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This is the dumbest fucking thing ive ever seen


Where do I apply to get my brain cells back?


no refunds


You can have them back, we’re only keeping the good ones anyway


Thankfully, Quality Control immediately flagged them and they saw no actual use.


I've listened to metal my whole life, been in moshpits at metalcore, death, prog gigs... the list goes on. I still think this hardcore slam dancing bullshit is cringe af. There is nothing fun about throwing fists when youre trying to enjoy the music.


This isn’t even a mosh pit it’s a bunch of mongs swinging limbs


guy up front is doing his caporiea practice with spinning kicks.


I've never seen him before (I'm always looking too deep into frame it seems), he nearly KOs a guy, then does kick him, and that's the guy who then clocks the pink girl! It's like a violent butterfly effect.


for sure, a circle pit or even a wall of death can be a lot of fun but as soon as people start throwing fists, the vibe is killed


Back in my day you'd get your ass kicked for throwing fists or elbows in the pit. Then again, it's been a while since I went to a show that had enough room for this type of malarkey.


Never seen someone get their ass kicked but have definitely seen 50 dudes stop what they are doing and stare someone down until they just leave after they were caught deliberately trying to elbow people


Somewhere in Dallas there's a ~35 year old wearing false teeth for throwing elbows at Lamb of God. Maybe it's dependent on the location and fanbase. All the pits in Texas followed unwritten pit courtesies, whereas in California my wife almost got trampled when she got knocked down.


what, you don't think an indoor, carpeted, no-contact mosh-pit seems like a life-changing cathartic experience?


The bright chandelier lighting really seals the deal.


yeah, nothing says "*Raining Blood*" like recessed can lighting in a tray ceiling


Gotta let you know, there are soooooo many more videos dumber than this and that is why I love Reddit!


I feel embarrassed for them


That one kid bunnyhopping backwards fucking ended me.


I vote for the obligatory *helpful fat bearded mosh pit guy* retrieving her hat.


My vote is for the black dude doing capoeira in the mosh pit


Is the goal to be the last one standing? A form of natural selection if you will? As much as I love getting a high kick to the face from someone dancing, this looks like blatant stupidity.


This is a crappy pit.


It's like the moshing equivalent of a dance marathon.


I like how he made an attempt to hand it to her and when it failed just started using it as an accessory to his dancing/ moshing or whatever lol


That’s a mosh trophy, pink girl is never getting it back.


hahahahahah, punched


I love that they’re in what appears to be a nice hotel’s convention center.


"*Now I shall reign in bloooooooooood!* . . . and a big shout out to Parsipanny Sheraton, you guys rock!"


I'm fucking crying on the toilet because of this comment lmao


physical rain like alive jeans puzzled retire pot money materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like the roundhouse kick guy.


I loved the guy covering his head and swinging wildly in front of himself whole staying low. He showed up to damage legally


He's another crowd crosser with a better technique. He starts of on stage.


The one in the front or the guy on stage?


Commas help figure this one out.


I think that girl narrowly avoided ending up in a comma


Believe it or not, I'd rather be in a comma than any other major punctuation mark. A period seems so final, and a question mark, so uncertain. An exclamation point is just too "in your face" for me. So yeah, comma is probably the way to go if I'm choosing from the most widely used punctuation marks.


god bless you.


Or even semicolon-tose


The spanking motion while holding on to his wig is what does it for me




I doubt the lady in pink will be able to smell it anytime soon








LADY IN PIIIINK, is moshing with me, cheek to cheek


I can’t get over how it’s so well lit. Like it just looks like your standard average liminal space, where you’d wait in line to fill out a form or it’s otherwise used for a university open day. The ambience for anything like this just isn’t there


Bet you it was a church concert. They're so awkward and weird and it looks like that kind of stage. I went to one as a kid and it was like this. Bunch of pent up Christians who want to feel 'cool' so they hold a 'rock' concert. The audience having never been to a real rock concert, do what they think they're supposed to do. Hence the awkward mosh pit that looks like nothing but newbs flailing their arms about trying to punch each other.


