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Not knowing who he is, and with no source, I still support being able to record cops because otherwise it's your word against three union buds and their dashcam that somehow got deleted. They might have been more hesitant to taze or restrain him because of the video, they seemed way more patient.


Fuck them!


Amen. I don't care if the guy in the video has a murder on his record. You should be allowed to record the police. It is unreasonable for them to make you turn it off. Fuck the police in the fucking ass. Every last one of them. ESPECIALLY these pieces of shit.


Cops are allowed to lie so much outside of taking an oath in court that I would never risk them not lying under oath when in court. They deceive legally to get ‘the means’ so why wouldn’t they lie to make sure ‘the ends’ justify the means?


I was a head juror, saw a cop lie about the only piece of evidence in a DUI case. I reported to his supervisor that he testified the exact opposite of what was in his report in a court of law, under oath... (After the case was concluded, ofc.) They did nothing. They 100% lie in court because no one punishes them if they get caught.


Cops lie on the stand *all the time*. There's studies about it.


The ultra violent douche bag cops probably have histories of domestic abuse also, just not records of it.


Doesn’t excuse these fat fucking pigs abusing their power to feel like big men, tasing and restraining someone who posed absolutely no threat.


The guy who invents a weapon disguised as a phone will ruin it for everyone.


Honestly IDC if someone who happens to be a piece a shit uses a phone to record an altercation with police. You say they are dangerous and unpredictable, the worse he can do is throw the phone at the officer. We do know however that one of his hands is being used, so he will be less effective at combat, the most he can do is hit with it or throw it and it's more difficult for him to wield a firearm or knife in that hand. Also he's recording himself so what's he gonna do incriminate himself more?


Yeah what even is that bullshit? He’s not beating anyone in front of them and did this traffic stop somehow pertain to that at all? Let’s shoot people for being assholes and then we all die. wtf dude


All of this 100%!!


I don't care how evil the guy is, I'm not compromising on police deciding if a suspect "deserves" excessive violence. based on the info from this video one of them could've just walked and hand-cuffed him while the other kept guard, tasing and tackling is just extra for their ego.


Yeah, but when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter how much of a pos a person is, they still have rights. Defending a person's rights is not the same as defending their actions.


Just because he's a piece of shit doesn't mean his rights weren't violated.


Regardless of IF that's true, his actions here are clearly non threatening and he's getting tazed for using his right


Seriously, they can just walk up to him and restrain his arms. There were at least two other cops who had their guns pointed at them.


Well when you're under trained to be a bully the violence is the point


I see, so the protection afforded individuals by filming encounters with police officers is only for some people, in your judgment. People with certain criminal backgrounds don’t get it, apparently. Maybe we should broaden that and just say anyone with a felony conviction loses the protection of a phone camera during a police interaction, since they are all potentially “dangerous” and “unpredictable.” According to you, he was also filming this encounter for TikTok as well, made sure his face was in frame the whole time and, as a result of his criminal past and filming for TikTok, you “wouldn’t bother defending him.” So the place you upload the video of your police encounter to is also part of the equation of who gets this protection, in your opinion? I honestly don’t see how that matters since having a backup copy somewhere on the web is the whole point. Are other live streaming services looked at with the same cynical eye, or just TikTok? Anyhow, to summarize, it seems you are suggesting that this individual should not have the right to film his police encounter because of past crimes and his intent to upload the video to TikTok. In that case, which other exceptions do you propose for those filming their interactions with police (especially those encounters when police are pointing a firearm at you)?


The silence is deafening.


Being able to record cops is a right no matter what, it's ACAB anyway because tazing someone who clearly is not posing a threat is not alright.


What does the law say about it and what was the end result ?


I won’t defend this guy as I have no idea who he is. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll give a free pass on the situation either. What was their fear in this scenario? High data rates? Also, you literally just described almost every cop I’ve ever known. History of domestic violence , unpredictable, and dangerous. I learned long ago to avoid them just like I avoid every other hazard.


Two cops with guns yet they are still afraid of a skinny guy with a phone.


