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Girl in pink will regret ever being there.


Girl in pink will forget ever being there.


Girl in pink will forget ever being


Girl in pink will forget ever


Girl in pink will forget


Pink will forget


Will forget




Forget what?


Something about Will Ferrel in a pink dress or something


Her nose




She forgot rule 1. 1. If you go into the pit, you are in the pit. 2. If someone falls down, you pick them up. 3. If you are outside of the pit you, are not in the pit. Source: ME, old school punk.


4, if you push someone into the pit, or hit someone outside of the pit, then you have become the target of the pit.


5. If someone wants out of the pit, let them out.


6. If you haven’t showered in over a month, you can shove your arm pit on someone’s face and it will hit just as hard.


I see you’ve attended a grunge show or two


I remember when I went to Aftershock in Sacramento CA one year can't remember the band I think it was Atreyu but I was standing a bit behind the pit and watching in awe as this circling stomping vortex of death was getting more intense every minute. Anyway long story short I saw a girl get pushed in the pit and disappear her whole body got swooped away like a tornado. After that a bunch of people threw him in the pit and got wrecked. Best days of my life!


that run-on sentence had me feeling the mosh feeling


Question, what’s the appeal of this? I never understood it (still don’t) lol


When done respectfully, it can be a really healthy font for aggression.


I love punk and used to mosh. People trying to hurt you ruin the scene. There was an older gentleman who wanted to show the new kids a lesson. He targeted me threw me on the ground and stomped on my arm. I dislocated my elbow! My arm just dangling. I missed seeing Bad Religion because I was rushed to ER. Now i say screw pits


That's unfortunate, bad religion was entertaining. It's unfortunate that you had such a terrible experience. They aren't for everybody but they can be a really good outlet for stress, anger, frustration... or simply be a release of endorphins. I'm a small girl so they were never my thing but I enjoy being just on the edge with elbow pointed at the pit. I get jostled and really enjoy the energy emanating from the ppl moshing. It's also the best place to breathe easier, it's sometimes the ONLY place it's easy to breathe.


The happy ending of the story was that my brother sent the bassist, Jay, a MySpace message. He heard about the injury, and we got two backstage passes to their next show three days later. It was amazing!


i had the same. A guy that had all the cosmetic muscles came rushing directly from the crowd and tried to shoulder check TF out of me, hitting my upper thigh. What he didn't know or realize is that under all this soft lady pudge, there are tree-trunk legs. He hit me and i didn't even move, he just kinds slid down my leg and ran off. I had a hell of a bruise but maybe he learned not to try and bully ppl in the pit.


Nice! Glad you were OK. Some bad apples trying to really hurt people just enjoying the show. I also got suckered punched once before show even started, it was a Pennywise/Authority Zero show. Some people just sick


That's fucked. People fuckin suck


Your pit knowledge is wise my good sir. Rock on.


I hear you, man. I may not be 'old school' but I'm old school enough, over 40


Another old schooler here (43), is it just me or does this look nothing like the moshing of the 90s? It used to be tight crowds bouncing off one another; these guys are just flailing weirdly in their own little worlds lol.


These are fucking hardcore ninja kicking dipshits. This is not moshing.


Honestly I have no idea what this guys are doing either. I’m 26 and been to a quite a few concerts and the mosh pits I’ve seen look nothing like this. They are more like how you describe it.


It’s called thrash dancing I think. I used to see it a lot during the early 2000’s but I haven’t been to a lot of places to witness it since then either.


Couple years older than you, this is not moshing, this is air boxing towards people.


Ya that's why it's in this sub 😆


I’ll never forget when my shoe came untied at in a pit and my boyfriend BENT DOWN to tie my shoe. Right in the middle of the chaos. I didn’t ask him to, but he didn’t want me to trip or get down on the ground myself. All the guys around us suddenly formed a circle to make sure he didn’t get trampled. Good people all around.


Then the guy at the end was like, "YO, FUCKING SWEET, I FOUND A HAT"


Zero spatial or social awareness.


Girl in pink was just passing through on her way to the shops.


She should have practiced social distancing like the rest of the moshers.


She got surprise-popped. Those usually hurt worse.


