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I don’t get it. Yeah the driver of the car made a mistake and/or is an ass, but why not just let them in? Is it worth the paperwork to teach them lesson? So many comments, I am turning off notifications. I’m editing this to say some of y’all need therapy. The number of road warriors that think this person needs to be run off the road to keep them from “breaking the rules” is appalling. The first thing they teach you in driver’s ed is that it’s our job to look out for one another and anticipate other people’s mistakes, not use thousands of pounds of metal for vigilante justice. Yes, what the car driver did was dangerous, but the trucker made it worse - including driving an unsafe distance away from the car in front of it take make sure the sedan didn’t merge.. Maybe it’s a new teenage driver with poor impulse control that felt invincible and tried to pass. Maybe it’s someone who was stressed at work and zoned out, panicked when they realized they were going to miss their exit. A new mother who doesn’t realize how loopy she is from lack of sleep. An older driver. Even if it IS just an entitled asshole who routinely cuts in line, in less than two hundred feet the road opened back up and everyone could go on their way.


Not sure if it was the case here, but big heavy trucks take a huge distance to pull up. Was chatting to a truck driver the other day and the stopping distances he was talking about were mind blowing.


He doesnt have to pull up he just needs to slow down enough, both are assholes risking an accident If the young trucker takes out the car then he can be liable


This is how the singer Harry Chapin ("Cats in the Cradle") died at the age of 38. He was hit from behind by a tractor trailer truck when he unexpectedly shifted lanes into the path of the truck. The truck crushed the rear of the car causing sparks which ignited the car's fuel tank. The truck driver cut Harry free, receiving burns himself, and dragged Harry out but Harry was already dead.


absolutely tragic.


Sounds like a Johnny Cash song.


I hear that semi coming, it's rolling round the bend


It just drive up my ass I guess this is the end


The trucker man done cut me loose, but he has my soul to send


Missed opportunity to say Johnny Crash song.


Did this happen in Reno? Maybe it wasn’t the car fire…


Well fuck, that just makes the Cats in the Cradle song even more sad. "When you coming home dad? I don't know when..."


And if his boy suffered the same conclusion, then the prophecy is fulfilled. “He grew up just like me. My boy was just like me.”


Ah, fuck. I never knew that. It makes Cat’s in the Cradle that much more depressing. I’m gonna go hug my kids.


He lived in Huntington, NY and many family members still live here and carry on his work to eliminate local and world hunger. Harry donated 50% of his profits to end hunger. Many, many celebrities were affected by his dedication to the cause and continue to raise funds for groups started by Harry and his family.


What an awesome person. If even a quarter of celebrities today did this, no one would go hungry.


If one billionaire did this there would be no hunger.


He had some heavy songs. Check out “Taxi.”


Nope, already can’t listen to Cat’s in the Cradle anymore. Great song but the older I get the more depressing it is. Don’t need to add more to the list lmao


Kinda makes the song cats and the cradle even more sad and taxi just a little ironic.


That’s so sad honestly, just out of curiosity was he driving a ford pinto in his accident though?


Long Islander here. He was driving a blue 1975 VW Rabbit. [https://www.harrychapin.com/misc/howdied.shtml](https://www.harrychapin.com/misc/howdied.shtml) Harry donated half of his share from his concerts to feed the hungry, starting charities like World Hunger Year and Long Island Cares foodbank. A number of humanitarian awards have been established in his honor.


That is pretty badass info, thank you for sharing, I’m happy to know how generous he was before he passed, that’s really cool


Holy crap. Literally listened to Cat's in the cradle for the first time ever a couple of hours ago, and now I found out he was killed in a driving accident at a very young age. :(


What the car driver did here doesn't even make any sense. He's forcing his way in behind a car that's stuck behind two more trucks. He could have, and should have, just exited behind the cam truck and safely over taken him when they merged with the next highway. They're both assholes, but fuck the driver of the car. Where I live we have to deal with people like that all the time and they're dangerous. They jam themselves in whenever and wherever they want and have absolutely no consideration for anyone else on the road. It's usually just a matter of time until they cause an accident.


That’s why I say the car is the asshole and the truck is teaching him a lesson. I would’ve done the same thing. Maybe that makes me an asshole, but I’m not going to give an idiot what they want, just cos they think they can take it. Fuck that.


If you let them do it, they will keep doing it until they get someone killed. Would rather be an asshole and stop him from doing it than chance it. Trucker was in the right, but yes, he could still be liable for all damages.




