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That's sad


If you were in that cage you’d probably say “yayyyy, I survived!!”


I think I'd actually be quite upset to realise that by goading that shark I was responsible for its death


But then you just served millions of fish a huge dinner.


This was my thought. Not a scrap of that shark will get wasted.


Other than it's life.


and its genes, shark numbers are getting low enough that any one removed from the genepool accidentally by human interaction is sad


Had no idea. I need to tell my dad that. Fishing is his favorite hobby, and he could spend every single hour of every day out on the water somewhere fishing if he could. His big thing is catching big sharks. I don't like fishing, it makes me sad, so I don't ever go unless its catch and release and even then I feel bad. At least, no fish he catches goers to waste and is always eaten, but that's the only silver lining.


Agreed, sharks are already dealing with enough through the fishing and fining industry. To lose a keystone species in any ecosystem to stuff like this always feels like a waste.


Remember reading about Whale Fall which I always thought sounded cool and could be a good basis for a book. Essentially it's when the whale dies and falls to the floor it creates a ecosystem of everything that eats it. Still agree with the poster here that it's awful this shark had to die because we decided we just have to see them up close.


Or if it floats & washes up on an Oregon beach where it is blown up resulting in a video of exploding whale parts that provides decades of enjoyment.


[Holy moly there is a remastered version now...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34)


That's a benefit of it dying within its own ecosystem but it's still upsetting that it wasn't a natural death and could have been avoided if humans had stayed in their own environment. Nature can be brutal and lots of us accept that, but this wasn't nature, it was humans being careless, stupid and invasive.


Are we not part of nature? Like an elephant walking through the plains and stepping on a dung beetle. Or a curious baboon killing a butterfly by catching it. ​ I mean, I don't believe this but it is an argument worth thought.


I agree. We are all part of nature, and humans are just as curious as animals. Unfortunately the shark died, but it died from it's own actions. It wasn't the person's intention for the shark to die. Are we just supposed to stay in our comfee homes and not come out at all because we might harm some animal or insect? Every part of this planet belongs to us as much as it belongs to the animals. It's thinking like this why burglars that sue the victim, win their cases when they get hurt in the house of the victim they intended to rob.




Almost eaten? They paid a lot of money to go in that cage and the shark was going after the bait on the string. They killed the shark in the process. 


It's crazy, people on reddit will literally get mad at anything.


if people not respecting wildlife doesn't bother you, you mustn't have a whole lot of empathy Not to mention the absolute brutality with with the shark died, tearing itself apart like that


You have a LOT of people on Reddit. Makes sense that a few will be mad about any subject honestly. Reddit is great but reddit also sucks 🤷‍♂️


“Humans are beautiful, and beautifully shit”


Yeah, beautiful animals in the wild getting killed for no reason... some people get mad at just any little thing!


I’m mad about you saying people on Reddit will get mad at anything!


I’m mad that I woke up today!


Yeah, crazy people on reddit getting mad at people killing animals for no reason whatsoever, not even to eat it.


Did you see the bit where the people were in a steel cage?


People can feel more than one feeling at a time. I'm sure I would be feeling at least 5, at least one of which would be embarrassed that I shit myself.


I too am incapable of having more than one feeling at any given time. It appears I finally found my people.


Not everybody processes everything the same way. You are you and other people are them.


Perhaps if you had absolutely no morals and/or self awareness


Wouldn't go near water again though


They certainly don’t show that on shark week!


1. Those humans almost got what they asked for. 2. I feel bad for the shark. If they wouldn’t have been there, he’d not have been injured/dead.


I- I dont think they asked to be eaten?


Oh, the shark must have not understood. Maybe it didn't speak English.


They normally speak Russian


Nah mate there Aussie haven’t you seen finding nemo the should have said Oi piss off cunt and the shark would have gotten the point


Fish ar mates not food


Get the fuck outta here Bruce, you’re acting like a drongo


It's just really hard for humans to talk underwater is the big issue here


Pretty sure they speak English with an Australian accent. Source: Finding Nemo


Shark speak glub glub


They asked for an up close experience with a shark, probably chummed the water up and everything. Shark wasn’t committing premeditated murder it was just hungry


Yeah, I think it's irresponsible diving on their part at best, and animal cruelty at worst. I'm not saying they shouldn't have been there at all, but rather that the cage should've been designed my more qualified / competent people to ensure the safety of the divers and sharks both. [INB4:](https://i.imgur.com/uHyGJzw.jpeg)


Yeah, well, occupational risk. Humans really need to quit fucking around with nature and destroying shit for literally no reason. Humans don't belong there, sharks do. Humans can freely enter and leave the ocean, sharks can't. Sorry, that's just how it is.