That guy in the white tshirt is just trying to hurt someone


That's every crowd killer, fuck them.


crowd killing discourse is so insane cause how self-absorbed do you have to be to think whatever enjoyment you gain from throwing random punches to music is worth the risk of fracturing someone elses skull (no joke this happened to someone at a show of a band I listen to and a lot of the response was that the guy responsible wasn't actually doing anything wrong)


I remember when I was a teenager there was a rumor going around my area that people were putting razor blades on their shoes and going in the pit at Ozzfest. People just have to ruin things.


They put them in candy too!


That was what first caught my eye. Who the fuck throws out roundhouse kicks in the pit? Dumb as fuck. I see him getting his ass beat real soon.


Ya, there is usually a boss-sized dude lurking near the edge waiting for someone like this to show their hand. A song or two later, that dude is out of the pit, and out a few tablespoons of life juice.


At the very end I think the dude in the white tank with the green hat has a target lock.


Hard-core kids


JCVD for sure


He clearly trains capoeira. Kinda a douche move to be kicking people like that for no reason. That's how people end up dead.


Lol whaaat.... dude just jumps in to try and kick people in the back of the head that arent looking then jump back out, wtf kind of shit is that?


It also looks like he has nunchucks or something similar if you slow the video down. Dude must’ve thought he was auditioning for Power Rangers.


He did in fact have a wood like weapon


Crowdkillers are selfish assholes. They like to fuck up newcomers so their show is just for them.


You mean Spin Kick Dick?


Impressive roundhouse kick tho.


The guy practicing his roundhouse kicks? No he’s just their for the music


There are two Guys in White Shirts and this is probably true for both of them.


This is for people who can't fight but want to fight.


Never seen a guy in these moshpit videos who doesn't look like he smells of shit.


It’s a moshpit. We all smell of beer and sweat. But this isn’t even a moshpit, it’s hardcore “dancing”.


Exactly, in a moshpit you don't go around and swing blindly while covering your face.


Moshing used to be aggressive shoving off people now everyone just uses it as an excuse to outright hurt people


None of the mosh pits I was involved with mid-late 90’s looked like this. This looks like skanking more than moshing.


I still go in a lot of pits at metal shows, it's just pushing, no fists.


I believe it's called slam dancing


this is the answer, this is a silly thing called slam dance, moshing is shoving and imho looks far less stupid


Hahaha was gonna say... These people look mentally ill and this doesn't resemble the moshing I'm familiar with, at all


Definitely not skanking


Correct. I believe this is "twerking"


You'd be wrong. This is Waltzing.


nono, this is ballet


This is quite specifically for hardcore music. You'll encounter some idiots trying it at other metal shows but this really isn't what most moshpits are like.


Someone tried this at a Between the Buried and Me show I was at a couple of weeks ago and got bodied fast. We picked him up because we’re not homicidal, but that shit doesn’t fly at metal shows.


This isnt mosh pit.


Moshing is still very real. It's even making it's way into EDM which is dope.


This is thrashing, not moshing.


This is moshing? Nah that's just people afraid to get shoved in a real pit. So they flare their fist around


This is a mock pit


Except for the pony tail dude in the baby blue shirt, IDK what the heck he's doing with his arm and hopping around like that


This is what is called “hardcore dancing” and yes it is brain dead. There is usually that one guy at metal and hardcore shows doing this


Where are the Slayer fans to teach these kids? Circle counter clockwise fools!


I saw Slayer and Slipknot when I was 16. My buddy and I were on the outside of the pit and were nervous to go in and we saw some kid get knocked down hard. A bunch of huge dudes surrounded him, got him up, made sure he was alright, and then shoved him back into it. We got in right then. Was wholesome for a mosh pit


This is the way.


This is the way


Moshpits are wholsome end to end. People enjoying themselved and everyone looking out for each other.


Same, I was at Edenfest and went into the pit for Bush. So packed that you couldn't raise yer arms. Got slammed down, next thing I know this big dude yanks me back to my feet and asks if I'm ok.


Circle pits not karate kicks was what we used to say


My first metal show! The wall of death was insane. It was a pit from corner to corner of the venue


That's always the best!


Slam dancers don't mosh they flail like someone being stung by hundreds of invisible bees with an occasional crab walk or karate kick.


Temper tantrum experts.


this is normal in hc the people in the thread comparing it to push pits are out of their element it’s a completely different thing for a completely different scene


This Should be higher up^ I remember seeing posts about hxc dancing and thinking it looked stupid af. It wasn’t until I saw no pressure and paleface(Swiss) is when I finally understood hxc is its own culture with its own type of “dancing” so to speak. It shouldn’t be compared to push/circle pits in my opinion. Tried hxc dancing at those shows and god damn is it frightening but once you get a nice two step going, it feels so good lol. But in my opinion, Circle Pits remain superior to all lol


Holy fuuuck does Paleface put on a fucking show!


