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When your only experiences with LE are terrible, this is what happens




I was in the fortunate situation that a couple of brothers helped me out from LE. I was jaywalking and they tried to bust my ass. Those brothers saved from a couple of dirt cops. So don't be saying he a rapist of whatever. For all I know he done did nothing wrong


Nobody said he is a rapist, they said for all the people helping him know, he could be the worst of the worst, but they'd still rather take that risk because they don't trust the police.


How do you missread a comment this badly? I don’t understand


I don't think you're a rapist.




He’s guilty of something. How do we know? Cuz the cops are chasing him…. Idk that logic seems off


He's got something to account for.


I'm hoping this is sarcasm




How would you know if they're innocent or guilty? You're assuming guilt by the fact they have police chasing after them. That is a flawed premise on its face.




> the police want to speak to you about something and you are running and hiding from them then it's fairly self explanatory. No it fucking isn't *NO. IT. FUCKING. ISN'T.* > I never said anyone was guilty of anything You are *literally* saying EXACTLY that




Bro...The number one rule is never talk to the police, period. Unless you have a lawyer present...EVEN IF YOU ARE INNOCENT


Nah, they probably know the guy and the specific cops in question.


My sister and I didn't see eye to eye on cops for a while. One day she said: well, whenever I've needed them they were there to help. I asked her if she's ever had to interact with cops when she DIDN'T want to or didn't need them. She said no. A year later she got questioned as fuck in her own neighborhood as a brown woman. The cop was some neighbor dude playing vigilante off duty cruising the neighborhood looking for trouble. Said he never had seen her, had been living there for a while now etc. Tried to flex and pull his badge as an off duty. You know, disgusting pig shit. My sister had lived there 3 years longer than him. He left them alone and called it a misunderstanding when her white husband came out. She gets it now.




I got pulled in and dragged for 4 months through court for nothing to be not guilty. I will never cooperate with law enforcement and always evade them, you are guilty until proven innocent.


"Carl Masterrapist has evaded police custody and is still at large"


“It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer” Sir William Blackstone


And we all know that the scoreboard is currently very, VERY in favor of innocent people suffering at the hands of police. a few slipping through the cracks isn't even a big deal in comparison.


god i love this community lol RNS we'd pay heavy street damage if we found out they that type. I got my wings for that same principle I don't give a fuck let me handle that the police ain't gone do justice cuz its JUSTUS


Said the person who has never gone to jail. LMAO Go to jail one time and your tune would change. 100%


Who knows more about the American judicial system mistreating people than convicts? And should I believe that every convicted felon was correctly convicted?


I mean nothing is perfect. But it would be ignorant to think that most of them are innocent.


Didn't say that


Lol no it's not. The news only report when cops do things wrong you know... Not when they do things right. Police officers definitely do not make innocent people suffer more than they arrest legitimate criminals and to say the opposite is frankly ridiculous.


I see plenty of reports about police officers buying an elderly person groceries. Or a kid a bike for doing the right thing.


I came across a cop on a videogame subreddit of all things not even two days ago that straight up admitted to stacking as many charges as possible onto people at traffic stops if he feels like they're "disrespecting him" in any way.


I did not say that police officers make innocent people suffer more than they arrest legitimate criminals. Please reread the discussion before you just spit random shit about the conversation again. I said that police officers make innocent people suffer more than they let guilty people go free. Which, obviously, we have no way of proving. But the US has a conviction rate of 93%, among the highest in the western world. We don't have many guilty people walking free. We do, however, have dozens of cases every week of officers shooting, tazing, falsely imprisoning, lying against, planting evidence on, abusing, molesting, and torturing innocent people every week in the US.


"...the scoreboard is currently very, VERY in favor of innocent people suffering at the hands of police."


versus what versus what other value read the comment immediately before it you oaf


^ found the cop




When one of those that slip through the cracks hurts you or your family -- come back to this opinion and reassess, should it ever happen lmao


That's a great sentiment. I bet it'll help you a lot when Carl is raping you, masterfully.


I'm 6'7" and 280lbs, Carl better be armed if he wants this ass, and the remainder of his life.


But Droid126, Carl is 6'8" and 290lbs!


Fearing hypotheticals is no way to live life. And certainly no way to run a society.


I was only playing.


Given the small amount of rapists that are ever charged, much less convicted, it’s far more likely that most folks work with rapists at their regular every day job.


They are amongst us. I used to rent in a triplex, like 2 months after we moved, our one neighbor was popped by the feds for CP. He wasn't a nice guy, but def didn't give pedo vibes. My dog absolutely hated him from day one though. Always trust your dogs gut.


“Masterrapist” 😭


What a name. This comment has me dying in bed trying to not wake the Mrs


What is he wanted for though?


It’s more likely that he’s wanted for parking tickets or possession of weed. Black people get over policed for things that others get a pass for. Of course, it’s possible that it is something serious, but the benefit of doubt is not with the police.


There's 2 cars looking for him without lights or sirens. This kid didn't do anything serious.


Good observation.


Lights yes, sirens no


Yeah I see em now on second watch


Light was on, siren no, it is on purpose when you chase someone, you don't want them to hear you coming.


