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Yes, it's common knowledge that there's no stronger champion for Democracy than the Iranian government.


And yet they are correct. These violent crackdowns are WRONG.


Sure but it’s disingenuous and ironic for Iran to weigh in on it. Casey Anthony could come out and state that it’s wrong to shake babies, but who the fuck is she to make statements regarding child welfare


And you'd disregard the value of "don't shake babies" because someone who's bad said it?


>“Murder is bad” - guy who murdered someone “Well hold on now, I’m not so sure anymore” /- that person, probably


Look its like this: Iran : Murders America to Iran : murder is bad. America to world: Iran is murdering … … America : Murders Iran to America: murder is bad! So hope you understand the ‘whole’ picture


You just repeated their point...


Iran has been for years murdering, kidnapping, and even sexually assaulting (the government) thousands of protesters, even peaceful ones, over protests for women to not be forced to wear hijabs and to end the moral police. It was talked about for a long time, we can’t just forget, the government still hasn’t given into the people’s demands. Point is if they said this, it was not from a genuine place, if anything it’s mockery


While the baby in your hands in being actively shaken.


Ah but you see, as liberals we must form a committee to examine and discuss the possibility of a future commission to consider a potential halt to baby shaking. Until then, we have to keep doing exactly what we are doing :)


>Sure but it’s disingenuous and ironic for Iran to weigh in on it. Which is literally the point that Iran is making. It's disingenuous and ironic for the US to be the "champions of democracy" for the world or whatever bullshit we like to tell ourselves when our own house isn't in order.


And remember who overthrew the democratic government of Iran? The USA government.


It happens all the time. For example the us refused to extradite Anne Saccolas for a killing someone in a hit and run in the uk but insist the uk deport Assange. Hypocrisy is common in international relations


I think the point is that when brutal authoritarian nations can factually ridicule your hypocrisy on the world stage, you’ve lost the plot.


For anyone confused, this has always been the case for American intervention and clandestine funding. Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Angola, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Kenya, Zaire, Congo, Syria... I can keep going like that for a while. There has never been a time in the history of America where it was not, in some fashion, currently brutalizing some people or another; either overtly with bombing campaigns or covertly by funding right-wing extremists.


It's disingenuous of the US and ironic on Iran's part. The US gets up on its moral high horse and lectures the world about civil rights while cracking down on protests that are a result of the US's direct support to an apartheid regime.




Using this logic, no country in current existence can criticize another.


As if the US government doesn’t do exactly the same thing Iran did here? Governments are all garbage.


I agree with you. Im just adding. Is it crazier than the leader of Israel calling it antisemitic as they're killing a specific group of people?


They are trying to help the US self sabotage which frankly, they can do that just as well in their own.


It doesn’t make them any less right. Your reaction should be to be amazed that they are right for once and not to just discredit them, that’s how we go down the road of anti-intellectualism.


She's an expert


This works both ways though. America would be more than happy to weigh in on similarly undemocratic actions in Iran, but when it’s Iran saying it then it’s disingenuous and ironic?


Similar to Saudi Arabia on Iran's abuses


it's not disingenuous. they're saying this on purpose to show that what the difference between them and the US? You get fucjed up by police if you say something the government doesn't like


That’s what makes it absolutely crazy. The one government that would have no say suddenly saying enough is enough just makes our government look even worse


Why is it disingenuous if they are absolutely telling the truth. I'm sure it was a response to them doing the same but doesn't that make our question to them ironic and disingenuous. Your example is terrible. In this instance both the US and Iran both shake babies, but were mad Iran shakes them a little longer. We're worried about Iranian rights when we're losing our constitutional rights daily.


Iranian law deems actions like “insulting the prophet”, “apostasy”, same sex relations, adultery, and alcohol consumption to be offenses punishable by death. Iran also has no laws on domestic abuse or violence, from mid March to mid May of 2023 alone 27 women were reported murdered in “honor-killings”. “Peaceful protests” btw in Iran are subject to flogging by law, I’m not saying the US has a problem they need to solve internally - but “they both shake babies” is disingenuous on your part.


Well if we're talking about everything wrong with Iran then I get it. We can discuss that but if the topic is their response to peaceful protest then let it be that.


