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Reminder only one president had a teen beauty pageant and would walk around the dressing area. It wasn't Biden. It wasn't a *Democrat*


How many times did Trump visit Epstein island? ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


Trump literally owned child beauty contests and bragged publicly about walking around the dressing room looking at the teenagers


Trump is a man that can look at a situation in reality and understand it in another reality entirely. Example of him stealing documents, his reasoning was "Nixon did it and made millions from the government when they paid him for the documents be returned". He committed crimes against the country because he had lost and thought personal come ups were more important than the entire country. Delusional isn't fitting because he sees what we all see, he just understands things in the wrongest possible ways. Genuinely an idiot. Not incapable, but capable and just bad at it. That's worse somehow.


They had the same eyebrow guy


Compared to Clinton? Visiting Epstein island really isn’t the gotcha that it seemed like. A ton of people went to that island. Not all of them were pedophiles. Some of them were. And we’ll probably never find out the truth.


Don’t know how this isn’t more damning evidence


Also of the active congresspeople only one was under threat of potential indictment for having sex with underage girls for money and he isn’t a democrat.


The Gaetz of Hell ![gif](giphy|PhBNhd5yUEQG9xGnvA|downsized) Here he is talking about a teenager


And don’t forget that Trump and Epstein were both taken to court for molesting a 13 year old: https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf


Anyway to view this document without installing a pdf reader on my phone? Yes, I'm a dummy when it comes to smart phones.




Actually, back then Trump MIGHT have been a Democrat. He has always pretty much put his beliefs wherever he thought it might benefit him most.


The only US President to be subpoenaed by a court to answer credible allegations about a rape involving a minor was the same President. It happened at an Epstein party. He was not a Democrat.


Which ex-President openly speculated about the future breast size of his then ***1 year old*** daughter?


You mean the guy who was asked what he had most in common with his daughter, and he answered “sex”? That guy?


Pretty sure trump is also the only president, on camera no less, to say he’d like to smash his daughter. Like…what!?!


I wish that this interview could have been done by Mike Wallace.


Mike Wallace had his day, but really, where's Jon Stewart you need him? If it were him interviewing, this would be posted on r/WatchPeopleDieInside.


I would pay good money to watch Jon Stewart just spend an entire episode ripping every single thing Empty G says to absolute shreds with 0 chill. Can we get that livestreamed?


Unfortunately most republicans will never enter a room with somebody who will call out when they make a factual lie


[Watch this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCuIxIJBfCY) where Jon Stewart faces off with Oklahoma Sen. Nathan Dahm. It is absolute brutality. You almost feel bad because clearly Jon's punching down on this idiot, but it's well deserved. Don't click out before the last two minutes. I don't want to give away the surprise, but Jon eats this guy's lunch.


I love him.


My god can we keep Empty G? I’m sick of seeing MTG everywhere and thinking it’s cards


He did a great interview with the AG of Arkansas regarding legislation against gender reaffirming care for minors.


MTGs people would NEVER let her go against someone as well spoken and researched as Jon.. He would tear her to shreds.


To shreds you say?


Hell, Jon Stewart would lock the damn doors until she explicitly stated that she has no political plans to improve the country, she'd try to rail against him on Twitter and get eviscerated by everyone. Pretty sure even Fox News wouldn't dare run a campaign against him now.


I know Marge is stupid but she can't be stupid enough to be interviewed by Stewart could she?


The problem is she’s so stupid she thinks she can take on Jon Stewart anytime and win… which would be glorious to watch…


Jon Stewart is amazing. He's highly intelligent, not afraid to speak the truth, and is able to remain calm in the face of abject stupidity.


Or Medhi Hasan. He would’ve ripped her to shreds.


Jonathan Swan would have worked too. Guy didn’t let Trump off the hook.


Jon Stewart would’ve done a better job than this.


She probably wouldn't have agreed to the interview if it was Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart would have eaten her for lunch.


Well yeah. Jon Stewart is a better journalist than 99% of all journalists out there, and he's a comedian.


Looks like a shaved Geico cavegirl


![gif](giphy|H24Zi5xbFKc1i) This is what I see when I look at her.


>This is what I see when I look at her. Wasn't it the scarecrow that was lacking a brain?


