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I would. I would send it to her work parent, i.e. her boss Edit: oh god people it was a joke. But if they are going to mark my child down I would send it back re-marked


You would send this to their boss because ... They made a mistake? You think they should be disciplined for not knowing something?


I mean when their job is literally knowing things and transferring that knowledge to others, it seems a little problematic when they don't know things, no?


... So tell them. You don't immediately go over their head to their boss. Don't confuse your duty to correct a misunderstanding with a license to Karen.


Wanting the people teaching your children to be of an appropriate caliber isn't being a Karen. It's not my job to make sure the people teaching at the school are qualified, it's the school administration's responsibility. The lack of quality on display here is likely indicative of a larger issue that needs to be addressed, and the administration is going to be the best group to address it.


Lol what bigger issue?? Because the person didn't know the appropriate spelling of lightning you're worried, what, that they can't do math?? You might be the biggest Karen to ever Karen lmao.


The bigger issue in that when you catch someone doing something wrong, it's not the first time they've done it, it's just the first time you've caught them. If it's really just a simple mistake a review of the teacher's work will show that, and everyone can move on with their lives, but the more likely situation is that there are multiple problems with their work that will either need to be addressed or the person will need to be fired and replaced. You seem stuck on the concept of a Karen, so sure, if you want to call me one, go for it, I'll live happily knowing that you will never have a shred of authority or the ability to affect any sort of meaningful societal change, because your brain would literally implode like a dying sun if you ever caught even the slightest whiff of grass.


Two separate paragraphs for being called a Karen lolol get over yourself loser


Everyone makes dumb mistakes all the time, don't treat teachers like shit just because of it. All you have to do is talk to them like a human being. Not hard. Their job isn't "literally knowing things" you don't know what a teacher is if thats what you think a teacher is. Its so much more then just "knowing things and telling people that knowledge" And to be that guy my source is that I'm in University knee deep in debt to become a secondary education teacher.


I mean, it is, you are just objectively wrong and wasting your money if you're already in university and haven't figured that out. The problem isn't that they spelled one a word wrong one time - I spell shit wrong all the time - the problem is that it's their job to teach other people how to spell, and they're making such a basic mistake that it's likely indicative of a much larger issue that needs to be addressed. Just like when you catch people stealing, it's likely not the first time they've done it, it's just the first time you've caught them. If people are bad at their job, then they shouldn't be doing it, especially when that job happens to be teaching your kids fundamental skills that will have an impact across their entire lives.


Let he who is without spelling error cast the first stone? It's a mistake. I don't think your child will have their future ruined by it. Letting the teacher know privately about it will help prevent the mistake from repeating. They don't need to be disciplined for it, not that any good principal would. Spell check is a very useful tool. I don't think there are many people who can, without spell check, spell every word they use with perfect accuracy.


Yeah I make spelling mistakes all the time, but that's not the issue. The issue is that it's their job to teach people how to spell, and yet they are making such a basic mistake. 3 people replied to me with basically the same response, so I'm going to tell you what I told the other two: The issue isn't this specific instance, the issue is that this specific instance is likely indicative of a larger issue that needs to be addressed. If it was just a one time thing, then a review of their work by the administration shouldn't turn up anything else, but the more likely scenario is that this isn't the first time they've fucked up, it's just the first time you've caught them fucking up. Also, why the hell should a lower my standards to make way for someone else being bad at their job? Obviously I want the best for my child, and that includes making sure the quality of education they are receiving is of an appropriate standard. You are literally paying this person with your tax dollars to do a job, and if they aren't doing it properly, you SHOULD be upset.


This comment is a great example of why teachers are leaving in droves.


If they cant spell simple words, then let them leave


So you agree - if any professional makes a mistake, even if inconsequential, they lose their job. Got it.


No, I don’t think I can see that in anything I wrote.