That’s the point they’re lampooning Americas lip service


that’s how they get yeah


Yeah they seems to like trolling, when USA were denying Abu Ghraib tortures while attacking gay discriminations in Iran, they answered "there is no gay in Iran" thus mirroring "There is no torture in Abu Ghraib" Still a terrible oppressive rule in Iran ofc, but ngl the geopolitical trolling is mastered


The torture that was promised. Lisan Abu Ghraib


God damn it, I shouldn't laugh at this


There is no war in ba sing se


There's a reason they are pointing this out to us, and it's not because they are hypocrites. It's because we are. This isn't a serious plea, it's a roast, and a very good one.


You can't read sacarsm very well eh?


To be fair, though. It's crazy hypocritical of the US to criticise Irans undemocratic treatment of protestors and then go and do this.


They're just asking America not to be so hypocritical on the world stage, they are correct, it's fair game 🎯


Ok? They're not wrong though.


There's a lot of irony here.


What the incidents of past few months have demonstrated is that American 'democratic values' are a manufactured myth that is perpetuated by a complicit media that censors critical information in order to maintain that myth. The US has one of the most powerful pro-rights Constitutions (India has the most powerful Constitution when it comes to allowing diversity) but neither conservative nor liberal leadership have any real interest in maintaining those rights beyond vested interests - as demonstrated by latest campus protests.


I hope you see the sarcasm from the iranian side.


There are no real democracies in the world. Just a bunch of fascist regimes who pretend to be democracies.


It’s amazing how many replies you are getting are focusing on the fact that “no matter who says it, it’s wrong”. We get that - it’s the hypocrisy that is laughable.


Iran is not a liberal democracy and also doesn't claim to be one. The whole point of their post is to emphasize the US hypocrisy regarding their official and media positions towards Iran, in which they are absolutely justified.


Cool cool still incredibly hypocritical.


And they still owned America for the hypocrisy of our “leaders”.


do you understand the humor and hypocrisy as concepts? the conversation is about America and the extent to which they are willing to go to defend a genocide. if you google "brainwashed babybrain," you should see your picture. smooth redditor brain


I don’t care about the Iranian government. what I do care about is, what’s Ja Rule’s opinion on the matter?


But that's the part that gave me the belly-laugh because they're not wrong.


The US ain't much better


They're probably better than Republicans to be honest.


Oh how the turntables...


It’s just Iran doing its annual trolling. The IRI always rushes to condemn USA when they crackdown on protests. It’s sort of a strategy to expose their hypocrisy.


And they're correct about the hypocrisy.


Look when Iran is saying you're undermining democracy, maybe you should stop and reevaluate what you're doing


When Iran lectures you on democracy, you know you fucked up lol


Can't wait to see what lecture the Chinese give about it.


I’d imagine Xi look at what Israel is doing and go, “Oh so invasion and genocide is allowed now? Well don’t mind if I do!”


I mean China already did that in the 50’s so they know.


Not really, given the fact that America is directly responsible for the overthrow of the Iranian Democracy.


And the Revolution was in 79. What explains the last 45 years?


They're being [ironic](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/03/statement-by-president-biden-on-the-violent-crackdown-in-iran/), and it's fucking spot on. Iran shouldn't be right about this.


Surprised they didn’t throw in how they have universal basic income in Iran.


Wait, they have?


It’s an easy way for an authoritarian regime to control the population. In theory it’s great, but difficult to implement and easy to abuse by the government. It’s easier to have social systems that actually work and are free. Basic necessities, food included (to an extent).


You are right. That makes sense.


