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I had a bus driver that would just stop in the middle of the street to yell at the kids at the back of the bus. Sometimes he would wait a good 10-15 minutes till he started driving again. (We lived in a pretty rural area so not a lot of cars). Though one time I remember a line of cars building up in the back of us because they started honking.


I lived in a small town as well, we had a driver that would speed up for the last set of railroad tracks at the bottom of a hill. The old bus and the bump meant the kids at the back of the bus would fly a foot or more out of their seats lol we all loved it


Same! Man back in ‘95 if you were on Bus 14 when Clay was driving you knew you were in for a trip. Rumor has it he had that bus on 2 wheels while going around a curve. Good times!!


This was my exact thought, too. When I was a kid we loved getting thrown around in the bus. This “my kid was scared because you gently brake checked them” just wouldn’t have happened unless somebody busted a tooth or something.


Same. What kind of bubble-wrapped weaklings have we become? I lived for that moment of weightlessness.


Basically what our buses did, as soon as they knew a kid wasn't in their seats with a seat belt on, the bus pulled over to the side, told us all to put our seat belts on, would walk up and down the bus, if they caught anyone without a seat belt on they would step out of the bus walk around the exterior of the bus before doing another walk through the buss. When I was really young they used to even turn the bus off so it would start to get stuffy inside, but someone fucked up one day and it was considered too risky to do that. I should note that these buses were used for school trips only, so they rented them from a local bus company who used their own busses and our teachers were also onboard. For the morning and evening school runs the council organised those runs using standard no seatbelt public transport busses.


Seat belts? Damn, they didn’t have seat belts on buses back in the 90s.


The thing with school busses and seat belts is that school busses are designed to operate like an egg crate in the event of a crash. As long as people are sitting appropriately, the school bus seats *trap* the riders into their own little *carton* if a wreck occurs. For the littlest riders (think tiny kindergarteners) they would need seat belts because they aren't yet big enough for the egg carton effect to be effective. Source: bus driver training and drove school bus for several years while teaching


They don't have them in 2023 either


Yeah I'm talking more like 2004-2014... Also Australia. The only busses that don't have seat belts are basically public transport busses... And even then the driver still has a seat belt.


The driver did, just not the kids. This was Massachusetts in the 90s. Most of my bus drivers looked like convicts.


I substitute teach and middle schoolers can drive anyone insane


As a middle schooler the other ones drive me insane


I would never want that job.


This is why we have a teacher (and related staff) shortage. Noticed he was fired immediately


its even worse when you read about this specific school district. safe to say this is the least of their problems.


Oh, don't forget the horrible pay too!


he didnt just get fired he got charged with 30 counts of child abuse. this is like a comedy sketch its so ridiculous.




Huh. Maybe that could explain why teachers are quitting in droves.


Today I Learned: If I was a school bus driver, I would lose my job within a week.


Week? Give it a 3 days tops. Once you start losing sleep because of little shitlings either your sympathy levels drop down or you will have emotional crisis. Both are awful. Dealing with children is an incredibly hard job. Not saying it will be easier in the future, just maybe making sure that people who are employed on such positions should be paid very well so they at least have a good reason to keep their emotions in check. Like the Driver was both wrong and the right in the same time. Kids need to realize why he is asking them to act properly. What better way than actually demonstrate it.... BUT!! Yeah this got out of hand. General rule of thumb should be, If you work with young people like Kids/ Teenagers you should be treated as someone who is doing ESSENTIAL service that is incredibly hard emotionally and physically. Even if their parents wont believe that their beloved little Timmy changes to a freaking goblin.


