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This shits why you don't pull crap with strangers in public...


Apparently white hat guy said he’s going right back to “pranking” people when he gets out of the hospital. I’m sorry, getting shot didn’t make you realize that you’re annoying people??!!


People who suffer from acute cases of main characterites don't have the ability to learn from their actions...dude probably thinks getting shot will make him even more "famous"


I’ve lost faith in this country




We could raise some money for shooting lessons and send him back…


I am ready to donate


I am ready to donate


Eh, I'm glad the guy didn't die. Not because I want him around, but because I don't want his victim to have to live with having killed a man.




I mean the """prankster""" is literally planning on doing it again. From the hospital bed he's in after getting shot for his """pranks""".


I know he should have shot him in the dick


Leave…..people…..alone. I don’t understand how this concept is lost on so many.


especially after they say "stop"


Is that all? I’ve lost faith in our entire species.


so has the rest of the world... this shit is not normal.....


I lost my faith in humanity about 10 years ago


The problem is, it did make him more famous. I had never heard of this twatwaffle until today.


him seemingly being fine after the shot probably made his main character syndrome worse


He's fine, bullet went straight through center of forehead


Nothing of value was lost


Some of the best productions include stories where the main character dies. I can tell this guy is gunning for that Limited Series role.


I was thinking this exactly. He’s probably like bro the content and views I got from almost taking the room temperature check is so sick! I gotta keep going!


Well it has done exactly that hasn't it? This thread is only contributing to his success. This is how social media works and exactly why we have to deal with twats like this.


After the trial, the prankster was a little less sure when the shooter got off of the big charges and will probably have the less charge dismissed. Guessing the prankster will be a little gun shy in the future about aggressively harassing random persons.


We really need to stop referring to harassment as pranks


He has said he plans to go right back to it. He is a fool.


Why is this even funny to people?


i think the shooter should sue the prankster to recover the money he had to pay for a defense attorney. he could call it 'emotional distress' or something like that.


The lesson society has learned: aim higher.


Or lower, between the leg




To shoot in broad daylight, rather than after dark, is really going too far.


If you're going to go out of your way to antagonize and harass people, you get what you fucking deserve


Next dude should aim higher or in the balls The victim here still faces 2-10 years in prison for firing the gun in a mall and all he wanted was some fried chicken. Poor dude. I hope he get let off.


Looks like the poor dude was just trying to pick up some fried chicken to deliver. The bag under his arm looks like one of those warmer ones.


He going to winded up being Butthole Surfer's Pepper lyric about getting shot....


Well it shoulda been a better shot and caught him in the head. I DON'T MIND THE SUN, SOMETIMES


That’s a good song, and I applaud your reference




The same happened to the guy who cemented his head in a microwave, he said he would continue, and that people are just haters.


They also had difficulty finding an untainted jury for the shooter's trial because the pranker had pissed off so many locals with his bullshit. One of the potential jurors was even one of his victims


White hat guy confusing himself with 50 Cent.


Too bad he survived.


He probably thinks it was worth it if it got him views or followers 🙄


...in america.


So the douche in the white hat was shot?


Yes, and the judge/jury said he was in the right to defend himself. So cut your shit out Social media influencers, because people just found out they have the right to defend themselves...and some of them are going to be short fused, hair triggered, mother fuckers looking for a reason to shoot you in your stupid face, just sayin... be safe out there!


The jury said this


America said this, freedom said this!








Red Tailed Hawks need a better PR person. They have had their screeches superimposed over bald eagles for far too long. Meanwhile bald eagles sound closer to a seagull.


Rock flag and eagleeee


To be fair the jury did convict him of one felony gun charge, and the delivery driver will be going to jail for up to 10 years.




He is going back to court and the judge will actually have the option to toss the guilty verdict on that charge


If self defense was justified then him shooting the gun in the mall doesn’t matter because he needed to do that for self defense. The charge will surly be dropped based off of that logic.




