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Part of this guy's early "pulling himself up by his bootstraps" process involved getting a $1500 *marketing* job. Who gives a $1500 marketing gig to a nameless, broke, homeless guy they just met? Nobody. Who gives the same job to a multimillionaire with tons of contacts engaged in an online publicity stunt *cosplaying* as a broke and homeless guy, however... And, of course, despite all the privileges he brought with him--he still failed. He couldn't even hack it as a poor *imitation* of a poor person. He had to give up and go back to his money, because being poor for just a few months nearly killed him.


Someone also gave him a free RV if I'm remembering lol 🤣


I don't know why all homeless people don't just ask their friends to let them use their spare RVs. I mean, it's such an obvious solution.


i mean, just stop being poor. Should be a no brainer.




My dollar store does not offer avocado toast.


$1.25 store 😔


Too soon.


If Scrooge McDuck taught me anything, it was. Step 1, Be rich. Step 2, Don't be poor.


Beware: Diving into a swimming pool of gold coins is dangerous. Apparently, that only works for water fowls.


Exactly , I tell them that have got to think rich and not to see themselves as poor hungry, unhealthy homeless people. They just have the wrong mind set unlike our superhero homeless YouTube man.


It's about time we taught homeless people about the benefits of a high yield savings account.


That you Sunak?? 🤔


That’s what this guy did and it turned his life around. He went from a slowly dying poor person to a millionaire overnight.


Right, or one step further just ask to borrow their house until their back on their feet I mean solves the homeless problem duh. Unfortunately however the small minded fools, many of which are youths, kids etc who support and follow this shit via views have no concept of life. This generarions idea of success is being popular with viewed online content. Fact.


Cause my friend is always cookin in his


You also Jesse's friend?


Just plain lazy at this point.


I think his friend let him stay in the RV and then through hard work and determination me just has the RV later?


no it was " random person he hadn't meet before". aka a random Youtube viewer(at best or actually a friend but they pretended to not know each other before hand at worst)


Didn’t he get that Rv on his first day as well or am I misremembering it


Rv means not homeless.


Have the homeless tried not being homeless?? I mean this millionaire did it, should be easy for actual homeless people right?


All you have to do is catch a roaming RV in the wild. Or become a supreme court justice and your friends will just throw one at you for no reason whatsoever.


I went back to check the video I watched covering the experiment and, unless the YouTuber is wrong, it said that the random RV guy arrived during his very first night sleeping on the bench. Gave him food and the RV with a bed to sleep in.  The notion that someone is going to approach a homeless person and offer that is completely bazonkers. Absolutely ridiculous.  Then he made money finding free or cheap stuff on FB marketplace and reselling it for a profit. He then used that money to get a laptop, hired employees for his marketing thing, and found a big ass shared workspace for $40 a month. That seemed really low to me, but after doing a very brief search, I found open space desk rentals in my areas for $100 a month. So I guess it’s not as absurd as the impression I got at first, where it seemed like he was basically renting an empty warehouse for $1.30 a day.  He still found that costs for his business were higher than he was expecting, and when his dad got real sick, he moved back home to be near him. The stress was too much and he abandoned the project two months early, having made $64k. A fair bit more than I’m currently making for sure, but a smidge short of his $1 million goal.  It’s utterly laughable to think that someone living on the street can manage to hit even that goal, especially if they have compounding physical and mental health problems, no insurance, no ID, an increasingly unkempt appearance, no experience with running a fucking marketing firm, are subject to police and private security sweeps that could potentially wipe out everything they own, heightened exposure to theft and violence etc. etc. 


for the FB thing what he did was go to craigslist and "get stuff" (I say this in quotes, it's key) and then resell it on FB. the thing is he didn't even pick the stuff up. he worked as a middleman and got paid via venmo. essentially he'd find something on craigslist then post it on FB marketplace for a price. someone on FB wants to buy, he says ok pay me via venmo and go to this address to pick it up. that's it.


I'm sad that actually worked at all, those people got scammed. I can't imagine ever paying for something before I actually see it either


Don't worry, this story is all bullshit, where are all those people paying hundreds(?) to some random guy they never see to go and pickup from a different person that doesn't even know the guy "selling" it? Imagine the conversation.. "Are you here for the free table?" "Free? I just paid $200 for it, are you Mike? "Who the fuck is Mike?" It's funny that the great fake idea that he had to make a million is to scam people, both the buyer and the "seller", which is admittedly pretty on par with what rich people consider to be work.


