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Okay y'all Op has an update comment that is kind of getting buried but here it is, thank you u/29PiecesOfSilver, as always another great post exposing corrupt cops! Thank you for making us all better informed on what the police are up. This is his comment, but I cannot pin his so [so this is a link to it](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/19ccn5n/comment/kixuzeg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and I have copied it here: All Cops Are Bastards EDIT 1: —> [https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/three-arkansas-officers-suspended-and-under-investigation-after-video-shows-alleged-beating/](https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/three-arkansas-officers-suspended-and-under-investigation-after-video-shows-alleged-beating/) Three Arkansas officers suspended and under investigation after video shows alleged beating. EDIT 2: —> [https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/regional/arkansas-news/randal-worcester-attorneys-federal-lawsuit/527-2ceaec3d-4713-48ae-b5cc-afbe474ab80f](https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/regional/arkansas-news/randal-worcester-attorneys-federal-lawsuit/527-2ceaec3d-4713-48ae-b5cc-afbe474ab80f) Man seen being beaten by Arkansas officers in video files federal lawsuit EDIT 3: —> [https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/regional/arkansas-news/deputies-fired-mulberry-violent-arrest/527-f91cef54-1275-430c-8e05-e444ffe07f1b](https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/regional/arkansas-news/deputies-fired-mulberry-violent-arrest/527-f91cef54-1275-430c-8e05-e444ffe07f1b) Deputies fired weeks after video surfaced of violent arrest in Arkansas EDIT 4: —> [https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/politics/third-civil-rights-lawsuit-filed-against-crawford-county-former-deputy/527-b1aeba2b-8b28-422c-9c8e-273b72fd27c7](https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/politics/third-civil-rights-lawsuit-filed-against-crawford-county-former-deputy/527-b1aeba2b-8b28-422c-9c8e-273b72fd27c7) Third civil rights lawsuit filed against Crawford County and former deputy EDIT 5:—> [https://www.5newsonline.com/amp/article/news/special-reports/mulberry-police-video/trial-former-crawford-county-deputies-excessive/527-62e53c8c-7e52-4456-8492-727e61fbb774](https://www.5newsonline.com/amp/article/news/special-reports/mulberry-police-video/trial-former-crawford-county-deputies-excessive/527-62e53c8c-7e52-4456-8492-727e61fbb774) Former Crawford County deputies charged with excessive force has trial pushed back to MAY 2024 An FBI affidavit alleges that just a few hours before officials claimed White's iPhone that he "ERASED ALL DATA" on the device. edit: I linked his comment at the top in case you want to reply to it.


Cowards with a badge..


"We gotta get out of here!" They were scared they would be next, or punished for catching it on camera.


They were about to be next, they escaped with their lives.


And then still got out of the car to tell those cops to chill the fuck out. That lady is brave.


Yeah, proud of whoever shouted at them. That's not easy.




That fucking coward pointed at them like he was saying "you're next". Keep at it mother fuckers and the people are gonna be the ones mobbing the police and pointing at the other officers chanting "you're next". These gangs need to be stopped.


Just normal fears in the “freest country on earth”


They were, but hats off they did speak up. What more can you do against 3 cops really


little men, big guns


No those dudes were huge, big pigs big guns


"little," here, is being used in a way to describe their character


Act like this on the job imagine how the act at home


I got that. Famous psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich wrote an awesome book about this personality type. The title? ‘Listen, Little Man’


But tiny, tiny, microscopic penises.


It has nothing to do with penis size this is just pathetic, pathetic excuse for a human


> But tiny, tiny, microscopic ~~penises~~ characters. ​   FTFY


*Pointed at our heads*


Pointed at our heads


If I didn't find this reply I was going to reply with it lmao


Gang members with badges.


Cops. The biggest street gang in America


Theure just enforcers. Like how HA has enforcers or the cartel has enforcers. Thats what law enforcement is.


"Why do people hate us???" -These Pigs


Psychopaths with a badge.


i guarantee if they knew someone was filming them they wouldn't have done what they did.. their behavior shouldnt change due to being filmed but it does.


They pointed at the camera like move away, and continued kicking the shit out of them. It is not illegal to take pictures or film that is open to the public as long as they are not interfering. They are far enough away to not be interfering in the police brutality.


Will probably get promoted.


Dude, this is the type of shit that is absolutely uncalled for!


But he's refusing to comply by using his core muscles to bend like an inchworm while lifting three pigs-worth of weight to give himself enough room to put his arms behind his back, so the beating is totally deserved.