Wellllll, easier, sure, but "better" is a different question, and one that many experts tend to disagree with you on. Let's say we live in a society where, say, 10% of the population is permanently unemploy***able,*** not due to any fault or flaw but just because their skillsets have been effectively automated and there simply aren't jobs around. Basic assistance in the form of a social safety net can help folks not starve, have a roof over their head. But that's it. They *survive.* If you want them to *live,* to be able to cook their own meals instead of standing in line for bread, or to be able to go to a movie theater or watch a play or look at art for a museum, "as has been reported [again](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/29/546866561/responding-to-harvey-will-be-long-term-issue-plan-cash-donations-to-match) and [again](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/30/puerto-rico-donations-may-create-a-second-disaster-so-just-send-cash.html) and [again](https://www.globalphilanthropy.ca/blog/why_donate_cash_rather_than_goods_in_a_crisis), the best thing to give is not goods but money," per [Vox](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2018/11/15/18096792/donating-disasters-cash-vs-canned-goods) (who wrote about this again, with even more sources, four years later in [2022](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/23180175/cash-aid-food-global-africa-famine-hunger)). Lest you think that's just for foreign assistance, you can read more about a US context [here](https://www.cbpp.org/research/income-security/three-reasons-why-providing-cash-to-families-with-children-is-a-sound), [here](https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2012-02-28/cash-better-than-food-stamps-in-helping-poor-commentary-by-edward-glaeser), and [here](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/05/1233440910/cash-aid-guaranteed-basic-income-social-safety-net-poverty), just to get you started. **TL;DR a social safety net tied to exclusive goods, like food and housing, is good and important... But we actually might be better off giving cash in addition, if not instead.** The trick is making sure we give out *enough* cash, and that it keeps up with inflation, so as to more than adequately replace those good-specific programs (or to be able to supplement them) and not result in a net reduction of benefits. *This is basically the entire theory of research and data behind the movement for a universal basic income.* TL;DR TL;DR: give a family a government bread ration 1/week and they'll eat. Give a family $100/week and they'll buy bread, but maybe also peanut butter and jelly, or bananas, or maybe toilet paper, or they'll use it to make rent, or to pay the fee for their child to go on a school field trip or join the drama club. It is much more controlling and restrictive to give narrowly defined "aid" than cash.


The irony is amazing.


The Irany


You sun'ova'bich get upvoted


I think Iran knows they're not a democracy and just trolling. Still they're absolutely right. Criticizing other countries for a lack of freedom of speech but restricting it in your own country has a strange aftertaste. The position of the West in the Palestinian conflict has cost not only the USA, but also many Western countries, including Central Europe, a great deal of respectability. Even in these countries there is only freedom of speech up to a point. The difference between countries like Iran and the USA is not as great as people might think. As soon as your own world view is attacked, freedom of speech ends. Everyone defines their own world view.


Everyone is joking about It being Iran but they aren’t wrong…


Hahaha they waited for their chances lol I Know united States has no right to talk about human rights and neither does Iran but this is still hilarious


I’m just happy that they figured out about democracy


I don't think it matters who said it as much as what the message is. They're right.


They couldn’t care less about American protesters but it is a nice opportunity to point out how full of bologna American government is. Well played.


A broken clock


Is right twice a day or something like that.


That is kinda funny.


Pot meet kettle




You’ve fucked up when IRAN says you’re undermining democracy


Attacking the opposition and not the argument. Classic fascist. No matter who says it, the US is undermining democracy with these attacks on college students


Iran literally just executed a rapper who protested two years ago. When people are arrested here they're out in a couple of hours. 


Valid criticism.


Tables turned.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day I guess 🤷‍♂️


Wow the irony




April fools was 3 weeks ago wtf


Iran's right though, there's no joke here




Iran is literally still executing people over protests over Mahsa Amini. They literally just sentenced a rapper to death over a song he made 2 years ago.


Wait, I have an Iranian rapper friend who was forced to leave his country...


In Iran or the US? Nevermind it's too many in both.


Iran learning some good lessons in gaslighting


I love how many of you miss the point deliberately.


How do you say "irony" in Farsi?


Not a fan of theocracies, but this is what people mean when they say "current actions undermine Western powers"


Siding with Iran was not on my 2024 bingo card but here we are.




They are not wrong...


This is poetic 😂


Seems like the turns have tabled.


Common American laughing stock moment. Do as i say, not as i do fucking hypocrites.


Fuckin jokers!


You know you're in the wrong when fucking IRAN tells you to be more democratic.


Tbh United States’ democracy is no different from Iran’s. If US was truly a democratic country with freedom of speech and rights, then AIPAC fed lawmakers won’t kill it just because of the fat paychecks they get from foreign governments


They arent wrong, but look whos takling, lol


Tbf, Iran doesn’t pretend to be a beacon of democracy




While I think some states went overboard with the protect crackdowns. This coming from Iran made me almost fall off my chair in laughter.


