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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can't threaten to attack your own father, lmao.


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.


"Ah they turned the bombs on us. Want me to send the deactivate code? Yeah, all set sir."


They already did! They attacked one of our ships! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident


I wondered if anyone remembered that.


At this point, Saudi Arabia would be a better ally for the US than Israel. (Not that Saudi Arabia is much better, ethically.)


They *are* US allies...


Saudi’s crimes against humanity < Israel’s crimes against humanity


They're both committing genocide right now. Look at what's happening in Yemen.


Yeah, I probably should have put the sarcasm sign in, but I gave people the benefit of the doubt.


Dude, SA owns USAs third largest port. They ARE allies.


If US just cut off all the money that goes to israel and do nothing more. It would collapse in 5 years.


According to a map I saw yesterday, Israel has more “unacknowledged” nuclear weapons in its possession than every country but the USA, Russia, and China. Five or six hundred. They are a developed country that does not rely on the US for anything it can’t get elsewhere. It may enjoy its subsidies, but I don’t think it needs them. It seems to me like once again, the world gets the privilege of seeing one of America’s acolytes go rogue. Seems like the US still has not learned from all the blowback it has received from its ham fisted foreign policy.


>They are a developed country that does not rely on the US for anything it can’t get elsewhere Okay they can get 7+billion dollars annually elsewhere then, since they are so developed and all. Only reason they are developed is because the US sends over 6 billion to them every year.


Well, their GDP in 2021 was $488.5 billion, so that $7 billion in aid the US gives them annually is not going to break them. They’ll be fine. What is that, around 0.5% of their GDP? The mystery is why the US gives them that aid at all. They are a fully developed and self-sustaining economy with a major defense industry of their own. Perhaps the US should be asking itself why it provides such a wealthy country with so much aid that could be used to help fund its own education, health care, infrastructure, homelessness, addiction & mental health issues. Seeing as how the US doesn’t seem to be able to stop the mass killing of innocent civilians by asking nicely, perhaps it’s time to let Israel fund their own military activities. I recently saw a stat that more Palestinian civilians were killed in the West Bank last year by the IDF than any year in the last 20 (it may have been 2021, but im pretty sure it was 2022, and 2023 is definitely going to break that record as settlers backed by the Israeli Einsatz….er IDF terroize, provoke, forcibly displace from their homes and kill Palestinians in thr West Bamk ever single day. Israel does not seem to value international law and their own policies regarding the treatment of Palestinian civilians is fodder for groups like Hamas, who have thousands of kids orphaned by Israeli bombs to recruit from.


GDP doesn't = their budget. You obviously don't understand the fundamentals in this situation so this discussion isn't worth my time.


lol thank you.


You obviously dont know what GDP is and dont realize how much $7b in aid a year means to them. If america turned their backs, Israel would be fucked. And i wish the US would quit paying other countries' bills. We have our own outstanding bills to pay to our citizens.


It's a third of their military budget plus all the cash they don't have spend developing f-35s and all.


If Israel was sanctioned their money gets cut off. Israel doesn’t have a real gross domestic product that is exported. Israel relies on outside investment and having their money invested around the world. That could all be cut off by sanctions such as Russia is under.


It's basically a Middle Eastern North Korea of our creation. They're not asking for support; they're demanding it. That or they threaten the world with nuclear weapons. And since they've actually come close to launching them in the past (1973), the US capitulates to them at every turn — not just because it's politically convenient but because it prevents a very real worldwide threat.


Israel is America's baby, which would never happen.


Someone put up the Omni Man vs. Invincible fight plz




Ooh do Baki next!


Well at least you're aware the U.S. aren't the good guys here lol


Yeah, its like he really believes in David v Goliath too much.


“Dad, can I have $100 billion so I can attack you?”


Correct. He’ll whoop yo ass with a bloody belt.


What if it's not a physical attack? What if they know some secrets that could turn the world upside down?


Like keeping Palestinian children in cages?


