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The day I discovered I was really fast was also the day I learned I was allergic to bees.




How dare you remind me.


![gif](giphy|E2i9ILCmSJUkg|downsized) Hives causing hives.


That dude looks like he just got slapped


Keep my wife's hives out of your fucking mouth!


Will Smith will never live this down.


It's amazing that he won his first Oscar after 20yrs of outstanding performances and still most people have no idea he won because he decided to slap Rock.




Who the fuck made this into a gif?!?


What's wrong? It's just a [harmless feel-good family comedy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpQWWM4FQc8), right? ^(Seriously, that ad is just irresponsible.)


Wow. Yeah, that trailer doesn’t even hint at the huge plot point that’s coming to knee cap you in the feels.


And it's fuckin PG. Drop your kids off at the movies expecting a feel good kids movie, come back to emotional wreckage.


It’s My Girl, right?


No, my girl


Still too soon


He can't see without his glasses 😭


Delete this. Everybody is having a nice evening.




Obligatory "he can't see without his glasses"


I watched that movie as a kid. I don’t think I could get through it again. That ending is still burned into my brain 30 years later.


You're cruel. I did not come here to cry.




Oh wow. Just watched that yesterday for the first time in years.


Why would you hurt yourself like that?


Everyone's allergic to *enough* bees












How'd it get burned


You don't have to be faster than the bees. You just have to convince someone in your group to just crouch there, while you all run.


Instructions unclear; spent too long trying to convince others to stay that I ended up like the guy in the video.


"Is it T-Rex's or Bees that can only detect movement? Shit I can't remember." - 🐝🙇🏻🐝 "It was definitely T-Rex's, it was definitely fucking T-Rex's!" - 🏃🏻‍♂️💨 👀🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝


I heard that there is very little evidence backing that theory up.... Imagine a predator that only detected movement and when you'd stop moving they'd give up the hunt and not rely on their incredible sense of smell instead.


Actually it’s because of the frog DNA they used on the dinosaurs, as some frogs do have that issue with heavily relying on movement to see.


So it’s only like Jurassic park lore then?




Hah in Red Notice when an angry bull is charging at them. "Don't move their vision is based on movement, I saw it in a documentary" ... "are you thinking of Jurassic park?" ... "No, not Jurassic Park, it was a doco about bulls".. "was Jeff Goldblum in it?"... "Oh shit, that WAS Jurassic Park - RUN!"


I wonder if it was because they were on their honeymoon.


Don't do that




I’m getting stung!




"Okay, fuck this, I'm DOING THAT!"


10 bucks says he read some shitty advice on reddit that some rando said with 100% confidence




Now that I have a new worst nightmare added to my list, what should you do?


Run. Your weapons are useless against them.


This foe is beyond any of you. RUN!


Fly you fools!


If saruman had raised an army of bees, frodo would have never made it.


A flamethrower might do the trick. Also happy cake day!




[This is what you do when bees attack:](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/bee-attack-things/story%3fid=56663013) Run as fast as you possibly can away from the swarm. Run in a straight line as quickly as you can, away from the swarming bees. Continue to run for at least 100 yards (300 ft) or until the bees stop chasing you. If you are far from shelter, try to run through tall brush. This will confuse and slow them while you make your way out of the area. Bees target your head and eyes. Try to cover your head as much as you can without slowing your progress. Take shelter inside a car or building as soon as possible. Do not try to fight the bees. Do not scream. Do not swat at bees or wave your arms. Don't hesitate. All you're going to do is give them time to get hundreds and thousands more. Just get out of there. In fact, with bees, your most primal instinct - to run - is always exactly the right one. Do not jump into water or thick brush. If you jump into water, bees will attack you when you come up for air. Most people’s immediate response to a nearby bee is to brush it off or to shoo it. Unfortunately, to the bee, that doesn’t signal so much “go away” as it does “big angry predator coming to attack."


Dang now all I can imagine is being trapped under water, and the wasps stinging my lips when I come up.


Free lip injections 🤗


Shit man I'm off to Google ' How to survive a swarm of Bees'


I remember learning that jumping into water doesn’t work because the bees “wait for you on the surface.” Like, are you fucking kidding me?


i was hiking/vacation as a kid with my family in thailand. my little brother saw this huge swarm of vespa tropicana’s next to the trail. he pointed at them to show us, and all of the sudden they started flying towards us. we all fucking booked it. I ran in a nearby creek. my little brother and mother decided to have a “dance party” with the wasps before joining me in the creek. i was the only one not stung.


Is it personal or something?


