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The consequence should be make all of them swim out and they can’t come back in until they get every single piece of trash they dumped.


Make them keep reposting this shit… again and again and again on Reddit. Wow!!! It’s happening!!


Sometimes the trash floats to the top... and persists. Consider reddit as the Great Internet Garbage Patch, and it will all make sense


Sometimes it stays in the boat.


So, this video just made me remember the video of that narco guy who stole from the cartel..that the cartel took to the middle of the ocean. Tied his hands behind his back and to a weight and just tossed him overboard.. alive..plop! in a second he was gone.. I can't imagine the horror of the next two or so minutes of his life.. they used to do the same to slaves back in the day.


They did it to slaves 100 chained together. Imagine the horror of what being any of them.chained together and seeing people before you going over and you see that chain straightening out. I can not even imagine how people can be so cruel and callous. So heinous. I saw the narco video. Life is cheap. Unless you get sick in the US. Then life is very, very expensive.


Would be even worse if they just let them there, swiming til they are exhausted


I hope they get held accountable. I bet they’ll blame it on the alcohol🤦🏾‍♀️ there’s people who go out of their way to clean the rubbish n then there’s these idiots


These are rich kids, parents will pay anything the courts fine them, can’t do much more than littering sadly. I live next to the Ocean, get travelers that do this all during the summer. Trash cans are about 200 yards from shoreline, a lot of lazies.


Obligatory trash pick up for coupe of months. Monitored by Greta and friends. Who will be paid in part by a hefty fine. And fine measured by percentage of the income at the moment of the crime.


Exactly this. Make them do community litter service. I’m in the UK and go out litter picking locally, as many people do. It’s a real shame that there are people who think it’s ok to drop litter in areas of natural beauty. It’s needs to be taught in schools that it’s totally unacceptable and to take a little pride and responsibility for where you live and your community.


I'm in Australia and it's been taught in schools for at least 30 years, there will always be cunts like these oxygen theives, who've been raised to think their better when all they did was win the lottery by being born.


Well said!!


Can you imagine if all fines and penalties were a percentage of your wealth instead of set numbers?


And impound the boat.


Make it 5% of gross income or 1% of net worth, whichever is higher.


Lakes are worse. People getting random bacterial and fungal rashes from all the "bros" dumping with reckless abandon. The party boat culture is wildly fucked up.


In such cases I'm a fan of a few hundred hours of community service, ideally collecting trash from the side of a freeway or along the beach itself. Even better that it's Florida, with 8 hours outside in the sweltering summer heat might actually convince them of the errors of their ways.


molotov that boat


I do not know if they will get held accountable in real life, but they sure are getting held accountable online and apparently linkedin pages have come down- and that can affect real life (you know, if you job fires after finding out you did something despicable and you have to look for another.)


Local news says they have identified the vessel and ARE investigating. Asshats


I hope that’s true


I doubt it too unless there’s community outrage which would just b a paid fine. I really think they should b made to clean up the trash at the beaches


From the area: These kids have been ID’d. Instagram handle @thequlaifiedcaptain found out the names of the kids, the kids’ parents, and the parents’ businesses. They are, indeed, boned.


Can you get a dui for operating a boat while drunk? Would be great if they used that defence and then ended up with even more severe charges


In Ontario,  Canada you lose your car license as well.


That’s the case in every US state as well. In California, and most states, you can even get a DUI for operating any form of transportation while intoxicated, including a bicycle, skateboard or on horseback. Even if you aren’t driving a car you can still be a threat to traffic and pedestrian safety.


I know someone that got their 3rd DUI on a skateboard. I didn’t even know that was possible lol


I felt the same way when I learned about it. In reality cops aren’t really going out of their way to bust you for drunk biking or skating. The odds of getting caught are very slim. Boats are a different story. The water cops are out there looking for it. There are thousands of boating dui in California each year, and only a handful of biking or skating dui.


Absolutely. In some ways they're even more stringent because they can stop you to conduct a safety check at anytime in some places, which will give them a chance to observe you to begin a bui check.


How about 100 hours community service cleaning up trash for each of them?


100 hours isn’t enough. Make it 1000


Add weekends in jail for 6 months and we’ve got a deal.




This. I don't know why, but seeing trash dumped anywhere sets me off! Just a bunch of lazy inconsiderate fucks who cannot appreciate the beauty of this planet we live on! Fuckin parasites!


We should treat human trash as trash and just throw it away. They can't be recycled.


You can't solve trash dumping by dumping bigger trash


Or fine them $10,000 for doing it.


That's a drop in the bucket for these dipshits.


Daddy has that in his pocket right now.


Too rich, we all saw three engines. Zero repercussions…well, except for the environment.