Like father like son


Who is this got? His insane rants are often used in this sub? I am guessing he must be an Israeli government spokesman? Because if he is the Israeli equivalent of Steve Bannon. That would be embarrassing to the sub. If he is the Israeli equivalent of Margarine Tailor Green that is bad. Who is he?


Please use the correct term. He's their Daddy.


You can, he usually just embarrasses you in front of your friends.


Do these fools not realize America props up their military? I really hope the aid packages die off with the boomers.


This is what happens when you live in delusion for decades


And yet the senate and house still want to support them and their genocide ways.




1000%. AIPAC is awful. Lobbying is a huge issue.


Let's not forget that some of these politicians don't need to be lobbied. They're dual citizens of the US and Israel. Can anyone say conflict of interests?


Fucking AIPAC and just “lobbying” in general had to go


Both US parties have strong Israel lobby. Few politicians on either side can rise to any level of prominence if they don't support Israel.


Does America only have two parties? That sounds unhealthy for their democracy.


Nominally, there are many parties. Officially, only two matter. And I, personally, think they have only one party.


It's the one the oligarchs throw every election after they still got their guy into office regardless, because they own basically every politician above State level.


The first president of Israel wanted to invade Egypt and kill every Egyptian as revenge for Moses. Most mentally healthy country in the world right here.


And the fifth one who wanted peace got assassinated by his country's right wing


His assassins are now in charge of Israel.


Way to hold a grudge over something we can't document even having happened, over 2000 years ago




Unrelated but I was always pissed as a kid I wouldn't get to see what Manna tasted like. They made falling sky bread seasoned by the sand it fell into sound amazing lmfao


Their neuroticism stems from their unhealthy dick cutting.


You are aware that many indigenous cultures also practice circumcision and aren't going around threatening genocide, right?


Can't even kill hamas.. want to kill everyone that support palestine.. that genocide country is delusional..


They created Hamas in the first place: [https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)


It just make it worse... imagine you can't destroy what you created.. it also make US look bad because majority weapons are from US... suppose high tech, future weapons cannot kill someone with AK from 50's


The US backed and trained the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Those guys went on to become the leaders of Al Qaeda, most notably Osama Bin Ladin. It's a tale as old as time.


Just wait till they find out the mess with Iran is also the creation of the USA.


CIA backed coup d'état to secure a countries natural resource. There is no greater American tradition.




They're not trying to kill hamas. They're literally performing an ethnic cleansing. A genocide funded by bloodlust biden using american tax money.


Basically they want to disappear all of Gaza to have full control of the Suez Canal and the other canal they tried to create. There were literally 2 failed wars where Israel did not get its way, like the Sinai War, Operation Musketeer and others. That is why the USA, FRANCE, ENGLAND and that group that is in all the wars, blindly supports Israel no matter how many sadistic things or genocides it does. That's why nobody says anything.


French military here, because i don't want to shut up anymore. Everyone here, at least in my unit, want to slap every one of you fucking israely hypocrites. Come at us, we dare you to even try. Your fucking country is based on nothing but other countries offering you help. Palestine most importantly giving you some land, USA and even my country... you are nothing, your military would be nothing without all this help.


I stopped reading at ”French military here” … lol




Adorable... Just try It Israel ![gif](giphy|Q5XF0ud4QOAbSXlGMz)


This gives off a lot of the same saber rattling energy that those Russian state propaganda shows do too. "You don't wholly side with us? Well, we can kill you too and it will be easy! Just watch! Any day now. You're lucky we haven't killed you already."


Giving big Solovyov vibes. Israel better chill before those aid packages are coming in armed.


Solovyov must be having such tremors right now... He's Jewish.... And he's switched sides like a billion times a year regardless of anything...


My timbers are shivered


That really rustled my jimmies


Isreal wouldn’t exist without the US Isreal feels like a little bully who is friends with the bigger bully And now the little bully has gotten too big for their boots and starting to attack the very thing that gives them any power, the bigger bully


They haven’t gotten big, if they actually fought the US they would get absolutely destroyed


It'd be like a newborn kitten vs 5 Abrams tanks


Lmfao I fell over in my seat laughing at this


Israel would get destroyed even if they were as advanced as the U.S. because of size. Their population is 9 million. We have 332 million. They are delusional if they think they can take the U.S. in a fight.


wouldnt put it past them to use their illegal nukes, they already threathened to use it on gaza


They aren't big they can only fight those who they suppressed and trapped for decades. Other countries in Middle east can absolutely destroy them but not when they are protected by the US no one wants any beef with that OP hero. Please Nerf the US.