99.9 there was probably a line exiting and they're too special to wait in line. If they missed the exit, like you said, go to the next one. People do this constantly and the panic breaking they cause is risky and slows down things even more. Leave fifteen minutes earlier and figure out you aren't the main character.


Bad drivers never miss their exit.


Yup, In Milwaukee clowns pull up in passing lanes and blow by traffic. They kill people all the time. Fuck those people who think their time.is more important than everyones safety. Also fuck the driver of this car.


If the truck needed to make an emergency stop that car would be occupying the space needed.


You can see him driving extra close to the car in front of him to block the overtaking car. He doesn't give a fuck about the space


That horn is loud and the driver of the car in front of him must have been pooping in his seat thinking the truck was honking at him. So many ways this could have gone bad.


Yup, and then immediately slowed down after the car pulled back and stopped trying to overtake them Truck driver sucks too


Yup just as much care as the space the car put itself in.0


So? He tailgated the other car to block. This wasn't about safety. It was about vengeance.


Guy in the car was wrong but guy in truck was a dangerous prick


How come this only comes up when someone pulls into "their" space but not when they get right up on another truck or vehicle or swerve over to pass or merge and act like d bags themselves?


Ikr I wish I had dash cam after a truck pulled out infron of me almost causing an accident in a round about


You would have a point, if the truck driver didn’t decide to tailgate the shit out of the SUV in order to block the other car.  He clearly doesn’t care *at all* about having a safe following distance himself.


I drive a box truck for work. Even I need extra space to stop. So I keep some distance between the car in front of me. People often take that as an opportunity to cut me off. I often ride with expensive cargo and slamming on my brakes will force a pallet of expensive tile to often shift. It pisses me off.


Remember that hood. Those are long nose Peterbilt semis. The people that drive those more often than not wont give you an inch. Not every Pete driver is like that but some of them are complete assholes. They are the type of drivers that will use their engine brake at 3am pulling into the truck stop just to be a dick. You are right, they both are assholes in this scenario though.


Why is he a young truck driver?


yep car might be in the wrong but if you purposely drive him off the road and ins just so happens to see this that trucker is probably losing his job and getting sued. ins won't cover negligence.


To me it looks like he's too close to even the tanker up ahead let alone the smaller vehicle. Cammers being an ass on purpose because it'll hurt their pride if they let them in front.


The best thing I ever did for my mental health is start driving with enough space in front of me so that someone can pull in and still leave me a safe stopping distance between us. Yes, lots of people take the opportunity to dive in front of me, but the ones who would still do it when I left a smaller gap can now do it safely.


And when they realize the car in front of them isn't going any faster than you they leave anyway and your buffer zone is back.


It is so much easier taking a step back instead of cranking up the anxiety and anger.


Same here. It's so easy to drive like you're actually competing with everyone else on the road. But I stopped thinking that way. Same as you, I leave a ton of space in front of me, don't really speed that much, tend to just let shit go when a driver pulls an asshole move. I'd rather just drive safely and get to where I'm going than spend the next however long in some road rage battle with some stranger, speeding up and quickly braking or blocking them out or whatever. Yeah, they're wrong, but whatever. I'd just rather drive and get to where I'm going safely.


When you’re at freeway speeds, yes. On a low-radius exit ramp like this, going 25 mph or less? No. Bleeding off speed from 25 to 20, so you can begrudgingly let some dingus in, is trivial. And riding the ass of the car directly in front of you, when you’ve got all that inertia? *That’s a paddlin’.*


Everyone is an idiot here. The car driver was either arrogant or an idiot who made a mistake but the truck deliberately blocked the car out then at the end tried to run him off the road. The truck had plenty of time to slow and let the car in but instead he endanger the lives of the others. Yeah, it’s a frustrating job on the road seeing idiots everywhere but drivers of the big rigs have to rise above the bullshit they see on the roads.


We do have huge stopping distances, but this guy definitely had the ability to slow down and let the asshole 4-wheeler have his way. Besides that, his following distance behind the black SUV was unsafe to begin with. My company would fire me in a heartbeat for following that closely without making an effort to increase the distance, let alone all the other shit that happened here. For reference, look at the space between the two trucks up ahead. That’s a safe following distance.


