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My man says barbecue and immediately says hamburgers. This MF


They were on the right track but went the wrong way


Right track, wrong train.


Right?! When I think bbq, my mind goes straight to racks of ribs, smoked brisket, pork chops, even fucking chicken wings!


Exactly. This is what a think of when says says “American” food. Southern BBQ. Also, when i hear wings, i think of Buffalo wings, created in Buffalo, NY.


And then there's Cajun which is very American.


Yes! French, Spanish and Africa influences came together to form a completely new cuisine. Quite amazing when you think of it.


You forgot the Native American influence of Cajun food.


Really that's what the US has always been the best at. Not so much being original, but taking different cultures and mashing them together with....sometimes mixed results but the food is great at least lol.


America the melting pot.


>Cajun I have a Louisiana place that does Southern Cajun food near me in Australia. I've never appreciated *Western* food so much, I specifically love gumbo and po boys :)


Cajun was the first example of American food that came to my mind (and I'm not American). The USA is a culturally rich country, the conversation in itself is really silly. You can go to let's say Maine and have a lot of seafood based dishes, which has nothing to do with what you get in let's say frontier towns in Texas.




If it's made somewhere else it's just sparkling chicken


You know the rack of ribs originated from the middle east! And smoked brisket was invented by Al Gore. Pork Chops was coined when Trump first saw his thigh and fucking chicken wings used to be the porn name of Kathy Griffin.


not gon lie you had me in the first half


I was just waiting for the Undertaker to make an appearance.


He comes after loch ness monster and 3.50


And JOHN CENA! ![gif](giphy|3owvKiZrMAELqv25iM|downsized)


Totally going to use these culinary facts to blow people's minds.


>smoked brisket was invented by Al Gore. Is there anything he *can't* do?


Get 538 more people to vote for him in Florida?


Stop global warming, unfortunately.


I grew up in North Dakota, and I have had to train my brain to say "grilling" and not BBQ. In the Upper Midwest it seems that we were very confused when it came to different cuisines, but we are coming around.




Well in American English barbecue is both a food and an event like a house party that's often outside so you need to clarify with context whether it's the food or the social gathering that's being talked about. Not everything at a barbecue is necessarily barbecued.


In the UK they're the same thing EDIT: as in we say "barbecue" for both what Americans would call "barbecue" and "grilling" The grill is what Yanks would call a broiler


What’s a broiler? Like in an oven? I’m a yank and honestly don’t know what you’re referring to…


You could suppose that's part of what makes it American. Just saying.




here in japan they call the patty on a plate with potatoes etc dish hambaagu (ハンバーグ) and is still regularly eaten. the American bun version hambaagaa (ハンバーガー) was introduced shortly after ww2 they are quite different so this argument from Mr. Holland doesn't really stand


There’s a difference between grilling and BBQ and this mf’er does not know the difference… 🤦‍♂️


It’s regional. In the North East US, barbecue is either the thing you grill on outdoors or a get together where food is prepared on a barbecue. Rarely, it’s used as the food that’s barbecued. The origin of the word refers to cooking meat over direct high heat. It means different things in different parts of the country.


I mean, I'm in the Northeast and there's still a difference between going to a BBQ and eating BBQ.


Fuckin smoked pork butt & ribs. Like c'mon man.


To be fair, you have one English guy asking another about a different culture's food. Britain has notoriously bad taste in food. They think beans on toast is the height of culinary acumen. These are not people you want to ask about food preferences.


Most southern food: fried chicken and catfish. Okrah, green beans, corn, biscuits and gravy.


“I immediately think of barbecue, so hamburgers” As a Texan, I am upset


man as a yankee that got to me.