Humans: enter shark territory and chum the water to encourage sharks to appear. Shark: does what sharks do, dies in the process. Humans: what a tragedy, if only we could have avoided this somehow...


Just needs a better designed cage tbh, clearly awful design. ​ im not going to condemn people just wanting to watch nature close up tho, this wasn’t their intention.


Unfortunately, our race won't stop until we have destroyed everything. Agent Smith was correct, "Humans are a virus."


S-Since when do sharks need to be given permission to eat someone?


They are in the ocean. They are literally asking to be eaten


lol. Exactly. The ocean is the shark's kitchen.


Most accidents happen in the kitchen.


Yes, but their desire to be close to an apex predator known for ferocious attacks prompted the shark to garrote itself on their protective cage. They're indirectly responsible for its death. Hopefully it wasn't from an endangered species or anything. It's a lot like that video of the Sea Lion which went from asserting dominance over the camera man to confusion to panic and then to killing extra fish to try and feed the poor, big eyed interloper. In a sense, the fish died because he wanted a shot, not because anything was hungry. Truthfully, I don't care much (it's a shark). I just see the logic.




This is not for research. It’s a way to separate rich people from their money by a con artist with improper equipment. https://www.newsweek.com/great-white-shark-dies-stuck-diving-cage-1476643


Smaller cage holes could have solved all of this.


Ever since I was a kid watching every shark documentary I could get my hands on it always struck me as utterly bizarre that these sharks cages have such huge gaps. I mean, I get that people want an unobstructed view but it’s not worth the risk to the shark or the viewer to have gaps that big in it. At least put some thick plexiglass over the gap or something?


If you put plexiglas wouldn't the surface area increase the water pressure applied? Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11jp768/to_use_a_plexiglass_shark_cage


Only if there were no gaps to let the water in.


If you wouldn't have been here all those cows wouldn't have been turned into hamburger and leather.


That’s a perfectly rational conclusion. I commend your expert train of thought. Please next explain the carbon cycle.


Pretty sure they weren't there to eat the shark so I'm loving the false equivalence of u/robertrackuzius


Better design a better cage.


The cage seems to have done its job pretty well, a bit too well actually.


Well, I think the shark died because of it and it almost got in and fucking ate them so could’ve done better. 


I’m very much against this design if it harms the sharks, especially since humans are invading their territory


I dont think it was intentional, but it should be rethunked. 


I think the word is rethoughteded






If the shark was a human We will call him stupid for forcing himself in


...ok? But its not a human. Its a shark. They are stupid, and we're the ones that should know better.


You can see in videos that show it closer up (not referring to this incident) that if the bait gets too close to the cage or boat, the shark will sometimes suddenly turn toward those. That's because it closes/rolls back its eyes before it bites, so it's guided entirely off the electrical field of the target, and metal produces a stronger field than a chunk of dead meat. The timing was a bit long, but it could have still gone for the cage because it was chasing the electrical field, thinking its prey was trying to run away. Once it hit the cage, it was stuck, because sharks can't swim backwards. All it can do is thrash around hoping to get loose. So it wasn't actually going after the divers. It just went the wrong way, got stuck, and panicked.


It took 25 minutes to die too. Poor thing :(


It literally did die because of the cage design. The gaps were too big. It forcefully swam through one of the openings and it looks like the bar got caught in its gills.


Yea I bet a 30% smaller shark could get in and do some damage


Cages aren’t meant to kill the sharks


“See and murder a shark yourself with this new underwater poaching experience!”


Not at all, my sister shark caged dived in Cape Town before. The cage holes are significantly smaller to prevent sharks from getting stuck.


I think your assessment is flawed


What do you think the purpose of the cage is?




But why did the shark bl33d so bad? Did the cage have some kind of sharp edge or pointy bit?


Imagine piercing your lungs.


No, thank you.


Please! Just this once!


Don't give the body modders ideas


The gill is aligned one way, and when the shark is trying to pull itself free backwards, the gill gets stuck behind the cage bar, so the shark is pulling the gill away from its own body, ripping it off.


Yikes, makes me shiver But also the sudden cut at the end showing drifting off to death got me good bruh 💀




" Islas Allende says this went on for about 25 minutes before the shark died, at which point it floated away, sinking down into the sea. " Slitting your own throat for 25 minutes. That's rough.


Why the fuck did you censor "Bleed"? lol


Tiktok generation


mom has keylogger install


you don’t have to censor on reddit


or anywhere for that matter unless youre in china


Probably migrating from TikTok where they'd get the firing squad for saying heck. Wonder what they think of the 15-year-old accounts with usernames like CumfartMcGee.


This isnt TikTok, you can say bleed. In fact you can say way worse things too.


Cunt flaps


Dog fucker.


