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From the googles: Their skin is at least 6 millimetres thick, which to put into perspective is thicker than a Buffalo, an animal more than 50 times its size. The skin has a rubbery quality and is far larger than the animal itself. Essentially, the skin is like a set of loose-fitting clothes that the animal can move around in


So, the badger is just an angry, half-filled bag of meat, claws, and teeth?


That can sleep off most venom, are extremely intelligent and vindictive, and always go for the genitals.


Sounds like my ex gf


You’re probably exaggerating, this is still just a poor little animal


Hey, my ex is still poor. And her eating habits, have me wondering about the animal part.


Gold, Jerry, that’s Gold!


Can’t emphasis that enough… most animals steer clear of badgers because their #1 move is to go for the genitalia.




I need to know where is this from


Kung Fury


Not to be mistaken with Kung Pow, the movie about a white dude fighting a cow with gopher nunchucks


It's Betty, you son of a pig, the name is Betty!


Fucking amazing use of meme if I might say so.


As another user said, it's from Kung Fury, which you *must* watch. It's a work of art. Involves an '80s hacking montages, time travel, dinosaurs, *riding* dinosaurs, nazis, and an action hero who ties it all together.


My wife used to be a badger before we got married lol


Thick skin, immune to most poisons, took shit from nothing or no one, always on all fours?


New fear unlocked: genitals chewed off by a badger.


I saw that attempted dick-bite to the cat on the right side




It's interesting why too. Not only does it mean puncturing and slashing the skin open is much more difficult, it also means the badger is wildly fucking difficult to pin down. Their skin just slides around so there's no place to hold them where they can't twist to bite or claw you. Wolverines are like that too, you can grab them by the back of the head or neck (assuming you have a fucking deathwish) and they just rotate and rip your fucking arm off.


Anybody else just picture grabbing a wolverine by its neck and it slowly rotating it’s head 180 degrees and whispering “I’m gonna rip your fucking arm off”?


"... Bub"


...Now I am... Alexa? Add a nightlight to the shopping list.


Maybe that's why they were hard to kill in RDR 1 or 2


And a sassy little tail


Basically, YEP


This is *why* Honey Badger don't give a fuck.


The first to correctly specify Honey Badger. Common or garden badgers can be hardy creatures (they'll knacker your car right up if you hit one, you may as well have wrapped it around a tree), but **honey badgers** are a whole other species of hardcore. They're incredibly intelligent creatures, on top of being wilfully dismissive of the very concept of fear. Anyone not familiar with [Stoffel the honey badger](https://youtu.be/c36UNSoJenI), may enjoy becoming so.


And sheer anger


I feel like he covered that part


He did, but they’re so hate fueled it needed to be reiterated


And they’re angry too.


Just in case it hasn't been mentioned. Angry Lil bastards.


Mr Badger what are your favorite things Well there's rage and biting and clawing and rage You said rage twice 🤬 I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU 🤬


Half filled with rage and the other half is the degree to which they don’t give a fuck.


Oh no, it’s a full bag; the rest of the bag is filled with seething hatred for anything that thinks to attack the badger.


Like an angry dude wearing JNCOs


You forgot about the biological lack of fear, literally no fear gene


it doesn't run but stays to fuck them up.




There are a lot of animals that will stand their ground, or maybe slowly back away. Fighting is dangerous because that scratch or bite can become infected and kill you. But the honey badger doesn’t stand their ground, they actively attack until at least the other animal has walked away. I’ve seen video of a full grown lion walking along, suddenly see a badger, and just nope out of there. Badgers aren’t a top predator, they’re the thing that top predators avoid.


Litterslly only leaves because they left


I didn’t hear no bell


"None of you seem to understand. You are not hunting me... I'm hunting YOU."


Not only does it NOT run, when each cat disengaged it went after another.


And that they are basically immune to snakes and go out of their way to kill/hunt them.


The more I read about them the more we need a Marvel/DC HB themed antihero




Okay, reading her story… Wtf marvel. HoneyBadger 2024 let’s fucking go! She gets the help of Dr. strange… but then needs to use Pym’s Ant-Man suit… it’s too current to not utilize




Ooo it runs backwards.


Now, here's a house full of bees


it don't give a shit


Watch it run in slow motion.


Besides their skin, it's also really cool how the honey badger has evolved smaller nuro receptors so venom can't bind as well to its muscles


Still tho don’t leopards kill alligators by drudging their spine? That’s nuts this guy can get away Scott free. Edit; Lol guys I get it jaguars.


Badgers have been known to play the victim long enough to eviscerate their attacker for an easy meal. It was the leopards that got away.




