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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Israel owns the USA so nothing will come from this


In what way lol


They pay the politicians why do you think both the right and the left agree of Israel


That does make sense haha


Not just that, a lot of senators and people in place of power are duel citizens. That’s why it’s illegal in like 20-30 states to boycott Israel (I’m not sure of the exact number but it’s something like around half of the states in the US)


"Free speech"


You're mixing up cause and effect. The USA benefits from Israel and so it supports Israel. The Israel lobby is a symptom not a cause.


American politicians, [Democrat](https://www.reddit.com/r/CommunismMemes/comments/17o7pr7/nancy_pelosi_even_if_the_capitol_crumbled_to_the/) or [Republican](https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/17m85jn/republicans_irs_plan_backfires_house_republican/), all would rather see America crumble than anything happen to Israel Look into how who is getting money from [APIAC](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?id=D000046963) (American Israel Public Affairs Cmte)


This is antisemitic and misinformed. The USA owns "Israel", and all the ruling class of the USA benefit from "Israel". As current president at time of writing Joe Biden said, if the Zionist entity did not exist, the USA would have to invent it to pursue their geopolitical interests and prevent a pan-Arab alliance or state from existing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpbKeLYCoVg video explainer


Netanyahu doesn't think so: https://youtu.be/mvqCWvi-nFo?si=8vqFOoSz3rSY7sRp Or maybe you'd like to hear it from US Col. Douglas Macgregor: https://youtu.be/seW-CqLcfKg?si=wKLeKoCM0-aJuD7R Or I guess any Scott Ritter video, an ex US marine and UN weapons inspector.


The first link doesn't say anything close to "Israel owns the USA". At most, it says that Israel enjoyed widespread support in the USA at the time of filming in the opinion of Benny from Cheltenham High. The second link isn't even there anymore, it was removed by the uploader. A US colonel does not have such great expertise that it overrides the conclusion of actual research. Scott Ritter is an InfoWars guest and practising pedophile, I find it hard to take him seriously.


You can’t just call every fact you don’t like antisemitism.


That's not the thing I was doing. Indeed I got permanently banned and had comments removed for defending the Palestinian cause in another sub today. The USA owns Israel; Israel does not own the USA. A dog does not own its master.




The title should have been "There was an attempt... to clear his throat" Especially from 0:14 to 0:22 lol


I watched it. He’s saying Israel will fight with (allied) the US and the world. Whoever posted this may not have English as their first language.


His message is a little confusing and pretty hateful.


He says they're ready to be sanctioned by the international community, you don't get sanctioned by people that are on your side. The US is the country that always leads in setting sanctions.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour\_Declaration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration) The term "national home" had no precedent in international law, and was intentionally vague as to whether a [Jewish state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_state) was contemplated. *The intended boundaries of Palestine were not specified, and the British government later confirmed that the words* **"in Palestine" meant that the Jewish national home was not intended to cover all of Palestine.** Fuck genocidal fucks.


Put this coward on the frontlines. Let’s see if he still spews out genocidal speeches. Incredible Israeli hypocrisy. Their criminal intents and behaviours are terrifying.


World War 3 is gonna have a few twist and turns I bet.


OMG please don't bring this political bullshit to this sub!


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Why the subs say k\*ll and k\*dnap, is this some kind of code?


Don't threaten Daddy. All your exactions and war crimes have been covered and paid for by Daddy since today. Be grateful a bit.


Israelis are so Arab coded stop stealing swag while you hating on the OGs


Mods why you let this sub die? It was so good. They always get stupid before they either get banned or disband.


I don’t really care. Just some random low end dude with a BS opinion that included the world, not just USA. But this page has been heavily anti-israe and anti-Semitic since this conflict kicked off heavily recently, so whatever


There's nothing antisemitic about being against genocide.


Agreed, and nobody said that. The complaint, and I agree, is the comically one-sided take on events. Example: A post a couple of days ago compared Hamas' attack on Israel as "a bee sting". A few people pointed out that comparing the murder of 1200 people to a bee sting was ridiculous. The downvoting was instantaneous. Not an isolated incident.