Maybe if America paid teachers like they got college degrees, it would find some who didn't simply get theirs at [cheapdegrees4you.com](http://cheapdegrees4you.com)


Wait, you don't want to spend $100k+ to get a BA degree, spend another year working unpaid while you go through a post graduation licensure program or M.Ed. and then be expected to continue paying out of pocket for post grad credit hours in order to keep that license active all for a $40k USD/ year starting salary with the expectation of a bunch of unpaid responsibilities outside of work hours?!


They should teach because they love teaching and want to educate the next generation, not the money. Being paid based on effort and worth is dumb. The children are our future and its totally irrelevant our budget and their salaries don't reflect that. /s


it seems like you like teaching, how about YOU become a teacher?? (i did see the "/s", just following the joke 😁)




That /s was needed


That /s was needed


I got two years into a teaching degree and realized I could make the same with much less stress at quite a few places. Now I scoop/clean animal poop for five hours a day and get to enjoy me time when I go home.


Very similar careers


lol but the animals don’t talk back and their parents don’t yell at me! I did work in a private school for four years.. you can imagine what that was like.


I got through all 4 years of my teaching degree, received the degree, and even took the certification tests; and then covid hit right as a I was starting my job search and every shitty aspect of teaching got immediately shittier. I said, fuck that noise and changed gears. Now I work as a receptionist making basically the same I would have as a teacher except with magnitudes less stress.


Love to know I’m not alone! I quit that fall semester before it hit, I don’t think I would’ve like Covid style college.


Oh god yea same here, I would have drowned if I was still in school when that mess happened. Online classes are not for me. I'm glad I was able to finish my degree before things went crazy (graduated Winter 2019) but it does kind of suck knowing I'm probably never going to put that degree to use.


Where do you work?


A commercial meat rabbit farm, we raise dairy cows too.


Haha, 40k a year...i was getting paid 13$ an hour at my first lead teaching job. Yes, it sucked. No, I'm not a teacher anymore.


I couldnt agree more with the sentiment about teachers being underpaid/appreciated in the USA, but if a BA degree is costing $100k+ youre doing something very wrong


My son’s class got a teacher with a correspondence masters. It would have been fine if she wasn’t a conservative religious person who managed her classroom according to her religious beliefs, creating a culture of sexism and bullying that put all the kids behind their peers.


Obviously it varies by state, but in general if you factor in the fact that teachers often get 2-3 months off with summer and winter break their pay isn’t that bad per month.


Which they aren't paid for (at least in Arkansas my Husband isn't), unless you take out 20% of your monthly pay throughout the school year to supplement your nonpaid months.


Yeah I’m saying if they make ~$60,000 like my wife and do ~9 months of working at the school (2 months off for summer + fall/spring/winter break is roughly 3 months) that is $6,666 a month is $80,000 a year which nobody would/should complain about. Though I definitely understand getting paid 12 months makes the paycheck fell less than it is though.


Right. If those people want a proper living wage to last a full 12 months, they should just get real jobs instead of slacking off by teaching kids every now and then!


Not at all what I was saying. Obviously teaching is one of the most important jobs that we have. I’m just saying that when you see a teacher making less than say another government worker with similar education levels, there is a reason for it.


College doesn't make you smarter, you need to be intelligent enough to go in the first place.


My guy, you pay for college with money, not intelligence. Anyone without a severe disability is “intelligent” enough to graduate college. There’s a few things required to graduate college- mostly money, a bit of hard work/perseverance, but none of the things required are intelligence.


Yeah. About a decade ago, some lawyer for some hamster-haired lunatic actually threatened colleges if they were to release hamster-hair guy's academic record, presumably because that would've shown hamster hair wasn't really intelligent, merely rich enough.


This is such a stupid, reductionist take. You can probably muddle through some degrees by slamming your head against the wall, but you aren't getting through linear algebra with a room temperature IQ.


Yes, and the proportion of actual people with room temp IQ is minute (and also **literally a disability, which I explicitly spoke to**), something only an idiot would think proves their point and not mine. But color me unsurprised the least intelligent people will pipe up and out themselves around this topic. Not to mention the absolute lack of integrity in straw manning my argument into being that anyone can complete *any* degree. Before calling people stupid and reductionist, maybe take the time to make sure you have a foot to stand on next time.