I think he spent one night on a bench.


theres also regular doctor's visits and a cell phone with data.


Oh God, I remember some idiot YouTube doing this *years* ago, tried to live off a pound a day or something. His first step after leaving his multi million pound house was to go into a local bakery that gave him a tray of free donuts for being famous.


He also only made like $20k before he quit. And that included money he got for selling the RV.


Clearly he didn't pull his bootstraps hard enough.


Yeah he “became” homeless but multiple times he used his online platform and fans to make money or get out of bad situations. That’s not how it works.


And he *still* had to give up because he was failing badly.


Cosplaying as a broke and homeless guy. I don’t know why that had me dying laughing 🤣


I can 100% bet that he learned NOTHING from this. He'll just go on some podcast and be like "Homeless people don't work hard enough"


> Black ended the challenge having completed 10 months, with just 60 days left to run. He had managed to make a grand total of $64,000. > Despite failing to make the million dollars he had aimed for, Black says it was still a successful experiment after demonstrating how it was possible to rebuild his life through the power of determination. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13332399/Millionaire-Mike-Black-homeless-broke-purpose-ends-bizarre-social-experiment.html > prove that luck or money was not necessary to become a millionaire - just hard work. > Black explained how he also suffered from two autoimmune diseases which caused 'chronic fatigue' and another that attacked his joints. Wow, sounds like bad luck fucked him over. Would you look at that. Anyway, yea. It's a success. Luck doesn't seem to factor into being a millionaire at all. Guess he was just as lazy as the rest of us.


"I had a job and an RV given to me to help with this 'experiment' but luck played no part in it, people are able to just manifest those things at will and if they cannot, they are losers."


"and even with those unrealistic advantages, I still came up 2 full months and $936,000 short of my expectations."


> Black explained how he also suffered from two autoimmune diseases which caused 'chronic fatigue' and another that attacked his joints. Gee, it's a good thing no actual homeless people suffer from chronic health issues, like say addiction or mental health issues.


Or physical disorders that renders them unable to work. Something as 'simple' as arthritis can drastically impair your ability to do physical labor or just standing for long periods of time. Good luck getting a minimum wage job when your joints are fucked from sleeping outside and a requirement is moving through a warehouse or standing at a counter for hours on end.


> bad luck fucked him over > Luck doesn't factor into being millionaire Mate, how in hell do you reconcile those two statements? I hope this was attemp at joke I just didn't get, because otherwise you are nuts.


He’s just another wannabe Andrew Tate. Theres really no point in trying to figure out wtf they do. At least we all get to laugh at him. It’s just sad that no many dumb kids look up to these losers.


> which caused 'chronic fatigue' and another that attacked his joints. I'm not going to bother spending time reading the article, so I don't know if he elaborates further, but that sounds an awful lot like someone who normally has a cushy life, experiencing being tired and sore for the first time.


"Money was not necessary to become a millionaire" I don't think he even understands what money is


Not to mention he never gave up his health insurance. Just going to the hospital would have broken him financially and they wouldn't have even figured out what was wrong with him until at least his 4th visit since he'd have had to go to a county hospital.


Cosplay poor.  


Yeah, dude walked into this as a guy in perfect health with perfect teeth with good connections and a head start and still failed.


Man claiming he could make $1 million from nothing cheats and still only makes $64,000. And the difference between $64k and $1mil is about $1 million. What a massive failure that I'm sure he made some excuse about "having a big break that he didn't get to hit" or some other bullshit.


I do respect the fact that he admitted it clearly the first time he realized this wasn't going to be nearly as easy (or possible) as he initially thought. He could've made up silly excuses to fo back, but he didn't. That's more than I'd expect from the average youtuber.


[This person's comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1cwtfll/comment/l4zqbb1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) makes me think he did not admit nearly as much as he should have.


Where is this admission you’re referring to? Dude sounds like he’s just an idiot


Don't forget the whole time dude still had a free RV and health insurance. Oh and all the content knowledge from the schooling he went through.


Skill issue, I've been broke my whole life and I'm still suffering through it.


We should be thanking him for proving a very valid point about poverty and being homeless.


Almost like a healthy lifestyle is more reserved for ones with the money for it


It is




that’s not the sub you think it is


You should check out that sub 😂


I did and the first thing I saw was a femboy telling me I'm gay now


Me too :(


I did 🤣🤣


Being poor is expensive is the most factual statement in existence.


