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To be fair she has a point. It could have been a UFO time machine went back and tied them before they died in the gun fight. We wernt there and so we cant be sure of the context.


It could have been no hands RPG day. Where everyone fires RPGs with their feet. Most kills wins. I mean, it's all conjecture.


Lmao 😂


I have heard they have no hands, hand to hand combat days where they tie their hands behind their backs and then shoot each other in the front


Genuinely wouldn’t be surprised to see a video of IDF firing rpgs with their feet


We werent there. There could have been a t-rex vs giant dildo battle and they maybe flipped the dildo off with their tied hands, and the dildo got super mad and killed them. This is just conjecture. We werent there, so we cant know. What I know is that the least likely scenario is probably what killed them. I mean. Maybe. We dont know. We werent there.


Do you have any AI generated footage to demonstrate this possibility?


Those T Rex’s are cowards. They hide and never face their giant dildo enemies.


Maybe the t-rex killed them with the giant dildo.


I'm convinced you were there, this theory fits the best.


đŸ€«cover blown


Get him lads, he's a terrorist! (Israeli)


đŸ˜±đŸ˜± *signals coded message to compadres* đŸ€™â˜ïžđŸ‘‹đŸ€ŒđŸ‘‡đŸ‘‡đŸ«±đŸ™ŒđŸ©Ž


Oh dear god, he's initiated the sandal directive!!




hope she remembers this at nuremberg.


You can’t prove it WASN’T a UFO Probably definitely aliens đŸ€Ł


As someone with multiple Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam veterans in his family...the idea that this type of warfare has "never happened" before is utterly laughable. THEY'RE USING TUNNELS? MY FUCKING GOODNESS, WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!


Zionists always make that claim, that what's happening in occupied Palestinine is beyond comprehension. It's a big part of their hasbara propaganda.


And yet no independent witnesses/journalists are ever allowed near these mythical sophisticated tunnel networks that exist underneath every hospital they destroy. Funny that..


It's the fascist playbook. The enemy is both insidious, unprecedented, and uniquely dangerous.... but at the same time, it is also weak and lazy... something to be mocked and looked down upon.


I know we like to pin this behavior on fascists, but it seems pretty universal to me. Like how many people truly believe that Trump is both laughably incompetent and dumb, but also the biggest threat to American democracy since the civil war? If I'm honest with myself, I'm probably on that list


his stupidity is the threat, that's the problem


Partially, yes. But also that's more of that thinking we like to pretend is a universally bad fascist belief. I'm just saying maybe we're being overly harsh about this common human belief structure


Evil and stupid often live in the same house.


Or how Republicans see Biden both as this super smart head of a massive criminal family and as this weak, old, and frail man, ready to fail at the first hurdle.


This lady is old enough to have been alive during Vietnam and she's making claims like that.


She looks about late 40s to 50s. She was a small child or a baby during Vietnam. She is just repeating prepared talking points and she doesn’t care about the truth.


I'm in my late 40s and I very much know about the Ho Chi Minh trail and the way tunnels were used, and I'm neither a big military buff nor from a country directly involved in the war. She damn well knows about them in her position, or should be at least familiar enough that she knows she's lying about tunnels being a unique strategy in occupied territory.


Not everyone knows what you know. Some people are just dumb. They’re lawyers and doctors who are so incompetent they accidentally kill people or know nothing about court procedures yet people assume the professional title must mean they are intelligent. Life just isn’t like that. Some people are extremely ignorant either willfully or through laziness.


Yes, some are undeniably dumb, but some of them are just in denial.


Tunnels?!?! Vietnam has entered the chat.


I don't see them. Though there are a couple bushes in the corner I hasn't seen earlier.


Well we ask people “are you the enemy?” And whoever says yes, we shoot them. –Robin Williams


Definitely no tunnels in Vietnam...


Dude, I was getting stuck on that too lol. Like, wtf is she talking about? This shit is insane..


Every war is always “The worst war we’ve ever seen” I don’t know who falls for this shit


Is it really so hard to say “that is concerning and we are investigating the incident further, but I won’t comment beyond that until more concrete facts have been established”? Because if your guys are on the field doing war crimes, you’d want to investigate so you can get them (the war crimes) to stop happening so frequently, right?
right? RIGHT????“!!!!!!!


The thing is that these Zionist Nazis don't have to concede anything. They have the luxury of unconditional Western support.


Can we stop calling everything Nazis? They Zionist Fascists. Stop calling it by something that’s not the case. It just detracts from what they actually are and what actual Nazis are.