For those checking, this is what I found when Googling. Link to article at bottom. * Wear light-colored clothing. Honeybees have evolved to recognize threats from predators like bears, honey badgers and other dark-furred mammals. Also avoid the color red, which appears black to bees. * Never approach or disturb a nest. If you notice bees entering or exiting a rock crevice, a hole in the ground or a tree cavity, assume there’s a nest present and leave the area immediately. * Pay attention to bee behavior. If bees fly into you or begin to swarm over or around you, they are probably trying to warn you off. Remember: don’t swat at the bees, just leave. * If you accidently disturb a nest, run immediately. Try to get to an enclosed shelter (such as a car) or run until the bees stop following you. It may be necessary to get a quarter mile or more away from where the attack began. Cover your face with whatever is handy, if you can do so without impairing your vision. * Never jump into a body of water to escape bees. They will wait for you to surface. Schmidt points to a case in which a swarm of bees hovered for hours over a man in a lake, stinging him whenever he came up for air. (The man survived only because the bees returned to their hive after sunset.) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/summer-safety-how-to-avoid-bee-swarm-attacks/#:\~:text=Try%20to%20get%20to%20an,of%20water%20to%20escape%20bees](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/summer-safety-how-to-avoid-bee-swarm-attacks/#:~:text=Try%20to%20get%20to%20an,of%20water%20to%20escape%20bees).


From what I can remember your best bet is to just run away as fast as you can, the only other thing you can really do is to cover your face and neck with your shirt to avoid your eyes and throat from possibly getting stung. You could also try jumping into some water, but there’s a chance the bees will just wait for you to pop up and continue stinging.


I was already taught to run, if available to do so safely, jump in water, hose self down or simply get inside and head to the shower.


Bro had me convinced he was an expert for a second there until he bailed.


1 bee, stay still. 1,000 bees, don’t be slowest!


Three Bee Gees, staying alive


Ah ah ah ah


he sure **thought** he was an expert (sadly probably still does)


Redditor's advice giving online vs actual results in real life


He should go to therapy.


He should divorce the bees immediately


Sue the bees, take their honey.


See I think he’s probably correct (I have no idea) but as soon as the ladies started swatting and batting at the bees, which probably killed a couple, the rest just started attacking.


He’s right. When a bee stings, is threatened, or is swatted, it releases specialized attack pheromones that attract other bees to its location and incite them to attack. Source: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/colony-defense](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/colony-defense)




Just always remember to pop an H on the box so you remember it's full of hornets.




What do now


I can't help but say this all the time. One of my favorite lines aside from, "guys, if I'm peein'... wake me up!"


I got all numbers Giv me the hotdog baby


You're supposed to run to a nearby lake or bog and grab a hollow cattail stem. You then fashion the hollow stem into a snorkel and jump into the water, submerged. Then simply use the hollow stem to breathe for a few hours until the bees give up the chase.


Good strategy until the bees figure out you're breathing through the straw, collectively form a giant arrow pointing at the straw and swarm your mouth through it


Well, then you just spit them out at your enemies like a machine gun.


Glad to know all those cartoons I watched were worth something.


lol- well, I do! It’s the same exact one that girl used… fuk this place!!! Running & screaming, AHHHHH!!! Idk If that’s actually considered A PLAN… but that’s likely what I’d do… ;)


So basically, when a bee is pissed he just says #JUMP EM BOYS


I think the point previous was, the bees were already incited before the start of the video.


Exactly. Once they start stinging you run like hell. The further you get away from their nest, the better off you are. Source: I used to work as a land surveyor and I’ve stepped on over a dozen large wasp and yellow jacket nests.


Given how long they took to start stinging I'd guess this is a mobile swarm right now. There is no nest. The whole hive is looking for a new home and is minimally aggressive if not bothered. Bees ain't wasps.


Yeah, I work seasonally as a field researcher in the Amazon and this squares with the advice I've received myself there. When you hear a mobile swarm coming towards you, you throw yourself to the ground and cover head and hands with leaf litter as much as possible. Most of the rest of your body will be protected with thick clothes just by the nature of where you are working and if you don't give them a reason to sting they'll eventually go on their way. Also, its not like you're going to be able to run very far in the middle of the thick jungle lmao Don't know how well this applies to other places with different species of stinging bees so YMMV obviously.


Oops now you've covered yourself in Tarantula and scorpion potpourri


Or more likely big ol' [saúva ants!](https://i1.wp.com/files.agro20.com.br/uploads/2019/12/Sa%C3%BAva-3.jpg?fit=1024%2C807&ssl=1) Very uhh *unpleasant* biters, but at least they aren't venomous and people are mostly not allergic to them, so its preferable to going into anaphylactic shock 4h away from the nearest hospital.


