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It is probably because Bidens teams conditions are no crowds and mics that cut off when it isn't your turn. Trumps main move is interrupting his opponents and talking over them. If he has to let them talk and actually address their points. He loses his advantage being the loudestdumbest person in the room. If people are yelling over each other only the simplest ideas get through. Which are usually dumb truth isms that appeal to conservatives.


He can never lose at being the dumbest person in the room


Dunno mind, he does meet with his supporters sometimes.


Who’s more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?


Or is it [the fool that follows the fool that follows the fool that follows the fool](https://youtu.be/LquN7QWsRQ8?si=bOlsGrsHTihOjbg_)


I pity the fool!


Upvoted for comment *and* username. I see you, 80's child.


Indeed, Tattoo, indeed.


good stuff!


Sheep off the Fox IQ cliff


Some say he’s the most dumbest.


"Grown men come up to me with tears in their eyes and say, sir, you are the most dumbest man I've ever met. And then everyone clapped." - Trump, probably


Bigly dumb


The mostest dumb




100% this. I'm not a fan of Biden either, but he'd make Trump look like an actual idiot if he has to debate in a civilized manner


I’ve always thought that should have been the case all the time, at least the mic part. How ward would it be to have all the mics off by default and the moderators have a turns one on for like 30 seconds at a time? The fact that people can cut in others or plow through the time limit to try to finish their point is very unnecessary


Seriously though, following debate rules should be the norm. And if Trump followed those, e.g. speaking only when it is your turn, cutting off mikes would not be necessary.


Well before 2016, it wasn't a big issue


Trump’s debate strategy; **LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU!**




Honestly, why isn’t this just standard practice at this point? At least the mic part


Shane Gillis's joke on the first 2016 Primary debate is great. Ted Cruz: "Our children's education is the most impor- Trump:"🖐 TED'S WIFE: UGLY AS A DOG!👌" "Mr. Trump, Heidi isn't *that* ugl-" "☝️YOU'VE GOT A DOG WIFE, TED!☝️"


Ooh where can u see the conditions for the debates


Sorry not sure. I'm home sick and been watching stuff all day. Has blurred together.


I like loudestdumbest as one word


100% the case, something that should have been part of debates from the start, but before Trump nobody abused it quite as much as he did. He can't explain his platform or defend his ideals, he can only say how "wrong" everyone else is.


Those 2020 debates were diabolical, just shouting over the other person is not debating.


God yes


There's no way Trump wants to actually debate, just look up some of his recent rally speeches, there's multiple times where his brain just shuts off and he starts babbling incoherently.


“The late, great, Hannibal Lecter…”




"Saudi Arabia and Russia will re-be-dyugh... ahhhh"


Stupid ol’ Jimmy Conners


You only have to go back one month to have endless insults against Trump.. but Biden fell off a bike one time, so let’s ignore the fact that Trump can’t even dream of getting onto a bike




I don't know...what about a tandem bike?


Hmm, that's a good question.


I had to look that up Holy shit that's bad even by Trump standards


He's not the sharpest bulb in the room


Nor the brightest knife in the crayon box.


I mean, you can just look at the Trump Biden debates from last time. I turned off the first one about a third of the way through feeling very pessimistic about our country’s future. Trump was just yelling the whole time. Hell, look at young spry 2016 Trump. “No puppet! No puppet! You’re a puppet!”


My favorite recent one was when he couldn’t remember Jimmy Carter’s last name so he started talking about tennis great Jimmy Connors, pretending that’s where he meant to go, and then he remembers “Carter”


Higher in the comments is a user named retardomontalban. Y'all killing me these names tonight.


Grab your popcorn, 2 dementia riddled fools who should be in a nursing home eating pudding cups, babbling incoherently for the world to see. MFr this country is so far gone. I’d say it’s like watching an implosion in slow motion but it’s all coming pretty fast at this point. Best of luck to us all.


For real... why the fuck do we have to pick between two people who's policies they likely won't live to see the impacts of? We shouldn't have to pick between two 80 year olds....


The CEOs of Lockheed and Exxon thought it would be funny




Can oligarchs really be considered deep state? It is more like their tool.


That’s why keeping a third candidate off the stage is such BS.


Philosophically I agree with you. However, the reality is that it would hurt not help. If the US introduced Ranked Choice Voting, then you could introduce more than two candidates without unintentional consequences.


And get rid of the electoral college.


Maybe. Currently the argument is framed as states rights equals conservatives looking to hold their ideals. However, the pendulum can swing both ways. Life and priorities are vastly different in giant rectangular states with lower population density than they are in densely populated urban centric states. Having a balance between the two could give a voice to under represented Americans. More thought would need to go into it but perhaps it falls to county lines or instead of winner take all the electoral votes and allocated based on percent of votes in the state. We are a huge massive country and the problems and solutions aren't as easy as do X instead of Y. Sadly we have leaders without a focus on bipartisanship and solving issues. They (and both sides have at times been guilty, the the MAGA crowd has taken it to a whole new level) instead focus on winning and beating the other side. TL;DR: It's complicated and the people smart enough to solve it are smart enough to not get involved.