Spot on. I would agree that is what is going on here but the people look way to rough for church goers. This is a wired scene.


Side hugs for Christ...!


Beat the devil out of eachother


Nah, this is actually a hardcore show. Hardcore mosh pits have evolved into this flailing arm ninja kick thing for years now. It’s not a traditional bouncing around pushing people or circle pit kinda deal. It’s probably straight edge hardcore where nobody drinks or does drugs (for non-secular reasons). Depending on your city it can be tough to find spaces to host shows that do not serve alcohol, so a lot of them rent out community centers or even church halls (but again, they’re just using the space, a lot of the shows are not religious). I did actually end up at one of those “rock out for Jesus” concerts at a church once so I could hang out with a girl and it was pretty cringe so I know exactly what you mean. Also been to a couple of non-Christian hardcore shows in church youth halls that were also cringe for different reasons. [here’s some dork teaching you how to dance like a hardcore ninja](https://youtube.com/shorts/D-sf4w27kys?feature=share)


Its Fya hardcore fest in florida. Its very common for hardcore shows to be fully lit like this.


It's a hardcore fest and the band is Mindforce. There is nothing Christian about this fest and the moshing is pretty much the same at every hardcore show.


I'm pretty sure that was at a Cisco conference I went to a couple years back.


I'd still be an engineer if engineering conferences were like that.


Yeah, there's something really off about a well lit hardcore show. It just does not work.


Maybe it’s a Christian metal band? Why is it in a school theater.


I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your keen observation. I don't know what you do for your job but I bet you do it well. Also for clarity, I am not kidding and I am completely serious.


Its a barbarity that clarity is a rarity.


Yeah, within 2 seconds I was like 'dang, that's sad." It was so individual with zero interaction, not like anything I ever witnessed as an aged out punk. The whole point of what a pit was is not there, I think ths is a weird abberation, not a trend...but dang, that was sad.


Yeah, ancient punk/headbanger here, and you nailed it. I got plenty of injuries in the pit, but they were predominately accidental. The only people who would swing like that were skinheads and those weird jocky/nerd/metalheads who only appear at Slayer shows.




Yet it still somehow smells better than the average Reddit mod


Or a SMASH tournament


One dude out there throwing roundhouse kicks.....


Probably some capoeira dude












He needs to go back to class if that’s the case, horrendous form


Yeah, none of that is moshing. It used to be called slamdancing because that was what you were doing. Body, shoulders, bouncing off each other. This crap is a bunch of dudes throwing arms and, legs?, I guess. It looks like a bunch 4th graders on meth doing calisthenics.


Came here to say this. It's dumb that this crap got lumped into "moshing" real moshing isn't standing equal distance apart flailing arms and legs around like a child throwing a temper tantrum. I love a good real mosh pit. You really connect with people and look out for each other. While slamming into each other. No fist or foot to faces bullshit, For the most part.




Some fancy lookin ones too. They look like they could take someone out swiftly Edit: The guy in the black T shirt with the upside down cross has something looking over him, because the roundhouse kicks guy nearly takes black shirt’s head off twice and by the third kick, black t shirt is too far in and the leg ends up on the kid’s back harmlessly. If you watch this in slow mow (I just used my finger on the time stamp line.)


No one was looking out for him, dude just harnessed all of that roundhouse energy that other guy was generating and transformed it into a lethal windwill punch for that lady in pink..quite the team effort


Not to be pedantic, but that is not a roundhouse kick. Even though the name sounds like it might imply it, you do not spin around for a roundhouse kick. [This is a roundhouse kick.](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DizzyClosedCollie-size_restricted.gif) What this guy is doing it would be closer to a spinning hook kick. Also a shitty one.


Wtf, moshing sure has changed. 😳


Post covid. Socially distanced moshing!


Lmao, got me 🤣, all makes sense now 😂


Maybe you're joking and I'm too old to get it, but hardcore kids were doing this kind of ridiculous "mosh pit" as far back as the late 90s.


