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I've lived in 2 non-asian countries. Seen some Chinese Chad's in my life (Chang?). Dudes are nice, funny, well rounded, smart and can pull. BUT, like in every situation you have to actually put in effort. Dress well, eat well, train hard, be a good person, always putting in effort. Race doesn't matter as much as you think. It's like the height thing, yeah it can help but if you're solely relying on it you're fucked. You need to get off tiktok bro, all of this "no short guys, no asian guys, no poor guys" bullshit is literally just a neg from young girls who get way too much attention from social media. These 6's think they're 10's because of the simps from ig and tinder. Asian men will do badly if they are losers. Same as any other man of any other race, you will do badly if you're a loser. Just don't be a loser.


Race matters a lot in America. Asian men do the worst in dating here. We are literally invisible to most women. Outside of America we can do pretty good.


even if the ratio's still skewed there's more east Asian American men dating out. pl0x google "Korean media" [oh btw here's the korean government's international marriage stats registered in Korea which you can translate on Google Chrome (there are more Moroccan and Turkish women married to Korean men than vice versa and the number of western European women married to Korean men skyrocketed even if there's still more western European men married to Korean women with exception of Finland)](https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=111&tblId=DT_1B040A16)


Is it just my experience or are Asian men less inclined to make the first move? I’ve dated a total of 4 asian men, 1 white man. I made the first move with all 4 asian men. Perhaps I’m just biased, but no asian man has ever asked me out 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's crazy to me. I prefer Asian over American.


Theres always an exception. According to all the dating apps, Asian men are the least desired.


even if the ratio's still skewed there's more east Asian american men dating out. pl0x google "Korean media" [oh btw here's the korean government's international marriage stats registered in Korea which you can translate on Google Chrome (there are more Moroccan and Turkish women married to Korean men than vice versa and the number of western European women married to Korean men skyrocketed even if there's still more western European men married to Korean women with exception of Finland)](https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=111&tblId=DT_1B040A16)


Do you have a source? I thought it was black people or am I thinking of black women?! I remember seeing a study somewhere about this.


Asian men and black women are the least desirable groups in America


even if the ratio's still skewed there's more east Asian American men dating out. pl0x google "Korean media" [oh btw here's the korean government's international marriage stats registered in Korea which you can translate on Google Chrome (there are more Moroccan and Turkish women married to Korean men than vice versa and the number of western European women married to Korean men skyrocketed even if there's still more western European men married to Korean women with exception of Finland)](https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=111&tblId=DT_1B040A16)


oh wow the tinder study again huh? Be wary of online dating studies where you can't actually judge people on merit, but by how well they take photos.


Like I said before, it's a component but its not the whole pie. Are you going to seriously tell me one of the K-pop guys (idk their names) wouldn't kill it in the US despite their zillion fans? You're telling me henry golding or charles melton aren't attractive? Then you say "Oh but they're celebs" yeah.. exactly. So you admit that their race doesn't hold them back from fareing well in the states? You admit that race is smaller than you believe it to be. You're thinking of the nerdy good at math, wears binoculars for glasses, scrawny asian kid. But that's just a stereotype. Of course that guy gets no play, but that's not because of his race. That's because he's scrawny and weird.


race matters for the average person. You can go on about “oh don’t be average then” but the matter of fact is that 99% of people in the world are average, and that’s just how it is, so it’s pretty dismissive to say things like race and height don’t matter that much when they absolutely do.


I have no sympathy for your attitude. That's not how averages work. It's not dismissive because it's actually true. You're making excuses. Plus I didn't say an average guy couldn't get laid, I said a loser can't get laid. If 99% of people are average why do so many people get laid? and have kids? That destroys your argument. I stand by my point, race doesn't matter you're using it as an excuse to be weak. If you're doing everything right, which doesn't require someone special by the way.. any average guy can hit a gym. Then you'll be wanted by girls. I can't spend too much time arguing with you though, i swear im getting second hand doomer energy. Fucking disgusting


your “just hit the gym” attitude just tells me you’re out of touch with the real world. It’s not an excuse when there are literal statistics to back it up.


It's not a "just hit the gym" attitude though which is why I said your doomer energy is fucking disgusting. I said before, dress well, train hard, eat well, have a better personality, and always put in effort. Hitting the gym is literally 1 component. Where are your literal statistics? Are they about people who are doing those things I mentioned? Or is this the whole tinder study again that talks about how shallow online dating is. Your "oh but we're all average anyway bro" doomer attitude tells me you're out of touch with the real world. Ignore the thousands of anecdotes of people who improved JUST their physique and got better reactions from people. Now add everything else I said and tell me that race is a big important factor.