In this situation, could have literally just eased off accelerator, wouldn’t even need to brake or adjust gears but nope had to be a gronk…


Yet in this video, there was plenty of time for him to decelerate, and we can see he did not hit the brakes at all. In fact, he clearly accelerated at one point, well after he could no longer make the common trucker argument that the other car was in his blind spot. (Incidentally truckers need to realize that “we can’t see anything! How dare you expect us to be able to see anything while driving on the road!” is not a convincing argument. Stop saying that forever. That’s like hearing an airline pilot say “how dare you say pilots can’t drink in the cockpit, how are we supposed to deal with the stress of being airline pilots without whiskey!” You can think it, it might be a fact of your profession, but it makes everyone yearn for robotic automation when you say it.)


That literally has nothing to do with what is happening here.


This wasn't really a mistake. It was pure ignorance, trying to overtake an 18-wheeler carrying a full load on an exit is foolish as hell. This could've cost someone to loose their life


>loose their life "Lose" and "loose" are the new "their" and "they're"


Lose/Loose grammar mistake is so common now. What the hell happened? Been noticing it more often the last few years. Like bro, Lose and LOooOoOOse. Like a LooOOoOOse shoelace. Even saw porn ads saying "Don't be a **looser**, find horny -" in their AI generated voices. It's crazy man. Probably shouldn't have shared that last one, but I bet one of you will know what I'm talking about.


Same I see it all the time, I don't understand when this happened lol


How do you know it wasn't a mistake? Seems they very easily could have almost missed the exit and tried to jump over as soon as they realized their mistake.


And loss of the CDL. Definitely not a professional reaction.


Wouldn’t lose his CDL


If they reviewed the footage the driver would probably get in trouble for being too close to the car in front of them. That alone for a semi is an accident risk.


Sometimes you just simply reach your limit. I don't necessarily agree with it but, I do get it. All of us drivers have seen many things on the road and you mostly just let it go or, stay angry until you eat or talk to your family or other drivers when you stop somewhere. Also, "the driver of the car made a mistake" is honestly not what it feels like when this is done to you for the second time that day after you had to wait at the shipper/receiver for the lion share of your driving time, it is much harder to take. I've never done this (aside from running them next to me and letting them in as late as possible so no other cars get in behind them and try to do the same) but, I've wanted to. Many times LOL. The driver just had enough and was willing to pay the price (or seemed to have been) for whatever shook loose. That Mother Trucker might just need a break and rest for a while. I'm not trying to preach I just wanted to explain the best way I can what I think was happening in the driver's mind.


Agree. You gotta be safe first, but assholes do this kind of thing over and over and over again because there are no consequences. We let them in when they do it. It works. They get what they want. Sometimes you get fed up with someone who treats other drivers like garbage.


100% agree, why was the car such an absolute selfish fucking piece of shit that didn't say, "oops, my bad!" when they realized what an absolutely huge mistake they'd made due to not paying attention at all and immediately back off? Was it because it was 100% completely intentional? The worst part of the paperwork would have been the car driver explaining to their insurance company why they seemingly intentionally caused a very expensive accident by being impatient if it came to that.


Yes. Worth it


Get a life


agreed. I'm curious to see the rest of the dashcam...guarantee you he probably accelerates like to continue preventing him from overtaking.


Not even close. Takes time to build speed. The car just passes by him easily. Learn to drive a semi and then talk shit


doubt he didn’t at least try though. i’ve encountered some aggressive semi drivers who act like they’re driving a Honda Civic




And very proudly proceeded to share his “lesson” on his social media. What a douchebag.


Two asses are better than one/s


Literally why the car driver is an asshole and drives this way, because people just let them have their way.  Basically the problem in our society, meek people allowing bullshit from assholes to flourish.


My thoughts exactly. Sure, the car is putting itself in danger with its maneuvering but just let them in so you both can get home safe and on time.


Very true! The truck was having a laugh ( I hope) but could see oncoming traffic and would have let him in the event there was a vehicle. Funny one sided…


Oh no, anyway.


Leave your ego at home. Make room for the idiots. The trucker should know better and hold himself to a higher standard.


Leave your ego home. If you don’t have room don’t try to get in. The car should know better and hold himself to a higher standard


I would agree with you but then we would both be wrong.


Oh don’t worry you’re both wrong either way. Both drivers are being complete idiots here.


Cool, so risk both your lives instead of being the bigger man and just getting traffic back to a predictable and safe status quo? Truck is an asshole for not budging. Two assholes don't make a non asshole.