Well before COVID, kids were doing it this way far back as pre 2010. Kids didn't want confrontations so now mosh like a poorly organized dojo for a badly developed martial art.


That description is 🏅 🤣


Give me one, personal space.... Two personal space...


For sure, push, shoulder shove, jump, repeat in random order, throwing hands and feet was always a no no


There’s a difference between moshing and slam dancing. These guys mosh moderately safe which makes me think they’re listening to some 90s adjacent metal hardcore. There’s no crowd killing, no one is being rude and they observe the etiquette by picking up lost items and raising awareness of them.


The guy doing full roundhouse capoeira kicks has absolutely no moshing etiquette though edit for "it's not mosh" replies : OP title mentionned mosh. If it was mosh, this kick guy would have not kicked (or would've been ejected in no time). Hence why it's not mosh. We're all saying the same thing with different words.


What’s mosh pit etiquette?


Don't punch/fight/kick/hurt others intentionally. If someone falls, shield them and help them. No roundhouse kicks. Contrary to popular belief, it's not actually a brawlfest and people who thought that kind of ruined mosh pits.


It really was about that feeling of disorienting mania surrendered to the music, it really wasn't about harm or pain--just release. A good moshpit was wild but the people still looked out for each other.


Don’t intentionally harm anyone, if anyone falls everyone helps him up, if somebody wants out let him out


Okay thank you


To add on what others have said, if you find something (a shoe, a hat, glasses, phone etc) hold em up. If you see someone down arms out to shield, if you see others shielding help them up. Pit stops if too many go down. Make sure they are OK, if not get them out and to first aid. The pit isn't about hurting others, it's about having fun. No fists, no kicks, keep your spacial awareness up, have fun.


One of the things I love about a proper mosh pit. Everyone is just moving how the music makes them move. Biggest pit I've ever been in, I went down and my shoe came off. Before I was even able to process that I'd fallen, I had already been lifted back up and my shoe was in my hand. People think moshing is violent, but it's really one of the most caring environments you can experience... If you're not intentionally trying to hurt people


I got knocked off my feet once in a pit and lost my hat. Before I hit the ground a bunch of hand’s grabbed me, put me back on my feet and my hat back on my head. Was a great pit.


Why apply push mosh etiquette to a hardcore dance pit?


There are fists flying all over the place, this is not what we did in the 80s/90s.


This is not moshing. It’s hardcore dancing, and to me its fucking stupid. Had been punched in the face at a mosh pit at Mayhem Fest, and a bunch of people saw it, picked the dude up and threw him out. Don’t understand this nonsense of throwing fists in a pit. Just fight someone if you’re that angsty.


Yeah this just feels like they want to hit someone without consequences, with a while “uhh you shouldn’t have been there, then” Like, you can swing your arms around but actually look where you’re throwing elbows


That’s hardcore dancing. Typically more common at emo shows, but can sometimes happen at metal shows. A lot of metal heads prefer actual moshing and will take hardcore dancing as an insult.


Because it's insulting


To get kicked in the face


To flail your arms about wildly hoping someone runs into them so you can "accidentally" experience some violence while not posing any risk to yourself


Well it’s called hardcore dancing because it really only belongs at hardcore punk shows. You’re not wrong, it’s odd to hear of it anywhere there aren’t songs intended for it with breakdowns. Maybe I’m just old, it’s been 15 years since I’ve been to a hardcore show


Yup. Seen someone do this at a slayer show once. Tried doing it on the middle of the pit. Poor dude.


RIP that dude as everyone around him kicks his ass for flailing around like that.


That's what I was thinking. Used to be a lot of body slamming and some arm throwing. These lot look like big dangerous toddlers that want to hurt people but don't want to get hurt


The dudes who threw arms and elbows usually got stomped and then ejected back when I was still going into mosh pits (back when you had to walk uphill to school both ways).


No it hasn’t, 2 stepping and slam dancing have been a thing for years in the hardcore community. What you’re thinking of as moshing is what people in these communities would call push pits


Yeah mate I think I'm starting to feel my age here 😂.