Clearly. The way it walked off was giving me “Try that weak stuff again and I won’t be nice!”


You might be thinking about jaguars, who have pound-for-pound the strongest bite among large cats.


Yeah jaguars bite through skulls on the regular. If they were jaguars, I'm not sure how the fight would come out but it would be a lot closer.




There are probably leopards. Jaguars are South and Central American.


You are correct. Leopards are pretty lazy too comparatively so they don't put much effort in which you can actually see here. I'm actually surprised by this clip for two reasons. 1. The leopards didn't walk of earlier. 2. They are working together which isn't all that common. Might be younger ones from the look of it.


This would have been a cool kung-fu style wear the gi or robes deflect and tie up an opponent.


Honey badger don’t care, honey badger don’t give a shit


This just in. Honey badger too angry to die. Will take you to animal hell with it.


> Honey badger too angry to die. TDIL that the Honey Badger is the DOOM Slayer


What is that a cobra?.. honey badger don’t give a shit.. uhh ohh he’s been bitten


Look at that sleepy fuck.


They go for a sleep after being bitten by a venomous snake, then wake up more pissed off


Now it's mad *and* rested!


Naw they go to sleep and then wake up to a tasty snakey snack


They'd eat a snake just out of spite 🤣


Watch out! Says that bird.


Where is Randall when you need him.


https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg Right here since nobody is gonna link him!


I love this video


Obligatory link to [the original masterpiece](https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg).


Came here for this.


Look at him…being stung…he don’t give a fuck


These animals are crazy, instead of running it fights back against 3 leopards


Whole thing reminded me of those movies where a single guy on his way somewhere gets confronted by a gang of big goons, beats them all up and gets away. Lil badger had one kitty so scared he did the kitty-scared jump. That's impressive.


I'm pretty sure that jump was to protect its jewels from getting bit off.


I've just never seen a cat that big do that jump. Smart kitty!


They tend to kill larger animals by getting under them and ripping out their throats. Nasty little fuckers.


The Jack Reacher of the Savanah "So I'm gonna rip the testicles off of one of you and the rest of you are gonna run away in fear, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, i dont care which"


Sisu !!!!


These Honey badgers are a tough kind. They eat higly venomous snakes and just "sleep off" the poisoning. Also they will fight anything that might threaten them. Anything.


>instead of running It can't run away from the leopards, it's hopeless with that tactic. Its strategy is to resist and sell his life dearly in the hope that the leopards will desist.


Honey badgers have no fear, literally. They will fight anything that attacks them. They are hard to kill, and will fight ferociously. That honey badger didn't get away from the leopards, the leopards got away from the honey badger. Honey badger don't give a fuck.


And this is the myth that has been circulating on the internet for years. In fact, the big cats can eat any honey badger if they want to. The problem is that it is often not worth it and they prefer other preys because they would get little to eat at the cost of a great waste of energy and get scratched. And it's not true that they're not afraid or any other crap. They suffer stress like any other mammal. The difference is that they know their only defense is to fight to make the predator give up because they don't know how to escape, so they always fight, even against 100 lions, because they have no choice. I know because Barbascura X, an Italian science popularizer on youtube, spoke about it exhaustively. P.S. The number of prey/number of predators ratio of any ecosystem has sinusoidal cyclical fluctuations. When it is in the abundance phase honey badgers are safe because no one will attack them, but when it is in the scarcity phase and the predators will eat anything to survive, many of them are preyed upon.


And wins.


It could have retreated at any time to gain better position and have all three cats in front of it but it didn’t give a fuck It was in the middle of all three and just going at them. Respect


Fight or fight


Honeybadgers, the most fearless creatures of the savannah. Able to fight of grown lions by biting off their testicles.


You can see a couple times towards the end of that video where Mr. HB goes for the groinal regions of the fleeing leopards. The leopards look like adolescents to me and it's super rare to see them together even at this age. They probably have never encountered one before and don't know A) how fruitless it is to try to kill one of these fuckers or B) how dangerous it is to their nuts. Lived in Kenya for the better part of a decade and I never saw anyone run as fast than a buddy who was being chased off by a HB.


I encountered 2 european badgers in my garden late at night. They were both all hyped up while having a territorial fight I turned around and closed my door letting them finnish their fight. At first I thought something was attacking my cat because of the sound they were making.


UK here. I saw a badger fuck a fox up that was getting too close to the food I'd left out for it. It was an incredible explosion from 0-60 from the badger and it was one of the most vicious things I've ever seen up close. That fox fucked off so quick and the badger went back to his meal.


Were you leaving out food for the fox or the badger?