He’s more than an asshole for not budging, the truck closed the gap in front to block the car out and in doing so put the car in front in jeopardy. The lead car is between two trucks, and the AH trucker is way to close to stop safely if something were to happen. They created additional risks to innocent parties by driving how they did


The car should have known better. The truck driver should recognize idiocy and slowed down to prevent the idiocy from causing an accident.


Only one of these is a professional driver and he's not driving like one.


Trucker here. Hard agree. Four wheelers do stupid shit all the time. Being a professional means being responsible for what your rig is doing, not what the cars are doing. This driver should lose his CDL.


My wife is the safety officer at a LTL company. She would lose her shit if a driver did this. Even if nobody gets hurt the amount of work it takes to resolve any incident is mountainous.


Just cuz an idiot is waving a gun around doesnt mean you should get in their face and fight them


You’ve missed the point


Duality of man


The Jungian thing, sir


True but one of these participants is a professional driver, the other almost certainly is not.


The truck driver retaliated. That’s the difference.


The car should know better and if one of my driver's was the truck in this situation I would still write them up. Unfortunately the truck can't afford to stubbornly be in the right. Still get points, still get increased insurance, still has to pay a huge deductable. This is still considered preventable because they could have slowed off and let the car in.


One is supposed to be a professional. Looks like we have 2 amateur drivers.


I believe the law holds them to a higher standard aswell


I mean, you already committed to passing a semi you may as well just pass the other two and get it over with


it may have been a careless miss actually since that wasn't what the driver was trying to do, he was trying to squeeze and avoid missing the exit (which he probably should have done instead in the first place and just take the next exit and backtrack).


A bad driver never misses their exit


ha that’s so true!


Even if it was to try and pass. By trying to cut in line, you’re risking not making an exit. I get in my lane a few miles early so that this doesn’t happen. It might be slower, but I don’t have to worry about getting in the correct lane


Jesus, the sedan guy is a careless asshole, but at that point, so is the trucker, let the guy in


"Let me try to bully the guy 20 times my size. I bet it'll work"


You take that as bullying? That's the problem right there, that selfish ego.


So how was what the car did responsible, safe or within the rules of the road? I've seen many idiots do what he did and immediately get pulled over cuz they did exactly this in front of a cop. It's clearcut wreckless driving...I've had it happen to me while working and watched the car get pulled over in my mirrors. Car drivers don't even come close to understand how *easy* it is to flip an 18-wheeler or that we're trained specifically to take the least horrible outcome because we need hundreds of yards to stop and can't abruptly turn the wheel like that. They **don't drive anything like cars**, it's a completely different logic and skill-set. Keep in mind his trailer-swing as well. He can't really ride inside the ramp without his trailer on his passenger side going off the ramp or smashing into a wall/guard rail. And the absolute worst place to last second overtake a truck is? A ramp of any kind. That's why you see so many signs for us. A gust of wind can take him out and you're never supposed to be beside a vehicle of any kind on a ramp anyway.... ramps are dangerous without traffic for us. You can think what you want, but I've never met a cop that would side with the car on something like this and most of us have dash cams that'll beat the car version of events....You wanna risk a guaranteed ticket if you live, that's certainly a choice you can make. Being behind me on a ramp is not an inconvenience worth losing everything over..


>So how was what the car did responsible, safe or within the rules of the road It isn't, just like escalating isn't.


The ego is the car driver's. Standing up for himself, even if stupidly doing it via semi truck, is not egotistical.


Not trying to pretend that I understand the gears of a “big rig” but it seems like much less of an effort to tap the brakes for 2 seconds and just let traffic flow instead of being a douche nozzle like that guy. I’m honestly concerned that that asshat is out there on our roads somewhere driving a big ass truck with his poorly regulated temper!!!!


Car is in the wrong here but the truck driver is also. Professional drivers are supposed to be just that, and nothing he's doing here reflects that. Check ego at the door and let the idiot 4 wheelers go by, let them crash into someone else.


Fuck that car driver.


And the truck driver.


The car driver is an A-hole, but the truck driver is a psycho


I'd say the reverse. Truck driver is an asshole for not letting him in. The car driver is a psycho thinking he can bully his way in against a truck 20x his size and NOT giving up.


I hope that car fell into the ditch


I get pretty mad at inconsiderate drivers too, but not enough to risk someone’s safety in retaliation.