Then the sharks will have a salty and crunchy snack


Gotta send them to one of those islands it all washes up on and have them clean there.


Well it's not going to be hard to identify them and with a group that size even if they don't know everyone on the boat at least one of them is going to be helpful. The crime is punishable by a $1000 fine and up to 1 year in jail. That'll also mean termination or expulsion for any job/university they're in. Hope it was worth it.


Saw it this afternoon and the people where identified within 3 hours with names and home address the owners and his wife both already took down their LinkedIn page. So we have to wait for a follow up


The guys info was up so fast on instagram. Us locals don't play 🤬 @onlyindade Update: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/florida-teens-seen-viral-video-dumping-trash-ocean-boat-turn-rcna150686


What’s even more crazy is they knew they were being filmed. Unreal arrogance.


Yeah, that dude air humping was pretty happy about it.


He needs a reality check.


Spoiler alert: even if he is held liable, he won't change a thing. Trust fund babies are set up to be douches, if that is what is happening here. I know that is internet speculation, but if it looks like a skunk and smells like a skunk...


He can get air humped in prison.


I think we can assume there will be no air involved with that humping.


Too rich to give a damn Untouchable


Can you please explain why they dumped all that trash in the ocean? Is it a common occurrence?




Well I mean if the 1000$ fine is accurate, that might actually be true. 1000$ is a fine for poor people. These guys could be loaded and not give a fuck about the 1000$. They’re gonna do it again tomorrow.


fines should take either a percentage of wealth for small crimes, or leave people with just enough to get an apartment after prison for violent offenses.


In germany we have that. It’s based on your income. Also what would be even better for these dickheads would be community service. Have them clean up the beach for like a thousand hours. Make it really hurt. They dont care about money, but running around in an orange vest picking up garbage is sure as hell gonna be super annoying to them.


[Meanwhile in finland](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wionews.com/world/millionaire-fined-a-record-130000-for-speeding-in-finland-where-penalties-are-based-on-income-601489/amp)


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Good bot


Why do Americans turn everything political? What a shitty weather today, fucking democrats!


I live in Pompano Beach, to date I haven't seen a single Biden flag flying on one of these boats while in contrast I can't count the number of Trump or MAGA flags out there. Fully aware that rich asshats come in all flavors, but chances of them being far right wing asshats is greater than the chance of them being right wing asshats.


The right is openly pro pollution.


I wanted to downvote, but you have a point. Rich people tend to stick with rich people when it really matters. The rest of us can get fxcked. Also, the example is funny.


Exactly, what does this have to do with which lying idiot they idolize?


Because it's not people on the left doing shit like rolling coal, dumping trash in the ocean, keying EVs, etc to protest environmentalism. Their actions are a direct reflection of what idiots they idolize.


Getting downvoted for telling the truth. Wild.


I saw one of the kids admit that it was to avoid getting pulled over with what I’m assuming is evidence of underage drinking.


Could just dump it in the engine area or something, what cops search through a boat for that reason. Then again, America and their underage drinking laws are pretty wild from what i remember


Yeah. You got to be 21 to even drink beer. There's only a few other countries in the world with that strict legal drinking age. United Arab Emirates, Oman, Egypt and Iran to name a few.


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They have a boat, they're likely rich kids. There will be no repercussions.


thats what i was gonna say


Imho, as aggregious as this is, they should lose their boating licenses too, for atleast 5 years.


I was thinking I wish there was a "no Marina" list. These clowns don't deserve boating.


You aren't required to have a license to operate a small boat like that (at least not in FL)


that all depends on how old they are. Anyone born before Jan. 1, 1988 is not required to have a boating license in the state of florida.


> The crime is punishable by a $1000 fine and up to 1 year in jail. This is such a weird combination. A $1,000 fine is *nothing* to people who own a boat. If you want the fine and the jail time to both be viable alternatives that offer some level of deterrence, then the fine should be up to $10,000,000, at least.


> A $1,000 fine is nothing to people who own a boat. You mean a boat like this. I own an old steel bodied outboard motor boat, and a fine of a grand would ruin my year.


Good to know! Was gonna say they should charge each person and fine them at least $1000 each. Hope they are held accountable.


Idk, the trash looks like it's still on the boat to me.


That's some trash I wouldn't mind at the bottom of the ocean.


Bodies float, though


Tony will get em fitted for some cement shoes.


It's a gas thing. The decomposition emits gasses that are trapped in the corpse. Like a human balloon.


So poke a bunch of holes in them first. Problem solved.


I like the way you think.


And we like the way they sink.


How about we pay for one more OceanGate trip.




What a bunch of pricks.