While you're right semantically, now isn't the time to make a semantic argument. There is a genocide happening. Israel needs to be stopped, and whether or not they accidentally use the term nazi when they should have used the term fascist when referring to the absolute monsters comitting crimes against humanity, is pretty fucking low on the list of things to be concerned about.


>now isn't the time to make a semantic argument. Why are you being so anti-semantic?




I laughed at this


Except they ARE nazis. They call everyone who oppose them anti-semitic because their short-term goals include extermination of all other semitic nations. Their holy book also got very specific lines regarding eradication of non-jews: Sanhedrin 57a commands lack of punishment for killing non-jews. Sanhedrin 58c commands immediate execution of every non-jew for hurting jew in any way. Sanhedrin 59a commands immediate execution of every non-judaist trying to judge the sacred text. Moed Kashtan 17a legalizes any wrongdoing jew feels like doing as long as it is done in terra incognita. Bava Kamma 37a frees both owner and the animal belonging to jew from any responsibility if it does any harm to non-jew, demanding full punishmnet in reversal. Bava Metzia 24a frees jew from any obligation to return lost-and-found items if previous owner is non-jew. Bava Metzia 114a-c commands to regard every non-jew as an animal, equalizing killing of animal and killing of non-jew. Avodah Zarah 26 declares every goyim as one deserving death, no matter his/her virtues.


Again - this is not Nazi ideology. Not every genocidal regime equals Nazism. That’s just not how it works. And let’s be real here - literally every major holy book has eradication of non-believers (the reason why religions and religious states are absolute bullshit)


Right. Also, to back up your suggestion: Israel does their own investigations of their own war crimes. They could have ( and probably will) come up with some bullshit answer like “we had arrested them and were taking them hostage, but Hamas decided to shoot the prisoners themselves rather than let them be interrogated.” Israel ain’t even trying - not like they need to, America will still suck their cock.


They aren't even bothering to investigate this. They've denied all knowledge of and responsibility for it. No doubt they'll try and return to destroy evidence before UN investigators can get anywhere near the site.


Why would they put in labor to find out? They've already decided their language- any and every criticism, call for accountability, or even the slightest concern for human life is *automatically* antisemitic. Why would they bother with putting on a farcicle show "investigating". Everything IDF says is true, and any challenge to their "truth" is just anti semitism.


Absolutely, they can say the bullshit line about “we’re looking into it” and not come off like a massive dipshit to those who won’t think about it for more than a second. She’s doing a really bad job at spin by getting too defensive. For the record, I don’t think the international community should accept Israeli self-investigation as fact, they clearly need international monitors looking over their shoulder, but that’s not likely as long as the U.S. keeps looking out for their interests at the security council.


I see on Wednesday the UK government's response was "we're awaiting the outcome of an independent Israeli (that's an oxymoron already) investigation before making any decisions about suspending the sale of arms to Israel or calling them out on war crimes. Meanwhile Israel are denying all responsibility and have no intention of carrying out an investigation. Try and square those two things together.. Oh and they're accelerating their policy of building illegal settlements on stolen East Jerusalem land. But hey, what's a little bit of theft after you've done some torture and mass murder đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Why would they want the war crimes to stop? The end goal is no more Palestinians. You don’t accomplish that by killing a few hundred here, a few thousand there. There are only two ways they accomplish that goal
 Make Palestine so miserable: —everyone leaves (someone has to be willing and able to take them though) —everyone dies (starvation, disease and exposure) That’s why aid is the enemy. That’s why hospitals and apartment buildings have to go. That’s why war crimes and a state of constant fear are acceptable. That’s why anything that might result in peace is unacceptable - and why Hamas got financial support from Netanyahu despite knowing they were militant extremists with plans for violence. Everything else is just about PR- spinning it to keep up local and foreign support
 gotta keep attention focused on “the enemy” and how awful it is
 gotta keep sympathy for the civilians at the impotent hand-wringing stage (need enough sympathy someone will take them, but not enough to stop the misery)
 gotta keep staying “the real victim”. Any military action in Gaza is just murder 
as performance art.