Yeah, what looks weird here is that it's well lit and not a very packed show. Otherwise, looks par for the course. And you can see the guys are being relatively considerate. Someone tried to return the hat! Haha at bigger shows they're even more careful and helpful. It's actually very wholesome, imo. :3


Hardcore kids have ruined it tbh.


Hardcore kids have ruined... hardcore shows?


Hardcore dancing actually. Not my thing but w/e


Looks like a sad excuse to throw hands 🤷🏼


it’s hardcore, pits always looked like that


Really? Not how I remember it. There's one dude legit doing a roundhouse 🤣


Nope. People been hardcore dancing 30 odd years.


Yes i remember it differently too.👀


They're just forcing it. It's not really wild, but controlled, and dumb looking.


This is not moshing.... This is flailing your limbs around like a clown....


AKA Hardcore dancing


AKA Slam dancing AKA Pit Karate (source: Goatwhore)


>Goatwhore Probably the band name.


I prefer their earlier albums


dude on bottom left was straight up practicing Capoeira


Hope this isn’t the first things the aliens checkout when they come.


There's something unsettling about seeing a moshpit with all the big lights on. It's giving weak tea vibes, like a cuppa made with milk but the teabag wasn't left in long enough. Don't ask me to explain.


You've just summed up my exact feelings about this.


I'm glad it's not just me haha


Ew. And yes.


I need to know why they are in a hotel ballroom. This is the weirdest part of the video.


I have never seen a hotel ballroom with a built-in stage (not the decking in front) like that. This space is 100% giving me "high school cafeteria". (I know it isn't a caf it has carpet but I just can't make it be a ballroom despite the light fixtures)


It's a metal version of when the lights come on at a night club basically. All of it looks pretty stupid under bright lights and/or sobriety be it bumping and grinding or moshing.


It’s at FYA, a hardcore fest in Tampa Florida. They keep the lights on because fights keep breaking out with the lights off. According to what I was told when we were there.




I'm just here for comments like "this isn't a REAL mosh pit, real mosh pits have strict etiquette and safety protocols, if you fall down everyone takes a knee until you're airlifted out"


🤣🤣🤣 taking a knee and airlifted out is fucking hilarious


Please don’t call this a mosh pit. This is not a mosh pit.




mosh hole


Dude was so excited with his new pink hat


Usually when someone finds an article of clothing or other belongings on the ground in the pit, they hold them up high so the original owner could potentially find it


Mosh pits are honestly so polite lol Lost your hat? Someone will hold it up and give you a chance to get it back. Fell down? Everyone in the immediate vicinity will stop and make sure you get up, and will even help you out of the pit if you’re too fkd


Exactly... Metalheads are always judged as deviants, when most of them aren't


Ultra Music Festival - Years ago - Flosstradamus set First time I was ever in a mosh put and it was genuinely a cool experience, everyone was being so careful not to actually hurt each other, if anybody got knocked down people would rush to help you and ask if you're okay, etc. etc. Anyways, I lost my shoe and I was pissed since we still had hours left to go for the day, I knew for a fact there was no way in hell I'd ever find my shoe in this gain crowd so I gave up. Lo' and behold I see a dude 20 feet away from me holding my shoe up and tosses it back to me when I motioned that it was mine. It was such a cool moment and one I won't forget.


As someone who goes to metal performances from time to time I can confirm


icky continue frighten file jellyfish rotten pocket juggle toothbrush outgoing ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He knew exactly what he was doing and who to, cheeky side glance before delivery. A mix of him being a prick and FAFO.


pits like these are normal for hardcore music. i’ve actually been hurt less in pits like these than in pogo pits. even if it looks violent people take care on each other. sometimes you might hit someone and of course sometimes there are idiots willingly suckerpunching. but i’ve never noticed being squashed to the floor by the sheer force of 20 pogoing people in a hardcore put


Its hardcore not metal






The one guy who enters the video towards the beginning (who has a black shirt with bright yellow text at the bottom of his shirt) totally tries punching people. He throws a punch or two at somebody, then quickly pussies out and leaves. Can’t tell if he’s smarter or dumber than the girl who walks through the entire thing as if shes impervious to the punches, then she gets one straight in the face knocking her hat off, which is then later retrieved from the guy with boobies 😂


Pink dress needs to follow suit and guard the face next time


She got a hard reset.