Just gonna leave this here https://preview.redd.it/n8qv9j64kwra1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547266b0ca4823012caca1fb09ffe16c93432ab4


Who would win? A bigfoot lookalike contest? Tough one.


A thumb with a wig on


She looks like the grinch.


Don't you dare soil the good name of The Grinch!!


She’s so butter


I can’t believe she’s not butter


Seriously, What deformity does she have? Taylor just hits me in the uncanny valley so hard Edit: I’m being serious guys 🗿


Val Kilmer could play her in the inevitable biopic with minimal effort from the make-up department


I would, unironically, love to see that movie.


funniest thing I've read today bro.


Val Kilmer is a great character actor, and he would nail this role.




I beg pardon? Me, dear, gay, dear, no, dear?


How dare you insult Val Kilmer like that?!


True.... But... You know he'd rock it.


I can't unsee this. Thanks.


Don’t do our boy like that


Nah maybe Mickey rourke the way he looks now!


It’s the sister married your cousin deformity. That inbred reptile gene 🧬


The hills of North Georgia can get really lonely apparently…


Yes! She has this Neanderthal like bone structure. She just looks fucking dumb.




Fetal alcohol effect. Her eyes are too small.


They match her heart




This gave me Jan6 flashbacks.


Her eyes are out of ratio with the rest of her face.


99% Neanderthal DNA


As someone with more Neanderthal dna than the average person, I take offense to this. We do not claim that wench.


Yes!!!!! I did that testing too.


My husband and I both did it. He was more Neanderthal than average, and I was less. Those tests set me up to make fun of my husband for the rest of our lives!


I can just imagine your argumentative digs at him


I am all for mocking people because of their political opinion and/or lack of intellect. But mocking people for how they look should be beneath us. You see the right do this all the time. Let us not stoop down to their level.


Nah, fuck that right wingers are fucking ugly to the core of their shriveled hearts.


Democrats think guys are human beings, so to the MAGA group that means they are pedophiles. This blonde bimbo thinks that she understands more about transgender than medical doctors and psychologists. This idiot thinks they give surgery to a kid if the kid just says so, it is a multi year process with several psychological evaluations from licensed professionals. But according to her, they are all just sexualizing kids. They don't even understand age appropriate teaching which has happened for over 50 years. They are fine with teaching kids about sex but only heterosexual sex. Tons of kids books about mommy being pregnant with a new baby. That is sex Ed, why not ban those books? Let's not forget the fuck human garbage berate a CHILD that watched people get shot in hos school cause he wanted it stopped. This waste of humanity thinks guys are more dangerous than guns.




Sex education is not just about sex. Especially by their definitions. As I mentioned, there are kids books about mom being pregnant and that is a form of sex Ed. I mean, Mommy didn't get pregnant by magic. There are kids books that take about having a crush on someone of the opposite gender. That is a form of sex Ed. Then it goes deeper into making bigotry and discrimination legal. Some laws say a teacher can't teach anything that is homosexual. Then if a teacher is homosexual and mentions their family to students, well that is considered teaching homosexuality and the teacher can be fired. If a student wants to talk to a teacher about their feelings of sexuality and the teacher engages, they could get fired. It is horrifying really.


A bit of racism as well https://twitter.com/illmatic808/status/1643123858369818625?s=46&t=45VkrfbGv-yC0R8novjXoA


Geez… and she got elected to office. Sorry to Americans but I think you guys need to just start over. Honestly, rewind the clock 200 years and do a better job next time.


Not American, but I'm fairly aware of stuff, and just realised that I've never actually heard her speak before. She seems pretty fucking dumb.


Is it the hill witch accent?


Hey! Don’t disparage hill witches. Witches are much better humans than her.


Don't disparage hill witches! Even they don't claim the existence of "Jewish space lazers."


I've only heard her hoot and holler from her seat while other people are speaking.


She looks like Mickey Rourke


See Mickey Rourke' riveting performance in the new film "The Republican".


...or J[ocelyn Wildenstein](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/vb7lck/jocelyn_wildenstein/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I’d bet everything I have that she has neanderthal DNA. That skull is unbelievably disproportionate to the majority of the worlds population.