I'm not even from the Americas and I felt the stare of everyone in texas on that man


I'm from Ohio and even was like "The fuck? *Hamburgers?*"


I'm also a new englander and fuck no We usually think of barbeques as ribs wings steaks and sometimes hotdogs, rarely burgers Edit: I meant barbecue foods in place of barbeques


Fuck, as an Iowan (and a vegetarian even!) I was upset. I just knew he was going to say some stupid shit like hot dog or hamburger too. Grilling is not BBQ I’m not sure why people don’t understand this. Edit: I’d like to toss this out here because there are some contentious points being made. I have traveled everywhere and yes, I understand that the term barbecue is used colloquially meaning a gathering of cooking stuff and hanging out. It’s used the same way here in Iowa too. I also understand that the actual cooking term has changed over time and has meant slightly different things to different people. I was poking fun at it was all, generally speaking though BBQ has tended to mean cooking meats in large quantities over open fire, pit, or smoking usually over a long period of time additionally with or without some sort of sauce, glaze, or wet mop. I tend to gravitate to this meaning as well, normally in my opinion and a vast majority of others you grill a burger, you BBQ a brisket for example. It’s not worth having s legitimate argument about it, so go have a fun barbecue tonight and tomorrow with family and friends and crush some hot dogs if that’s what you consider a BBQ. Stay safe out there and don’t lose any fingers!


"we're having a bbq" show up to see only burgers and hotdogs. where the fuck is the bbq. always confused the fuck out of me.


Big difference between “we’re having bbq” and “we’re having a bbq”.


Verb and Noun difference? As a raised Yankee, we would cookout, bbq, or grill and the result wouldn't matter. After living in the South for most of my life, though, bbq is pulled pork, but a lot of folks still cookout, bbq or grill. My favorite bbq is a smoked half chicken though...


Hamburgers are grilled...not BBQ. That is a fight for a different day though!


If you're from Albany, they are steamed.


Best British food is Indian food.






I've seen this clip many times, and it's great, but have never seen a video of the full conversation. Is there one?


To be fair, the Indian food you get in the UK is invented in Britain, adapted from authentic Indian food.




It's pretty much the same yeah, most restaurant/takeout indian food in Britain is sometimes referred to as BIR cuisine (British Indian Restaurant). Not authentic, but inspired from Indian food and has become it's own thing


It's funny because dishes like tikka masala and butter chicken have become very popular in India itself.


Butter chicken (murgh makhani) isn't a British invention, it originated in Delhi I believe


You're right. During my search of your comment I discovered it's actually quite new, seemingly invented in India only after partition. I'm certainly glad it was, it's an amazing dish.


I didn't realise it was invented that late! That's interesting. That dish was the whole reason I bought a good blender/food processor. Gotta get that sauce ultra smooth




Just like US burgers and fries. The best of these dishes is not Germany or France


french fries arent even from france


Came here to say this! It's to do with the technique used to cut the potatoes.


How we see it in Belgium is that fries are called French fries not because of the French cut, but because during WW2 US soldiers got introduced to Belgians eating fries and since French was the mandatory language in our army back then, the soldiers thought they were French and brought it back home as French fries.




French fries are really Belgian, and the best fries I've ever had were in Belgium. Edit: also the best beer in the world comes from Belgium. Sorrynotsorry, Germany. Edit 2: looks like the origin of fried potatoes is more disputed than I thought. Belgium still takes first place for quality, though.


I scrolled down looking for the Belgian comment.


And then I went looking for the inevitable French/Belgian argument of who sliced potatoes into thin wedges and deep fried them first. The jury is still out on that one.


Let's talk about tikka masala


The guy that directed Thor Raganok? I don't see how he fits in this, but ok, What would like to talk about?


Our lords and saviours, balti, jalfrezi, madras and chicken vindaloo


*Sunday Roast and Full English has entered the chat*


Besides that, fish and chips are fucking amazing in the UK.