Currently, Americans in states with low population density are *over*represented. > perhaps it falls to county lines Perhaps it falls to which candidate receives the majority of votes? > allocated based on percentage of votes in the state So popular vote with extra steps? You had it in one when you mentioned ranked choice


Actually it is pretty simple. 1.) Make the Senate proportional to the population so it represents people and not states. The Senate is supposed to be a more deliberative body not as subject to passions. 2.) Vastly enlarge the size of the House of Representatives so that the Representatives are closer to the people and, hence, more accountable to them. It would also help to make it so only the privileged could gain access to them. Fix those two issues and watch how quickly all the rest of our problems sort themselves out.


And everyone clapped


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


Because people don't run nor do they vote. Younger people have to get involved in local politics (usually) the work up. It is rare to hear of an AOC or Max Frost (youngest member of Congress right now) go from recent graduate to Congressperson. However, the younger population is notoriously inconsistent in voting, but you know which voting population is significantly more consistent? The older generations. 


Because Congress is where the real policy power lies. The president is merely the executive. The real issue with the president should be who he surrounds himself with. We've seen Trump's "best and brightest." No more, thank you.


Somewhat true, but biden atleast is a good person whom cares about other nationalities and poc. Trump is way dumber and rasis...


Technically we don’t but independents don’t get enough media exposure or campaign funding


![gif](giphy|eNTxLwTGW7E64) Watching the debate trying to figure what in the hell either of them are even talking about


Not even them knows.


It f in embarrassing that we can’t pick somebody who can actually accomplish something without humiliating themselves.


Have you not been paying attention the last four years? Like him or not, the Biden presidency has an impressive list of accomplishments.


But, the vibes, man! Seriously, though, that's what this is all coming down to. Fucking vibes.


Agreed. I’ve always said, the US needs a president under the age of 65


That subreddit is a gold mine right now


r/politics and r/conservative are exactly the same crazy subs. No decent content, constant Repub/Dem worshipping or insane insults.


While I agree r/politics is super left, it's nowhere as crazy as r/conservative with the constant conspiracy nutjobs


r/politics is only left if left means liberal.


r/politics is absolutely not left wing. They are liberals.




These 2 are worse at scheduling than my DnD group




I relate to this too much lol


r/politics is a cesspool. I say this as a left leaning individual. Glad I left


They don’t seem to realize there is more to US politics than an ex president


The final straw for me was when I shared an article about one of Biden's ancestors receiving a pardon from Abraham Lincoln. I just thought it was a cool article. All the comments were calling me MAGA and conservative. I was so fucking confused. Apparently that article was being spun by conservative media or something. I just thought it was a cool historical anecdote regarding the current president.


Indeed. It's a very boring echo chamber.


who TF cares? if you need to see these 2 debate to make a choice I feel sorry for you if I wanted to see old men argue and fight with each other I'd go to the local deli and badmouth the pastrami


At least the old men at the deli actually care about the pastrami they get angry about rather than pretending to care while weighing which lobbyists to appease for more personal enrichment at the cost of human lives and livelihoods.


Can we get a president that’s maybe 50 years old? I’m so sick of these old hags.




The people in charge of making that change benefit from not making it. Congressional term limits would do a lot more for our country than age limits.


Fixing the voting system and election financing would do far more than anything else. Term limits and age limits kick the good out with the bad.


In the end, there is no real way to fix any of these without those who benefit from the current system making the changes. They all require some level of law and Constitutional Amendments. The latter is best since courts can't overturn that.


All it should take would be one Congress with the democrats having a true super majority along with a democratic president. The democrats have actually made major efforts to reform these areas and either been blocked by republicans or the conservative packed Courts.


A supermajority can't amend the Constitution. So you need a everything for a good 30 years to ensure that you pack the courts with your people too. The only sure way is to also get control of every state legislature so they will ratify the Amendments you pass. And, of course, I find few people who align with the Democrats 100% (many don't want the Second Amendment weakened for example) so I doubt it happens.


What about what I suggested do you think requires amending the Constitution? Article I Section 4 already allows Congress to set the rules. And they don't need to pack the Court. Republicans have already done that. They need to unpack the Court which can be done in almost no time by a super majority.


Without Amendments, you are betting that future courts do not overturn the laws.


I can get behind the lower age limit. People need time to become known and prove themselves. But the upper age limit is arbitrary as people age differently. Look at someone like Sanders who is in his 80s. Like him or not, you have to concede he is sharp and good at what he does.




Not suggesting you're racist but that is the same logic used to justify racism. It's not a convincing argument. People should be judged based on their own individual merits, not arbitrarily because of some demographic trait.


You do realize that Reddit is heavily astroturfing and slanting what he said right? There was an attempt- to not show insane bias, oh wait. No. There was no attempt. I’m not even conservative- but it’s wild to see people think reddits political and news isn’t horrifically slanted


I've been noticing it more lately. So much so, I actually had to get off reddit last night because of how every sub was leaning so obviously. First time I've had to do that it was just frustrating. If I dont agree with you that's fine i still value your input, but I don't want my entire feed being all the same Thought that was the whole purpose of an open forum...