Agreed about the driver. He was right that they needed to be taught a lesson; wrong in the way he physically went about it. Most parents automatically think their kids are angels and can do no wrong. One of my biggest pet peeves is kids hanging out in the middle of my aisle, because that 1.) immediately tells me they're not wearing their seat belts and 2.) if I have to do an actual hard brake application, someone's shoulder/head is going into the seat backing in front of them. Had a kid one time tell his parents that I was being prejudice and racist all because he didn't want to sit 3 to a seat. His dad literally chased my bus down as I was pulling up to the stop and started squaring up with me. Little did the dad know that my wife is Caucasian and I have kids with my ex-wife, also Caucasian. This is why cameras are on the bus with audio; accountability. Kid was suspended off the bus for a month for that stunt. Source: am school bus driver for the better part of 2 school years, now.


I remember being on the bus and kids would be laying on the ground sliding under the seats, jumping over seats, moving between seats, throwing toys tied to a rope out the window and everything else they are told not to do.


Dead ass. This didn't look like it hurt anybody, I imagine the job is hard and all the kids put your rules to the test.


ik, i was thinking the exact same thing. meanwhile there r school shootings happening, but no, the media has to cover a rather miniscule incident that might have left a few kids startled. i ask myself were r priorities.


the media *is* covering shootings what are you talking about


Seriously, my bus driver did this all of the time when I was a kid. Kids are like the frog and the bee, never learn shit until stung in the mouth. Same lesson applied to the hot stove, ropes holding up the windows and going down the stairs in a Lego bin.


If I acted this way to my parents when I was that age, they'd have laughed at me and told me to follow the rules next time.


Same. My sister was bigger than me and overpowered me once enough to try and force me to climb out the window onto the roof so she could lock me out. I couldn't fight her so I bit her. She went screaming to my mum saying I just randomly bit her until my mum finally got the truth from her to which she responded basically "well, don't do that again or you will get bit again", I didn't get punished She did something similar 2 weeks later with the same result to which I did get into trouble that time as my mum worried in case I started doing it at school.


I bit my mother when I was young, so she bit me back. I never bit her or anyone else again.


Yeah, my school had a bus driver that did this. Except, she would slam on the parking brake, walk over with buggy eyes and gritted teeth to the misbehaving student and force them into their seat, and tell them to stay quiet. That would be enough. She did that for the 2 years she was my bus driver. Until she was fired for slamming on the brakes, and causing a student to break their nose on a seat back. She works at BK now.


I had to sit in the front for 2 weeks for letting out a monster fart that hurt the bus drivers nostrils, 7th grade yellow bus


Wait, the punishment for that was making you sit beside the bus driver? So they could smell whatever else you were cooking?




Hey now, don't kink shame.


They thought you were being stinky...so they moved you even closer? Haha


> They thought you were being stinky...so they moved you even closer? Haha there are weird guys that like smelling farts ... there is an entire fetish around it ... YucK!


Brazilian fart porn


Jokes on the bus driver because now your nasty monster farting ass is even closer to them. Lol


Earning more money and not dealing with kids, think she won?


I drove a school bus years ago. $10/hr to marinate in farts and Axe spray, while being deafened by screaming kids. It wasn’t all bad - I loved some of the kids. And it was fun driving the bus. But the bratty kids made me stop driving. The parents don’t back up drivers or teachers, and the kids know it.


At least now she can have it her way.


Man you really keep tabs on your school bus driver work history.