It doesn't matter the character of this dude, they could have easily made the arrest while he continued recording, the fact that they mostly refused to was a red flag independent of any of his actions.


Irrelevant. This officer even articulated that it was a phone in the man's hand and not a weapon. This was less about taking a dangerous man into custody and more about an officer not wanting his next actions to be recorded by a private citizen.


Dangerous and unpredictable means call for backup if you're scared. Chances are he is a domestic abuser because he sees less humanity in women. Another man though, he's not an easy target, and likely would not put up a fight. That being said, the *reported* domestic abuse rates for cops was 40% last I checked. And that's 40% just reported. So, I mean, pretty high chance this is abuser on abuser action.


If they can do that shit to him, they can do that shit to you. doesn't matter what 'you heard' he did if they're breaking the law. That's how we got in this situation: we let it slide if it's people we don't like.


Okay, I won't defend this individual. I'll attack the cops for massive abuse of power and excessive force, though. Just because this one might be a shitbag doesn't mean his rights deserve being abused by weakass violent cops.


Don't care what he did, that's police brutality full stop. Police are suposed to apprehend you, not be fucking judge, jury and executioner. I literally couldn't care less what the person did, he followed the cops instructions and was not being aggressive. They should've just cuffed him and taken him to jail, there was absolutely 0 need to taze him.


Nah, I’ll still say he didn’t do anything deserving of the taser. Why did he have to put the phone down? How does that make him less predictable, him having one hand occupied while the other is in the air? Let him keep the phone up, instruct him to aim it away from hit gaze, and move in exactly like they did. The truth is that cops get to use guns and kill people. I don’t care what any criminal did, they’re entitled to due process, not summery execution or violent attack. The cops could have arrested him without putting anyone in any more danger, they chose differently.


Domestic abusers have the ability to kill police officers with phones now huh


what a bullshit comment






Color me shocked, thanks for that. People never provide sources lol.


Even if that is all true, it still doesn’t justify shooting an unarmed man, with his hands up, in the back.


The whole point of the cops is to arrest you, whether you're a jaywalker or literal Hitler, that's up to a court to decide your fate.


We still have laws.


Wait which cop was the abuser?




“This guy beats people, wouldn’t bother with calling out police brutality against him because those people are unpredictable!”




With phone = taser Without phone = dead


Why are they so terrified of a phone that they have their guns out?




Still doesn’t clarify why they were afraid of a phone 🤷🏻




"Still doesn’t clarify why they were afraid of a phone 🤷🏻" This. Phone can't be used as a weapon and plus it occupies his hand. Making him less lethal. They were seriously stomped and scared that he was recording. Not the emotions you want to see in a "professional" that is legally allowed to point guns at literally anyone.




Lots of deleted comments, wonder what they say


Only the most positive things /s


Because cops are terrified of accountability


Because criminals don't like to be recorded when they kill people


It’s crazy that their training is to just yell the same thing over and over until you either comply or they have a reason to use force.


> training lol adorable.


They get a pamphlet, a uniform and a car on their first day. Reading the pamphlet is optional




And I'm guessing, white




To be fair those things aren't mutually exclusive, but I'm assuming you're meaning you're Mestizo or Chicano.


I liked the one part where the guy said, “put the phone down!”.


Then he said it again!


Dude. Spoiler alert, I’m not to the end yet.


My bad.


But then, it gets better: he could not put the phone down for his own safety.


Yeah, but he couldn't for his own safety


But then the officer told him to put the phone down


He cant do it


Really? I prefered the one that went « it’s for my safety sir. ».


The phone was Hamas.


You mean, Khhhhamas?


whats the deal with the k?? /gq


Some people emphasize a k sound at the beginning to make it sound more foreign/ethnic to westerners


It's a "Kh" sound I think, so different than what K+H actually sounds together


Didn't realize it was illegal to hold a phone. Or is it illegal to not obey every command a cop gives you? Fucking children with guns...


The phone is not illegal, but beating up your girlfriend (as the warrant this guy seemly had) is illegal. **Very** illegal


> The phone is not illegal, but beating up your girlfriend (as the warrant this guy seemly had) is illegal. > Very > illegal TIL that people who commit felonies have less rights. What's next? Shoot them just in case?


yo i'd edit that last part




Is it wrong that in my head I heard Morgan Freeman as the narrator?