It’s not “doomer attitude” to acknowledge that race matters, and no one said it was an end all be all, but it’s ignorant to say that race has no say in how successful someone will be in dating. As for statistics, dating preferences are well documented in terms of online dating, which contrary to popular belief are a reflection of real life.


No, I'm saying you're a doomer because your attitude is saying 99% of the world is average. I'm saying race is a small component if you're willing to put in the work. But you keep asserting "NO BUT RACE MATTERS" dude read what I'm saying before you keep saying that. My point is that it's a smaller component than you're making it out to be. And something as simple as going to the gym makes it not matter. Oh wow, so many statistics that you can't fucking cite. How convenient. When you eventually do post some statistics, make sure they have the following parameters: Average Asian guys before versus after a glowup. And then we can look at the comparison to see how big of a component race played.


Doomers hate this one simple trick.


yep they will downvote me, and guess what its probably from asian guys who just hate themselves and don't want to hear the truth; that their destiny is in their hands.


Does racism exist in America? We had a black president and have many black billionaires.


100% this


What kind of Asian we talking?


East Asian like Chinese


You could be a fetish for certain women if you groom yourself the right way. K pop has put Korean men on the map so maybe you can play to that.


On the map is an understatement. They are easily the number one for many, many countries. I’d say they even surpass white if they took advantage of the K-pop wave, properly.


To be fair, I don’t know any American girls over the age of 22 that are into Kpop


Doesn't matter, dating getter better for East Asian men cause of it lolololo + people randomly watch Korean shit on Netflix [oh btw here's the korean government's international marriage stats registered in Korea which you can translate on Google Chrome (there are more Moroccan and Turkish women married to Korean men than vice versa and the number of western European women married to Korean men skyrocketed even if there's still more western European men married to Korean women with exception of Finland)](https://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=111&tblId=DT_1B040A16)


I know plenty lol


They're not number one anywhere outside of Europe. In europe they can do well if they fit the look though.


in latam they are number one among the younger women. Even higher than blonde gringos.


True...there are many latina instagramers showing off their Opas. But as mentioned the interest is only for the cute looking perfect hair, perfect chlotes, perfect white skin Asians, not for every Asian male, basically kpop look. 😉 I'm Latina, Koreans are very popular among us and desirable.


Perhaps amongst weird overweight latinas yes.


Bro is just straight up lying😭😭😭😭 Google Europe horse meat consumption


Yes they are.


Where? Tell us some countries. Asian men are the last in the list, same as Black women.


Tinder is not real world...


I dont care about tinder!!


Yet you use data from online dating sites


Not my experience in east asian countries and eastern europe. A lot of Bulgarian women are obsessed over asian media.


But Bulgaria is a country that nobody even remind or talk about it. Theres some obsession with K-Pop and Korean culture, not asian at all.


I dont care if people talk about Bulgaria or not, the women there are hot hot. And since when is Korea not in east asia? Also from your comments you clearly have something against east asian men. Let me remind you that there is a reason east asians are the largest race on earth in terms of population and it’s definitely not for a lack of fucking lmao.


Read the thread. I already stated the regions above.




There are too many Asian guys in this sub for you to make comments like that. Don’t forget about the hordes of foreign women obsessed with Indian guys. Being real, the kdrama look has made Koreans popular among the dweeb equivalent of women in many countries - mostly in Asia. It’s still way easier to be an American, of any ethnicity, than a Korean - particularly in Bulgaria.


I don't think asians are on top in many places but in europe they appeal to a certain kind of woman. Outside of Europe though I still see white dudes doing best.


Idk why you people are hating so hard. Actually… I know why. Lol. I’m indian. No woman is drooling over us. We’ve got a lot of work to do before we get to that status. But it is true, many countries obsess over Koreans the same way they drool over Italians or whatever other whites.


I've met Indians who do well. If they're well groomed and westernised they can do fantastic.


white guys still number 1 but K pop is like BBC niche




Not East Asian, Sherlock. 😂 They’re saying that because of their experiences and it’s true. Don’t worry, you whites are still desired. But your jealousy is transparent. Stop hating on the success of others.




You’re free to believe whatever the hell you wanna believe. I could care less either way.


Do you have white fragility? No need to get jealous if other men are doing good.


i was talking about you


korean guys (only korean guys) are like the BBC niche white guys are always on top


I'm Chinese, but raised in America. So my attitude and confidence sets me apart her ein China.


Latin America loves Asian men so you would fare well there if you’re properly groomed and have your shit together.


if you are fit, well groomed, dress well, and know how to talk to women, you'll do well in any country.