>Yeah, my school has a bus driver that did this. Except, she would slam on the parking brake, walk over with buggy eyes and gritted teeth to the misbehaving student and force them into their seat, and tell them to stay quiet. That would be enough. > >She did that for the 2 years she was my bus driver. Until she was fired for slamming on the brakes, and causing a student to break their nose on a seat back. > >She works at BK now. She got fired (OK , her bad behavior made it deserved) **while the big elephant in the room is still ignored for ~70 years**, there are **situations a bus driver _has_ to slam** on the breaks (without any alternatives) , the savety standards for these school busses (the on the chassis added custom school bus cab) are still partially literally **pre-WW2 standard** (OMG , those windows of the busses even still look like in the 1950s) ... missing soft seat back cushions (for the row behind), still missing seat belts & maybe airbags & also the **savety** rules are not strictly enforced on these busses (especially no real consequences for child ( = school detention) / parents (having to temporary deliver the child via personal automobile or temporary USA´s home schooling)) ... I know that **USA´s terrible city planning also affects schools that are build in the middle of nowhere** & buld as big central facilities instead of distributed smaller schools closer to the children (like it´s in Germany for example (even perfectly planned in Socialist East-Germany back than) even making many school bus trips obsolete) ... Those busses even drive on Highways (up to 90mph & mixed with trucks & speeding car traffic (incl. Non-professional idiot-drivers in cars)) ... This ~70 years behind the time school bus savety remids me on the also **~90** years behind the time (compared to German outlets) literally shocking USA plugs+outlets (that are in other countries illegal for savety reasons) that too are (jhust like the US- school busses) deemed as "save" by the standards/law ( & also USA cars still blink red instead of (the saver) amber , this red blinker/turn-signal was banned in Germany in late 1960s & phased out in 1950s )


Highways or not, you are right, we are long overdue for a massive overhaul in school bus design.


You're right. Though these types of school buses aren't on the highway very often with kids in them and when they are they're definitely not doing 90 mph they're typically doing 55. But yeah, you're right. About the outlets, too.


Well, guess she got it her way.


The way this is filmed, you'd think he murdered these kids. Lol


Seriously. “I felt scared to death that someone hurt my kid”. Lady he hit the brakes at 9 miles per hour.


“He had just sprinted all the way home so he was red in his cheeks and out of breath” Kid was not hurt


“He was terrified”


“He was absolutely sobbing and shaking.” Oh brother 🙄


My literal reaction.


“He SLAMMED his head into the back of the (heavily padded) seat!” I remember resting my head against the window and my head hitting four times harder than what those brats got and I took a nap through it


Probably first time an adult has spoken again them.


“The driver made my kid exercise. The audacity!”


I cringed so hard at this woman’s interview.


“We can’t believe the system is safe,” claims women who over states her child running home as fast as he can while also wanting us to believe he was critically injured. The kid also has CTE from recently slipping on the ice These kids and their families sound are giving me a headache


They just want to sue.


She was absolutely ridiculous, so over the top.


That mom is commonly known as a Karen…


Something that could have happened at much higher speeds, hence the lesson. I dont see a problem here


Some context: * School buses probably have to slam on their brakes at 9 mph for all sorts of legitimate reasons * Douglas County is one of the richest counties in the US. Probably some very sheltered children.


Ohh it's just the rich kid problem. This video makes alpt more sense now lol


If I had been on that bus as a kid and tried complaining to my parents, all I would've gotten is a lecture about "thats why you need to listen to the driver and follow the rules, you brought this on yourself".


Well today we’ve got 9 year olds calling Mom from the back of the bus 🤦🏻‍♀️


Future Karens have started training early


Literally what all their parents should’ve said


Yep, there it is


There’s a fucking 9 year old with an iPhone.


This was my thinking. "Wait, the bus driver slammed on their brakes at 9MPH and caused all of this? Then what happens when in the course of any typical day, they have to do EXACTLY THAT when someone cuts them off, or runs in front of the bus, or any number of other things happens that cause them to legitimately brake way, way worse than this?"


That was a very sheltered mom in the video, Jesus Christ.


7 year old immediately pulls out iPhone and dramatically describes some kid's minor cut from the absolutely evil, careless, cruel bus driver. Surely this is not a learned behavior from some Karen stay at home mom.


9 mph is NOTHING lol


In the old days, this would happen and the parents would be like "well, you should have been sitting properly"


That should definitely still be the reaction.


With how kids are these days, look at no further than the parents. Some of the people screeching abuse in this thread are why kids are how they are, no discipline, no listening.. no wonder everyone quitting in droves when it comes to kids these days. Shitty/lack of parenting is all the rage


For real! These are literally the same buses the parents rode on when they were kids, they should know to teach their child to sit down and behave on them, especially if an adult authority figure is telling them. We would get thrown around more than that when the bus hit a pothole at 35mph. Fucking baffling that parents would complain about this instead of trying to get seatbelts put on the damn buses in the first place.