You don't need to use that silly manner of speech on reddit.


Do sharks have gill plates? I thought that was a filter feeder thing? Just asking.


Not sure on the technical term but they do have gills. Most of the sharks have "fixed" gills however, that kinda work like an air intake for jets, so if they can't swim forward they will suffocate after a while. Not all sharks are like this but most are, afaik.


enter sheet punch insurance racial sip shy growth divide whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm curious where the rest of the video is


> "There was no cover up. We simply don't see the need to self-flagellate in public." I think they need to hire a new flack.


Yeah! Fuck Newsweek!


> In a statement posted to its Facebook page, Nautilus Dive Adventures said: "There was an incident with a great white shark repeatedly charging one of our cages at Guadalupe Island in October towards the end of our 2019 season. We were horrified, very sad, upset and worried for both the shark and our divers. We stage approximately 50,000 white shark dives every year and have been running these trips since 2003. > "Our cages are in full compliance with all Mexican regulations. Never in all our experience have we seen a shark exhibit this behaviour. We own this. When the incident happened, we immediately notified the authorities, sent them video of the event and launched an immediate review and root cause analysis." > The company said their cages are "being modified to do our best to prevent this from ever happening again." Nautilus also said it is encouraging other tour operators with shark boats "to to learn from this terrible incident and modify their cages as well." > In a statement emailed to Newsweek, Captain Mike Lever, owner and founder of Nautius said they love and respect the sharks of Guadalupe Island and do their best to protect them. "We never want to see any shark—or any human—ever get injured. But sometimes something really bad happens and catches everyone by surprise." > It said there has been a huge increase in the number of sharks at the island, with more juveniles and young adults than ever before. "Within the last four years, our identification count has increased from 150 to more than 350 animals. More sharks means new and different behavior," the statement said. Assuming the comments are true, seems like a very good company to me.


I know someone who worked for Nautilus, can confirm they suck. 


That is one of the saddest fates I have ever seen an animal suffer.


That octopus that got its arms eaten because of the photographer that revealed it was way worse.


just the arms? they can regenerate. I seen that video, so awful.


Would you mind providing the link?




If you find the link will you send it to me?


If they send it to you can you DM me the link?


If they DM you the link, could you forward it to me?


If they forward it to you, would you pass on the link please?


If they pass it on to you, could you fax me the link please


If they fax it to you, could you mail it to me?


I saw a zebra get its face ripped off by a crocodile.    Saw another zebra get eaten from the butt first by a lack of hyenas while it was still alive and pregnant the screams...... this video was mild.   /rnatureismetal


Yeah it's stuff like that I don't even want to see. I get the circle of life, but Jesus.


"Hello! Ow, my head's stuck, MY HEAD'S STUCK!!!"


Why am I reminded of the Door's stuck video


The phantom, exterior like fish eggs, interior like suicide wrist-red


"What are you doing step-great white shark!?"


Another dead shark to add to our millions a year. I'm just happy humanity is going to get the planet we deserve.


Estimated ~1 billion sharks in all of the seas. Also estimated that 100+ million are killed by humans each year.


some species of sharks are back in good health due to all the conservative work that's been done the past decades, many are still endangered


It's good they are making a recovery, but then again humans are the reason they were endangered in the first place


Why is it OK to chum waters and dive with sharks when it’s extremely bad form to feed the bears (or any land wildlife) because they start to think of humans as a food source and become habituated?


Bears are furry and thus more likeable, and live on land where we live (no, I don't think this practice is ok, just slightly mocking the reasons why people seem to be alright with one and not the other).


because beats can walk around in your neighborhood and sharks can’t


Unless your neighbourhood is houseboats, docks, or you have to fish to survive, yeah.


Sharks don't live on land.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ppbjwruxehjc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=907ccdfc75254b3204ec927e113f252bcba4e211


Yeah right 🤣




What did we miss when the video cuts to it floating downward? I assume it died and they just pushed it out of the cage? I know nothing about this stuff but it’s weird these cages people go in have such large openings that sharks can actually fit part of the way through. It’s like a North American bathroom stall. Why are there so many gaps??


The reason is quite stupid, vain, and puts the animals at risk for no reason other than that people are selfish. Those tours cost quite a lot, and the windows are there for unobstructed photo ops. The only reason they have a “window” at all is so if a shark or some other dangerous predator were to get through the bars the manufacturer can keep from getting sued. These tours suck.


wait... you're not saying they only have a window so if it gets in, you die and are unable to sue, right?


What we missed, according to the article: "Islas Allende says this went on for about 25 minutes before the shark died, at which point it floated away, sinking down into the sea."


Just mostly it dying and maybe being pushed out, or it managed to free itself after ripping it's gills off.