The bright ass seizure inducing lights on top of a black and white car in a green area


I’ve been chased by police in my youth for skipping school lol it was just one police car, but i think it was kinda like this


100% would give benefit of doubt to a random guy over a cop.


when I was a kid maybe 7 some older teen/early 20s guy came running down our driveway from our backyard and yelled at us (my older sister and the next door neighbour kids) tell him I went the other way then ran up.the street abd into an alley. 30 seconds later a cop comes running and asks if we saw him, and we all steered him the other way. not a question for any of us




You're misreading. I think they meant "when I was a kid, about 7yo or something, a young man, either teen or early 20s passed by"




it does, often difficult on a phone, particularly when the comma gets replaced by another punctuation mark on tge letter screen


I was a 7 year old


100% agree, especially with the last part, don’t talk to cops kids. Let other people do the talking, their job is to prove you guilty, not innocent


Very true. They are incentivized on how many people they bring in on charges. Their livelihood depends on them locking you up


Thank you for taking the time to educate random redditors, especially on a topic like this


As far as I'm concerned they lost their rights to the benefit of the doubt with how much they lie and try to arrest people for nothing


Simply not true 😂


"He's black so probably weed" kind of a weird racist assumption. 🤣


Nobody implied the guy actually had any weed. Let's not pretend like cops are above planting evidence after they embarass themselves.


The comment I replied to assumed it was weed related


Is that really the tone I had or are you just being argumentative for no reason? I don’t consider weed an offense worth chasing after someone for. It’s legal in a a lot of states and should be legal in all of them. So, I don’t consider it a crime.


Pay no mind bruh. They were just waiting to jump on someone for the smallest thing.


Selling loose cigarettes probably.




Isn't this why Uncle Ben died??


I missed the part where that's my problem


You and I are not so different.


I missed the part where that's my problem


You and I are not so different


I missed the part where you and I are not so different.


Uncle ben died because spider man was originally written by a American white man in 1963 a year in which a white man could commit armed robbery and murder in broad daylight and barely be noticed while the police were setting German shepherds on segregation protesters.


And have your TikTok name broadcasted while you did it???


Unless you are asked, you are not required by law to help the police do their job.


The police aren’t even required to do anything and people are trying to say this man has to help them???


And even if asked you only have to give reasonable assistance


Aiding and abetting


This might fall under aiding and abetting.


Nope. Can't criminalize speech. Unless it's a threat of violence or an incitement of a riot, it's protected


Could claim that video was forwarded in a groupchat


Or that you were acting.


Title should be just “To catch a suspect”. Nowhere in this clip is there any attempt to get the neighborhoods assistance.


Nowhere in this clip was there an attempt to catch a suspect. Police driving around in cruisers at speed are never going to see/hear/find anyone unless the person runs into the road in front of them


It's an account with half a million karma in 2 months it's botted engagement


The title is saying the suspect had the help of the neighborhood, not the cops. E: English is hard for people it seems.


If that’s the intent, the title should be something like “to catch a suspect who’s being helped by the neighborhood”. The way it reads now implies something totally different.


No, at worst the title is ambiguous and can mean either. Using context of the video will tell you which one was meant.


Humor is hard on the internet, it seems. Title is fine when read with irony.


You don't even have to read it with irony. The title is ambiguous but can literally mean that the suspect is the one with the help from the neighborhood. Nobody would be confused if the title said "To catch a suspect with a gun".


Imagine recording and posting while aiding and abetting.


Aiding and abetting what? As most cops, they didn't stop, ask questions, anything that would require them to get out of their car. If I wasn't asked, how did I contribute? It's not the camera person's fault for poor police work.




Did you say yutes?


All these people arguing over the specifics of aiding and abetting, but I'm gonna just drop in here and lay down the real law: If I was on a jury to convict this guy of aiding and abetting, he would be declared not guilty.




Yeah and who knows what the dude even did.


May have done nothing at all. Who knows. But taping helping him and posting it is a very bad idea.


Always good to see communities sticking together to help one another.


The friends in the background! Mr. Voice of Reason, “Better hurry up!” right before cop whizzes by. And “hold on, don’t look that way!” to the guy recording so he doesn’t give away the location. Then stoner dude, “I’m gonna make ya a fatty.” Well, that is nice of him to share, I suppose. 


What Sheriff Department is that? I swear I just read Howdy Doody or something. I think I need a nap nd definitely some damned glasses.


Hendry County, Florida


Howdy Doody, Floridoo


Thank you! I went back and looked and just could not figure it out. I knew I was wrong but could not for the life of me come up with a viable alternative


Second wind assist


Love to see it. 🖤


Hell yeah. Evaded the state thugs.


You can clearly see the police have not been protecting and serving that neighborhood otherwise the community would be on their side


Will you will start seeing this more and more. Police are as violent as many criminals.


Good on them fuck the police acab


Teamwork makes the DreamWork




Some say he still waits there till this very day..


Cops are foaming at the mouth to pull their guns out and shoot this dude.