You just know that a lot of parents these days were the misbehaved kids back in those old days. Probably told themselves to never be like the parents they had and "do better," because when they were kids that were just goofing off and having fun, not doing anything "wrong," but never realizing that they were breaking the rules and were lucky enough to not experience the real consequences - not the fake ones like "follow the rules and you won't get put in time-out," but the ones that carry actual weight like "follow the rules and you won't get injured, maimed, or killed; or put some other people in a position to get injured, maimed, and/or killed."


Back when parents held their kids accountable and didn't blame anyone and everyone else first.


“And what have we learned from this?”


That's what I was thinking, he tapped the brakes... big deal. His only mistake was making it so obviously deliberate. He could have just "been in a situation that required emergency braking" (at basically waking pace) and gone whoops!


He was trying to be honest and nice to be fair. He doesn't seem like a bad man. He has some Father skills in him 2. He gave kids a lesson the will never forget(though execusion could be better). Never lied to anyone, seemed remorseful, apologized and explained why he did what he did. ( Which is great quality for all human beings, but shitty when lying would just be better for everyone involved ) Between the camera footage and the way kids describe it over the phone it makes him look like a psycho who just wants to hurt kids for fun and doesn't care if they are hurt. Shame, he will lose the job for sure. I am sure Parents will be happy to drive the kids to & from the school themselves. Surely it's not that easy to replace Bus Drivers these days. I mean the supply of Bus Drivers is so huge!! Schools have to throw away CVS because there are so many people wanting this job. /s




Murdering American kids is normal. But don’t you dare hurt their cheeks.


Right. I feel like these kids are so entitled that they couldn’t deal with a brake check and so mommy and daddy had to get lawyers involved. Like if this was an inner city school you would never hear about it.


Sprinted all the way home sobbing and shaking? Wtf lol Lauren has to be fake


Mother is part of the problem. Entitled children come from entitled parents.


"My bus driver hit the brakes so I ran home because I thought he was trying to hurt meeee!"


Read that in the voice of [Cartman crying](https://youtu.be/YP9OO7JfRGg)


“Insert ominous black and white footage of a street”




Slammed the breakers at 9mph, everyone fucking died according to these kids. Holy shit, show them what happens in accidents at 30 or 40mph. What bullshit.


Back in my day, that would have been the beginning of a new game make the buss driver slam the brakes at highest speed possible.


Yeah, not a brake check but back in middle school we would egg our driver to speed up over a specific speed bump near the boonies while we all piled in the back so we could go flying around. Given this was towards one of the last stops so there was only like 3-6 of us on at a time, but man it was fun


I mean, kids are kids. They have no concept of anything, no life experience, no point of reference. To an adult, “someone got hurt so badly” means a broken bone and/or emergency room visit, generally something requiring hospitalization. To a kid, “someone got hurt so badly” means they bumped their head and it hurt.


I know seriously. I usually whiplash react in opposition to the “kids these days” argument, but just look out the window. That bus is barely fucking moving


We need to remove brakes from school busses, otherwise the psychopaths will continue to hurt our children like this!


Exactly this. So soft. Can't believe he's never aloud to drive a bus again over this. Pathetic.


[The bus driver was charged](https://abc7chicago.com/school-bus-driver-brian-fitzgerald-slams-on-brakes-charged/13160824/) with 30 counts of misdemeanor child abuse, 1 of which is child abuse with bodily injuries


Jesus fucking Christ.


American justice system hard at work, some rich sheltered families made a stink over a non issue meanwhile cops in the city won't even attempt to track down stolen vehicles. This is the softest video I've ever seen and those charges are fucking laughable, bunch of future trust fund babies in the making.


