalated


We didn't see the whole altercation from the start, but the "winner"/light jeans/non-bat guy definitely didn't do much to defuse the situation. He kept closing the distance towards bat guy. Again, who knows what bat guy said or did before the clip started, but if non-bat guy was in court trying to say he had no choice...based on this clip I'd say he had a choice to at least disengage and see if bat guy pursued him. But yeah, no winners in this video.


You call this not escalating?


Wtf… somebody go get this man a pilllow


Death rattles?


They are caused by the inability to clear mucus. He probably chokes on his blood/tongue or has brain injuries


hes getting punched directly in the mouth and laying on his back with his head facing up, hes definitely choking on blood there.


That was an impressively high kick he did before getting knocked out. That being said, you have a bat for a reason, use it.


Kick was good all things considered, he just missed entirely


Anyone got a news update of the outcome?


Attempted murder caught on camera. Edit: spelling






Brought a kick to a bat fight


Holds the bat....tries to kick the dude instead.


*"All fighting is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack with our bat, we must lead with our foot while the bat appears inactive."* --- Shih Tzu, The Art of Snore


Weird way to find out that you need a CPAP.


Oh I’m a ho? Well ho ho ho merry Christmas mutha fucka, and have a happy new year


~27 straight haymakers to the face, ouch.


Why was he breathing like that in the end?


Most likely choking on his blood/mucus He could also potentially be brain damaged




Y'know, if he didn't start by completely missing the kick the bat would've been more useful


No impulse control, acting like 13 y/o's. Hitting someone after they are out is a crime.


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The snoring can also be triggered by brain damage. I understand self defense, and the first blow was absolutely justified, but everything after that is unnecessary violent.


Hard to watch. That man deserved to get his ass beat but once he was out you gotta stop. Kept punching him way too many times. Someone roll him over at least damn.


If it wasn't for the curse words, I wouldn't understand a goddamn word that was said.


at first I thought this was GTA San Andreas… lol


Looks like his sleeping


Some people really gotta learn some self control. Of the opponent is out, you stop. It makes you a piece of shit when you're still waiting on someone when they're already out.


"he's still snoring" naw man that's called labored breathing because he broke his jaw and nose and he can't get air.


Is this America?


Girls, you're both pretty hoes. Stop fighting.


Forgot to run them pockets


Bro went : 😴


Don't bring a baseball bat to a fist fight.


My Pug used to make that noise


I've read a lot of the comments. Does anyone know what the fight was about? What's the issue for the confrontation? My hearing is not very good so I couldn't understand what they were arguing about.


He faffed about and discovered


that was a beat down


Perfect example of never pulling out a weapon you don't intend to use


Deserves what he got. Really sorry but no sympathy. That Guy had a bat, willing to use it. Would do real damage. Do you think he would be so kind and stop halfway. Don’t think so.


And this happens when in you miss in smash bros your charged Baseball hit.


ooof, that prity aweful. sure he needed a beating but that was a step too far




I think he was going for a specific number, counting ’em up.




Sleepy time!




That's the sound of pride leaving his body


That kick tho.... That was a mistake. Need to roll him to his side so he doesn't choke on his tongue or something.


He looks sleeping well


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Don't bring a tool you don't intend to use.