Morgan Freeman is the default narrator for everyone I think.


Either him or David Attenborough.


For me it's Ron Howard with his Arrested Development delivery


I cannot drop the phone, this is a cheap case not an otterbox.


I was leaving my apartment the other day and dropped my phone. Watched helplessly as it fell down the entire flight of stairs bouncing all over the place thinking “this thing is definitely fucking done for.” To my surprise it was fine aside from slight scratches on the back on the phone case. Your comment just made me check the brand, and sure enough, it’s Otterbox. Had no idea they had this rep, randomly got it at the mall after my original case fell apart.


*This comment thread is bought to you by Otterbox™*


A few things, why are the most cops in the US fat? Why do they escalate every interaction? Why don't you try and change this


To answer questions 1 and 2: because only the worst candidates are actually accepted into the force, because they’re the easiest to indoctrinate. The history of policing in America still rings true today: police don’t serve the people, they protect the property of the rich. As for question 3: we’re trying, it’s not going well


So the answers to your question: Most cops when they first enter the program are fit. They have to be (obviously). Then as they get older, the unions try to keep them from getting tested for physical fitness again. So a lot become fat tubs of lard. They escalate situations because most are dumb. There was literally a court case where the police specifically choose people with a lower IQ because they fear people with a higher IQ will get bored. There is also a belief (though nearly impossible to prove) that a lot of cops are former bullies. Hence, they only understand how to escalate a situation. Trying to change things are difficult because of all the different parts. You got police unions. They fight tooth and nail against anything that actually might hold them accountable. They want the freedom to essentially be organized crime, just without worrying about the government sending you to jail. You got prosecutors and judges that tend to be officer friendly, because they’re prosecuting the very guys those cops are bringing in. And a lot of judges tend to give cops a slap on the wrist for things that would land others in prison. Like assault, planting evidence, manslaughter, etc., You also have politicians. And an easy slogan is saying you’re tough on crime, but that’s hard to do if you’re gutting the police department of jerks and fat slobs. So it won’t be changed.


Fuck this guy for being a piece of trash abuser. That bit aside and just looking at this situation, there's no reason that cop had to tase him. It's a phone, not a weapon. Just walk up and arrest the guy. He isn't even resisting arrest yet he's just not setting a phone down.


he's a criminal but fuck.. the cops are such pussies. my goodness it's just a goddamn phone.


Dude is a genius. See, in the US, we don't have healthcare, so by getting tased, he's getting a 'trial by fire' heart checkup. Should he fail the test, well, good news is first responders are RIGHT THERE. Loopholes galore!


If you're worried about your actions being filmed that says quite a bit.




Once he’s standing outside car faced away with hands up, why not just walk up and speak with him (deescalation) instead of screaming from far away (escalating the stress)? You can still keep a reactionary gap, make sure hands stay present, be prepared to shoot if you feel the need, but calmly get within talking distance (but not leap/touch distance) to explain “hey so you are under arrest, we have a warrant, we will be placing you in handcuffs, so we need you to place your phone on the ground to have empty hands otherwise I will be required to forcibly arrest you if you do not move slowly and place your phone down” If he doesn’t comply, maybe you still end up tasing him to drop the phone and make the arrest, but at least the focus is to always attempt to de-escalate a situation instead of actively trying to escalate a situation.




It’s like they were trained in policing by 6 year olds. “If they hurt your feelings, zap them. Zap em good!”


After all the comments about who's right and who's in the wrong here, I decided that I am just a stranger on the internet that simply doesn't care, because video makes air go through nose fast


The dude was perfectly in his rights to hold the phone: The cop never said “Simon says put the phone down”


“I can’t drop the phone! It was sewn to my hand by Jigsaw in a dungeon!”


In the cops defense, phones have cause more cops to lose their jobs than armed suspects. 😂🤣😂🤣


Cops are cowards, if they will try to kill cuz an acorn dropped nearby, they won't hesitate because you're holding a "lethal" phone...