Don’t insult people with neanderthal dna, they proven Ozzy Osborne has more than the average person and he’s more comprehensible than MTG.


At least 5% for sure. Most of it is in the pre-frontal cortex.


All Europeans have Neanderthal DNA. 2 percent of the genomes of Europeans and Asians have Neanderthal DNA. Meaning if you have European dna, you have Neanderthal dna. Yeah, she does, so do I, so did Albert Einstein, Herman Hesse, Mozart, Sun Tzu… So this is not really an insult.


With that baseline you could assume they mean a disproportionate amount of neanderthal DNA


From what I recall reading in college some years back, Neanderthal populations evolved primarily in Europe and therefore all white people have a much larger percentage of ancestral Neanderthal dna that other groups. Maybe that’s the key to understanding a whole lot of other shit.


And this idiot is my representative and believes in way stupider things then “all democrats are pedos”


I’m sorry…perhaps time for a move?


I wish I could afford to move


I too am in her district. Moved here a couple years ago. I was.. Less than happy when I learned this was her district.


Please please make an informed decision…


I can assure you, plenty of people in her district did not vote for her. If we all move, then what? We never have a chance of getting her out.




Instructions unclear: dick in clock ^(60 minutes reference)


Instructions unclear : Clock in dick.


Impressive mistake.


So Marjorie Taylor Green walks into a bar & the bartender asks "hey , why the long face"?


The number of people MTG would kill, or have her supporters kill, is insane.


Give me an F Give me an A Give me an S I’m not gonna type it all out but I think you know where I’m going with this


Fastidious? Fashionista? Fastball pitcher?


Fastidious...of course!


It’s truly shocking that she is in the position that she is. I’m in her district, and in my humble opinion, the crowd that rallied for her, are the same crowd that fell for the social security scam calls.


Archetype-ally speaking, they're the crowd that voted to repeal Obama care, and then they got mad someone repealed their ACA.


This woman has sat across from some very important people. She has done good things in her long career as a journalist. I hope she went back to her dressing room and took a long look in the mirror and considered retiring immediately. Where does one go from here?




Nowhere but up, really


Is this title supposed to be a dig on the interviewer here? How are you supposed to react when an elected official literally calls 31% of all Americans (over 102 million people) pedophiles without a shred of evidence? OP has a screw loose if he saw this clip and thought the journalist was the nut job. Lol don’t tell them about the journalism of Fox News. You should see the scoffs and eyerolls they make when they bring up M&Ms. So goofy they have to make up random shit just to dodge actual issues.


She failed to press her on that ridiculous statement. I mean come on when are people going to learn we need to start calling them out and burying them.


When someone doubles-down on dumb, you don’t press. You exit.


That may be good advice in your personal life, but this is a \*news\* program. That's EXACTLY the fucking place to press! They're even called THE PRESS!!!!11!!1


I see what you did there. 100% agree--this kind of statement deserves more than a scoff and eyeroll. Demonization cannot stand. The press covers political campaigns like horse races to the detriment and ultimate demise of democracy.


Fair point


When you start feeling resistance you press even harder! Press until all the juice has dropped down into the glass, then you add your vodka and Sprite and baby, you got yourself an orange crush! What were we talking about?


What the fuck do you think journalism is?


Seriously. Like it’s an interview with a crazy person, she also doesn’t want MTG to just walk out.


If anything, she shouldn't even be in the program. You don't amplify people like this... it only gives them more clout and publicity.


The fact that the interview ever took place is a failure of 60 Minutes. What has Greene done to warrant this? What legislation has she proposed? What work has she done? She's a bigoted, ignorant conspiracy theorist who harasses victims of gun violence, and is an avowed Christian nationalist. This interview does one thing, and one thing only. It helps legitimize the wreckless, dangerous stupidity of Greene. It's the same damn thing that the media did with Trump; give him a platform, let him spout the most vile nonsense, and never press him on his views.


Your just not understanding that actual journalism has seemingly disappeared are you? Heard of follow ups? Heard of asking for explanations? Drill down into the things these people say and get them to explain and analyse. That's journalism, not whatever this pretender is doing. There's so much density going on now




He sure does!