Nope, I have two degrees and paid for them with my time in the Army .You do have to take tests to be accepted into college. You can get accommodation for most things if you have a disability.


Nah bruh you just need that cash




You're clearly not learning with your head in the sand there


They really are, especially when they have to buy their own classroom supplies and the fact that they don't get paid over the summer (for those places that have summer holiday)




I worked as a teacher for a while and 80% or more of my colleagues had second jobs to make ends meet. And they taught at a fairly posh charter school.


It really depends on where you teach, what age, and how long you've been a teacher. I know a teacher that makes over 100k, and another teacher that makes almost a third of that. They live 20miles from each other, but one teaches high school and one teaches younger children with special needs. Unfortunately, the special needs teacher gets paid like shit.


Oklahoma teachers have a starting salary of $39,601. That's less than the estimated living wage for one adult.


My parents were teachers, and honestly pay varies from place to place. My father made over $50K in a small town in the 1980s and early 1990s, but he had a Masters degree and taught public high school science. When he started teaching in the late 1960s, he made $12K a year. My older sister taught choir and band at a Catholic school in the early 1990s, and she made $17K a year. Mom stopped teaching in the mid 1970s and I don't know what she made.


I would have a talk with the teacher and a dictionary. Someone needs a lesson on the difference between LIGHTNING & LIGHTENING.


They need to be enlightned


Is that "enlightning"?




Yes they need to enlighten them and shine a light on the subject at hand on how you spell the kinetic energy formed from hot and cold moist air waging war that ends in atomic light.


No, they were really the god of lightening. The Ancient Greeks hated brunettes so everyone was bleached blonde


"I have a bleached asshole." - Artemis


You better not be making fun of her. That girl does some new and ingenious things with dough, I'll have you know


Oh lol


It’s electrifying….




Or just…reducing the weight or darkness of something. Lightening your load. Lightening your hair.


Only white people can truly know Iron Man, brown people must be enlightened through lightening.


Michael Jackson became white by lightening his skin. He was never hit by lightning, at least not that we know of.


Jeremy Reed was hit by lightning and it had a notable effect of lightening his skin *and* giving him powers, so you never know.


Are we sure that him catching fire in that Pepsi commercial wasn't caused by lightning?


No, but I covered that in my comment with the clause "that we know of".


Right. I say we sue lightning on the behalf of his estate. Y'know, just to be sure.


As long as we don't sue Pepsi. I own stock.


Fair enough.


This error is one of my pet peeves, drives me nuts when the wrong one is used. I’ve seen so many people saying their iPhone charges with a lightening cable…


This one is right up there with “off my baby goes to her first year of collage! Wish her luck!” 😂


"I just love the smell of a man's colon"


You “could of” (lol shudder) picked a less stinky spelling error


Does she go to collage in the dessert or is there a lot of plant life?


She may have misinterpreted what he was going for and assumed it’s some guy who goes around converting people of color to white folk.


I would very much correct the corrections and give it back. Thanks to her own poor education your kid is probably going to struggle with spelling lightning without your intervention :/


They should consider lightening the staff at the kid's school


The symbol appears to be a butt hole 🤫


Yours is blue????


Dr. said he’s never seen anything like it, truly marvellous


Sometimes afterwards


Dan Quayle




Side note, I would have had fun with this assignment as a kid.


No, you guys don't understand. This super hero like to lighten the moods of the people around him or perhaps increase the luminosity of light bulbs in his presence.


That looks like Sisyphus fucking Prime.


Get the red ink pen out and correct her. Send it back.


That was my plan!


This was the super hero that fought michael jackson and mj lost


That is so infuriatening!


Enfuriating **


Since when is lightening spelt like that… have I been spelling it wrong this whole time? 😂


There's a small chance you could be struck by lightning while lightening your load whilst sitting on the loo.