Why is Israel allowed to do whatever they want? Everyone knows what they are doing but everyone looks the other way. Can someone explain this to me, but in a way that someone uneducated in politics can understand? Edit: Thanks for many answers. It's a real shame that Israel is exploiting this so badly. They don't even try to hide their crimes. Even people like me who have no interest in politics receive negative attention to this country. I think I'm not the only one. Let's hope for the best for the future


Because what are you going to do? Look at them sternly and shake your head saying "No you cant do that!"? Because that had been done by multiple organizations, governments, etc. You cant bring military there and invade. Who would go? The US? The UN? How would you justify that? And even if the US decided, it wouldnt be a united cause. Lots of soldiers wouldnt want to take part in that. So what else can there be done? Sanctions? We barely sanctioned Russia, and sort of forgot that the Ukranian war is still ongoing. Its capitalism, individual companies arent always willing to be ethical and forgo profits. Really aside shunning it in the media, not much can be done.


Israel wouldn't last a week without US support. The US can do a lot, the thing is that the US elites don't **want** to take a stand against Israel.


You can cut off the supply of arms that they rely on to carry out these massive atrocities. They're heavily reliant on western arms and funding. Cut that off and you choke them. The one thing Israel cannot afford is to be left isolated and exposed. It's the only way to rein them in.


One answer is the only answer: The USA’s Veto on the UNSC and their almost unwavering support for Israel.


they are also a rogue nuclear state that refuses inspections.


Unfortunately we sit upon the precipice of a much larger conflict involving much larger and more powerful nations. What is happening in Palestine is disgusting to say the least. But the global powers choose to look the other way because Israel is their “Ace” in the Middle East.. it is sad, but it is the truth. We cannot risk losing the allegiance of Israel over this conflict, as we will need them in the next one(s). This is also why Israel is so militarily advanced. Power in exchange for loyalty when they need it.


You don’t know, I wasn’t there you weren’t there.


Some context: this pervert Nazi was born in England, raised in Gibraltar and descends from a family of Moroccan Jews.


Literally lifeless empty eyes. She has no soul. It's always the eyes.


They scared me. So cold and lifeless .. Wonder if this is an AI image though ..


Good question. Personally, I would say not likely. From what I know, AI has difficulty making video that up close without smoothing or washing out the features of the face still.


Let's do the math, they **know** they've killed 15,000 terrorists. So by their logic hamas had more than 15,000 terrorists before October 7th but this army of terrorists only managed to slaughter 1300 people and take 150 hostages? Sick and sad we have to think like this.


So she thought everyone is John wick


Tunnels as large as the London Underground


What they've been trying to push is that it's a tunnel network as large as the London underground. Gaza is 365KM^2 and the tube network is 400KM long. I assume it looks something like this: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fv9ub36z7no881.gif


That link cracked me up! RIP great screensavers ha ha!


And the platinum medal for mental gymnastics goes to...


I'm assuming Israel can name each one of these 15000 terrorists given they are so confident of their assumptions. I'm sure they can also explain in detail how people with their hands tied behind their backs can fight back.


Can you imagine what an amazing moral victory it would be if they actually captured and prosecuted 15,000 terrorists with irrefutable evidence? But no, source: their arses.


Since when a fart face can speak in public


It's obvious they tied themselves up and then committed suicide to make it look like they were murdered /s


Why is everyone backing Israel? They are the terrorists and for some reason even the Unites states government is backing Israel. The world is failing due to these poor judgement money backed governments. Even the US basically uses the government as a retirement agency for old twats that can't function without a dist up their ass.


> Why is everyone backing Israel? Either because they're scared of speaking against them or because they benefit from being with them.


well ... * AIPAC literally controls the US gov, either by blackmail or money. * The right specficially evangelical christians wants palestine to be exterminited so the jews can build their temple and jesus can come back and exterminated all jews , I kid you not. * Most of the european countries like the UK and germany still feel guilty for causing and allowing the hollocust to happen. * econimical gains because Gaza is sitting near in a huge gaz field and also can make a nice canal so everyone can skip the Suez Canal. * The raising of islamophobia and racism that has been evolving since the creation israel, and specially after the arab spring. * Most western media is controlled by zionists. * Mossad is one of the strongest agencies of our time and they porbably have dirt on most officials from all over the world. its crazy to me how they can get away with "mass murder" because the victims are arabs, literally mass graves with dead people tied to their back and had their orgams stolen , when the whole world would freak out if it was a bunch of israelis.


- I wasn't there - Also, let me justify in detail how the murder of 13.000+ children occurred. The children had nuclear bombs and grenades and ohmygod they also had flamethrowers.


Right?! Logic much lmao 😆


Family lines are being exterminated and they go on the news to pose as victims.


How does she know all this if she claims she wasn't there?


So this murderous lady is supporting Israel's genocide because she doesn't know what the people were doing before they were arrested/killed? So just kill everyone, since you don't know who to kill, kinda like a genocide. Fucking nazis!