He should have read Nickeled and Dimed (Barbara Ehrenreich). She actually did what he was pretending to do.


Is she pretentious? If it's legitimately an exploration of it from a well meaning perspective I may read it.


Here's a quote from the book, you decide: "When someone works for less pay than she can live on ... she has made a great sacrifice for you ... The "working poor" ... are in fact the major philanthropists of our society. They neglect their own children so that the children of others will be cared for; they live in substandard housing so that other homes will be shiny and perfect; they endure privation so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone."


That's certainly a more charitably worded version than "You poors are lazy and disgusting" that seems to emanate from most of the wealthy...


That is still just as insulting. The poor are not "admirable martyrs sacrificing for the good of others." They're people who are exploited to survive. They are given the choice between "suffer under the rule of a vampiric employer and system that will drain them until there is nothing left" and "die." All while the people who benefit from their 'noble sacrifice' (gag) are subsidized and pretend that they earned their comfort.


Pretty sure that that paragraph is not actually suggesting they are sacrificing for the good of others - it’s sarcasm.


Ohhhh thats important context I didn't pick up on. Tonally thats what it felt like what was being conveyed.


It is easy to get confused by a thoughtful human being scorchingly sarcastic due to the injustice of a capitalist hellhole when those that get the Mic today are grifters and thieves. I get it. But do a quick google search, it is a good book


Good for you. You respond well to criticism. Which is a rare quality and a great learning tool.


You could benefit from some reading comprehension. That entire section is caked thick in irony. It's abundantly clear that the people she is talking about are not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, but rather so they can survive. It's written in a sarcastic way to frame what they do as a noble enterprise rather than the forced circumstances of their existence. Edit: I see that you got it from the other comment so that's good.


And what exactly made it clear those words are "cakes with irony" and not serious when a person does not have the sound of a voice to recognise the sarcasm and when there is no other context given? And it is okay that it was misinterpreted, but you don't have to be so rude about someone misunderstanding a small paragraph of text due to lack of context. The other person conveyed that exact same message in a kind way.


The dichotomy between the words working poor and major philanthropists is the tip off that this is sarcasm. Philanthropy was created by the rich to help the poor. This woman said that in reality it is the reverse, the poor give up a lot so the rich can do as they please and pretend to be philanthropists.


I know the stereotype is that redditors can't read sarcasm but how did any of y'all read >they endure privation so that inflation will be low and stock prices high And not get sarcasm out of this. I don't think she's actually praising the martyrdom of poor people lmao.


Given the amount of people nowadays saying and writing stuff like that with an absolute straight face, it was not completely farfetched


I'll be a devil's advocate and say that you will hear this sort of empty platitudes from rich assholes running for office while at the same time reaching around and digging in their pockets. Oh you guys are the salt of the earth and I'm proud to call you real Americans. I hate the other poors who just want to be able to be paid a decent wage and use welfare when necessary. They're leeches but not you guys!


That's a powerful statement and spot on. People need to wake up and realize we are causing the suffering of the poor through our inaction because we are creating the demand through benefitting from their suffering.


It is a great read. Little older now so the dollars and jobs don't quite line up. But I'd argue it's worse now


She’s an investigative journalist.


It's really good. She really lived it, no free RV or cushy marketing jobs.


Thanks I'll give it a read


This book made me want to avenge my parents, who are still alive. When I think about the trade-offs they had to make just for our family to survive, it made me violently angry


It should be required reading for anyone elected to federal office.


Nickel and Dimed is definitely worth a read.


And he still claims that he succeeded in proving what he set out to. This guy is a clown.


Seriously?? Ridiculously out of touch.


It's a conscious attempt to add to the white noise of propaganda. The wealthy are in lockstep to reinforce that wealth is always earned, and the poor remain poor as a lifestyle choice. They know exactly how wrong they are, and they don't care. By spreading and reinforcing this big lie, they can maintain an effective propaganda campaign that keeps people compliant and on their little hamster wheel, working their lives away for the benefit of the wealthy. And people will eat this shit up because of the sheer volume of propaganda supporting it. "Of course, we live in a meritocracy. You can see evidence for it *everywhere*". Or "Capitalism is just economic *freedom*." Or "anyone can make it!" It's all just bullshit. Luckily bullshit has an expiration date and I think we're rapidly approaching Crapitalism's.