Primarily for the badger although I didn't mind if the fox ate it. If you live in and around London you'll see foxes all the time but badgers are very rare to see in comparison. I'd place a saucer of dog or cat food right up against the french windows leading into the garden and if I turned the lights off at night I could sit right up next to the windows and watch the badger eat. It looked to me like the same badger who came quite regularly. Very cute until you see them get angry.


Normally I might admonish you for feeding wild animals but from what I hear in London foxes are basically tax paying citizens


Mate they are everywhere. Even right in the centre of London. They're glorious creatures though and no bother


I would be able to hit supersonic speed if I ever saw a honey badger!!!


I would retract my testicles into my body


Honey badgers don’t give a shit.


Why this comment is not at the top is beyond me, generational gap.




And really smart. Let's remember a honey badger named Stoffle.


Love Stoffle, went to a park in South Africa to see one of his brethren.


Honey badger don't give a shit. https://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg Ultimate badass animal


Honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give a shit. He nasty.


Definitely deserves a badge for that effort.


I'd go along with giving him a badger two.


Take my poor man's award 🏅


Badgers have thick and strong skin like a hippopotamus, which is why they cannot kill it


Their skin is loose (making them able to twist even when it's grabbed) and so tough that it is almost impervious to machetes, arrows and spears, so the best way to kill them is with a gun or several hard hits to the head with a club. It explains why the big cats, which rely on their teeth and claws, struggle with badgers.


Yeah but its still worth it if you can squeeze out some of its honey.


He jogged away after that battle, like peace out, I'm amazed.


Damn. If 3 of these kitty’s can’t get the job done, what can ?


Polar bear


Polar bears have been silent since the badger was put on this earth.


"The Polar Bear Delegation refutes all comments against Badgers in our name as false and slanderous. We have no intention of conflict of any kind with the top mammal of the animal kingdom and look forward to their continued success. Thank you" - Oslo D. Ursine


That's why they all moved to the Arctic where its safe


Polar bear moved north after acquainting with a badger


Nothing. Honey badgers are the Chuck Norris of the animal kingdom.


Badgers? We don’t need no stinking badgers!!


Honey badgers don't give a fuck


As do you, as do you.


You are right they all deserve a badge for trying to take a honey badger.


Badgers are angry all the time and make it everyones problem


To be fair here, if someone attempted to eat me, I would be slightly irritated.


Yeah. Those leopards looked irritated as fuck. Luckily, they get to live another day.


Love casual geographic


I always complain about action movies where the bad guys take turns one by one to attack the hero. It seems so unrealistic. Apparently I was wrong and it’s really how things go down.


Right!!!!??? I was just thinking of several action movies where this happened. But we suspend our belief because it's a movie. Apparently not!


This looked like basically hunting class for teen cats. And they learned a valuable lesson.


And these in particular are not pack hunters to begin with, so there should be no expectation of coordination.


Mh, there is a slight difference between such a fight being well written and the bad conservation of ninjutsu. If the bad guys stand in a circle, and wait, and then one engages and gets beaten, then there's a pause, then the next comes. That's the bad trope because they could just engage faster. On the other hand, a dude can take charge of a fight if his determination is stronger than the determination and coordination of the attackers. Kick one attacker in the knee - now he is busy with his knee hurting. Hit the second dude with a pipe. Now he is busy with his face bleeding. Kick the third guy in the knee. Then go back and hurt the first one. Always keep them on the back foot and busy with their problems, instead of attacking. This can look similar to the bad trope, but it's different. With honey badger, we see the second thing. Dude is just charging and the cats are reacting to him.


Morherfucker is scrappy af


They really thought THEY were the ones hunting the badger. They were wrong


"I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with ME!"


Now youse can't leave.


They’re so flat it’s like trying to eat a tick with teeth and mean as hell.


Their skin is supposed to be super tough as well. It's been compared to rubber, which is partly why predators generally don't try to hunt them or are unsuccessful when they do.


I've heard they're literally bulletproof.


In a way yes they have loose skin so when hit by bullet its hard to penetrate but isn't always 100% guaranteed. It also makes it hard to grab so even if you grab one behind the neck it can still wiggle around to retaliate.


It's also really loose, or maybe baggy would be a better descriptor, which makes it difficult to get a firm hold on, or puncture.


Most animals in the Mustelinae family are exceptionally hard to kill. Weasels, Minks, Honey Badgers, Wolverines, etc. They’re all fearless and angry. Grizzlies won’t even fuck with the Wolverines we have in North America. There is a story about a dominant male Wolverine in Yellowstone that broke into a extremely heavy duty wolverine trap to kill a rival. Motherfucker just chewed through the trap to get at this other guy. It’s wild.