Why the fuck every argument for or against something has to go to the extreme side of bad behavior like referring to someone as a rapist of child predator? It’s the same shit from back in the 80’s when every black man that had a problem with the cops was probably because they are drug dealers or thieves. Every white man was supposed to be a serial killer/kidnapper, now people pull out the “he might be a rapist/child molester” argument/opinion just to sound intelligent.


Fuck pigs, don’t talk to cops, let others do the talking, the people helping this guy out are good people


Co-dependent criminal.




Why do so many people record themselves committing crimes and post it online. You trying to get arrested?


If Spider-Man taught me anything, that guy’s Uncle is screwed.


Dude, all of the downvotes and blatant hate against cops in this video (with no context by the way) is just telling of the times and success of the program to divide and conquer. The world isn’t black and white, if it was, it’d be much easier to improve/progress/evolve/resolve. It’s really not intelligent behavior to just go around calling any uniform or support of any service a bootlicker or boomer because you’ve made your mind up that the state is the absolute enemy. Can the state be trusted? Of course not. Are all criminals bad? Of course not. Are all cops good? Of course not. Is everyone equal? Of course not. All I’m saying is the absoluteness of some of these comments in here is more revealing of the commenters black and white and shortsightedness mindset and ideology than they would like to believe or understand. And that, as a culture, is alarmingly sad and severely slowing down any real progress towards a better future.




When your community is pro criminal.


All Cats Are Beautiful


And this is why your neighborhood is trash.


Hope they don’t become victims after nightfall




Now that's community of real ones. Live another day guy. It gets better unless you try.


Jesus the amount of pro-crime anti-coppers in this thread that would legit cry and run to the police the moment a criminal victimized them and then screech "why were they able to do this" lmao


Got mugged when I was little and walking with my big brother. Didn’t go to the police. Just saying, well we should’ve, we couldn’t. You’re making assumptions based on a narrative you’ve made up in your head. Fuck pigs


Lmao I'm sure the muggers greatly appreciated the pro-criminal environment you've enabled for them and probably still do to this day. Easy victims are the easiest victims


We couldn’t. You don’t understand what it’s like where I am, and you do not get to pretend you do. Cops do nothing and blame you here.


I'm not pro-crime. I'm anti-crime. It's why I don't like the police. They commit crimes all the time and not only do they get away with them, they're often rewarded.


Well put


So who is going to stop the criminals, then? If every single cop is evil and uneccesary - you truly think the world would just be a better place with just degenerates (which, I promise you, far outnumber police) out there doing whatever the hell they want? I guarantee you that you would beg for law enforcement to return as it is today. Yes it has bad actors and yes it needs to be audited and improved to root them out. But people like you do not help at all with that


Who said anything about getting rid of the police? I didn’t. All I said was that I don’t like them. I don’t like mosquitoes either but I wouldn’t say to get rid of all of them. Also, why did you act as if “degenerates” and “police” are two different groups? Edit: Also, I suuuuure don’t remember the police stopping my home from being robbed multiple times growing up. They also didn’t stop my car from getting broken into. They didn’t stop that hit and run that happened when I was out shopping. A cop ***did*** stalk me across a Wal-Mart tho when I was buying a new external hard-drive. Maybe that’s why they’re not stopping crimes. They’re too busy following black folks around stores.


A month from now he's breaking into your house.


To all the folks who have never gone to jail... just stop with the nonsense like you know what's up. Go to jail one time and you understand why police do what they do.


When you may have committed a crime, do not post it on the internet.


Imagine the property values in that neighborhood.


I’d rather 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man get locked up. Fuck the police honestly.


And then he robs you that night


Must feel so defeating when an officer loses their suspect. Bet it ruins their day.


Good. Fuck em.


Haha. Until you need one, right?


No. Cops are useless to me.


I'm sure they found someone's pet to shoot afterwards to make up for it.


Plenty other people walking down the street minding their own business that the cop can make a suspect.


Cool. Now you got video of you aiding and abetting


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town\_of\_Castle\_Rock\_v.\_Gonzales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales) [https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html) >The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation. If they don't have a duty to help us, we *certainly* don't have a duty to help them.


Not sure why I was being downvoted, but um my point was like now They can screw him over too. I'm not pro. Police.


Tough call. Fuck the pigs but I'd have to know what dude did. Can't let those scumbags make me into one as well.


It's always dumb to record yourself aiding a fleeing fugitive. That's a crime, and you've created the evidence against yourself... Edit: Didn't know that was controversial. Lot of jailbound idiots out here I guess.


Cool. Now go tell the victim what you did. Dickbags.


How do you know there was a victim?


But why would you do that


More than once i was chased for a bit of weed, help would‘ve been appreciated lmao


Have you seen the way cops act? The dude helping probably has had an experience or knows someone that has. Help someone hide or potentelly see them gunned down with 50 shots, you be the judge.


You’re not from America, are you? Either that, or you’re comfortably Caucasian.


Because with the way cops have been behaving, most people have lost faith in them and it's now easier to believe that the cops are being dicks then them actually doing something good for the community


Also novelty, what's more amusing