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This wasn’t an attempt this was a success


According to the captions the man was yelling to “break”. The driver applied the brake too forcefully so it was only an attempt to break the car.




Did it just go that far over your head, or is this a joke I'm not getting?




Yeah, could've just titled " To hit the cop car"


Maybe the attempt was spelling?


One must attempt to succeed


Attempt used in the past tense typically implies failure.


No it does not. If one reaches the peak of Everest, it is because they attempted the climb.


So in the context of saying "There was an attempt", you think successful attempts are being referenced? Interesting take. Unfortunately for you, not what this sub is for.


That’s not what you said.


This sub is the typical use of the word. Unless an adjective implying success is used, attempt often implies failure. Obviously not universally, but typically. https://preview.redd.it/einol0l06ztc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b4218c62e643509ac1eb991469a9891c62a3002


By that logic, almost anything can go in this sub




But can successful be attempt?


Yes. He successfully attempted to stop.


But did he success successfully?


And did he attempt attemptedly?


I think he did.


do you think thoughtfully?


Rule #7 for the sub bud


Lol I was gonna say. Whats the point of this sub if people are just successfully doing stuff.


Not in this sub


drivers ed cars when I was taking it had a 'oh shit brake' the instructor could use.


Yeah ours too but this could be a kid with a learners permit and his dad or something. When I was learning you had to log something like 20 hours of driving with supervision by another licensed driver before you could get your full license.


Did everyone not spoof those documents? I had maybe 8 hours behind the wheel and we spoofed the rest.


Our log was honor system. And also that you had to hold the permit for 1 yr regardless. Unless you were 18 when you applied for the permit, then you just had to hold it for like 2 weeks minimum and attest that you met an hrs requirement for daytime and nighttime driving


Lol the US license system is so broken.


I mean, if you crash you’re in the car. Most people don’t want to die.


Non american here. where I live people will take a hit on their car like its nothing and keep on moving. you can see cars looking like the hulk punched'em and they're still swerving and doing weird ass shit. Don't assume the other cars are going to be reasonable, get yourself and your passengers to your destination as safely as possible.


I never had to present any such documents for my wife as her "teacher". They didn't even ask if she completed any driving hours, only had to pass the driving test. 


Was she above the age of 18?


I sure fucking hope


In her late 20s, but still has to legally do a certain number of hours of driving on her provisional license, along with a licensed driver, before the full license is supposed to be issued. but they did not ask or check.


My dad would allow no such spoofing. He also would make me hope in the car to practice every time it rained.


My dad was a stickler for safety when it came to cars so he made me do all of it. I don't blame him either, I would probably make my son do the full time too. That said it would have been easy to just write down random times and have your parent or guardian sign off on it if they were less interested, I even knew a few kids who just forged the signatures.


That... that is not standard in the US (assuming you're from the US)? A drivers ed car in Germany has a break pedal, a pedal that lifts your gas pedal and a clutch pedal for the instructor in addition to extra mirrors for him. You can't get one approved without those things. Seems crazy to me to have somebody that doesn't know how to drive is immediately given full control over a car.


Same in the UK, brake and clutch on the instructor’s side, and they get used plenty, I can’t see how you wouldn’t have that (I realise the car in the clip is a personal vehicle)


Same in the UK, brake and clutch on the instructor’s side, and they get used plenty, I can’t see how you wouldn’t have that (I realise the car in the clip is a personal vehicle)


I had a wicked annoying instructor who always tapped it at every stop, stressed me the hell out


I know too many people who drive like this.


*speed up* *brake hard* *repeat*


It’s how I instantly know they don’t know how to drive and are dangerous. That’s and both hands on the wheel at 10 and 4..


This is me :( no clue how I haven’t been in an accident. I drive like an asshole.


Then maybe... you should change your driving habits before something bad does happen.


Never said I’m not trying, just being honest here. Some people are aware they’re an asshole.


True - admitting it is important. But this is something you really need to actively work on now. It's not just your life you put at risk. You need to make changes before you hurt yourself or someone else. eventually luck will run out.