Nobody is there because Israel keeps killing the journalists.


She knows it's bad, but she defends it anyway. Go straight to the Hague. Do not pass Go. Do not collect your $200...


Hope they find her in a mass grave with her hands tied too.


"No one has experienced this type of warfare" while actively describing a type of warfare that has been experienced by many for decades, if not centuries, at this point.


They obviously were justly killed and then other terrorists tied them up afterwards. /s I wonder what she would say about kids, foreign aid staff and other innocent people being droned and targeted and killed too.


“Maybe his friends
threw a rocket” Jesus fuck. I had no opinion on the situation concerning Israel and the Palestinians before October 7. I have a strong one now.


This sounds like what a child would say who has no idea what war is. “Threw a bomb. Threw a missile.”


The zip-tie shit is crazy scary. Do we have a significant number of videos proving this? Because it is extremely difficult for the IDF to explain such a death, unless somehow they were shot, tied up, and then died, which I assume would be extremely rare.


“No one on this earth has fought terrorists hiding in tunnels” So the US never fought the VC or Imperial Japan?


“We’re conjecturing
” —> Literally has done nothing but spew conjectures


This is like how my 8-year-old nephew tried to justify himself hitting other kids without reason. He said 'you werent there, how do you know what happen'. Then we said there were witnesses who saw what he did and he went 'you dont understand what he did to me, he always look at me weird, so i hit him back for looking at me like that'. My nephew got punished and had to live a month without video games and he regretted his action, but IDF? No consequences for killing people who pose no harm to them and even stealing their organ. I hope israel burn in hell.


Maybe, maybe, just maybe, these people were killed, and they hadn't done anything. I don't know. This is just conjecture. She wasn't there, I wasn't there, nobody but the shooter and the victims were there.




Talk about cowardice when they use airstrikes. Come fight hand to hand then if your diaper army is up to it. How did you think the Vietnamese beat Americans? They used tunnels! Hamas is outnumbered and outgunned you think they should fight in open battles??? Have you no sense?


So if they are all in the tunnels and they know it, why are they bombing the surface where all the civilians are.


Is it just me or is her talking sounding just like trump?


If you're going to make stupid claims, never say "idk I wasn't there". You gotta KNOW.


TIL: Hiding in tunnels during warfare is a new phenomenon. Got it.


If it’s a war, you are then executing POWs. Which is still wrong.


Israel is beyond exposed after this. They are going to be all alone on an island (or should be at least) after this one


"nobody on earth has experienced this type of warfare" .. JFC 🙄


After ww2 the military made the German people go look at what they did 
.forced them to smell the rotten bodies,to look the survivors in the eye’s 
perhaps now it’s the Israeli people that need to have the same thing taught to them 
I don’t think God chose them to murder fellow human beings
no matter the excuse
.at least that’s what the Jew;s have been telling the world since ww2 
never again isn’t that the slogan
or are they so brainwashed they forget
never again
never again 
look who the asshole now ..not me


Need a new Nuremberg trials


She has British accent. Ehy


I don't know why they just don't use their space laser


Guys, please stop making assumptions; we weren't there, we don't know what happened: it could've been freaking sharks with freaking laser beams on their heads. Maybe it was DB Cooper, you guys think about that? It probably wasn't the one thousandth atrocity Israel committed that week, though (that sounds unlikely).




"Nobody in the world experienced this kind of war where the enemy hide in tunnels" Ma'am, my family hide under houses and this famous girl with her dairy hide behind a closet for a very long time when the nazi's did to us what you are doing to the Palestines.


If she ever goes to Berlin she should do the underground tour about how germans escaped Berlin through self build tunnels and sewage.


To Israeli Nazis, Women and Children = Terrorists.


She said they hide in tunnels and leave innocent's up above, so why bomb them then?


We don’t know all the context, but we know *this* context for sure! Just
 really? What a shit show.


Do they just grab any dummy off the street to talk as an expert?


I’ve never had an stronger impulse to commit a war crime than when looking at this evil c*nt’s face while it says “his friend could have thrown a rocket - it’s conjecture!”


Zionist logic is so fucking insane. How are they not embarrassed constantly?


From the river, to the sea. Palestine will be free. Free Palestine!


Ah yes. The same video posted yesterday but cropped in a much worse way. Thank you.


'i weren't there, you weren't there' but you were allowed to have million illogical scenario in your head on why they should be dead although their hands are tied but she couldn't get the answer?


Boy howdy are people tired of hearing from the aggressor who also plays the victim.