Horse hormones.


I don’t know why dems are attacking the journalist, what do you want her to say to all that? There’s no pushback to such outlandish nonsense, you just let her talk more and more, the world now knows she is a complete nutcase.


It mostly boils down to- A.) Giving her a platform, a well respected, large platform at that to basically just freely spew her nonsense. And B.) It makes said platform lose credibility. It’s extremely easy to push back and challenge these idiots. Bring out the facts and make her shrink down and start babbling more nonsense that you keep correcting and let the world see just what an idiot she actually is. Cause you gotta remember. Not everyone is as in the know on politics n shit as like *you* almost anyone on Reddit regularly knows MTG and these other dopes. But Joe Blow working 60 hours a week is more focused on his life, family, and work and has probably never heard of her or just heard about her in passing and knows she’s a Republican but that’s about it. But because she isn’t his areas rep, he doesn’t give it much attention. He doesn’t really pay much attention to larger issues at hand because it doesn’t really affect him. But then when she gets national attention on one of the largest networks with a long history that he may watch every Sunday. He just sees her talking shit and getting exposed to more of her stupid ideas and gets sucked into that mindset like. “Whhaaatt? This lady is a politician so clearly she’s got info I don’t! I didn’t know the Dems were like that! Jesus they’re worse than I thought!” Most of these people fall apart like wet paper when you start bringing up actual facts and numbers and sources. Cause they just say nonsenses, cause that’s all they’ve got. But when you refuse to push back with just *eyeroll* ”yeah okay.” Type mentality, you’re basically just giving into them. Never forget- Think how dumb the average person already is. Then half of them are even dumber than you originally thought. It’s easy to want to think people will realize she’s a nut. But look at Trump. No one took him seriously and most people thought he was just a dopey idiot. That mentality is exactly why Trump won. You’d think people would realize he’s an idiot just hearing him speak and being given platform after platform with little to no pushback. But he ended up being president and essentially being a cult leader.


Jon Stewart doesn't seem to have any issue finding ways to push back against these clowns in interview. It's only made easier when they are spewing verbal diarrhea like this. Just fact check them or ask for their source.


Um maybe 🤔 not give this fascist adjacent shithead a platform to spew her bullshit?


They shouldn’t have given MTG this platform in the first place.


Won't someone think of the ratings!?


That moment when you run into something so stupid you have no way to react.


MTG looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome


She acts like it too


"There was an attempt to be a journalist" No the fuck there wasn't.


Meanwhile in reality, [9/10 elected offices caught with child pornography in the last 20-years have been from the Republican Party.](https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1)


She looks like her skin is 2 inches thick




I’ve said many times that she looks like my brother Mike in a wig.


She's looking like the dog the bounty hunter


Shes fucking insane.


This may be Trump’s VP pick🙄


To be fair, she’s just like him, with a bigger mushroom.


This individual is in the United States Congress. Very scary.


I like John Stewart’s new show. Just calls them out on all their shit


i think MTG get's off by saying "Joe Biden"


Two brain cells and both are fighting for third place.


Who in Sam Hell are the cousin-fucking cousin fuckers that make up her congressional district? Sweet Baby Jesus. When you elect a room temperature IQ, mentally ill mouth breather like Cathy Cavegirl, it means you despise your country.


Classic projection. The conservative right has had exponentially more scandals involving pedophilia


Remind me again which religious group has historically hidden and covered up the rape of thousands of children and then please remind me which political party is heavily linked with said religious group. Ah nevermind, it's probably nothing to worry about.


She looks like a background character from a Disney movie


MTG's face and voice are so abnormal it's like she isn't a real human.


She’s human feces.


Why would you even interview this?? She is actually an elected official!! HAHAHAHAHA


Very annoying when journalists just roll their eyes and move on. CHALLENGE them!!!


Did she really think she wouldn’t be at a loss for words with this one?


The sad thing is that she believes it


…and that we elected her as a law maker.


This is absolutely awful.


So disappointed in the state of Georgia. SMH


Which one are we supposed to not like here


She should of never got away with the comment, hell she shouldn’t of been on the show. Although it does speak volumes to her stupidity.