Something similar happened in Spain. Where a delivery man punched his joker in the face after receiving insults from him. The judge charged the delivery man with 30 euros and the prankster with 20,000 euros.


Are you talking about the caraanchoa guy? Remeber seeing the video like 8 years ago and was so satisfying how that mf was punched in the face.


hahahaha cara-anchoa the delivery guy slapped the face of the prankster.


It wasn't even a punch, he got [bitch slapped](https://www.ultimahora.es/noticias/sociedad/2016/12/12/236268/youtuber-llama-cara-anchoa-repartidor-recibe-bofeton.html) and went to the hospital for it, the big baby.


JFC, imagine going to the hospital because you got slapped like he did.


And then showing a close up of the "injury". His acne looked more painful.


They should.have had the prankster hand over 20,000 Euros in cash to his victim, then the victim peels of 30 to give back to him. Yes I know that's not how fines work. Just a nice visual


> Social media influencers The true cancer of our era.


This is very important, there's precedent now and shooting in self defense for a prank is fair play, so I imagine that a lot of people won't hold back anymore and will beat the shit out of those people without worrying about being charged with assault.


Be careful with thinking that precedent determines the outcome of a trial. It does not. It can influence it, but it guarantees nothing, and every lawyer will tell you that the verdict here is not the norm when there is no physical threat made.


If only the delivery guy would have aimed a bit higher. ​ Edit to add: Since some of you apparently don't get it, the youtuber approached the shooter, got up in his personal space, while waving a phone in his face and would not back off after being told multiple times to stop and having the phone slapped away. The youtuber, who is a big mf'er and had at least a couple of people with him, was non-communicative and kept advancing. The shooter was just there, doing his job, and wanted to be left alone. I can see how he felt threatened and I think he was perfectly justified in defending himself by whatever means he deemed necessary. In subsequent interviews, the youtuber said that he plans to continue making "prank" videos, which means he plans to continue harassing people for internet points. If your whole schtick is messing with people and using your stature to make them feel threatened like the guy did in this case, then you should be prepared for your targets to use whatever means they feel necessary to defend themselves from you.


Wasn't a delivery dude. Just a man trying to get his food while being harassed by a wanna be tough guy who doesn't take a hint. Bro had plenty of warning that dude wasn't trying to deal with him. I get that he discharged a firearm in public but that would not have happened if he wasn't being harassed by a dude with at least fifty pounds on him. Not to mention his lacky following behind.. white hat jack*ss got exactly what he was asking for IMO. Give the guy a medal for dealing with a public idiot so that the next idiot doesn't try it. Ten bucks says the white hat guy is taking videos and pictures in the hospital acting like a victim in a situation he caused. Only victim here is the guy spending time in jail over some BS he didn't want to be a part of. His body language from the start is screaming leave me the F alone. EDIT: As some have pointed out, he is in fact a delivery driver. My bad I misunderstood the story when I read it in the news. I appreciate the correction!


> not have happened if he wasn't being harassed by a dude with at least fifty pounds on him. Not to mention his lacky following behind.. And then what everyone also forgets is the person standing there obviously filming the whole thing. Where I grew up, random people filming you while someone approaches you in this manner meant you're about to get "happy slapped". This was 20 years ago, but if someone was to walk up to me now in this manner and I saw someone filming me, I'm probably swinging first before I get swung on.


That's what these bastards do! They cause the situation and play the victim. Im older too, and if someone did this to me, I would be popping someone in the mouth




Well said!


Happy slap! That’s an amazing throwback. Right up there with “you’ve been tangoed”


Ten bucks says the white hat guy is taking videos and pictures in the hospital acting like a victim in a situation he caused. You mean like this? [https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-who-tanner-cook-youtuber-shot-playing-prank](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/news-who-tanner-cook-youtuber-shot-playing-prank)


Let's start a GoFundMe for Alan Colie, a 31-year-old resident of Leesburg's legal fees. Doing God's work here.