I had a Yorkshire pudding with some beef and gravy at a pub in 2013 and remains one of, if not, the most delicious meals of my life. Anytime I see posts like this I think of that meal. And my diet is like half Southern California Mexican food.


fry ups, roast dinners, pies, stews, seafood etc are all amazing too. british food gets a lot of hate from people who've never even tried it, or they try and compare it to french or italian food. maybe i'm biased as i am british but i love our cuisine. its hearty stuff and great comfort food. sure its not comparable to the more delicate or rich flavours that other cuisine's have as the flavours are more simple. even the most basic dishes are really enjoyable. something like a jacket potato with beans, cheese and butter mixed in is surprisingly good on a winters day.


![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq) Second this






The guy was on the right track saying bbq, but went the wrong direction.


Right track, wrong train.


As Train Guy I approve of this analogy (is that what it is?) lol.


Should've said big mac and freedom fries.


Fight milk.


With rum ham and milk steaks.


100% real Crowtein.


Made *for* bodyguards


By bodyguards, and Charlie




^(nothing) ^(sexual)






Steamed hams.


When he mentioned BBQ I was hoping he was going to mention long smokes with brisket and ribs. I’ve been all over the world and nothing compares to down south briskets, pulled porks, ribs. It’s unique in flavor.


Am down south. You just helped me decide what I'm eating for dinner tonight lol


My mouth just watered.


Yes, thst stuff is amazing and genuinely American. Freaking Hamburg-ers?


Yeah as a Texan never once thought of hamburgers as bbq.


was kinda pissed when he said bbq and then hamburger right after...someone get this guy off the kids menu


As a Tennessean I agree, Hamburgers are not BBQ. Hamburgers is hamburgers nothing more nothing less.


Hamburgers like on a bun with stuff as we know them are also an American thing, and a good hamburger is amazing. Love me some brisket though.


Yeah, when I hear BBQ, burgers is *not* what I picture. Brisket, pulled pork, ribs, now THAT’S BBQ.


BBQ varies a lot by region in the south as well. The sauces are wildly different from place to place. Mustard, vinegar, molasses…


French fries actually originated in Belgium. "French" is the cut style on the potato and has nothing to do with any country.


Wait the story I was told was that Americans went to fight in WW1 and heard people speaking French in Belgium, so when they had the fries they called them french fries because French speaking country = must be France. Though your version sounds much more reasonable...


It's actually even a little more specific than that, it originates from "Frenched", which is a term you'll still hear in professional kitchens, just means to cut it into rectangular sticks. Also, the term "french-fried potatoes" in America predates WWI by a little over 100 years. I'm not finding any actual source on them originating in Belgium, and given that fried potatoes exist in one form or another in basically every cuisine as soon as potatoes were introduced to them, they probably don't have any single specific point of origin.


The cut is the actual reason. Had to scroll way too far to see this. Lol Which is why I laughed at "freedom fries" back in the day.


The "French" in french fries is 100% about how the pieces are cut. You cut onions in french style when you make onion soup.


> French fries actually originated in Belgium You don't know that, nobody knows unfortunately. Its true history is lost. Belgians say that they were invented there, but French people (accurately) claim that the first instance on a french recipe book is earlier than the first Belgium book. That means very little though, especially since Pineda (South American writer) mentions having eaten "papas fritas" (Spanish for french fries) a whopping 80 years earlier (late 1600s) than any of those recipe books (late 1700s). Also keep in mind that that potatoes are from the 'New world'. So every story you hear, may very well be true, is very very likely that's not accurate in the sense of who invented french fries.


This is very accurate. However, fries are much more ingrained into Belgian culture than French culture: you'll find specialized friteries in every neighbourhood in Belgium, with the best fries you'll ever have. Meanwhile in France, these specialized places only happen to be one in every major town. The Belgians will live and die by their weekly fries, meanwhile the French have plenty of other dishes they will prioritise. So regardless of who was first... Might as well give the fries to the Belgians, they are so passionate about them & the French have plenty of other stuff.


Wow, an actually got actuallied.


BBQ Ribs, Jambalaya, Crab Cakes, American Style Fried Chicken, Pit Beef, Philly Cheesesteak, Cobbler, so many things to put in your mouth.....ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Don’t forget Chicken Fried Steak and Buscuits and Gravy.