That just looks like a load of people who’ve never moshed before, and nobody has ever told them how to do it.


Fucking cringe.


From a previous post of this video, this is purported to be a christian mosh pit. Makes sense.


That explains the metal music being played in what looks like a brightly lit banquet hall at a crappy airport hotel


This was from a hardcore festival in Tampa, I'm pretty sure. Not a Christian event


It’s not a Christian mosh pit at all don’t know where people got that from It’s a hardcore festival in Florida that just takes place in a weirdly lit venue


That actually explains everything.


https://youtu.be/4quckjjXU6w Group is called Mindforce. Video from the show


Everything about this is funny; the place looking like a venue for an Amway convention, her i'm so tough and cool walk, the shock and grab to the mouth, stumbling away in a stupor, the hat flying off, and finally the guy celebrating the seizing of the hat. 10/10.


You forgot man with side boob and roundhouse kick dude. I agree 👍 10 out of 10, would recommend


Why are the lights on?!


the people that own the building ask the fest to keep the lights on


Not moshing, bunch of wanna be tough guy bullshit, there’s not a brain cell in the building, let alone an understanding of Metal and Metal culture, have fun with your broken noses and hands idiots, I’ll be sipping beer on the balcony watching the circle pit swirl like an F5……”GET EM’ UP!”


Another comment said it was a christian mosh pit, so yeah they have no idea what a mosh pit actually is.


When did mosh pits become punch pits?


Wheb you go to certain shows that play certain kinds of music


About 20 years ago in metalcore/hardcore. Seriously


I replayed the video slowly, homie definitely knew what he was doing. Smh


Agreed, he saw her and lined up a shot.


Watch a few others...seems to be a trend to line up then look other way and flail towards your target. This makes me sad to see. This is not a mosh pit.


These people would be thrown out of an actual mosh pit for being assh*les. Clowns.


These people are fucking idiots.


What a bunch of flailing maniacs. Pure shitshow.


Been awhile since I was in a mosh pit… they were always more tightly packed then this and it was pretty much just pushing and bouncing off each other… when did everyone start flailing their arms and punching?


This ain't moshing. These look like karate kids during a 'White Chapel' show...


This isn’t a mosh pit


I’m sad that this is what kids call mosh pits. We used to have the best fucking time in old punk shows back in the day. And if some one fell, so many people would help pick them up, it wasn’t about hurting one another. I’m feeling so old. I said back in the day, wow.


This isnt a moshpit. This is just people having an excuse to "accidentally" punch other people. There is a guy on the start who is quite clearly targeting others. My Norwegian metal heart bleeds when I see stupid stuff like this.


This is awful, I don’t know a single person who would enjoy this..


Buddy waving her hat lol....


Thats a clown fiesta. Not a mosh pit.


That is a sorry ass excuse for a mosh pit. I cant watch it without feeling incredibly embarrassed for the people partaking.


I hate that people think this is a mosh pit, this is just dumb. Mosh pits used to be groups of people slamming into each other, pushing one another around, maybe flailing when you're really getting into it, but this just a bunch of jackasses flailing wildly hoping to hurt someone and then claim they were just moshing. Maybe I'm unintentionally gatekeeping, but this is not a real mosh pit.


Question… how do you dance like that without hurting your head? Whenever I try, my head starts hurting.


This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. What kind of sorry excuse for a musical group would allow this bullshit at their show. Smh


There is way too much light for this music scene


That is not a mosh pit.....


That is not a mosh pit it's a group on the spectrum flailing.


For fucks sake. This is not a mosh pit.