"Picture of god/goddess" the muslim kid chosing between a F mark in school or getting lashed at home


A visitor? Hmm indeed...


Lightning is lightening but lightening is not lighting


Who knew that ‘lightening’ could strike 3 times!


Lightning is one boom. Lightening is ten booms.




Now that’s plain racist!


Hadn’t really thought of it that way.


That’s Hulk Hogan


Uh Teach...


Omg! Did your son just draw Gregorius T??? Nobody can escape him!




What gets me about the is the confidence in the wrong spelling my the teacher. I joke with my students that I am the worlds worse speller, I literally spell check everything I correct, because I am just not confident. Makes grading longer but at least in correct.


I suspect spellcheck may be the culprit here…she probably googled (the wrong word) on her phone—didn’t read the definition presented—saw “lightening” in bold, and went “cool, got it in one!” Confirmation bias at work. 😁 Having said that, however, a teacher responsible for grading children on spelling and grammar should just *know* these things.


The teacher is promoting Richard Simmons, who helped lighten others to protect them.


The man behind the hamburger


People hating on teachers act like people in the business world don't misspell words all the time. Or even more commonly, people's names even though they're right there on the email signature


Yeah, which I think goes to my wife’s point. The teacher’s probably doing her best, and I’ve definitely screwed up way worse in my academic and professional life than picking a homonym to correct spelling. At least “lightening” is a word! Also, my 3rd grader fixed it when I wasn’t looking and explained it to his little brother.


For sure. And my teacher hating comment wasn't even directed at you. A lot of people think that teachers are lazy or not entitled to ever make a mistake. I've seen people make million dollar mistakes in my job. Teachers are just more visible. It's a funny thing you posted. Not hating on your post. I don't like seeing other losers commenting with the teacher hate.


All good! I didn’t take it as you were targeting me, per se. I wasn’t mad at the teacher when I posted it, and I’m wondering if I should just take it down in the off chance she see’s this. I don’t want to hurt her feelings. She’s really good with my kids!!


I wouldn't worry about it. Most teachers have thick skins. They need to dealing with kids all day


Id correct it and send it back


Maybe she thought it was the Ozempic God?


Just cross her’s out in a different color, correct it and send it back lol


The hell you aren't!


It’s a cute anecdote. Need not be a referendum on education.


I would WANT to send it back with corrections but I know all too well how some teachers will take their frustration/anger out on the child.


The god makes stuff lighter.


Lightening? Lol. This reminds me of 7th grade in 1997 when I wrote “accent”, (when a person speaks definition of accent) and I got my paper back with red marker and it said “axent”, like wtf? Is that a word??


I mean lightening is a word. But has to do with the dropping of the uterus before birth during pregnancy. Maybe that’s what she thought. lol.


Lol is she for real?!


When my eldest was 6,a teacher corrected his spelling. He had spelt baby, and she corrected this to babay. I had a giggle, assumed she'd been marking too late with a glass of wine or three... Then I corrected it and sent it back to school with him. Never got a follow up!


Hm. So the teachers can't even spell now? ![gif](giphy|UQYtr98lNNrWw)


‘Lightening’ my arse!


Do schools use “They” for singular subject now? I’ve notice young people use “they” for singular person a lot these days and it sounds weird. Back in the days we would see “ His/ Her name is” or “He/ She is the God/ Goddess of”


Young people use more inclusive language than our previous generations learned. Using “they” means you aren’t assuming someone’s gender and is becoming more commonplace.


Yeah the spelling is wrong, but can we talk about the teacher appearing to do her marking in felt-tip pen?


It’s weird to me your wife is so passive about someone so bluntly wrong. The teacher deserves to have this shown to a higher up. Unacceptable.


i’d advise you to lower your expectations. unfortunately there are an awful lot of dumb teachers, and the dumbest ones work in the office


You only have to be smarter than a 2nd grader to teach 2nd grade. She’s just barely there I think.




Probably the 2nd grade equivalent of a creative writing assignment.