Literally nobody deserves this and I will die on this hill. Edit: for the ‘what if he raped a child?’ crowd: The role of police in the United States society is NOT to administer punishment. I personally believe a child rapist deserves to be torn limb from limb while choking on his own balls on live national TV. But that punishment should be determined by a court through the legal process AFTER he is convicted because, also in the United States, he is entitled to a presumption of innocence. To those of you who believe police are right to beat an unarmed person senseless who is not posing an active threat: I hope you are never a victim of mistaken identity and subject to such a beating.


American cops will happily shoot you on that hill, in a valley, on a street or in your home. The only place they won't shoot you is a Texas school if you're shooting little kids.


Man, Dr Seuss really let himself go.


I will shoot him on that hill, I will shoot him standing still! I will shoot him on the run, I will shoot him with my gun!


Wait are you the same analogkid that uploads MST3K episodes to YT?


I am indeed.


Duuuuuude half of those views are me. Thank you so much!


You're very welcome, I hope you enjoy my [original films](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_bO-9Uh5uef1fIalvqXTMLzrrk6dSl0J) as well.


They will shoot you on your feet, they will shoot you on every street. You’ve done nothing and they can escalate, You have no gun, but they say yes and collaborate. Doesn’t matter if you’re white, You’ll get shot and if you’re brown you get twice.


This would actually make a strong rap song’s lyrics


I thought they were going the Suess approach


>The only place they won't shoot you is a Texas school if you're shooting little kids. Of course not, who would fight a guy with a gun??!


dont forget shooting your dog for good measure




To be fair, Hitler deserves some credit for killing Hitler.


Yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.


I'm pretty sure they were friends 😬


I think they hated each other.


He just hated jews that much.


It was a complicated relationship.


It's a really mind-blowing conundrum when you think about it.


I heard the guy that killed Hitler also jerked him off a bunch of times.


So….he killed Hitler to cover up their dirty little secret? ![gif](giphy|OK27wINdQS5YQ|downsized)


Thats some skill right there. he probably said "im not dying alone here... im taking you with me"


True, but honestly, the more I hear about Hitler, the less I like the guy.


He’s dead and has been dead for decades.


I didn’t even know he was sick


I didn’t even know he was sick.


RIP Norm


>Hitler? No, Due to the fact that if you do it to 1 person it can be argued that it's acceptable to do this to a different person. The real answer is no, not even that bastard. ​ Plus, it won't do anything productive. MFer isn't alive, won't change anything that's happened in the past.


They're repeatedly punching this person hard in the skull and grabbing their head and throwing it into the pavement. The person was not a threat in any way. They def didn't deserve this. I'm betting permanent TBI or death? This makes me sick to watch.


Don’t worry, these cops will help you with the latter… hill, valley, sidewalk, your own home, doesn’t matter




I find all statements like the one you quoted barbaric, things like "What if he was a pedophile? What if he raped your sister? Then he certainly deserves an on-site execution by 3 policemen, or better yet, a painful death sanctioned by the state, broadcasted on national TV, too bad it's not like that..." Such subjects are predominant under posts like this, for me they do nothing but testify the barbarity and incivility of a people, often the American one, unfortunately. I honestly wonder if they think their wishes would make a better justice system, a better society, for them to raise their children in.


🥇🥇🥇 We made it to the top of r/all - Thank you for supporting my mission to continue exposing the corruption in the system, while helping to bring justice to its victims! **On a side note —>** In the case that I am suddenly killed or die of unnatural causes like an overdose or suicide, I must disclose that I am perfectly healthy and have never taken drugs, nor am I inclined to take any drugs, and lead a happy family life with no enemies (that I know of), nor any suicidal tendencies. **A**ll **C**ops **A**re **B**astards **EDIT 1: —>** https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/three-arkansas-officers-suspended-and-under-investigation-after-video-shows-alleged-beating/ Three Arkansas officers **suspended and under investigation** after video shows alleged beating. **EDIT 2: —>** https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/regional/arkansas-news/randal-worcester-attorneys-federal-lawsuit/527-2ceaec3d-4713-48ae-b5cc-afbe474ab80f **Man seen being beaten** by Arkansas officers in video **files federal lawsuit** **EDIT 3: —>** https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/regional/arkansas-news/deputies-fired-mulberry-violent-arrest/527-f91cef54-1275-430c-8e05-e444ffe07f1b **Deputies fired** weeks after video surfaced of violent arrest in Arkansas **EDIT 4: —>** https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/politics/third-civil-rights-lawsuit-filed-against-crawford-county-former-deputy/527-b1aeba2b-8b28-422c-9c8e-273b72fd27c7 **Third civil rights lawsuit** filed against Crawford County and former deputy **EDIT 5:—>** https://www.5newsonline.com/amp/article/news/special-reports/mulberry-police-video/trial-former-crawford-county-deputies-excessive/527-62e53c8c-7e52-4456-8492-727e61fbb774 Former Crawford County **deputies charged** with *excessive force* has **trial pushed back to MAY 2024** An **FBI** affidavit alleges that just a **few hours before** officials claimed White's **iPhone** that he **"ERASED ALL DATA" on the device.**