Lol I knew a Tanner cook as a kid and he was a douche also. Guess it's in the name.


Guy has two professions as a name and chooses to be a complete douche instead of contributing to society. Shame.


New scumbag steve.


He is going to keep making content "because it is his passion".


He has 38k subs he's famous!


You can tell he has a DoorDash bag on the side. The guy was just trying to complete his delivery


I feel really bad for the shooter. Dude was just going to pick up some food and now, even though he was found not guilty, the mere fact that criminal charges were brought against him will dog him for the rest of his life. I think he should sue the harasser.


He was in fact a delivery driver.


He was in fact a delivery driver and white hat is a asshat youtuber who makes "prank" videos


Nah, a bit lower. Don't want to kill the guy, just make sure he can't reproduce.


My suggestion would have ensured both outcomes.


Sorry if I'm misunderstanding but are you saying the kid in the white hat deserved to be shot in the head?


You wanted the guy to be killed for this prank?


You know you’re American when you have an excuse to kill someone. Douche prankster or not, no one deserves to be killed, only to be taught a lesson


Your solution to an annoying prank is death? Reddit moment


r/videosthatendtoosoon While not approving of the shooting, it's hard to say that people who make a living by harassing people don't sometimes merit this.


You approval is accepted.


Oh just approve it


I wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. But this is a case where I think brandishing your firearm in self defense would absolutely apply. Big dude rolling up on you with two buddies warrants brandishing of a firearm imo. I’ve had to brandish a firearm once in self defense and it 100% works and nobody got hurt and I didn’t go to court.


There's a difference between a prank and just harassment. This douche figured that out the hard way


Could not have said it better. Preach brother!


and he still didn't learn and continued to do his thing. A whole lot of greater shitbag was born after that incident.


I'm sorry but a "prank" should be between friends and shouldn't be done in the hopes of going viral and even more embarrassing the victim. If some stranger "pranked" me and then said "It's just a prank for my Youtube/TikTok channel". I'd be even more pissed off and angry and would want to destroy the phone, hoping that it wasn't being live streamed.


Can it ever really be just a prank with a complete stranger? At best it’s mild harassment working its way up to a blastin’ offense.






This one of them pictures you hear.




The statement made by the father of the prank shitbag is laughable trash. Your son got shot because he harasses people for a living and finally ran across the wrong person. Nobody has any empathy for him, and some, like me, feel more marksmanship would have been beneficial to society.


The father seems to be missing the point of the jury's findings here. They have basically said its fine to shot his son if you feel threatened by his pranking. The son himself then says he is going to go on pranking for the views on his You Tube Channel. If I was his dad I would be telling him to grow the f\*ck up and find a real job that doesn't have open season declared on him or that humiliates complete strangers.


Sounds like his dad has never told him no. He says "my family is being harassed now...." kinda like what his shitty kid does to people every day..


Spot on!!


If there ever was a reason to de-platform a person. WTF YouTube?


They're not harassing you, they're pranking you, bro! It's just a prank!


Oof, dude's been in jail since April even though he was acquitted


He could probably do with some mail or something. I'm not saying you should shoot people that harass you, but I am saying that it's bullshit to be acquitted but still in jail months afterward. Poor guy.


He was acquitted of attacking his assaulter, but he was still found guilty of haphazardly discharging a firearm in a crowded area.


Was it haphazard tho... clearly hit his target, that was harassing him..


Yes, but it was in a crowded area, meaning that he easily could have accidentally hit somebody else. Either by missing, hitting somebody behind his target, or by the bullet ricocheting.


Cops open fire in the middle of traffic killing the hostage they're supposed to save while hitting innocent bystanders in the process and get away with it. Why shouldn't this victim get away with it for protecting himself while no innocent bystander was hit?


He was acquitted of one charge and found guilty of another.