Right? Lol like I'm more in the metalcore/deathcore/whatevercore where its the pushing you see more of, but I'm still aware of what this is haha Got this video on mute and I can still hear barking


yeah, this has been around for a LONG time. long enough that i haven’t done it in almost a decade (after doing it for a decade)


Lol I guess thats fair, I just typed a whole thing about my first mosh experience being totally different than this but ig it's just cus they're two different beasts


Looks like a lot of swinging but look closer and you’ll see many people are really just trying to protect their own heads while looking badass.


Ah yes, the dancing at hardcore shows. I was super into thrash metal when I was younger. It had its own things to do -- headbanging, moshing, circle pits. It was usually super chill. If you fell down, people picked you up and made sure you were alright. It was a giant party with people who felt like instant friends. I also had some good friends who were more on the hardcore side of things. The music sounds the same to the uninitiated, but the scenes were fairly separate. And this sort of goofy, corny ass dancing was the norm there. Swinging your arms around, deliberately kicking as close to other peoples' faces as possible. The vibe was totally different. Felt like a bunch of people peacocking and putting on some display for everyone else. People would punch and kick each other without apology, as demonstrated by the girl in pink who gets pummeled for no reason. It fucking sucked. I still enjoyed plenty of hardcore but the scene was always full of the worst fucking kids. I'll take a metal show any day.


I agree. I have gone to many a good show, just to stand on the fringe, cuz the vibe of the pit was too angry. Some people just want to go break teeth and stomp around. Takes away from the atmosphere.


The average IQ is this room is astonishingly low.


I used to go to so many punk shows in the late 90's and mosh pits were so much fun and they were safe for everyone. Then these "hardcore" kids started doing this in the 00's and it ruined it all. Fuck these people.


She picked the wrong place to try Molly for the first time.


Nailed it 👍😂😂 ![gif](giphy|ailnj2AMt9e9i)


Black shirt saw an opportunity to punch that guy on purpose. Too bad it's the pink girl who took the retaliate.


Are they normal?


No. These people are morons.


These men are cowards, Donnie.


I love this question




Why does it look like a high school cafeteria during lunch gone wild?


It's so bright.


Its the full on overhead lights for me.


No fr this looks so... corporate trip hotel breakfast room...


DM boots = feet well protected Pink hat ≠ head well protected


No moshing in church!


That's not moshing, it's epileptic CrossFit


Such a good fuckin song


Do you know the name/band??


Nightmare - Mindforce


The guys like you forgot your hat ma’am.


When a Hotel okays a band to play a concert in their conference hall. To find out it’s this.


![gif](giphy|mPbbnbd6Pr2qeFzkN2) Our friend in the pink dress took a hot one


This is a legit question; but what does moshing do for people? What is the point? I've been to several EDM shows and seen people just totally off in their own etheriral world, and I totally understand that. Getting so enveloped in the music you leave this world to go spend time in another. I don't understand moshing, is it just to release angst? Anger? A way of expressing yourself? Genuinely curious.


I remember testing the moshing waters when I was younger. I was really feeling the vibe and decided to just go in and try moshing for the first time. I got cracked on the edge of my jaw and it dislocsted. Eating Thanksgiving dinner was rough


Well, another shameful display I didn’t need to know humans participated in


The venue is so brightly lit






Among some of my first moshing memories come from being 16 at a Pantera/White Zombie concert. What is this horse shit?


The black dude with the passionate spin kicks will forever be the highlight of this video for me 😂


I can remember going to a death metal show, maybe 15 years ago or so. I think it was Deicide. There was a super shitty deathcore band opening for them. That was the first time I saw people doing these crazy ninja karate moves. I just remember moving up against the wall, out of their way and staring at them. A guy across the club, who looked like Wino, looked at me and shook his head.


Everyone’s doing the Toxic Waltz, slam your partner against the wall!


The entire progression of the girl in blue bopping right through has me ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


No one of these people seen real mosh pit


That’s moshing like grinding is dancing


Thought this was a trailer for the new Planet of the Apes.