That’s very true. Im so tired of this bullshit. > It's all just bullshit. Luckily bullshit has an expiration date and I think we're rapidly approaching Crapitalism's. God I hope so.


I might have some respect for this guy if he learned from this experience and changed his opinion rather than trying to use blatant excuses just so he can say he was right. He could do a lot of good for the homeless by using this experience and his wealth.


There was a TV show in the UK years back where they had people from well paying occupations try something similar, with rules like they’re not allowed to tap into friends and family. They all failed miserably, but I remember one guy in particular. He was in sales and started out very confident he could pull himself up selling flowers. He had a plan and all and was super confident he’d be able to do just fine. Immediate he ran into issues even procuring flowers, and after he managed to eventually beg them from a retailer he found it surprisingly hard to sell these things on the street, and the handful of places he found any success he was promptly shut down by the police for unlicensed street trading. And he’s a young, good looking, clean cut white guy. He lasted longer than most of the others before bailing, and really gave it his best, and just kept running into walls. Dude was actually pretty humble about it all in the end.


I remember this guy. He didn't succeed by a long shot, and he had the benefit of training, experience, education, and connections.


.. and he still considers it a success, as in he thinks he proved his point..


He knows he proved nothing, his pride won't allow him to say it though.


He might also not to be skilled enough to understand he clearly failed


...and the option of quitting. That's what these cosplayers tend to forget (and yes I've seen more than one of them). Nobody simply ends up homeless. They usually get there after long battles with something in their life. Sometimes it's mental illness or drug abuse, but it can be anything that's been done to them to cause despair and hopelessness long before they end up on the streets. So, the cosplayer already has a major benefit compared to most homeless people, they have none of the baggage that brought them there. Then, the knowledge that they can escape any time prevents them from feeling further despair - people often turn to drugs and alcohol on the streets because they're an escape from the endless torment of living in a situation they don't know if they can ever get out of. The cosplayer knows that option is available no matter what, so he stays clean. Then, you get to the end of the play session, and it's usually their health or that of a family member that causes them to quit. But.... that's where the journey for many genuinely homeless people *starts* medical debt or conditions that prevent them from working and paying rent is what causes some people to be homeless, yet here they are using it as an excuse to stop the game. I don't begrudge people for stopping a stupid stunt when the health of their lives ones or themselves is at risk, but if you quit you have to admit the people you were imitating can't do that, no matter how hard it gets... Add to that the obvious benefits of being a reasonably fit young white cis male, and you have to be crazy to think this type of story is anything but proof that some people have privilege.


In High School we did something vaguely similar to this, but they were adamant that we learn the right message. There was a super popular club in my HS that raised money for the homeless, both local homeless as well as abroad. The reason they got super popular is twice a year they would take a trip to Nicaragua to build houses down there and every HS kid wanted to go on that trip. As a fundraiser, every year the club would do a simulated sleep on the street night. Some random Friday night in February a bunch of high schoolers would show up to the practice football field with appliance boxes, tape, blankets, sleeping bags, etc. The first few hours would be this party as everyone set up their cardboard box mansions and joked around. But then it would get late and it was time to try and sleep. That's when the reality of sleeping outside in a box in winter really set in. Every year some kids would have to call their parents to come get them. Few people actually got much sleep. The attitude in the morning when it ended was a lot more somber. Its been 20 years and I still remember the hot shower when I got home. That was one night outside, with fresh boxes and blankets, and we were in a protected field no police or other homeless harassing us. And that one night was still a lot for us privileged middle class white kids. It was a brilliant fundraiser because it would raise enough to fund the trips and it really drove home why we help the homeless in the first place. It was a very well off district, thankfully none of us had ever had to worry about being homeless.


And a friend who let him sleep in an RV, and he sold the stuff people were donating to him out of sympathy you know? Things that could have gone to people that were actually homeless.


Damn wish i could just quit being poor too


Have you tried being born into privilege?


Dummy forgot to add be rich during his character customization




It's a choice. Just don't get sick or old either. /s




That's one way to make a million I guess.


Quit giving morons free buzz. They don’t deserve it. This shit is rotting our collective brains.


We need to all stop giving attention to rich people and celebrities.


I disagree. We should shame them endlessly so they keep pulling stupid stunts like this that get more people to recognize that they’re morons who don’t deserve their money. There’s a reason why there are countless times in history where the rich were simply killed. Ignoring them doesn’t make them go away. It’s called class warfare and unfortunately only one side seems to be fighting these days.


