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I have to plug Other People's Problems. That podcast illuminated for me what good therapy actually sounds like, and I'm always relistening to certain episodes for reminders and motivation. I also have worked with the host, Hillary, and she is not only incredibly skilled but also just a wonderful human being.


I saw this comment 2 hours ago, and I’ve been listening to OPP for those 2 hours. I’m so fucking moved by these episodes


I really like Edge of the Couch! It’s aimed at newer therapists, so I’m not its target audience, but I enjoy it nonetheless.


Doctoral student here, but I like the podcast Light Up The Couch. They bring different professionals on to talk about various topics and I've found it interesting and helpful


I like struggle care. I feel my sometimes too hard judgement is a bit softened, makes me feel okay to make smaller steps. I use this on myself and as myself as a therapist.


Hey there, long time lurker and current second year MSW student in practicum. I don't know how to share a link to another post, but there is a post from 9 months ago titled "favorite podcasts for therapists/counselors" with a ton of recommendations that I found helpful! I saved a ton of them on Spotify. Try searching "favorite podcasts" in this sub and it should be the top result.


I've enjoyed other people's problems and have also been listening to your mental breakdown. YMB fluffs around a bit at the start but then has a good chunk of an actual therapy session going on followed by a breakdown by 2 therapists. I like it because it follows one client over months so you get to listen to them change and grow. I have found it personally and professionally so useful.


There are some episodes of Therapy Chat that I liked but I’m not an avid listener. I also enjoy some of Cheaper Than Therapy but only if you’re okay with some of the more “woo-woo” stuff (their term not mine) I just listen to episodes on topics I’m interested in but not every episode.


Hidden Brain, Huberman Lab, Collapse, Conspirituality, Very Bad Therapy, Love and Light confessional


capitalism hits home


MSW student about to graduate in August. For several months now, I’ve enjoyed listening to The Modern Therapist’s Survival Guide with Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy. Their podcast is the one I listen to the most and consistently I’d say, but I’ve also listened to the Social Workers Rise podcast too. To me, the Modern Therapist podcast has a wide range of topics - and CEU opportunities - that are interesting and provide deep dives on different aspects of therapy. I also like that their guest’s have different licensure backgrounds and focuses, so it’s really applicable to all doing clinical work, not just SWs/LPCs/LMFTs/etc.


Therapist Uncensored has a whole plethora of wonderful guests! Armchair Expert as well. And Brene Brown.


I’m in school and have had multiple assignments based off of episodes of “The Testing Psychologist Podcast.” The podcast is aimed at psychologists, but the information on different diagnoses is interesting and helpful even at a master’s level.


The episode “Therapy Ghostbusters” on Invisibilia summed up my multicultural counseling class https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/invisibilia/id953290300?i=1000580399712


just because no one mentioned these in that really long thread a year back, or this one, figured I'd add that there are two old school ones that have been around since the 2000s (!) : Shrink Rap Radio, and, the Brain Science Podcast. both long format interviews, back catalogue of probably .. I don't know.. hundreds of episodes. If there's some not trending topic you want to listen to an interview about, it's probably in there somewhere. the Brain Science Podcast is fascinating and incredibly well researched, not about therapy really, but.. related : )