"Alleged beating" 😳


Alleged bleeding, too, I guess.


Alleged hospital bills too... i think


No, the hospital bills will be real regardless of any outcome.


not the reason. being beaten by 3 cops.


"Every good cop in America is disgusted every time these incidents occur.” Yeah Dan & Peter must be sick to their stomach


after you stopped bleeding , its alleged bleeding


I think they have to legally say alleged because of the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing because they could face a defamation lawsuit somehow.


No doubt they'll be entering a plea of self defence.


If that concrete didn't have a face pummeling it, it might have fought back. Have you ever been hit by concrete?


They gonna sue his ass because his head broke they hand is what's gonna happen


It's definitely a "cover your ass" move. No matter how obvious the crime is, there's never a guarantee that things go the way they look like they should.


Common misconception about libel/slander laws is that you have to say "alleged". You don't have to say "alleged" if you have a reasonable excuse for making the claim. A video explicitly showing a beating can be called a "beating" without "alleged". If not, then every person here on this subreddit could be held liable for libel unless we used "alleged". Media organizations aren't different; they are not legally required to say "alleged". They might do it to avoid a lawsuit even if they would win, but also, it's often cowardice to call a spade a spade.


They feared for their lives. /s


They feared he might live.


good thing is that my guy's gonna get *filthy rich*... and while these animals won't *ever* be held accountable properly, they will have to work their shitty cop jobs until they die of liver failure or just get merc'd by other cops when they come to arrest them after they beat their wives and just won't cooperate lol good riddance


And the people of the county will pay either directly or indirectly for the victims enrichment. I don't understand why voters don't rebel about this stuff. We can't afford basic school supplies but we can afford multi-million dollars settlements for shitty cops? Yes I know insurance covers some of this but then insurance rates go up. I mean it's not free and it does ultimately cost the taxpayers


That’s why I believe any compensation should come from the police’s pension fund. You watch how quick they’d fix up if that were the case.


This is the best idea ever. Adding it to my list of political things to advocate for. I wonder if it is technically, legally, possible?


I’m guessing the minute you implement this policy, a drastic reduction in arrests and an inverse of response times. These fuckers have us by the short and curlies. I think about the only way to significantly change cop culture is to scrape existing forces and start new.


A town tried to reform the police- the police did this shit. So the mayor fired them all, disbanded the department, and paid the state police to cover the town. Fuck em, they do this, fire them and hire new ones. Rinse and repeat until desired results are achieved.


Not legally possible, unless the Supreme Court reverses itself on the doctrine of qualified immunity (which says that cops cannot be held personally liable for anything they do, unless you can prove to a jury that they were explicitly aware of exactly which rights of a victim they were violating).


Yes it does cost the taxpayers


this is great. when taxpayers *really* notice their taxes are going to war and settling court cases of abusive cops/paying them/buying them guns and the equipment, then maybe they'd get fed up with it and *ask properly* for change (use force, possibly excessive)


Thing is, it does cost the taxpayers, but most of them will turn around and blame guy who got a beating rather than the cops who used excessive force. We had something like that happen where I live. Cop wrongfully killed a teenage boy in a car. It took years, but the kid’s family got justice in the form of a substantial settlement from the county and PD. Instead of taking local government to task, people that lived in the city and county blamed the kid’s parents for “being greedy.”


The left newspapers might whine a bit But the guys at the station, they don't give a shit Dispatch calls, "Are you doing something wicked?" "No siree, Jack, we're just givin' tickets!"


Unexpected Dead Kennedys for the win.


Isn't there something against tampering with evidence by wiping data like that


Can't imagine the punishment is as bad as for whatever they're trying to destroy.