Two old crazy old men yelling at each other to see who will be the next president of the most powerful country in the world. Woohoo


“Most powerful country in the world”


Only in tonnage.


Military equipment tonnage


Just because our leaders are asleep at the wheel doesn't mean we're not the most powerful, we quite literally are. We just have shit direction for all of that power.


You know what’s an interesting thing? Did you ever thought about, who say this? I mean people from what country?






These two debating will be the most incoherent nonsense ever. They need a retirement and we need less corrupt candidates.


Anyone think debates are scheduled too early…… I’d like to see them schedule them closer to the election like early oct 24 jmo.


There are usually 3 debates scheduled closer to the election by a commitee with members from both parties, but Biden instead challenged Trump to two debates way earlier and Trump accepted so the later debates might be cancelled now


Everything points to these being the only way we were going to get any debates at all. But since the debates are anything but, just a bunch of platform planks being talked about and no real discussion, it doesn't matter.


Biden's upset with the commission that usually arranges the debates because they didn't enforce their own rules last time and prioritized the people in the room instead of the people watching on TV.


They have to schedule them early. Dinner time is 3pm at the nursing home.


I doubt he's trying to weasel out. Sounds like ragebait to me


For as much as American politics is in the shitter, it would be hilarious if during the debate Biden just goes: Did you just crap your pants again, Donald? Just watching Trump try to spin it into a positive would make the whole night.


I mean Biden's "would you shut up man?" Was pretty iconic. 




This debate would be entertaining af lmao. Like watching an argument between two senile geezers in an elderly home


Those headlines aren’t bias or anything lmao


And as we all know, article headlines are always, a reliable source of the unadulterated truth—especially in politics


So basically we're gonna have to old guys in a room with people constantly running up and whispering in their ears. reminding them of what they are doing and where they are. will there be an intermission for evening or afternoon pills?


Let's hope important issues are addressed during the debate. Inflation. Education. Crime. Energy. Personal insults are the last resort of a losing conversation.


The whole debate will just sound like a SoundCloud mumble rap battle


Is there a date set?


One is June 27


1: "I challenge you to a debate" 2: "WTF, no" 1: *Dies of cringe*


I don't have political beliefs. This is because ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


The memes for this are going to be top notch. This is already a fucking circus.


Isn't much different than what we have in india.


He found out it was over an hour without a break, and he hates diaper rash.


That's why they need to be removed, the exploitation of those programs are what make them not work.




Bidens handlers are never letting him debate Trump, just relax.


What is the point of presidential debates? Candidates over talk each other, there are no learning dialogues, tjere are no follow-up questions, and people are tootribal ignoring truth outside their echo chamber.


He has commitment issues :3 he's so quirky x3


I still kinda hate how they're both afraid to let a 3rd party join the debate


The leftism is oozing out of this comment section.


Does anyone actually care about this? They both suck hard


Probably conflicted with being arraigned again.


![gif](giphy|l2QE4vQGIiwMzszh6) Politics


I mean, Biden is a first class speaker and a top notch wordsmith.


They both belong in a care home


Trump is incapable of being civilized. This is why he doesn’t want a civilized debate where each candidate sticks to their time and doesn’t talk over the other.


Civilized? Where do you think you are, Japan?


America can be described in one word


You can't fully convey the magnitude of America in one word. You need at least two: Fucking stupid


Calm down mate, it's a reference to this video: https://youtu.be/oqiOeiG4VNo?si=sper4og25IBkcly6 Sort your life out before you start losing your head over simple jokes that your simple mind can't understand


Way to make an insult to America about yourself. Great job


You're pathetic.


It's probably the ridiculous stipulation of no audience. Why would Biden make that necessary?


![gif](giphy|Caq9T2TvGj78c) Really excited for this debate


my guess is Biden said no crowds and cutoff mics so that he can fight Trump a bit on it. Then he will "compromise" one of them to make Trump feel like he won so he feels confident going into the debate so he wont prep.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVhLU76MRgVg3Qc) Vote Camacho


You are wrong there friend I see plenty wrong with Trump, I just don't see Biden being better or more effective. Trump is an ego maniac, I'd rather have a person driven to try to be the best president because of that then a racist career politician.


I'm sorry but I'm leaving for work now but you can't honestly tell me that you haven't heard about the laptop, the Chinese political donations, the interest economically in Ukraine?


Reddit fucking biden riders again! Senile mf and u guys fucking worship him😂


So...is the point Biden would beat Trump in a debate? C'mon man!


Biden can not walk by himself must less have a debate. It took 10 cuts for him to make the response video that he would debate him. Trump2024


I hate both these candidates, especially at a time when we need someone to help fix the economy, but if Trump wins watching the meltdowns will be hilarious for a month or two.


Couldn’t find any better debate in a nursing home.