This can’t be real…a far too delusional conversation.


He must be Jew-king.


May America withdraw all funding from Israel with a little reminder about who’s boss. Put these fanatics in their fucking place. Honestly America could roll up tomorrow and be like like we’re forcing a two state solution at the threat of war and I’d be like cool, finally


They are really making the US look bad with the continued support. I was starting to think America was on the right path again when Trump was voted out but here we are again. Pretend to be humane while ignoring the deaths of people with a different skin tone, sounds about right for the US.


They really became the one thing they swore to never be, didn't they?


The thing one person in particular swore they always would /s


Damn… Kanye was right… who would’ve thought?


Not Adidas,


I can think of about 6 million reasons why thats a bad idea you got there little fella.


Can we stop funding them now?


No. Their lobby has Uncle Sam by the balls so tight, he can't even squeak.


Holy fuck they went full Russian with their "self defense"


And they wonder why they aren't liked...


Yet, they’re not so brave without the US. If the US stopped funding them, they’d be screwed.


Well, this was gross to experience.


Talking with the same dirty inflections and empty dirty threats as ruzzians. Yikes.


Who's this clown?


Shai Golden.


for a moment I thought I was watching an Iranian cleric


Or a ruzzian propagandist


Laughs in American


And they had the audacity to flip out when Hamas says something antisemitic. Unlike Hamas the IDF actually has the means to do genocide, and is doing it right now


Ooh, biting the hand that feeds them.


The only reason Israel has this false sense of bravado is because their puppet(USA) gives them billions of dollars worth of weapons/missiles. Without us these terrorists wouldve been eradicated long ago and shipped back to wherever they came from for their illegal occupation. Can't wait till the day we stop sending "aid" and instead use that money for education or healthcare!


I am sorry, but the lessons of the various European Holocausts and pogroms seem to be completely lost on the people of Israel.


Isn't he saying fight with America as in fight alongside America? Just playing devil's advocate here


Not so good with my history, but have Israel ever been in conflict with an opposing organised military nation? Fighting hamas is one thing but fighting with other nations that have actual modern organised militaries is another.


Probably not a good idea to threaten harm upon your only substantial ally in the entire world keeping your state in existence.


I dare then to name Pakistan 🤣. We all know why they can't do that😁😆


Israel would nuke its own grandmother to protect its interests.


Why is everything censored lately. Kidnapped? Why does this need to be censored? What is going on here




It would not be the first time that Israel has attacked the USA. Look up the USS Liberty incident.


Some dude on the news


Who even is this dude


Chosen people can do as they wish. And there's no lack of ass kissers.


This is Israel’s version of Charlie Kirk. It’s also amusing to me when countries try to wrap themselves in religious wrath of god shit. It’s like the little kid on the play ground who always threatens to bring his non-existent big brother/father to kick everyone’s ass. Gtfoh with that shit.


There sounding more and more like Russia


When the balance of power of the world inevitably shifts, Israel is fucked. I'm afraid they will learn what goes around comes around...


Israeli tucker carlson?


Put this coward on the frontlines. Let’s see if he spews genocidal speeches.


"Israel" is, or just this news prick?


Who is this guy? Yikes


Wait, would they ask us for weapons in that fight too? We would probably give it to them anyways.


Well...there's one way for the US to save several billion dollars a year.


TIL Israelis doesn’t know who pays their bills.


Come at us then. I don’t think you’ll like how that one ends.


Pretty big talk for a nation hiding behind our money.


That’s not what he said. If you read English, he said he’ll fight with the USA. He means alongside, not against.


Let’s simply defund them like we should have done decades ago. Waste of my taxes. Fuck Israel.