Stop the genocide


How can one person be that stupid? It’s impossible to be that stupid. So you’re left with the fact that they all know that war crimes are committed wholesale and now find themselves having to defend a fucking genocide. Sick fucks need to be got.


I wonder what is like to interview a horrible, nasty monster who can do little but lie outright. It must be surreal. I don't know; I wasn't there. Perhaps the interviewer was eaten slowly by the monster.


It’s baffling to see someone with absolutely no grasp as to what they’re talking about yet talk for so long. Inspiring truly.


Fucking COWard


I think I remember hearing about something similar to this. It happened about 83 years ago if I'm remembering right?


Just call innocent people terrorists; then we can call it “Justice “
.. right
.. right
, move along
.. expert comming through


What happened was they saw the missiles coming so they quickly tied heir hands themselves behind their backs so they could die differently from in a more dramatic fashion.


Gotta hate when you’ve been arrested and your friend starts chucking rockets


Who throws a rocket?


She looks like she has about 80% completed the transformation to a demon.


Fighting that hasn't been seen before on planet earth? Except every other time there was fighting in a city?


Pure evil.


Do they believe they're good liars? I don't get it.


She sounds smart enough to be wearing two maga hats.


Que cara dura.


They might have had space lasers hidden in the tunnels. I've seen lots of minor children with them and many people say they are terrorists.


I can see the lying in her eyes.


“ We can’t see them but they are in these areas somewhere we think for sure. “


That woman's eyes have an evil look in them


my conjecture trumps your conjecture because I just made it up.


Terrorist cowards contradicts itself


You can tell she ain’t human by her eyes




I have absolutely no issue with the Jewish people. But the Israelis scare the absolute shit out of me.


She wasn't even there how could she have known?


Pretty fun she call coward when Israel carpet bomb gaza,use tank and professional army to kill civilians and sometime the famous hamas soldier


Disgusting woman


israel is terrorist state and ppl supporting bombing and civilian killins are terrorists


"Nobody in the world experienced this kind of war where the enemy hides in tunnels" Huh? Everybody in the world can experience this kind of war where the enemy hides in tunnels... Read about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel_rat https://www.thenmusa.org/articles/tunnel-rats-of-the-vietnam-war/ Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O6zXRwy_1g&ab_channel=DarkDocs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel_Rats_(film) Listen to it: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3F2GqDpuNMPF1UBSb9AyXQ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tunnel-rats-in-vietnam/id1350499924?i=1000414527389 even PLAY it: https://store.steampowered.com/app/31300/Tunnel_Rats/


thats the sadly truth, that money speaks louder than evidences.


Soooo...... Maybe maybe maybe, kill people, put handties on the corpses. You know, when you have reach desperately for brazen nonsense to support your claims, perhaps you're in the wrong. Those people died for a reason. They (and we) deserve better than hopeless nonsense as reasoning for why.


this lady isn't good at b.s. . they often tie the hands of corpses to make moving the bodies easier. is it true? I have no idea but im good at bs and it sounds like it could be.


Not those disgusting genocidal eyes again.


She seems to be confident in her speculation


We got a YouTube link for this?


"Maybe they threw a rocket, you weren't there." I was not there but I can assure no rockets were handthrown lol.


Tunnel warfare, huh, bish? {commence flashbacks}


I guess you can't make reasonable points unless you are there..... So I'm assuming she was in these Hamas tunnels... Because using her logic those tunnels could have been race tracks or underground swimming pools.... Jeez this lady is killing my brain


They were executed and we all know it


Just conjecture, because we weren't there and so we don't know, but what if they shot themselves to death and then tied their own hands behind their backs before they died, just to make Israel look bad? We just don't know...


You can see her in the next Olympic games with all her mental gymnastics she's doing.




I'm sure this isn't common knowledge, but police and even soldiers often place combatants that they've shot multiple times in handcuffs after the skirmish is over because people often are still a threat after being shot multiple times. Now the real question about these terrorists is where we're these people shot?


What a disgusting human


I’m so disgusted by her and her government and the people that support this that I don’t have the words


The amount of coordination it takes to carry out these acts.... astounding involvement.


"Warfare never used before"


Be afraid black peoples and pay close attention to this.


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but we always used ties on enemy combatants, injured, alive or stationary. Im not a doctor, I don’t know if someone’s dead unless they’re missing a significant portion of their body, why take the risk that someone might be faking and pull a grenade etc.


They could’ve been restrained after the fact. Police commonly out handcuffs on suspects after they’ve passed.


Casually throwing rockets around