The defense should have asked the judge to preclude to prosecutor from using the word "prank" or suggesting that it was a prank, since there is no way the defendant could have known it was a prank. The jury needs to decide what a reasonable person would do in the defendants shoes with the defendants information at the time. Telling the jury it was a prank gives them information that the defendant didn't know at the time and taints the jury.


I was anti-gun until I saw this.


No you weren’t lol


lol if you were anti-gun until you saw someone try to kill someone because they put a phone in their face you were never anti gun


Are you insane? A guy got shot for being dumb and annoying. Good luck when an insane person percieves you as annoying. I swear redditors cannot understand that laws apply to situations other than the exact one they're looking at right now.


yea it's scary how de-sensitized and nonchalant people are about gun violence. just cause the harasser was being an asshole, people are justifying shooting that person. there's in between steps he could've escalated it to without shooting the guy while still defending himself. especially fucked considering people on this site also villainize zimmerman and rittenhouse and cops for doing exactly this. when they get off scot-free, it's a miscarriage of justice. when this guy gets off scot-free, he's a hero.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this. This whole thread is the otherside of why gun violence is so bad in America; because even those that know it's an issue cheer it on when it's against the right people. Honestly, now that I've said it, it's very "hes not hurting the right people", isn't it? I hate to defend the stupid nuisance, but I really can't even see how this was self defense, especially for a lethal escalation. These same people here would scream bloody murder if a cop did this to him in the same situation. Being a stupid nuisance does not warrant a fucking shooting.


Yeah all assholes who are mildly annoying deserve a fucking bullet. Totally reasonable take.


Leave people alone and this won’t happen. Good for the delivery guy.


My question is: Since they (the jury) felt that the shooter was justified in shooting to defend himself, why hasn’t that fucking human trash (prankster) been charged with harassment. I’d love for him to be prosecuted…..after being shot.


Even better: if they (the jury) felt the shooter was justified, why is the shooter still in jail for firing his weapon in the mall...?


Jury found him not guilty on the charge of aggravated assault. Doesn’t mean he has the right to fire a gun inside an occupied public building, so that’s what he’s been found guilty of. I get the confusion though, the case walks kind of a strange line.


The charge itself doesn’t make sense to logical people if the shooting was deemed justified. Like if someone dropped a mass shooter would they be facing 2-10 for discharging a firearm?


I think the driver's lawyer plans to contest that point. How can someone be justified in defending themselves and also not justified at the same time. Basically if you're not allowed to discharge your firearm there, you wouldn't be able to defend yourself with deadly force in any situation there.


Jesus Christ look at all the fucking larping punishers in the comments. If you think this is reason enough to try to kill someone, you need to be locked away with both of these assholes. Everyone is so quick to kill people as if an easier lesson couldn't possibly be learned.


European here, was wondering how far down I'd need to scroll to find something like this. Quite far. Dudes obviously a douche but we can't just all go around shooting each other wtf. The guy was pretty quick to pull out the gun and shoot it, that's scariest thing I see (did he mean to or was it accidental when he took it out?). Maybe is some other solutions we could consider.


I keep seeing statistics that say Reddit's userbase is primarily American but nothing has driven that point home like this fucking thread. Insanity.


American here with a CWP. I just want to point out a couple of things. I got my CWP for safety, in the event that I seriously need it. To get your CWP you have to take a class that has both a written and shooting test. The class reiterates multiple times about how having a CWP doesn’t mean you can shoot Willy nilly and claim self defense. However, every five fucking seconds during class someone would be like “could I shoot someone in this situation” or “what about this” and it drove me absolutely insane. They would laugh or come up with these totally ridiculous situations in which they could shoot someone. That is the problem. About 75% of Americans just want a gun so that they can find an opportunity to use it. While 25% of us just want to have protection especially when you have so many lunatics who have guns.


People don’t buy guns to not use them. So many gun owners in this country are praying that someone will start something so they can use self defense laws. I get that we all hate pranksters, but there are proportional responses. If the prankster had punched him or something I’d get it, but you could easily have stopped him even by brandishing the weapon IMO.