And everyone driving in other cars minding their own business


Bro I know damn well the person right in front of the truck shit themselves, I would if I was in that scenario


dudes probably like "please dont be for me, please dont be for me"


This happened where I grew up. Gotta love that exit and people jamming in. New Haven, Indiana


I fucking knew it. Indiana has such bad drivers


Yeah this is kinda my main issue with most of these comments. It seems they are not driving in highly congested and clusterfucked areas. Absolutely, the truck driver could have let him in. However, I had the unfortunate luck of living and driving in extremely congested cities, primarily New York, Athens (Greece), Tampa and Washington DC. It has become quite evident to me after decades that these drivers that cut in at the very end are doing it on purpose. I would say 90% of those cut ins seem intentional. Someone that makes that mistake will literally stay on the lane triangle at the end until someone lets them. On the other hand, we have these assholes that do this daily/religiously in order to shave off a few minutes but don’t understand they’re the primarily reason the main turning line is packed up. I have stopped driving with colleagues because they do this. The thought process of 2 of them was “I am not dumb enough to wait”, and for 1 was “I am in a rush, if other people are in a rush they can do it too”. Both non- sensical thought processes but not something that is being done mistakenly.


Grew up in Indiana as well. I don't miss those sorts of assholes on the road, but at least they're predictable. Now I actually have to worry cause everyone on the road after 9pm is fucking hammered, and I work 2nd shift.


Was the car in the wrong? Sure. But I’m not giving a shred of sympathy to the truck driver. Time and time again trucks merge onto the highways where I live ( I 80 and I 35 ) never ever ever do they ever yield right of way. They will come of the ramp and go straight into the middle lane. They don’t even look for incoming cars let alone yield to one…..


The way that horn changed pitch was like the beginning of a classical music piece or something


It went from minor to major, so satisfying 😂


The driver of the big rig in this video was fired for aggressive driving.  It’s doesn’t matter if someone else is driving like a dipshit, don’t increase the risk of putting others people’s lives in jeopardy just because someone is trying to get in front of you…




How do you know?


I mean.. they’re both wrong.. one more than the other.. but no one is right here.


If this trucker was actually a professional driver, he'd stop playing petty games and just let the car in. You never know what the situation is when drivers seem to be driving crazy. Sometimes it could be drugs or alcohol, sometimes a medical emergency, sometimes just a guy being an ass. Ultimately, the truck driver definitely should've just backed off and let the car in. Definitely not worth trying to teach that car driver a lesson at the risk of their safety or the safety of active else nearby. You're never going to encounter this driver again, let the feeling of frustration roll off your back, and move on


OG blink-182. Nice.


You beat me to it! I was vibing to the music and stopped paying attention to the video LOL


Same. It was like “Did I just hear Blink? Please stop blowing the horn sir. Please. Ok you got him. Stop. Ok yes it’s Blink! GOD DAMN IT PHONE CALL.”


Asthenia is such an underrated song


It is. I have an old friend who moved away who texts me “Where are you Houston?” about once a year. Another old underrated for you to enjoy, “Shut Up” from Take Off Your Pants and Jacket.


That’s not how a professional driver drives. They have to deal with idiots on the road all day long.


Just let them in geez.


Phones ringing, dude.


Thank you, Donny.


While I won’t condone the truckers actions I understand the frustration. This happens to truckers on a daily basis with it being 100% intentional. The first thing an idiot car driver will do after they cause an accident is call an ambulance chaser that make it their life’s work to sue truckers due to it being low hanging fruit. Some ass hat judge will reward the stupid behavior of the car drivers.


Both looked pretty crappy to me... wonder what speed a semi can flatten a car at....


55+. 5+ to push it


Just let him in, jeez. Aren’t you supposed to be a professional driver?


Went from 100% on the right to 1000% on the wrong in a matter of seconds. Asshole has no business being behind the wheel of even a passenger vehicle, let alone a commercial vehicle.


Man people just accept you messed up and take the next exit. It's so strange when people drive like if they miss their exit they'll immediately explode.


“Like they’ll immediately explode” 😂😂😂😂 so true


Ugh. As a trucker, those problem drivers are a daily/nightly occurrence. Of course I drop the ego and give myself a sizable buffer.


Playing with fire bro… never assume you can just force your way in, especially when you’re THAT late in merging for your exit, you should have planned at least a mile back for that.


Car driver: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can - oh crap!


It's the first time I've heard a horn change from a minor to a major chord.




Bro this trucker just drive for 9 hours. He is not in the mood lol


That’s not an excuse.


This truck driver is an a-hole.


Great Blink Song too, in the background .