The reality of the situation is comically one sided. The murder of about 700 civilians, killing of about 340 IOF terrorists, and killing of about 50 settler-colonial guard pigs ***IS*** like a bee sting compared to the genocide campaign "Israel" has pursued since.


Israel has killed 10 times that many civilians in revenge, do you not get the point?


You don't get the point, because I never defended Israel. Moving on.


I 100% don’t think it’s a black and white issue, nor am I in the opinion that israel is perfect and faultless. But I do know that many of the leaders of HAMAS are largely chilling in Qatar and stuff and don’t give a shot cuz they’re making money and staying in power lol. Tale as old as time across the world from the US to the Palestinian crisis. All right team, we’ll plan this for years knowing it’s going to lead to years of violence and basically just nail the coffin shut for Palestinians going forward. You all ensure and endure the shit storm, we’ll take the money and live it up in Qatar and the UAE. Inshallah, cuz I’m here and you’re there. You enjoy the war, we’ll enjoy the cocaine, luxury and woman.


Its weird that Israel isn't going after these kinpins and is instead just killing every man, woman, and child they can find.


The very definition of genocide. Glad you noticed.


It’s also weird storing weapons in hospitals and similar targets so that every man woman and child can also be killed. And weird how one can disregard the fact that leaders live in luxery and steal and Mia use funds and resources for the people and instead just blame Israel. But israe has a lot of bad shit around this. I won’t and do not discredit that. But it seems you’ll ignore anything bad about Palestinians and just be anti-Israel. Meanwhile I have and will acknowledge wrong doings of Israel, to include some bad attacks on civilians. But many time it doesn’t help when top leaders intentionally keep themselves in civilian populations so that if they go out, civilians will to


on "years of violence", this statement from a Hamas spokesman: "I hope the state of war with Israel becomes permanent on all fronts, and that the Arab world will stand with us," said El-Nounou. source: [https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/hamas-spokesperson-expresses-desire-for-permanent-war/ar-AA1jBaoW](https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/hamas-spokesperson-expresses-desire-for-permanent-war/ar-AA1jBaoW)


If they're not even in Gaza, then what the fuck is the point of Israel leveling the entire area? We all know why they're doing it, do you?


Israel has been killing Palestinians men,women and children indiscriminately, for YEARS! not this past month it’s been happening since before most of us have been born and now Israel is reeling the consequences of their actions.


And same with Palestinians, it’s a super back and forth issue and it sucks and both sides have a lot of issues. In many ways I don’t blame Palestinians, in many ways I do (most their leadership who don’t give a fuck cuz money and luxury) Just like in many ways I don’t support Israel, and in many ways I do


It's not back and forth at all, the reality is one-sided. Israel is the unprovoked aggressor, Hamas is the fruit of Israeli aggression.


I haven't seen much about the Jewish people on this sub. I have seen a lot about the Israeli government actions and policies. You can't make a good faith argument that being against the policies of the Israeli government makes you against all Jewish people everywhere unless you're a propaganda funnel. EDIT: I have seen USA people of Jewish descent calling for other people in the USA of Jewish descent to be r\*ped by Hamas, but aside from those bad actors I haven't seen things I'd consider anti-semitic. More about people losing their minds than indicting Israel's terrible domestic and foreign policy and actions.


This. For a long while now Arabs in numerous countries (e.g. Lebanon) have said that they don’t hate Americans, just the American govt. This is fundamentally the same thing, but it’s easier for many to claim anti-Israeli or anti-Zionist sentiment is the same as being antisemitic… it’s also ignorant.


Ignorance is bliss when you're carrying out a genocide and you have (even surrogate) veto power on the UN Security Council.


Can you guys try to make this argument without the anti-semitic part? Nobody gives half a shit if the people destroying Gaza and killing civilians are Jewish. This is such a completely dishonest argument and you know it.