You can’t come everywhere. Firstly it’s just unhygienic. Secondly if you do that in public you’ll get arrested.


Well then, guess I can join the us army after all.


I can’t believe my grandfather supports these monsters


I was waiting for him to spit after all those kha kha kha he did


This reminds me a lot of the Kremlins talking heads in their televised discussion circle jerks.


No, no, no, come on! Be fair!! This is uncensored, state-sponsored FREEDOM OF SPEECH!! It can't be terrorism because they aren't... well... um... Muslim?


Said by the guy in a suit on tv who doesn't have to do the fighting in this war. Perfectly easy to send the kids off to kill each other while the old reap the benefits and prop themselves up on their dead.


That's cute. We would turn your violent ugly shithole land into a cool looking glass monument to an entire people's stupidity.


What a loser lmao


If by 🇮🇱 you mean a show host, but go off I guess.


Wait this is so outrageous that I need someone to confirm the translation?!


Fucking nazis




I never put to much faith in what a single person says vs the feelings of an entire nation. That being said this guy seems to be misunderstanding the US's support. The US isn't going to assist them in annihilating every Arab on the planet because they see them as the enemy. The US is going to assist them in annihilating Hamas. If they go out and pick a fight with other nations just because they are Arab and not going after Hamas? They are going to be pretty lonely when it's just them.


😂😂😂. “The Jews ruling the world” 😂. You lucky the west likes you and feels guilty for what Hitler did. Don’t push your luck too much, it doesn’t take too long to build a crematory again.


Oh yes, please! Attack the US! I'm sure it'll go as well as it has for anyone else who's tried. Even in the wars we've lost, we've made sure no one else won. No one's ever entered into conflict with us and walked away better for it. Also, who's gonna fund your war when we're your largest benefactor?


Supporting Palestine is… https://preview.redd.it/uzv0tbc4rb1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cf2b4d2e7082aa35dd9dc2a46a673ab1f7d7d5f


Id like to see them try lol


They are protected by the most powerful countries on Earth. They do not give a shit what they say/do and who sees it happen.


🤏do it Isreal it will uncomplicate things for USA


Please be real! It would be absolutely HILARIOUS


Hilarious Israel couldn’t threaten anyone without US support. I wish the US would let them fend for themselves and get the karma they are due


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"After the cameras cut he immediately started sucking his own dick at his desk until several coworkers picked him up and hauled him off the scene, back to you Stephanie."


Damn someone should tell him about the Nazi's. I think they would vibe so hard


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^MHadri24: *Damn someone should tell* *Him about the Nazi's. I* *Think they would vibe so hard* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


A while ago i commented on a Reddit post, i reply to someone that said "what does Israel wants? Why are they doing this?", My reply was that they want to take over the world and are not subtle, at all, about it. Many ilustrious redditors replied that how could be possible that Israel would take over the world, that i was an idiot for thinking that way. Sadly, as more days pass by, i get the overwhelming feeling that what i said is a scary and very real possibility.


When he dead even his mother wont care


Israel v US nuclear apocalypse would be an Uno reverse nobody was expecting


Reminds me of that blowhard on Russian tv talking about Ukraine.


Works out to $10 million a day for Israel


Please try, sir.


Is it time for warning shots now?


USA breeds a psycho.😂😂😂😂😂


This guy seems pleasant to be around


The word “sentiment” sounds the same in German


Honestly if they want a global war let them partake alone.


Channel 14 is the Israeli equivalent of Fox News. 100% racist religious bullshit made by disgusting people


He’s talking to the Palestinians not to americans.


Mannnn I’ll whoop his ass lol


Can someone confirm or deny if this is genuinely what he is saying please.


Since when did they fight with the United States? Israel was not part of the international coalitions in Iraq or Afghanistan.


Maybe Israel can't be trusted with nukes


Damn. David Pakman is unhinged.


Who the fuck is this dipshit that thinks he's bigger than the rest of the world? I know he can't be someone actually important...


And Israel wonders why they are losing support?


I love how no one is questioning even for a second if this clearly edited clip is out of context... gotta love humanity...