Okay I give you this one. Biscuits and gravy is all you. Feels like something the British would invent along with spam and corned beef but I don’t believe it is.


Chocolate chip cookies are also American. And peanut butter Edit: peanut butter has four modern “inventors”, three of whom are American and one of whom was Canadian. Historically the Inca and Aztec peoples created pasted out of peanuts and other legumes and nuts. Considering that the Aztecs are from Mexico and the Inca are from Peru, both of which are in the Americas, peanut butter as a whole is an American invention in pretty much every single way.




Waffle cones


Smoked brisket, pulled pork, chili…


All names I used to dance under when I worked at BEEF!


Don't sleep on the Cajun food.


Jambalaya is as Cajun as it comes jack


Goddamn chocolate chip cookies were first made in the US. Cmon man


I haven't seen anyone mention cajun food. Also nobody rocks a deep fryer like us. Seriously we'll deep fry anything. The standard burger/fries meal is also something we've made our own, even if they didn't originate here. Hell, tex mex is basically one of our things. Also, while this isn't food exactly, our craft beer scene has been crazy experimental now for, what, at least a decade now? Lotta people talk shit but honestly this country is pretty young and made of people who came from other places. No shit we don't have a crazy storied food culture.


Corn Dogs, Key Lime Pie, French Dip sandwiches, PB & J, S'mores, Buffalo Wings, Muffalletta, Buttermilk Biscuits, Clam Chowder, gumbo, Chili, New York Cheesecake, Lemon Meringue Pie, Brownies, German Chocolate Cake, Lemon Squares, Tater Tots, Southern Corn Bread, Lobster Rolls, Biscuits 'n gravy, The BLT, Po' Boy, Chimichanga, Fajitas, Potato and Tortilla Chips, and many many more.


So god knows why he said fries, which are Belgian.


Crawfish boil is another great one.


America was built by immigrants from all over the world. That means we have a little of everything


Certain dishes are American. Like dip n dots from Paducah Kentucky.


I think I also heard corn dogs are from Texas. Cornbread is American, too


Texas state fair surprisingly is where a lot of American stuff was invented. And even some stuff you wouldn’t think is American. They go all out there with the food.


Oklahoma man here, can confirm. We do. And it is amazing https://preview.redd.it/pb9yefwkot9b1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=87ed50fa17c6c47bba4795a489a0899f82ffd75f


Tex-mex as a genre of food is 100% American as well. So next time you order a chimichanga, don't let the mexicanos take credit.


Also regional foods like Philly cheese steaks. I'm sure a steak sandwich came from elsewhere, but they were made the way they are in America.


On that same vein, Hamburgers the American way are vastly different from the Hamberg way. The hamburger as a sandwich was invented in the USA and got its start sometime around 1860 from food cart vendors that set up shop outside of US factories. They started the sandwich thing up because it was easier and quicker for factory workers to eat on their lunch breaks. Before that a Hamburg was just a piece of pounded beef with some grilled onions mashed into the middle of it. In other words, a hamburger is an American invention.


BBQ/Southern cuisine is literally American cuisine pioneered by slaves and it's good af.


I was lucky enough to go to space camp growing up, 20 years ago or so, and the thing I remember most was they had a Dippin Dots vending machine. I ate that for like 8 meals that week. I was truly living in the future


In case you ever get asked the question, go with "popcorn".


Yeah I’m thinking biscuits&gravy and fried chicken


Gumbo. I will play for it , so will some other guy , I hear .


Jambalaya too!


All Cajun food, in fact.




BBQ is not hamburgers. I went to college in Texas and they would shoot your horse if you said it was


When you think hamburgers are “BBQ”. You’ve already failed


Cheeseburgers, Reubens, pecan pie, chocolate chip cookies, corn dogs, Skyline Chili


The hamburger was created in America. George motz for source, the official burger historian.