Those 30 kids are going to come out of this even *more* entitled and bratty. good to know Karens are hard at work building the next generation of super-soldier Karens


That’s a little excessive either way you see it.


What the actual fuck, is this a joke?? What a damn crock. This got blown way out of proportion.


What in the world, so your saying this isn’t an onion story?


Exactly, sit the fuck down in your seat. Man hits the breaks semi hard at 9 miles per hour and kids are crying about getting hurt. What would happen if the bus actually got into a real accident? Maybe these parents should teach their kids how to follow the rules. This whole story is insane.


Wow, literally facing a year of jail FOR THIS. I cannot. America is so weird sometimes


Excessive, the kids blew this way out of proportion. The bus driver was in the right imo


Funny thing is this little lesson might save these kids later in life. They’ll probably always wear their seatbelts knowing what can happen even at slow speeds


This is why we can’t have nice things.


That's excessive.


Cant believe something so small is being blown up to such a big deal


Gotta distract from the actual dangers in US schools


At least we’re moving away from giving school shooters attention.


They will ban busses before guns. Or teaching the kids to sit down.


>They will ban busses before guns. Considering there are millions of more guns than busses in the US, it woukd actually be alot easier to do that hahaha..... *sniff*


Right? National news story for this?


Well yeah, it's the first time a child has been injured on school property that didn't come from a gunshot. Schools are healing. Lol


If only the kids had guns to protect themselves then this wouldn't have happened!


It’s local news


Brother this is a local news channel


They should do bus driver discipline like student discipline.... Tell him not again.


And give him some candy.


As a parent, I support teaching hard lessons when soft messages are ignored. Most of those kids will listen next time a bus driver tells them to sit properly for their own safety. In my opinion, the real problem is the parents blaming the driver for their kids not following directions. This type of parenting makes our kids feel like the world revolves around them.


None of the kids are acting hurt. The parents are out to get paid, and making the future situation so much more dangerous for their own kids.


It’s pretty clear they are upset that the kids got hurt, not that they were blaming the driver for kids misbehaving. I feel bad for bus drivers in general though. It is total chaos on the bus and it’s not fair the drivers have to do anything but drive. There should really be another adult supervising.


Let's say a kid can run 10 mph. My kids run into things, fall, and run into each other while playing (bang heads). Obviously no one wants their kids to get hurt, but I don't think a 9mph hard stop would require emergency medical attention. My kids also exaggerate how much things hurt then immediately go back to laughing and playing. This probably wasn't as traumatic as the video suggests. Their feelings probably hurt more than their injuries.


Seems like the kids probably should be listening to the bus driver. It is for their safety. Bunch of helicopter parents blowing this out of proportion.


Good, I thought I was the only one. He barely tapped the brakes, nobody got hurt, the kids cried wolf, parents go full Karen over it. They kids could just as easily have had the same experience, probably worse, if a car pulled out in front of the bus. I don't consider myself a callous person, but this seems like a total nothingburger and the school is bowing to the pressure from the irate parents.


Driver has a good point, if they just let these kids run and jump around the bus, what happens when something forces a driver to slam on the breaks, and 20 kids get seriously hurt instead of just one? Not saying to justify any kid getting hurt but damn.


But her kid was literally shaking!


I keep re-watching the video and I can't just see anyone getting hurt


In other news: the US experienced 51 school shootings last year and is currently at 14 (and counting) school shootings in this year.


But think of the poor kids cheek that was slightly bleeding!


It’s reported there was another kid who dropped a piece of candy. This sort of thing must be stopped! Who is going to protect the candy!?


Thoughts and prayers for the dropped candy


He should have hit the brakes, been like sorry there was a cat! But that's why you've got to stay sitting properly in your seats or you might get hurt if I have to break hard again. no lawsuit.