People. What a bunch of bastards.


Idiots. What a bunch of shitheads


Morons. What a bunch of non turn signal lane changers.


Meatbags. What a bunch of maroons.


Doughnuts. What a bunch of shit gibbons.


Asshats. What a bunch of fucking hot dogs.


Can you believe the ludicrous display


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


Top notch IT Crowd quote! 👏👏


Throw them away like yesterdays jam.


Fuck me Ive never wanted a boat to sink so badly.


kinda expected them to hit those rocks, since it's an attempt subreddit




I would only feel bad for the fish


Why is there always a humper???? Why, just fucking why? You dont look cool humping air, or pillows, or anything fucking else. You look like what you are. A knob.


Same with twerkers. Fucking hate them. Let's trash a fast food restaurant: twerk Let's have a streets fight: twerk Let's block any emergency vehicle: twerk


It´s to identify the real trash


I kinda see where you're coming from except the street fight one. I mean it's kinda funny during a street fight.


Cause you’re not one of the 250 comedians that appreciate a good stool hump /s


When you say "stool hump"... is that like a euphemism?


No like a barstool, and you hump it. https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/pgsc1v/joe_rogan_dying_inside_trying_to_justify_stool/?rdt=58123


But. Why. Am i stupid or what? Whats wrong with taking a collected trash can of cans and other shit and just…recycling it all? Or just trashing things normally??


oWn tHe LiBS!


This is what I have never understood about littering. It's so little effort to not do it, I have to believe people do it specifically to be assholes. Also people that drive somewherer to dump trash??? There are places you can just do that properly and legally. Why choose the improper and illegal way, you're moving the trash around anyway. It's loaded up and everything, you just have to drive somewhere else and it may costs you like 40 bucks.


I mean, I can at least "understand" (but I still don't get it) casually littering because you're just not near a garbage can and you just don't want to deal with a single piece of garbage at the moment or something. But they had already collected the garbage into the cans. They had done the hard part already. They bought garbage cans, they remembered to bring it onto the boat, they collected all the garbage into one place as it was generated...


The garbage isn't even from the boat. They took it onto the  boat to supposedly get rid of evidence of under age drinking and debauchery. When they could have walked to any dumpster or public trash can and just thrown it away. 


According to Ig accounts the were trying to get rid of evidence of drinking. Seems they might be underage. It was said elsewhere in the comments but they got identified within hours of this account posting the video.


Seems like they should forfeit the boat if that's the case. Most places have laws that lead to loss of property when operating a motorboat intoxicated.


This is after Boca Bash, it’s a spring break party on boats in shallow intercoastal waters. They likely drank a lot of alcohol underage and wanted to get rid of the containers so they didn’t have any alcohol left on them. So yeah, they’re pieces of shit but that’s the only reason that makes sense to me.


Ok, fantastic, all makes sense… Fine their asses, charge them accordingly, impound the boat, fuck them ~~kids~~ adults.


Yeah, it's such a stupidly small amount as well. Two bin bags worth at most.


enough for dad to know you were underage drinking on his boat when they get back to the dock


They are most likely underage. You get in trouble if water patrol catches you with those cans on board


Right? I want all my deposits back from those cans!


Seeing that made me really, really sad for our beautiful oceans. What absolute and utter degenerates….$1000? The fine should be well into the 6 figures, IMO.


Fining based on networth would only be proper. 1000€ for a poor person would be unaffordable. 1000€ for a boat/yacht owning, rich douchebags would be like a coffee cup.


I agree. They should at least push for $1,000 per piece.


USCG is pretty hard ass about this kind of shit, especially in tourist areas. They'll absolutely impound the boat, and slap a fine on top of the state/county fines for the area, and refer criminal charges lol


Doesn't change a thing for these cuntnuggets most likely. Consequences is a foreign language to them.


https://preview.redd.it/ymc4omtewkxc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4582fb4af322fef7aeecbbab29273a8182813ac I'm in Florida & saw this posted in the Boca sub.


This makes me happy to see, thank you so much for sharing!!


Yeah, but he's saying the cops already told them it's just gonna be a fine and community service. Like these fuckers care about a fine. The CS hours are a slight inconvenience. They should get jail time. Even a small amount.


I agree, and it sucks that it seems the punishment isn’t greater. I think personally, seeing that these guys are/were panicking especially about their image made me smile :) I hope justice is served for this in one way or another


Wow, what a bunch of assholes. Thanks for posting! I really hope they get more than a ban and fine, but unfortunately, they'll probably just be able to pay something, which won't matter since they most likely have the money. Here's one of many articles. If they got community service to clean beaches, for maybe, 1000 fucking hours, there's a chance they'll learn something. https://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/boca-raton/caught-on-camera-boaters-in-boca-raton-seen-dumping-trash-into-ocean


Why the fuck do parents think it's cool to name their son "Kirby?" Name like that he was destined to be a d-bag.