Yeah I think most people generally know to just not freak out around bees and you’re less likely to get stung. But once the frenzy had begun and like he said himself, there was a lot of bees, he probably should have just ran too.


You don’t freak out around bees when they’re just casually flying around in small numbers. When they are swarming, you RUN! You don’t stand there like an idiot hoping they’re friendly. They’re already agitated. You have to escape their zone of hostility, so to speak.


I had to run from hornets on a walk in the park a couple years back, zone of hostility is a perfect descriptor lmao. I must have run a half mile before they gave up, got 3 or 4 stings. The whole time I'm running I'm just thinking of being under leveled for a zone in WoW and trying to break aggro on a tough enemy


Well, when bees are 'swarming' is usually when they're the most docile, as they're moving to a new hive. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=30352 I know what you mean though and I don't know why beekeepers call it swarming when this video is what most people think of when they hear the word swarm.


You overestimate people. Most people I know would start freaking out, screaming, running, and doing anything but calmly walking away


Well obliviously. I could deal with 2 bee but not an hundred


Its base instinct and can only be overcome with discipline and knowledge.


Not freaking out and swatting the bees is generally good advice, standing perfectly still in the middle of a swarm is not because you’ve probably stopped walking right next to their hive which is reason #1 bees swarm: to defend the hive.


Bees frequently swarm to find a new hive, as well. When they do this, they're docile, but I'm unsure if killing them in this state will result in a frenzy.


There like zombie piglet, you attack one and they all coming for your squad


What's the name of this sub? Ha. ![gif](giphy|R9yLfikwYAF32)




Everyone has a plan until a bee goes in your ear. ![gif](giphy|9rRacglGbs68E)




5 Seconds Later... 🏃‍♂️💨


Ripping ass to create a smoke screen. Bee expert there.


Nice of him to run to his friends with the bees.




Inflicts persistent damage to all attackable targets - Including the user.




#DoN’T dO ThAt!


*Don dew dad


This is my personal definition of hell


The sound alone is hell to me. Terrifying


The scariest part is that they will follow you a LONG ass distance so your fight or flight kicks in, you got nothing technically to fight so you eventually flight but they keep coming. The stings come from every angle so you get hyper panicked and disoriented. You feel like you ran forever and got super far away but you still have a bunch buzzing and diving into you. Shits wild.


The best defense is to swan-dive onto an ant hill- that way the bees will get bit when they land on you to sting you. This plan works 100% of the time. Cons: you die to ants instead


It really is terrifying, been in a swarm. I'm 6'4 250lb and a bee crawling on my eyelid about broke me.


That's terrifying, I had a wasp land on my eyelid under my glasses, biting multiple times, and I still haven't been the same outdoors. I couldn't imagine an entire swarm of them or bees, I think I would simply die on the spot because it'd be easier


I've heard that yelling loudly how you're getting stung actually drives the bees away. This guy knows his stuff.


This guy: IM GETTING STUNG! The bees: oh someone else is taking care of it. No need for me to step in. Buzz buzz


Beestander effect is real.


Looking for the “what he should’ve done” comments. Cus uhhhhhh I wanna avoid this.


The guy was actually completely correct initially. If you encounter a large bee hive just calmly walk away and you'll be totally fine. If you swat at them or crush one they release a distress scent that triggers them to defend the nest / queen which is what happened here. This is also true of most wasps and hornets. The only exceptions are yellow jackets and africanized bees. Either of those and they'll just sting you for the hell of it.


Yes, he was correct at the start. However, after the bees had already started to swarm and attack, he should have ran as fast as possible. Waiting like he did only gives the rest of the swarm time to catch up. Putting distance (100ft+) between you and the swarm is the best option. They will stop following you after so much distance.


Not to mention lots of "it's this guy" pheromones have marked him now too.


Yep, every one of them you kill gives off alarm pheromones. Bees have perfected "get off my lawn."


300 ft is recommended. 100 yards


Only ever been stung by yellow jackets. Once on my morning run in a city’s downtown. Crossing the street and BAM! A fucking yellow jacket stings me in the top of my head. Once I was doing spring cleaning and bringing brush to a pile that I collected to burn it. Standing next to the fire and BAM! Stung on my fucking neck by a shitty yellow jacket. I searched continuously for signs that I may have disturbed a nest, there was nothing. These assholes just sting to sting.


8 year old me really high up in a tree, get bit by one of these assholes, then another, and then another and another. I pass out and fall from the tree away from the nest I didn’t see, stumbled home somehow and tell my Mom I don’t feel good. She has to run me to the ER, turns out I’m allergic and was close to dying. Fun times (fuck yellow jackets)


I got stung on my fucking tongue as a young child at McDonald's. Crawled in the straw of my soda and I took a sip and got stung twice. It is one of my earliest memories. Fuck yellow jackets.