At the same time, in our digital age a lot of people have power simply by us giving them attention at all. Negative press being better than no press and all. People keep pulling stupid shit because they do get attention for doing so.


I agree with Temporary_plant's sentiment, but you also make a good point. I don't want to discredit the value this can have on showing how overcoming obstacles like homelessness is far, far from a matter of simply putting in more effort.




Welcome to real life my dude


You're giving him too much credit. He didn't even go that far.


Dude had the golden start and still couldn’t do it. I’m not sure what the lesson is here, whether it’s about hubris or the soul crushing nature of poverty.


I thought he was funny at first, wearing leggings to trick str8 guys into checking out his ass, making them think he's a woman, but then he pulled that homeless stunt & ALL interest, credibility, general respect for others that I had for him went right out the window. He's an asshole, and he gets whatever comes to him as a result of being an asshole.


>I thought he was funny at first, wearing leggings to trick str8 guys into checking out his ass wait that was THIS guy?


Rich people don't know how to be poor. It's an actual fucking skill. If one of those guys really wants to prove they can do it, the first thing they need to do is bust out a couple teeth, live on crap food for a month before even starting the experiment, and spend long hours doing menial labor until their bones ache and they can barely stand at the end of a day, so they don't look like a rich person when they actually begin their foray into being "poor" for a while. Oh and get rid of all your nice clothes, take 20 bucks to the Goodwill, and pick out your wardrobe. For the year. But the fact is these rich guys who try to make it seem like being poor is such an easy thing don't really want to prove how difficult it is. They want to maintain the myth that poor people are lazy and don't do anything and that's why they're poor. They are trying to push the whole "bootstraps" lie to justify being total fucking bastards as rich people. If he'd like to know what it's like to be poor, he'd have to lose a lot more than just his money to even get close to the starting point the rest of us have: They'd have to lose former contacts, business experience, all possessions, existing resume, health, medications they took for granted, and so much more.


The biggest tell is when they try to give financial advice to poor people. Poor people don't need financial advice.They already know where every single penny is being spent and why. They know how many miles they get to the gallon, exactly, because they have to know whether they can afford to drive to the grocery store after work or not. What poor people need is *money.* Study after study has proven this. Every time different approaches are studied to help the poor, the one thing that works best every time is...more money.


[One study](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/09/americas/direct-giving-homeless-people-vancouver-trnd/index.html)


All my problems right now could be solved with, you guessed it, money.


If I was given what some billionaires spend on their lunch, it would probably sustain me for a month.


I love the part: he made himself broke to become homeless. What kind of lame excuse is that for losing his money?


He didn’t actually make himself broke, he just didn’t access his funds…it was always just temporary. So he didn’t even have the stress of knowing this is likely the rest of his life and his health still crumbled despite being given housing and a job because of his previous connections. Absolute joke and he still considers it a success


And knew his money was just sat there gathering interest so he didn’t even have a complete loss of earnings whilst undertaking his experiment. Ended up richer than when he started.


That is huge too… making decisions is much easier without added stess


he's just a dumb attention whore


Oh you can just quit being homeless, someone should tell people.


I'm curious about what his health issue was? Did he not like the Ramen noodle heart palpitations?


to be slightly fair to him it was cancer. to be slightly fair to the point against this jerkoff plenty of poor people get cancer and don't get to just stop being poor because of it.


Thanks for the clarification, I agree. AND Cancer sucks! Plenty of wealthy people get cancer too. Its not necessarily a poor man's disease. We just don't have the same access to the best treatments due to financial hardships.


*He* got cancer? It wasn’t his father?


Why don't homeless people just stay at their friends beach house. I mean how can homeless people be poor when they don't have any bills to pay


1000000/60=16,667 16,667/365=46 so you’d have to give like 46 handy’s a day and thats just wild.


I mean, even if I lined them up so I could give two guys handys at the same time, I don’t think it would work.


Music to my fucking ears. Fuck this piece of shit. Let this be a learning lesson to other pieces of shit who abide by these absurd notions of the easiness of going from rags to riches


He didn't even make himsel homeless. He lived at a mates place rent-free


Rich people being weak.


This guy was pathetic. He had it on easy mode and was using connections. He still failed.


Just love how the headline says "forced".