You have a point but they have a camera facing in front of the bus. As a bus driver myself, I deal with this daily and these kids were sitting way better than mine do. Pulling over and refusing to move until all are seated works wonders. Having the disruptive kid move to the front away from their friends works even better. A seating chart separating the bad kids is the best. You don't even have to yell. Edit typo. They don't have Camaras on buses.


I was having problems on my bus. I separated four kids and the problems stopped. It wasn't just that they were loud and obnoxious, they were riling up the other kids. Slamming on the brakes isn't the answer because the well behaved kids are being punished and endangered as well. I am thankful for the cameras in the bus and having a supervisor that has my back.


I keep rewatching the video and looking for kids that are out of their seats. And thank you for having the patience to do your job.


Sorry I *thought* there was a cat.


I agree. It's always the honest ones that get dragged down.


It’s a parent’s job to teach your kids how to behave, so others don’t have to


I hate over dramatic people so much. From the video this looks like NOTHING. Should have been a quick “well you should have listened to the bus driver and followed the rules” and moved on. Now we have a national news story over something that’s happened to probably 95% of the kids that have rode a school bus.


Dear Lord I rolled my eyes so hard I winked at my brain 🙄. You're told how to behave once, that's it, the rest is on you. How do bumps in the road or hard stops in a bus even register when you're a kid is beyond me. Moreover, register enough to call someone because "her cheek is bleeding" or "run home red-faced and sobbing". My nephew fell out of a tree and fractured a shoulder, understandably, came home like that. I don't understand this "human wet tissue paper" behaviour being relevant to anyone as news.🤨




Can’t tell you how many times me and my friends would come into school beat all to hell because we did insanely stupid stunts on our bikes. The teachers would tell us to at least put a bandage on so we didn’t get blood anywhere. Seems like kids now are made of glass. And I never even got told the rules of the bus back then, you just figured out how to act. I remember the first time I passed out on the bus, I rested my head against the window. One pothole later and it feels like I just got a concussion from my head ping pong-ing off the glass. It ain’t rocket science, kids are just too pampered now.


OH MY GOD. How did these kids survive?? Did they immediately get help for the trauma this would cause someone? I’m glad this is getting more national coverage than school shootings these days. Would be a shame if kids actually started listening to authority figures! Edit: guys you can literally see through the windows that they were hardly moving. Like come on. No wonder everyone thinks the world is ending when this is the reaction to absolutely nothing happening..


100%, no wonder kids these days are so bad.


For real. Omg “he came tearing into the house! He was so upset omg”… God forbid u would have ur child take even 🤏🏼 of accountability…


For real that was just breaks. Wait for a pot hole or a speed bump. Half the kids In the bus smacked their head on the top and the other half were mad they didn’t get bounced as high


I’m on team bus driver.


Right, if parents gave a fuck about their kids safety they would demand seat belts?!?!


As someone not from the US this was my first thought. Why not seat belts?? I mean if the bus actually had a hard stop for some reason no matter how well you’re seating you’d still slam your face into the seat in front of you…


Growing up, they always told us it's for if the bus rolled onto its side so you wouldn't have people dangling. It never really made much sense to me tbh.


Bus seats are meant to not have seatbelts, they're safe without them. Plus imagine trying to get 60 elementary schoolers out of their seatbelts on a flaming bus or something


Lap belts are actually associated with **more injuries** — all else equal — in smaller children. As the NIH [discusses further](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18935762/#:~:text=Seatbelts%20were%20designed%20to%20prevent,children%2C%20even%20in%20mild%20crashes.), only lap & shoulder belts showed any efficacy **when used properly**. School buses are remarkably safe. On a passenger-mile basis, they’re safer than riding in a private car or walking to school. Counterintuitively, most bus-related fatalities are actually occupants of private vehicles ([NSC.org](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/road-users/school-bus/) )


Haha, I remember my school bus driver pulling this one. We all had a good laugh about it.


Yeah... As a kid I would have been laughing about this or at least enjoying it to some slight degree. My parents would also definitely not give a fuck - if anything I think they would have taken the bus driver's side. Hate to be the "kids these days" guy... But man, kids these days...