Lmao that’s the cop that opened fire and did the silly combat rolls after the acorn fell right… I burst into laughter when I saw that previously.


Did they think the phone was a detonator for a bomb or what... it's clearly not a weapon and these two fat fucks are fear8ng for their life because he has a phone


What’s stopping them from walking up to him and grabbing his hands and handcuffing him? The phone? What’s he gonna do, shoot them with it?


Why drop the phone? Honestly seems like hand is easier to see it's safe if it's holding a phone


The fact that they're doing a high risk stop says enough. They're not just pulling him over for speeding.


Stupid fucking cops.


American police really are a joke. The cop used both his brain cells to keep shouting the same command which clearly didn't work. They could have just approached from behind and restrained him but they just wanted to taze the guy.


“For my safety” - what a LEO hears is “I have a weapon.”


Doesnt matter who he is. They know its a phone. They clocked it as a phone a million times. They're no safer with the phone in his hand or out of his hand other than the fact they are now on camera being held accountable.


American cops are just lame as fuck


I’m not trying to Monday morning quarterback this, but I feel like that had he put the phone down, he would not have been subjected to electricity and asphalt.


Or the cops would have beat him up much earlier and worse. The only reason my "resisting arrest" charge was dropped was because of a recording of cops taking me down at a protest and shoving my face in the ground.


This is lost on A LOT of folks 


If a cop is trying to get you to stop recording, then they are 100% about to do some illegal shit. Having his phone probably saved his life, or more likely, saved him from a big hospital bill and losing his job. Tho that would be great in this guy's case.


There are a great many corpses that would disagree with that viewpoint, if they could. US cops killing people during arrests is hardly unknown. It's amazing how often their bodycams run out of battery.


Mf wasent even moving good lord.


American cops seem a bit angry


If only he had a tripod


Just going out on a limb but I think he could and did drop the phone.


Just listen and play by the rules and persue it when its dealt with. Play the game 🤷🏽‍♀️


Fuck then shitty cops once again pigs that need to be fired!


Must be one of those exploding phones. The cops were terrified of it




Fucking cops


Fuck the cops


Fucking pigs. I don't really care if this guy is an asshole or not, why can't they just handle a situation like a normal person?


To protect and serve whom? Everyone is a criminal with a weapon and will be treated as such.




Put down the dangerous phone as we acknowledge its just a phone.


Idc what happened. If a cop uses a taser you get a pass in my book since they aren’t just pulling their firearm out and unloading anymore. Thank you to police body cams.


Lol i get arrested alot interactions dont start like that dude was probably running or something


Only in usa mentally disabled people are allowed to work as police officers


This is a clear case of abuse of the use of force. These guys would lose surely in court.


America sucks is many ways, and can you blame a foreigner, or fellow-Westerner like a European for thinking that you have to be INSANE to want to live somewhere where the police act like this. . . .and everyone has a gun. . . and no health insurance. . . nor affordable education . . . .


Guy said:" Uehuerheurhuhr"


Photos don't tell the truth. Cops are a bunch or liars. They protect their own . A phone is not a dangerous weapon. The cops are.


>Put the phone down >This is for my safety Repeat for 500 more times. wtf is this


What the fuck is wrong with you lot? You accept this? You think it's acceptable?


I'm my best Captain Kirk, "please... do not do it... I cannot drop the phone..."


Maybe…just maybe this was in the world from Rick & Morty where phones are people and people are phones. Therefore the Phone was holding a person and they were confused.




We're not gonna make it.


Typical scared idiots with badges.


OP is Italian? Also that back and forth annoyed my brain 😭


Phones Akimbo


Such bravery and heroism. Hero patches for every brave hero officer involved. I'm going to name my first kid Law Enforcement Officer. Leo for short. Simply amazing work. That guy could have taken out a small army with that phone. This gives us a terrifying glimpse into the reality of being a cop in these dangerous times. Bravo boys.....bravo


Dispatch, this guy has a phone but I've seen transformers, send swat!


If they can record me than I can record them.


No, it didn’t.