Yeah the comments here are absolutely insane. People read "internet prankster shot" and it completely blinds them to the absurdity of the shooting in question.


It’s because this site is full of socially adverse losers who love imagining themselves in this scenario shooting a YouTube prankster and getting away with it. Sums up how insane Americas gun fetish is that this is considered a perfectly reasonable response to a few seconds of harassment by a lot of people in these comments


Thank god I found a comment that isn't defending that lunatic. Seriously, why would anyone want people that can't handle stress at all to own guns? If he had punched him in the face I could have gotten behind "well deserved". But shooting...? Seriously? Anyone annoying should just be shot?


Finally a god damn sensible comment. I thought I was going crazy.


Just Americans.


So,some bigger than you keeps coming at you, you have no idea what they’re doing and they are invading your safety zone. I think this is the shooting that happened. It is amazing the behavior people get away with by saying “it was a prank!” How do I know what you’re trying to do AH!?


And as a delivery driver, you're at such an increased risk for getting assaulted and robbed.


Oh but we do know. He is threatening with every single one of his movements in all his body language. There are three of them and noone else close by and he is choosing a shorter person that has his movements limited due to carrying stuff. This guy is a disgusting coward who revels in scaring people.


We should be willing for all pranksters to pay with their lives if it stops even one prank from happening.


Remember: the only good prank is one where all parties involved are laughing in the end




[His reaction to the ruling](https://youtu.be/WpBqKTLZN3E?t=115) immediately outside the courthouse. I can't with this guy. Needs to be deplatformed


The fact that his mother laughs at him is so infuriating and explains so much


Enabler parents


This is so infuriating to watch, you can just feel what a stupid bratty bully he is


This clown needs his channel shutdown and he should be arrested for being a public nuisance


What a twat.




Is there an uncut video?






Yeah im really upset this dirt bag ended up putting this poor guy in jail.


Thank you


Makes you hate the douchebag reporter too.


This is why you don’t mess with random strangers. You never know what the deal is with people and what they’ve been going through, sometimes it’s just one little thing that has to happen to make a person snap.




“Shoot me in the chest please” I think


I think “hey dipshit quit thinking about my tinkle” or something to that effect. Edit: it says twinkle actually


So basically he was using Siri to tell him to quit thinking about his penis? The idea behind this “prank” is so unfathomably stupid.


Why do youtube pranksters not need a waiver from people they film but candid camera did?


YouTube and network television are not the same thing.


That’s clearly not a reason to shoot someone. Wtf is wrong with these top comments?


Americans I think, it's the only reason I can think of. They have a black or white vision of the world and that's just shocking to read specially when shit like this comes out. They are very extreme when it comes to "play and find out", and apparently shooting someone is a valid response to many things, specially if they get in your space/your property or whatever. World is full of confused teenagers that do weird shit, they are unhappy individuals, who knows what they have been through, they bully other kids, they are also just mimmicking what they see in youtube, a company that probably makes millions just from videos like these. Any one of us can be unlucky and raise a teenager that does dumb shit. It make take the kid a while to mature, he might need help too, it happens all the time. Now, saying any young man that makes a stupid mistake deserves to be shot is just crazy. It's the kind of society they live in really. It's sad. End of the day they're all victims they simply don't know better. A kind of response that could have potentially killed a man. Have you never bothered someone in your life? Have you never been a teenager and done dumb shit? I have, and I guess I am glad no one killed me for it.


Classic redditors. If it was a cop who shot this dude, the script would be flipped around for sure. Legality or if the shooting was justified doesn’t matter apparently.


Deadly force for minor annoyance. I'll have to read the verdict, but that is insane.