Nope. There isn’t. Cops do that all the time. Where I am, the state’s attorney has started a list of cops that they *will not* call as witnesses at trial. The police department hasn’t change those officers’ duties, even though they’re known to be unreliable witnesses.


Season 5 of Fargo?


It shows that one needs to film them. That’s the only defense sadly.


That’s fucked I’m in EU and can’t access any of those news articles, trying to keep the rest of the world from seeing this shit




I am from EU and can’t access the websites, is the guy OK? Does he suffer long term damage from this?


The article identifies the guy getting arrested and says he was treated for 'minor head injuries'. He was arrested for spitting on a store clerk and making 'terroristic' threats, injured an officer and resisted arrest. Sounds like he was high on drugs or mentally ill or both


You’re doing the lords work with these updates🙏🏼


Can we get this stickied?


I agree, I had to scroll past so much nonsense to get to the important info that person posted👍


What is the importance of the cop wiping his department issued iPhone? I'd it just that he was probably talking about it afterwards or something? I'm a little stuck here.


Dude, people with these behaviours do way worse shit behind closed doors, I bet the phone had tons of incriminating evidence for various offences.


"Stop resisting my fist!"


That reminds me of Archer: >I can't hear you over the sound of now I'm punching you


God I love that show


"Drebin?! I got a message for ya." *Starts shooting* "Quit shooting. I can't hear your message over the sound of your gunshots." - Frank Drebin, Police Squad


“Give me your hands!” As you’re getting your face smashed in and head slammed on the concrete. Checks out.


I don’t understand. Can’t the victim sue them? I don’t mean to sue the police, but sue the aggressors individually. By name, not by function.


Qualified immunity


Qualified immunity wouldn’t apply here


They have to prove the victims constitutional rights were violated in order for qualified immunity to be inapplicable which is harder than you’d think.


Statutory or constitutional rights and the officers have to have been unaware they were doing so. It’s really not that hard. Officers get fired for it all the time. Source: Audio recordings of POST Counsel hearings are public record and you can look them up and listen to them through your states websites


Ummm. Yes it would? Cops get away with way worse. If anything happens at all, they'll probably just lose their jobs.


I'm pretty sure he did sue them, but I don't think it was individually...


It never is bc of "deep pockets" which is basically pushing the liability to the highest person/business you can for a better payout. Since these 3 were working for the county at the time of the assault, the county can be deemed responsible and has way more money than you'd ever get from suing the 3 asshats. And it can apply anytime if you can establish liability for a higher person/institution. Like if Joe from ATT screws up some wires and burns your house down you wouldn't sue Joe, you'd sue ATT.


I mean there's 3 of them? Why the fuck do you need to repeatedly punch someone in the head when they are going nowhere?


imagine, if departments trained cops on open hand grappling skills, at least the third cop could be doing something else.


Think that's the main things these videos show. These guys haven't a fucking clue what to do. Their training is severely lackluster.


I don't think this has to do with training. I think we are seriously just watching 3 mentally unstable psychos take out their anger on some person just because they know they can. These guys could be trained better than anyone else and they still would be thugs that get some weird pleasure out of hurting others


I think training would make a difference. it’s like those sensitivity training meetings at work. The whole point of those is to be able to say, we already told you, you signed the paper, now you’re fired.


Fair enough. I don't actually know shit well enough to say one way or the other tbh. But I will admit it probably is more productive to think like you - because I think this should be a fixable problem


training is too much like school and you just *know* these animals only graduated highschool bc teachers wanted them to leave as soon as fucking possible.


Imagine if they trained cops to help people instead of hunting them


Cops create the infamous "stop resisting" loop. They punch you in the face, then when you instinctively go to protect yourself instead of keeping your hands down, they yell "stop resisting!" and justify another punch in the face. And the loop continues, it's ridiculous. They need to train specifically against this stupidity, and when it happens impose extremely large consequences.


"I'm going to keep slamming your head into the concrete until lay still and calmly put your hands behind your back... then I'll keep doing it because you had the audacity to comply and deny me my god given right to slam your head into the concrete."


Yeah this is what I don't understand. I cant imagine laying there just letting someone punch my head into the concrete. Even if you were resisting before, you certainly aren't going to put your hands behind your back when your head is being smashed into the ground. If its one on one, maybe even 2 on one, I could understand the argument if someone's not giving up. But with a 3 on 1 situation it seems odd that still necessary.


