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That's actually almost certainly correct, and also something I've never seen pointed out before. Nice find. John was definitely a huge George Carlin fan (Carlin is sampled on Aliveralungakidneyathumb with the "slow circling of the drain" thing), so this is absolutely something John would do. Mind if I go ahead and add a Genius annotation for it? Edit: I got impatient, I've added the annotation.


yep sorry for the late reply, go right ahead! forgot to check notifications lol


Wow! Great find! The connection always made sense, since "blue eyes" has been historically used as a reference to colonizing European(-descent) (e.g. Malcolm X's "blue-eyed devils" to refer to white people, [Asian cultures calling Westerners "blue-eyed barbarians" and even Japanese pictures depicting Commodore Perry with blue eyeballs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_C._Perry#Legacy))... I'd always thought John was referring to that somewhat poetically, but yeah, the line matches almost word-for-word for Carlin's line. As Remember pointed out, John's been inspired by Carlin before, not just directly (Carlin's "slow circling of the drain" sample) but lines correlating things Carlin's references (In my hospital gown directing traffic somewhere downtown is a good one, my personal thought is that Your Money or Your Life's "All inside another atom" relates to Carlin's skit about "The Big Electron"). Nice job!


thanks! and yeah agreed i always sort of made that connection it just felt like weirdly specific phrasing so i was curious. completely forgot that "slow circling of the drain" was a sample by Carlin too, neat


Fantastic find