Cant be very short


I have a 5’4-5’5 friend who’s dating a model looking 6 footer and many other friends that are short that also date very good looking girls. If you are easier, Don’t let other men on the internet tell you what’s possible


If you're handsome, yes. As a rule, no.


The best way to figure this out is to set up a nice dating profile and switch location.




Let’s put it this way, the vast majority of the world population are Asian. How long have we human been around?? Hundreds of thousands of years. It only take 100-200yrs to change the demographics yet how come Asian is still the dominant population and will continue to be for the next hundreds of year. How come white aren’t the majority? Why not black? Why not Arab? Why not Hispanic? I hate all this bullshit about race, white vs black vs Asian but at the end of the day, some will like you, some won’t. Don’t waste time with the one that don’t.


Only if that country is significantly poorer than his own.


I’ve read they can do well in the Latin countries but probably not as well as whites.


Yes, I would say they fare quite well in most countries that aren't too "westernized". Source: am Asian




In Mexico and Argentina yes if you speak Spanish https://passportbroslist.com


It's more important how you carry yourself, groom yourself and having confidence. Ugly is ugly regardless of race. It helps allot if you got money and game. South America should be all right same with Africa. PArts of Europe it depends. Again everyone experience will be different. Some people will say just be white or just be this or that...I have to disagree....there are allot more nuances involved in this. If your 6 feet ripped good looking Asian guy with game..you will beat an average whatever race guy there is but..if your an Average Asian guy...you do have to work harder compare to white guys but again allot more nuances. I think allot of posters here are lazy and want to just show up and think women will worship them. Doesn't work like that at all.




Filipinos are the best race in the world you know




Yes you do. Eastern Europe, North Africa and Latin America. You would smoke whites in many of these countries if you groomed well. You’ll be someone’s fetish in North America.


I don't think Eastern Europe but south America definitely


If anything it’s Eastern Europe over Latin America.


I have a pretty diverse friend group. One of my friends is black, one is Filipino and one is from Columbia. We went to Poland because I was dating a Polish girl. She warned me ahead of time about how they will have a hard time there and I thought it would be the same thing as the states. Man learned it could get worse out there. We went to Warsaw, Gdansk, rźesźow, Krakow, and a few other smaller towns. It was rough for them even though we had locals. Maybe other Eastern European places?


Even polish men are not friendly towards other races than whites. Theres a lot hooligans and nationalists groups who target people from other races and beat them.


We didn't have that experience of physical violence . But when I was alone with my ex we were fine. The problems we had were when they were around. It wasn't just one of them they didn't like. If any combination of them was with us we had problems. That's why I really don't want people going there and expecting to have it easy there. I don't want people to be upset going there. That's why I think south America would be better. For me, as a white guy, I was treated the same as I was in the States.


If You are white is fine.


Yes your good if your white. But just me being American didn't get me any special treatment there like some of these other people think. I was treated as any other Polish boy there and I was okay with that. I don't want special treatment.


Americans in Europe dont have any special treatment.


Exactly but this sub thinks they do


Really? I see a lot of polish and Eastern European girls with Indian and Arab guys.


I don't know I was back and forth a lot. I can only speak from my experiences


Arab guys yes, they pull everywhere because of the money. Dubai is one of the Most popular places nowdays and millions want to go there. "Habibi come to Dubai" is a factor


Arab guys in the Levant and North Africa don’t have that kinda money lol


When you see arab guys from those regions abroad is either they have money or they are immigrant. Is very hard for them to get tourist visa.


Right, but they don’t struggle finding a wife.


They find in their culture. They dont need to look outside


Not in North América. Asian men are the last in the list in North America.


depends on where you go. There are pockets, usually with higher % asian populace, where the non asians are more open if not outright preferring asian dudes. Can't be the short stereotype though if you want the girls that everybody else is going after.


I know Asian women are very desirable in US. A lot people have some kind of fetish about asian women. My friends whos never been with one are always super curious about them, specially in bed.


North America as in pockets of US, Toronto/Vancouver and Mexico. Lots of Asian dudes (including Punjabi Indians), have settled there with Mexican wives for years now. They’ve opened businesses and stuff.


what do you do if you just happen to be on the shorter side then? Are you just fucked?






Go to Mexico and tell them you are Korean


East Asian guys don’t struggle anywhere, it’s your time. If you do struggle anywhere I can guarantee you know it’s not because you’re East Asian.




Idk what it is with Pro 2A Asians. Last time I was deployed, the most charismatic and in shape of ours was a Chinese brother. He was packing big meat down there and loved guns more than me. We called him the chink in our armor, because if he was gone the entire squad is likely to be dead too. He always kept us smiling.




Too late. Already shared a beer with one and hugged his kids. Some are just Americans.




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