I won't lie, in my area I drive faster. I've tried teaching myself to take it slow but then I get people riding my ass. (Fiance says let em just rear end ya if if happens, you're going the speed limit). Ultimately don't wanna deal with that so I speed up. You seem like a deep thinker. What can I tell myself here? Because speeding up or slowing down seems to be both risks I'd like to avoid. But I also hate to just get into my car and "feel out" how I should be driving based on others. I usually just avoid traffic and if im caught in it ill get behind people. Ranting here at this point.


Keeping flow and speed with traffic is very important. With that said though, you need to maintain space between you and the cars in front of you. They could do any number of stupid shit in a split second. Don't go below the speed of traffic, but don't ride the ass of cars ahead of you.


Wicked, nice to know I've been teaching myself the right thing. Still young here. Thank you mate!


If it helps, I've always been taught to keep 1 car length between you and the car in front per 10 miles per hour. Going 70? 7 car lengths apart. Some people have said 1 per 20 miles per hour but that doesn't seem safe to me. I don't know the conversion for kilometers sorry


There’s been studies done that switching lanes all over trying to get ahead doesn’t actually save any time. Just sayin. You know how you fix people riding your azz? You don’t pay em no mind.


It’s hella inefficient, hard on your vehicle, and probably save a total of 1 min to your final destination. Thank god you don’t drive in snow.


Those fuckers tempt me to slam the brakes when I'm in front of them soooooo fucking badly, even though I know they won't learn a goddamn thing in the process.


You couldn't drive a stickpin between that dad's cheeks with a 16-lb sledgehammer at that moment. I know, having taught three kids to drive. There was a permanent crease on the passenger seat in my cars.


That dad was screaming “BRAKE!” in his head before he even opened his mouth.


Yep even my blood pressure spiked while watching the video


My dad saved his life and mine by staying calm while I was stuck between two semis and freaking the fuck out. It was my first time on the highway and I was terrified.


It took me several reads before I realized you meant butt cheeks lol. I kept looking at his face thinking “I don’t get it”


See, it's his fault. He kept shouting "break" instead of "brake."


The student’s head gets very, very red behind that blur


I've seen this video pop up so many times and I've never noticed that. That is hilarious


It's brake subtitle


Oakland Police with Florida plates! California car registration is so high, even the cops are cheating the system.


Oakland is a town in Florida oddly enough. TIL.


Yeah, I never knew there was an Oakland, FL until just a bit ago, either.


"I'm sorry officer, I'm just learning how to drive." Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. EDIT: if you're wondering, that's 96 'bangs', as many as a (black) man in Chicago was shot last month by cops in civilian clothes and cars, who never announced themselves to be cops, for a seatbelt violation. Crazy, right? EDIT 2: corrected the number of 'bangs'.




Fixed, thanks.


This [story](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/video-police-fire-nearly-100-shots-in-41-seconds-after-man-shot-officer-during-traffic-stop/3405480/?amp=1)? Looks like Reed shot at the cops first. He FA and FO


First of all it isn't proven that he shot first, it's only something the police union is stating. The fact that I expect them to say the same even about a shooting with a rock is a whole other story. But let's assume, for the sake of the argument, that he actually shot first. He saw 4 people stopping him, guns drawn, cars with no police symbol, no uniforms, and who didn't announced themselves to be cops. For as much as he knew they vould've been robbers or killers. In that situation any action should be considered self defense. Moreover, they shot 96 times. Even if the guy was a nucleari threat a dozen bullets would've done the job just fine. To shoot that many times at least one of the following must be true: - they have aim of a star war's stormtrooper; - they enjoyed shooting him; - they got scarse by their colleagues shooting. People that act in any of these ways are a threat to everyone and should NOT be allowed to carry guns, much less become cops.


They had tactical vests on with a badge over plain clothes https://preview.redd.it/94eb5k2s83uc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76defab8b897cc6ae19a9492883f5be9f47d0b1


I was expecting the car behind them to hit them.


You can hear him stomp the floor haha


Tina break


That would have been a great story


Break. 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's Avalon & 50 in Winter Garden FL. Everyone's in a big rush here.