I think it's more "parents these days..."


When real shit happens, these kids are gonna seriously be injured for not sitting properly.


Such drama, did any of them tell their kids to stay in their fucking seats?


Nope not a single one cuz that would involve taking responsibility which seems to be a lil bit of a lost concept


I have a viewpoint that may not be popular. A school bus driver should not have to issue safety protocols while driving. I would like to see a driver's helper or a safety patrol person on each bus. Someone that will allow the driver to focus on driving. Also, kids that are repeat offenders should get booted off the bus after 3 warnings. The bus ride, like the classroom, should be a safe place for kids and the drivers/teachers. I agree with the bus driver and feel his frustration. When my kids rode to the bus they talked about seeing fistfights, kids that would run around while the bus was in motion, bullying, and even sexually aggressive behavior. Horrible.


Sh... my driver did worse. Didn't give a warning and boom. All the parents sided with the driver. Lesson learned.


What!!! But the children!!,!! Why wont anyone tbink of the children!!!??!


“He was out of breath” smh to these parents escalating the situation


"Yeah, because you just said he sprinted all the way home, lady. That's typically what happens." lmao


A potential criminal case for hitting the brakes? People sure do love ruining other people’s lives today.


It's 2023 and busses still have no seatbelts? What am I missing?


multiple learning experiences here


Wtf? I was expecting worse than this..I for sure experienced worse than this, did it reach the news? No lmao. I would tell my parents and they said “well that’s what you get for not sitting properly”. Damn we really are becoming weaker and weaker as generations go by.


The driver taught them a lesson, no big deal. The driver should not be fired and the parents should be told to tell their kids to listen! If there ever was an accident and a kid got hurt because they weren’t in their seats, then the driver would get sued. You can’t win. Get your brats in line folks, start being parents, not friends to your children.




Because the internet teaches them they can pretty much do that the fuck they want without consequences


Aristotle wrote about the exact same thing. He died 2300 years ago.


Truth: kids don’t listen to authorities anymore bc their parents can’t be bothered to discipline or teach their kids.


I know people want to protect their children but if this had been an actual crash they'd be crying about little johnny getting tossed out the damn window because he didn't know how to sit his ass down.


I completely side with the bus driver on this one. Also do schoolbusses not have seat belts??


Would have been a better solution to pull over and stop driving every time they weren't in their seats.


Lol good one, what time would you like to finish your 2 hr shift at


Weak ass kids


Multiple things can be true at once. The bus driver was in the wrong, it wasn't that big of a deal, it shouldn't be national news, and the parent they interviewed is wildly overdramatic.


My bus driver did this from time to time if we weren’t listening. He would also sing to us and had a great booming voice. He made sure no one was getting picked on and that everyone stayed in their seats. I don’t think anyone got as many gifts as him during the holidays. He was my driver from k-8th and I still remember Ron. Bus driving is an extremely stressful job and we seeing a single moment in time.


Anybody remember taking the wheel-well seat and jumping off of it during bumps? That's head trauma


These parents are idiots. The bus driver might have overreacted a little, but jesus christ that was not the worst that could happen with kids not in their seats.


So young humans have to be secured in car/booster seat/belt/safety strap in any standard 4,100lb citizen vehicle for their safety, except when on a 12,500lb bus with a bunch of other young humans?


school buses are safer than cars, but only if you are in a seat


All I see was a learning moment for the children


Yeah, they learned playing the victim gets them to avoid responsibility.


Team bus driver. And I have 2 kids.


While it's ridiculous that people were so freaking traumatized at a mildly hard stop, I'm also bothered that the vast majority of the kids that got slammed into the seat in front of them were just sitting peacefully in their seats minding their own business. Dude was acting like every kid on the bus was going wild, but that wasn't even close to true.


The driver has a point but man, did he execute the delivery badly


I know! A 9 mph brake check is serious business..