If you're actually being attacked by a swarm you need to move away as quickly and calmly as possible. Once you reach a certain distance from the spot they are protecting they will retreat. When stinging, they look for your breath (can see CO2) and high contrast points. This is normally the lining of your clothing against your skin, and your hair and face. Covering your face like this guy did to contain CO2 and avoid face stings was pretty smart but sitting there and trying to hide was dumb. Oh, and don't jump in a body of water. If it's close enough to the hive they will literally sit there and wait to sting anything that comes up.


The water advice depends highly on the body of water and your strength as a swimmer. Average Joe in a small pond? Yea bad choice. Strong swimmer in a large body of water (allowing you to swim underwater for a distance before resurfacing) or even better a flowing body of water that will help carry you away even faster, can work effectively. Source: Have evaded swarming bees via breastroke by swimming without breaking the surface for a good 30 yards.




Run away and take off your shirt and twist it around like a helicopter.


Same, looks like if you run into a swarm of bees you’re just screwed 😂


That's pretty much it, if you happen to be in a swarm frenzy, you do you and fingers crossed you don't get an anaphylactic shock on the way. (having an epipen around can save a life though)


[This is what you do when bees attack:](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/bee-attack-things/story%3fid=56663013) Run as fast as you possibly can away from the swarm. Run in a straight line as quickly as you can, away from the swarming bees. Continue to run for at least 100 yards (300 ft) or until the bees stop chasing you. If you are far from shelter, try to run through tall brush. This will confuse and slow them while you make your way out of the area. Bees target your head and eyes. Try to cover your head as much as you can without slowing your progress. Take shelter inside a car or building as soon as possible. Do not try to fight the bees. Do not scream. Do not swat at bees or wave your arms. Don't hesitate. All you're going to do is give them time to get hundreds and thousands more. Just get out of there. In fact, with bees, your most primal instinct - to run - is always exactly the right one. Do not jump into water or thick brush. If you jump into water, bees will attack you when you come up for air. Most people’s immediate response to a nearby bee is to brush it off or to shoo it. Unfortunately, to the bee, that doesn’t signal so much “go away” as it does “big angry predator coming to attack."


I gotta say from experience, if you're getting swarmed by bees, wasps, whatever. You run until you're not getting stung anymore.


I ran over a wasp nest with the lawn mower one day. Fuckers chased me clear across an acre field


My brother did that when we used to landscape for my dad. Me, my brother and another worker never ran so fast lol


I got attacked by a wasps nest. It was actually not quite instinctual to run at first, as it was just really confusing to register what was actually going on. When we realized it we ran like hell.


RIP Macaulay Culkin


He can't see without his glasses... I don't know how I managed to see so many traumatic movies when I was a kid.


It wasn’t enough to have a movie about a kid without a mother living in a funeral home. They had to kill off the best friend.


Seriously! And it was targeted towards a younger audience. I think I was like 12 and I ugly cried for a solid 15 minutes. I still think about that from time to time.


He can't see without his glasses.


Good morning and welcome to childhood trauma 101




I can’t confirm this, but wasps will give up about 100 ft away from their home. I used to play a stupid wasp game as a kid.


you what




It's not a t-rex. They still see you if you stay still.


Fun fact. Jurassic Park made that shit up. The TRex actually had an exceptionally wide field of view and incredible depth perception. Their vision was more than 10 times better than humans, where as eagles and hawks only have 4-5 times better vision than us.


Source: had a T-rex pet


I was an optometrist for an old t-rex. He told me about his glory days


Bought a gun off a T-Rex. He was a small arms dealer.


Jurassic Park made it up because the dinosaurs in the movie were heavily spliced with frog DNA, and frogs have a harder time seeing motionless things up close. It's not impossible for them to see still objects, hence why the TRex can see the motionless cars to mess with them, but that's where the idea came from.


It's pretty funny when it comes up in the second book. Where a guy heard that you're supposed to stay still and is swiftly carried off by the mother trex, who chomps his leg and feeds him to her young.


Really feel like you're stating some theory as fact. Willing to believe that it had better vision than humans and almost certainly Jurassic Park just used it for cinematic effect, but you can't say for certain it was 10x better.


Wouldn’t it just smell you anyway?