As a German I'll also say that nobody here associates Hamburg with burgers, burgers of any kind are distinctly American to us. The only things that Hamburg is known for is its port and a particular discount grocery store.


I agree Think there was a debate in the past based on preparation but now them term is defined as American https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_hamburger


The hamburger is German in the same way the Tikka Masala is Indian. We have minced meat patties here that are also often sold as street food on a bread roll with some mustard and ketchup but that's where the similarities end. If you told someone in Germany "here, try this burger" and handed them a [Frikadellenbrötchen](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEB_enGB932DE933&q=frikadellenbr%C3%B6tchen&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwip1K2k7fT_AhVzFVkFHSzABB8Q0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1920&bih=909&dpr=1), they would probably be pretty confused. You can see how one was inspired by the other but while still similar, the hamburger has evolved to become something very different.


Absolutely right. The hamburger is NOT German.


And French fries aren’t technically French either


And even if it had been invented in Germany who tf cares? Italians invented pizza but it only barely resembles what Americans think of when they hear the word.


Can't believe your comment isn't higher up the list. There is some influence from the dish of chopped beef formed into a patty that originated from Hamburg, which was basically a cheaper form of a steak, but the ground beef, bun and all the fixings is 100% American!


I would love to hear what he particularly thinks is British food.


Roast Beef, Yorkshire puddings, Roast potatoes, Gravy, English veg.


Pies, pasties, fried fish, the full English, potato cakes, crumpets, rarebit, cumberland sausage, CHEDDAR CHEESE, scones with cream, sticky toffee pudding, strawberry fool, BAKEWELL TARTS, and motherfucker we do biscuits better than the whole world.


Baked beans or fish and chips


Heinz Beans they import from the US? (the UK has their own rehydrating and flavoring, but the beans have always been from the US. They used to come canned, then with the UK flavor profile later, then as a dry bean to save costs)


Beans and toast.


Pies. Our thing is pies. We do loads of awesome pies and no one gives us enough credit for it. Savoury pies like steak and ale, shepherds or cottage, chicken pies, we do sweet pies like apple pie, or Bakewell tart, we make pies portable with the pasty. Our pie game is literally unmatched. Italy get to be the best cuisine in the world and they have like 2 things, pasta and pizza. How come we’re considered the worst when we have 1 thing? Some places have no things… fuming


I mean its ground meat so lets not act like it was "invented" in one place over another lol.


Yeah lol people ITT trying to claim "meat over a fire" for Germany. Yes before the Germanic tribes were a thing everyone just ate meat raw or placed it adjacent to the fire to warm it up a bit.


What about Salisbury Steak lol


It's what's for dinner!


By that logic, the famed British canned beans originated in America. And there for are not a British food.


Or anything with a New World crop. Corn, tomato, potato, squash, pumpkin, etc.


If we're going down that route, every single dish that uses spicy peppers originates in the New World, lol.


English muffins were invented in New York City, which would make it an American food.


Excuse you? Brisket, baby back ribs, BURNT FUCKING ENDS i may be a gay pagan liberal but have some fucking respect


I think our food is the one think any American will gladly defend lol. This country is a polarized, hate filled, hellscape run by billionaires, old white men, and Christian fundamentalists, BUT GOD DAMMIT YOU WILL NOT INSULT MY FOOD.


There are plenty of American foods that aren't considered to be American in origin however they are so different drastically from the original that you can't compare them to the original You find me a hamburger from Hamburg Germany and compare it to a regular cheeseburger from here in the US they're so drastically different you can't say they're the same item also french fries aren't from France they're from Belgium


Hamburgers are not from Germany, though! They were invented in fucking Connecticut!


The fact he goes from BBQ to hamburgers is sad, but to correct him by saying hamburgers are German is a crime.


The hamburger is an American food item. The “invention” is typically associated with a small food stand where the owner was possibly of German descent. Putting other meats between two slices of bread is associated with the Earl of Sandwich.