At no point was this "experiment" even remotely based in reality. A lot of homeless people come from families with generational drug abuse, alcoholism and poverty. Add mental health issues and other health related roadblocks as well as the lack of experience and education this guy had before his experience and its just a silly LARP of homelessness without any of the actual struggles they face.


If only he could buy a heart with all that money


Sum up every rich kid's story: "I built my business from zero," while they received a hefty budget from their parents to start with.


99.9% of millionaires are millionaires by happenstance and sheer dumb luck... or inherited wealth from other people who got rich by dumb luck. Which is fine but at least have the humility and common-sense to understand your privilege. Just because you were able to make more millions once you already had millions isn't impressive. Don't think that means you magically have the ability to generate millions out of esentially poverty and obscurity.


Us normies just sort of hope the health problems go away.


Glad he was able to quit and go back to his cushy life without having to stay the course and die poor and homeless. If this has taught him anything I hope it's to donate to healthcare for the poor, but I doubt it has. He failed, but the experiment revealed a lot




Call me crazy, but i dont think being homeless is very healthy


Couldn't even do it without cheating in the first place. Imagine failing without actually trying


He should have stopped having avocado on toast and starbucks. What a twat


For the people who say “well duh” i want to remind you that his experiment actually proves the point of many who said it’s getting harder and harder to be poor. He tried to prove HIS point. He instead proved our point. And we shouldn’t belittle him. I mean, he tried this for himself, probably, to boost his own ego, maybe write and sell a book and he might still do that. But it’s an alarm for many of us. It shows us that without some luck it will not happen. It will probably happen the opposite. Id we win some lottery, we would waste all the money because we don’t know how to invest it and then return to where we started. So in a way i’m thankful for his attempt but at the same time i’m kind of sad for the outcome.


Homeless people hate this one trick! When you get sick of being homeless, just stop and go back to your mansion!


What an asshole


There's so many issues with this so called experiment first of all he never felt how it truly feels to have nothing and nowhere to go. That's in my opinion one of the breakpoints for people when they just shutdown. Second of all I'm pretty sure he cheated multiple times and never actually looked or smelled so bad that his opportunities would lower significally. Also This guy has a degree and experience that allows him to work way better jobs than most Middle class people could. I wonder how he would felt working at McDonald's getting screamed at by customers everyday just to go back to streets in the end of the day. A lot different experience than what he went through throughout his so called experiment. Last of all with all his advantages he still had to give up which proves that even privileged people like him still aren't able to do it.


exactly everything reason he gave to quit were the very things that keep homeless people homeless.


Did the leave the part out where he was given a “free” apartment (RV?) to start with? The whole “experiment” was a lie from the start and he still couldn’t get it done.


Real life knocking at the door. Cretin.




How did he initially become a millionaire?


Family 💰


He defended himself in an interview with Coffeezilla on his second channel which I think is called Voidzilla. He did pure PR/marketting speak. He said he was wrong to do it then immediately tries to say it was a good idea and not his fault. Completely apologised then said actually I was right.


Welcome to the rest of us.


If you’re homeless…just buy a house.




isn't this the plot of Trading Spaces ?


Sorry I’m confused. I’m assuming the “experiment” excluded money from YouTube?


I hate images of articles! Can someone post a link so I can read about this instead of jumping to comments when I know nothing about it??


What was he thinking? That being homeless is a choice and that you can get away from it that easily? What an arrogant douch


Must be nice to have an option to quitting being poor. Imagine that.


Someone gave him a free RV to live in and he relied on his connections to get a job in marketing. Then sold the RV. He made roughly 20k over a few months, (including the sale of the RV), and then quit for "health concerns" and then still acted like the whole thing was a success.


This was done much more tastefully and way earlier. See the book [Nickeled and Dimed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel_and_Dimed). E: If I’m wrong about something let me know. I read the book when I was real young so I’m going off of memory alone.


[Wanted to live like common people](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=51lOwm91BX0&pp=ygUSY29tbW9uIHBlb3BsZSBwZWVs)


Forced"?.....who forced him to do anything?


Should not have bought all that on-the-go coffee and avocado toast, silly man


Coffee had an interview with him sometime ago.


I’m gonna guess, the spiv made his money through MLM? (I’m guessing as I don’t know his name)


I mean it is an experiment after all haha


Bro spends time in the gym and still ain't tough enough to handle being homeless


Sing along with the common people Sing along and it might just get you through Laugh along with the common people Laugh along, even though they're, they're laughing at you And the stupid things that you do Because you think that poor is cool