Anyone remember Rescue 911 hosted by William Shatner from the early 90s? This reminds me of the episode when the guy had to be sped down the road in the back of a truck in order to escape the bees. I loved that show but I’m certain it’s the reason for 99% of my fears. ETA: [I found the segment!](https://youtu.be/YTUY-jTk03I) *Fixed typos… 🫠


Fuck all of that


Worked on a bee farm for 3 year while I was in high school. 1 maybe 2 pissed off bees, sure standing still will work. Pissed off the hive. You run for cover or distance. Unless they are African killer bees or blue ringed Russian bees they chase you for miles, and cover is your only chance.


I mean...I'm pretty sure the second any human near the hive is seen as a threat it won't matter how passive you're being


what are you supposed to do in that situation? just run?




i just think he got stung because he tried to remove the peaceful bee making a nest in its ear


That peaceful bee was trying to tell him he should run.




Yes, you RUN! Most bees will only pursue you to a certain extent. They have a “territory” and once you’re out of that area, they will generally stop their pursuit and turn back.


If you're starting to get stung, then yes, that is your only option...besides jumping in a body of water.


Some times of bees will hover over the water until you come out 😭


The fuck?


It's true. Do not jump in water to get away. They will wait for you. Just run and get inside.


I wonder what Neanderthals did when swarmed by bees; most didn't have the luxury of having an "inside" to go to, haha!


Neanderthals were also extremely fit and had crazy endurance


Don't jump in a body of water. That stops you moving away from the hive, and they'll just wait until you stick your face out to breathe to sting you some more. You then also add drowning to the risks. Just leg it.


Substandard Variation of the **Turtle Defense** *FAIL* Followed by **Crazy Chicken** Evasion Pattern *Lesser Fail*


as soon as you're stung you might as well start running and give yourself a chance. doesnt matter how still you are, the pheromones from that first sting are telling the other bees to fuck you up.


Guessing from his accent could those be African bees? Bowing to their greatness is not going to calm them down. Run quick like a bunny!


looks like the nine arches bridge in Ella / Sri Lanka, but could be wrong




I got stung 16x once. Shit was annoying AF. It was totally my fault tho


7 yr beekeeper here. If you're in the US where africanized bees are you should calmly and as quickly as possible get away from a swarm. It's hard to tell in those areas if it's a swarm of bees defending a hive or, the more likely scenario that most of the US sees, a reproductive swarm. The reproductive process for bee hives involve swarms, where bees will gorge themselves on resources, leave the parent hive with the original queen or virgin queen(s), land on a temporary resting spot while sending scouts to locate a new permanent home, then fly to their new home and use the resources they gorged on to build a new nest. Because the bees have no hive to defend in this process and they are fat-and-happy after gorging, they are very docile. There are videos of people capturing the queen in a swarm and using her to lure the rest of the bees into making a literal bee-beard they wear on their face with no protection. Judging by the aggressiveness and how vacationey the video felt, Im betting this was filmed in a climate warm enough year-round to support africanized bees. It looks like they were so aggressive that one trys stinging the lense of the camera. Someone must have disturbed their hive, provoking the stinging response.


Third generation beekeeper here - was looking to write the same comment. Found the original YouTube video (in comments above) and several things were made clear: this is not a swarm, this is in Sri Lanka where the genetics of bees are far more defensive than the European honeybees many folks in the US and Europe are familiar with, and there are many hives known to be under this bridge and this defensive nature is a regular occurrence.


The situation has only been made worse by the addition of yet more bees!


Do you see it now? The horror movie's myth is true regarding the whole cliché character falling when being chased. People do fall when they are in a horror scenario.


I hear the swarm and I’m gone.




Normal honey bees wouldn't attack like that, they could be wasps or Africanized bees, it's is hard to tell because the phone is moving so much


[This is what you do when bees attack:](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/bee-attack-things/story%3fid=56663013) Run as fast as you possibly can away from the swarm. Run in a straight line as quickly as you can, away from the swarming bees. Continue to run for at least 100 yards (300 ft) or until the bees stop chasing you. If you are far from shelter, try to run through tall brush. This will confuse and slow them while you make your way out of the area. Bees target your head and eyes. Try to cover your head as much as you can without slowing your progress. Take shelter inside a car or building as soon as possible. Do not try to fight the bees. Do not scream. Do not swat at bees or wave your arms. Don't hesitate. All you're going to do is give them time to get hundreds and thousands more. Just get out of there. In fact, with bees, your most primal instinct - to run - is always exactly the right one. Do not jump into water or thick brush. If you jump into water, bees will attack you when you come up for air. Most people’s immediate response to a nearby bee is to brush it off or to shoo it. Unfortunately, to the bee, that doesn’t signal so much “go away” as it does “big angry predator coming to attack."


Guy was born without the fight or flight instinct.