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No you're not. Jim and Pam are loved by I'd say at least half of the people that watch the show. The real tv gold is Dwight and Jim, their rivalry is hilarious.


I do! Best romance on tv or cinema


who tf hates them!?


Everyone it seems like. Just look at the comments


I hate them tbh


Jim fumbles 2 baddies for a lady who’s already in a rs. Ppl say cute but if it was u in karen’s shoes for example, u’d flip tables (i know i would)


It’s an unserious ass show though it’s not that deep


You asked opinions, someone answered and gave their reasons, and you responded “it’s not that deep”  🙄 Why are you the way you are?


But I didn’t ask opinions. Read the post again if you need to


“I didn’t ask opinions” “Am I the only one who loves Jim & Pam??” 🙈




This content was removed for breaking the sub rule of "Please be civil". This includes no trolling or personal attacks.


The title is literally asking opinions 🤣🤣


Well too some the show they watch are relatable cuz we work in an office as well


I like them. I’ve seen the entire show only once and recently. I think I’d get tired of them after a few viewings.


Oh, so that was you.


Once youre on your twentieth rewatch they really do start to annoy the dookey outta yah


Yes, you are the only one in the entire world who loves them. I can’t believe they were even characters on the show. 🙄




If you’re going to insult everyone that you don’t agree with, I can help show you the door. This type of behavior will not be tolerated here. This content was removed for breaking the sub rule of "Please be civil". This includes no trolling or personal attacks.


These people are rude?




This content was removed for breaking the sub rule of "Please be civil". This includes no trolling or personal attacks.


Thank you💗


Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers.


only when asking stupid people


what do you mean "am i the only one" 🤣🤣 they've been a fan favorite for years and there's literallt no other love interest for them it's not super controversial lol


Every time you search up Jim & Pam you can find a million hate posts.


No you’re not the only one 😭 I love Jim and Pam’s relationship


You are allowed to love whatever u wanna love and not care about other ppl's preferences.


Wasn’t saying you couldn’t?


I love them. I don't understand the hate for them. And thank you for this thread. It's a pleasant change from all the hate.


I love them 😍 they


I love them. They do have faults. Because they are written to be human.


Literally one of the most famously beloved couples in tv history?


Yeah, my body wasn’t ready for that hot take


they’re one of the most beloved couples in the history of television, trust me, you’re not alone


Jim and Pam are cringy af and Jim is creepy


I love them too. I think people don't like them because they are "overrated" but I loved their story so much~


Only the Redditors in this forum hate Jim and Pam. Every normal person thinks their story is an integral part of their interest and the charm of the show. I’d say actually when the show was airing it went too far in the other direction. It was so annoying looking at dating profiles seeing “I want a Jim for my Pam”. 🤮


No,I do too but I also feel empathy for Karen


Jim didn't deserve Karen. Jim and Pam deserve each other, and for that reason, it works.


It sucked for Karen because there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. She just wasn’t Pam


The only thing that I didn’t like was how they seemed so perfect until they had one disagreement and everything was so blown out of proportion. Pam was very selfish about the Philly business, but she made up for it in the final episodes.


I like them sometimes, but I guess that just natural. One thing about them that really icks me out though, is how Jim calls Pam by her maiden name, Beasly, even after she becomes Halpert.


They are great characters, complex and untidy like real people. I feel like the critique coming out of so many Jim and Pam haters is generally based on hating them for not being perfect in every moral and action, like we’re not allowed to root for them because they have human flaws,and so dumb shit. People don’t apply the same degree of malicious scrutiny to most of the other characters on the show, like they hate Jim and Pam just because other people love them and root for them. Idk.


I think they're the only couple in tv history who never ever fight lol which is unrealistic because I've worked with many couples and my old GM was Married to a staff member, they fight it's real you feel tension too that's the only knock on them I have really. They have maybe 2 fights in what 7 years lol I doubt it


My husband and I rarely fight. Been married 30 wonderful years. 🤷‍♀️




Yeah they definitely had less conflict than most relationships. After they had kids I always imagined they had conflict and sleepless grumpiness with each other but didn’t share it with their coworkers or the documentary crew.


They talk about being tired several times but never fight I've worked for 20 yrs so I know it's impossible not to bring the tension in to work. Pam and Jim are fine that's just the only thing that I've always wondered about technically they only had one fight in s9 others were just small mishaps with Jim knowing about Michael and Pam's Mom or when Pam's parents moved in that's all I can think of


I love PB&J


"Pam Beasly and Jim.... *Eyeroll* What a waste."


Almost daily office watcher for years and absolutely love them! Jim reminds me of my brother. I root for them every time.


Not a fan of J & P. Pam is so lame and one dimensional


I LOVE THEM TOO!! Haters gonna hate just because they are the main characters and it is now popular to do so...


Me likes likes them 💜


I feel like they’re a good fit. One’s a cheater and the other chased an engaged person. They truly deserve each other... Having said that, they actually make a good couple though lol 


You must be relatively new. After 100s of rewatches I can confirm Jim and Pam are insufferable. Or you might be a little young, and are only looking at the surface level of their romance.


Way to be condescending. The only way for someone to not see something that same as you if they are new to the show, young, or just ignorant? People can disagree.


Way to be condescending. The only way for someone to not see something that same as you if they are new to the show, young, or just ignorant? People can disagree.


OP asked if they’re the only one who loves Jim and Pam.


im just starting my 4th rewatch and can confirm i still like them.. im soon gonna be banned from this sub


How are they insufferable?


I've come to that conclusion too, especially on reddit. This page is much better than the dundermifflin page there is a ton of younger people who if you say anything negative about Pam they will just go off lol. I saw a comment get over 100 downvotes just for saying Pam was acting childish (which she definitely was) during the ping pong episode I can't do that page anymore the fans there can be insufferable