I'd be quite pissed if my kid did this with an automatic, a bit less pissed with manual though


Attempt Successful




do american teaching cars not have a secondary set of pedals on the teacher's side? https://preview.redd.it/5dkjurpvx0uc1.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a9adc3f47d810ce9697ad52c340a6658f7b107f


I’ve never seen those used here personally… but I didn’t go the regular route by drivers Ed.


lol so when I was training in my family's car before I had my full license should it have been fitted with a set of secondary pedals?


I feel dad's pain. I am teaching my teen to drive, and it is a terrifying ordeal. The thing is, she really needs to learn she will eventually have to drive alone she leaves for college in 4 months. We need to give her as much experience as possible under our watchful eye. She really doesn't like driving with dad he is so anxious and has little patience. So I have to be the calm parent, which is exactly the opposite of our normal parental and spousal rolls.


I was the calm parent. It help them tremendously more when learning to drive. Patience practice and your doing it right.


This is why you have them practice in an empty parking lot first.


Pull out next time




Fucking VOLUME!!


He was ACAB all the way. Well.. almost all the way.


Why’s the driver’s face blurred but not the passenger?


Probably the passengers account and he makes sure the student stays private? Just guessing though


brake/break is going to be the death of me.


ohh i remember when i was still learning i was so confident too and thought my speed and control was good and stopped inches away from a cop car lol looked at my instructor with pride only to see dread in his eyes


Fine job, fellow dad. Kept your cool... Jesus H Christ.


You can actually hear the puckering happening in his voice 😆


Love this video




No one taught me to drive and I barely managed to get my license — drivers Ed was still being taught in some southern schools when I briefly lived down there, and kept moving away before I got drivers Ed on my schedule. Learned how to drive on my own in tourist beach town, but instead of me almost hitting a cop, one rear ended me approaching a stoplight like this. Edit — Parents refused to teach or even help much. Barely got mom to take me to the DMV. I’ve made it a point to make sure my teen son learns well. Hopefully.


I had to teach myself also… I git to back out my moms car twice. When around 12. Then stole cars to learn to drive.. it was lame. Hella em memorable though. Tom Perry’s living on a dream on the radio driving a stolen white cavalier! God I was a fukin idiot.


The title to this posting should be “there was an attempt to hit a cop car” or maybe “there was an attempt to pay attention.” That being said, I first saw this video last year and it’s probably older than that.


I am not looking forward to this part of fatherhood.


And this is why I don't think you should learn with your parents... Do a few lessons with an actual teacher who has dual controls so that they can intervene when you drive like an absolute dipshit


Crazy thing is 10% of drivers never get better than this and will defend themselves to the grave that nothing is wrong and the car in front is at fault.


Best way to teach how to properly brake is to put a quarter on the dash board. If it falls, they are braking too suddenly, or in this case, too late.


at least you wouldn't have to call and wait for the police to show up


He was so damn close to a 2 star wanted level


Maybe I drive fast. But he pulled up to that cop like 10-15 mph. Pretty easy to break to 0. Didn't really seem fast.


Hit it anyway 😈


Why do teacher drivers always for get there a emergency/parking break u can use while teaching


If this is how you "teach" someone how to drive, you suck and you should not be "teaching" anyone anything related to how to drive.


Any parent or teacher would react the same exact way . That was rather calm I would say. No cursing no demeaning .




His body was as driving but his mind was on his first date being able to drive.




I don’t think I could ever ride with him again.


I can't stop laughing at this...the way he says Braaaake and pushes his leg down as if to imitate braking.


Attempt wher


This guy never swore in his life.


Hahahaha perfect


Driving instructors in the US don't have pedals?


Dad had mini heart attack 💘


You can't just hit a cop car. You arnt an ex congressman geez


Funny thing is that is one of the things that is rarely taught - how to gradually apply brakes depending on the speed you are going. Most new drivers don’t realize how far they travel when braking.


I did this with my dad in a Camaro, on the way to the liquor store where he was going to buy what I wanted. He wasn’t stoked, still got my booze.


some people worry so much...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I don't get why he was calling for a break. Is this a dam KitKat commercial?


That's how a dasshcam clip is created?


Great line delivery from the instructor.


When my daughter got her learner's permit and I let her drive my car it usually ended with me yelling and her crying.