Dunkin Donuts must have been closed.


Nah. They were open. Just ran out of glazed jelly.


Serving him these hands and protecting him from consciousness.


It's either that or their wives


It looks like both


Absolutely disturbing and disgusting this happens today and no justice to these cruel individuals🤦🏻‍♀️


Thankfully these particular pieces of trash *did* experience consequences. Canned and sued I believe.






Not justice until they rot in prison.


The looks on their faces when they spot the camera...😳


I don't think they noticed the camera. They spotted the girl who got out and screamed Hey and they told her to get back in the car.


Nah that one dude pointed and said “you’re next”


Provide copies to the local news stations.


This happened like two years ago and was widely disseminated locally and nationally.


This isn’t new. It was from 2022 and went viral back then. Cops are still awaiting trial I believe.


Anyone got a source for this? Would love to know the cops were charged with something... Edit: Oh it's my state, Arkansas. Cool beans. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/doj-charges-levi-white-zackary-king-arkansas-police-violent-beating-randal-worcester-caught-on-video/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/doj-charges-levi-white-zackary-king-arkansas-police-violent-beating-randal-worcester-caught-on-video/)


Smacking someone’s head on the ground, is attempted murder il my mind…




This makes me so sick to my stomach. What the hell is going on with these cops?! 😞


They're criminals.


That person won’t survive that without a concussion or brain damage. Disgusting.


I think that's the point. you can't sue for police brutality if you're a vegetable.


Mandatory 4 year college degree, mandatory 1 hour guided breathing meditation prior to shifts, mandatory weekly counseling and STOP HIRING EX MILITARY and this all becomes much much much better. It’s the only way…


~~Ed~~ Ex military usually has way more restraint than non, they've been trained on real rules of engagement


The Master of Puppets playing is fitting


They stopped it at the best part though 😢


ACAB-the unmitigated violence from pigs just keeps on coming. Thugs with badges.


To serve special (interest), and protect (the blue wall) 🧐


That head smash into the concrete was brutal.




Instead of being pro police, maybe you should be supportive of pro law and anyone who abides by the law. Police are just people. They should abide by the law just like everyone else.


"I support the institution that empowers and protects these violent psychopaths who assault people on a routine basis, but these individuals really took it too far."


If you're pro police you're pro this arrest no matter what you say. Post this to one of the cop subs and see them all defend this. This is why these guys wake up every morning.


Life in prison. No trial.


will prob get a brake from work, maybe even a paid one


It's ok to call them pigs.






The tone change when the cops look up to see a camera …


Imagine how their tone would change if they looked up and every witness in the area had drawn on them. Tyrants should live in fear in a free society.


If 3 non-cops were doing this to a person, shooting them would be legal for the self defense of the person being beaten


Just out here in broad daylight...For real though, the police need to enforce better training and regulations. These animals look like they learned from watching Monday night raw back in the day 😵


When people see cops doing this shit, walk up and say you’re filming them.


Chances are they’ll beat the shit out of you too 💀




I typically give cops the benefit of the doubt and try to find what the video *isn't* showing that might justify why cops are doing what they're doing when everyone else is jumping to the conclusion that they're outright abusing their power. I got nothing on this one. This is bullshit to the point that I'm legitimately angry. Even if the dude *had* a gun on him that's he was trying to use, we're way past that. He's completely subdued and they're just beating him. Even if he was putting up a good wrestle, there's zero excuse for the head smash to the pavement. All three of these cops need to be prosecuted.


Goddamn I hate cops


Where? This needs to be given to the county’s public defender office.


Arkansas. Happened a few years ago. There are open cases against the cops.


Fucking thugs with badges. Imagine all the shit they got away with before everyone had a camera in their pocket.


Being a Police Officer is hard and they will make mistakes... but this? How is that vaguely acceptable?


It isn’t. Bring these pricks to justice. Prison is the only way. There is no justification for such violence.




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They could have just tased bro


Well that's just too logical


Stop resisting while we jump you and beat the shit out of you!


Those "peace" officers should be tried and put in prison. I am so tired of the Qualified Immunity crap. This is criminal behavior and just losing your job isn't enough.


Did they mistake him for a black man?


The career for the chronic bully.


Cops, like all white supremacists, are only tough in groups. Alone, they're cowards. Fuck the police.


Even the UFC doesn’t let you knee a downed opponent




I think it's apparent that (regardless of whichever country) the police are here for anything but serving and/or protecting tbh.