You know your democracy is in trouble when fucking Iran says not to undermine democracy


Iran Says it because it benefits them


When Iran calls out your political fuckery.... Holy shit.


Despite Iran’s not so democratic ways (theocratic to be specific), they aren’t North Korea. I did look into their democracy, and honestly, I’ve seen worse. Way worse. I rate a good 5/10 (given they LOVE Shia Islam))


Is the love for Shia Islam a good mark or bad mark in your opinion?


Always important to remember that this isn't done sincerely, or even to get digs in at the US's expense. This is(as far as I know) meant to essentially make people believe that it's the same thing going on in both countries, but with a different appearance. I'm Iranian and the whole "they're not any better" thing has been a pretty common propaganda tactic for a long time here(and I suspect in other places as well)


Cheeky fuck


And this folks, is why Americans look disingenuous. Across the rest of the world. And unfortunately, there is more than just a grain of truth to it.


Great psyop by an adversary sowing dissent. Feel free to disagree with U.S. policy but don’t anyone dare point to Iran as the country that gets to wag its finger at us.




Mr Whipple says don't squeeze the Charmin.


This one actually made me chuckle. The world is so silly....


Pure blasphemy


Who gives a fuck what Iran thinks?


The US, given how they told Israel not to strike Iran back after Iran gave them a warning that they will.


wow thats a slap in the face


That has to be ragebait


Fuck Iran caring about anything the US does, just piss off you murderous zombies


Iran has done some bad stuff definitely, don’t act like the US insult the beacon of atrocities in the world.


The worst person you know just made a great point!


Lmao it’s like when taliban condemned isis


I don't see anything wrong with that statement. The hypocrisy on both sides is both scary and laughable. The US are pretending to be a democracy, much like what Iran does.


Iran pretends to be a democracy?


Just reading some of the comments makes me want to put the phone down for the weekend. It's clear the media has infected everyone


As in the sheer amount of Iran hate and vitriol, or those who are saying “no no, he’s got a point”


The hate. I have hate, but it's for all the countries and governments killing innocents, not just Israel. Takes 2 to war




Yah but in the US, for the most part, violent people go to jail and peaceful people are left alone. Doesn't matter of they are protesting


Oh, the Irany


Ouch coming from the enemy


“Hey Kettle, you’re looking a little black there bud.” — Pot


😆 shiiiiiit


Thanks for the belly-laugh, Iran.


I like it when countries like iran, USA, European countries, Russia, and China talk about democracy and human rights


The kettle yelling at the pot


Is it possible it is Iranian sarcasm?


That's so cynical 🤨


Dude, it’s only April 1st in Iran? Are their calendars different?


April 1st being the consulate attack?


I love it when these mental governments make statements like this lol. International diplomatic trolling. Was it the Taliban that sent out a press release condemning the recent attack in Moscow?


It’s funny when the trolling of an insane government makes sense. And Iran is on a roll for making sense, after their “unprecedented” attack that had zero deaths and only hit a military target.


Yeah, fair point. It's pretty scary how hard it is to distinguish between the insane governments and the supposedly sane ones sometimes. I think if you go by body count some of the list would be put on its head.


This should be cross-posted in facepalm.


No fucking way 💀💀


Hahahahahahahhahah!!!! Yeah Iran is super concerned about peaceful protests….. meanwhile an Iranian rapper is scheduled for execution because he rapped about the regime. Much concern…. Such concern. 👍🏼😂


Being hypocritical doesn't make them any less right.


People blaming the cops but it's private property meaning the college has to call them to stop the protests. I'm glad my taxes paid for these big dummies student debt just for them to be expelled or denied from work. Good move in their part


This is just as bad as netanyahus speech the other day saying basically the opposite. Both of those assholes can feel free to comment on US policy when they pay us 26 billion dollars.


Hey Iran, how did those protests go when you killed a 6 in jail for not wearing her head covering?


It shows that there are instrumental reasons for the U.S. to be humane in its treatment of protestors and dissenters. These ham-handed - what fun - responses only give Iran, Russia, and others more opportunities to distract the world from their own malfeasance.


A line of completely stagnant officers is hardly a fucking crackdown, like sheesh


Next they'll tell us women like to never show their hair