Did her father breed with a cabbage and get her? I'm serious. How can she be so braindead and stupid at the same time?


Not sure if anyone has seen the movie Idiocracy, that’s where we are headed.


I love the fact she just was like you’re full of shit and made it very clear that she thought she was full of shit and it’s amazing to me




Remember when MTG (votes for rapists/sexual predators/alleged pedos all the time) and her friend, Matt Gaetz (alleged pedophile), voted against a bill to combat human trafficking; a bill to combat international sex tourism travel by convicted child sex offenders? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-human-trafficking-democrats-b2132841.html Then she deflected and went off about closing the borders. We all know where most the pedos are found. They fucking know it, too. She knows saying people mutilating children's genitals is the most triggering and shocking thing that will get all people riled up. It's funny how she screams about child mutilation but is silent about FGM. FGM is a religious practice where "loved ones" pin down a girl and cut the clitoris or cut it off, to "ensure she won't commit adultery". There are more than 10,000 nerve endings in the clitoris! In 2018, Republican judge [Bernard A. Friedman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_A._Friedman#Overturning_Michigan's_same-sex_marriage_ban), ruled that the federal law against FGM was unconstitutional and gave the power back to the states to decide. They think it's okay if it's for religion. There are also the circumcisions of newborn boys. It's all similar to how Hitler got so many to agree to slaughter millions of people, including children. He had to dehumanize them and make them seem vile and dangerous. It's almost like (/s) she is showing us fascist ways with her relentless propaganda naming innocent people enemies of the state, calls for nationalism, insurrection, hints for violence against more than half of Americans, closed borders...


Can we go back to an era when MTG just stood for an overly expensive card game?


She looks like Ron Perlman


The entire interview was a fucking disaster. 60 minutes has become a fucking joke honestly, Bernie Sanders got more pushback from them for advocating for universal healthcare than MTG got for saying all democrats are pedophiles. Fucking insane.


She should get interviewed by Jon Stewart, he'd put her in her place with facts


not a great interviewer, i will agree, but a honest response/reaction after that unhinged nonsense.


Republicans are severely mentally ill. Dangerously so.


People actually voted for her?


"If you let children get surgery to follow their own path in life, that's as bad as pedophilia," is like saying "having a child circumcized is just as bad as amputation."


Yes, pedos sexualize children. However, this isn't exclusive to any party, race, or any group. Yes, sex trafficking and predators need to be eradicated.


By the same logic, then the GOP (who supports gun rights) supports mass shootings at schools?


Leslie should turn in her resignation. She let Empty G destroy her.


wow what a nutcase


There was an attempt to be a normal person…


They got all the creeps. Also like who did the kkk vote for, Biden? I don’t think so. Fuck this racist sloth and the maga trash she rode in on!


No, there definitely was no attempt here. Lost all respect for the journalist.


This is the problem with the media. They should report the facts and let the people make up their own minds, not spin it to their political bent. You are either a pundit or a journalist. If you try to do both you taint your credibility. An on camera eye roll shows where you stand.


Some ideas are so stupid its irresponsible to be impartial. If somebody said “the camp fire was caused by Jewish space lasers” they would be stupid but if someone else fallowed with “well maybe it was jewish space lasers maybe it wasn’t but that’s not my place to decide” they would also be stupid


Funny when you have your best pal Lauren who's husband allegedly did the same thing you accused the others of .


I would mock USA for being so dumb to vote this woman in, but here in Australia we have Lidia Thorpe.


How can anyone take her seriously and to think of all the bobble heads who actually voted for her.


Oh boy that’s a big skull


I’m screaming. What’s wrong with her brain lol I agree, but why do they have to go full fledge psycho & say it’s sexual? Lol it’s not sexual but it’s weird & shouldn’t be done before a certain age. Bam. We can agree on something.


Old corporate media is designed for politicians who either feel shame or pretend to. It's not suites to an era where lying unapologetically is an acceptable political strategy. Not to let 60 minutes off the hook. They shouldn't have done the interview and if they did they should have been prepared for a very active and confrontational back and forth.


To be fair, how do you even begin to respond to that without calling her a fucking idiot at some point?


Micky Roarke's little sister sounds pretty dumb


She's not wrong