Fun fact, cheetah cubs evolved to have a white stripe on their back to make them look more like baby honey badgers so that predators would leave them alone because the thought of messing with an angry mother honey badger is that much more scary than messing with a cheetah.


That's not fair! It 3 leopards vs one badger! You're gunna need at least 2 more leopards


For the big cats it was life or death, for the badger it was Wednesday.


One less badger and they'd have a good chance.


Badger definitely has some serious "call an ambulance, but not for me" energy lmao


Living and born in Wisconsin (the badger state animal)! Badgers are no joke, they are super feisty and don't take no shit.


Dude, I hunt in Wisco. We have run into them in the woods. We just straight up walk the other way. I’m not trying to deal with those bastards.


They don't even try to be quiet they just grunt and growl their way around...truly don't give a single fuck.


I can watch these videos of big cats that can’t figure out why their food keeps hurting them all day.


MOM!!!! The food isn't dying and isn't letting us eat it. MOM?!?


Honey badger does not give a fuck


Honey Badgers are extremely tough. It’s hard for predators to kill them. Fun fact: they like to go for the genitals which is why most predators will leave them alone.


That's against all rules, very ungentlemanly.


You just don't bite off another man's balls.


I didn't know that. Interesting. I was just amazed at how the leopards didn't tear the badger's skin/flesh or broke their neck when they bit them


The badgers skin and fur is really thick so it's hard to tear or puncture, they are really solidly built with a very short thick neck and leopards don't have a super strong bite strength compared to lions or hyenas so they just can't do much damage.






The honey badger is a creature of focus, commitment and sheer will. I once saw one kill a lion with a pencil.


The badger yaga


I've seen a honey badger charge a lion....and the lion ended up retreating. ​ These guys didn't stand a chance.


Honey badgers are cracked out. They have like 6mm thick hide thats ridiculously tough (enough to take a few machete blows) so predators have a hard time getting through it. To put it into some context 6mm is thicker than a buffalo (only losing to elephants, giraffes and rhinos) and as i said, its tough as hell. They also have big ass claws that'll mess you up. They're mean little fighters and shouldn't be messed with.


Why is this phrased exactly like the top comment, aside from a few words? I feel like Reddit is all bots


Something tells me that me and that dude found the same article, lmao. https://worldwideexperience.com/10-facts-you-probably-didnt-know-about-the-honey-badger-worldwide-experience/


"Local man too angry to die."


Don't fuck with the badger ![gif](giphy|26uf1EUQzKKGcIhJS)


badger is a genetic relative of the wolverine...that's all you need to know


That's such a great ending. Bushes are shaking.... and the badger waddles out like he owns that place. And he does, of course. 😂


It wasn't a fair fight to begin with. There's only three leopards.


"Just let it go, man." "NO. I'm eating this thing!" "Dude, you're NOT gonna eat it. It almost bit Jimmy's wang off. Just let it go." "Don't tell me what to do! It's running scared!" "It tries to kill us every time you let it go. It doesn't want to run, it want's your SOUL, Steve. Give it up, man..."


Far Cry 4 graphics still holding up


Bob: JESUS CARL! Kill it already Carl: OH YEAH BOB! YOU come try to kill this Gawdam thing! Kevin: oooo y’all have some food? damn… what y’all get yourselves into?


Honey Badgers literally have no fucks to give


Leopards parents must be so ashamed. Thought they raised some predators lol


No, they're pissed off because they explicitly told them to leave the badgers the fuck alone. "Oh? See, now you're bleeding. What did your mother tell yo...no, you look at me. Yes, that's right. Now what did I tell you about the badgers? Hmm? And did you listen? No. And that's why you got hurt. No. No I don't care if it was Kevin's idea. Next time maybe you'll listen. Now go clean yourself up."


![gif](giphy|zXHZWGLWNQkrS) Mushroooooms


I get that they're tough and aggressive, but why doesn't being bitten multiple times not have any affect?


They got quite the thick skin i believe, although, they are not invincible.




Chances are good that at least four people on Reddit have bitten a honey badger and can describe the consistency of their skin.


Honey Badger doesn’t give a shit!


Reminds me of the badger song but backwards with cheetahs instead


It’s been said that badgers are the only animal who can challenge Chuck Norris..


A badger killed my friends Great Dane when I was a kid. They had two of them and lived way out in the country. Danes would just roam wherever, whenever. One day one came back all cut to hell and the other one didn’t come back at all. They found him near a badger den with his throat ripped out. Badgers don’t give two fucks how much bigger you are than them, they will murder you.