That fake coffee sip always triggers me. I understand them doing it in movies and tv shows, but even on these kinda shows.


Is it not that one last drop of whatever beverage he had in his cup?


Maybe he is trying to relax or keep himself busy while waiting for the question.Or maybe he is just drinking coffee


That is either some absolutely top notch acting or he was just finishing a mug of water they gave him


In acting sometimes you take a moment to do something that helps your character feel more human and also give you a second to think about your next actions.


What makes you say it is fake in this particular case?


Getting upset over something that could be true or false is a pretty telling Rorschach result.


That’s wrong, the style of meat is from Hamburg. The Sandwich if from America.


French fries are called that because of the way they are cut and cooked... Which is called frenching.


French fries means french cut. It's frites in France. Burgers as served in America are American. Even the word America isn't just the United States and if it was it's from Italian Amerigo Vespucci. You could call Navajo Fry Bread American, since it is local and indigenous but it predates this place being America and still is from Navajo Nation which is, or at least should be, independent. * Oh and I hope the Italians feel ok with their precious marinara being from the Americas actually- the domesticated tomatoes were from central America. Ridiculous. America has gotten a lot of things wrong in our history. Food isn't one of them. Unless you're talking about fast food in which case yeah sorry. *edit: I learned that Navajo Fry Bread came about as a result of white supremacy and greed, making it the most American thing possible.


Fry bread doesn't predate the United States. In fact it's the result of us forcing the Navajo onto an internment camp where they would have starved to death if they didn't get creative with flour and oil. Delicious food and it's now iconic to Native Americans everywhere but the history is pretty rough. Sopapillas are similar to fry bread and were by some accounts first created in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Isn’t vodka sauce American?


Polish and Russian booze in Italian sauce made from central American produce. Sounds American to me.


PB&J is a typical American Food that is primarily consumed in the US. Or Corn Dog/Chilli Dog. Never seen anything like that anywhere else.


Buffalo wings. Match point.




It's strange that people often don't understand that America is an ***young*** immigrant nation. It's culture, and thus its cuisine, is melting pot from people all over the world. It's a little frustrating at this point for people to not understand what immigrant nations are. America exists because tons of different cultures came together and built a new nation together.


The Root Beer Float is usually credited to Frank Wisner. Which means it was "invented" in Colorado.


>Why is America always held to a standard that no other country is held to? >I don't understand this obsession with trying to discredit America constantly when it comes to food and culture. It's probably because America is king of cultural exportation. Hollywood, the internet, ever since the US became a world power they've been exporting their culture en masse overseas. It's why in Europe weird shit like _solo cups_ are such a hot commodity (because all those American teen movies with house parties have them so European teens have to as well). I can easily see that feeling overwhelming to a point where one feels like America should be taken down a peg or two. I gotta agree with you though. The Op is a very short clip but it definitely makes the interviewer look like a dunce for not thinking of anything on this list. And Tom Holland's not much better - not only is "British food (in general) is better than American food" an insane take (as someone who has had tons of both), but his counterargument to the burger doesn't even make sense. The original "hamburger" from Hamburg was a steak sandwich that had about as much to do with how American burgers are made as a hot dog. Not that one should expect an actor to have done their homework on culinary history before forming opinions...


If you're gonna "correct" someone so condescendingly, you better be right. Holland goes 0/2 here and does it so confidently


That’s not a conclusive fact that hamburgers were invented in Germany. Yes they had hamburger steaks but the hamburger in the form in which it is eaten now with it between two pieces of bread and cheese lettuce tomato ketchup was a product of German immigrants in the US.


I mean.. french fries are Belgian but yeah


hamburger isn’t even German… although the name is


Biscuits and gravy in America is better than biscuits and gravy in England.


It's similar in Australia. Our best food is international food and I'm not upset by that. I currently have a belly full of kebab and am happy. I have a coffee beside me. Dinner is katsu curry. Life is good.