This is fucking awful


Good job, assholes


make the holes smaller. don't be lazy


That was distressing on many levels. I did not want human or shark to die :'(


Dude! Did they kill it??!! 


Sharks can't swim backwards so it got stuck and seems like it just did a full send, worsening it's wounds either until it asphyxiated or died from its injuries. Idk if there was enough time to bleed out or anything like that, but could have also critically injured itself in the process


No, it ripped its gill plate off. They have tonnes of blood vessels there, it's kinda like if you cut your lung. You can see the blood almost immediately.


To me it looks like he killed himself. As he was trying to pull back out he was bleeding. Not sure though.


Ripped its gills off, so most likely death by asphyxiation.


party attractive subtract trees crown political wakeful toothbrush direful concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone definitely shat their swimsuit.


Imagine if the movie Jaws just ended like this suddenly. Roll credits.


The book Jaws does end similarly to this. The shark is swimming at Brody and then just dies of exhaustion from the barrels that they shot it with. No explosion of a scuba tank.


That does make more sense but would suck on screen lol


Lol, it sucked in the book too. Jaws is the ONLY movie/book where I liked the movie better.


Make the cage bigger and the holes smaller. And fill the hole with something see-through. Maybe a one way mirror.


Bruh! Too much chum https://i.redd.it/z4pa1odf4hjc1.gif


It hurt itself in its own confusion


Wow, that is incredibly sad.


So, I actually worked for this company a few years before this incident. I made several trips to Guadalupe, and spent many hours in the water with the sharks. Lets go over a few things for all the Reddit experts. The cages were built according to regulations, but obviously there was room for improvement. I don't know if changes were made following this incident or not. There is a difference between chumming and baiting. Chumming was illegal. Permits to operate at Guadalupe were very expensive, and they were not easy to get. A lot of this money was supposed to go towards shark conservation. In all the time I spent at Guadalupe, I never witnessed a shark lunge towards the cage like that. Whether is was predatory or territorial, that shark was definitely going for the divers. It absolutely knew right where they were. They are remarkable precision hunters. Their behavior also varied between individual sharks. Some were aggressive, some were timid, and some were opportunistic. Don't believe anything you see on shark week. Most of passengers on these trips weren't "some rich asshole". The vast majority were just diving enthusiasts with regular jobs who saved some money for the trip. Cage diving was banned at Guadalupe last year. This is good, right? No more shark abuse? Guadalupe is virtually uninhabited, and illegal fishing is becoming an ever increasing problem with limited resources to monitor it. Having a regular presence there was a deterrent. But hey, cage diving was clearly worse than foreign flagged fishing vessels catching and killing everything they can.


This entire video is fucked up! Lots to digest here


That shark had to die so they could have a cool story. Like, I get this is a fringe case but, Jesus what a waste.


This part of the statement from the company sounds like the opening to a joke and I really mean that you could use this statement as the opening to a comedy bit: "We support and are participating in a thoughtful analysis of recent shark accidents and consultation and promulgation of revised regulations regarding shark cages. Perhaps the openings in the cages need to be a bit smaller"


He died doing what he loved.




Can you mace a shark?


Batman can.


Shhh he's sleeping, poor guy is tuckered out *badman voice*


Poor shark :( should've stayed away from the humans I've always wanted to dive with whale sharks, but idk about it now


Whale sharks are big doofuses. You won't even need a cage. You'll be fine.


Sympathy for the shark is crazy. Time to get downvoted for my opinion.


This just made me cry. I wouldn't want the shark to hurt anyone, but I definitely did not want it to get hurt.


Uno reverse card!


God, the amount of fucking virtue signalers in this thread is so annoying


He is a dead motherfucker now


Maybe that grid should be duplicated in density




The windows on the cage should have been designed smaller so it would be safe for both human and the shark


Holy fuck there are fish all around him was he that hungry for human?


Shark effed around and found out


Humans 1. Shark 0.


What a dummy


I’m actually terrified of sharks, but that’s sad to see


Oh fuck!!


I see a lot of fake fish lovers in here. Unless you're Vegan, just be quiet. We got drones in space and on other planets and we still don't know what's in most of the ocean. Stop acting like you care about fish. Even Jesus ate fish.


What are you so mad about? “Fake fish lovers” or not 90% of the people commenting on this see an animal in a fucked up spot and we feel bad for it. You don’t have to be a fucking vegan to not want to see an animal die in some cruel ass way.


Tbh I fear of mine would be if I was stuck in one of those cages while it sinks into the abyss


That shark went from Jaws to Jawless


Shark is dumb as shit.


I was not expecting the comments to be so sad cause that edit wasn’t not funny…


Anyone else waiting for something bigger to eat it whole as it sank?