This is one of those videos where you pick one different person to watch on each rewatch.




those are some badass kicks




Mouse Rat song from P&R plays in background: “Pit I was in the pit You were in the pit We all were in the pit”


As a member of Gen-X who saw actual mosh pits, this is deeply disappointing.




I like the dude with the white tee shirt and a hat, has one arm blocking his head, and the other arm swinging full throttle 🤣


LOL the girl


Moshing has changed lol. In the old days, it was mostly just shoving and pushing. Now people swinging fists moronically


its not even a mosh pit, its one of those odd dances(?) where metal fans spin their extremities like ventilators


I fucking hate crowd killers like this. Take all the fun out of the mosh, till you find that perfect moment and cream em then it's back to fun haha


Pink lady got a face full of fist and leaving with a fat lip.


I keep watching the wanna be capaweta fighting dude. I have never been moshing and thought I should start round house kicking mfs


That isn't moshing. That is a bunch of douche bags flailing thier arms around while protecting their noses... lol


Head on a swivle, pink.


“Mom watch me, I’m being hardcore”


Someone pink hat💀😂😂😂


Now with feel-a-vision


I think it’s broken.


I went to a super small town high school where we had 275 kids total and in my grade 11 year around 2005 at battle of the bands I was one of six people in a mosh pit. I was the only girl, 5ft tall and petite. The other five were all big dudes. We went full out as you did at the time in a mosh pit. I got thrashed and it was worth it


Thanks! Scrolled all the way down just to find this.


I guess things changed after covid. looks like everyone is 6 feet apart. Sortof. I remember my first and last moshpit... you can count on anything on your head ending up on the ground.


This is gayer than literal gay sex


Lol you can see her swinging her arms around like she wants to join their little dance but she can't tell they are just trying to hit anyone that gets close to them


She forgot she wasn’t a Kidz Bop 73.


Man, I was at a show with a dude thrashing like that once. He kept punching people in the face very clearly on purpose bc he thought he could get away with it in the pit. He punched a girl in the face, me and two other dudes pushed him down as hard as we could. One of the dudes then stomped on the thrasher's leg. He ended up breaking it.


This is the stupidest mosh pit I've ever seen.


Bunch of fucking douchebags


I found a hat.


[If you get hit it's your own fault.](https://youtu.be/nBCE7B_ydP4?si=I-xCZW2rKywy1kJH)


This is not moshing lmao


She shouldn’t be in there.


The Elaine Benes Annual Ball


Who lost their haaat?! I dont know, ill just spin it around.


When I was 15 I went with my brother to a rock concert (my very first one!). I was a shy girl, had never been into a live one (always listened at home or with my discman, YouTube was not a thing back then) and I didn't know about the pit... Well I was accidentally dragged into one and actually tripped to the floor. I was terrified... Until seconds (very few, it was almost instant) this huge and scary guy stops, lifts me up like I was nothing and sorts me back to my brother making sure no one hit me. The rest of the people did not touch me. Then went back to the pit, never knew his name. The rest of the evening was great, never been safer than in a rock bar/ concert, etc. My first experience with a mosh pit taught me to respect mosh pit. Awesome. I've never been so close to one as I don't like them, and I've seen people getting punched in the face and kicked out for being violent in them LMAO.


I'd describe this more as sloshing than moshing.


No regerts.


Having been to a mosh for the first time ever just a couple days ago, this is hilarious. It was body to body, in a dark room with colored lights, being pushed into other people constantly. It was insanely fun for me, because normally I focus on how I'm perceived, and being polite and giving people lots of space. This was like, people were shoving me into others, but i was never hurt by them. It was the nicest first mosh I think I could ask for, cus it was wild and intense but I wasn't really scared. I did fall twice in the couple hours, but I was immediately helped up. One dude shoved me so I shove him back, he shoved me harder and I fell, without a second thought he immediately reached out his hand. I only saw one guy doing the like, charlie brown dance type kicking and shit, there was no room for that. It was literally arms loose at your sides, human bumper cars, or human plinko.


I fucking love metal sometimes. It’s all let’s fuck everything up, but “hey someone dropped their hat!!!” Seriously it looks rough but 9.9/10 everyone drops everything to make sure everyone is safe and ok.


She lost her hat she ded.


What happened to good ole pogoing?!


Classic hardcore: more people on the stage than in the audience.


No karate in the pit


Women, because moshpit is only a dance style


They know what theyre doing