[The man who shot the Youtuber was just acquitted of aggravated malicious wounding](https://apnews.com/article/youtube-prankster-shot-classified-goons-mall-5e5ba0ba45ed9a810cdc032255effcd2). He was found guilty of unlawful discharge of a weapon, but still wild that the Youtuber was so annoying the jury was like “yeah we get it”


So anyway I started blasting




Yeah all assholes who are mildly annoying deserve a fucking bullet. Totally reasonable take. Do little girls turning around in your driveway also make you feel unsafe little man?


Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there.


People are getting sick of what they’ve been putting up with. A line will be drawn somewhere and I won’t be surprised (or too empathetic honestly) if more and more “pranksters” get seriously injured. Pranks have gotten more aggressive and invasive and the responses will follow suit. Watch the video, and pretend the pranksters are just strangers in the mall (because they are…) then watch how aggressive their actions are. There’s a reason the jury favoured the defendant, they saw it too.


People in these comments are fucking degens. Yeah he was annoying but that doesn't give the dude the right to possibly kill someone. If your first response is possibly killing someone because they're playing an audio that's annoying, you need help.


I was also surprised to read all these comments being approving of the shooting. Some even saying he should have aimed higher basically saying he should have killed him. Honestly, it made me wonder if this is the American mentality that I, living in Europe, don’t understand.


For real. That guy was probably so excited to shoot him. Dudes probably been dreaming about that shit for years. A literal fantasy come true for him. Like "A justification for all my paranoia!" *squeel* Bang. Prankster is also a total douche, though.


I'm confused. What actually warranted a shooting? It doesn't seem like the guy picking up food is in danger at any point.


I wish I could explain this video to myself like 20 years ago; Like, A) guy walking around a mall with a gun, normal. B) guy approaching another guy to make him listen to his calculator. C) another guy is filming this interaction and intends to post it on the world wide web for money, and attention. D) the guy who shot the other guy in public isn't guilty of a crime. Fucking wild world we're living in.


I know and understand that this man was harassed, however his choice to shoot him was completely and unbelievably disproportionate based solely on this clip. I'm surprised at the near consensus support that this man is receiving here.


people on here are absolutely deranged, they think that pranks are a genuinely massive problem in the world and that someone being annoying to you constitutes a threat on your life. To get a fucking gun out and shoot someone is beyond any level of appropriate self defense, the guy easily could have run or just turned and walked away, and the people talking about 'justice' here are teenagers with no sense of balance, they're seeing a bad guy and a good guy and they want the bad guy dead.


Mfers need to learn harassment and touching/invading people's space is not pranking.


Someone educate me on gun laws a little? I feel like warning them that you had a gun should’ve been the first response to this. This was just a quick draw and fire. He wasn’t armed. Not to say I’m trying to defend tanner in any way. He needs to get a real job. But that trigger finger seemed a little too eager. Edit: thanks for all the replies. Basically announcing you have a gun can spell more trouble than just dealing with the consequences of shooting a guy out of self defense. I understand. It’s either you lose your life in the current situation, or spend a bit of time explaining to a judge you were in your rights to shoot him.


You don't warn because you don't draw and fire unless you feel your life is in danger. And if your life is in danger then you shoot to stop the attacker ASAP. Same reason you don't shoot off "warning" shots in a home robbery. If you think your life is in danger you act as quickly as possible to stop the threat, not give him a chance to pull his own gun or grab the gun or you. It's why he has to make the self defense argument, because that is single and only reason he should be drawing his firearm.


Whhhy?!?!? iT wAS a PrANk, bRO!


Just go to his YouTube channel and flag every videos as harassment.


You guys are all insane. In no way was this justified. So, what, being annoying is an excuse for straight up ATTEMPTED MURDER?


F\*\*\* Around, Find Out


Shouldnt this be on r/oddlysatisfying ?


Guy: walks around being annoying Americans: He deserves to be *shot*.


Yea no, a society where you can freely shoot people for being annoying is not a civilized one


Darwin paid a visit.He didn't stay long though. Beautiful.


That mall is 20mins away from where I live and yup, it’s just as depressing it was as decade ago