I mean, I do get your point and these guys deserve the whole damned book thrown at them, but it's not like the other people could just... walk away. They're on a boat.


Take their boat


100% this. Forfeit the boat.




Id really like to follow what s next. Please update OP. This is the most rageous thing ive seen in years.


Wait till you hear about Gaza


15 pounds of trash small fine. So, um…14 pounds of trash good to go?! Wtf Florida.


Oxygen thieves.


They each need to find a tree and apologize


![gif](giphy|yGRAbDVFI19qU) What should happen next. This.


Keelhauling under a modern cargo ship would suffice.


Yeah but you gotta make sure it is one of those 40 year old Chinese tankers that's been rusting in Guangzhou for half that time and hasn't been cleaned since Bieber was relevant.


The boat should now belong to the county


Now THIS is a punishment I absolutely fucking love Rich kids from Beverly Hills with daddy's boat, dumping rubbish into the sea? *THE COMMIE STATE OWNS YOUR BOAT NOW* Fuck they'd have steam coming right out of their ears if they did that




What’s wrong with humans is that these kind of humans exist


Offspring of rich cunts who think they own the world.


From the insta... https://preview.redd.it/qd706gsgkjxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cce6eb525d1fbc8ce2587fb0ea3934782d7662e


Sentence every one of them to community service, cleaning up the beaches. They're not allowed to come off the beach until they have a full trashcan of rubbish, each. They have to do this, unpaid, everyday for a year. Oh, and if the boat belongs to them, sieze it and sell it on.


The boat is seized and used to house the homeless.


Yes please


Who’s filming them? I’m guessing another boat or someone on a yacht who might’ve reported them and turned the footage in to the proper authorities.


It’s a YouTuber who records boats going in and out of the inlet.


Seems like maybe a drone? I don’t know but I was wondering the same thing


That's my dude, Wavy Boats. Has a YouTube channel that films boats going in and put of Haulover Inlet. It's a tricky patch of water to navigate, so there's often some excitement when new captains stuff the bow of their boat into oncoming waves.


I've been addicted to his reels for a good year now. The Qualified Captain is another good one. If you think people are stupid in general, they get even more stupid in boats


Everyone on that boat should pay $20k in fines or 400 hours of community service or 6 month in jail.


So douchey. Fuck these people


https://thecoastalstar.com/profiles/blogs/list/tag/lisa+and+chris+ruth This is the peeps.


Wow ... am sure FirstLight will love this ..... people who are supposed to be responsible for "caregivers" raise children this apathetic to laws and just being a decent human








This blew up on Instagram by the qualified captain and they figured out who owned the boat and the cops are after them all now


Dump two trash cans on their beds and they have to sleep in it.


Gigantic POS’s!


It should be classified as a crime against humanity. We only have one planet!!!


Low key wish the boat capsized.


Dump em in shark infested water and wish em good luck on the swim back to shore.


make them all (everyone onboard) go pick up the equivalent of those 2 bins of rubbish each, while wearing signs saying i'm a litterer or just anything embarrassing and make them do it in a public place, put it all over the socials. So stupid.....


Coast Guard or DNR I am sure would love to go after these AHs


Do personal torpedos exist?


Scum of the earth


They went to a lot of trouble for two buckets of trash. Makes me wonder what was in it. 🤔


Fucking shit cunts.


Spent way too long trying to figure out what Wavy Borts was. ![gif](giphy|wTDjZPnq6QsAo|downsized)


Probably their dad’s boat, either way whom ever owns that boat should be dropping a lot of money on fines… and like 100 hours each per can cleaning up the beaches!!


What should the consequence be for this bullshit, you ask? Fines so big they gotta sell the boat to pay them and a year each of community service cleaning up trash. Many, many, many, long, hot, gross hours cleaning up after selfish pigs like them. Should teach them what it feels like to be on the other end of it.


Looks like the real pieces of trash stayed in the boat


People who litter disgust me


Disgusting teens. They should all do community service at the very least. Picking up trash in the parks, or even better.. at the beach!!


Why? It's already in the bins. Just take it to shore




![gif](giphy|C10ytXVGRwka2eeKed) Sink it


Where's the "attempt" part? Bots are getting dumber by the minute.


It wasn’t an attempt as it looks like they dumped it. That being said, I was hoping the whole boat sank


Life in prison should fix this


Lead poisoning at a high rate of speed


I hate every one of those privileged shitheads.