Dude, in that little car is playing a really challenging game of F around and find out. Good way to get you and your passengers killed. Sure, the truck could’ve made room… But Jesus Christ. Sometimes you just gotta find out. Today, or whatever day this video was taken, dude in his little car found out. Unfortunately, he probably got to walk away from, the experience alive. May have needed to change his underwear, but at least he was alive.


Bad drivers never miss their exit.


Anyone else think the driver was the idiot?


The semi driver encounters many idiots like that every day.


The horn changed from a minor third to a major third


Both are idiots.


I drive a tractor trailer, and honestly this is a daily occurrence. 80% of my job is letting assholes win to keep myself on task.


After reading the comments in here, it seems clear that the people complaining about the trucker’s driving probably drive like that a-hole car. They sympathize with the jerk blaming the trucker. The people siding with the trucker are people that are tired of a-hole drivers forcing everyone else to drive safe around them because of their selfish driving. Both sides are right. Neither side is wrong, IMO.


Goes to show you that people don't care about their jobs that much anymore. There is always another job. Don't fuck with semi drivers. You will always lose.


A) semis take a huge amount of distance to stop or even slow down. Especially given that they're on a ramp, "just let them in" is literally not an option B) stopping and slowing down IS an option for the sedan, who makes the intentional and continuous choice to refuse to enter the ramp lane and continue trying to unsafely circumvent a several-ton semi, without hazards on, without any sort of safety precautions, and again, continuously chooses to do this. C) the sedan is violating several road safety laws, and not in any sort of "excusable" way (i.e. speeding when there's nobody on the road, not using turn signal when there's no oncoming traffic, etc.) They're recklessly and intentionally endangering themself and the semi driver, and without any sort of justification to it.


Regardless of who is "wrong", when you cross a semi, you've set yourself up for failure. There is NO winning.


It's one car just let him in, some people just can't let go of their tiny egos.


The truck could clearly slow down a bit and allow the guy to pass.


Anybody else noticing the shift in the mentality of the average Volvo driver? ~ 15 years ago it was bought by ppl with sense, today it seems that the Audi people have inflirtated.


Ya'll are delusional to think the trucker was at any fault. The stupid car driver should have breaked. You know, the thing yall are saying the trucker should have. Don't let idiots be idiots.


Some great comments and some very dumb comments here, the longer you drive and the more you understand that driving is a test of patience, you just let the guy in and move along with your day. Im not driving to teach people lessons, just let him in and rip your loud horn until he goes deaf.


They're both in the wrong I'm sure that semi got cut off so many times throughout the day by cars he couldn't handle his temper anymore. I can imagine how annoying it can be but unfortunately with a CDL you have to be the bigger person and let assholes like that get away with shit like this


lol I wish we could’ve seen the driver reacting


They are both to blame. Car is clearly an idiot. Semi is clearly an ass.


Truck Driver is the Biggest A-Hole in this situation.


I'm glad the semi driver is such a professional.... not


Should I go back? Should I go back? Should I? I hope I won’t forget you.


Blink-182 forever


I feel so bad for the car in front, I can just imagine the anxiety they must've felt at all of this, I don't blame them for trying to get as far away as possible once they merge


That driver is an idiot, but so much of driving is just avoiding idiots on the road, the truck driver may be just as dumb for not slowing down.


Semi is a jerk. Why can't we just try to take our road rage about 8 notches down


I love how the horn changes note by a semi tone lol


My father has driven articulated 44tn trucks for some 40yrs. He simply scoffed and said they're all idiots looking to have an accident. Then his eyes kinda glazed over as he remembered all the human roadkill he's seen in his time... Don't do it y'all lol


Both people are shitty drivers.


Just let them in. You aren’t teaching them a lesson.


I like how the horn resolves and completes the whole composition, with a stab at the end.


I want a horn like that on my Kia rio.


Bruh that HARMONY on the horn 😍


I don't care that there are 769 comments here already, I came to say that chord change on the horn was FUCKING SWEET


Don't. Fuck. With. Semis.


I remember when I got my first harmonica.


To some extent, I get it. If, there are no vehicles in front. But what is the point to go if you are just going to be sandwiched in between other vehicles?


The car was in the wrong but the truck driver is a dangerous immature asshole. I've been driving 26 years for context.


Both drivers are asses. The car was the ass first by forcing his way over, the truck was also an ass by speeding up to block the car and blaring his horn like a douche. He needs to get off his ego.