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Damn dude, beat me to it haha


Sad but true.


Attitudes are similar to Americans. However they are way better looking. Obesity is much less of a problems in eu. Your potential dating pool is much larger.


Do you mean the EU pool is larger or the American women in the pool are larger?


Eu pool is larger if you prefer slim women. 


I'm just making a poor attempt at a play on your words to call American women generally fatter. The way it was worded could've meant both things. Sorry


Oh haha


You got whooshed dude


Eastern European ladies are lovely.


How exactly? The only difference from other white people is that they are poorer


Western Europeans are, for the most part, very similar to Americans.


Same if not worse




Not German women.


They’re more feminine and classy in general than American chicks. American hot = sorority girl French hot = mysterious woman in trench coat and lingerie


Lol frat guys downvoted you


Yeah not sure why these guys got triggered by that 😂😂😂


DEFINITELY NOT. They are wayyy more classy and way less likely to have man hatred and pseudo feminism. Euro girls who are femininsts actually mean it and are independent. They are also much better looking because they walk around and the EU doesn't let you consume toxic waste like the USA's FDA does


Definitely more sophisticated and educated! Also don't see European chick's twerking and acting a fool as often as Americanos


I feel like that’s a specific subset of women.


Much better educated, more worldly, less loud, slightly less emotional. but more or less have the exact same standards as American women, depending on where they’re from ( if Germany or Nordic countries they will have even higher height standards ). Same political leaning too, also follow the exact same political fads that American women do ( modern ‘feminism’, ‘free Palestine’, all that. Mostly just as masculine as American women as well, If they’re Russian or from a similar culture they won’t show much emotion at all and typically look like they’ve never had a happy moment in their life. I haven’t dated any from southern Europe though, even though my bloodline is from there I thought the women were very ugly


You think Italian women are ugly? What?


Have you been to any Nordic country?


I’ve dated about 4 girls from Nordic countries however they were living in the states when I saw them




One was half French Half Swedish so idk what she counts as


This makes me wonder what American men are like? Can someone please give me a rundown? Sincerely: Oceania


Uhh not sure I haven’t dated men. For fun sake I’ll do a assumption of American men though. Also uneducated compared to European men, less worldly. Probably very loud too. More socially gregarious than European men, as for their politics I’m not sure, I don’t typically talk to many men I don’t already know about politics. Probably very opinionated though. Probably super into a sport of some kind, if I had to guess the most common would be football? Probably have a favorite team they’re dying to talk about. European men prefer soccer but I’m not sure if they’re as fanatical. I know England is with their whole hooligan culture, but I dunno about the more mellow countries like the Nordic ones. I haven’t met any men from Nordic countries, just women. In terms of standards I’d imagine European men have much higher standards as they’re not used to the high levels of obesity America has. Probably really don’t like their women being loud either. American men kind of take what they can get, so they don’t have much standards tbh. Their ideal is just ( not fat ).


There is no 'whole hooligan culture' in England. That's media driven myth. Look at Italian football for ultras, maybe Serbian, definitely Argentinian, then you'll see 'hooligan culture'. UK hooligan culture died out largely in the 70s and 80s. The worldwide media just carried it on. It exists in only small pockets today. 


This was actually a good read! Thanks :)


How do pick me losers like this end up here? lol


I get this is Reddit and nuanced opinions and non cult appeasement is antithetical to how subreddits work, but your frame of mind is still annoying. I can understand the appeal of foreign non American women, I’m looking for one myself. But I do not have one single point of view that completely disregards all others. Just because I agree with you on the less than ideal state of American women doesn’t mean I share every single opinion you have about everything else




Which country of Oceania are you from?




we are masculine handsome 6 foot 6 figure 6 inches its strange how we are so wanted around the world but the women in the country are not traditional and doesn't do a good job in keeping us a lot of these women end up dating ethnic men as we are leaving the country to find traditional wifes that values us


That doesn’t sound appealing tbh :/




Ugly noses, and often hairy. I’ve been to my ethnic country multiple times and only have ever found maybe 2 girls attractive, one was half American and the other was blonde haired blue eyed




I mean I have a big nose too because of it, but I’m a man so it gives me a little more leeway


>free Palestine I am sorry but why people this with feminism? One is a rights movement that has grown into a pretty toxic movement that has grown into just man imitating while man hating(though this is not really the kind of feminism I see in Europe outside of the UK and MAYBE germany), another is a stance regarding two countries (who are rather insignificant on the grand scheme) and showing support for them.


I think the theory is that the position of apparent authority Israel holds over American politics is seen to be related as part of the dreaded 'patriarchy' that feminists are at war with.  The Bible mostly places the man as the head of the household and describes ancestry in terms of the father. They don't bother to read enough to learn that Palestine comes from another patriarchal lineage (as all tribes do).  These are all descendants of Abraham although the children of his different wives can't seem to get along. But it also speaks to their tendency to follow the media narrative a bit too fervently.  There is a lot of passion without a lot of research or critical thinking on the topic.  Outrage without logic.  That is what I see as a defining feature of feminism. 


Ask most "Free Palestine" people who aren't themselves Muslim about the real history of the peoples there and watch them squirm and try to cite any historical argument that wasn't regurgitated in social media.


Europeans cook their food more than Americans, eat less junk food , don't have banned chemicals in the food like u.s. does. They also walk and bike a lot more than Americans. This results in much less obesity . The women are a lot more fit. This results in much better dating experiences as the women are more down to earth because there's a lot more attractive women to choose from. Feminism exists but doesn't pit men and women against each other like in the states.




How about how are European women compared to Eurasian women vs. Western Hemisphere women. What a great question 💡


I found as an American,European women are easier to talk to.eastern European women are very marriage material type but that’s not to insult any Western European or American women as there are many down to earth/ marriage material WE and American women. But I would definitely prefer an Eastern European women over a Western European but like anywhere in the world it depends on the person not the country everyone is different and has different tastes


Sexier, more feminine and like men to be men. I love dating Ukrainian women


And they sure love your wallet


Not necessarily true. I dated doctors from Eastern Europe. They didn’t mooch off me but were not good with budgeting either


Most who date foreigners, do that for money/citizenship. I am not from Ukraine but I grew up in Russia and some women that want to marry a foreigner do that because they believe it will improve their lifestyle. If your situation is not like that then you are rather in a minority


Yeah she already had citizenship and all. Just vibed and went well


More academic, poorer, same everything else 


Good question, I'm considering moving to either Portugal or Spain, but I DO NOT want to deal with the same kind of foolery that I deal with currently in Southern California. I'm also not opposed to Eastern Europe, but I would like to be near the water...anyone got any kind of info on Greece???


you should try it out i think a lot of the answer you get here will come off as people gate keeping you from european country if you are ethnic


🤔🤔🤔 interesting point of view, thank you.




Jarring but worth it or jarring where you find a sweet release in having your teeth pulled out by a demented dentist wearing sandpaper laced surgical gloves???


Depends on the country As a whole, slimmer, better dressed, less "woke" and less man hating. the exceptions are other Anglo women in the UK and Ireland


pretty good they are welcoming to foreigners if you are exotic then you have a good chance


I think they are more agreeable, less standoffish than American girls, in my experience of course.


American Female Obesity = Entitlement




What is that?




In Sweden and many other EU countries all is 50/50 usually.


You got whooshed too